HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-09, Page 3Death of Captain Castle, of the
Sarah Sands.
'There has just died In England
Captain John Squier Castle, the
heroic master of the Sarah Sands,
at the age of eighty-two years. In
an hour of grave peril, when hun-
dreds of lives depended on his cour-
age, coolness and resourcefulness ho
played his pari manfully. He was in
charge ot the transport Sarah Sands
bound from Portsmouth for Calcut-
ta, when she caught fire in Novem-
ber, 1857, when about 400 miles
from Mauritius. There were on
board about 309 rank and file of the
54th regiment, under Lie'it.-Col,
Moffatt, and a number of wotnen
end children, and the ship also car-
ried large quantities of Government
On November 11th, in the early
hours of the afternoon, tho cargo in
the after hold was found to be on
oro, and all efTorls to get at the
seat of the trouble were in vain: When
all efforts had proved unavailing
some one on board asked what would
be their fate if the powder, in the
magazine were affected. Volunteers
came forward, and amid the dense
smoke and flames they managed to
cl4 r
away a all
barrels, which could not be
7`he boats full of women and chil-
dren were lowered by the troops and
sailors who remained on board
fighting the fire. Ono of the barrels
of powder exploded tearing a hole
In the hull and spreading the fleece
through the stern. After tw'enTy-
four hours' work they were success-
ful in extinguishing the flames, leav-
ing the vessel a mere shell. A storm
added to the difficulties, but the
boats were picked up and the vessel
arrived safely at Mauritius.
Gentl••man in Crowd --"Now, Bir,
svhat are you doing with your hand
in my pnrket?• Suspicious -looking
Person—"}Seg pnrding, sir. Sheer
habscnco of mind, sir. You sec, I
M •1 F 1- i-�.irt
Fash ion
Ribbon and chiffon waists,
aatural outcome of the vogu
btetell's and cheep girdles,
aniong the choicest bodices s
Purple, frau) the palest 0
mauve and orchid tunes to th
tot•test plums color, is
everywhere. The color is pet
elty trying, yet when it Soo
bo becoming nothing is
alarming.Tho white hat so much used by
woolen of all ages is seldom with -
alit a touch of color, velvet choux,
Sowers or feathers furbishing it.
Oriental silks are in unusual
Ibundance this year. Helena;.'ttablishod favorites, and p
will -
a very
u for
The Agonies of Indigestion Can be
Clued By Dr. Williams' Pink
All over the land there are peui,le
whose lives }tud been made miserable
through the pangs of indigestion,
who have been re,tored to the en-;
juyntent of health through the use
of 1)r. W111iums' Pink Tills. One of ,
these is Mr. N'nt. Moore, of %I elland, 1
Ont. Mr. Moore is the manager of
the electric light plant in that town.)
rind stands high in the esti t ration of s
Striking Developments in the Re-
ligious Fervor.
The Old Country newspapers con-
tinue to publ;sli striking incidents of
the religious ret ival in Wales, which
chores nu sign of lessening. Here are
a few samples:
At a tweeting at Porth, Evan liob-
rts said he was on one occasion in
a badly ventilated chapel, and there
was no means to get fresh air in.
Someone prayed. however, and
trutgbtwae- the atmosphere in the
I 1 teas puritiid and freshened
'hat (towed that all things wer
)ossible through prayer. At 'Freer
y ono man carne to scoff, and h
sked as he entred the building
'11'here aro these lunatics?'' Itefur
his man had been in the chapel to
flumes, however, he was on hi
nips and converted. During th
hristinas holidays the Nonconfornt
t Churches decided to keep thei
chouh•oom open all day long fur tit
se .of young converts, and specie
xlings of pr•n)-cr aro being organ'
ed to pray for the safeguarding u
onverts during the temptations o
the holiday season. '?'here was prac-
tically no drunkenness In the Ithond-
1a and A tet ate \ alleys on ('hrist-
as Eve. One of the magistrates
id 11 .
