HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-16, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES, FEBRUARY 16th 1905. pro RiCHAROSON Ss IMPROVE,' IMM COLOR OO.Ps Dives the Tru Golden 'Alae TIM that 6Saroakese PeiN-PSttal i The Largest and lest Creameries me Dairies la the • World Use It. LOOK FOR TIE DAMON TWE NAIL iEWAI OF SUS$TITITES AND MAIM • •r :: THS. noL,SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••' RESERVE FUND • • • • • ' • • • • • S3.000.00O'OO • a Remiche* In Ontario. Quebec, Alberta, British CoInmble and Id ealaobs. BXBTBR BRANCH • Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. x, to S r. x. except $aturdar 10 A. Y. to 1 r. x. Rsrtresers' Sale Notes cabbed or collected. Forma supplied ` • tied States, bought sod sold attall 'sw �rattesta ofexchange. Great Britain and Use SAVINGS DBPARTMBNT ✓ Deposits oft *1.00 an upwards received. Interest com- e pomaded half swatter, and added to principal Jose Nth sod December *1st. De- s, pod�ts Reo•Ipt• also loaned and highest oarroat rata of interest allowed. • lowestMosawed emade to s moat resemble fanners ersstock i sit. Exeterr tod e D�[tsai a veerns:lesmen t. o D%CktlOndt:Carltn , Solicitors. N. D. HURDON. Manager. • TRY go, for the Baltic fleet eo far has 'rot in pied the world \Viol re pe t. ,erru's Emulsion roil 01 Pure 60(1 Liver 011 :or•that cough of yours tb It is also a reliable remedy or building up the system rad enriching the blood. Try a Bottle and be Convinced rownings Drug Store il 1 of °° bo d i t C II f h.. i� o Ie[ la le Ml u, si b ss el b n e n a d l• c 1 v e t CALENDAR YUI4DAT MONDAY fteleIDAY .V rt3V1tODAY......, °'R1DAT iisTOIRDAT The Exeter Times FOR FEBRUARY, 1905 1 12 19 28 8 13 20 27 ..., 7 14 21 28 IDEESDAY ... . 1 8 15 22 2 9 18 2i 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 THURSDAY, FE it. 161.11, 19tt:, 'THE SECOND YEAR 01"11.1E WAR The :scene star of the tear opens will) two ►n:,ie problems set before the Japenee.e. The first is the cool- lug of the 1(altic (feet, the e•ecoud the Ittneian army at Mukden. Ito' jeetvensky's seven leittle-ships are an uncertain quantity. Should they defeat Togo, the war would instant- ly ohantto its a:'paet. Oyawa and hie army would he prliectners on the mainland, cut off from their base. Two or threes hundred thousand Jr• pantsc soldiers would be an awkward nrchletu for the Ru'::ians to solve, even under so tremendous n diead• rantare. None ib' lees, much the greater part of the Manchuri-t would sutunbatioally revert to the Hussiana and the ,Tapanec would stand under the shadow of e[tortuous and fatal disaster. Tha whole issue of the wit, teerefur.•, still rests upon the skill of two tints of sc:ornou. The odd,. I,uwcvcr, ore heivd!y with To• e r Pet es Fr.-,ync, Fsrter. W. .1. Wilson, (:rerun ,' . John 1'rrelcr, Zurich. Tib cele easily? Throne tender? Luip wake An relatives Arm consumption Theo s sough mesas s great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doster's educe and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, nsq prescient. ..v... =t111emotor. sod clamage." t 'last► 11 mat floc, I uw. ,. a airs on. for Weak Lungs W M GM AeOiMey. THE BEST PHYSIC. Then you wllnt ea physic that. is d and eentic, easy to take and tain to act. aLwayi use Chamber- 's Stomach and Liver Tablets. sale. in Exeter by W .S. Revery. --- --- NOTE AND COMMENT 1. is not generally known 1 L tt one the first thinks Mr. Whitney's vernmt•ft will have to do will be appoint ,bout 275 Licens. Com- sioners. The term expired rouolwus the country at the end December and only a few of the ares have yet been appointed. returning cffieer, This division ;eves Cameron 15 majority. 