HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-09, Page 8riPr-
The Last Call on Furs
i tip E,'- IFR '1'IMr4S. FI?I$RUARY 8th 1905
You can have all the glory and all the profit. If you
steed anything in the fur line you can certainly save good
money by seeing us. We have about 23 men's and woman's
Fur Coats in stock. We want every coat to go out.
Ladies' black Astrachan Fur Coats, ladies' black Boka-
ran Fur C'oats,ladics' black Pcrsian Lamb Fur Coats. Men's
black Corsicon lamb Nur Coats, men's black Calf Coats,
men's Russian Calf ('oats, men's Beaverized Wombatt Coats
sll at 2,0 to :t0 her cent. below actual value.
Fail' warning, this is the Last call on Furs.
Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Fur Collars. Fur Mitts, Fur Muffs,
Fur Caps. all on the bargain list.
Men's Fur Caps. Childs Grey Lamb Caps, and Storm
Collars. All go.
One only Galt Sackatechewl.n Butiitlo Robe -who
wants it at a bargain?
Ten only heavy Lined Horse Blankets, we won't carry
them over, every blanket a Snap.
Are You Using Mooney Biscuits
Nearly everybody is. Have you tried our new line of
fancy sweet Biscuits, Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Nut and
Fruit, 3 lbs. for a quarter. The best and biggest Cake snap
we base ever seen.
Bring along all 1
your produce 1
(New reading matter appears In this apace each week.)
Hare you an 1060M6?
Is It P6rmnuut?
If by any mischance you should Lose it, you will
be comfortably Hied -tor a time at least -if you
have a SAVINGS account. Make a resolution to
save part of your earnings regularly and have it
added to your account from time to time where
it will alwatys be aiding to your store. Ws allow interest front date of de-
posit and have it added to the principal and cowponnoed FOUR TIMES
a year.
We want your patronage -Want ant to make ourselves useful to you in any•
thing pertaining to money matters -and we can do it with profit to you.
We intend that every transaction shall be so satisfactory to each custoa.-
er that it iney become a real pleasure for hint to extend us his patronage.
\Ve give special attention to farmers' business.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
Exeter Credlton Dashwood Hensall
Zurich Clinton
Manager. S' etoelirauoh
ForIlarriw UcNsu,
Wedding Ringo,
Watches. Clocks
Spectacles tc
Watch Ra
a Specialtv.
be copy for changes must be left 1
an' Tuesday a noon
not later than
advertisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
'fill Ittileel iJ; . !ao,, lett.-,
•••••NN 1••NN•
Road our clubbing offer.
1 Mrs Yves announcement on
ibis pate.
Read T'opplestohe & Gardiucrs' ad.
paic 5.
D. Ilartleib snakes a specialty of
watch .repairing.
WANTED. -Situation, as house-
keeper on farm. -Apply at Times Of-
Willson, Ufo 1t i
ver) tcriousIy
i!l of cancer.
Ser Low to make your income per•
tnenent in the Sovereign Rank ad.
)rest page.
\V ♦ +
WANTED - .1lrricd couple to
work on fens. Iliat)teet t ,ges poid.
Address "A. Ii.". Exeter, 1 unci.
Miss Ethel Farmer returned home
on Set urday evening from a pleasant
visit with friends nt Montreal.
A load of young men Prem toe n
tttended the carnival at Ilensall on
Thter,d.1_v might
Mit• Tillie Yager has accepted a
position 1s 1111111MT evith a firnt at
Niagara, on the lake.
The \1i-ses Vile Fisher, Cora Prior
and Eta Ila lit eill it tended the oar -
nivel hcid :at ltwnatt, nn Thur.day
neat of la. week.
Mr. .Int etre. James Wright, a.f
facet Edo rd arc venting fricndi in
town. th 1::(mvts of Mrs. Wright'.
ester, Mir.. Morla'ck.
The home mie of Mr. JohnTaylor S or is
qu.+rantinert. ecorles fewer bovine
broken out in the family The pat-
ients tic doin,z nicely.
Take Laxative
iT omo Quinine Tab-
All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it fails to egrc. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25e.
