HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-09, Page 1utter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE THIItTY-SECOND YEAR—NO 1640 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY :►tel, 1805 640•4••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••4D••••••• • Dau, en „a ani! yea:'. head stet. at. S At00•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Eng 1 ccs Vols • Zurich in e} ex res The pupil' t P ly of Fleeur tes! p os t RECORD tie,• const I1Lisn Nino wf / . • Bought with Confidence. hlt..Vorn with Satisfaction,that's "71(1 'he Record of every suit the patio! ey' ley., ie, ell. Relllember we offer l et• *no. ,►ou the Suit that lasts, the f ' 3uit that fits, the Suit that olds, the greatest value for 'Dolour money. i. W. W Taman. Now is j the time t to be on the look out for a good range or cook stove, Wood or coal as we have a large number to choose from of the leading makers of Can- aria, namely PANDORA IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE SOUVENIR And either one of thein will make your wife's face wreath in a per- petual millennial glow. HEATERS Ws also carry a large stock of base burners, air tights, hot blasts to choose from. We make a specialty of Eave Troughing, Furnace Work. Double and single acting force pump, bath room, and plumbing of all kinds on the shortest notice. We also carry of a full line of shelf hardware. Cement the two leading brands, National and Star brand. T. UAWKINS & SON 1 Hensall O. J. Sutherland. Notary Public, Convoyan I • cer, Commisdener. Fire Induratow Agaut. a Usurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dooume carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Mon toloan on real estate at low rates of lute O as the Post Omoe Reagan Mitt l'ot'to and !ties Smith, of Lu can are spending a week or so wit. Mr-. Smith at the Manse. —11r. Duncan Stewart, of 11:w toh:t, von of Mr. Robert Stewart, o Tuckersinith, is visiting his patent cunt friends in this neighborhood. —Miss Gires, %rho was here Co :t number of weeks visiting her court ins, Mr. and Mrs:. W. J. Miller, re turned to Toronto trust week. —Mrs .A. Murdook, Mrs. J. Wtus miller, Miss McAllister .and Alis Scott, very pleasantly entertained largo number of their village friend in !tiller's hall, on Monday evenin Last. when a most enjoyable tint was '.:pent. I—Mr. and Mrs. F. Mc:Iatrgarl, of Whitewood, who have been speeding sono lime visiting at the forrner's house, London road. Loft here on Thursday morning. Mr. MoTaggart to 'take charge. of his school in Whitewood. and Mrs. McTaggart• for Howmanvilte and othe,r points who rc she '.' '.I ( e visiifricnds til eyeing. —Mr. nod Mrs. Fred Mc -Taggart visited friends in Kippen lost week —Mr. L. McsDonnld, of Niagara, is visiting ,his sister, Mrs. 11. McArth- ur. "Glen Mavis Farm", near Hen - salt. Mr. Gardiner. of London spent Inst ;week with Mr. \Vm. Sinclair. —Miss Annie Wren and Miss Tessie Shepherd are visiting at Lucas. —David Cantelon and wife went to Clinton for a few days' visit last week. —Mr.Wilmer st cr \ . u _ icliurncy and wife of 'Delorainc. Man., evere guests at the parsonage host sleek. Dr. James Bell, dentist. of York, Pa., is hone for the present. He will possibly . ►! notreturn a t to 'e Y toprofession fs forsome weeks. School Reports nd 1.1'MLE1 try tit —!+ohne! Root-rt.