Exeter Times, 1905-03-09, Page 1- 4111
•tel -1-1
TY -SECOND Ya t—No 1644
Ducat 11 and Examine Our Stock of Seeds
11 attum
ton. have somefanC
sought y
her g'
1ov0i erne
the 1
its, oe
more t
years r
at 13:
had n
Late and Early
and Alsike
s� Sit. t arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil
was to
a won
tel th' It will be to your advantage to examine and get
crgi al prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 13
sea 1i•'veland Wire before purchasing elsewhere.
wt .
►'! •••••••••••••••••••••
Wit — --
fat ' WE'RE f
Hewn Credit.a School Reports
The Crediton Literary Society suet HAY AND STEPHEN
O. J. 8uthsrlaud. Notary Public, coareyan ,11 1 h,. irotue of Mrs. Zwicker ou Mar
cer. Com PIN Insurance and 1st. Two interesting papers were 'flue follolt111e is the Eebruery ,e.
�y h Lkellie.. ILAldooatosnta given, "Queen Victoria" by Mlise D. Port of L. S. H. No. 13 lily ,Ind
1 dawn at rrasorcable rates, ![ones Essery, and "Places of mote in Can- Stephen: Sr. IV- Charlie Dues -
to on real estate a�lowrate*er tut ads," by Miss Beaver. Music teas ford 73 per cent. Jr. IV -Silas Ford
furnished by Mrs. Chisholm, \lis, 77 per cent.; Barton Ford, and I'red- i
-Mr. Owtcn Geiger has been visit -
Beaver, Mrs. %stoker, Jfisa L.Fsrer die Smith. 7'_; Laura }looter 68; ROBERT E.PICI�ARD Iixeter, Ont.
ing friends in Michigan. and Messrs. Jones and Morrow. The t%ot',lon Hooper, 6l ;. Sr. 1fi.-CIa 1
brick resideMr. J. nce }torMr Robert hall sold ►t Drs ys- society met again on Monday even -
Prouty, 1) per cent.; Nancy
y ing, March 8th, at the home of Sire. Smith, 69 ; Clifton Prouty. 63 ; Jet,• General Selling Agent
dale of Drysdale, who has s(►ld his Dr. Heist. A very interesting and
Jr. III. -Nelson Stacey, 63 ere Green, absent from examinations.
store in .t he dirt ter village and intends r
moving baro in the spring. n. u[icablo programme was rendered per cent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North Weft
-Mr. Robt. Luker and fancily of as follows. -An address on ' Luther Norman McDonald, absent from ex- Cos. Lands,Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba COI.
Moline. Man., after aponding the and !the Reformation." by Rev. G. D. Sr. IL -Nellie Green 72'
per vena.
Damm ; n paper on "Mrs. Wiggs of Normae Ford, 69; Nellie Stacey, 33 ;
winter with friends here, left fora number �f albs t7
the Cabbage Patch" by Miss Clark. Jr. 11. -Grant Hooper. 61 per cent„ nt vedNorthWest farm Iamb.
home last tweek. Like all western Vocal music w turr>lnscd by Miss horses Platt, 56. Pt. 11- A is -r
t praisse of the wcstenthu iaaiic in Bearer and Dr. Hoist. Instrument- Green. P't, 7 _ifoo j-fintt-�tTi- IntF ;1 c
In1,ii. �Vill;e ilooper.
E. It. GRA 11Ael, Tele he 1.
hc Great North -Waw
ale were given by Mre. Zwicker, the
Misses Hohmann and Essery. and
Mr. Walker. Readings were given
by .Misses Link and &miter. The
next meeting w ill be held at the
home of Mrs. R. Walker on Jfarch
-On Wednesday lest retak Ret•.
Mr. McLennan and family left Kip -
pen for Owen Sound where he will
make his head quarters. Mr. Mc-
Lennan has accepted a position with
the I. 0. F..
Rev. G. W. Andrews of Centralia
preached very acceptably in the Me-
thodist church on Sunday last. Dr.