Alit-re-inAlit-re-in trate of I -'alto Stock.- On
Ise II, con. .1. Stephen, on February
:2nd, 1905, s ale ,at 1 o'clolck sharp.
inch+nl 11i11, Proprietor : 041. ?tree n,
-Mr. S. J .A. Lloyd, of 2 oon, N. D.
in 'renewing his subscription says
"Although )tar tint we dr not forget
lite cast, and the Times is a weekly
Mims Vora 11 asekAlta ty leIt oar Mon-
day evening for London, where she
will (spend a couple of weeks at the
u erne
ry twnrc,r(x:ms of John Green
& Co.
Exeter Woollen Mill. - We are
still in the business and have a num-
ber of bed blankets,wool sheeting
and stocking yarn. Custom weav-
ing done as us'tal.-Jno. Muir.
Mr. and Mrs. r_. Frank Smith. of Lon
don, who are visiting friends and
reletitrs in this virinily, spent !tart
of Leet week and thee at t he home
of ( heir uncle, Mr. Jame* Welker.
('relit en •Itoed.
Mfr. Will Gook. of 1. nWinnipce, Man.,
is ,
f, •
1 nz a six .weeks vaoation
tt•ith 11119 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Ilawden. Sandy Iia wden, who spent
the 'past year in the North-west is
also wishing under the parental
The Convenient Service to New
York. -Is via Grand Trunk and Le-
high 'Valley. Throuz1t Pullman
Sleepers. Grand Trunk Agents tvill
make reservations and zive full in-
Ml t . Rohit', (t he Ilae hecto engaged
for -tune months its miller n. it 1llar-
t•ry itro.', left last tt sok for &fort 11
tteery he will tp(•nd :a short time
si% r•
1 .r prior to ac:cptin,r a
position es miller '•lsee here.
The atn!talt('ut(nt 11.1s been announc-
ed of Miss Lillian Andrews., of Clin-
ton, and who ie well
known inEx c.
ter. Ito Mir. Lorne MfcKenzie, of
Toronto. Miss Andrew with her
mother, ie %t,trsdinl the winter in
Dr. Huller, London, %% ill be at I ho
Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
February 9th 1905 all day
for Eye, liar, Nose and Throat con-
sultation. Eyes tested and glasses
Ili=Qe Lilly and Amy Johns eluent
fra clawi of lest week .Ind t in
Parkhill, t he zuctt of Miss Levitt.
Miss Amy took e+girt as a sdloist at a
conocrt in the Methodist church, on
F'ridty etertin,r. Harold Jarvis, of
introit was also ono of the soloists.
Mr. rind Mrs. .1. Connor. who have
moved to
F.xrtcr from
(•t cel1:• l
t tc•
ere r very pleasantly
remembered by 1 he ancmtl('rs of the
C1lirolhurst Presbyterian church, on
Mandy evening of Inst week, hy hr-
inr 1►reentrd ttitt1 two hondsone
et'y chiles.
Mir., nillin.rs and Milo Arorlis Oke
of atrhe Central Hotel, gave a very
pleasant eke ting party to a number
of friends, on Thursday evening„ Af-
ter on enjoyable Pkate together, the
party repaired to the Central, %here
dainty refreshments were served,
and 1 be remainder of t be evenin z
spent in mush' and dtneinr.
r. Imr,:, I:; eltwn, twai►► rile Big Reductions in Every
u , c[ 511 . \'. 1 M telt:ala few eklys
of 14-1 tl•s k.
naI Itottier has returnet Department of the Big Store OVERCOAT BALI
L• :e•• :.flea a tery pin:t.c.tnt visit
N :+ h .I !rete i,t Lon,tuu.
ter =ht. r+ tn.l M1rs, Jas. -',[:;lar
t; Seed •.1 tea. Jonte• of '1r. A• ,nett
take (.1 Seafootte het week.
\!;ss r 1411 ("et cull r: . It. t-
!etr .att,it t.l ibe• Se: t -Mt u c 1101,-
11 31 I;u.1o(1.11. o•► V.:.'it seta) I.tet.