—The followir Int/rem S. the iret►ort for S. S. No. 10., d'sbo I The mows are in order of merit - Sr, Ord, Gcor_o Glenn. l[aggie I s_r is roe. loll, h !laud Cann. Ruby Passmore. E Horton; jr, -Loh. Harold Glenn, 11 L. IL•t.snlore : jr. aril., Mary McQue f ';r. 2nd. Maggie lfobkirk, Arc st Mongan, D1ay Morton, Fred C1 \1yrt Ie Boll, 7' my Glenn : jr, 2 Sydney Nestor: Ar•ahur Cole, Johi Neil,—M. Madge. Teacher. STEPHEN The ,following is thin correct rep _ of .t use sl a luting of the pupils of s S.No, 3, Stephen. for the tnnnAh n s e California —A number from !tore attended t very enjoyable party at the hone of Miss Natio- Smith, on 7'hur•,•d„ evellin s last, the evening was plea•- nntly spent in dancing att•l nth^, 55rn tet mey55s. do t ; —A young ,on of Gndrnied \Vein, who fell off :t be>aiu of the barn 'u 01,4, en; !tie nil, 1513 L f; arc 1 • (Merchant Tailor. sEwING Wedded oil — c r dd at 1`oLedo. "Th ma riage of Miss Mao Conrad to Mr Frederic& Benedict was celebrated° December 28th at six o'clock, at t•h !tome of the bride's parents. Toledo •Ohio. Rev. E. A. Strot hers of t' beautiful in ser - '.t•' o TI Relating with the B vie° of ilio (Jet.hodist Episcopal church. Relatives and a few friends to 'the number of nbout thirty wit- nessed the ccremany. The bride wore at -handsome silk costume and was attended by her sister. The groom !had is best man Mr. MclGraff. Roses .and smilax were used in a pretty house decoration and a lunohoon was serced after the ecre- Mr. and Mrs,, Benedict have a c many. gone on a wedding t rip to Cleveland .and Kent. Their future place of re- =idenoe is undecided, but .will prob. 'tbly be in Cleveland.—Toledo Blade. Sharon —Mr. William lirokenshire, of Shipka, spent Thursdoy hist "_5th his lather. who is confipeil to his home 'through illness. —Mr. Wellington Amy is visiting friends in d'sburne this week. —Mr. George Lawson ',pent Sun • day last on ,the Goshen line . —Quite a number here nre laid up 1 v.ith the la grippe. — Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy spent. Wednesday last trill, Mr. :tuff Mrs, Samuel Rowe. of Exeter. — Mr. and Mrs. Young, of Cedi- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Coxworth on Friday last. —Mr. Nelson Kestte, ,alio has teen laid up w i1 h n cold is able to ►e out -again. — Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Mawhinney spent Sunday '.with Mr. -and Mrs. M. 1my. —ler. and firs. Joseph Dummy pent one day 1•IRt week with Mr. nd 'Mrs. Joseph Edwards, soul11 of rcditon. —err :and Mrs. Arthur Coxworih nil Mr. and let:•, Albert Brown pent it pleasant evening Jost week '.ith Mr, artd Mrs. Moses Amy. mr the next month we will j special inducements in Sew - Are a ifachincs. ' trouble le makes we carry in stock awarnin the finest that the market tnedtnt• uces, and we invite you to tlotvn'tnd ask for prices. They do: let nes,, P.'ery attractive. s of Bret Stnotte. • and \Ver) the Her• r Piano t� S F. F.. 11. %Vt. heard a elan say the other • morning that the abbreviation for tour of • F'ebruar •—Feh.— these ar, J nteens freeze every - dispel IMilbus body, and that man looked frozen in i 1. 