HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-02, Page 4There you are Coughing Alain! Have pm forgotten that Perry's Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar Cures Cough auti Colds and removes that. tickling. Sold put; to Irownings drug Store The Exeter Times The Toronto News Jortcalsis of the tlectiwt e'+vc the Cuusert'atives 5!3 +t,, Liberate :10, and doubtful 10. LENDAIt FOR t'1'ltitrARY, 1005 6 le 1a 24 8 18 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 n fl 18 21 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 \DAY NDA' ESDAY 6DNESDAY .. • , l7R8DAY IDA' 'The !effaced reiurns for 1)undtt. courl.0'04 'Whitney a inejorit. of 621. tTiil'HSI)AS , FF:11. 'Ind, 1905 E ELECTION :\ (ENEILAL stair RISE Che election which took place on ednesday of last w;:uk was the At sweeping end complete the history- :•f either poli - el 113rty it Ontario. It re felt throughout the country et tbe Boss Government would be feat ed, and that the Oorlserva- ro party would here e :mall Ina- Fity, out the swig;; from a biutrat jurity ot three t7 a Conservative. ority of 44, come a+n surprise to h parties. Ne e•.: need bo iu bt touching tL.: circumstances 'ch Have produced it. Ontario de- ed a ebange• six years ago. it was wish of the people then that a ty led by n worthy Canadian rand g excluded from the responsibil- 1 the advancement made m agrtcul • ies of Govcrnm;r.t should take its n in tho administration of affairs. 'that time the popular will oudbt bar been reeeected. The Gov- ment having exhausted all the •urcesof argueeent and all other itimate means et slaking for he tinuanct in office, should have e t+o farther and should have prepared to yield to the +•ements of tie people. The step, however, was taken, Cor- roll at as resorted to, and the lot-box',was assailed. The honor the legislators was attached, and Constitution ryas violated. No people isout d tolerate rbcs: It ;plying it -runes. No British ,pie w ould eX:u, them. Ontario tl et them wit:: indignation, ani 3. u people -men of •all parties-de- rmin(•d that the; should not re- e public endorsetion or pass un- pni-lied, Mr. \Vhitney hes new opportunity, ind he will no 1,:. ,:iV( us a good govcrnmeat. .e tlueetien is not t he welfare of 1-,rty but the welfare of the ntry. and we beli've that those he have riven Mr. Whitney their �rtf:•i<•ncc may rest assured that he ill justify them 1t. . his contluct a4 !Alit er of 0111:! Nothing in Robbie [turns' career is more satisf \dory than hie tt(•ine burn on L'5th Januery. Robert Burns lived just 37 ye:us and so would the Liberal Gov- ernment if it lead been suet".'►►ed on ,Ilutis birthday. .Mr. Adini Ikek. of London has u majority of 5135 over his opporrcut. F. H. ltumbell, lion. G. W. Boer' ma- jority tyke been officially announced t o be 11:3. The f'.n^nce- of ''he Potniaiett eine' a surplus over .clic expenditures last year. exceeding $15.000,000. The deposits in the chartered banks are increasing at the rate of $1,000,000 et week, ELECTION ECHOES 'IJOF b .G ' From all appearances the defeat of the Boas Government is tallied with the greatest satisfaction in the Western capital by all classes of Lib- erals. Conservatives and Independent apart from those known as "machine Liberals.' The night twas 6o cold that the bulletins posted outside by the newspapers did not attract large numbers. but th enotvspsper tele- phones were kept going, and ap- p. rt n 1; e•.. ' ;` ' ,' 1 -q'u:rcrt, were gratified with the .result. TELE EXETER TIMES, JANUARY •2cth 1905. Huron 1 Eilber's Majority 411 Children playing with started a [ire and caused ages at the awake of J. G. Clinton. lest week. ' His Lord.hip Bishop \%'tutees has appointed the Rev. 11. M. Li, for 1 ui \I'ardsville. to be 'incutul,cnt of Ott. parish of .Brussels. fir. George Stanbury u[ near Clin- ton was kicked on the Fide by a colt on Tuesday evening. and eo severe)) injured that he has since been con- fined to tied. That tired Languid feeling and dull headache is very diHagrt•ceblc Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring. end you will find relief. They never tail to do good. The seven-ye•tr-old daughter of Mr. Thomas Judd, of Clinton, yhad a narrow 0sC3JK• Iron) meeting with a very !serious •accident on Monday. She was hanging onto a sleigh laden with t wo. cords of wood when the hind runner passed over both feet, severely 'tearing tbein, one consid- erably more so than 'the other. Seaforth will not buy :the plant of and Pow- er Light 'lett L 'caforth F. g linea. Co. The by-law- which ptovided for the payment of $19,000 for the plant has been found defective. and the town tethers now consent to judgment in favor of the petition of the ratepayer=, (ieO. T. a do 'the urnbull by- law. Geo. 'Murdie. satin; law. u1111CL $10 daul- McLarc•u, "Thi political upheaval which oc- curred in Ate Province is of great significance. Strictly •\leaking, it tv'ts not a ;tarty- victory. and I glad- ly and thankfully recognize the fact that a largo number of Liberals join ed an the crusade against public dis- honor. The people have spoken in no uncertain tone. They 'have de- clared with emphasis •that they de- sire elrein cud heeree {government, and the ttlte corruptionists an(1 the ballot thief shall not dictate either the methods or tho principles on which that government shall be con- ducted. I never for a moment doubted .that the moral sense of our people mould assert itself. and I es- teem it a high honor to have been permitted oto take even n small part in this 11C11al 4014110e -1 -ours truly, J. V. WHI"N"Y. Hon. Mr. 'Dryden says :---"As far as I can see now my services to the public are finished. I um too old n man 'to commence afresh. I have been no idler and can fairly claim to have given the country as good a service aft I know how to give. I do not think l! am claiming too much credit in \saying that to the lean giv- en 'by t11 odepartment is largely due turc 'throughout the I rowncc. As to itho general results of the election I attrieuto it largely to the combin• ed influence of tho temperance and liquor interest•. We did not go tar enough to please the first party. end wo went too far for tho second NOTE AND COMMENT Tlt;, is not a party triumphit is E victory for the people. Official Declaration of the result in South Huron. '11:e lteturniug Uffirer lot seuth Huron, on %Iondey made itis official declaration of the result of last Wednesday's elect:on. of which the folloeing is the returns. HAVE YOU PILES 1)r. Leonhardt'y llfem-Roid is an internal Remedy that intirely re- moves ltse of any Piles. 0staycurodcase no matter how long standin;. If you have Piles and 1)r. Lcon- lardt's Hem -Hold will not cure you you got your money back. A -thousand dollar guarantee goes with every bottle of Hem -Bold sold. If you want a perfect and perman- ent cure ask for Dr. Leonhardt's Ilom-Roid. Ahe gua a nteedTre remedy. All Drug 3 son-Fyle Co., Niagara Falls, Ont. ---.--- Middlesex Stephen Felber A1cLcnnan '8 t2 ... 61 17 3 . 85 48 4 83 57 5 ... 50 :39 6 .. 87 35 7 39 69 8 64 26 67 41 611 363 Majority for Either, 251. Hay Either McLena:tit 1 ,.. 33 41 2 ... 21 45 3 .. 109 el 4 ... 21 55 5 37 51 6 ... 86 43 7 ... 28 29 8 19 71 360 431 Majority for McLennan. 71. Stanley Either McLennan 1 ... ... 30 56 2 ... 35 59 3 1067 27 17 4 .. 675 18 276 226 Mnjority for Eilber, 50. Godericll Tp. Eilber elcLc•n+tan 3 . 88 '36 4 61 16 .. .. 30 35 6 179 - t(7 Majority for Eilber, 92. Usborne Eilber McLecnnan 1 112 67 2 ... 