HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-09, Page 4DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN
The Leading Specialists of America. 25 Years in Detroit. Bank Beeriness.
YAWeal Names Used Without Written Consent.
Vfl S DEBT aarcris eoushave
tsasftransgressed af abase,tthe laws of
la later eases
NERVOUS 11 11.111 and private diseases have wrecked thousands of
CURlDpromising lives. Treat with scientific physicians
s and be cured. •void quacks. ><. A. Sidney, of
Toledo, says: "At the age 0114, I teamed a bad
babit and at 19 contracted *serious disease. I treated with a dozen doctors, who all
promised to curs me. They rot my mosey and I still had the disease. I had given
a hope when a friend advised me to cossult Drs. K. • K., who had cured him.
Without adv confidence I called on them, and Dr. Kennedy agreed to cure me or
no pay. After taking the New Method Trsatmeat foreix weeks I felt like a new
man. The drains ceased, wormy vele* disappeared, nerves grew stronger, hair
stopped fading ont, urine became cleat end my sexual organs vitalized I was
entirely cured by Dr. Kennedy and recommend him from the bottom of my heart."
Ws Trost and Curs Syphilis. Glees, Varleeeele. Omissions,
Stricture,. Ussatteral Dlsshargss, Sololaat Wenskasss, Kidney
and Htaddsr Diseases.
CONS11LTATT(N raES. BOOKS PREF.. Call or write for Qaestion Blank
for Horne Treatment. NO CURE, NO PAY.
zea aEva• z. co rRB
Given the True Golden 'lune Tint OA GuArantees Pr1zQ Nutty.
The Largest and Hest Creameries and babies in the World Use It.
—_w n31.1L7GH3FZaT11 .A.arick 10111.4isai�!-
4.“*****0.44)41Pee O'ee*`Fitetbwm
•••••41••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
(Iucorporated by Act of Parliament 1553)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • -- • • • S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND • ••-• • - $1000.000.00
13 Branche.t in Ontario, Quobec, Alt -arta. DritI-h Columbia and M tnitoba.
EXETER iii;ANs.,iii
Open every Lawful Day from 19 A. at. to 3 P. M. except Saturday 10 a. sc. to 1 P. sr.
Fetrrmorta' Neste Notes cashed or col!eet'd. Forms snpplied
On application. DRAFTS on all points in the Donnish" Great Britain and Un-
ited States, bought and cold at lowest rates of exchange.
Deposits of 61.00 and upwards received. Interest corn -
pounded half )-carter, and added to principal June oath and December 3bt. De- I
posits Itceelpts also honed and Mistiest cnrrcnt ra -= of ia'ere•.t nllnwed.
Advances made to Lowers stock titrefers anti ottetbees (nen at
1oweat rates and on moat fa%urable terms. Ageate at Exeter for Dom. G01 eminent.
Dickson & Carting, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
TRY I however ,that (perhtps accidentally)
you were inclined do defect articles
1. which would be advantageous to
m you and -to leave out those in which
6 ll'IJS
.reciprocalti/lagcous lo us, and besides we found
i that occasionally 'there was the show
of reciprocity but not the reality.
For instance. while you admitted
• our peaches free you put a duty
on ,the basket, and while your Fed-
eral Governnwent admitted eur nur-
sery .stock free, w•o find that the
separate States exercising their
rights. unposed handicaps upon our
nurserymen. In Dakota a large
market bond ($5,000) had to he de-
posited with .the States Government
It is 8180 a reliable reniefl ' before any agent could sell there any
3 Cannadian fruit trees, and in the
r building up the system state .of New York I think o large
it enriching the blood. agency license was imposed, and
these things practically made the
action of your Federal Government
inoperative to our advantage,
Let us give you some more figures
which will indicate to you that Can-
ada does mot look with longing eyes
as she once did to your market for
her products. Of grain and bread-
• Muffs sold in 1903 to the markets
of the world amounting to $41.-
000,0' 0, you : urchas:d of us $1,320 -
000 worth; .of $10.000,000 worth of
cattle you bought only $120,000
worth ; ,of butter. Beggs told cheese,
out. tof 346.000.000 worth you
purchased only $77,000 worth, and of
$5.000,010 worth of fruit shipped out
of her own domain you bought only
$220,000 worth. Out of her large
quantity of meats of the kind sold
in 4 he markets of the world during
CALENDelt .F011 MARCH, 1903 1502 and 1903 she sold you only 992,
DAT 5 12 19 2e
n �on 03 1 °" OOOOflOunds, whar,nnn 1v�weu 1 lam d sure
pro),, t; li st1 (ha t -1 need atilt say to you
PT1Q.,. 7 14 21 �28 that these are startling Linnets to
IWNESDAY... 1 8 15 zL you, and even more startling are
1SDAY9 111 '�`3 30 the other figures, that laking the
DAY 3 10 17 24 31 total trade as between tire two coun-
TURDAY 4 11 18 25 tries the fncts are that each Caned -
inn family buys between thirty and
THURSDAY. MAIL. c nth, I.e05. forty times as much of United Stat-
es products of all kinds as each
CIPItOCITY A DItI':All OF THE United States family buys of Cana-
I'AST. dian products.