19 ulster. • e 1 a t 1 r. that r tat e Or It t L is 1 .id sins It }x needed e the h kindof warmth that 1 system. Maya, the %taunt), that reaches from Price ft the best our country pro- l'ea'd in foot all over the body. Wo WE' and we sell thcm at Cas Mrs. I,. y as as tot;Ana on easy terms. dizziness, the heart. eusical Instriments of all Ileart and kinds kept in stock. f►O nitlrll g • and after('' cured. I . a+ se end titer. —Quarterly meeting- was held in the Methodist church lest Sunday. The attendance. was Targe and the services were interesting. About 26 joined the church during this uaartcr of the year. The official' board met on Wednesday afternoon, 8th inst. —Mr. Rowan it* very ill at his home ,adjoining the village. We hope to see him around again soon. —Mr. and Mrs, John. Moir. of Us - borne, were visitors in ihe. vile:tee Phis '.seek. —The Epworth League will be "At Home" to the officials of the Metho- dist tohurch, next Monday evening. The "At Home" will he in i isa Lea- gue froom. —Itev. F. Allen .8 -haw, of fisc Kip - pen circuit hal received a very cor- dial and unanimous invitation to re- main 'for .a third year as 'ulster of I ha t charge. The ]Rev, stent leulan is consulerin;- the platter. ile is n splendid past Or, r, a rood preacher and a most desirable, citizen. Woodham --Mjiss F:vet swallow is confined to r the house with a sore threat. hi —Mr. \1'iLl'sanl \Vyn:l Hunla3'cd in Crediton. —Mr. John Stevenson, of London ' 1\ is spending- his holidays a it h Mr. I James Swallow. I to —Mr. AHx'rt Copeland, of Gilbert )'lain•=, Man., is visiting at his old 10 home. —1lrs, t8nli(11 ,and daughter, of Thorndale, are spending a few seeks "I in the villa, -e, —Mr. •Samuel Fond lost his vale- C able driving horse, one day last week with paralysis of the brain, If —Mr. Chia. Wilson, at the time of oriting is very lonv nsui little hope is .er►tcrlaitu'd to Alis recovery. — Miss Annie Brook has returned et dloer. we aro glad to say is :dile to be out again. —lfrs, \Veurth. of Crediton visiting at Mrs. .1. \Vein'„ his week. —Quite n nutuber (rout I1t•10 are taking advantage of Also good sleigh- ing liy get ting .t their supply of wood ort home dor the r,ummor. S. --Mr, Wm. Resler, olio is home of for 1t1100 Winter, Isa's hired with \Ir ler John Ped ler for the cc •lin • lL' Is'tom, om, 1'ent,sl:, , of • ., .!,hoary. 'fie' natne,a appear in ort of merit. Class IV..S:In1uc•1 Il ek', Frod Be: er, Merry Triebner, Ralph Willi cretieVord, 'Thomas I'enluile, }til Preszaa tor, Barry Parsons. Class IiI, Jr.—Slwrntan WARM, Dearing., Edwin Trichncr Earl Parsons, May Sanders. ('lass 11, Sr.,—George. llieks, Flor- ence }le:imam, Earl Ethiopian, Fred i'reszoa(or, Johnny Willis, Samuel Sletttlake. Clnsst I1, Jr. — Gordon Sanders, Florence Wachner., Ada Willis, Aly - tiler Willis, Chester Parsons. Pard iL—Olive I'reszcntor, \Vit- Shapton, Gorden Pinhole, Garfield Stmnlake, Class I —Merle Willis, Reginald '.'arsons, ChirIe Teichner, Total- No, on roll 31; average at- tendance for the month, 25. PERCY S. BANES, Teacher. Ir- 11 visiting her pa ret, .5 rte. ". ek. CC -1 TRALiA School Repot(.—The following the report of tate Senior Depar ment of 8 .8. No. 1, Stephen, for ti month of January. Fifth class, Sit ueL McCoy, 467: Alvin Maker, 455:E va Windsor, 443; Enos W indsor.384 Sr. fourth. Gladys Essery. 425: Fran Mitchell, 320: 1Vilfrid Hodgins, 179 Jr. fourth. Margery Hepburn. 4J 2 Lily Robinson, 438 ; Archie Robinson 424, Murray Elliott, 387; Sr. third Hazel hicks. 445; Austin Duplan 384 ; John Dempsey. 314: Norma Beaman, 149; Jr. third, Malvan Call f:ts 267: John While, 206.