epn, the citizens. He saes: "Jt is really ,f
r•cbard a pleasure to speak 1n favor of Die
Williams' ''
e rich•Pink Pills. For four years fu
seen prior to 1803 I suffered great tor- a
)tcrbi- tore from indigestion and stomach
pens to treitible. I could not eat solid food t
more without experiencing great agony• n
and fur over two years I had to re- k
sort to a milk diet. 1 bad grown (
emaciated and was almost unfit for; is
active work. I was treated by doc-
tors and took advertised medicines, u
but without any lasting benefit. One rn
day a friend urged me to try I)r. 7
is aro Williams' Pink Pills. I began their c
ongees use, but I nt'ist coot<:.s that it w
e nu•cficine is used is shown in the case
n uf Mr. Jno. McDonald, a retired
s farmer living at 130 Langlois
o Avenue here. Mr. tlfcDonald says:
- "For two years I was troubled
✓ with Dropsy. My legs were terribly
o swollen, and though I triad many
1 lncdicinee nothing gave me any re-
- lief till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills.
f Two boxes of them cured rue so
)ably never go out.
ire several Oriental silks whit
ruarantee,t to be absolutelyy
?root, and even perspiration
'The changeable t&tete pett
which sold by the thousands
rears ago, but has been in the
ground lately, is to the fore a
Instead of the two tunes of th
petticoat, the up -to -data ga
pas three distinct tones or sha
The first of t he spring hats
arrived, but sc, far they are n
Dt the simple, ready-to-wear
ties. Small turbans, toques,
guise shape, and envelope hats
igen. They are nearly all ye
plain, and are in strong shades
blue, red. greet*, mauve and bro
Black bear seems to be gaini
vogue. It is predicted that
rich, glossy fur will be very fast
able next year.
Among the spring silks, to
naturally holda first place, and
of course, taffeta of the soft fl
variety. The pin stripe which
the t' �dof the last slimmer se
tads w, strong bid for favor is
again and much to the fore. In
and white, light groan and w
lilac and white it. is very quaint
pretty and makes up into most
)ectable simmer frocks.
The shop windows shote a nun
of malice hats, mostly trig 1
turbans. These are popular
theatre hats, and, indeed, are
i topriate for dressy occasions in
coldest weather.
Valencinnes lace profnises to be
the favorite, as it was last Sumner,
and the fine imitation valencinnes is
lovelier than ever. 'utero are some
new coarse crocheted laces, ton, that
will be popular for linen frocks and
:he heavier cottons.
The now, or nt least recent,
Omni of hat pin in the lit of a
etrge safety pin will be found valu-
able for keeping the hats tilled at
the proper angle. 'These pins are
tot intended to be thrust throug{t
:he body itf the hat, but are fastened
ender the back of the hat, and into
;he hair coil.
Some of the new sunlit silks aho
make serviceable and attractive su
mer frocks and lightweight silks
the ntessaline variety, various for
of crepe, all of the lightweight s
and wool mixtures, the veiling n
enneas woolens, very llghtweig
clot hs, chiffon cloth, silk ntotrse:Mil
chiffon gauzes of many kinds,
over laces and nets swell the ra
of the new goods.
The immense popularity sof doge
waists has caller( Into the mark
many beautiful embroidered linen
so that it Is now possible for a w
man of ne d'rate means to wear t
daintiest r+ blouses at half or on
quarter the cost of the first irnpor
'ed hand -made waists. llandkerchi
Linen eztgtlisitply enlibroldered giv
the effect of handwork, whether it
done by machinery or not.
Case of a Windsor Dian Who Suf-
fered Two Years Beiote he Dis-
covered the Right Remedy.
Windsor, sur, Ont. Feb. 6.— ti ,••c•�
( lrat).
Hew quickly Rheumatism and
Iii opsy can be cured when the right
There w•
•h are c
a few
back -
e old
ng in
lion -
it is
ithout much hope that they would
ure me. After taking a couple of
boxes I could Fee an improvement, m
and this gave me encouragement. 1 pa
continued using the pills until I had or
taken eight boxes, when I WAS corn- tit
pletely cured and able to eat any ha
kind of food I desired. I shall al-
ways praise Dr. Williams' fink i
as they saved ire front such nil
as only n dyspeptic knows. I re
add that my wife has also used
pills for troebles that afflict her
and has been fully restored
I3ad blood, poor blood, watery
blood, is the cause of nearly every
ailment that afflicts mankind. It is
because every dose of Dr. Williams'
l'ink Pills make new, richt, red blood
that they have such wonderful power
to cure such ailments ns Indigestion,
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, St.