Medd taking Mr. Andrews %York at
the .Centralia appointment.
Mr. W. Cook of Exeter and fortu-
erly of Winnipeg, has purchased the
stock of The 1t. Pickard Co, here and
has taken possession. Mr. Cook will
have associated with him his brother
Mr. Ilawden. These gentlemen will
made weloomo,as citizens of our vil-
siege, and we bespeak for them n lib•
era! patronage.
-Inspector Torn visited the school
Olt 'Friday of last week .
-Mrs.13yron Francis and daughter
ere of Armstrong. 13. C., are visiting
her sister-in-law, Mrs, Wes. Hey-
wood. Mrs. Francis intends snaking
an extended visit returning home
,�� (thaugh ibdc —roN1lr. anfgrt h visa
thnr 1
nxrs 1 Rolier
wcrr I�RS
other L
neer, lit buyers. We make the
was +rear them out. We wake
s.•n , as we can. so that they
Leah ,r out sooner than they
wort, autte if they do, you'll
She Imewthere else for our
she Ind no one could blame
very ;l1 money ottiht to bu
frier worth. And Suit worth
her tleness of fabric—style in
g,•etl ish—looks — dressynese —
tf service.
t 1"' ' trace as there is within
All this and not pay too
f, •t' Johns.
ai1i1' Black and Blue
seer nes for $is.00
t, t, nd $18.00.
I h: terchant Tailor
lot — —
the next month we will
lcial inducements in Sew-
, itkes we carry in stock
finest that the market
and we invite you to
-, 3k for prices. They
t ttractive.
now as much ao they will later ou.
Jfrs. \Vhreler are in
tin}; the Iatic1"* lt
-Miss Francis, of London, is
spending a few days tvith relatives
in and • around Winchelsea.
The creamery here which has been
conducted as a joint stock company
for a number of ye'trs has been sold
t o Mr. Medd of Simcoe, for $1000. Mr
Medd is a practical buttermaker, and
s going to run the business on t he
Promptly Done. cream gathering system, doing away
with so much milk drawing.
Gristing Mita Chop/ping I i
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill.
N. Sweitzer'
Bye and Bye
It ,Will Be
—Quite a number of our young
people enjoyed •t pleasant evening
at the home of Mr. N. Baker, Steph-
en on +friday evening last.
-Mr. John Canon spent Sunday
under the parental roof near Wood -
The following in the report fur
February of S.S. No. 2, Stephen,
Names ;u order of merit. Sr. 4tb,
Roy Hill, Laura Sime, Roy teims,Clay•
ton Sinis, Everet Sims, Stewart Mit-
ten Sims, Everer Mitchell, Herbert
Mitchell, Eva Itirtzel. Sr. ard,Beryl
Hill, Olive King, Mary he•
Sr, and, Lillian Stab's, Ethel
SimSims, We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We
Eli Sims, Lillie Edwards. Jr. 2nd, give Actual Settlers 19 years in which to pay for lands.
viola Cornish, Irving -Stehle, :ti1dr.',L
4A�,y tl(► down secures 320acres, (half section) of choice wheat land.
°i 1 R011F
$3.50 per Acre All the above lands are being offered to purchaser
on very easy terms of payment and prices range
froth $3.50 and upwards.
BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell in all parts of Manitoba
Aseinabois. Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advance
dant. a ,,. • RT60N .yii, • .vtv This would be a great investment for YOU.
-Mr. H. Spicer 1+pent a fct\ tetra-""t'ql Iteport.-The following ie. 'rt._ above inv--.___. is without -_-- settlement '--.•-- whatever.
correct report of the standing of the
with relativcy aha jirllccfiold. Pupils of S. S. Na. 3 Stephen, for
-�1(c fel►Ori that 11r. Ii, \1.11• the month of February. Tho names
cox has rented the Thompson pro- appear in order of merit. Class IV
petty is false and we hear that the -Samuel !licks, harry Trcibner,
property is still for sale or to rent Hilda 1'reszcat4l', Tbotaae I'C►)Calc,
-Many of the Epworth Leaguers Fred Beaver, Ralph Willis, Cecelia
attended the :outdid circuit conven- Ford, Harry Parsons, Class III jr.
