HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-23, Page 11'
Now is
the time
to be on the look out for a
good range or cook etoye,
`Vood or coal as we have a
large number to choose from
of the leading makers of Can-
ada, namely
d either one of them wan maks your wife's face wreath in a per-
nel millennial glow.
We also carry a large stock of base burners, air tights. hot
a to choose from.
Ve make a special[ of Eave Troughing, Furnace Work,
role and single acting force pump, bath room, and plumbing of
1 .ode on the shortest notice.
We also carry of a full line of shelf hardware.
' 'ement the two leading brands, National and Star brand.
3t Once
117 Taman
.reheat Tailor.
You are Suit buyers. We make the
Suite- you wear them out. We make
them as well as we can, so that they
will not wear out sooner than they
ought. Because, if they do, you'll
likely go somewhere else forour
next Suit. And no one could blame
you. So much money ought to bits
so much Suit worth. And Suit wort
is fashionableness of fabric -style in
cut -fit -finish -looks - dreseyness -
and length of service.
As good a place as there is within
miles to gget all this and not pay too
Hauch is V. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.0o
and $03.00.
Merchant Tailor
the next month we wil
!cial inducements in Sew
makes we carry in stock
finest that the market
;, and we invite you to
ask for prices. They
v attractive.
ir Pianos
..tf .Organs
best our country pro•
we sell them at easy
1 on easy terms.
sical lnstriments of all
ids kept in stock.
er Mills
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent, sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill
(1. J. Sutherland, Notary Publics, Convey
car. Commiseieuer, Fire Melamine Agent, a
/sourer of Marriage Licensee. Legal doomnen
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Hone
to loan en real satiate at low rate.. of IntentsMike at the Pot Moe lienal)
Rev. Dr. Miedd has been invite ttt
by he official hoird of the, eth
dist [church to remain another, o
fourth year.
-Mrs. W. C. Mlotr, died in Huntsvine. dal '[thursday. She was n dau
•htcr of Mr. James Murray. of thi
town. The contains were brou;h
here for interment.
-Mr. Tho.nias Berry has sold a
-splendid stallion to Mcssts. Bell
& Sphule, of 'Bullet. The horse i
an imported Clydesdale, nndwar
groat prize faker in the old lana.
-We are glad to state that the
Rev, Dr. James Henderson, of To
rooto. associate Missionary l+ccre
tary will preach in the Methodist
church, on Sunday. Feb. 25th. at hoth
services. No one should fail to hear
I the gifted Dr. Henderson. Service
at 11 a. m. and ? p. in., Offerings in
aid of missions will be taken.Another of th cold pioneers has
passed away to eihe great beyond in
the .person of Mr. Francis Coleman,
who died an Saturday the 11th
inst., and was buried on Tuesday
last Pin Troyer's cemetery , Hills
Green lie was born heren:ty-six
years ago m 1orkshire, England,
but • cane to Oainada many years -
ago and hewed out a home for him-
self on title Parr Line. About eight
years ago 11e moved to Missal',where he resided until his death.
lie leaves beside a sorrowing widow
five sons vend four daughters ;George
nn 't he old, •hamcstead. Francis in
Stanley. Thomas, in Tuokcrsmith,
William. in Hay, Oliver in the North-
west, Mrs. George Reid, of Bay City
Mrs. J. Shannon, of hay City, Mrs.
II. Ort twain, of Michigan, and Mrs.
J. Elgic, of Ilensall. It may he tru-
ly said of him that Ile was an honest
man and \was ninth urespected in the
neighborhood in which lie resided.
-The sympathy of a host of
fr'eitds •t9 extended 40 Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Luker in the death of
their daughter Annie, which occurr-
ed on Tuesday of this week. The de- J s
ceased young lady had been a suffer-
er for irony menthe past. and it
was 'hoped she would finally recover.
o -
Reign of Terror in Russ'
1't►eje of Czar, she Grand Duke lie
te11 els, blown to t.kccs by the A
e.-assial's M1,arub nihiht Air ivinz 1
dna cart 11'c -11 is life tin' fire
a ofonthose the Nihilists hay
a meek last eek to [Hake hie t a ips, but
con<idering t he roads, and we:itb'r
he diel remarkably eel].
l'• -Mr. Robt. Weeock'e ittteruls to
5- start farming, hi having rented the
n Thoulpsoth
a estate for e 1 erni of ten
y•'n re.