— Minni Hot terill, Teacher. Junior Depart resent, Jr. t hirdt Iva Essery, Rom Wallace, Ella Baker, Maxwell Bayn }lam, Earl Callf:is: Sr. second, Ito Callfes, Ilarry Windsor, Iluber White, Edna Davey, Willie Alexan der, Flossie Davey ; Jr. second, Bessie Anthony, Freddie Malan. Freddie Essery, Anthony White, Robert Alex- ander. Lloyd England, Murvan fast, Everett Callfas, Wilson Colbert : Part second, Stella Neil, Willie Ba- ker, Ethel Colbert ; Sr. parr second, Hubert Neil ; .Junior part second, Mal van England, Mabel Elliot r.. WIN:CHELSEA et The following. is the sellout report of 8. 8. No. 6, t"sborne for t•he•month of Jonuary, 1905: V.—Olive Berry hill, Alden Johns Cecil r Ga mm. Sr, 1V,—Alincna Heywood. Willie Elford. Stanley Coward. Special Boys' Class—Charles Flet - ser, \1'il on Hawkins, Neilson. Coul- Jr. 1\',—Laura Godboll, Jackson 'oods. Net t,ie Co n,pbeli, Sr. III.—Alma .Inlu►••, Lille. lley- ood. Nella Heywood. Jr. Itootn, Sr. I11.—!;Ila Vial, ifu- 'rt J01109, (Mary Cornish, Clarence reery). equal. • d('t III,—Arinlo Wittton, Ella \Vash- irn, Earl Johns. 8r. If.— Alex. }lorrehill, John rcery, Lillis Goitre lt, Jr. II.— Jennie Campbell. Jelin rock. 1't 11.— Emma Hetet odd. 1'1, T.— Alice ('rccrr. 1). McDOI'GALL, \VINNiE HOWARD. Te tel et •. hone •a few spending •1u r holidays wilt Mies Olive Stephens, Townline. — Mr. .1 uhf► Slot '.art told the mr.• - I' hotline 10 break one of t .. heWWII 11u 'hates of t iso Ice, ntrove 1 he ankle on Thursday ni.rtit Inst. \Wbile carry - ing '.tend in'o It*•• ball he (-lipped and fell. —Miss Edwards, of London Town pa h'p is spending a few' days '.with her \t or Ile Chiselhurst Pe Fr 1Itr.urro • The 1o110w in:t pupil+ tibt•.iu�,sl 60 ✓ cent. nr wry o flhr o m:u ks 'vr • given ✓ ot•. h^ month of .ianuary. '1'o lain Isoi:crs, 7:► per cent are nett... ry, Names in order of merit. Division III. —Cont inuation (:lass, ,s, Madeline Bert ram!, Go rite t •eitzer, A. Holt zur'sno, .1. Fink - nt'r, 1F. Hrown; Sr. 4th'ole.-s, hon - a. Edra Pack, A. Fit►kbeiner t farts 111 hill: Jr. 4th class, Honors art G:,i•er, Alfred Weevils: lass, Ink Finkbeinss. Eddie Winer, Er- IV:rhner, 110" ., rd Mradil, Edith 1 Clarissa cl ., r, Hill, . - t r AI 1 � f(I,zntom► vermre artend:Ince C(2. !'LAI IIF: 1(i.1' F:TT, ?Sacker, )iwi•ion 11. -3rd .haws, Imams, El- Gaiser, Lillian Finkbsiner, Clara IIzmat m, AImi•da Finkbeiner, 1 -lie Oe.st reinl"•r : pass, Netter! iner, George Heaver, Clarence 11zmann, iiarry Trick, Ernest Ap- ton, Roy Fainter, Charlie Ander- Sr. '2nd e' iss, Imo os, Pearl itz, lto3• fled/lea, \ •i ou Hill : • Alice Mcliin, (`lsirlie Goe- 1larri o•1 Iloltzrireire Vera temente Reit r'c: IIedden, Jr. c' ,ss, honors. Lido Gaiser•, Mai►- 11'et,tzrl, 1Vrllinrtrn Wrist, %Vit- llo:z: 1', s, \Vrllin Ston Rau rvyu With,, Ida Moen L1o: sl nm, Ham Finkbeiner. vt r rgte at tend:ince :3t*. MISS SAi.LTEIt, Te.,ohrr. itisi(n 1—('11-s 11, (1umo:a Hod- . Loran Jiro' n, Lydia Of -si rei- : Sr, fart 11., Lulu lied/tea, Lu- )am►n, Evelyn Itluw, : .1r. fart Gorden Hen -dirt, Henry rr. Herbert Shenk : A 111, Irene (Gertrude Guenther: A 11., Ila r- �Gower. Raymond F:nrli•1►, 1,111or r.er : ,1, T., Bos telenk, O'lir Lao - could have told hint from personal k ksl,te 1 iris Hood's Sarstipi rilla ices permanent warmth, it invignr. . r•. ,limes Sw;,Moo . ales the blood and speeds it along through artery and vein, and really fits Wren and %women, boys and girls to enjoy cold weather and resist al - tack` of disease. 