11 Comleron succeeds ,in tlaoLding the two ballot'. he will have two of a majority a± i result of the recount. -- HERHERSKIN WAS YELLOW "I bad orale to try Ar. 1lamiltou's Pills tar appreciate their merit." writes Miss Annie S. Bryce, of Wood- stock. "My eiysten► alae out of or- der. My blood wets weak and thin. I Lad a nasty murky coutpLesion. My skin was herd and dry. The first box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills made a complete of:tinge. I felt better at once, Healthy color came info my face. In :shout three weeks I watt oured." lir .Itairetton's Pills effect an 'easy rare. Try these good piles, 25o per box. or rivets boxes for $1.00, ot all dealer_. )r. ('Ierk. head u( t h' For: et ry par rtntwlt of Ontario, in an crd- r�s bx•fcre the (' nadian Institute 'Tcrorrtu, !aid taro Ontario had ty million acre- 1%hich could be dined as :t f inlbe r -prod t1 ins :area perpetuity, nail 11111 the annual Cu ruck , t'tserw,�-U (ien,ty yoaro rc nee Amnia rteteh su;tgcstiun for the new Minister }r19 ser• •e into Crolwm Lands to rat t 1' COrt4ider:a1 inn. Perth about (our feet dower Amu- es Baty to Abe trunk of the ere, thine forte ing a kind of a Landis. The ouri- os.ty woe found t;row•iag is Ube big awomp. Miss ['es a Bass dee. •o( Clinton. diel c n .Tucsd ly latest. in London. where the 'Lad Leen en ;aged in nursing fur several m►ortt.bs. Sh.. bad teen suf- fering dram la grippe for a fortnight and on 8Jturday night she had a paralytic stroke. Uraemic poisonete set in and *she passed away as auove stated. Miss •Ilawden was ,a Land • some and robust young women fur whoa 'there seemed ttucine- years in store. She w•as only twenty -oar years of age. Last Moneay the sad intelligence was received by Mrs. Mary Btekk,. 14th con.. Hay. of t)o death of her 21(.,a, Louis 1\'illiam. which sad event oteurred in a boepitel at Winnipeg. Man.. lea Sunday. Feb. 6t•h. Tbc d stated had vale r.ached tbe n;,s of 23 fear(!. 7 months and 3 days. azul was a lepular ,and 11tut0.1 inspected youno he 'left ffoen the�Vest, trod ethut eo e 1 st few ;pears has worked for thew C. P. It. as fireman. The new of hid death earA as a terrible blow to the Brief -stricken family. \Ir, \\'illiaw Mowat. formerly pro- prietor of the Stratford Beacon, un- til 1863, flied in Stratford last week from n stroke of paralysis. Ile was in this 75th year. Way don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pillet They are a positive cure for etch headache and all the ills pro- dtiaed by disordered ilver. Only one pill a dose. The marriage cf Mins Rosie tiny• oraft and W. If. Dykes was ail Im• poetant 'event at Prospect Hill least .week. The-ceremosty was per- formed at the former home of the bride and was an oot►taion of warm congratulations aryl good cheer. The 1petetien to the Perth coun- ty council from Hlausbard and Fullerton :and Downie for bridges ever the Thames at two dif- ferent ;pants. were filed, nod the council. will visit the points suggest- ed prolrabby early in tha. spring. PROVED IN MOUNT FOREST Every touter in this .town tried hie beet 10 relieve Mrs. .1. Wilhom. of Asthma : .none succeeded. "For year" she states. "i was a drt•dful sufferer; ot tin _ave: relief. At tunes I found it necessary to have all the doors and windows open io get my breath. When in despair 1 ie;ltd of "Catarrbozono." I used it .1.1.,_,\\c5tetn' Electrici.'n. u,y'S;— and now ant perfe- tIr cured." This Che t;nlnd Trunk COW pithy 110:4:tl ',roves beyond doubt that any case -t placers :to order for lice etectri- of Aet1111.1 is ourablc with Catarrla- 1 locomotive -4 wi11h the '%'cstbnl- y ozone. No remedy so pleasant, none 'tee Compaeny for lrindlin3 trains' so ;Ibtiolut('ly ct.rtuin to thoroughly ►roe•rtl the t cannel at Port Iluron, I cur:' ; try "Calorrhozone" yourself ; ich. The third -rail sytltcw will be i i•', ; 4 r..srrlrtc�d. sed. ter tell beim; placid en the rbc. cf elle tunnel. so as to offer, lees .,, er to merit .11 work uplon Cit" :Lek. Tee plans al -o r311 finer it Huron tillia.ttt illumination of the !Attune' Iter. .