`•I •.. Mtiritnt Els.u•t left on 'rues -
(ley is: free Torcnta, w'Iir•re.ebe trill
•1.'r.1 • ..dupe.• of week%et t1" \\' hole
• r to r'••11'nin' leer l'.•:ilio.
a ••nt:'1`c.•r at I'arkllill.
'1104 't ..; lineae .recount which
•reseed :. t t'c-'i- I, lust Friday was
•t••eu.led -4 11 Sit nr(ay, 11is Ilattor
Jud e I't) Ir r.• Irving Ilia decision
1i'l I t.day eve. toter.-.
ter. Andrew Oke. of Seaforth, who
tee. :1 ern suffering from blood l:oi-
?.nn.n; .1 n% Haul to It;tve another sec-
tion of 1i Dieser :uupua:tied. It is
betted ruts that further pi- i-eee t2
the di <<,s' is cru•::ked.
DR. OVENS. London. Surgeon.
Glasses properly. Office, Commer •
dal hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat-
urday, Feb. liter.
Tht' 41urc•1 Old hove' Assts:cation
tci!1 Lo:d t heir fifth annual "At
Home" at McConkeoes, 1'orcuto, on
Thursday cvctnin,r, Fehtuery 9111
A plc:tenit time is antittipated.
Mires Delbridge, of 14inclulsca. is
vidtinu her cousin. the Misses lia)I
Andrew tercet. Bliss Valles, wholtas
Leen ti i1inh frivtds at Goderich, re-
turned in her .home here lest tuck.
For Pleasure and Health.- You
oannol do better than spend a few
weeks of t he winter, at the delieht-
ful resorts of California. Mexico or
Florida. Grand Trunk Agents will
sell tickets, make Pullman reserva-
tions, and give full information.
Sunday was one of the coldest days
of 'the present winter the 1 hcr-
utometer eetristering from 8 to. 10
degrees below zero. The thc•rutoru •
eter kept at and below the zero
nt:lrk; and on Tue-sday night trent
down to 12 borrow.
Word hos been received here oft he
death 'nf Mrs. Richard Oke, of Del-
oraine, Man., atter a lingering ill•
nees. She leaves a sorrowing hus-
band and ohitdnen. Mrs. James
• Millar left Lc.re on Tuesday morning
for ek,loraaine where rhe will lanaia
for outs time.
Mr. Jolwt \\'0041 t10.1111ed a cert to:1d
o[ abutolte.r's male to Toronto on
Saturtkly. Mr. Wood alee iwrnt to
Toronto epending Sunday in the city.
Miss Mary Gidley accompanied by
her nephew. Mr. Rich, Gidlcy, jr, arc
visitin; .(Ate let ter'sneat her at Whit -
by .t his (week.
Mr. amid Mss. Charles Bayley. elf
Lendot►. arta see -sliding 4 his week itt
1cwn, 1111e !rue-ts of Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. I''uke. Mr. Bayley is an Ex-
eter boy (who is makin:; n success iu
lite but never forgets t he horns of
his boyhood days and notes with
interest the stead) progress of our
In the „ueesing contest ns to the
inajonity of Mr. Whitney. as tearer
end IMlr. leilbor in the recent election
tbo prize beim $1.00 given by Dr.
Rollin, Mr, Caleb Heywood was the
winner of the prize on the nearest
oar,rect anajority for Eilbor zucss-
in, 410, ie,ing only ono out, Mr.
Cleo. \' n
,I t rs wen t n
ell 1
leo 'Whit one on 1 ut-
ney's ifn.ljt•ray in the house b) :a
,rues., at 57.
The (allowing notice has been
posted l o. rd .in several ew crnl phaco% in the new
Hotel, Normandie, Clutton ; -"Take
nol'icc, it hat no ono under 21 years of
n,re trill Le allowed in the bar -ronin
-or told intoxicating liquor. It will
he tattl•ide.red a favor if :any- one,
knowing ri young onto to be under
frc- r
. •lu ntin;z the Lar, will report
same at t ho office." A11 hotel -keep-
ers (should snake .the same rule and
strictly adhcro to it.