In an address dcliyered before the "hat r:rc our ,materials?
nu, (Mass.) Chamber of Com- There are nearly four million
squire miles of territory, one-third
rcc by lion. W. II. Montague, M. of the British Empire, a ter-
., in answer ,to the present agita- ritory larger than our own. In•
ialln iu the United States ,in fivor of stitutions as free ns any under
1lNeciproc^1 trade relations he ,aid.;—education
ni^n live to -day. A system of
education Whiclt prepares alike the
The history of reprocity between poor and the rich for the duties of
filo ,1'nitcd Stater and Canada h to citizenship and the occupations of
tlyl as old us the history of the Do- life. Minerals in abundance; 100,000
01111130 Gotl
Liver 011
that cough of yours
Try a Bottle and
be Convinced
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
senate miles of coal yet
Qlatdou. 1t is a history full of rt• in addition to our present areas
tald4 of dissippointments rind frail- which tar. operated. perated. Gold in
es in one direction; equally full almost every province, our produc-
eat successes and triumdt9 inenother tion last year being second among
Were tion. Disappointments and the nations to that of your country
blur: by reason of the futility of and Australia. Nickat. admittedly
air efforts to secure. it, suceesi and the richest deposits that nee known
t unoph because of the , victories Timber majestic forests that ;yielded
xvbich we have won in other direr- in •1903 a harvest of *80,000,000. In
Hong and in other avenues to which pulp now aeon? our ata tisticans es -
ID attention end our energies have timate Slott we have sufficient to
blen turned. make 4,500,000.009 tons of pulp which
After six years of efforts a reef- at the present rate of consumption
,Doily treaty was concluded in of .Ih' United States end Great Brit-
- 1851 between t he United Ht atcs and ain could supply them for half a
The then British Provinces of North thousand years. We are now send.
America. Ti.l treaty was nbrogat ing you 1,000,000 cords per year, but
by you in 1866. It is interesting we nre strongly inclined to adopt
instructive .to recall some of the such a policy •as shall manufacture
is which ween pr.Auoed by it this at home by the labor of our
a Poise of the iestilis %hick flow- own people. Agricultural lands!
from it. The interchange of Thera lies an empire in itself -265,•
teeffie between the two countries -,nJd acres yet to be ploughed, each
fn cased (from $33,600,000 ins :i1i3 to acre rich with the accumulated fer-
i.0e.0 0 in IPSSO, tility of the centuries. Fisheries of
was placed upon our Statute coast and river and take that yielded
books .rt standing offer for rcci• last year over *35.000.000 of a trees.
Vrocity in n considerable line of nr- ure, and that offered the very best
holed. You 'hare from time to time training .Ind recruiting ground of
plecoe .articles included in this list the navy. Almost countless water
wove :your free list. and we hive re• powers that are being harnessed as
.tIRfrociated ,hy piecing them in the the sem:tilts and hand -maidens of an
tree !ist in our tariff. We found industrc. Nineteen tthous.and miles
Of railtray, with probably eleven
thousand miles more -to follow with-
in alio coming decade. Six millions
of p'opl', hardy, intelligent, God-
fearing. A climate tlift produces
strong muscle and ,health(• brains,
and that n>ak .s 1 le. haute life, the
main founc!atien of any eat ion, rig •
orous, of roans Glad pure.
A Buffalo I.ndy Says;—"Dr. Leon-
hardt's Anti -Pills differ from
the old methods in Medicine as
day from night.
Mrs. J. II. Reborn, of 169 11Lendon
St. Buffalo. N. Y., says of Dr. Leon-
hardt's Anti-Pill,—the Great System
Treatment ;
"Its action is so different to any-
thing else 1 ever used—Anti-Pill is
so mild and gentle that I never
thought it wouild cure my chronic
Constipation, but It did.