1t ,tiers the right kind of warmth stimulates and st en71 liens at the same t intro, and all its benefits are last in y. There IN= be a auggeslion in this for you. :sgting 1(1'1'11s "are presented by the plat or, the treasurer of the 'it' -- church and Ilse s:'cret ry of the lin Annual Mr e: in r :1111 Present:11 icn. win —Tem :►1,150,51 me^Ien;t of the Pros- no b Ic' y r.•tr1 church was belt) in Thr basement t.11 1101tday evening lastA and was lar•rely alt enllea. Eneoui'- ODI, 1 the usual, business, Jur. and Mrs. .1. Fal Has h�rchants Bank ofCanada Connor, r:t, of Exeter,made but sec of 110 vu I eflt*Ihurst, were meds the reeasy plc A c cute ef 5 tun very hen/Isom- easy son speeds claire. by the nlentb, rs and arlher- Tre tion al HEAD OFMiCE. MONTREAL. est• of the church. A very flatter- Pi' nunslungs. int address was resit li M r. John er, . AL (all paid up) , • •. $6,000,000 Robertson, "late Ml. A. Swan and Ifo! VE • • • •• • • • $3,200,000 lir. C. 1borhar11t made. the pies^uta- 2nd IM \I r. Connor, al/ hn0th taken el - ti(g. iS PROFITS.... ' • • . • , $ /8,959 completely by surprise, made :, very 11." I leerier 4sely in a heel, he -air! that Me ispist t Am R. F. IIBAb1CN• slo/worth •rwerin r his rosin: c1 ion I'll ' he densest Manager Bnaetintesdent of BrsncbM e ieh , be roto rre•t:11 ion tic, '.would , and \ g5 Branches In Canada alw ,ys have IIIt+'r beef interest., at ntlrercl heart. Tis• present alieu over 5tio BJ1Sgt11! Indies of rlie C011treg;,fion '.thn .yinot to stn •SAVINGS BANK rornr „ Iuron,tl,l „e,1 foe ,1 efrectua 3 1 1 1 Coughs rest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings nc itils n.r lr tenteled lir oboioncr In ill- i„ Y 8 , a invilinr ('(,►lents of uhrir '.%ell fill- i r., ma h, counts and Deposit Receipts. e.l basket s. After wi")iin r Mr. and twin my�tllt sal attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle. Mrs. Gunner tont life t n enjoy the Eris neat ir.vhom loans are made on approved names, frons (f It*^ir !tabors in a '.wt'll old g +rtrno.) aeV, the nleelint c1r.s'.rd, all Pine S• we: ran cam; ers of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the ('•<'�:nn opal they had spent a mot •nn 1 enjoyable ev,. chests ' THE Sabbat4, rcIronl. After trans:tali:ix Wi 1 o the cher cure it SNERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 'riri: BEST r'tl\Hrc. Pin \Then von ''. sal a physic that is tit/red ---- - :nils! nna gintle, re._ In laky and third on. CREDITON BRANCH Prie let W, S. CHISHOLM, Manager. `For sale in Fewer 1„ W .'t. limey. • cot :,in 'tu act, aiw:tvs use C1ulnlber• Nan Mess elites(Stomach and Liver Tablets. fYl(�Leadt 1 Pr .15er:.fie 'tit nd.,ncr, 341 It MiSS KIF".ZLt E, Te ,r. , 4— ac JoHN Wen's a Sours ••••••••••••••N •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • 2 • • Kirkten s • —Nit.. Jesse Shier and family of I •ilaul.iota, Jlanitoial, W1113have been spentUn,; t he past r wtr months vis - • iting !,:vents and friends inthis ti• "cieenityk, returned to ,!their home last Miss Alice Douixy of Illybh: is vis- iting friends in the neighborhood. —There will be n break made in one of the families of our village '.next .week, which .will take away ono of -our fair maidens. to the prairie Land, Further (:a rt ieulars Etter. —On t be evening