60 3 ... 115 42 4 . ... 55 77 - 333 233 Majority for Eilber, 100. Tuekorsmit 1 Eilber McLennan 1 41 68 2 ........ ... ... 46 64 3 23 53 4 ... 29 77 5 . ... 34 78 32 75 6 205 415- Majority for A1cLonnan, 210. Seaforth Either McLennan 180 108 2 . .. 52 38 3 48 55 4 26 31 5 •.. ...-39 27- 215 259 Majority for McLennan, lt. Exeter (1 FINANCES IN (i6OD SHAPE They make one deal us though life was worth living. Take ono of C,r- ter's Little Liver Pills after eating It will relieve dyspepsia, aid diges- tion, give tone and o kevr to the sys- tem. The llodgios property consisting of 25 acres, situated on the 4th con. of London township, was sold recently Mr. Thomas G. MacGcttglr, of Chic- ago, was the purchaser for the sutra ot $2.590. Messrs. 11. and J. M. Donnelly. of Lucan leave recently purchased south half of lot 18, in concession 6, Bid- dulph from Mr. John Coyne, 50 ocr• es, •for $2.550. This gives the Messrs Donnelly n !art) of 100 acres. The ourprise of the election in North Grty, was the vote in Owen Sound, )shore a Conservative major - Py of 82 i:► :h ' • s'eae ::.:r eon. test was converted into a majority of 178 for Mr. McKay. At a public meeting held recently, Mr. McKay said :-"Wo should no tbe selfish. I fancy it we were in the cold shades of Opposition for 32 years we would also Chink it was time for a change Seein;• *hat the country is willing to give Mr. Whitney a chance, I am triad they have )lade his major - the peopley yisive. a, will be aalloweresult doto restlt from utteless political wrangling for the next four yearn. :sir. Miami can- not do better than follow the exam- ple of the Government that preceded him and keep Ontario as the banner 1're/vino° of the Dominion." Gel a blue. hook o[ ':)6 and see bow be ( onservatives who held office et. -slaughtered •nt the hands of he L wrier Government. .vers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so hive the doctors. "tttef rD. u7K't s ti.rr.(�niiet Mt f ) f• tM xw1d. r taew, [ot a1. +� .1,7=11 tr.+w•. iMa/• J X. !veleta W. •am Har for --� • ,.k.r00. •ria 4 1. „, • he LuniisQ Asymoornominwa ActAId nati the Aver a Pllte. Tho Lucan Crescent hockey Team defeated .tbe Hensel! '\hovers" to n Tuesday evening e be- ing 11-7• The ice was in splendid condition. and although hampered by the small rink. it was a fair exhibi- tion. DTr. Andrew Miscampbell. who or- ganized the most successful cam- paign in the history of any political party in thin province, says. - "1 think I bat the result is the strongest condcmna tion of the tactics employed by the Role Administration. Liberals who are Liberals have voted with the Conservatives to whom they look to rid tbe province of the festering po- litical corruption. They have roar - cd above their dirty bitterness and it is now dor Mr. Whitney to put in force the promises lie hoe made of clean and honest government for the people. Ir, my opinion no gov- ernment will ever remain in power tbo length of time the Liberal party held the reigns itt Ontario. I have said that once .tLe people realized elle means by ayhich the. Li eral par- ty was kept in power, sent it of Lb. earliest possible op- portunity in the most emphatic tna nner." Perth Surplus, 1lt,UVtl,irUU, Debt i* *260.867,718. The finances of the Dominion snow :► surplus of receipts over expcndi- turee last year e •ccediug $15.000.- 000. The annualLilitget of the fin• ince Minister makes a highly greti- fying showing. According to the public eccot.nts, the receipts of Ahe 4)4)111111i on, on ac- count of the coneolid \ted fund for the last fiscal year \Vere $70,769,816 and the expenditure $55,612.832., leaving a surplus of $ 15,056,984. The capital expenditure was 147,- 881.71P. Of this capital expendi- ture $1,498,556 was caused by rail- The South Perth Farriers' Insti- tute •will hold a meeting: nt Aber- deen Hall, Kirkt on, on tiaturday,Feh 4 -two sessions -1.:30 and 7.30 p. m. T. •I dii.it24ttlh, saran► Marys sker, be - on Tues - (lay. aged 60ted years. 