e --The auction ealie of farm stock
and imlrletnen,t• of she Thompson es•
• 1tate will be Fold on friday, Feb. 21tii
Asgec'.11 mesons of the lowasltip
council sled those flint swore mostly
i.ntcreeted in what is known as the
ELimvitle Drain, met on Saturday
last. The report of .the engineer was and many discussions took
place, pro and con.. but it [was de-
cided to let the work go on. The es-
timated ca=l of sub -drain is over
d t k
`morel Ito &lost ray -Czar stagy Ire
�• Ile next -The l\1U p Fa FS1n8 U
rested, one la _ 1• 1ud
t c '
r t, 1 t n•;rerous w \cot
The assassination of elle tinjttd
- Duke Sergius marks item opening of
s elicit Ik Likely .to bo•aeiothor reign of
t te.rror. Sone weeks caro. meetings
were held of •talose who w-ee° prepay-
► ed fro go t o any extremes in their
e determination .to secure liberty for
s I ttho'peoplo of ,Russia, and the punish
moat and removal of those tvhohav
been otanding in :t:he way of the ac
compile -Aliment of that end, and it
was ellen given out that the Grand
- Duke Ser -gine, 'tui Czar's uncle, and
lt%a Most reactionary of all the
grand dukes, the one person whom
it was 'believed t\'as goading elle Czar
to exercise all his •arbitrary powers
in rsuppressing rhe popular clangor.
would the the ifi•rst to lose his life.
Little attention nos then paid to the
threats openly made, but acne the
desperate intent of .the conspirators
is More apparent. Great anxiety
will ,now be belt for the life of the
Emperor. dor it was 0nnolttrced that
he would be [held responsible for the
ruthless butchery of St. Petersburg
strikers, 11110 With their families
wont ito present to [aim their peti-
tions Lor relief, and that the Czar
himself must clic.
The scene of the creme was the
great •opon triangle of the Kremlin,
bounded by the arsenal and Treas-
ury Courts of Justice. in, one angle
of which is the Nicholas, or little
palate, where the Grand Duke dwelt
At the opposite corner is the Nikol-
sky gate, the exit to the town be-
yond blue ramparts. A tow minutes
before 'tile held of the gate sounded
the hour of 3 the equipage of the
Grand .Duke emerged from tate gates
of 'tan palace and swept At a smart
pace toward., live gale. In a minute
the carriage was in front of the
courts of justice, where the tv,alis of
the itriongle approaoh, forming 1IJ
narrow entrance to the N•ikoleky
There a than clad. in w.orkman's at-
tire. stepped forward from the
idetttia.Lk, and threw a bomb 'which
be thad concealed fictioath his coat,
A (terrible explosion followed and a
'hail of iron .pelted the stone w•alls of
I but eloath at last triumphed. Ann
Iwas beloved by all her many friend
.Interment •in Exeter cemetery,
(lay, (Thursday).
(Too tote for last week.)
-Mr. John Ifepburn, one day last
week sold a line 3-year.old colt (•o
Mr. Fred Ellington, of Lumley, for
n lrnnd.ome fi.rare.
-John Bell held a sale on Tues-
day, •February 21s1, Ile intends go
West in thte spring.
-The roads are to a very bad state
on .account of elle t=reat amount of
- Bea%'cf.s tires. were (laking stock
hist week.
-Wm. Bray had one of hie hortses
Laid sup fast Nveek from a strain.
- Buyers are on the book.out for
horses, and zood'prices are being of-
-\\r• G. Borhend 'has returned to
M1.ren itolna.
Mr. Ties Conn continues about the
till Mc.
Mr. M'illiam Fletcher has given up
the Hackney farm lin has rented for
the past seven years, [incline one
farm enough labor. ifs swill hold
an 4.Xtewsive auction Kale of farm
tock nn Friday. March 3rd. For
urlIter l:a rticulnrs Sec bills, anis
rad in another column.
- Mrs. Alonzo Mills .Ls very sick
tt it.h 'intl•rmmta1ion,
-."Miss White hes 'reopened her
Ie .
',fakir); Ir
1 shop.
- 1
.1r. \\'
m. Wynn c
a r
tills spent Sunday endMondaygin
H. Sweitzer
From the thle Ontario Bureau of In-
dustries, he IPorn dant Middlesex
may justly claim the banner county
of 'the Province of Ontario, West Ba-
ron, second, each of these having nn
eelim•atcd assessment of over 1!50.-
000,000. I f r
- JIr. (Iris. Wilson is still in a
very ton condition.
-Ml r. Sink h. our mil kr is takin t
,few holiday..