WANTED - Men and Women id
this country and adjoining territories
to represent and set elitist, an old es-
tablished house rf solid fin-inci:
stnnding, Salary to men $21 wee
ly to women $12 to $18 weekly writ t
Expencs advanced eaol1 Monday 1r
cheek direct from headquarters.
Horse and butrtry furnahed %viten
necessary: i.osition permanent. Ad-
dress. I)Iew ilros. & Co., Dept. 5, Min
non Bldg„ Chicago, 111.
The Cold Wave - Canaclt from
tate At lana; to the Pacific tae been
sd••werin r in cold duriu-z 1 hr•, least
0eek, t 1:1 rite true zero to 12de-
,tre( d.elow, the temperature in^t••
ery 1',ovince and district in (:.nada
.3 MI Nearly all elo Nee( h-•we'tern
end tea 1.111 Suttee•, tins bt•ca l(clow ze-
ro. Wee t• knee, Ontario. matinees
o trc 1'
,r In it e r' nut, '
faun as t tr
I 1 Hold •
set tone ;n civilized Canada, b: in e
42 IIIe'et% zero, Cal,iury and Medi-
c ,te Hat are 30 helow- : Minnetlosa
and ..
n I \\'iouipr;r 36. Parry Sound
x 10-(•d to
the tt'
1 ►nt t
1 f t r '
n h (.' r '
Ilny, .rc•.ieIer, 21. and Soul honer on
)4 et iR.
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
Irrletl up to Thursday. Feb. 911..
Wheel 955 to *1.05 I'<'r bus.
Oats ell to .'13o, per bushel.
Harley 35 to 40c per bushel.
Peas 60 to 62 cents per bushel.
bran $15 to $16 per Ion.
Shorts $20 per ten,
Family Flour $2.55 per c% I.
Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt.
Rutter 17 to ler per pouted.
Ergs 19 to 20c per dozen.
Dried Apples 21-2 to 3c per ib.
Pork live weerie. *5.25 per et% 1.
Pork dre•.w•d, *7 per cwt.
Hay 6 to $7 per ton.
l fl Pre AS!
.0C1100111 A..ociation a,r
1 tr r i
n t n t '
t ter) r
1 n1
\1pp( 1/f(51 It., tol bit in officers
Pre... Arch. McNtc, Windsor : :let
Vice i're..., A. 1(. T. Colquhoun, To
tanto: 2nd Vi -r i're-, .1. T. Clark
Toronto: Secretary, John It. Kone
Toronto no. Meet. Sccy..A.E.Made'
!Het 1 y h E o •w.
zr'c ta0 Committer. Mfc.vr
T. 1'. McKay Toronto:W, E. $mal
(ield, Itctlfrott : L, 8 .CIInnn('ll, Shc I
breoke:1). \1';Ilia,,, , Collintworel
and F. 11. !lee :t. Teterboro. 'f1.
i '.-s'.ttion may 'eke itip to Nen,
foandlend. (hie -.emitter, reams esett r
!ion if not shit %ill he arrin!st f,,
by the exer(tti%
Just finished stock taking and find we have several thousand
dollars too much stock. Must be reduced.
544) yard. Dress (foods in Hopsacks and Sergee, guaranteed pure wool, lea
in. wide, regular price 50c. Your choice for :351. yard.
Ladies' Dress Skirts, good heavy cloth, nicely trimmed in latest faa:hion
in dark, grey, blue and Week, regular price :L75, 1.2.5, $1.50.
I.Your choice for $2 93.
ydies' Cloth Jackets only) all this season's styles in Hopsack, black &
white tweed mixture, nicety triuttued all lined throughout with Bond qualitysilkette, regular price (1.54), 7.50, and $S.5t1. Your choice for $1.1)5.
Black Sateen %Vann es. well mule and nicely trimmed, regular price $1.25
and $1.50. Your choicefor ('Se.