3 of ntltalanes d 10 days. Vim hardly rcahize that it is med- icine when taking Carter's Little Li- ver Pills; they ars very abseil; no tor- pid liver yts; all are !relieved by their usen from e. LOCALS The Tows has a supply of books giving a treatise of the horse and his diseases, which we are giving away to n11 new and paid up subscribers•. lite book contains an index of die. e•,xrs, giving a description of each, with causes, symptoms and treat- ment, also a large collection of excellent receipts. which aro very valuable. Janice Donaldson was elected war- den of Perth by acclamation at tho January meeting of the county coun- cil. which opened Tuesday afternoon. Ile was nominated by Councillors Berry find Harold. Last Saturday whilst Mr. Martin Stevens. of the River Road, lil;tn- shard was cutting straw with a sty:+w cutting machine. hitt left hand was accidentally draw t+ lint° the cutter and the first three lin- gers were cut off to the bottom joint. Mr. Stephen Myers. a much es- teemed •resident of St. Marys, died et the horse of his dwelt' er, Mrs. J. .1. Crabbe, Toronto, on Tuesday, Jan 24, in hie 82nd yatr. Since the death► of his wife, a few years ago, he has been living with hie daughter, in To- ronto, or with hie son, Mr. Clove Myers, 8t. Marys. A avrit has been served on behalf of Mr. Nelson Monteith on Richard \Nish\, of 111t11'013d for defatnIlion of character. The matter arose out of n statement made by the Rev. H. Anderson. Methodist minister, Kirk - ton, who made charges against Mr. 'riving r R Mon tc it it's character. authority ,Mr. \Vi:rht, The matter will be threshed out in the court's. ways and canals, A1,369,396 by pub• lic works. $748,855 by Dominion lands $1,299,910 by militia and defence. There was also an expenditure of $2,046,878 for railway subsidies and $1.130,0.11 'for bounties. In the Poslo[fice Saving Bank the: amount on deposit at the close of the year was $62,158,419. The With- drawals exceeded the deposits during th eyear by $405,478, but the accru- ed interest, nevertheless, increased the deposits by $1,387,320. as com- pared with the previous year. The net debt of the Dominion is set down at $260.867,718, n decrease of $739,270. Tho revenue of the Yu- kon was $1.181,415, bein; the low- est since 1898. Of the payments of the year $897- 295 went for silver coinage, $50,000 for copper coinage and $799 for sil- ver twenty -cent pieces. A loan of £1,000,000 matures in 'London, on November 1st next. The issue of Dominion notes was $11,421.765 and tho redemption 88,- 853,180. the total circulation on June 30th last was $1.574,783. The amount paid by United Stat- es fishing vessels 'for licenses under the modus vivendi was $10.165. The total number of fines and for- fcituees exacted by the customs De- partment was $117,157, of which $90,893 went to seizing officers rind informers. The Department ot Fin- ance made a profit of $501,250 on silver coinage and $33,395 on top- per coinage. The same Department received $17 conscience money and the Department of Customs $53.4. No interest vas received during the year on account of the following investments: Albert Railway Com- pany. Three Rivers harbor Commis cion, Quebec Harbor Commission, Frederickton and St. Marys brid. e Company. tho Montreal Turnpike Trust. Mr. Courtney, the Deputy Minis- ter of Finence, once more expresses his desire to retire. Ile says he has continued in office entirely nt 1lle Minister's request, but ho feels that