HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-02-02, Page 1111, a t11 • at 1 niter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTEt THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -No 1639 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 'had, 1905 1 •♦♦♦•••♦•••♦N♦♦•••♦•• •♦••♦••••♦NHNNN•♦•••• Hensel! Now is the time to be on the look out for a good range or cook stoye, Wood or coal as we have a large number to choose from of the leading makers of Can- ada, namely PANDORA IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE SOUVENIR And either one of them will wake your wife's face wreath in a per - petard In;l(eenial glow. HEATERS We also carry a large stock of base burners, air tights, hot blasts to choose from. We make a specialtyof Faye Troughing, Furnace Work, Double and single acting orce pump, bath room, and plumbing of all kinds on the shortest notice. We also carry of a full line of shelf hardware. Cerncnt the two leading brands, National and Star brand. T. i-IAWKINS & _ ON 0. J Sntherla•id, Notary Public. C'ouveyan • cer. Comas eloner, Fire Insurance Agent, and S !sourer of Marriage Ltcense•1. Legal documental tcarefully drawn at reasonable rated. Mone to loan on real estate at low rate.' of linere'$. Mee at the Poet Office Hensall ♦ Mr. Ilarburt sinilee now it's a boy. Miss Seliery. of Kincardine. visited • • her brother Dr. Sel.lery, last week. •Mr. Kehelor, of the machine shop. La putting in some splendid machin - Dashwood Exeter School Report 11'' YOUINTEND ERECTING w1fl1 i'1;Nt:- a ing next .+prang call and see our new Page fence and at reduced price. We aro In the JR. LEAVING AM) �fAT1tICC'LA- tencehusinewithis ear. E. 1'. P.(e;us, il..rd- ware Stover, and TF'iusmithin,;. TIO\, FORM III Renett your subscription to tie nonny -.-Mary Roach, 8o per cent ; I'imc.s now, and ...eft s handsomeAlvin lirintntll, 69 per cent.: I'ol- calendar. ly Windsor, 68; Vera Cobbledick. 62: Juhn Halt, t4 London. is iu HazelHrownin;, G2 ; 'Theo }fartlieb, the village looking after clover seed. 59; Mabel Sparks, 50; Daisy Lilliu!, -\i r. Brunner. of the Bronson line 49: Bella McDougall, 45 ; Edith Mon - sold his 100 acro fares to Mr, Harr cur, 40; Irene O'Neil, 37; Martha C,tr b lint, 35; lfarcey Ilorlund, 7: Number on roll, 14; averu;e, 1't. L. C. FLEMING. Teacher. IIIGII SCHOOL DEPARTMENT FORM I(. llonors.-M. .lone., 81 per cent ; M. Coward, 81; I. Armstrong. 78. E. McPherson, 68 per cent ; 0. Mc- I'herson. 61; N. Bussell, 60: M. Pfaff 59 ; M. Wood, 59 • W. Trei:,ner. Fi : M. Knight. 49: E. ee nior, I. Farmer, 40: M. Murray, 39; 11. Gar- diner, 35; 1'. Carling, 25; T. Quinton, 25.. Total on roll 20; Average 19. A. E. 1)ORRINGTON, Teacher. REGULAR COURSE, FORM i • cry and will soon bo able to turn I Guenther, of this place. Those who • out all kinds of good work. knowsay that Mr. Cucnther lets the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Doherty rejoice piece at a steep. • in that their tittle girl who etas dan- -The rev hal meetings are still in gerously ill with pneumonia is now hro„ress, a number have already considered out of danger. signified i heir intention to lead a • The Library board decided that un- • less the council took over the Lib- • nary it would now be closed. Let TTTZ us hope the Council will take it over %,-jr hcoat ,Intoe. Tho Boll Telephone Co. will put • in about twenty phones here, with a sew et Kippen to lie connected with v Hensel,' Central. They will be in- stalled in about a month . Election passed very puietly here Mr. Eilber's splendid majority was much greater than his most devoted supporters expected. However be has always represented the riding well and is worthy to bear the stan- dard again . IMr. L. ti. Colw•el I,ot town, left last week to resume his work with Bradley Garretson & Co.. This time Mr. Colwill begins his work at Port Iluron and will continue to travel westward. Re will be away all sum- mer. 1 • The RECORD Bought with Confidence. Worn with Satisfaction,that's the Record of every suit we sell. Remember we offer you the Suit that lasts, the Suit that fits, the Suit that holds, the sreatest value for your money. W. W Taman. Merchant Tailor. We are right here with the Holiday 1 Goods CURLING In the hom eand home games be- tween the colt rinks of Bewail and London, the former won by a ma- jority of 18 shots. Tho first game was played at Hensall, on the 200 Woodham of January an drosutted in a major- ity for the villagers .' i l ers h Y v 22 . t c Riota a. -Mr. Itobt, Neel and John Rus- follows;- Mrs. Moses Amy visited Mr. and White" threshing outfit through ° London Mra, George Mawhinney, of the the company's agent, Mr. Wilson A. Brandt W. J. Wright, Goshen line, on Tuesday Iasi. G. Jaynt E .M. Tuck, -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lenuncey Black. 