HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-16, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, MARCH loth 190.). _iisa WC, NEW= • 1 N comma i WELLSg, BUTTER RICHARDSON & IMPROVED COLOR i f 2 00.8 Gives tho Trus. Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize $utter. The Largest and best Creameries and babies in the World Use it. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. .&X.L U3LTYG C.XIII'f ALM= 32211.0. ►N••••••••••HSN!►!• N.*0••••••N•••••••••••••- The statement is made in out het • Dative circles that t he Ontivio Gov- ernment will call for the resigna- tion of :all Justices of the Peace for (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1'. i) the purpose of reorganizing the magisterial system. This avill be one .of 'the natters for Ilon. J. J. Post as Attorney -General, in connection F3 Branches es Outeri*, (.t: eLec, A:i•crus. British Columbia alai et tnitoba. tc it It his law reform echeme. i 1 t TI -IE CIOLSONS BANK .3APITAL PAID UP •••• •••• 4ESERVE FUND • • • $3.000.000 00 EXti,Tt3.IZ IRA . I4 )fon every Lawful Day from 10 A. u. to 3r. u. exacta Saturday 40 A. at. to 1 r. '1. ^armwrde See'es Noises cached M. rra11pc1.-d. Farms supplied On implication. I'ItAPIs on nil points 10 t..a i,ominion, Great Britain and Ve- tted States. bought and r:otd at Lowest rates of eathaige, !SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TMENT !)eposit. of •t.00 Dual upwards received. Interest com- pounded hatf y-earle •, and added to punch:al June 30th and December 31st. De- ars itrreipt+ at -O t -i1'' r+•1 t.tt'Lert c'•r'c•nt Paten of interes! -.flowed. 'WV =tiCe'sll1.tut lv Tat !net ,tvt•k oeiutr: ..u.t t.urtut•ett Wen nt .rest rates sod on most tat orab1e teruis. Agents at Exeter for Dom. (Jovernment, ICkson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON. Manager. •....•••••••••••••••• •.••.•••.•.•.•••..•••••••• TRY BU's [llhIiISI011 1 Pure 6od LIver 011 hat cough of yours i !occupy but a secondary ,position. The 1 motives w-hiclt sway anon most are I generally limited 1.0 this world of l sense and time with its lords mans nnd gods many. hence the-dislrac- • titan :in 1 •t Le misery etnd spiritual destitution iso prevalent .to -day. 3. Then. thirdly. the action of the holy Spirit is fettered and chok- ed and quenched. Mon recogniz: present ]material reasons alone as practical. and refuse to live for the unseen and the future, or surrender themselves to- the cipirit's guidance Really. they tto not believe in the Holy tipiri,. nnd 'their lives bear witness •t•o t heir unbelief. . Lent is n God-given opportunity- to rectify 'these conditions -an oppor- tunity et lay tits foundation of n s also a reliable remedy sound knm • rterof Cod. to break ilding 'i' the s3 -stem away from this slavery to things to got back to God ,and to trit•Iiiiig the blond. live dry Ilip Vt'*iv. '['hero is but one living and true centre for all hu- man life ani coe►duct, tend that is God. Let us keep that -truth stead- ily in view, cultiyrte everything, that will impress it more deeply upon the soul and avoid everything that tends to obscure it. The lines along which our efforts should be direoted are dictated to us by the conditions al- S ready mentioned : 1. Pira tie! •t here be commenced a [system itic reading of the Bible. 2. Resolve to let God and eternity occupy The supreme place in your life. a. Resolve to follow tthe guidance .of God's Holy Spirit. 4. fray -pray for the Church. that Ler clergy may be• endued with - wisdom, earnestness tend strength, ND:\li TOIL MARCH', that her members may become more zealous; in prayers nnd good works. 6 12 10 ?e Let the united prsye' of clergy and 11 _ 1....' 1: be f _I , . :, prism of the 14 21 28 t'.:1r•rh with ILc Unlw (Shiest and 1 1t 15L,S 20 with lir:. and "...,,I, even our own 2 11 1e a3 30 Cod. will give us His blessing. 3 In 17 24 31 But ono thing we may be sure AY 4 11 18 25 of. •the Church as n whole can be quickened anew only by ti1Q jndivid- SDA\- MA1tCTI let)', 1905. uals composing her being quickened anew. Therefore let each one re- LENT- solve to begin t he way of amend- ment himself ; be himself the first to begin t he ,.ystemat ie st ray of God's Word, to place. God first in his plan of life, the first to obey the promptings of 4 h Spirit. "The effect till fervent ;'ayrr of a right - nous man avnilet11 much."