" Soon after the birth of my first
child, 14 ye.ars ago, Constipation be-
came 4roublesome. I used everything
I .heard of but temporary relief was
all I got. I must have used fifty
different medicines in that time.
I finally got very bad and at times
1 would have no relish for food, and
w•1►at I !did eat would distress me
afterwards. I had headache, bloat-
ing, bearing down pains, backache,
could not sleep well. easily tired and
never felt rested.
From 'the very first dose of Dr.
Leonhardt's Anti -Pill I began loim-
prove. Now I am well. It is won-
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -rill is sold
by all druggists, or The Wilson-Fyle
Co.. Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
Sole agents for Canada. The p -ice
is 50 cents.
Judice] decision leaves West Hu-
ron '4n the Liberal side by 1 major-
ity of one,
It it reported in: Winnipeg that
Hon. Mr. Sifton will succeed Lord
Stratbeana as high Commissioner
in Landon.
The question is asked in a gen-
eral w•ay whether our Premier would
have arisen quite as high in the cou-
ntry and empire, if his father had
not sent him when a boy to study
under the Scotch dominic in New
Glasgow, Que.
]ion. Clifford 8ifton alas resigned
from the government of the Domin-
inon owing to his inability to sup-
port Sir Wilfrid Laurier's school
clauses in the Northwest provinces
bill This i ha. act of Mr. Bifton s is no
surprise to chose who remember the
position he took in canection with
the Manitoba school question a few
years 'ago. The surprise was, up to
a Sew days ago, how he could recon-
cile'himself to the education clauses
of Mr. Laurier's bill. But he has
set 'himself right by his resignation.
If Murder can be committed with
impunity under the pretence of hoc-
key playing either the rules of tho
game or the laws of the land call
for revision. Hanford McLean. aged
sixteen, passed away at the home of
his parents in Fredericton. N. B., on
the 22nd, from n blow on the head
received in a game at Woodstock
last Monday night, causing concus-
sion of the brain. On Friday night
last, AlcideLawrin, n young printer
of Alexandria, expired instantly
from a blow on the head received
from A. Loney, at the village of
Maxville, in .a return match. In re
previous match three players had
been almost killed by rough play.
on account .of which the Maxvillo
players were especially warned
against foul usage.
Three thousand persons signed the
pledge of ncceptence of Christ at
Denver during the first fortnight of
the revival Mill in progress there
Denver is a busy city yet it closed
its stores one week •day from half -
past eleven till 1 wo in the afternoon
that the clerks nn:l employees might
attend 1 h meetings. The schools
closed, the big department stores
closed, five hundred business houses
and offices closed : the State Legis-
lature itself adjourned, and its mem-
bers attended the mass -meetings.
At .Tlurlington,fa., business places
closed for an hour in the morning,
and every window on the principal
business streets, including two ea -
loon•. had cards in them stating that
the doors were closed because of
the .day of prayer. Tho mayor •ot the
city also requested the people to
close their stores and spend the time
in worship.
The Kind that has Cured Your "11"1
tit‘ Makes Sick
Friends and Neighbors
in Spring Time... _
Friends and Neighbors
in Spring Time... _
People Well
The Grand Council of the It. T. of
'1'.. in s^scion in Toronto t his .week,
said in a rosolution on the Ie upc•r•
ancc situ•ttion : -We concur in the
Grand Councillor's statement that
the tcutperannce• question in Ontario
politics today is 411e 'noel important
and far reaching that can engage the
attention of our 1egitlatures, and
a I1 hough 4 h: Government has not
pledged itself to prohibition, prout-
i.ies have been made that the license
IaW of the irovince will be rigidly
enforced. This enforcement no
doubt, also applies to Hoose districts
►(hero local option prevails; and
Whereas, the sue, j: t t of eoutpensat ion
of those licenses 1V Melt shall be with-
drawn lots been suggested in some
quarters, we declare most emphati•
rally that neither in law .or equity
is there any valid reason on Whiclt to
has:. a claire for coutpen.tation, and
we (pledge ourselves do oppose any
such claini.
it is intinoated that the CduCIt 1)11.
1! clauses of .the Autonomy- Bills
modified iu several ways.
