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Exeter Times, 1905-02-09, Page 5
THE 6/1.E1ER R TIMES, FEBRUARY 9th 1905. L' VEGETABLE SICILIAN ' Mair Renewer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling Asir and cures dandruff. And it always restores color tory hair. Sold for Shy years. t`"-a`MtariL''ltitl'tiit'-- MtDi(iL FARM FOlt HALE..—On lot 2, con. 1. township of Hey, 100 acres, W. BROWNING, M. D.. M l` with goes tarn and water. For fur - LP • P. 3., is .,; ..:� i': :Grist Cu.� eat :icu! :, rpely to Il. S. O'Neil, varsity. wilco amu rct,idenence. Domioiou Exeter. Laboratory. Exeter. DENTAL 11h--- el KINCMAN, I,. D.8. AND lilt. A. H. KINSMAN. L. D. 8. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto Unlvereity, Dentist. Teeth extracted without Dain or bad after streets, O in F sone block. West sideeof Ma in emote Exeter* D.A. ANDERSON. (D. D. 8. 1.14 T�TeNTI! P. HonorOradua:e of tke 'foronte Uuiver,tty Royal College of Dental Surgeons of with honors Also Po.gtaduate of o t•School of Prosthetic Deutistry (w'itb tole mention. ing known to the Dental Profession in this otlice. Bridge work, crowns, al- um, gold and vulcanite plate- all done in neatest manner possible. A perfectly �q�, ass anao.thetie used for painless eztrs - Ofldos one deer south of Carling Bre)) store Raster. Ont. Northwest and Manitoba Lands for Sale Valuable Land* along different Lines of $atlway. In Sections' or up to 10,00 acres near, PRINCE ALBERT, YOYKTON, IIANLEY DAVIDSON, and other tmportaut points. For Perticnlars apply to ERNIEST ELLIOT. Agent LanduCtbkat hewan Valley and MauReba- MONEY TO LOAN We havennUmlted private funds for invest; eat, upon farm er village property at lower, Mot of Interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. hONE,' TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to eon oL AnffaErm and village properties at lowrate. OLAD]IAN & STANBUItY Barristers Solicitors, Mai St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers Solicitors Notarieq Conveyancers. Cemmlerdonere, t#olicitors for the Motsons Bank. Eto. Meaq tOLean at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE (—MAIN STREET. EXETER. 1. L Munn; n. L I. H. common ?be Usbornc and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. Vice -Pres.:— W. H. I'ASSMORE, FARQUHAR P. 0. F. MORLEY, WHALFN P. 0. J, A. NOItRls, CROMARTY P. O. Wit. Roy, BORNHOLet P. O. J. L. Itt3::rl.e, Itrser.reeeLE P. 0. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, A. DrNcAN J. Wn.soN, J. 8. GILFILLAN, STAFFA. ONT. FARQUIIAR, ONT. FULLARTON, ONT. LL CAN, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. we WANT YOU To call in and inspect our stock of Cutters and Buggies. We feel sure that the quality and price of our stock will appeal to you. We have all the latest styles, in the newest colors — Surely we can please you. Come in and walk around whether you want to huy or not. HORSE -SHOEING and General Jobbing All work executed in a thorongh and workman•likema ner. h J. RUSSELL Two doors south Town Hall C EL)ITON Roller Mills Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. al'(' giving excellent at- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling (,lir mill A • H. Sweitzer 1)i•t r act V toiler —"rye jurat hail a WI tor hunt my son Rezpie saying he he. %von n xcholarshiq. 1 can't tell how deb.ttel 1 alis, 1-11u4lit Party —'•i cnn undersand your tedious mum. 1 felt just t' same „4111 our pi; won a medal at the g ultural show". F111M FOR SALE. -199 acres, on the Thames Itoad adjoining Exe- ter. Ploughing is done ; wheal in; 12 . s . cs w ush This is hardwood .acres of h r od b 0 :t good chance to secure a conven- iently situated and well -improved farm. If interested move quickly.