-Push Carr has moved i4110 Mr.
Chas. Corn:eh. house, Town line.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gilfard Copeland
entertained a number of coup.
•it'ml• rut T,u.,,My.
Have no equal as a prompt and
positive cure for sick headache, bil-
iousness. constipation, pain in the
side and all liver troubles. Carter's
Little Liver Pills. Try them.
giants Bank of Canada
all paid up) $6,0oo,0oo
ROFiTS ............ .... .... �3t=; Qin
the ersonal and courts of justice. A
t'b:ek cloud of Fmoke, snow arra deb-
ris arose. When it had eLeared a
ghastly eight was [presented. .
On [luso mom w Lay Lfistgment s of the
body of Green(' Duke Senxius, mingl-
ed svitth the wreckage of the car-
alage. The Grund Duke's dread had
boe,n ebrn from iris body :and reduc-
ed to n sha,pc\tess pulp. and the
trunk and limbo were •frirhtfully
'Plea 'assassin was t4hrown. to the
ground •tad stunned lay Ow -force of
the expbosion ; but he quickly erose
and ,ran 'towards .the gate, attempt-
ing to escape. His baste and the
blood sl re:1min, front his face
where he 'had been wounded by free-
ments of rbe. bomb :11 t 111 nt (1(1 the rat•
bention of the serzeant of
police. who seized him before he
mule drew his evolver. The Oman
did snot sIeny bis orime, but on the
contrary, .•loried in its success. lie
expressed his satisfaiction that he
had been able de kill the Grand Duke
w.itthout involving the latter's in-
nocent wife. He avowed his mentber-
shi spin the social revolutionary or-
ganization, [tut refused 'to give I►is
name. and rat the j•'il his' papers erre
found to be forged.
ft tcdil he !remembered 'chat ,ntw
months,aeo in the court*. . of it hur-
ricane of wind f i r.
m (dant swept
over slid•
dulph d.ownship, the house. and barns
of lir, henry land.r,ina, n wi ll known
and mush respected farmer of plat
boetnehip were practically r\tept
away. Ihe and
a w \ narrowly t ,,rrn.w,3 e.
capinr with their live.. The loss to
Mr. Ilodg•ins was very severe, anti
the sympathy of the who's 1ow'4I'hip
and s•ioinit,v Warn extended flint in
his unusual and unlooked for rags•
t,nnptw. This sympathy took tan r-
ibbo form wham the taunt of nearly r•ix
hundred dollars wsys raised by sub-
aeript•ione anionr ho knew
Mir. 'Hod zing. and wits handed over
In hen recently. This formed the
euamirnt ion of many acts of kind -
•:,nd sy-nip-il•hy .tntvards lam
iris fancily.
Dashwood and
'ugliest spring call and see our new Page fence and et reduced price. Wo are In the
fence bnsinese this 'cm'. E. P. PevLis, lf.rd. MI
ware Stow d T
JIl1ic`( t 1 f the season. The had
ee. an Insmittltyt , I nage
-We are Heine t?io coldest, stet• mor
wen o
north and rout!'roa.ts tire•almost
St. Marys
Dewy Crcirbton died al her
on Wetter street, Wednesday
tin,T, Feb .15, aged 61 years. She
undergone an operalaon on Sun-
day. ft trintr found necesaart•
am -
impassable. polo le one of her lona as she Was
- Mr. Saintly Rennie, of Linwood, suffering from ;rangrenc. Mrs.
brother of Samuel Rennie, of Zurich Creighton, i• •urrire(1 by her hue.Ls visitini this pectinn of Huron bind, Mfr. Henry Cr-iilalon, and e
county. The is his first visit UP family n( 1WO inns end two d lug h-
fhre in thirty years. tc.rs. Tale' Sons ••am Alct., Ht. Marys;
-Ml r. and M re. Samuel Ilan • (acnes, Rhea hhroy; the dauthter'•,
1:i^ paid nor villa re n flyinit visit. Mfrs. Thos. !Marriott and Mies. Geo.
9\lnrxla•t aftern
-Mir. ;.fel arraoon IZ kali.
Jcnkina and Jfarr;011. Innnvinard. leer an:rides
seal Manager
Superintendent of Brent -hes
cf Won�tlxtm, are the
•L 95 Branches In Canada guests of E. 1'. Null), Mrs. Jcnkin's
E.F.11KAD11N, I raw was EI,zabeth ,lamesnn an.I she
1 at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
is and Deposit Receipts.
attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle -
'•i m loans arc made on approved names,
: of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the
W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager.