I•MAVIMc;is DEPARTMENT steps should to taken at once to •ip De osits of IOI.00 anti u wards received. Interest com- nominate his successor. • P The deposits in the chartered pounded hair seines. and added to principal June Stith and December 11.1. De- , hanks aro increasing at the Talo of posits Receipts also issued andhighert current rates or interest allowed, $1.000,000 n week. Such being the Advanced on mostt �orobleetcrmt Aganatock at Exeerdfor rpom.Gor Government, case, steady increase. in the holding of 'rola must be looked lor. Eilbt•r McLennan 1 ... ... 76 26 2 . 69 `26 3 69 24 4 . ... 80 52 1',t 1e V-. I'ickard.-This was on action by t he plaintiff. James Page. of Stratford against the defendant. R. I'ickird, and against the Bailiff, for an injunction to prevent the scale et chattels belonging to Mrs. Png', et the Metropolitan ilotel.which had been seized foroa debt. At the trial in llpdcrich in June last, the deten• dints were successful but the plain- tiff appealed to the Court at To- ronto. The apteal wa% argaed oil Tuesday. end resulted in nnot'her victory for the defendants the ap• eel teine dismissed with costs. Olathe to & Stanbury acted for de- Ten4lesee. and W. 1'roudfoot K. ('.. of Go+i(•raoh, and Dickson & (' r' in for plaintiff. • s e sia A P b Iij I ic,Icatiop t6ot, the stomach and other d� e weak, or t •.,,. no Is most. commoo, trod or ache` t pains d bolt. - Jtheir meals and U� and worry as they r0 in thiscountry. • tett CASTC.RIA The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has bees lu u.o for over 30 years, has borne tho signature at ar►d has been Made under his per., 12::44( 2:: somal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in MU. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are beet Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cat'torla is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. bulk, Drops and tioothlug Syrups. It is Pleasant. I$ contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It, ago is its; glutrattee. It destroys Worms autcl allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrhoea and Wind i tion � Constipation cures ss C t Troubles, ct c t c T rot L P Colic. It relieves Teething , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's) Pauatcca_TItu Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Youllavo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. • 7µt Lt RlaUR COMea N+, 1r MURRAV • Mt1. sown env. J .................................................... .e. HNNeN..NNNa•...eNONN.N.NeNa Nes eeN s THE 1''loLsoNs BANK Z (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) 000.00 CAPITAL PAID UP 53+000 RESERVE FUND • - • S3,000.000.00 t4 Branches to Ontario. Quebec. A1Lerta.Iirltibb Columbia and H,nitotta. , EXETER BRANCH I Open every l.awtul Day from 10 A. ai. to 5 r. SI. except Saturday 10 A. N. to 1 e.ied ' For-mopor& Sato Notate' cashed or collected. Forms supplied , Ztied SDateatlbough land sold atleprest rates of exchange), Great Britain mat L'n- 294 128 :l tjority for Eilber, 166. Int nsall Either McLennan 1 ,( ... .. 91 102 Majority for McLennan, 8. Bayfield Either McLennan 1 •. 88 33 Majority for Eilber, 55. Recapitulation -Eilber McLenne Stephen .........614 363 Hay ...............360 431 Stanley 276 226 Goderich Tp....... 179 87 Usbornc ... 333233 Tuckersmith ... ... 2G5 413 Soa(ort h .. ... ... 215 259 Exeter .........294 128 Hensen . ... 94 102 Ileyfield WS 33- 2688 2277 Majority for Eilbt•r, 411. Total vote's polled, 4965. Total votes polled in 1902. 