- James 5; 10. Believe nle, yours in Christ. DAVID HURON y a Bottle and be Convinced ownin rug Store e Exeter Times Y 1' WILLIAMS' FIRST • EN PASTORAL hist st Lenten pastoral of Ilia sip .1 he high: Reverend D: vid is, Lord Ilishop of lluren, a' til •t Ito .inglican churches of mc;.-•• of Huron last Hund^;•, .•ts an urgent :•ppe ,1 for :t al revival. P wag as follows: 1 he Clergy and Laity of 1 he c of llurun: Dear Brethrcn,- is again et our doors we: la its • n call to repentance and 1110(111. If two will wn can it •.. hind merlk in the life of reurch and in our personal lite t hutch Ina Leen seized by a ,af "lutnher which must be. n off if we ere. to avail our - o . . I , unities .a[ rcaen ,ortunUt to t.• work ivlakh the Church w•a3 eel by her Lord to do. Why that ,! be Church 10 -day does .liibit -that confidence in her n, 11•o nggtesaivcness and en - 1.11a t+.• read of in her earlier 1. • .,,,o 'r i t it be found, 3 , to tails in three reasons: 'Est, in ignorance of the E3ible 'Word of lion is net systemat- -te;td or 1ae;v::t. Th: majority retie have but the vaguest and iucohs rtt;t knowledge of it. result is that ,.len knots not and through ignorance of Him ^r Hiim not to their t-aya, nor. liim. touch les" ne). • i'^ love. Then, secondly. there is the ure and the teruggle_eael the urea or thio present 'life. Th^ ods of work nnd of society are IIOW IT SPREADS The first package of ler. Leon- Lardt's Hem -Bold (t he infallible file cure) t hat was put out went to n small town in Nebraska. It cured a case of piles t hat was considered hopeless. The newt spread and although (hit is yuears c demand wast ar ago tL d m a only oy g prompted Dr. .f. H. Leonhardt, of Lin coin, Neb., the liscovrrer to pre- pare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world It will cure any ease of Piles. There is a rnont la's t real meat in each box. Hold for $1.00, with ahsolul° guarantee. it it for sale by druggists or by The Wilson -Pyle Co.. Limited. Nia- gara Falls, Ont. NOTE AND COMMi':NT .1 fres W. •1. s common school. 1'r, t ,.tci . .. _ . e 1 r::itzious equality . Ilon. Dlr. \lntla•.on. Provincial Trrs•,urcr, retorts the !UCCer+iutl duties for .January and February for :to usurp the trhole of our gregated $17.'.000 -an increase of 1 end 'tlhou;h!t and t'rurgioa. $120,000 over the eorreapondinc 'tete snit stt•rnity re ignored or iod of 1901. The ,election to the Legislature of \1. G. C:uneron. Liberal, West Ilur- on, ,has been protested on t he usual charges. F. R. Latchford. ex -At - 1 orne) •-Ueneral has entered a pro- test against the election of T. Die - Garry, in South Renfrew. Other protests are against the election of Charles Calder, who defeated Dry- den. in South Ontario,. Dr. Snider challenges t election of Col. At- kinson, in North Norfolk, anal W. A. Charltun will endeavor to show why- K'. A. Platt should not hold l lac seat he wan in Sout It Norfolk. There are some minor petitions which how•: s-er a%t•Idonm ;ru to trial. WHAT ONE MAN HAS DONE: 'I he ltemarkabl:• Achievement of a Remarkable man -A Splendid Example of What Untiring De- votion can do. For years Dr. J. S. Leonhardt. of Lincoln, Neb., studied the problem of how best to prevent nnil cure dis- ease. He was not satisfied with the me- thods nnd treatments in general use and after long study and much ex- periment, he declared that ; "The poisonous products of the fermentation and decomposition of undigested foods absorbed by the system are the first cause of al- most every disease." He knew that all the medicines Prescribed for the stomach and bow els contained resinous properties which loft behind them a dried up condition of the mucouts membrane lining of the stomach and bowels - this after effect invariably resulting .in Chronic Complaints. Dr. Leonhardt therefore determin- ed that to correct disorders of the stomach nnd bowels he must pro- duce an effective medicine contain- ing absolutely no resinous substanc- es such ns are found in the ordinary pill. lie succeeded and the result he Anti -Pill. nl ill. P 1)r. Lconhardt's Anti-I'ill will cure permanently any cast of Dys- pepsia or any case of Stomach Tro- uble liilliousness, or Constipation. 