1'h cl..use Rini: i'y a
right to share in the proceeds .of
school lands, an do( all educational
appropriations made by rite Legisla-
ture, ,nay 1>e omrnitter,. The educa-
tional clauses of the Territories Act
.of 1875 may ,be re-enacted, taking
the place of the objectionable pro-
visions. Finally it is suggested that
a clause may be inserted to rho ef-
fect that nothing in the Act shall
be construed as extending. larger
powers with respect -to Separate
Schools than are stow possessed.
When I'arli smen1 has considered
these and other i ne:ult of solving
the difficulty, it tinny coma 10 the
conclusion that •the best solution of
all is to leave the whole matter to
the Legislatures. They can deal
with the changing conditions of the
country as th:'y arise. The rights or
privileges now existing Lave resulted
in the establishtnent of ten Separate
Schools out of a. total of a thousand
Is it worth %•Rile making a Federal
law to cover Ihat case?
Often causes a good deal of trou-
ble. The best cure is a prompt ap-
plication of Nerviline which instant-
ly stops the pain. prevents swelling,
removes all blackness and discolor
ation. Nerviline is antiseptic— pre-
vents blood poisoning. No liniment
so strong, so penetrating. so ewltt
to destroy pain. You miss n lot
of comfort by not using Poisson's
Nerviline. For nearly fifty years
it las been tho standard family lini-
ment of Canada. .
County- Councillor Wm. White, of
Ilibbert. has been offered, and has
accepted the cppoiitment of License
Inspector for South Perth. The ap-
pointment came as n great surprise
to the Conservatives of the rldi n, •!
who were not aware that Mr. White
was an applicant for the position.
The new inspector is well known ns
a strong temperance worker, ani
the appointment, though unexpect-
ed. ,should be ►t satisfactory one. Mr.
White has resigned the position as
County Councillor.
ln buying
a cough
medicine t. to
children never be afraid to buy
Chaml.erlain's Cough P.:med,). There
is no danger from it and relief is
always sure to follow. It is espec-
ially valuable for colds, croup and
whooping cough. For sale in Ex-
eter by W. S. Howey.
Wedding hells — A very pretty
house wedding took plsc,,, Wednes-
ay, March Isle at the home of Mr.
Samuel Horne, Zion, when his young-
est daughter %t -rt• At-.^•,., was
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony .with Mr. George Edward Earl
son of Mr. Win. Earl, Zion. Prom-
ptly at 6 o'clock while the strains
of Mendellsolins wedding march was
Was being played, the groom took
1114 stand under an arch of ever-
greens decorated with white flow-
ers. Next came t lie bri le l: ening on
the carne .of •her father, looking most
charming, handsomely gowned in a
white french Organdy, trimmed with
velencienne lace, and ribbon, and
carrying jn her hand a boquet of
white Sweet fens. The cerentonny
was performed by the Rev. Mr.
Cooper. of Eli,nville. After con•
gratulations an dwell•wi+hes to the
nbride and groom they repaired to
the dining -room where a very dainty
luncheon was served . 'The tables
were tastefully decorated with flow-
ers, etc. When all the friends had
done ample justice to Ilse good
things they all assembled in the
drawing rooms after which the even-
ing was aper 4in social games. music
atc.. Useful and ornamental were
the costly presents, presented to the
bride and ;groom, evidencing the high
esteem in which they are held. Af-
ter a very pleasant t fete t he friends
repaired to their homes, wishing the
bride and groom .1 long 804 pros-
perous wedded life.
"i can heartily and conscientious-
ly recommend Chatnberlain's Cough
Remedy for affections of the throat
and lungs," says Hon. John Sheniek,
220 So. Peoria St., Chinago. "Two
years ago during a political cam-
paign I caught cold after being over-
heated which irritated my throat and
1 was finally compelled to stop as i
could not speak aloud. In my ex•
tremity a friend advised me to use
Chamberlain's Cough remedy. 1
took two doses that afternoon and
could not believe my senses when I
found the next morning the imflam-
mation had largely subsided. I took
several closes (bat ley, kept right on
talking through the campaign, and
1 thank this medicine tint 1 two:i
my seat in the Council," This rem-
edy is for sale in Exeter by W. S.
flow es.
We Luse with (regret tiro Mr. I.
Abbot r of a he r$auble Line, Biddulph.
w Ito recently disposed of hie farm
property here with the intcution of
Moving with his family to the North
west this moot it, is at present ser-
iously i11 at his home in Iliddulph.