— \V. 11. Harvey, Exeter 1'. 0., prop. FARM FOR SALE—In tie Town- ship of Lsborne, being lot 13, sen 2, cott•:ii::lie. of the best 100 :terse of land in the tot%'n'hip, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Good brick house ,tn.l frame barn, conven- ient to school, church and market being only two miles from Exeter. For further particulars applj to D. C. McInnes, Exeter. or Thomas Hig- gins, executors of the estate of B, 1. Higgins, deceased or to Gladman & Stanbury, .olicitors, Exeter. S11ORTI IORN DURHAM BULLS for sale—Tho undersigned has for sale a number of up-to-date thor- ough bred Short Horn nulls. They aro of the low set, thick blocky type and choice breeding. Will bo sold reasonable, inspection invited. Ap- ply on lit 16, con. 2, Ilay, or John Elder, Hensall, P. 0. FOit SALE.—Itesidcncc and 8 lots with good stable, everything in good repair. Residence recently re- txtinte l : nlso a first-class well good oreined, and ornamental trees on the prcmieev. The property must be In Memorial—On Sunday, Fcbru sold as the undersigned is leaving tr tit la 1905, atF,l<nnvillc, at th:.a town. For particulars and termsor Y n[ 75 scars and the. days. artn sale apply to II. 8. Lang. Exeter. M Thompson passes to the great �^ yond worn whioh no 1rnveller re- 4.÷.1.444. e - +3 +444.4.++++++•1'++++++++r+2+ turns. lie wait Torn on February o 2nd, 1830 in t h .township of PlCker- M. JACKSON S SON: entriycmnan; at o t r of n new, Ont. The Exeter Times 'bit l'ItSiIAY, FEI1. 911, 1905 USB(,RNE AND HIBBERT FIRE INSURANCE CO. The :►olio l l MC •1111;1 cf the le,.burn. and ll:bbert Peru er ' Mutual Fire In sunonce Co. wwwts Iwld in 111C public Hite '"Ftrpuhar,Jlonelay Feb. 0. Not• witItetandino the state of the roads and 41m wen t Aur t ho bill was corn- fortalily tilled by members of the routpany. The 41reeidant in a few well chain rem -Irks reviewed the letst years' work curd showed tire crctlittble •gond:ne of the oomlwany. Ile %,tat. .`.lr-. 1\'111. ('isles, of Markdal.•. ed 1itt1 the cowfaany hadiucrcast+i 111 Ont.. ho thank: heaven and l eines ! (buttal of .tan. :1011,, 19111,, and tti� Paine's !let ;,cit.tl it tea to Cite lOstne:: Set 19t►1it4 .lid letter had no .milli- Butt w hlever with the Coasted of Celery Compound Makes tick People Well. 190:,. For W. 11. levett who is 41 nu•uiter of the ('oun.-.il now, was taut in 1901 Coutreil. Listen to Use i.ilr;ts:olctly of the paragraph in the Council t'in't rs, Communica1 Lail faun It. H'.tto Alford, Foto. asking .'uratiou of *5 iow'ardpayin;t the 1e- to nses of a lain suit re sidewalk a ... read and filed o.t 'notion cf J. Muir • nowt:. it by I. Irinstronor. Now sir you can easy see how they want to 4- I r, eke it n;:, ec :het I came be,. in;; for sa, but I-tt-ant !hent to under- volume nder- • 1 a !niceness o !a •e: r to um ofilh at year by $80,000.00; ttlet the directors had paid all the accounts of tIte• coutpeny out of a five per cent assessment and had a cash surp)u:> ca haul of $3300.00. Tho dinanoial statement cf the corn patty was read by the secretary al:ow intr t he -testes of 1 he company to he $101,153.19, an increa`c• over last years assets of ft1,55$.51 ; also that the ,running, expenses of the company had !been lessened by !173.45. Tho conitnny was never en ;t more pros- perous 'nate than it is today, and is being conducted on round business