500. a bottle. All druggists. or The Wilson -Wyle Co.. Limited, Nia- gara Falls. Ont. Sole agent for Canada. Huron Jlrs. James Scott, wife of the post- master rat Clint on. died sudienly last Wednesday of •appendicitis. The Thames Road school, Farqu- har. per Miss Jessie A. Ii:11nilton, has contributed $4 to t h;• Globe's London poor fund. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife Is and you know that Carter's Iron Pills tyi11 relieve Ler, now why not be fair about it any buy her a box? The Bishop of Huron has appoint - L• 1 t he Rev. John Merry, B. I).. rec- tor of Parkhill. to be rector of Sea - forth. in t he plan° of .1. \V. iIodtgins st-ho goes to Chatham. llensall is wrestling w it h t he question of waterworks. A Mr.Keh- Icon states t hat he it prepared to put in a system of t iterworks with a first-class W.•stinglious.. - pump. reservoir, quite sufficient for the en• 4 U. tire villein" c sum $00 ir, a for th a of d . A mate's w ife should always bo the same especially to her husband. but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron l'ills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say and their husbands sip so too. At a recent meeting of 1 he offic- ial hoard of the Methodist church, Dungannon, the hoard expressed its high npprecintion of she service% rendered by the pastor, Bev. 3. W. Robinson. and Mr a. Robinson. in their untiring efforts put forth in every department of church work. A unanimnu5 invitation w -as eaten I - ed to Mr. ltobinson 40 remain an- al her wear . C,7ASTt,AIA. Bean nu _ATM teal Yoe Hate Alas Bought Sisaatare of The Kind that has Cured Your Friends and Neighbors in Spring Time... ,takes Sick • People Well BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. rrAsk for "PAINE'S." Th: aset 1, annual exhibition -of the' Huron Poultry and 1':t Stuck Asso- ciation -will hs held at SeafartIt on November 20. 21, 22, and 23. 1905. At At o meeting of Poultry fancier,; in that 'town th.• following officer.; were appointed : Don. president. li. 11. Gunn. M. P. ; lion vice-president. IL 1•:ithee , M. P. 1'..; ',remittent, ler. Scott ; vice-president. 1'et:er Dill : secretary. .1. 1'. Daly ; assistant se('- retary-, W. 11,1x1 ry ; try:csurer, Allan Close ; Baird .of Directors, .1. Y. Smi- ley, E. 'hike. F. L. Willis.. Aoal. Calder, Mob,, Millet-, jr-., Robe N1toe die A SAFE COUGH MEDiCINE 1'OIt CHILDREN In buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it :and relief is always sure to follow. it is espec- ially valuable fur colds, croup and whooping cough. Per hal; iu Ex- eter by W. 8. Howey. Perth A new 1•o;toffic:• is to he built in St. Marys, but the citizens cannot agree: upon the site. The that ter will probably t b^ settled shortly. I . Thi members of Knox church, 6t. Marys, Cave decided to build a more modern and -larger church building than the church edifice which was 1)urned. The general -store it Kelly's Sid- ing leas been bought out by Mr. W. C. 'Box, of 6t. Marys. Messrs Ar- mon. heady and .lames II, Box will have charge of it. There is a poet - -office in connection with this. A woman who is weak nervous and sleepless, an who )las cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation. remove nets vousness, and give strength and rest. At one of .the largest vestry meet- ings of the congregation of St. James Episcopal church, ever bell in Strat- ford, Rev. Oswald W. Howard, 13.A. D. 1). professor of apologetics and ec- clesiastical history of the Montreal Diocesan College, was unanimously chosen rector of the parish, in suc- cession to Itev. David Williams, M. A., now Bishop of Iluron. The temperance cause in Dlitchell has received •t severe set -back, and Brer. Davis of the Advocate, appears to be the indirect cause. A young lady of that town hat] handed in to the Ad- vocate the following clipping taken from an eastern paper. -"What is the use of urging us to adopt pro - prohibition when we learn that. a temperate Mitchell editor has been nearly electrocuted by .the family pump? " STRAINED BACK AND SIDE "While working in n saw mill" writes C. E. Kenney from Ottawa, "•I strained my back and side so se- verely I had to go to bed. Every movement caused me 'torture. I tried different oils and liniments, but wasn't helped till I used Ner- viline. Even the first applioat ion gave considerable relief. In 11 days I was again at work. Other men in the mill use Nerviline with t remcn- ttous benefit too" An tltonest record of