830 yds fine
quality Wrap-
perettes a 11
choice pati urns
and colorings
regular price
124 cents your
choice for
81 Cents.
Special Discount of
10 Per Cent
on all Clothing
During this Great
Reduction Sale
About five
doz. children's
Wool Bose
size 41 to ►i,
regular price
15e, 18c, "?c.
Your choice
for 10 cents
a pair.
Black elsteen Underskirts. deep flounce with frills, good quality regular
$1 25, $1 50. Your eheiee for 95c
Ladies' Wrappers, made of good quality wrappperette,assorted colors with
tlonnce and braid trimmings, regular price 1.50, 211.75. Your choice for e11.23.
1000 yards ttt'lanuelette, 31 in. wide in blue, pink, pretty stripes, warranted
fast colors. regular price 15c. Your choice 15 yards' for 51.1)0
Stanflelde Unshrinkable heavy Underwear for then, warranted pure
Nova Scotia wool. will retain its elasticity and softness, guaranteed not to
shrink in the washing, regular price 1.00, $1.25. Your choice for ftSc. each.
Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Fur Gauntlets, everything in Fur goods Horst be
sold, cost not taken into consideration.
81\TM L & ROWS
11i•s Etlk1 Sweet lett this week fear
!liken Evans i% confined
the tltouse through illness.
Miss Cora Prior is visiting Miss
Hebei Caldwell, at lfeneal!.
Mists Carter of Auburn, is visiting
her 'fr'ie'nd, Miss Lillian Robinson.
Dr. Antos, who has been iu is able
to resume itis professional duties.
Mr. A. E. Es-ans. of London, is
ei,cvnlisne 'a few days in town dais
Willis Powell spent a few days of
last week on a bus;tiess t rip to For-
est and Sarnia.
\Vhy .is Harvey's liter Flour so
tuucl► in demand? Recluse it is tried
tested. It rusted.
M r. Neer on S1ucers., of Brant ford,
is visiting his parents here for a few
%(-eke,, p.Iior to leaving for the (west.
Mis:w Bolton returned to Iniersoll,
after epens?n.t tate past 1110111h with
her n
► ♦ s George
tr ;tnu dmotluv-, Mrs.
ria m well.
The Toronto Presbytery -are pre -
1 t;itig for tete coming ct the evan-
gelistic twat•o trench has been sweep-
ing over England and Wales.
Notice - Misses Ballantyne and
Sharp. of London, intend starting
dress making on February 1st, :above
A. Q. Ilobiers office, Exeter.
dies Maud Soutlrool•1, who leas
silent the past live weeks with her
Dant, Aire. Scut }scot t, ifurntt. etrcit,
let It11.4d 'lo her home .i.t London, un
Bet urd:ty.
Great bargains in eiothitt e and
underwear for .he next few
we also ha o a quantity of timothy
and clover hay. and a quantity of
oat straw for sale. -L. McTneenrt,
North End Store.
Mrs. Crockett, of Dorchester :
Mos. S. Snell, of London Township
and Mrs. M. J)isjarditte. of Grano
Bend, were hero this Week ,1tcud
tl:' funeral of their feather. Mr
el. 'fhomp.on, of linimillc.
Mr, W. L..T;tltot, 0t Seaforth. at-
tended the funeral of the late Mir
M. Thompson, on Tuesday hist.
\\'e tundcretand Mr. Alex. Dow
has disposed of his dairy business co
MIr, \Vet. itivcrs, of Ilay, Mr. Rivers
to (take possession on April 1st.
]rev. W. 1I. and Mfrs. Martin very
pleasantly entertained the elders and
managers of the church with their
wives , eft Tuesday evening at the
the Manse, A very enjoyable and
pleas:nit evening was spent by all.
Death of an Old Resident. - Mr.
John Elliott, an old and rc,-elected
resident of this pence passed away- on
Sunday last at the rico of 8? years.