-Mir. ,form 11014, Ilr., Wes laid
tinny iro iti.s los,x rest, Saturday
nlonn'n r In tabs Zurich Catholic
cemetery. ile lleerier awn) Wee.
,ws(lay ntnrn'nz h.st, nate, linger -
in>• for trine neck• nn what proved
to 11i0 dn• death Fed. liiv demise re-
moves 141 old land mark. Ile Was
hi♦ %%Dist enemy 'Divine an uncon•
1., clad t.a•einn for 1 he demon drink.
-E. 1'. Paulin is is tern on the
tick list for t1.e past fess. day'.
Mears t _ : _ATM Lrld Yoe Nus ON kV
1was a daierhler of tle tate Ji r. and
Alex 1 ( 1 t Il
• . 1144' on. ormer y n Ian-
ahard end St. Marys. The fans
ily tt ill Neve i he rinccre sympathy of
the community in their heavy a(-
flierinn. The Misses Jameson and
Mrs. Col. White, Ht. liarys, are his-
sers of the dece•esed. Her hrot hers
:are D. W., Toronto; John 11. Iran•
nett.: Ntm(lel tl., Re lin 1, :and Wm.
of Kirknnn.
-MI. Wm. boner it 11 his old
Job a;sin doings t•lr as'\tsorshipfor
the tonnsl►Lp.
-Mir•. Crockett, of (lorrbestar t W. J. ELLIOTT. t Principals
i� rieirine with bee sister. Miss Lis- D. A. McLA('IILAN, 1
75 Thornp•'nn.
-Our mail carrier bid o very [lard ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
-Mr. and M rs. Chas. Z it.itcrr
were nil London .on Monday last.
-Mr. Bert Clark is doing an its•
melte lousiness in The wall paper
Hoe. Bert es a hustler.
-Ret'. G. D. Daullu event last week
at. Naperville I11.
-Mr. Mases liaise and Jady
friend are inure from Sebew-aittg. Mi-
chigan, attending the wedding of
Mr. liaist's brother, which event
takes ,place. this \Veddttesday, Fee.
ruery .and, in Colborne. township.
-Mr. Aaron Brown and family
and Mr. Freeman Hast are spending
a den- weeks visiting friends in the
-Rev. G. D. Damtu held quarter-
ly anooting services in Dashwood. on
Sunday last in the ab .encs' of the
presidia;r elder.
-\1r, Ed. R'urm, of ter 1 few
weeks' absentee is Jiock to the vil-
lage again.
-Mrs. Wilhelm had Ale sad mis-
fler ortunetwistInst week do fall and brake
-Rev. IIenderson is in Toronto
or a few (lays atte'ndin, the
rohibition 'convention.
-Mr. May, of 'Mitchell, as a.eont
or 'the Mutual Life, of Canada, was
n Itho t'itlaee on Tuesday last.
-The Crediton Literary Society
net at the home of Mee. II. heaver,
n 'tale evening of Feb. 20th. The
allowing programme was rendered
Life of Lord Tennyson" by Mrs.
%tricker ; "Gena int Biel Enid" by
lies Todd; "Lancelot .end Elaine" by
lies Saulter. Music tyres 'furnished
y Mrs. Chisholm, Mr. Morrow and
y a quartette eeneisting of the
lisses Beaver, Mfr. Either and Mr.
ronin. Miss Clark also Atrnishcda
ceding. The next regular meeting
ill be held at the home of Mrs.
wicker. on March 1st.
-Anniversary i%ervices will be held
itho Eis ngelical Church, next Sun -
y, Rev. II..Dierlamm, of Wallace. a
ormer pastor, has bean secured for
e occasion. The morning and
rening cervices on Sunday will be
nducted in the Gorman language;
d 'the aftornoon service which he-
ns al 2.30 twill lie ccmducted in the
glislt language. S}secia1 col-
tlans at all tile services. On \Mon -
y evening a sacred entertainment
11 be given commencing at 8
lock. The programme consists of
dresses. 'recitat101)5, 81(41 n1U91e.
. Morrow, of thus Merchants' Bnnk
• kindly en'clrted to render nev-
1 solos. The entire programme
11 bo freely interspersed with, or -
1 voluntaries by Prof. Jones and
church organist. A silver col-
tion swill be taken at tae door.
t he
-Mr. d)ouglas McTeelelt, of To-
ronlo, is visiting friends in this vi-
vinity for a few weeks. He taught
school at MI fleas rat, about twenty
years age.