tion of Zion appolIlhncnt on
friday Sherman \V illis, };art Parsons, May
last. Sanders, Edwin" Triebner. Class 11
-Our shoemaker and repairer, sr. -Florence Neaman. Preston Dear -
Mr. John Cornish, is doing quite a ing, George Hicks, Fred I'reszcator
business which will ceertainly he Earl Shapton, Jeanie Willis, Samu•
quite convenient to -wire public. el Stanlake, Claw 1I jr. - Florence
-Mr. D. Cobblcdick, of Ailsa Craig Tricbner, Ada Willis, Gordon, San -
is puttjng in quite a number of new ders, Alyucer W;ll;s. C_ 14C9tCr Par-
C�gnm Co -
seers ors of the National sons, t'' r.".-ZPilfrid 8hapton,Olivt'
fI " r Preszcator, Gordon Per11:a1C, (;rlr-
THF. WORST KIND field Stanlake, Class 1. -Merle Wit -
THE Reginald Parsons, Charlie Tric-
After Piles Las existed for a Ion?bner. Total number' oft roil 31, ay. crave attendance for thew month 2e.
time and passed through diferent PERCY 8. BANES, 1'eaohor.
stages, the sutterini is Intense -
pain. aching, Chrobbinz tumors form
The following is the repvrl for S.
filled to bursting with blank blood. `
Symptoms indicating other troub-
of FebNo.b10, Csbornc, for thy, month
les may appear to a thoroughly Pile- ., games ore in order of mer-
person. it. -Sr. 4th, Maggie •Bell, George
Tbti Is when Dr. Leonbardt'e Hem- Glenn, ~laud Cann and Ruby Pass
13 ►
ul6lldaio d( ib9 absolute solute P11e ours,
Mr. end Mrs. G. Melville end dee- ( brinas 'the results that has madelts
liter 1da, took a drive to Exeter On Eaten
Dandily visiting relatives and friends It ill care the matt etlibboidtidl
ombiuing business with pleasure. id existents and a Mtfded 1starapteo
'If he telephone established here last to that effect •;o6 with each pack -
[:•11 has become n great convenience e;e,
to t his community, especially to the It its to bo bad for $1.00• at talo
far❑,ereA. drug *tore. or tram Tho Wi ean.Fsls
"171r".rthur Cole is at present con- Company. Limited, Niagara Falls.
fined to the house from the effects Ont.
of a lari_,• carbuncle an the side of •
his flee, Woodham
The checker teethe tshicli was to
eve cowl of here on Friday het ween
Heeled!eclub and Fullerton. Mot her -
ell and Rupee -elate elutes was post -
,ed throutth the inability of 1 he
itchell learn to attend.
Our iestccmrd host and hostess of
,r Russeldale !louse entertained a
umber of their friends to an oyster
peer Inn Friday night nt which a
•ry enjoyable 1111e Wag spent at all
tide •nf gamy s until the twee, tune.
furs when they :Ill returned to
Icir rrspec1111 Santee.
Bye and h e it will be work early t:
and lata. People will bo clamoring
for their clothing, we will be asking
for time.
It's flIwas so
Now why not get your new Suit
order in ahead of the crowd. An ear-
ly delivery is our promise to -day.
Brimfull stocks is your to -day ad-
vantage. and prices lean your way
d Organs
the best our country pro-
.nd \we •sell them at easy
—Mr. JamesMcF.lree is :Ode to
work again after being sick far a
few days.
—Mr. and M rs. John Copcl:Ind en-
tertained a number of I heir frionds
lansast .oyr.eek.
+.er euptu•r on Wednesday
--Mr. John Hey is -1111 to be out
again after Lis recent illness.
—Mr. Robs Nee, is busy laking
orders for incubators.