prunoiplos. Messrs. J. L. ltussell next \Val. !toy the retiring directors tweee re-elect- ed tor the ensuing term. Maury. Turnbull and Rutherford were re- eloot ell a udi.t•ors. The. directors and secretory ,were highly commended for their ,.ervices in conductin 1 he yeast years busi- nPs 50 creditably. There is a brishl future for t1:,e conrpnny. Celery Compound for her restora- tion to health gays: "after toy 1!tby was born I took grippe :end was in n tweak condition of he lith. My nervous system seem- ed to be brok_n iesen and I had con- vul''iotts several 1 imes. I f requent- ly lost us of 'my limbs, I had severe right sweats. was sleeelees, des:ron- dent and very ,t. rvous. 1 1 hog ht at .1/toes 'hat I was going lo lose my reason. Al last 1 became so weak that 1 could hardly move myself in bed. Afters course of treatment by able doctors 1 teas still suffering and on the brink of the grave. 1 was strongly advised by 't friend to make use of Paine's Celery Cent - pound. To gratify the desire of my family 1 need this medicine. 10 a short time appetite and sleep were better. After the use of the second bottle 1 was so amazed and pleased with my improvement that I decid- ed to continue the uec of Paine's Celery Compound. 1 ant happy t o state that tt:e use of six bottles has completely restored me to new life Crediton and usefulliess to my family. I sin - Crediton 1 hank God and Paine's Celery The next re'ttertr aneot:ing 01 the Compound fer my wonderful rest or - Credit nn Literary Boziety will be nlion. held at the home of Mr. known, on 11oltrlay evening, Feb. Jath. Ellmville and in ood moved with his fath- .t, cr's 'fain- ly to a place since known •L • i• ti Junk Dealers. Main -St. Exeter. Occupying J. P. Ross' Store, one door south of Metropolitan Hotel. -3 Will pay highest cash 4. price fur the following ;: goods,such as all kinds of t Scrap Iron Brass * Copper 4- Zinc Lead Pewter Horse Hair + \1ooI Pickings Rags •f- Old Rubbers Bones and 13ottles .l. 4. +++++++++++++++++++++++4-4../. No quantity too large er tee Small ,1. + + THIS MEDICINE IS IBREATIIED .1, That's why it is sure to cure ea- 1arr'h. You see it goes direct to the source of the d15013e —its healing vapor repairs the damage caused by • calnrrhal inflammation. "Cntarr- -1, hozone" nlways cures because it go- es into those tiny cells and paasae- ey that ordinary remedies: can't reach goes where the disease actually is Impossible for "Oatarrhoznne" to fail me any doctor will tell you.Uon't be misled into thinking there is any- thing so good as Catarrhozone,—use it and you'll soon flay good -Aye to catarrh. ns Thompsonvi:le, Simco. Co, where 1 trey were pioneer>. For a:owe years he engaged in .the misting business on 'the Nottnw•asn,ga river, operat- ing both a saw• mill and grist mill In Octohor, 1856 ho was married to Miss Elizabclh Cowan, who predtt- c_aeed !him some fifteen years. Some time after this he moved into To- ronto, end foam thenco to Dorchest- er, whore he engaged in farming, and Jive years linter he moved to the farm at Elintville on wthioh be. died. Five daughters survive him. Mrs. Jae. Crockett, of Dorchester ; Mrs. S. Martin, of Exote•r ; Mrs. S. Snell, of London Township: Mot. M. ilia- jardines, of Grand Bend, and Miss Elizabeth at home. His family will remember him as a kind and indul- gent parent, generous to a fault. In 1 he neighborhood in which Ito lived he. will he. remembered for his jovial and tteightarty disposition and itis true and upribt life. His end was tea ae. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRAM MARKS neatens CoPYRtoitTs t&C. Aneene sereine a eketeb taddeseM.tlen may estate ascertain our opinion see w6hether an Th,, in,, rf IAP arl'I 41,4 of trains Invention is probably patent•k omtenetieP. nonistrictlyeonedent al. um commis going nort h /Intl tout 1, are es fol - sent free. ('deet agency for secs og patents. Patents taken through Munn a co. reedy, tow 4 leftist notke,without. coarse, Intke GOiNG SOUTH $delilific tjlahe No. 32 ... ...• 8.:3.1 A.M. Abandeomelr illnstrated weekly. tarred sir. No. 11 "' 5.05 1.51. ablation of any selentttle journal. Torok es a 1 GOING NORTH liars four month., et. teed by all newsdIahn. N t, :it ... ... 9.30 A. M. G. T. R. Time Table " Beasetijy Year Horne" �f? C Burr 11�Intosk— °ntklY• "Pictorial Pe ec fon. U.mcedcd to ail Itscrve int popular title. "the most beautiful magatinc ,n the From 4s to 75 fine pictures each montih, many at them to (vier, and ail of theme for framing. Portraits of Celebrities Reproductions of Scenes and incidents The very 1-crfrcticn .•1 fine photogrip:iic rrpr..Iu(ti.•n It,•un.l with silk cor•I t, harnwnitc %.ith the coior scheme of the cows. The Osly Ma/Raise of the Iliad in the World 7• s• tiitl. :rr,pthot urn.. $.1 on a year. r th• t IAA. CHRISTMAS NI'`JIiF.I:. /.ry• N.1.1.4n,.,vr•,^rr Derr Pub. Cs..4West 22d St.. New Teri ...5.51 I'. M. .1 ,0. KNiGHT, Agent. GRAND RailwaySystem a em Pullman Sleepers to Ottawa Leaves Toronto daily on Gland Trunk Eastern Flyer at 10 all p, m., Making connections from all points. Return- ing leaves Ottawa 0.45 p. m. Reser- vation made et Urantl Trunk Offleep, Ds You Knew That its lets than two days you can be enjoying the fruit and flowers at Florida Winter Resorts, and in less than four days reach Calitornin. Ask your nrents for full infertile- tion. nfertil e - tion. or eddroot .1. D. McDonald. llit- 1 , Let i'aemeneer Agent, Toronto. For tickets call on J. J. KNIGHT. Depot ticket neen1, Exeter. Ask For "PAINES, No Other Medicine Just As Good. „ lep.urled slut the Toun;e St, Arcade, Toronto. hes been purchased by elle Siegel, Cooper Company. of Checazo and New York, who it ie said, .intend to establish a large de- iartinental .tore in Toronto and has chosen that tate. This report trow•evar it rot yet nail firmed. AFRAID OF STRONG AfFDICINES Many people suffer for years trot.. rheumatic ,paint, and prefer to do so rather ithan take tko strong medi- cinee ,usually given tor rheumatism. not knowing that quick relief from pain ttnay he had simply by applyia; Chamberlain's Pain Balm and with- out /inkin;; ony medicine internally. For rale in Exeter by W, 8. Ilowry. Communication Editor Exeter Time,. Dear Sir, -1 wrote it private letter to W. 0. IV -sett and his colleagues that were in cot!ncil with Hint for the year 190!, but they have rnCocon- strued its mcen.n, and took into tho council of 1905, well ant's just like them. I ate wrote T. B. Carling' ono Like it Tor tat eyoar 1903. The following -is the letter that the council of 1905 have put on file; Exeter, Jon. 19111, 191)5. Mr, W. G. tii:sett, Dear Sir, I em of the opinion that you and your colleagues have had sufficient time for reflection, and I think when you take into considera- tion that you subscriber to the De- claration ef Office. that you would truly and faithfully perforin all the duties' ant1 oblir;ntions as Reeve of the Villaee of Exeter. for the year 1901 to the hest of your ability. now it's quite clear that your and your colleagues in office, were unfaithful to 1 ho trust reposed in you, or you