\y. II. Grattan, the pa±tor of arch 1%i11 be vvhitnned etre advert ts-1 Victoria Street Methodist Church. a4 an at•teattiotl to tourist`s. , (Indere/le is invited to -remain, enot11- ! tr year. 1'hc exteeet•' t.i echeel scclic:e No. Acturdin3 to Ula l:l%% if a w:un is a Tuekersntith have decided toerect ou-seleolder his salary up to $1.000 :1 mew acrd modern sa►►ool building exempt from taxation, but if ale is 1, "Ie. Trite coming hummer. of a ertoeholder only #400 nes .. o dou funis h n►i , t Lon xempt. A hottschulder do•."� not erly of Clint un, }la► been very ill t -an alt.' uw'nrr of a lane suit mean- tv.it&•fppendicitis. hot is now improv - house. Cams man who mantu;tla 0 - bis ►oar»• friends will be pleased uesely too salary of any man who to ''car. (*5 net !maintain a house— or at oast [Hake a bluff at it—iv assess - d ( it over $1400 per annum. The Rheumatism and Neuralgia Do Their Terrible Work In February. SICK HF.ADACIIE This distressing oilmen! 'exults fro.n a disordered condition of the Stomach. AR Oust is needed to ef- fect a cure is a dose or two of (thaw berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- iets. In' three. the attack m.ty be warded at or greatly lessened io revetity by tokirrit a acre of these Tablets as soon ;hi the first symp- tom of an ataek appears. l'.,r Male in Eaete.r by W. b. Howey. Communication Editor Exeter Timers. Dear Sir.—Lest week 1 avid quite s surprise. ssiiob diverted my attee• Oen I had ked tett to follow, when 1 road in the Council minute.; that the private tette: 1 Lad written to t•h.a peeve h•td been brought into Ibe Council Chamber, anti was triol and sentee,oed to perpetu•ll solitude. but it :.)eemn they .were oat able to hold haus there. for he appeared a week ago. with truth and justice written en ars toreticod. ineirohinc on iu Tri- umphal Splendor. and has made a Large circuit, and visited hundr:•d:+ who we:eomed end admired 111111 11s1 u ohawpion for truth right mad justice. 1 well now prot:eod on bins court intended aforesaid, I shall devote. t,bi•s totter to chow reasons and what were the :nduoen:•tents and mein fate afire ist bringing me to a decision to become a citizen of Exeter. It will 1.o an introduotion to the mein issue. 1 h.ivc known some- thing about Exeter for a Long time and i have alwayo lied a warm feel- ing and a epcoial regard for L r, it was 52 years last fall since I first walked Main street, it did not look so very •maenificent or grand to me at that time. after leaving owe of the towns nod cities of the mother land: notwithstanding thio, there ecemcd to en somettlrin_t about it more than the appearance, even the nauta EXETER so familiar to we, seem to increase my love and respect for the place. But there were a few who but settled in and near what i, now Exeter, some 19 or 20 years before the Lime 1 speak of. There gas Mr. James Wi1.1is and wife, w):a Net- tled on lot 20, London Road :survey Ueborvte. this wen in the winter of 1832-1833, and in the Enter part of the same winter Win. McConnell built a shanty on the ('xborne aid near the river Aux Sable. Ile built the first stew -mill in this stiction. of country in the fall of 1833 on. the river, and in 18:34 l,•: built the first grist tuil•l near 19ne seine place. Then three icosy Mr. May and the Balk - wilds also George Snell, ween tutee its rear ill" elute time and settled a Little eoutl, of Exeter. :ural Mr, 'T. rorty, Lnn1b a miYs and a quarteri of what is now Exeter. But there was not nluoh ii;na of a villages at that time mor for some years after. ilut in 18111 Mr. Isaac Carting carne