nearly fifty years has established cd the value .of Poison's Nerviline. Communication Dear Sir• -in lookiws around among 1110 .lads iw 1ow'o our eel tuition has been particularly drawn towards the [act it bat a number of my young boys at the ;ago of 12 and 13 years have been allowed to purchase tobacco and liquor,and that the bylaw in this re- gard is not more strictly enforced, that to selling to minors. Frequent; ly on our etreel5 may be seen a youth with as much composure and contentment :IN one his elder, by a score or more of years, calmly and wit's taeemin t enjoyment. smoking a pipe or cigarette, while the habit of chewing is also fount. As an ag- grieved parent 1 would like to nsk, can this law not h'.• more strictly adhered to. \"our IAltENItOT3. l'I'IIGATIVES ARE DANGF,I' Thry stripe, cau%e burning pains an dtn•ake the constipated condition .even worse. Physicians say the ideal is s s of Dr. Hamill Pills laxative m Dtandrake and Butternut ; they are exceedingly mild, composed only of health -giving vegetable extracts. Dr. llnmilton's Pills restores regu- lar rnovemen tof the bowels, atren- itthens the stomach nnti purify the blood. For constipation, sick head- ache, hilliousness and disorded diges- tion no medicine on earth makes such retnarkable cures as Ur, Ilam- iltott'n Pills. Try a box yourself. AN OLD PIONEER GONE Mr. [~Simon McLeod, a resident of Parkhill for the Inst 42 yearn, died en Monday 'afternoon after It short illness, aged 711 S'e,rs. Ile w31 stric- ken with apoplexy on Saturday and died on Sunday afternoon. ne came to Nairn about 50 years ago from Pat khill. Scotland. 11.• has always taken an active part in municipal po- litica. was •a member of 1 he County Council for about 49 years. serving 1'4 \W;trdc'n tw•o yen re, and a as for 3 years a member of t he Iloapit 11 Boar 1 of London. Mr, McLeod was a Con- ten -olive. VOL' ARE AILING Not quite sick, -but robbed of ant. bition .to work, -find it hard to think clearly. Not i11 enough to think of dying, but bid enough for life to be pretty dull. There is a remedy - Ferrozone-- that quickly litta it hat half dead feeling. Gra- cious, but Ferrozone anakes you feel good it sharpens the dullest -,ppe tite, makes it keen ns a razor. Mood,-Ferrozone makes lora of 11 the rich nourishing kind 4hat vital keg the whole body. You'll he won- derfully quickened, immenaly stron tzthen.'d, feel hearty- Ind vigorous of ter using Ferrozone. Buoy -an health, surplus vigor and reserve en ergy all come from this great rt •torativ', fifty cents buy% 'i box o fifty tahlola n1 all dealers. LICENSE COMMISSIONERS The oetari1Gaztttc :.1►uouncea 1 appoint inept of license commission- ers for alae Jicense (1151 ,'Ict -4 named :among others :is follows: - South Bruce -John Fisher. Alex :rder Kra tit r, Benjamin Cannon. East lfuron-John Shannon, James A. Strong. John Cardiff. West Middlesex -\V in. M. Irak:•, Jas. Peter, John 1). SiuttIt. Vest Huron -Matt hew Luckhard, 'rhos. Edwin, Tho:►. Churchill. South Gree -.1. Schenck, 111141 John Brown, in the Poeta instead of V,1 - tine leircherner, and \\'nt. Allen. South Perth -J. Berinweis, Geo. to. Lawrie, D. !McConnell. The Gazeta also announces t1 it 1\'m. White, of the Township of late her t. is made inspector of licenses for the license district of South Perth, vice John fa. Coppin, resigned. FOIL AN 1Ml'AIRED APPETITE Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed is a few doses of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the atonnach, strengthen the digestion and give you an appetite like a wolf. These Tablet:t also act as a gentle laxative Per sale , in Exeter by W. S. Dow- ry. JUSTICE CHEATED Joseph Kennedy, who escaped on the charge of murder last year by means of perjured testimony. w -as last week tried at Brantford and sentenced to imprisonment in King- ston Penitentiary for ,l lie rest of his natural life and to a whipping of seventy-five lashes. Ills trial upon the charge of erinuninal tumult upon his nine-yearpold victim w•as a short one, lasting only two days, and the jury requited but thirty minutes 10 bring in a verdict. After being sen- tenced. he went back to his cell and he was left alone by the jail official for about half nnd hour. When he was found it was discovered that he had made a successful attempt to commit sucide by hanging a bed