The deceased was a native of En„
land, and came to thie country when
a lad, roi4inz for some years in
Peterboro, afterwards livin,t in
Ilr,igbt, Ont. He bus, /been a tresis,
dent here for upward.. of 1wenty
yobs, anti though re-leiring in his dis-
po -ition made many friends by whom
be ni11 be aniseed. He was t wicc
united in eutanriage, aid loaves a
%eldoww with tw•o dau rliters to mourn
his loss ; also a son 'by his former
marriage. Ile was a member of the
.larncs-st church. Itis rentaine were
interred in th ecemetcry nt Bright.
Oni., cn \\'edncsdy n(Usenoon.
Thursday last was groundhog day
and et as bnibrht enough to throw
shadows unoristekatblc. This is the
day when Bruin awakens to cake in
the ntcather, outlook. and to deter-
mine et n 1 het ter••
i1 e:
th .r
0Yn' t is
c fa •
I 1ltor-
onabk to his eventinin,r out of his
hole. The !.tory toes that when Itis
heart )tip sees his ehadon• he goes
back to
itis slu 1 .
m x•re for six weeks
more of wtinter. There is tw oc4tSion
for ,alarm in tlet fact however. Cana-
dians have Leconte nccustomed to the
experience of six %weeks of winter
follow inz tiround):og day, and usu-
t, aiiy are eetisfied to bare done
tr itt .11 et telt date.
.1 't Lesson in 1b(' Market -
\ ouug housekeepers will discov-
i er a fund of information in the pa-
pers contributed to The Delineator
by Label Gordon Curtis under the
title "The Makin of a Housewife."
giving in the Alerch nunther n 'cotton
in theea
m 1
n>.1,rkc1. The hints ) i a
t nre
practical and helpful. Other eo1 ice
of alome,hic interest, especially dur-
ing (the Lenten r-ealaon, ore "Attrac-
tive ;Fish for Lenten Days," illustrat-
ing and describing a number of deli-
cate ways of preparinz fish, and a
variety Cf receipt% •under the hcad-
inee "Fruit and Vegetable Salads"
"Codfish learittions," and -nee., -
front n 11 'ic•nic andpoin.."
Seeet -Menlo-\Vednesda). offer.
noon .a hippy party drove up from
Clinton to have 1be bond 01 matri•
tnony cemented bet aeon• t two of (-heir
Humber. the event took pence et
Vert 11 '111-t \ '
h0 la.s
pe retina ire.
)ter•. G. N. Mizen offici/nin=. The
:Duple otos: closely interested were
1(01511 14111.1.1. of St (lawn lownhip
•on of Mr. .I anise Sweet. and Miss
Minnie 'Moore, of Clinton. ♦ '•�
Sarah Swse:, sister of the groom was
bridesrMid, :tn,l Rebell M. T:,ylor,
of Exeter, ..esistrrl the xroorn. Af-
ter 'the rereutony the• eerily drove
tore In ('limon. where Mr. and Mrs.
Sweet trill slake their home. -Sig•
na) Gexierich. The groves leas a host
of 'friends herr .e ho joist toeetherin
wislette ')tins end itis happy bride
many years of laeppin's•s.
e` Fitt' n full stork Op:►lin" Sults
'Kee/steno. Itl1:•uutatic 'FtI,lette Cow-
( Wand Anli'eptio Powder for Ladies,
Alun Irl 'f:1bl• 0. tic K. Tonic
r ► t
and V•,c tl,ee'r, c,tr, at C. l.uti's Cent -
oil ,lieu ! Store. Exeter. %
Rev. 11. Kenner. of \Winnipeg, `a
for 1p,slor of the Exeter fire it
reefed', telcbrstcd the fiftieth •tttt-
1 iwers.rt of hi entry into the ntinis-
1 ry. Mr. Kenner Las tpxut 1 he past
edit y three years in preac bine
t I-, t;. p: -I .1t Western (' u11da.
NIL Areh, itodgert, Sr., is laid up
the ,rennet of basins his feet ladle -
frozen . onie time in December last
At ll-'" •nt Lr tie 1011 resit) eotthidl'r-
able in C.011 •:•."•ig uenci.. l,ut lire many
fritnd+91).2 10 err hien -O.)) .1r000tl
again as usual.
1 1.