Special Notice to Intending Purchasers
Robert E. Pickard intends taking out a large party of lane
seekers to the North-West about the tst of April next. Any per-
son wishing to join this party, should call on Mr Pickard at an
early date. All parts of the North-West will be visited, and spec-
ial railway, hotel, and livery rates arc being arranged for. This
will be a splendid opportunity to sec the North-West thoroughly
and economically.
$383.40 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual
u .
settler, No other payment. ra,�lred for two years,
Wall Paper For spring
more equal.
r' _ Our line of Nall Paper is in first class shape, and we are note
Jr. It11.Tea rold Glenn. Itol,c,t 1';,.,s. in a posit}on to show most of our Spring Goods.
Jr. ltd, Vary McQueen. We have l fu`tin Artistic Designs and Proper
Sr. and, Maggie lf.obkirk, Myrtle y•
Jlell, May Itorton, Freta. Cole, Archie I
Morgan, Tommy Glenn, Colorings, producing elegant effects
Jr. 21111, Arthur Cole, Johnny der. i Call and make a selection of your paper and have the time
`sdnry Hector,.lgnes Alexander.
Part Ind, Myr l org:w, tractnn booked when you would like to have your paper hung so you will
J)cl)nugal, ,Ioban). Horton. ; not be disappointed.
1t. MAD(;E,'r,achcr
11porte Ets1•;A j 'tVc twill hang any of our papers for so cents per roll
School llrport.•-The following ;-
the correct report of S.S. No. 6 Ue-
borur, for the .month of February.
Sr. :,r h, Hazel Hagan, (':Tabu, I
.Jr. lith, Olive •ilerryhill, Alden Johne,
Charles' Pletcher. Sr
4111, Almeria
1fey eood, Nelson Coult is, OtLelia
Heywood. Jr. 4th, Laura Gnd►,ol•
Es Skinner, Jackson Ne node. Sir.
3rd, L'tlt:t Hese owl. Alin John:,
net Elford.
.lun;or 'tootle—Sr. 3rd. 1 -Mr. \\ U;cksun, :.iter Icnd;u
hatchet are r que I d to )caws I- - ,3rd Fere tart Conueh Jr tii,uou ('aulphell, has returned to
\i rtnil.r(r.
-\Vi' :ter sorry iu ' n that
\I r. T. ilunkin, who hail his knee
r Ip broken lav fall, l,.ol the misfor
tune to fall and hurt it one day
l::st week and v ill he forced to as•
It. \lc3)ou( :rl. 1 s crutch main.
\\1110na ]Tutt aid, I Jfrs,13ray 1- vie;t;ng 31, ,
I pents in Exeter a f••,•- ries !I tee!
-Farmers tiny want their circ•+ Jones, lterlirrt 1 g
e s r• - Ella \'e.il ' I •, „ere! wr. ke w, -,l sIg his uncle, Mr,
oldete art)) 1Jv►1. he 1• prepared Ir: ' . ; .fohns, Ella Washburn,
fill til (r,lers. Late.: t\ °o,Is. et• =nd, Lillis God-
bell, :110x, I, i) ry hill, equal. John
Sharon —Zion league took charge ul the• elm y. ,T r. 2'11,1, John Brock,Jeenic
-11 r. 'rhos. ,i. Amy
and I:In1il3 I League meeting here on Sunday ('a11'010e Clint Kellett. Pt, 2nd,
Ns Ito have been guanuttitle.' for 1 nit hl' Entine Iles owl. 1't. Ist,
t -Mr. Joseph Dickey e • Alice
creel c.
be part 1 hrce rte, ke tt tt h scarlet 1 k t 11a etig igvd
frcrr in the honer were set free ,,,, I with J1 r. Richard Allen for the coin -
last. In:r year. Mr. .ellen intends t.. king
-Mr. Nelson Kest le, a lin Inas leen ( a trip out west in 11u+ spring.
laid up swath :In attack of la -Everybody co and Itave a good
griper t irne at t he box sociel nn Friday rren
is able to he out attain.