lacked the ability In fill such an im- portant pn-itien, now I ask, do you think you ;ICI ed as wi10 sten or trust worthy men would do, do you thunk you did as you would like to ise dont, unto, what do you think about it. Now I will cell you wM(t I swim you ;ind your ereleazues, who wore with you in office for the year 1901 to do, to 'brow i 1 some moesure that you have some re' and for right and justice, end to atone in a slight de- gree for the wrong you and fellow cuoneil teen dill me. i say I want you with your colleagues In ineke up five dollars fo' me to snake up to me part of the expense you put me bon,'through your unf:tit hfuineee and you as peeve. lit Chat time, to put your signature In 1)10 lines below. Ily you coinply'ine with my request this 1hin't stili '1'i',. Hut izent le 111011 • 1 oil! give yon the choice of two thini . 1 got up a speech for the ;debt of the nomination, but ow- ing to the ieletttesst of the hour 1 was prevented from doing An, now you reit either comply with the •above rertnect ni' Have my epceeit publi'h'•d. 1'h .1,e 208150r ht- the 27th ilial. 'lite millet ...tiled herein t'n: it reek - two ledge •ind lay thea( 31r. It, Mat - eliford'ss claim of being overcharged on the expenses of the ectnent le - %walk In front of his lots, was fele end juts. The above is the letts•r referred In in the emoted minute... it. IlLATCIIFOitn EXPLANATORY REiiAIti(S 1 wrote Mr. T. I3. i'nrtin r and Mr. W. 0. nigsetl, a private Inter each n test to find out if there was :lay funny of repent an- or sorrow for their sins which the letter ex• pain. 1 w as greatly SU r111 issd when 1 read in the tninet,_•s of the present r To Cure a Cold in One Day m TM ;,. Take Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. on every . Sever poem bens sod V 1 a wombs. V. i�I• /!v z,1.' 10 per cent. off for Cash 011 fihl 6000s [x6cDt 6ro66r16s Wall Papers! Wall Papers! ur WALL PAP rkS need oihy to uE seen in ,: and tI•tt 1 a10 not one (.t the liege order to be thoroughly appreciated by any judge of beauty, who desires conventional style properly proportioned. We have num- erous lines to select from. 150 PATTERNS N o'LSbioai. of all Newest of all Cheapest of all Prices from 3c. Single Roll up to 25c. •rin:t kind, 1 tit it is a debt that they It • x,:111) responsible for, brim _III t t ty t heir uw s e t upidity or 1.tek of 11' In lit t t t► fill t '•s ,• U ff _ e• 1 u t b occupy. Y they o ul}. Nott -'r 1 make i his oiler•, if t h • • 11.1 leo Coueeile still produce re- liable proof that my claim is lint a just claim (1 an over ..barge, 1 w ill give thein n cheque on the Slulson It:u•lt for one hundred dollars and 1 55111 give them oa: week to do it. Said letter was no" intended (or puh- lic:oer' but 1 %taut the pilule: to knew )tow thing's are twisted. It. i3, STARTLING BUT TRUE People the world over were horri- fied e -t knrnine of the burning of :t C1re:se° theater in which nearly six hundred people lost .1 heir lives, yet more than five times that number or over 3,000 people died from pneu- monia itt Chieae.o burin;; the sante year with scarcely n passim; notice. Every one of ihe-e e:tsc.i of pneu- moni•a resulted from n cold and could have Leen .resented by the timely .uec of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A (great many ewtho bad every meson to !ear pu.eumonet have warded it off by the prompt use of this ,remedy. The following it a' tnstance of this fort ; "Too much cannot be said in favor of Ch•11nter- !ain's Cough Remedy, rued especial- ly for colds and influenza. I know I hat it cured any &welter, Laur of a Bovero cold, and I believe save:! her life when site wt -an - threatened with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox. Lrrttn, Sew York. Sold in Exeter 1•y \V, H. Mowry. ABSTRACT Receipts and Expenditures of Exeter for 1904. 