of their depar- ture ,to their new home, near Snot - ford, Mr. -and Mrs. John- Roadhouse, of the 1th Lin'e.11lanshard, were made tho •recipients of a beautiful exten- sion Mable and small rocker by their old 'neighbors and friends and a pleasant evening wits spent in social cleat Thus the links of friendship are the more securely fastened to- trethcr and the toils and troubles of life ore emoothed out. Would that* there was more of it. —Mr. r. Tr-1nkMills,. hl of St. Mar •>; 3 , spent Sunday last nt his home here. —The Fpeoia1 meel'utxs that have been conducted in the, Metho- dist church during d he last three wa•ks are :)t nn end. Winchelsea —Mr. J. G. Jones was in London on Saturday Last, attending to busi- ness that tors. —The boss of \Vinclashet.e school played n vary interestin3 gates of football last }Friday afternoon '.ritll the boys of eohooI No. 3, Usbornc. The scoro was 3 to 1 in favor of Wino}Iclsea. With a little practice the Wincl►elea hoyst bid (1r 10 he- roine a good tem. —The Wincilclsae Creamery Co. is ,;et tiny in its supply of ice for the s0mmer. —The tnany friends of Mrs. Eccle- son, of London, formerly Mirs Della Clark, of t•1►is vicinity will regret to hear of her early death, which sad event took place on Sunday. Jan, 291 h.to young young- lady oras 27 years of rge and leaves- to mourn; her loss besides her father. her brother awl lister, a husband and infant child. Miss Gt r1 ie Murray and hroilier, of Drysdale, elle have been visitin._( relit Ives in this locality, returned hon!,' 11115 week, Exeter Municipal Council. Council tart pursuant to ndjourn men/ or 1os assail„ Feb, 3r41. All present. Minutes ef previous ,meet- ing read and confirmed, Wood — Armstrong — That the clerk subscrike for nix copies of 1 he Municipat t.orld.—Carried. Armstrong — Levet'. —That a grant of $10 be mode to the Sick Children's d c t r n. llospital,_.C:trried. Wood — Arntctrcng — That the follotwlug accounts be 4,assed and orders dem n on ,t reasurer for same. —Advocate r. ► : lnl u' l• .t Cc., hal. 1904 0 . acct *32. .\' r \ . le h• , nJh .wood. 4. g1 -J W. .1., Beaman, coal, North End Fire IfaN, $11.80; 1f. F:. Huston, insurance pumping q,lant, x4,410; Carling Bros. acct., 1150:3, 57, yus.ici.1 World subscript ions, x5 ; Sick Children's 110441 al, $!0; Jot. ('nbbledick,tent polling booth, 82.511: W. IL Lerch, 11)01 acct. *14.32 • Ja•. Creech, snow - doe ing, $1.011; 8, Ilandfor•d, oto, $t Geo. Cudtnoe, do., 116.60: W. J. 111.• et t. nscaIs to-tnamp'. :iOc; A. E. IFu1te, .:,editors fees, $12: Jas. Beer, lo. 812: C. 11 •Snell, electric !hist o ,February lvt, *A14,47. less reduc- ion, *14.76, $7:3,71: .in(. Ford, ..e.1. ry, *27; .1nn. 11artner, labor ccme- cry'1.75: IF, A. \Wright, rep. wagon 1 iccnsetnry, '(1.15: H. Sanders, hank onuni•sioner, $1.35—Carried. Wood — \lair — That W. 11. Le- ett ,he npprinted to confer "ill the illa4e erolicitor. re Motherland is Co's taxes,—C.irriod, Levels —Muir —Th,.r the clerk be 1•11 int( -to '.t rite the Grand Trunk gent :it reference to the very unsat- fartory r.nditiof the station uil•lin r, it Is•in'tot:illy unfit fur ublic 51 , and r.•qur't the rein. any in build c1 t101.9 -n building on ie east 'Lee of the tracks as soon s )'onwrnient--Carried. Levet t — Arinst rens — That (ren - 1 reljourn to Friday, Feb, 17th at o'clock, p. m,—C:srriecl. GEORGE II. B188ETT, Clerk. • *1,0414) ItE\W.