Vitus dance, heart troubles, kidney
and liver troubles, and the special
ailments of women, young anal old.
But you must get the genuine pills
e time he had been
t the Bench ho had never seen any-
ing like it, and he attributed the
ppy state of things entirely to the
band of evangelists
ills, known as the ex -football Iitissionar-
sery les has been formed at Treorky.
ight many of there were prominent ex -
the ponents of the game in their dis-
sex, trict. An incident emphasizing the
to spontaneity of the revival ocurred
with the full name "Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People," on the
wrapper around each box. Sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at
00 cents a box or six boxes for $2. -
and 50 by writing The Dr. Williams'
de- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
0 -
A I FJ� '
R '1
Y B ti
U E•OV[;l
Perhaps the old-fashioned linen
duster was its ancestor ---at any
rate their uses were somewhat alike;
but the duster would die of chagrin
to find itself in juxtaposition with
the pretty little blouse overall.
It is made of china silk, with
high collar and loose cuffs, and ties
at the throat, high above your de-
licate stock, nt the wrist, web be-
low the tiny frill that ends your
blouse sleeve, and at the waist, Just
below the lower edge of your girdle.
It is to wear—as all these explana-
tions go to prove—over white or i
delicate colored blouses and under
your coat. And n week or two ell!
show conclusively that the nrnount
of soil it Naves the blouse )r'nenth iy
wonderful. Being wa:4hnble, it ea,'
afford to bear the soil.
Iu eottinq the n:atprial, it .ehtttil.l
bo laid on a lengthw•iee fold uf the
sill. with an inch and a half allowed)
for front box -pleats. Cut collar arid
straight reals (the cutin should be
cut ten Inches by tiro and a h.tti)
With itnings of the silk.
Sew meter -arm nal sh„t,ller seams
up on the right side aluu;t n qua. -
ter of an inch front the edge, turn
and stitch again on the wrong side
lnakinc French sc env. Then set the
sleeves in.
'ow the outside of lining of the
collar 1Ov't.ier and set on 11w waist,
illiPa▪ ltering the fronts in to fit. Gath-
er 1h•• lowelilert of the yleevt•s awl
adjust to the cuffs.
Then sew a row of ribbon bead -
Ing around the lower edge of the
Wales; sew two rows aru'trei the
twits and around the culler and run
Darrow white ribbon through.
Three yntds of twenty -seven -Inch -
wt' silk, three yard.; of bending and
Ave yards of narrow ribbon will be
The/brook. the only town In Iro-
ianl without a police station, n
puI•tie home., or a pawnehop. h t i (
just i'hlt'>rnted the fiftieth arrnie.••-
sert' of the twined inn and the it, •
duct nn of the Rev. 'Rtmmne ('rami,'.
its 1'reshyfH,in minister. n
How Codd Cleared His Client of
Stealing a Duck.
"Lawyers shape up c'irious defences
for their clients In many instances,",
said a limb of the law. "I suppose;
we aro all familiar with the old;
story of the school reader, where the
lawyer advised his client to play t
crazy, and got a sheep's boa for his,
fee. I was reminded of the fact by i
a recent publication in an English f
journal on the subject of 'Curious t
Defences.' t
"One excellent instance is supplied t
here in what is known as 'C'old's
Puzzle.' Codd was defending a s
client accused of stealing a duck. fie t
set up seven defences: (l) 'the ac- p
cased bought the cluck and paid for d
it; (2) he found it; (3) it was given a
to him; (4) it flew into his garden;
('i) it was put in his pocket while
he slept; f) and 7 are not recorded;
but some one suggested that there
never was any duck at all. The ac-
cusal was acquitted, not 'because
they chose any particular defence,
but because they did not know which
to choose, and so gave the prisoner
the benefit of the doubt.'
"'There is a story told of an Amer-
ican lawyer of note who, after hear-
ing his client's story, asked nini how
at Rhondda chapel. The minister
preached a very short. sermon in the
morning, and a young man's peti-
tion in the afternoon was, "Loris,
you allowed hint to say n little in
the morning, but stop him to-
night." Singularly enough, the
minister was stopped, although he
attempted several times to preach
on the usual lines, but the fervor of
those present would not adinit of it.