'EXPENDITUIRE ABSTRACT Streets, Ibridees, drains parks, .etc. ... R Town Hall account .. Salari:s and Commissions Election expenses .. .., Water emptily and fire pro- tection Printing Statand post'gcl Charity Legal Jcea Itexistrations Bills ;payable antl /redeemed Paid Treasurer for cash ndvanoed Interest other them deben- ture interest ... ... Hucet lighting .. Public Library Street watering Sinkiree fund Refund :taxes Insurance Town Ilall debenture debt Railway debenture debt ,.. Fire engine, debenture Cemetery expenditure , Miseellancous .. Publics school teachers' salaries Secretary and Janitor sal, Fuel ret. i1(iscellancous County Tate • (;ranolit )tie pavetnent de- benture debt .., ... ... 1848 81 660 29 310 118 62 15 12 3600 11 40 75 8') 20 36 50 00 00 00 215 00 81 •.,93 100 244 639 58 4 325 790 566 1471 171 3084 275 262 685 -119 23 70 00 75 14 20 80 00 10 58 27 28 00 00 37 I 60 , 25 1.22 40 117910 79 itECEII'T ABSTRACT To 'Aalattct: on hand. 1903 $2155 33 Arrears of taxes. 1903 102 80 Int. on arr(nrs of taxes '03 59 taxes collect ed for 1904 11311 115 License 'fund ... ... -123 48 Fine' and fees 10 50 Streets, bridges and public property • 114 50 1'011 •t a x . ... 22 00 Rent's of villous property 3 50 Legislative 'ftrant to schools 230 00 1'ubl.io tehool board .. ... 1389 51 Money borrowed on hills .,. payable 3600 110 Gael, advanced by i rods..,. 215 00 int. on invesemsnta and deposits Salo of dog tn;te Int. on sinking 'fund ... 81 reit swnterity account Mi.ocellanrons accounts Centel ery receipts ... 17 15 113 (10 112 16 233 21 158 43 75(1 27 $1105_ 28 ASSETH ('1'11 'in Tints. (exclusive of sinking 'fund/ v 3111 49 Taxes in arrears 187 32 s; ..111 •� 1 d r de- posit 1. a Jt n l ca , .h n 1 posit in (rank, ... Land including parks .. Hui Min es, furniture, etc exclntivc of school property 17,t0 (10 v SI !,I,01 r,l t top., 1 l,u,ld- in. - and equipments Water works, Fire ell! and appliances... Cent. izrounde and house... 3lnrkct building and Itweieh kale. 10u 00 It Ind In•trnmenls and uni- forma ... ... ... 251) 00 :1790 1 1 1041) 01) 10000 00 2800 00 4000 00 2000 00 Tot aI ascots ,... LIABILITIES I.rtc tl t r•hnol rate clue and unpaid Local improvement .work Aid On railw'ay's .111 other object.. ... ... ... Tree1 1.i.lhili11Ps1 $ 34638 95 2871 :1 10;353 18:1 5703 46 2190 00 21027 97 1. F:. I•'t-KF. l >1ur>�i(r1l .1udt,,ut. .1.131hei IteElt I Tinted ithis 2111t tlay of Jan' try. A. 1)., 1905. CI AFL RS TCall. = /IL . Bears tee Til Kind You Hare Alta t BlJ tt !ipeeists of PRINTS! PRINTS! Crumb's Prints Ashton's Prints Grafton's Prints Old Prices, N©w Patterns, Elegant Colorings, English Prints at IOc, English Prints at English and Canadian Flannelettes at 5, 41, G -s. 7, 8, 8i, 9, 10, 121e. All fast colors, very wide new goods. READY-MADE CLOTHING C'oppiey, Noyes & k;in11111is' 1u8k1.. Visit our show rooms for Boys' Amts front 1.25 t o $3.50 Youths' Suits flora 3 00 to $5 /Men's Suits from 5.00 to$12. 50 Mon's Tweed Pants from 1.15 to $2.1i0 Men's 'I'wi't-(I Vests from 1 00 to l.