-Mr. Joseph and ee'ellinglon Anis I ing, the ladies will kindly bring r heir
and Mr. and M rs, \Vnr. Amy spent • boxes.
Sunda e
t II. wt'
1 t
1 h t r' '
h rs s
i 1 ter, Mrs.
..ill Maw Fernley of the Grethen Line.
-Jir. Josiah Nestle sold a team
obit •. last week to Mr. Albert
tel of F:xrtcr for 1 (rood figure.
�1r. .1rlbur ('oxworth an•l Mr.
,r 11, k'(,,shir'e spent Friday 1:1vt
t Mt•; end 11, s. Robert ('.•mpht•lI
St. .lose!,!..
Mr. \V111. !Intik in, nt Exeter vise
Then Whj WaI""F
-� -� trill
W. W. Taman l i t .
'+Id on easy terms. I M•s-CMant Tailor.
1'r m
.fusioal+Instriments of all
kinds kept in stock. sezemith
-Rev. I)r. eledd, of lleneell,
breached t w•a very ' ht • sermons on
Sunday 1:1st. His -theme in t he even -
net "The Ideal Verne" bring very
much enjoyed.
—M;ss E1s;c Iiandtord of London,
t i+;tcd at her unci,'_ MI.Jant(9 Ilnnd-
ford a fetw id this ae:k•
1 friends here ane day last week.( -Jfise Almeida Iluxlablr, i•;jt las!
-MI. end Mrs. Moses Amy enter• week for ftodnet•, Al! 1111:11-1:: she ha• '1r -
tined :, nutiil.,•r of tliglr friends on cepted a Sit tt•t.tfon as milliner.
I:ry ewrnin r 11st in }:bner cif Wel • -M;ss Margaret Handfeed w lin
ton ,lata)', e ho I saves t Ilio Thurs• I ),.Is been et tending the Millinery op -
for his home ;n ('rin,h•ll, Man.. mimes ..'r.._...n l.t. there nit Nfon•
Ir. .1•
.,lir 1 r
t n
-1 ui ,
Ir H r (emu, n
v t , f C
g \ ort Scot t recent ly Creditor". ..at for I ort Del", \ IiR•re sho Itis
• i purchased front .ir. A. G. Smillie, of a11: 11 r. '1'I as 11:1nes of the Son aeeepr'rd 3 situation.
('1'uckersn,ith. a thoroughbred Short.Iw1e11 1lllesl. 41 Mr. '1Ililtes Atn)'� -Miss Flo F•sr•rv, .'Ilio. Rachel Wil
horn bull, seventeen months old. Jr. o,I Sunday 1'" .on and Mr. .Ta+: oke visited friend..
--�-- in Crediton en Sunday.
chants Bank of Canada
all paid up)
. VE ....... . $3,sUo,000 W are weak, e
$ tR S
--Hew. G. \V. .1u.1rees, of Central.
11, 1,1eic)Ie•l this -ion .1ry Hermon• her,,
herr en tinselly" I1st. 'there was
goal eongr 1 ! i1 eine lei :. lite- rel re•
sponse to missions.
$6,000,0.0 The Kidneys
TS PROFITS—. . 18'959
or t. the QOM
8opoefotendeot of Bandies system �eP$. Don't.
((tener.4 Manager
�t 95 Branches In Canada
>L. F HIi11DE\i
.rest at most• favorable current rates allowed on Savings
runts and Deposit Receipts.
!vial attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle -
whom loans are made on approved names,
ers of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the
• 1 .
,'Il, r, 1
I lltt e7l•i i
til.cas W, 8, CHISHOLM, Mimeo'.
bet them at Ws Ss% bat
bad taw the
maks back, , a
hca,ami sallow
the urinary
Hood'sSar:apa a
-Mr. and Mrs. loth Handford of
Snowflake, Man1tnb3, Who have been
visiting friend+ around here fur the
past LW() moat hs, left on 8.11 urd.,y
for Weir homy in the west.
-Mr. Percy Ainip•a,n is visiting
friends ,� Liman.