\111) rr a Case, of incurable C011stipalion To a person w h (can', be cured of :n•tipati0n by hr. Hamilton's fills le above reo rd "ill he pail. No thirties medicine rive, such listing ti•f:ic•ion or effects such ntar- Ilous cores as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. eller isnmedia tely follows for head - he bill i.Ii ttess •1n11 stomach tbs. det •. No ,wiping taitns, no burn- t 'en'i(ions. not hin't but tis muga es•ant relief attends the use of Dr. at11.I1. ,". fill• -others hot so rood •rr 2.1r s h'1'. r.. 111 dealers, F. er 11 C3 • vc C.dST0 Z,1. for RI KIM In MA IMI t Wel ten# - L17 -' - 111 • • • • ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••,••• H& WARERcpOs We aim to make this store the store to which any person 111:►v come with high expectations and from which they will go '.55(11 the deterululatusu to come again. That is why we scour the markets for the best furniture to sell at prices that can't be b s:!tee in Canada. A growing business tells us that we are in the right. track. Modest aa our pricee you will be surprised at the choice we can give youin the latest design's and finishes. Each piece of furniture was,'h.,sen with a view to durability as well as arttistic appearan:r. ROWE & ATKINSQN Furniture The Leading �11rn1ttl.M e De<'llerq and Undertakers. Exeter Ont. Kippen At 'tttn third •mooting of the Qu:sr- terly officio' Board of tip?, Kippen circuit, Rev. E. A. Straw, the- pastor, was k.ordially invited to remain, on the circuit for another year. Crediton School Report. Farquhar —Jur, \V -en. Westlake. of Inkertvtcct N. 1)., who was ca.IIo' home .cerin; to Ih eserious illness and subsc:lucpl death of his father, tlc late Writ. r Westlake, returned bonne last week. —Tete telephone service is found t he n great convenience to cur bur —Mrs. Wm. Westlake and Mr John Westlake. who have been, ver ill have now almost recovered, A SUCCESSFUL IIORSEMAN Never allows his horse to suffer pain. Ile always uses Nerviline '.•hick is noted for curing stiffness, rheumatism, swellings and strains. Nerviline is jusi as good inside as outside For cramps, colic, and i n- ternal pain it's a perfect marvel. In the good racing stables Nerviline is always used,—because it makes bet• ler horses .and smaller veterinary bills. Twenty•five cents buys n l:u•,te Shute of Nerviline: ir'. it. WE'RE SUIt1Z!' SELLERS You aro Suit buyers. AIN make the Suits— you wear them out. We make them as well as we can. so that they will not wearout soonerthan the e yy ought. Because. if they do, you'II ° likely go somewhere else forour g. next Suit. And no one could blame "' i you. So such money ought to hu Y ' so much Suit worth. And Suit worth is fashionableness of fabric—style in cnt--fit—tlnish—looks-- dressyness — and length of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not pay too much is W. Johns, Elegant Black and Bld Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. �a Jorl1WS Merchant Tailor Bayfield --Mr. Itowatt Las disposed of his h,rdware stock to .Mr. Elliott of place. Mr, Elliot t takes posses - •:o11 immediately. —\ .Ir.It,rrt Hooper. oo►er of Clinton, anti ii n i hI3 niece Miss fess hrixgr, of Niagara Falls, visited Rev . J. /hall, a few days ago. —Tire members of the 1V. C. T. 11. u[lh plate 1 I cc wr rc exceedingly for - innate in ,ccurin„ Mrs. 13r3 -an, of Lucknow, President