�a 10 Per cent. off for cash on all these Prices until March 31st, 1905 Coupons on Silverwear Redeemable until March 31st, 1905. Poplestone & Gardiner E3iliotisnesd CURED QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY By Using 3.114k1MC. AND CIVE VIM, VIGOR AND VITALITY They also rete t,..Mores> frons Dy -pep -la. lo'liy;etlon ani Too Yeasty Eating. A perfect remed • for Ituyinnto. Nausea, Drowsiness Hatt Tante in the Mouth, Coated T.):141!... roil, !n i he vile, TORPID LIVER. THEY CLARIFY THE SKIN, PURIFY THE BLOOD MW RECULATE THE BOWELS By Cleansing All Disorders from the System. Positively Cure all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kid- neys, Sick Headache, Constipation and Nervousness. 4 FOR SALE AT ALL DRUCCISTS. Two Sizes, IOc. and 28c. a Box ACCEPT NO WZZ.Lst_e SUBSTITUTES FOR psLlLasT. f THE KINO AND CANADA Sale Mlle.—Those staving their male' The rumor Ilial the King nnaibills printed at this office will re- ceive a free notice of the sale in the (?'(rat Intended to hay a visit to Glands in t)tr course of this year was promptly ronl radicted; and on the face of it it wee highly improbable. 0 would be difficult for the King to be away from Groat Britain so lon; •1s 0 visit to (a nide analti nets^. haIe. It .is true that the telegraph las done tnuclt to facilitate the movement* of sovereigns. and to di- minieh it he inconvenience of their hbooret from h e place Of Lire centrall Government. To moss Otte 'Atlantic •ind ltpt'nd some weeks in America would, however, Lc :t senious under- takiti , and it could hardly be adopt ed w'i0houl appointing It 'eml,orlry Brut n'. Delicate question'. would eri»e, elec., with reference to the t:1- iced Slates, The Kinn; rind Queen could hardly visit Canada without grrn;r rte torn .1'nitod States ;•andyet if bitty went to the Slates, this would dirninieh to some extent the oompli'itnt .peel to Canada, and ptrn:vbly excite tonne jealousy in the I)omittion, it i9 einliksly that in This or any future year Ole King will erns. the :atlantic Rays The Licr•r• 1-.x01 feet and Mercury. I'tOhnbly 11w oldest men in the Prott:niott tiled in Brooke Township On Friday in Aho per'on of .John Hol- brook. nee.l 10!) scar.. Deceased wag horn ice 1be county of Carlow, Irekbnd, and n.'tme 10 Canada at the Inzone produces. Thousands of at - :ore rd twenty. Atter .rtesiding in tractive, happy women nee Ferro - Smelt'• Falls for eight years, he zone—why not you? A box of fifty s:Pttied in Brooke, where lie resid.e'1 chocolate coated tablets costs fifty tip en ttte .time of hie dent h. rents at any drag store. Times and thus get thn bcneiit of our lirgo circulation. This is a foot which should be remembered. bale bills are not seen by all in the dis- trict whereas The Times goes every,• where. The notice t hough given, free is often worth more to the per- son holding sales than what is paid for the posters. The qu:trtolry board of thetit rath- roS \ st►odist church have taken strong around against ,%hosts %%ho en -raped tin a bitter attack upon Rev. Iticletrd Hobbs, because that ;ftsrttle- 111'111 .declared that ,the Ross Govern- ment ..1loald be turned out of office. .bud drive placed as resolution on re- cord ehowin,t their ronfide.ner in t hair rymttor, believinlr him to be one of 'ilio meet earnest and devoted Ctirietian eniniaters in the denominn• I:ion. THAT PALE, TiRED GIRL She iy in society, in business,:e borne, everywhere you see her, but niways worn and fatigued. She hasn't herd of Ferrozone, or "bit would be perfectly well. How. quickly it strengthens—what an ap- petite .it gives—whit it glow It brings to pallid checks! The nutriment contained in Ferrozone, pita strength into anybody. Laughing ryes. rosy lips, bright quick movc- menta, nn ifteite of the Vitality F'er-