-Miss L. Manlier', wL t has been
in London for 1 he pest t brae canal IIs
r er limed Lome 'fues.t:Iy mete.
--Rev. Mr. .1ndrews, i.: Parkhill,
spent a few day. of r iti+ twerk with
his brother. Ilrt. 0. W ..\ndnws• N♦♦NNNNNNN♦NN♦♦♦
(Torr I -.re far lest •.,•ck.)
—Hrv. 0. W. Andrewws preached' I A FAMOUS SCHOOL
(440 fright and inspiring set 111011`' t0
Virg(' 0Angrrg,1t 101144 on Sun•I.1y lair. friflo. in Parkhill list tteek.
-Mies Ilrownir Andrew. visited 1 OSI
r1►. ,
hc1/// s_ ' Iii _e ',
-Mt. Wm. Kay sold 4 trate'
-Wilfred Campbell of Ilornhnlm, Horse do Mr. T. iiartdford, of Exeter
is visiting friends here. leer week.
Pomeroy Ii, i omeroy of leullartoreplac- --Mr. ,Toll►► Hell and family tiros•
rd new gasoline lamps in the Beth- ell to Exeter last week. \Vt' re sorry
any church on Saturday Inst. to lose our old friend John from car
—Miss Maud Campbell who tete:'nils
been en an extended visit t.. her sis•
ter, Ji;s% 1). M. Hackney, St, .Mayer, I
returned Lame Last week.
-el ase '1'rna Pei.. re who hay
born ti ,;t ing friend, in Tuckerstulthl
111r last Ian wrerk • 711. r• -t ureed
-Jolie Somerville of kir kton lies 1
the cont ract of remodeling the inter
for of Beavers faros, glare. '
-.1• E. Toni, inspector of public f
schools t rsited our school last a eek,
gawr a very favorable report.
-Thr directors of the ['shortie and
!libber r insurance Co.held their tnon•
tlly meeting here het Monda)..
-It is rumored that Farquhar .till
hat•r a elector in the near future.
Gcr,lon itrow-n has hired fo rthe�
summer with John ,'.t:t1cliffe.
\\'m. Fletcher hard .i very
sive 'Ale sale last Friday. .loaep1 \\'?tits
el St. Marys twielded the haulm- r in
very sstisf,tctory manner. 1' h•
sale re:,Iized .'3100.
-Wnt. Cr is ford intends mot ;ng
west shortly. Ile will hare an .1ur.-
tirn sale •nn Tuesday, March 21s .
-Mise Edith 1':.rsnns. of E 'ter,
was elle guest of Miss Allis 111grtirh
on Sunday.
-Misr Alnlrad Ilnxtablr, who at" The largest and 'Hoot succese-
1r1►rlyd ahs nullinrol oleninls in ful Commercial and Shorthand
-41trLondon last tt eek ret turned horse of school in Western Ontario. Our
Materiel). accompanied by .1 friend.
-One of 'sue popular young lark^H courses are up t(rdate and pract-
in the prlsott of Miss Jennie Ilan. teal. Leading colleges in Canada
and the llnieedStates employ.our
graduate* as teachers, n rte for
free catalogue. You may enter
at any tim�eeI. •
D A 'MccLACiii r N. f Princ(pt►1.
air h was uni(e.l in t he holy bond'
of n1.11 rimorly t o one of our rn*� nl - I
ed young men. in t It rpet-non of Mr,,
.)alines limit It, on Maclay la•i. Tee
event took place in L' lots. 'fhtirI
non) friends join in wishing tlit In
`n SlonR. preop rou• aril happt rear•
tied life.
Dears the STM Kiel Mw he A estl
Mr. Oliver Hat rise of Fullerton,
1`. :a candidate far the County Coun-
oil -in the place of Mr. White, who
has bcCn fortunate enough to secure
the office of I,iceno Inspector.
Exeter Storehouse
This is much cheaper feed
than oats
Quality and Prices Right
We are also prepared to do Tinsmithing, Furnace
Work, Plumbing, etc, at reasonable prices.