Al a •ltritl meet ins; n( 1Le F;xeler
le, ,rd of 'Prole, on Miond:Iy ev1•nin{
! 1•i the proposed extrnsi',n of the C.
1'. 11.. 01. slieet4Qed Int a isie.4tint
11 d uawt,uc next
given ii'pe-Jent31ires from ('redito•,,
and Kit kf en, :1r4. i1.w111•11 111 I c toes -
eel -10 .l -au`a .1 L/r 111ltr4tierl.
Art Otn •eo WELL -TAMP Rartabv.-Mtn
Winslow'. Soothing Syrup has been meed foe
ever sixtyears by millions set mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect Romeo.
it.00tbes the child, softens the gum', allays .1)
pain cures wind colic. and tat the belt remedy
for Diarrhoea. i11a pima/int to the taste. Sold
by dru tete In every part of the world. to
cents a bottle. Its ry�ain. h incalculable, Be
wee and trke Me* %'In.low'• soothing
Syrupand auk for no other kind.
The Times has a supply of books
glvtng a treatise of tb horns and Tabs
di+eases, tthich wat
are giving nwvay
to all new and paid up subscribcras.
The book contains an index of dis-
eases, giving a description of each,
with causes, symptoms and treat-
ment, also a large collection of
receipts. winch Ire very
Osborne Council
Council inlet at Towne•; if) 11:111,
1 l'! mt•ilk, 0n 1'ehru:try 4th_ All t hr
tncml.cr• %% ere present, Thi 1113)0115
,cf 1 b Lest rn' t'mg were read and
The ;c.ltaier of .lie Exeter Time% to
• do t h • priattittr essuolly required by
h,m ti
siI v rift
t fur 1905
for $55.
' w a
Itoyal TcmpLus, Iti�y it 'r
,i •
1Iars rive a 1to ►I• a(rl an -
nien h lect ore room t'M -st, (tr
church on ♦loneley 13th, to a1 1'r
. m. Tits ((Atoning r -
! O dna. ate' ed
t t
take p rt :-Iles. G. W. .\ndrrtt-. Le --r°
A.. of Cees r:llia. Mies Godw i,l. by ,n
Gurney.. Miss Gill and Mr. E. IJi: sit
e rod. •
The 'auditors' t( port as real w,t.
pled and 100 colter.. of the report
crcd to be ,print.'•\ for diet rihu •
loafs its let K ^t! YtA Mtn 1 is INV S
eidnatar. , f
It eaccoune5 tot .pot/in.; place
410 Onterin elect int lure Inid
ntI•,•r accountamottntin•t to
.t0 were ( I -s •d and orders ice•
11 in myrtle'''.
:outoel then adj0nrn-d to meet 011
t urdly, iVcb, 11(11, at fete o'clock
ronslder i if• r•ngirteer'm report on
to Elimt die ('reek .and hrenehe.,
n'1 for of?r•r hu•v►^rs,
FOR THE NEXT DAYS we are going to sell i"FEN
our Winter Coats at prices to clear them out.
have a few left of the most stylish lines which yon can ha{
for tht' following.
$111.00 Coats for $41,90
9.00 Coats for 5.90
7.50 Coats for 4.90
5.00 Coats for 3.90.
These are special prices and will pay you to see.
We aro receiving and marking off every day now all
new Spring Goods which we will be pleased to show youj
New Prints
New Ginghams
New Waistings
New Lawns
New Dress Goods
New Shirt Waist Suitin
In fact everything new for the sluing trade is now
placed on our counters. No trouble to show them to
+++++++++++++++++++++++4-14 ++++••t'4'b•t'•t••t••i•i••t••1••i r•1•'t••)•'1••;
Previous to removal to the prem-
ises of Farmer Bros. we will offer I
special sales in Furniture for the
next three weeks. .�
L. O. L-Ttw :u►nual meeting of
the Loyal Owen ze Lodge for this
diistriot was )teed here on Tuesday of
this week. A very large repreeen-
t a tiion of tete bret horn from the vvtr-
ious lodger. in •(the district were
present. The following officers; were
emoted ;-W. :1i., 0. 13. Hanley : D. Ni
F. 'Davis ; Chap. Rev. Kiley ; I', S., W.
J. Davi-t: 11. 8., Peter Cantelon
Trees •. A. Ca loden ; 1). of C.. C.