5001. ---r--- ttDatalTOA=a. Sean no 1111 X i Yoe Bang Ain Bought Blpatue .1 Hood's _ dysionsio-41, Nos Sea ler swWnoddl e alai tor bootee WHAT IT IS lowest rates and & Carling, fiolic M. e•.N••N•N•N•••Neoti+•• Nae•000Noo•eNNNoo The Mucous Metnbraine and the Im- portant fart it flays in the Ileealth or sickness of the body. The mucous Membrane is the inside lining of the body, and of all its ves- sels and organs. The moment this mucous membrane becomes out of condition, ever so little, illness, fol- lows swiftly. in some form or other. In ninety-nine cases of a hundred disease has its beginning in sore' de- rangement of this Mucous Mem. hrane. It is very delioate and extremely sensitive, and consequently very li- able t0 disease. It you are not feeling \yell you may be sure that the Mucous Mem- brane of •ome organ is sick and re- quires immediate treatment. There is one medicine that is in- tended to act end (10e5 net, direct- ly and turn livcly on the Mudous Membrane. 1t iv h)r. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill. Dyspepsia. Biliousness, 111111 Con • stipation disappear as soon as Dr. Leon berdt's Anti- Pill has restored the Mucous Membrane to its natural hcatthy condition. 50 cents a bottle at all drugzists, or the Wilson-Fyhe Co., Niagnra Flly, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. CLUBBING RATES The Times »....$1 00 Tirnesnod Weekly \Witness ...... 185 Times eptl Family Ilerald & Weekly Star ... ... • .1 80 Times and Weekly Globe ............1 65 Times and Weekly Mail and 1 75 Empire Time•+ and Weekly Advertiser -..l 50 Times and \Vectis Free 1 re..'sa • •••l 80 1 80 Times and Weekly Sun ......... Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 30 Tho Timer and Toronto i)nily P3Star 1 8 The Time% and Toronto Daily 1 85 News .. The Times and TorontoSuta- 2 00 \Vnrld 'the Times and Daily Adver- t dver- 2 35 fleet Thr Times ant Toronto Daily World The tienes 'and Scientific 3 50 Amer icon The Times and i)nily M til and 35 The Times and Daily (:lobe... 4 35 We can zet you any newspaper or n+azazine pablishe11. THE TIMES. Ferrer, Ont. 3 25 AN OLD RIDDLE Which ha" more le". -on, (.11 no cat[ Can't inner itf No, it i•n'l unnnsw•erabhe. This in the answer : No cat.On.• e hes four fret. No cat has five fee isn't that n feet. • Huron County Council All the mrnhers of the new county council were in attendance on Tues- day last fo rtho Jnnuir-t3 session and sighed the necessary declarations e• fore Judge Ilolt. Only ono norninatian w:+S made for the po'ition of \V•trden, Mctsre. La- mont and Isbister moving for the election of Robert Miller, of Wroxe• ter, one of the represc•ntntivcs o1 No. 8 division. A 1 the conclusion of the statutory hal(-hour County Clerk Lent -A. 1ineunccdthis•blecllontend Mr. Miller witi greeted with 9 hearty e ette r tt asl.okl .he0 � t 9 C round of . i p u nt the head of the hoard, After si,cu- intt his declhrntion of office before .pt>Jge Ilol•, and recririnbi'scnnc+ + to al ion•. \Vardtn Miller•r 4,rie(ly n(1• dr("Cll the tountil (litnkin,i them for the honor conferred on him. Mr. Miller is the ..anior member of the council. l+ trip 1 occupied n twat al the board for t he past eight years. Robert McLean and John Morrison (Si-Iforth) moved Ilii Ithe etrikina committer conn%t of the four old memers of the council. Messrs. titcySanghton, Bryan, Doig. Morrison member, to return ,to their homes 8pickman, Cent elem. McNaughton anti Gardiner. i in. n \iris to exercise their fr+nTunit+- an+l In, Lamont and 3. N. McKenzie, of Road and Bridge,-lte!+►rs. Cinle• i 1') n council met 'til) on Ashfielrl. Carried. day, .iamtaf)' list, Moved by Mevrs. Speckmaii and ton. Lemont, i;Lister. McLean and justice c ovt, Ibat Messrs, Cann Grieve. Lind Lent• b(• nwlitors for criminal };qu,lization.-Thr whole council. juaticoncenunt.fortl+rcurrent year. \\�rrlen's • COinmittee. - Mes.rs. Carried. Spackm +n. Perris. McLean and LaTho •trikints counmittee'a report m0nt. For Iriff►Qttl naming the following gentlemen as Hoeg of Itefu•_:.