A new society in connection with the
revival has been formed, to be know
as the Christian Reformers, for
antorg drunkards by visiting p
houses and holding prayer meet
in homes. Itfembership is cont
to total abstainers and non-smok
Llewellyn Roberts, a collier,
was flood at Aberavon for h
drunk and disorderly, was asked
he bad anything to say. "I was
ardent revivalist until C'hristm
he said. A negro actor who
that for seven year's ho took a 1
ing part in "Uncle 'Tom's Onb,
said nt a Cardiff meeting that
was in a stock company, and
perforated at the Grand Then
He, however, was now converted.
1arnarvon a congregation at Sh
Calvinistic Methodist Chapel dec to go out into the streets. 'I
termed Into procession and m
heir way into the horst slums
he town, singing and praying
hey went. As one man sang an
1Velsh hymn, another, who
tattling on dm edge of the crow
ook a bottle of whiskey out of
ocket and dashed it on the gron
°daring he would never again toucl
Rules of the Recently -passed Act
in Scotland.
If a man living in Glasgow or Ed-
inburgh wishes to obtain alcoholic
refreshment after ten o'clock at
night he must either purchase a
t• !t-
waticket or a seat at a tL'�ltre.
Up till last May the closing time for
ublic houses In those cities was
even o'clock, but since then a re-
ntly-passed Act has trade it com-
rlsory for them to shut op at ten.
"When the new rule was first es -
!dished,” said a police official,
he regular drinkers resented it,
rl out of sheer bravado they drank
ore than ever, with the result that
got an increased number of
'Some of
them would t•
even n belr)
ttles of whiskey round in front of
o police office, drink their contents,
(1 then smash the bottles on the
Cement in defiance. The natural
ee't of the ten o'clock closing, how -
r, is now rthowing itself, and fn
last three months' we have had a
ady diminution of charges.
Jn 180:5, for tither, Noveutbcr,
1 the first three weeks of Dec•ent-t
the number of cases were re-
rtively 311, 274 and 212. For,f
corresponding period in 1901 the+
res were 2131 , :31 and 11;7: 'Pheso
re. speak 1 hernselves. The effect 1
the condition of the etrr•ets nt1
its, too, is tenet. v;tlisfarictry."
any of the ptrblitalis not linnet -
fly ruu)plain. 'they point out the
ons hlcnnveuience acdiscom-
ot'casioned to visitors. in some
he 0•1ablishm,v)ts tnk1ntts have
k £9O to £30 n week.
there ure onh' tw-o instances
re one can get drink 1
completely that I have had no re-
turn of the distaees in yoars."
Rheumatism and Dropsy aro calls -
ed by the poisons disordered kid-
neys fail to strain out of the blood.
Cure the Kidneys with Dottj's
Kidney Pills, and •tlte cured
Kidneys will remove the cause
of the Rheumatism or Dropsy.
Without. cause there can be no dis-
Public schools In England fift
years ago were not adapted to lux-
ury, or even to daily comfort. Otte
"old boy," who writes about Up-
pinghaut, which was founded in the
time of Queen Elisabeth, and had
risen into celebrity under the master-
ship of Edward Thring, says that
the dormitories there had concrete
floors and were delightfully cool in
summer. In winter, however, they
were of an arctic temperature, for
there were no fires.
One event of the week was sure to
rouse in tho boys a wave of Indfg-
work nant horror. '?'his was the appoar-
ubllc ance of clean sheets, which, being of
Ings linen, always telt like ice.
• No one who was at Uppingham at
ars• that period can ver have forgotten
who the accents wlfwhich the first boy
eing to get into bed would announce,
if , "Clean sheets!"
an ••t)h. I say, you fellows," he was
as,,. more likely to call, "look at this!"
said' "Why, what's up?"
ead-1 "Clean straw, by all that's horri-
n•" , biel (1 my! How cold it is!"
heI "Clean straw! You don't mean it.'
had "It Is, though!"
tre. "Ugh'''
At There was nothing to do but for,
ilea each boy to sit on his pillow, wrap i
ecitt`j his feet carefully in the tail of his'
'hey? nightshirt, and so, curled up like an
ado ammonite, to slip down gradually'
of under the clothes. '?'hen, drawing
as i them over his head, lie would soon i
oldj be heard putting and blowing long,
was , warmbreaths to raise the tempera -
'c1. ture.