sheet being used for the purpose. Ile was cut down quickly, but was beyond the aid of man, and ,lied without expressing airy regret for what he Irttl done or for his terrible connection of the Cole tragedy. His body was brought to London •and handed over to the Medical College where the autopsy should prove of unusual interest to dho Medical stu- dents. tu- dents. A CHICAGO ALDERMAN OWES 11 is ELECTION TO CIiADIBEit- LAI\ .S COUGH REMEDY "I caul heartily and conscientious- ly recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs," says Lion. John Sheniok, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a political cant- paign I caught cold after being over- heated which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to slop as I could ,not speak aloud. In my ex- tremity a friend advised enc to nae Chamberlain's Cough remedy. I took tw'o doses that ttfternoon and could not believe Any senses when i found -the next morning the imflaru- mation had largely subsided. I took several doses that dey, kept right on talking through the campaign, and 1 t hank 1 his medicine t hat 1 won my seat in the Council," This rem- edy is for sale in Exeter by \V, ee Howes-. PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS For .the benefit of our numerous renders in end around Exeter we have been onkel to print t he fol- lowing address, which uccornpanied a presentation on Dee. 20th, 1904, made to -,ars. Richard Williams a former well known resident of Ex- eter, who wit It her family left her, some time ago for 1 he Kort It west and is now comfortably situated in Fillmore, Asaa., They tare prosper- ing in the West and have nate itany- f fiends tl here by whom t hey have been touch appreciated, especially by t he congregation of •t he Met hodist church. District of Arcadia, -191h Dec, 1901. To Mrs. Williams We are gathered hero this even• intr. in. 1111113 say, 0 t w'o-fold ea- p:acity, in thy first and large sense rte come as -a congregation, in the acomel and smaller sense some rn[ it 001110 601 11 as part of t congre- gation. We wish to remind you that your kindliest in allotying us the use of t lie house for our ee •k • ly services and .1 be grentr amount of trouble you have cheerfully put yourself to •ort our behalf 1135 been tr►ucli appreciated by us. 'Chose of us elm belong to 4 hat unforlanat0 class known as 1,-tchelors, w bile heartily joining ayith the rest of the congre• cation in appreciating your efforts ,for us as :a congregation roust ten- der you an additional word of thanks for your constant endeavors to make more beareblc our lonely condition of [life by tanking us welcome at II times at your house. and I may ad i, at your 1abl'. Speaking theretorc a congregation and in the smaller netts° ns bachelor we ss ill ask you to accept ithese tamall token] of our gra - (Rude and esteem, .this biscuit jar and butter dish. WO a rust you to is lona he spared to use them and tt, one and all, join an w-ishin-r yon old your family a vrry merry Xrn.t. ..n.l happy and prosperous nett• yen r. Un h•half mf the congregation. T. S. 1W11,111 1t. GEO. 1VOOD11AM' , That the residents of Fillmore en- joy their evenings together is to be judged from the very complete pro- gram of music, readings, dialogues. etc., Rent us which was rendered nt the Arc:adii Literary entertainment on the evening of Feb. 20th. Space will not permit of t he publishing in full of th' program which is a good elle, but among those takintt part we notice etre omen of some of our former residents in Exeter, Messrs. Toho, Theo. and A. \Cillihma, E. Tapp, Hon and Chas. Tr:-) l'•, and Miss N1 tat William.. Superintendent Gardiner of rho ln- atitut, for the -Blind, Brantford, and Superintendent Mathison, of 4heDeaf The Kind YOU 3iltVi' '1hc::y's Bought, and which has been in use liar over :to years, Inas borne the siguatnro or alai has been made under his per- !�i /yCle474,4* sonal supervision Since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Intceatts and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caslori:a is :t it:trttale' ; sul,stitut© for Castor Oil, Pare. gorit•, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither (Opium, PIorphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allay; Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Folly. It ,,(tree- Teething .fro thlt)• cures sConstipation nnd I'lahticncy. it assimilates the Food, regulates the Stonmt•h antt Botv.