-Mresr‘. Si trk- members of tla^ variou+ comnritteea, min, Lamnnl and ('orris. was adopted, Thudding Committee. - ti[oesr%. Executive arttl special. - Messrs. Cent' Io, , plc\anahtntt, McKcn=ie.. ; Bears the Spackman, , ,..11m, McKenzie, Gardiner and i•l,;r. try• gigotatoro of Currie and Ferris. A motion fn radjournment wa% 1'innme :ind F.ducalion -- !►Tears. then eirried in order to allow the K K sx 1 .t cu K K K K�:K K&K K 8•K KR(K SiNFUL HABITS IN YOUTH WEAK,DISEASED MEN. MAKE NERVOUS, TME Rimy of ignorance alit folly in youth, overexertion of mind and hndy ► loesdtoghistands:gem*are constantly wrecking the lives And fetelttbappiaeseof tttoasaNaof promWlfS yams, men. Home fade and winter at asettvly age, at wearyfrultIesasad nisiunc6 h77 others lls\ scs. are Others reto achgclairl moray but Nod so solace or comfort them. The rictlmeare 1o•tnd in all stations of Hfe-the farm the office, tete wnrk.l+np, the pulpp1*, tbetradte SOS th. professions. N•rvess0•tlttty end seminal ettAaeMar•guaranteedearedbyour Naw retail Treatment er Ne 14T, ea ria no risk 2S years do Detroit. Bank security. MAID Wath All ILSE FAILED. Pe asset esti wltAoet Mitt wisest. "I am 33 years of ave and married. When young I led a pray life. fatly Indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for mc. I b.casaweak and nervous. lily kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's Disease. Starrlad Life was unsatisfactory and my bolate unhappy. I tried re thing -a11 failed till I tot.k treatment from Dre. Kennedy l& ;er aa. Their r2 New indict both ms up mentally, physically tike a man la every respect. They treated me six yeses o.aFey are ., you skilful and responsible financially, so why patronise Z can be cured by reliable doctota. W. A. Belton. CORES 6011111EEDIR 10 PIY. Ussuitilge free •mss free••oetailte Bank free kir Mt 1rei;tI . {4b �lulby Stray, Drs. Kennedy & Kcrgan, (ltikkelt, It{leltt. K&K K& K K&K K&K K &K K& -K 8, U i HOG PROFITS 11 The hog is a machine to make pounds of pork. In raising clogs for the market, the profit is rapid and heelthv growth. Feevling to simply sustain life makes you no profit. A fool that will fatten your Loge in the shortest time, and with the feast waste, is the profit maker. To get the mast grxs1 tett of its food, the hog must thoroughly digest and assimilate it. It is this assimilated food that makes the pounds of pork. 'fhe adtlition of Clydesdale Stock Foal will enable it to dot this. It creates an appetite for a full ration. Many 'farmers seem satesfietl to let the hog "root" for itself. There ie no better mopey maker on the faros if given half a chance. Clydesdale Stock Food will en- able you to got your hogs to the market at least thirty days go(l)fs; this k money' saved. Mr. .1. I). McDonald, Jericho, Ont., it to six fattening hogs as a test and found the hogs that rtceivcd Clrtlestlale Stock hooey made a decided gain over those that received none." Thi; is "WISE hI{i;1DING." leeet neglect the "RC`TS'' they can he matte togrow, d be kept growing, by using Clydesdale• fon n, such healthy condition �in u your w • , o kc willalsof; It Stock Food. ) will enable thein to withstand Bog Cholera thin greatest menace to hog raising. Keep your hogs and bene clean he using Carbolise Antiseptic: a; hogs thrive Letter when clean. If net eatisfie l after using, your moron' will he (t ee•rfully- refunded by our dealers in your district namely : Peter F rivee, Exeter. W. J. Wilson, Grin -me, s' . John {'rete er. Zurich. Jones & Clark. 1V riC) c•I- 1''. 1). Hutchinson. $toff +. Alf. Hcruton. Item:ill. ASTORIA and Children. Tko Khla You Hare Aiwa=s 81igMt IP` _ 1 1