much money he had on hits. The el
client told the lawyer what he had, ce
and gave it to Situ. 'Now,' said the PI
lawyer, 'you want me to advise you
what to do in order to get out of to
this trouble.' 'Yes,' the client said. "t
'Well,' the lawyer continual, 'lo you an
see that window?' 'Yes,' said the to
client. 'Well, you can clear your- we
sell by Jumping out of that window ch
and run, run fast, and don't stop '
until you get out of the country, and ha
don't you over come heck.' Of courseth
I n
d not v I
vouch fur the story, but an
It serves to show the resourcefulness Pa
of some lawyers when it conies to oil
constructing a defence." ere
----r--__. the
Etta U. L1'I"1'LI': ONES. ste
The little ones art* frail. '?'heir ani
hold upon life is slight. No sytnp- her
torn that indicates any of the little spo
niltnents of childhood should be al- the
lowed to pass for a moment itithout1 lige
proper at tentiote The little ail-! ligu
meat may stela 111.4'01110 a s,•rious one, on
area Sten it may he too late to save I nlgl
n precious little life. if Baby's Own t 111
Tablets are kept in the house, the? ure
danger of serious trouble can hot seri
averted. and the minor troubles) fort
promptly cured. An occasional 'Pati of t
tet to the well child till pt•ettnt ill -1 sun
nese. The 'Tablets are absolutely
safe and contain no poisunime snnth- who
ing stuff --they give chil,hen healthy) afte
bleep, simply because they banish 1lin gow•
cause of sleeplessness. Mrs. 1' 11 , if v(
r ten." said a Scotsman at Gins-
. "i'I.e. are the railttay slatfnns
)'t are a trai-ler, enoI the the;t-
ahcre, if you hate taken it
, ton run getsot' t•ral till the cur -
falls. haus of uv, herd driven
oe,..sity after ten o'clock, have
compelled to ;citifies emne por-
of Londe') rrlelotfr'a n*ae."
Itishnp, Iawreneet(w-n, N.S., says:— ties,
"I heic intend 1101,3-'s Own Tabletsseat
just ns yon represent thorn--th.e verstwin
best of uteeli, it,e for ytrung children.'' 1)y r
You inn get the 'l'ablot s from drug- been
gists or 1 y trail at 25 cents a bo:a, tion
by tailing the Dr. t4IIlt,ents Me licine
Itrocks tile. out
OVERLAND '1'1 1.1•.ttlt.\I'll.
it is not generally known that there
is n tete;,rapb across the southern
desert lands of the ,, 'stralian con-
tinent of 2,000 miles in length, and
which rues partially through an un-
inhabited country anJ long tracts of
a waterless desert. While it was
being con -Articled over '2,000 tons of
mnterinlc had to be cur) fed far Into
the interior, end many ot the iron
and wooden piles were conveyed 400
miles. A recent report says that
the wear and tear of this telegraph
construction bas been Inconsiderable,
hut there is great did:rutty found in
supplying the stations acr,,ss t he
1. S0I1 tt lth °per alnl'i.
A woman never tenni' ran hate�
n•), IIM' tt h:, itas81'1 as good el,ri hes
9 she hitt,.
ran lyes a buttery extending
2,:r,s, years.
1f the efforts of certain parties are
successful, the farmers of Cnnsda
will have to face n •—•ry unjust and
hurdenuuuni tux. A movement is on
foot to have fence wire, widish has
for a number of years been nlanittod
into the country duty free, put on
the dutiable lint. The grades
sought to be affected are galvanized
iron or steel wire No. 9, 12 and 13.
Practically none of these are merle
in I annda, and sine° enurnto
quantities are used each year in
placing the primitive rail structs
and enclosing prairie farms, the t
jury that a duty would impose upon
the rural community could not be
readily estimated.
Since t udnaissfo t of wire duty
free. (.'auadiuns have enjoyed the
benefits of cheap fencing of a veru
desirable kind. This has rent on
fit n ly improved the appearance nn
value of hundreds of farm house
but it has added immensely to tl
s of winter trnvellfug; ov
roasts thnt were formerly very ofte
inpassilrle (1•n account of snow hfook
notes. 'I'o put a check upon th
sort of improvement Ly n tax tha
couhl work only injury to the arra
population withoet benefit to any
other class of the people would be
indeed a serious matter. Decides
w(.rking an injury to the farmer.