and won afterwards stater 1 a tan- nery, a store but • and tlr<ostarted t.'rt n , in ,enures of time he stave up the store and eavc all his attention. to etre banning business, and made quite n sucess of it, In 1852 Mr. James Pickard built tate red brick store on the corner where the livery stable Is row and /tueecefied admirably, Mr. Carlin,;. Mr. Pickard and Mr. McCon nett at the aver made a most exert- ing Influence to t'he growth of the village. But my rojourn in tatty vil- lage at Klett time, was brief, my face was set towards the northeast. so 1 lost nut little time before pursuing my any in that direction. some- tbin,; like six miles into the heart of the forest Omar; biers and moires. I went with a heart true and free ; My motive was tate of the best. 1 traveled round. the lend to see. And soon in land I did inveal. The forest took my admiration: Trees ivavering in the breeze grand. lend 1 WAS of the persuasion. Where large trees grew must ,food land. 50 years a,;o, those were the days of pioneer life, beers and wolves were oft en our nearest ntii,ttthors, and I :ay net they were true to their own Matinees. of course they were rot very eeifc things to play with, you had to he un your euird or else very likely it they were bun,;ry- it would nut be a very Fifa venture to meet thew in 11x+ dark. Now 1 1)111 tell you 111:tt we did to keep I help its shock se -hen they come near at [right. We mettle n hri,hht light, :se wort an they v:1w the Bile, they would make off a piece into the darkness of the bust[, so i he light n os a terror to t hose wild eniurtlr, as it also is to wrong doers, for they will not come to the light lesr their deeds nbould bo re• proved. leo 1 intend to throw some light on :and a.-ound the two said councils which have beeu kept pretty well shrouded, I may have to apply the X-lteys put I hope not, Truth end light fire the agent's 1 shell em- ploy and they tee agree as one. 1 think my next will hring me into town and perbap• have time to vis- it the stetioit. R. TILATCIIFOIID Every tortuted viotiut of rtu'uwa- ti,rn should carefully read t -he fol- lowing latter from Mr. II. W. Cry- sler, of Niagara -on -the -Lake, Ont.. who was oured by Pai•ne's Celery Compound :— "About four years tuncs., 1 had a severe attack of grippe, followed by rheumali,am. for which the local pby• sieian prescribed the usual remedies vehexb helped me at the time, but did not eliminalo the disease. Becoming gradually worse. 1 became discottr- aged and began easing "proprietary" medicine without ony benefit. Then I went •to Clifton Springs. took tho treatment. and lett eornew•hot bet- ter.; but after cowin_e, back I became very muoh wvor ° sired wan confined to bed for :, time. I then went to Preston t4pnitr?s. ,tad really improv- ed; but •after returning home 1 ';ot worse. 1 wets thein ,induczd to t ry 1'aine's Cok•ry Gcmpound,. and have gained in 1":tlih and strengths up to the present writing. i now walk from wy house to my stare, a dis- tance of one-quarter of a mile. daily. and to church Sundays. l'oin's Cel- ery Compound hes bone all this for mc. My friends .are eturprised and astoneth(d 'to see cue able to attend • that n t •!'even Ile.1 again. 1. rr us ire rte t fob r e .Ls .mv duty to let other suffserere know of the �rre:et benefit I ):ave re- ceived from Paitees Celery Com- pound, 1 cheerfully rend t) i let ter. • 1f there ever was a epeoitio for any one complaint then Carter's °1 ` Little Livor Pails are a specific for ijfb alta is keep house if ,ou sick headache and ever V woman ri!h to hake advantage of the $I,U0t1 y xcmptian. 