Mr. Thomas 3forkin, of Iliddulph,
has purchased 111 efine fcu'w of 180
acres from Mr, Martin Collison neer
Lusan fo ,the sum of $7,750.
Miss Morton, who has been hol.I-
iug n series of revial meetings in
Granton on dLucan. has co s:Beloit
her meeting; sfu rthe present.
IVe hear that lir. Frank Cele ill.
o[ Centralia, has purchased it farm
of one -hundred cont fifty acres near
Mooresville and Mr. Charlie Hobbs
of London, has purchased Mr. Ed.
Carrigans business as agent for the
Frost & Wood Company at Lucan
for a fair price. 1Ve wish hint sue•
cess fat hie enterprise .
Joy dolls.—At the hone. of 11r. W.
E. Hodgins, of the Lucan Line, llid-
dulplt. A very Happy evening was
spent Wednesday last, March 1st,
when his eldest daughter, Joan, was
married to .*.Ir. Leon Abbott, sal of
Mr. Thomas Abbott of the same Hue,
t`udtr .1 I.c:ndm Ile' arch of ewcrgre3..
and roses the happy couple stood
while the Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Lu -
can, pronounced them roan and wife.
Af ter t be ceremony l he evening was
spent with music and social amuse-
ments. The young couple intend to
mak' Edmonton their fat ure house.
'I'lls present session of Parliament
is likely to be a very short one and
it is expected that the Government
will innnodiately afterwards begin
t1i: tariff investigation. It is im-
purtant that every manufacturer
should in the meantime prepare any
data that he may wish to place be-
fore the farif commission. There is
reason to believe that the Govern-
ment are disposed to enter upon this
investigation with open minds, but
the .manufacturers must be prepar-
ed to show why they require increas-
ed protection. There was never be-
fore a time in the history pof Canada
when public opinion was so strongly
in favor of the adoption of a -thor-
oughly Canadian tariff policy.
The Life Guards are two regiments
of cavalry forming part of the Brit-
ish household troops. They are gal-
lant soldiers and every loyal British
heart is proud of them. Not only
the Icing's household, but yours,
ours, everybody's should have its life
guards. The need of them is espec-
ially great when the greatest foes of
life. diseases, find allies in the very
elements as colds. influenza, ca-
tarrh, the grip, and pneumonia do
in the stormy month of March. Tho
best way we know of to guard
against these diseases is to strength-
en the system with Bernie; Sarsa-
parilla — the greatest of all life
guards. It removes the conditions
which .these diseases make their
most successful attack, gives vigor
end tone to all the vital organs and
functions, sind imparts a genial
warmth to the blood. Remember
the weaker the system the greater
the exposure to disease. flood's Sar•
saparilla makes the system strong.
Editor Exeter Times.—
I mow m c la • tile
o proceed to lay before
Public some of t tae facts, I say some
for I will not have near room for
all. but may just say first that I
came Ito Exeter 10 years ago last
fall, bought n lot, built a house and
moved into it, and thought if com-
fort is to be found anywhere on
earth, the hare struck the right
Octet now, sand 1s we Would pay
cash for all we would need to buy
and as Exeter was so far famed for
being one of the nicest villages in
the Province. and her Citizens nbove
reproach, we thought t his would be
solid comfort without alloy, and
that the railway 20 year bonus
would bo near three fourths' paid
so taxes %would be 4111 Ca MY matter
Well for fourteen years we got
along fairly well, of course all this
time we had no dealings with the
Council, more than pay the demands
they made for taxes, which I always
paid nt first call but t wice, but tax-
es keep creeping up, the last two
years are fearful, but (hero's a rem-
edy if only applied. Now I have to
tell you what camp (o pass in the
15th year •of my Citizenship, I was
served with a notice, which I insert
right here, so as to start right at
the starting point.