-Mr. Marry Corn;''h has solea his
farm rte Mr. J. S. Russell, lied is 'Lav-
ine a. sale of farm stock. iutpleniints
end Mann's. -hold effeets on Fr;day.
M(41 \\ re•
Iiart ,
Hart, stern has vent
t rat
1 he winter here With relatives end
friends is moving an Filmore, Assa ;
about the first of March, where he
has 'taken u ► land and intends to
make 's
i ht future
-Word is recrit•ed 'weekly by the
!mem s of Mr. item Ilod,rert, who
went West at Neu )'ears for the
Makes Your Skin like
Velvet, Howey's
Cream of Roses
Has a marvelous effect on rough
skin. Ono or two &applications will re.
more the roughness, and by its occas-
ional use the rkin acquires the Imo( th
nese and softness of a baby's.
CREAM OF ROSES Is lint sticky
and gloves may be worn n fete mo-
ments after using it.
Price 25c. per Bottle
Delightful after Shaving.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and [optician
A�f�%`%</J. C l c�ll
The largest and most success -
fill Commercial and Shorthand
school In Western Ontario. Our
courses are up to•date and pract-
ical. Leading colleges in Canada
and the l'nieedMteles employ our
graduates tut teachers. \\ rte for
free cntaingue. )"on inay enter
at any tittle.
JOHN Warn & Son
he Grciit NortH•Wcs
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific_ Railway Cos Lands, Canadian Nortn West
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also
a number of of t -r immprovc,1 and unimurclvedN^rthWest farm tends.
$3.50 per Acre
Al! the above lands are being offered to purchasers
from $3.60 and upwardson very easy terms of payment and prices range
BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell i1 . 't• parts of Mauitoba
Assiaaboia, Seskyatekew•an and Alberta.
Now is the Time to PURCIII
Prices are Bound 1$ tivanCe
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We
give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands.
$427.00 down secures 320 acres, (half section) of choice
This would be a great in.
for YULr
wheat land.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever.
Special Notice to Intending Purchasers
Robert E. Pickard intends taking out a large party of land
sottlers to the North-West about the ist of April next. Any per-
son wishing to join this party, should call on Mr Pickard at an
early date. All parts of the North-West will) o visited, and spec-
ial railway, hotel, and living rates are beill:111'11''ranged for. This
will be a splendid opportunity to see the North-West thoroughly
and economically.
Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land tort') actual
settler. No other payment required for t , y
•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••NNst
We aim to tnako this store the store to which any person
may come with high expectations and froth which they will go
with the determination to come again.
That is why we scour the markets for the best furniture to
sell at, prices that can't be b'ateo in Canada.
A growing business tells us that we are in the right track.
Modest as our prices you twill be surprised at the choice we
can give you in the latest designs and finishes.
Each piece of furniture was chosen with a view to durability
as well as :truistic appearance.
The Lending Furniture Deaiers •
and Undertakers. Exeter Ont.
••••••••NN••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••N••••••
betterment. of his health. that 110 is
improving nicely, :and cxtaccts short-
ly to ho able to resutne work again.
-The ,weather of the past week is
unprecedented P for storm and ooltl,
the, 'roads being almost impassible,
-The anniversary services which
were !held at Mt. Pleasant, ou Sun-
day 'were well nutn
d also the oy-
ster slur
o Monday n \on Laq ni,Tht.
-.11dss Jcatl Cole has returned
home, .after encoding a week with
her Twister. Mrs. \Villia►ns, in Mit-
chell. The telep;tants here is a great
convenience 1(o this neighborhood.
Any a.chiiog tooth ran be •redict•cd
instantly .by Nerviline, Fill the
ity t ,tb batting
clippedLc in \ervat
miff rub the gums frith Nerviline al-
so. If litre faro in swollen and sore
bathe elm painful parte with Nervi•
Vine, and cover with a flannel. This
can't •fail because
1 the kills the
psin outright and prevents it from
retunnalg. Stronger, quicker. morn
saeisfa'etory than any other liniment
Pol-.fn's Norviline has been the larg-
est Feller for "'early fifty genre; try
it yoarseLf.
•••••••••••••••••••••N••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
International Stock Food
In 25, 50, I.OU and $3.59 packages
International Poultry Food
In 2:1 and 50c packages.
In 25 and 50c packages.
Oilcake, Sulphur. Salts, etc.
At Rockbottom Ilricei