1 he fence-dila110Iact[lt•ing irrdustry
wouhl be clenu)ralierel. 'l'o inereas
the cost of wire, both (mice produc
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with Sun-
light Soap. an
lands (or sale all located f th
fatuous Wawaneea district. 'l'hs sours
Valley is the garden of Manitoba and
the Wawaaesa istrict is the Garden of
the Souris Valley. These (arms are for
sale at reasonable prices and on good
terms, all located near markets, schools
and churche.:. Write for lists and fur-
ther particulars to the Souris Valley
Land Company, Wawanesa, Manitoba.
I•a sae Carling sad its Worms clearel
sae beilea•er veg. Ltsea wWmo e.yo
farms fur sale; near 1'orkton,
Asslnlboia; on crop payments. .tames
Armstrong, 4 ltichmond street cast,
!fo Breakfast Table
complete without
An admirable food, with all
its' natural qualities intact,
fitted to build up and maintain
robust health, and to resist
winter's extreme cold. It is
a valuable diet for children,
The Moat Nutritious
and Plconomical,
The extraordinary resuscitating
Power of light recently received a
curious illustration in the silver
mires at Laurium. A thine had been
sbandonte 2,000 yearn, and tho seed
of some poppies was found beneath
the slab of a species which had dis-
appeared for twenty centuries. The
elate being removed, in a short time
the entlre space was covered with
the otos! gorgeous show of poppies.
After their twenty centuries' rest
they had bloomed as vigorously as
ever without air or water.
Magistrate — What's this man
charged with? Officer—Ai, yo mane
phwat's he loaded with, yer honor,
Oi think 'tis mo fitly whiskey an'
the loike o' thot.
ror over Siete Veers
Ya•,wrNatow'.ae3THingSrttur�slhe's itsl hr
etilllor.of mothers for the', o:ildren while testhlai.
itseuthsttaschlld,soften. the``ams, allay.psin. erre,
wiudcolic rontlatedthe* tumacland Lowey &nits chs
datrea edstds I).arrh.ei Twsutr 8.e cents a bottle
bold l,ydrugllstecbroushaut tae world. Ue sots s,11
ask fur"Ma•. WtNSLow'ssuoreusudrttne." I1-,li
"Would you oblige 100," said the
reporter, who gets novel interviews,
"by telling me what book has help-
ed you most in your life?" Atter
a thoughtful pause the great man
answered: "My bank book,"
us I • To prove w lei thee the
re- I Chase's Ointment to acertain
p' and absolute core for enol
urs �� pod every form ot ltohls;
rt- bleed intrwnd two ng Dila.
hs seasefaetirrete have guaranteed It. Bente.
Jmosials ie the dell, press amid ask your nelsb•
tors what they think orft. Yon ran use 11 and
ret year mopeJ back If not cured. rho a box, a)
11 dealers or EoM a NW N. list ae A CO -Toronto
Dr. Chase's Ointment
"'IMO 1 is
[none • they s
Y Y,say,"
d c
cl trxtrked the chronic loafer. "Well,
ti ( maybe it is," rejoined the village
let publican, "hut 1f ft's all the same
es to you I wish you would spend a
n little more money hero
anti i
a little
10-e time."
t. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Ihitchcr—"Whitt can 1 do for you,
mum?" Yoking Wife—(trying to give
herself the air of a veteran): "Ono
pound of beef sausages, but without
bone, please."
e --
Lever's Y-7, (Wise
ant Soap Powder
other powders, as It
tarn and consumption would 1>e re -
(100011, and farmer's everywhere
tin ceighout Canada would be hin-
dered in making improvements upon
(heir farms.
"Are sou fond of music'"" asked a
stranger nl the young man nt the
conceit, who was applauding vig-
1 ornuily after n pretty girl hail sung
n song in -a very painful way. "Not
p:1rticulnrly," replied the young
!nen, frankly, '•but 1 nth extremely
fond of the nmsician."
"1 wonder why people always
speak of the Earth as she?" "It's
natural r'noeg'h. Nobody knows ex-
actly what her nave is "
Hell / roma nt ic-1-71Cuuld you mar-
ry a mann becacls.e he was rich?"