11 you do not, you will should know this. Only one pill a solked wit►! the bachelor's tax. • • • • • It i, generally undcretood drat one of the tiret steps of the new Govern- mlent will be to lr,ve a tborouxh audit of tiro finances. There has I( been such an audit, and the ordinary citizen is lett to eboosc be - :wren t.he• statement ot Premier Ross het tea have a surplus of $2.500,000 and the other :statement ot the op- p'o.ition abet we aro in debt to the extent rf $3,64)0,U4)0 --and left, too. Kitbout any (lata upon• v1hiclt to decide between the etateutcnt'. It is s(aled tint ter a measure of eel( -pro- tection, tl.. Wbitn,•y Government will order such an ineuiry. Promi- nent utembcrs of the Conservative party gay it is but riibt that the: Minitors should know precisely in 'bat rendition 11" treasure chest, >o reluctantly branded over, hasbeen as from t.ho date of boon; sworn in they Ie•rein:• theoretically trepan- sible. 1, r ,11 Idle pas( :1' t. of their r, t, pot -dere"( fn Otfle . WEST RURON STILL IN DOUBT Wt -t Itoteu1 rt'cuuut 1s.a: tee su[ned before Judie Ooy1'' un Tuvs• day, Ila have}rat recavcred from Lia ills, send t..i ,utnt•ut isas : anclud- „1. •1'h re prac'ieo{ly tally litres h•,lloi• .to be di•p•osed of—two mark - 4,1 it r (',m, roe and our for ilolmes, .,: Ne. L, G,wkriots 1non.tihip, over wLir1, thus 1 1. b:•ten rr.t idcr,h1» cnr.jcctere. lhc judge held h: Would not 4,11103 these tektit t 1. uw if)..! 10 the fact of tIMre bcni.t no 11111111+ or. the 3,14 of tl'c• there hied.; elle more ballot in 1 h ' box ashen counted len, had voted. Thi' ie suppost•I to be :,e oneetel for by the ',tepidly re- ft►Itrtn,! ,.ffie(•, 'fflving '1 voter leo hlllote f,.r one by nt"t'ik'. ,sf,irh 1 ,.1 r•;ark to;. -3 her. lutl•nuen( 1 1' re -Cited on 11 t "t (111Ieron ballots, and '11o. en Go.lrr• erre rulart ie. in No. 4. if tonal. Connect tut Velums rr n -(1 111.11 ti!•' none vote •-hnuld be thrown out hw ,rea'n,l of all tare. hallos s h. az numbered on the beds by the deputy dose. Try them. Joseph W. \\',ikon, of Millerton, near Kincardine, had the pleasure of 1-hoolang a wild cat nearly four feet Ions, mounting his *short tail, on Tu - osier morning of I;let week. Several turkeys and hens had been killed by some 'unknown animal previous to, tic ehootine of this cat. Derangement of tbe liver with constipation. injures the complexion induce pimples, sallow skin. Re- move the cause by using Carter's Little Liver I'ills. One :a dose. try them. hem.% event !leek plan: s.1 the hone of Mr. Gond Mrs, Robt. titepb• ('neon of the Goshen line on the evenink of t1u: lard inst., when the u ohurch of 8t. Luke's e'a !arch presented Miss Eliza J. Stephenson with a puree and an address as a mark of holt e.tecm in which the young da0y is field by ;ill. —Mr. •F, W. Bees, of Zurich. bas a c.urio•ity in his jewelry. store in the shape of an odd e Ra 1,'m b of a tree The Lealb grew some distance trona elle ground and inetcad of growing upw'trds it grew downwards. and Catarrh Paine's Celery Compound Is Recommended By Druggists And Physicians. Sharon —Mr. Joseph Amy, wito bus been laid .up with the grip is able to be out ergo%n. —Me. and Mr, .Henry Reynolds, or itay, visited Mr. usual Mrs, Thos. J. Arny, one clay keit veek. —MLi±s I'e;rrl Kesttc lett un an ex• tended writ with friends in London. \Vood't*srek rend Stratford. --Mr. Artlhur Cbxeorth has per• ("based n fine brood mo re. A r t l000we ss. ,rood ,horse when he sees .it. —Mr. Goorgc. Liweon attended a party at Mr. William 3•earlcy's of Ube (w=lx•n lint on Wednesday even- ing last. —.lir . ,knees Harris, of Manitoba 1010 14 a resident of Allis place ov• er edi rty years ago, w':ts renewing acgln•iutene(= anis hint 'seek. —Mr. Thema% J. Amy delivered tibe ,lwr.:e he sold to Mr. Thomas Hanlford. of Exeter, on Monday. usual on \Vvdna•.etay ipurolrtscd anot).