for Bruce Co., to conduct '.1 series of temperance meeting, in the Methodist and Pres- byterian churches. The -addresses were eloquent and powerful presen- tations of the facts as they are hots before us. Without tiny fcetin; of Parti :1".vhip, oche said the temper- ance people must go back and do ,all their '.work over again. it toay take years -to renal our present status' regard to temperance movement. She Said the temperance people must stand as :1 unit regardless of p arty if we twin the day. But this '.w:a not done in the recent election a=. the temperance candidates almost to a than were left at home. The church of (.al muse do her duty. Either the church will d a t 1 e'.n he liquor traffic, u n or the re. liquor f' w' i traffic Ic ill lawn the church. Bier addre.sst•s will long he remembered in Ibis town. Pre-enlation,—A large number of the members from the Cole's ap- poininlent'met at the Met lord istpar- •onn:ge, Clayfield, on Monday even- ing and greatly surprised the pas- tor and his '.wife. A good load of cats has brought over and put in t Ire .oat bin. A most enjoyable time was spent in trainee and music until the small hours of the morning. Ile- Following le- • 11 I t 1• ' 0 o tet is the d t•�s __ , d 4 dr \ e the members of Cole's congregation, d0 take upon ourselves, at this time, o: showing you, at least in Rorie re- spect our apyreciation of your ser- vices ae pastor of our church fox nearly the y3st two years. We be- lieve yott have always had our best int oreets •at hemi, tend we heartily appreciate sour kindness. You have been f ithful and diligent in helping on '.110 Matter's '.work. It gives u, much pleasure in ,acknowledging ant$' thanking ycu for your kindnass. We ask ycu to accept this load of oat* as n token of the esteem in which yeti aro held. \Ve therefore join in rt jetting sou every success in 1110 future, and stay (;fid:v blessing ever reel open you. In this address w0 do not fort Mrs. Snell and child- ren. Signed cit bc•lt;tlf of the congre• gatice." 1', COLE. J. GREEN. N. YEO. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH It}iMEI,ii TIW MOTHER'S FAVORITE The Soothing and healing pnoper- tics of this remedy, He pleas- ant :taste and prompt and yermanent enrol t:ave mads it a favorite eith people everywhere. It is rsppectally prized by mothers of ['mail children. for rold'y croup and '.whooping couq!• n» it alevit,ya offords quick relief, nnJ as It contains no Opi,lnl ar other harmful dru,'s, it rnay- bo given •ort, fore departing a complimentary ad- confidently to a baby ne to an adult. /trees 113A presenter] to the pastor. For rain in Exeter by W. S. Ilowey. FEBRUARY NEEDS Food and Meat Choppers from . . Raisin Seeders from ...... ........ ....... . Household Scales from .... ...... • • • . Baseburners from ............ .ixc Handles (Indian made, from Xcut Saws from Axes from . • . . internatirtnal Stock Food international Poultry Food international heave Cure International Worm Powders , ...... interuational Gall Cure llcrbagcum Stock Food lIerbageum Poultry Food ........... • . • , .. . lforse Clippers from •••• ..••••.• $ 1,4o up to $ 2 75 65 up to 1 25 3 (Jo up to O 75 .,.. .. 3o0oupto 32 o0 25 up to 30 .. 2 5o up to 4 50 . ........ 75 up to 1 25 ... • ........25C, 50c, $1.00 . .... 25c, 50C ..•• •••• ...• .••. Soc 25c Soc BSc ........ .t.00 up. HERMAN'S HARDWARE