Nell ,ctniral i—'• Ni,. I wouldn't: but
I might refuse to inn rry a man be-
ranse he wasn't rich."
Mivard'sLioim3ut Cures 6arget iatows
"1 don't see IT—ow yell can stand
the horrible tickMness of your clim-
ate." "Sir, what you call fickle/ices
wg admire as versatility."
Minard'a Liniment Cnrea Colas, &e.
1',rct Burt: lar--" Did you make a
Sig hell Inst night''" Second Burg-
lar—"D1dn't get a Thing; sornehody
had !wen 1herr before 1714• " First
i;+err;lar—' i'iint'Ft Just it; enmpctj-
tion is killing our Intsincs."
Head) Disinfect -
Is better than
Is botb soap and
[Jester—Don't yeti
world olein you a 1
Yes, but the trouble
up, and I have to
the mon -y.
believe the
iving? !Peltier—
ie it won't pay
work to collect
The publisher of the Zest Farme r -'s
paper in the Maritime I'rotinres Ill
writing to us states
"1 wont(' say that. i do not know
of a ntedi,'tn,• that has stood tho
test of ?line iil.e MiNARD'S LINI-
MENT. it has been en unfailing re-
medy in our household over since 1
can remember, and hats outlive:1
lo'en'i of would -bo competitors and
I;:VTI':It1'1!IM,Nr; JAPS.
tinnie of the Japanese tra:!pstnnn
in the smaller towns of Nippon hat,,
a curious way of advertising their
business. 1ln their right f-renries
they lotto() ligurcw—I he 'thwarter kr
n she e. the woodcutter, nn ase, th.•
butcher, a cleaver. I1n,lern.•a: h
(hese rnehlems are s.rrh inscriptions
its, "I do nay work nt,rlestty and
cheaply." or, "1 (hill ns rout at req
trod., AS moat e.f tnv fe•Ilnws " Al1en
they ure to thing for w'nrk stow Lore
th-ir urns, an•I walk nitwit the
! ur poultry What
alive or dressed to best advantage.
Alio your butter, eggs, hoasy sad
other produce.
Coe. West Market and O.lberne Ste, TORONTO.
sole owners and licensees of all patents and
rights on
The World Famous
Ia violation of our Canadian Patents, as imitating cream
separator called the "Uneeda" has In some localities been of-
fered for sale and suits at 1aw ars now pending against the
manufacturers thereof. Under the law a USER of these in-
fringing machines is also liable for all damages resulting to the
patentee through his use thereof. We hereby inform you that
in buying or using one of these so-called "UNEEDA"- separa-
tors you not only get a very inferior separator, incapable of
giving you such results as you should have, fest you buy a law
suit with all its expensive attendance and with a practical cer-
tainty of the early loss of the machine and a verdict of heavy
damages against you.
That you may be fully informed on the
subject before becoming involved write to
The Sharpies Separator Co., West Chester, Pa., U.S.A.
Inquiries may also be made from our solicitors.
Masten, Star & Spence Toronto Can.
11 fruit and dairy farmIng tn the
best climate in Canada, no irrigation.
Apply to J. 0. McCallum, Salmon
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Mrs. Schoppen — "I want five
polinde of sugar, please."
Grocer—"YesOn; anything else?"
Mrs. fichoppen—"No, that's all;
take it with me if it len't too
heavy pnckage."
Orocen—"Oh, it'll only weigh three
or four pounde, ma'am."
La grippe, pneumonia, and influ-
enza often leave a nasty cough
when they're gone.
It is a dangerous thing to neglect,
Cure it with -,
The cure that is guaranteed by
your druggist.
fSt. Sec 61 tiator.N.Y..Toreato.Caa.
LSSUE NO. 5-05.
Used in H.B.K. Mitts. Gloves
and Moccasins—tough as whale-
bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch -
proof, wind -proof, boil- proof,
crack -proof, tear -proof, rip -proof,
cold -proof, almost wear -proof --
certainly the greatest leather
ever used in mitts and gloves.
Like buckskin it is tanned
without oil, unlike buckskin it is
not porous, 1113 wind proof—will
outwear three buckskins.
"Pinto " Mitts and Gloves
never crack or harden, never get
sodden, are always warm, pliable,
soft and comfortable.
Sold at all dealers but never with-
out this brand :—
Ileeireel Maxim Dowses 1