- er. Thenias is quite- .a eptc.ukitor. —Jars. Music!' Amy had a euescess• tul quilting bee, on Thur. -May After- noon tact. in the evening. Mr. Geo. Mawb\nney, of Ube •Go=ben line gave seroral eclectic/1s Iron) Oris zrairha- pbotw. The remainder of the (even• ing was vent in mUsi' ;ind games until u late hour. avbon all lett for their Armee feeling entisfled they Lad >`pent a very enjoyable raveling. 8TARTLiNG HUT TRUE People the world over were horri- fied on learning of the burning of n Chicago theater in which tootle six hundred people loot .their lives, yet more than fire (ime.± that number or over 3,800 people died from puce• more.. in Chicago during the same year wish scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of poen• monis resulted from a cold and could 'have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A erre t may ,wits had every meson to (ear pneumonia have warded it off by the prompt use of 'bin 'remedy. The following is an instance of this tort ; "Ton much cannot be raid in fever of Chamt►er• lain's tough itemedy. and eapeeial- ly for coleys and influensa. I know that it cured any daoglster, Lams, of 1 severe told. and I believe saved her life o hen ohs was t hreateaed with pneumonia." W. I). Wilco', Levin. New York. Sold in Exeter t.. W, A, R oorey • 1,e The. Kind `Cott Ilavo Always Ilought, and which has beet; its tteo for over ..^,O yeisrte, has borne the sigt►atnre or and has been Inade under his per. . t��..�.. rental supervision since its infancy. Ci.AG'LC Allow no one to deceive you in this. All ('ostult•rfcits, Imitations and "Juan -Its -good" are but )F xp►erisnents that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children—Experience ngaluit Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstori:a is It, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gore•, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Op►ittut, Morphine nor other Narcotic ,;u1Sturtcv:. Its lige i l its. guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'es t'ri'13(t( es. It cures Distrrlttea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething; 'Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It :t..ssiltlilates the Food, regulates the Stoltuwl1 and Bow 'c•1., giving healthy and uattual sleep. The Children's Tannases.—Tko Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TOOK C.,,T*V• C.M►ANY. 47 YV•„av . NCW r.•■ CITY. TIIE ROOT OF NEURALGIC HEADACHE Is rJrl irritenlc condition of les nerve., caused by coll. Relief comes quickly (from Nerviline. the great pain reliever of today. "1 consider Ncrvitine a magieal remedy for nen• vale's.." writes Mrs. E. G .Ifnrris, of Baltimore. Rut 1 never %sorry if Nerviline .is in the house. A few application% never yet felled to kill Ibe pain. p ran elan recommend Nerviline for-..alfft► '1, rheumatism, and ,musoul;tr Nine." in use naris fifty year=. Try Nerviline your -et, BORN AIRMiTAGE — to Lanus. ot► \\'triose• day, Feb. 8th. 114 Mr. ;and Mn.. X. X11. ArmiliWc, t daughter. DIED NAF%IGEII — In London Asylum "n $.tturd.ty, 1'eh. 9th, Jarob \ 1• tiler •at ti' agu of 28 years. SCHiLHK -- At luri(te on Tu. 'I i', Fob. 'et.. tlx infant :on of Mr. ,nal 'etre, Abel laclnlbe. et tite nese of 11 month.; awed 16 day-. TOM — At Medicine- Hat, N. W.T., art F'tl'ruary 2nd.. \\'illiam Otte* - cr. only sola at William 1.gt1 Ell. n Tom, aged 22 pears awl 22 diy•. DRS.KENNEDY&KERGAN1 _ 6(K Kc:K K&K K 3K K,.K The Leading Specialists of America. 