•1s, gig Dig lae:;1thy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -'ilio Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hae Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC COMPANr, 17 MURRAY • Nxw TO1111 carr. 1 i •••.NN.••.•••• •O•••O••••••O••••••••••••• O.O••. •• • • • • • • 1 1 OWE&ATKINSON FURNITURE W AREROOMS We skate make this store the store to which any person may come with hi_1. expecte, + n • . «i':-311011 they will go with the determination to come again. That is why we scour the markets for the best furniture to sell at prices that can't be 'tette'? in Canada. A growing business tells Its that we are in the right track. Modest as our prices you will ire surprised at the choice we can give you in the latest design; and finishes. Each piece of furniture was chosen with a view to durability as well as nrttistic appearance. The Leading Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Exeter Ont. ••.•.....•...•• •..••....•.••.•.N•••••••• ••••••••••4i- NERVOUS •••••••••i NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED • 1 Excesses and Indiscretions are the cate.e of more sorrow and suffering than all other diseases combined. 1`. o tee t e i_L•',. <' vicious habits on every hand; the sallow, pimpled face, dark circled eyes, stooping form. stunted developmentbashful, melancholic countenance and timid bearing proclaim to all the world his folly and tend to blight his existence. Our treatment postti' ely cares all weak men by overcoming and removing the effects of former indiscretions and excesses. It stops all losses and drains and quickly restores the patient to what nature Intended -a healthy and happy man with physical, mental and nerve pow- ers comple'e. For over 2.5 years p)r4. K. & K. have treated with the greatest success all diseases of men and women. if you have any secret disease that 1e a worry and a menace to your health consult old established physic- ians who do not have to experiment on you. We guarantee to cure Nervous Debility. Blood Disease., Stricture, Varkocele. Kidney and Bladder Dl.saets. Con.ultstlen Pre*. If unable to call, writs (or*Quutioa Blank for Home Treatment. DRSI KENNEDY KERGAN, 14Det of ,ShMichel• and Dumb ins titu.:, Belles ale, re 20 years of age who could be bene - rAim/ ateps to ascertain t name• fit -'4 by courses nt their respective of all persona 4n the province an I• r inetitntionic FEED TO FATTEN Steers are 1•vught, raised, and fattened to make money ; so )tut a few words as to how this profit can be made and, in many instances, tnereased. The inc,,ease in weig,flit in steers, is due to the amount of food that it rllgested and assimilated, and the greater the amount digested and assimi- lated, the greater the increase in weight. In (loge confinement the feed- ing ration lacks the variety of the open field, therefore, the food roust have the " salt, pepper .31•1 gravy' added ; this is Clydesdale Stock Food. It stands to reason, that, like a human being, if the food is made none palatable by the addition of the e salt, pepper and gravy " it will eat more of the thing it likes became! ' it makes the mouth water." This is " wise feeding." Furthermore. a will do them more good because it not only helps to digest the fool, but after it is digested, it helps the blood to take up nr assimilate a large proportion of it. This is where the profit comes in by putting on extra weight,ving them a nice, fat, smooth finish that brings top market price. The feeding period can he shortened thirty days at T��aat ; this is money saved. The increase over and above the ordinary feecifng increase is easily l( of a lb and over per day. You can atop feeding Clydesdale Stock Food at any time with• out injurious effects. If you dad you cannot feed Clydesdale Stock Fond ata profit your money will be cheerfully refunded be the dealer from whom you bus it. It it sold in your district by : Peter Fraync, Fzeter.Jon1s 1e.. .T. Wil•nn, alrcemt',, io) n I'r•rtcr, %arir1 h Clark, \Winchelaen. F. i). Hutchinson, Htnffe. Alf. Scruton, Iieneall. and Dumb ins titu.:, Belles ale, re 20 years of age who could be bene - rAim/ ateps to ascertain t name• fit -'4 by courses nt their respective of all persona 4n the province an I• r inetitntionic