Sproule ; Sec., tiro. Deacon ; D. L.,
E. J. Elliot 4, and Reg. Hodgins. A
very cordial invitation was extended
from it he nrcthren, of Clinton, to
unite with them in the celebration
of (be Mettle of the Boyne, to be
.Ix•!d 11t that -town ort July 12th. The
invitation wet unonimouely accepted
Dr. Bu'stn ltijnhart. 41'01 known ho
many Clndinns and whose mother
rc'ides at Maple Lodge with Mrs.
Oven, ISR now it missionary at Ta-
Tsit:u-Lu, elz-Chekenn, Chine, l be cen-
tre of Lite Thibeta.tt trade. Mrs.
Rynhert le working among Thibe•
tan Vet murderers of her husband
► .t. a
n ehat 11n inhospitabled
W. C. T. Ar. Notes. -Our mecl•inz•1
are .rroeing in interest and new
mentl:c.rs bc•in,. *sided to, helps us
in our work. At our last meeting
we were It zliby Jovored with a de-
lightful ilible reading by Mrs. Man-
rce. God's w orrl pronounces woe
upon elle mut who "yrivot It his
ncielst;nr drink." Tide %soee (alb: up-
on all, from itbe fair young Hostess,
tvlo presents the eparkiin,t w•itte to
her o. ucst , t o ,t he ion est saloon keep
er, .who pour' out les filthy poison
for clue t:rontblin.r seat. The man tt ho
makes a business of furnishing it is
not it reputable r;Iizen. :anti should
1,e p!•1red tinder 1 Le txtu of respect-
able :'oc•iety. The men tvlut •tenet.
my money or bursts my house is •1
friend 1:011/1-311t11uit'11 110' tut' who
kidnap- my chill and the creel ure
wrl:n r0mn►;ts (•v(10 dhat dastardly
crime is -a decent man compared
with tire• fiend uIto deliherately
with melee'• afore. bought, slay atter
hay, 'Hereuty boy lu drink. and
gradually tote. lairs of hc:lltta, rube
him (•f intellee4, robs him of will
hewer, woes taint of elsiracter, and
tht tt- .t
o lent d. a
tt o• t cc( 1 bloat -
n m
ed ,pass of J,r.<lily disease and mortal
corruption. And sot this is
ex:►c! I w Ica( i hole Inds of drink no! -
ler' are ,Ir. ne oith mult0ude^ of
our ;youth. The ii tilde (who grant
411 1-r:voltt.srr. 1. The boy becomes
n drunkard 14•etu•r he este iter
.!rink. 2. Ile ;ret, tIs- drink becciuse
the. r 1luort ket'is-r (urnisltcs 14 to
1 an. 3. '1.1•c • 1L•xut kcc•t.cr Hell% it
heel toe ire i•. ticer►sed two to do. 1.
ile G, t:c"al>ed 10 do so tee -atter a
majority of tile' citizen& vote t0 thus
1:cense (tine Such sol ere err l..ar-
ticepe criminals.-MTrs. Ill:alchford,
Press Cor.
Go. ua.
Successor to Ross & Taylt
We thank our numerous custot 1
for their patronage during the
28 ce tl
weyare still on the ea, and wish cte p emtuses,w;
a larger and better stock than eve
and consequently:in a better posit'
than ever to quote prices that will
tereet intending purchasers of en
kind of
building di material..
Of every description
We do Custom Sawing
Buildings contracted for and s.
Cedar Posts
A consignment of No. t
Cedar Posts just to hand.
The Ross -Taylor
•vr.}la.,. .. i
r �
Yount t Mian. Young
there io abundant roon
in the higher and morn
Bible positions of life. f
or short hand t rainin;
march upwards. Enter
N016001 t his tnont h if ltossil,
W. J. ELLIOTT.} Pencil,..
Write for free catalogue.
_ e
eafens. TAKE N