25 Years in Detroit. Bank Security. Nine out of every ten men haus been guilty of transgression bitetis orignorant atare In their yocth. Nature never excuses, no matter how young, g he may be. Tits: punishment and suiferint corresponds with the crime. The only escape from its ruinous results is properscientific treatment to couuter ct it. effect.. The ►►RAINti,eWe:,erbyni[:ttlyos.cs,or.ecr•tIY through the urine, nn,-tbe stopped -the NERVES moat be built op and lavitorated, the blood must b. purified, Kthe S41 UA1. otteeete mu•.t be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be K norrished. our New Method Treatment provides all there requirements. finder Q Q Its influence the bran becomes active, the blond purified so that all pimples, Of (.5 blotches and ulcers disappear; the pn*vee became strong as steel, sn that nervone - nese, bashfulness and desp:,udency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face K K full nasi clear, emerge return : to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual sv■ less are Invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. The The various organs become natural and manly. We invite all the afflicted to call and consult ter confidentially and tree of charge. Cum Guaranteed o r no 1 K Pap. We treat sad conYwrlcoaeta, Blood Dise leed)ta•aaee. Beefeaters. t rsinednedudpermairb«a' tonatr - &raiste[egar anNer Dtoonm CONSULTATION FRSE. BOORS FREE. It unable to call, write fora QUESTION BLANK for home Treatment. K DRS. KENNEDY A KERGAN, US SHELBY ST., DETROIT. SUCH. Biliousness CURED QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY Sy Using 1311111-1D c116 • AND GIVE VIM, VIGOR AND VITALITY They aim; relieve Distress from I))sppeelIwta, Indigestion Alt Too hearty Eating. ,\ perfect re/ wee for Dizziness, Stumm. Drowsiness, Rat Tante in the \Louth, Coated 7 un8ue, Pato iti the side, TORPiD LIVER. THEY CLARIFY THE SKIN. PURIFY THE 141.000 AND REGULATE THE ROWELS iv Cleansing All Disorftlars from the System. Positively Cure all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kid- neys, Sick Headache, Constipation and Nervousness. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. Two Sizes, IOc. and 26a. a Box ACCEPT NO illialarr �ZLLtte;e SUBSTITUTES FOR ja•=114Ltlitt, . - f STELt'K — 1n Winni .ez, Man., s.1 ; Sunda, Feb Rt1.. lwrwa \\'illiant I lilt ran, H:,y. :It I be a,;e of 2.1 CASTOR years. '7 menthes and 3 days. Children Cry for yfelck, •on of Mrs. Jl.try Rtelrk, t IA. CALVING COWS Then is no mare important peri'wl in a cow's life than at calving time. Many thousands are lost e%'erp year at this time, because the animal's sestern is not in such condition a. M stand the strain. The feeding of Clydesdale Stock l'ood a sufficient time before and after calving wi)i tont up the System so that no trouble need be feared. Read what Mr, I. A. lever, Fleahertngf (qnt., yaws : -- - I have found It an ex- cellentation for feeding; cows ix►ore ceiving and never had Cow% �� n he call do better a►ter. it cannot be repeated tun ('ken. tll' l t let t 1 loose its calf flesh." it cannot loose it without stunting its gtowtjp The raising of " Baby Beef " ex tarty fattened beef, the highest prices beef on the market, is easily done if the calves are kept growing. If this can be dont, you ran easily realire from one to two cents a Ib. 'tore than otherwise. There is nothing better with skin.mcd milk tot calces than Clydesdale Stock food. Mr. Gregory McIntyre. Secretary, Partn- ers Institute, Renfrew, Ont., Fars :—" I have been using your food on my eleven eilves, and consider they are the beset lot i have ever raised. The only other food l)eing skimmed )milk and pyres• " If von ere not satisfied after feeding Clydesdale Mock Foal year ;notice will be cheer - fatly refunded by our dealer. Sold In your district by Pet es Fr.-,ync, Fsrter. W. .1. Wilson, (:rerun ,' . John 1'rrelcr, Zurich. ionic A ('Dark. \\'inchrl, .a. F. 1). Hut Clerk, n, ?M alta. Alf. licrutrxn, HenS(tll. - f STELt'K — 1n Winni .ez, Man., s.1 ; Sunda, Feb Rt1.. lwrwa \\'illiant I lilt ran, H:,y. :It I be a,;e of 2.1 CASTOR years. '7 menthes and 3 days. Children Cry for yfelck, •on of Mrs. Jl.try Rtelrk, t IA.