Take notice that the municipal
Council of the corporation of 111
Village of Exeter, intends to con•
struct ltranolithic sidewalks on the
Pi MI side of Main street, from the
north side of Huron street to the
south nide of the Gordon•Mcicay &
Co's .brick store, awl from the south
side of North street to the south
si4' of Victoria street. :along 1 b
south aide of Victoria limn Main
street to he entrance to the pub•
tic School grounds, and to assess 40
per cent. of the cost thereof to the
owners of the property abut isle
thereon, and to be benefited there-
by, and t be names of t he owners
thereof, as far its they can be nsoer•
Coined from the last revised assess-
ment roll is now filed in the office
of the clerk of the municipality. and
is .open for inspection every S.►tur•
day from 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. until
the :date of court of revision. Tho
estimate cost of the work is *2200
of which 60 per cont. of the cosi is
to be provided for out of the gener-
al funds -ot the municipality. A
Court of Revision will be held on
the 8th day of Jun:, 1903 for the
hearin leaf complaints against the
proposed assessmennt or accuracy of
the frontage measurement or any
other complaints which persons in•
terested feet, desire to wake, and
which is by law cognia•,bl.' by the
Council. Your front etre i. 101 feet,
Dated mat Exeter this 29 day of Ap•
ril, 1903. G. II. Bissett, Clerk. (The
Entre:s is measurement 0 in. less
which ea. ndh •red to.) The above
is the notice t got, i want the pub -
sine to take per(icular eolrnitanee of
the hot ice, end follow .t he pros. tit -
similatiltg lheIOW and Uegtea
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
1NI I1N IS .- ( HILDRt:N
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
ness ardRest.Contains neither
Opturri,Dlorphine Icor Mtneral.
hint, a/ Old li•SNf['aPr1GBl/l
fltsflu Seel -
.41osernna •
lloma Jule
A perfect Remedy ForConstipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Dlarrhoea,
Worths ,Convulsions , Feve ri sh-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSimile Signature of
.1t b mouths old
iillOSl.e.-35(1 NiS
For Infants and Childr
The Kind You H
• Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Years
T. raw Teaa CITY.
We aim to make this store the store to which any person
may come with high expectations and from which they .aI
with the determination to come again.
That is why we scour the markets for the hest furniture to
sell at prices that can't be b'aten in Canada.
A growing business tells us that we are in the right track.
Modest as our prices you will be surprised at the choice we
can give you in the latest designs and finishes.
Each piece of furniture was chosen with a view to durability
as well as truistic appearance.
The Leading Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers. Exeter Ont.
N•••••••••••••• •••••••••
rrcK Kot K K•.K KocK K j.r( K•:K
CN. MIclligan Ars. and Shelby Street Detroit, Mich.
Peter I•'rayne, Exeter.
W. J. !Wilson, Greene Y.
John i'recter, 'Zurich.
Jonas & Clark. Winebelaen.
1'. i). Hutchinson, Statfa.
Alf. Scruion, 1ftaetll.
s• if we can fie( tut 1 he real i 111i. 'letter and t he following ones
-pure' of all 1 his t rouble. Keep t n t hr end
Mg. along the line of action, and! 11. IILATCiIPpRD.
The cow for the dairymen is the one that ran tnake the most profit
in milk, butter, or cheese for the food consumed. A large number of
COWS are kept for dairy purposes that don't yield sufficient milk to pay
for their keep. They consume as mucin AS profitable ones and require
as much time and care in their milking. ALsc many a good " Milker "
has gone to the butchers block owing to improper care and feeding.
Many of the milk producing Sualities of the feed are lost owing to im-
proper digestion and assinttilatton. This can be 01%come by the addition
of Clydesdale Stock Food to the ordinary feed frit puts the stomach
in such shape as to help her to digest and assimilate her food, besides en-
abling her to eat more of it, as is II made more appetising. This makes
her opable of secreting more nat. and, in many instances, richer milk.
If it could be demonstrated that more bushels of wheat could be
gtvwtt on a piece of dd than ordinarily, and without injury to the
isadr in feet impro g ft, amd at as extra profit, wouldn't you take up
the ptopoellion. Clydesdale Stock Food will add to the milk pro-
dnctfon, and with extra profit, and without injury to the " Milker,' be-
came it gives a tone and sleekness lathe animal that cannot otherwise
be had. The use of Clydesdale Carboline Antiseptic will keep the
stables in a healthy condition ensuring healthier milk. If after using
the above you find you are hot sodded, your money will be c heart/ fly
refunded i 7 our dealer. Clydesdale Stock 'cod b so] in your district by :
Peter I•'rayne, Exeter.
W. J. !Wilson, Greene Y.
John i'recter, 'Zurich.
Jonas & Clark. Winebelaen.
1'. i). Hutchinson, Statfa.
Alf. Scruion, 1ftaetll.
s• if we can fie( tut 1 he real i 111i. 'letter and t he following ones
-pure' of all 1 his t rouble. Keep t n t hr end
Mg. along the line of action, and! 11. IILATCiIPpRD.