1 F. A. Seliery, W. A. Tune, spent. a few days of last treck with --Mr. E. A. Copeland spent Sun• H. J. Billings, W. J. Smith, friends in lies. day in the "Stone Town. skip 17 skip 12 -Miss McCallum, of Londonwho -The funeral of Mrs. Kirk took T. A. Stewart F. Magee has been visiting friends here for place on Tuesday to the Presbyter• J. McKay, F. D. Sharman. peer Ian cemetery. the three weeks has returned -A number of the boys took .in D. Ilodkirk, E. Sanders, home. the oyster supper at Centralia, on A. Screaton. J. W. Couse, Monday night, skip 8 skip 11 Shipka 45 25 Zurich Majority for Hensel', 22 shots. -On Thursday evening the Tb ttreturn match was played in mem- bers of the Young People's Alliance London, en Friday night when the were invited to the home of Mr, Londoners won by n narrow margin John Gallmsn, of the 14th con.. of tour shote. The carne rink+ com- where a very pleasant time was peted as follows spent. Hensel' London -Tile Evangelical Lutheran butt• A. Brandt .. W. J. Wright, day school presented Mr. Henry ('• Joynt E .M. Tuck. Weseloh, Sr., with at handsome up- F.A. Se1Iery. W. A. Tune. holstered arm chair. He having re- II. i, 'lillings. W. J. Smith, signed as Sunday school teacher on skip 13 skip •'l account of his health, after serving T .A. Stewart. F. Magee a faithful term of thirty-five years. J. McKay, F. D. Sherman, -A number from the village at• D. hodkirk, E. Sanders. tended a very enjoyable party at A. Screaton• J. W. Couse, the home of Mr. John Dunn. Stanley 'kip 19 skip 15 on Thursday evening last. Tho even - - in was pleasantly spent in dancing3236 and other amusements. Majority for London, 4 shots. Hensel.' n 1 tt•' s In fh e round About five o'clockTu _ u cn18 t a c dqy tt rby S 'fol noon, the large bank barn ri[ Jacob shots : - Ort, of the Bronson line, about A trier dly game was also played 2 miles north-west of Zurich, w•as between a rick tvho accompanied the burned to the ground. also a large visitors. The local curlers won by a margin f s' quantity of grain and crouse imple• g n _,x .hof.. The rinks ;- quantity John Ort, on elderly loan IIcni►)1 London w had c " W. Goetz, IL \Vanle�s, J. Ifoakirk. 11. F. McA}pine, L. Smailacombr, A. C. Mecpbersct► C. A. McDonnell, G. 1I. Iktekus, skip 14 skip '0 Crediton I Majority for London. 6 shuts. -Mrs. Thompson. of Ingersoll, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Siddul h Chisliotm. p Council Sirs. (Rev.) Daman and Miss Council ,act in the Ton reship 11a11 Rote Finkbeincr have returned from Lucan. pursuant to statute. a pleasant visit with friends in Present. F. A. Ryan, Reeve; Wm. Tavistock. Lewis. Thos. Armitage. Michael new life. Rev. Mr. Clemens is con- ducting t he revival t his week ung, • sisted. -Mrs. Clemens returned home front visiting her brother in Toron- to, who is in the last stages of con- sumption. --Mr. Ed. Winktnwade,', of the 14th, returned this week to Naper- ville, n here he will resume 'his posi- tion as carver in one of the furni- ture tactories. -A sleigh load of young people from Zurich, spent an enjoyableev- enin,x at E. P. Paulin's, Monday evening last. Sharon -Mrs. Silas IlrokcnsLire has re- turned home' after spending a few dogs with her sister, Mrs. Cannon, of Clandeboye. -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coxworth visited Mr, and Mrs. Albert Brown on Sunday last. -Mrs. Thomas Amy Sr., had a suc- cessful quilting bee, ono day last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dilling, of near Ilene:ill visited friends here on Saturday and Sunday. -Mr.► Wellington t cls on m - Aand r• 3[ t gand Amyu set, have purchased a new George i:i 11 whobeen living with his broth- er A full line of Jacob, perished in the flames. r3orne of his• bones fence been found. Children's Sleighs Baby Cutters Doll Cabs Wheelbarrows Carts and operation at St. Joseph's Morita! colors. Each took the statuary de• 1 Rocking Horses -Fred \Veig, tt•ho underwent nn Bron and Jas. B. Bryan, Coun•, -A goodly number attended the Heeling of the Ladies' Aid nt Mrs. \\'m. Brown's on Tuesday nfternoon end had. an instructive hour's dis- cussion -Mr. Atuoa Doupc purchased :1 fine hero. from Mr. D. I[ackney, of St. Marys, on Saturday last. - Master Harold Kirk, second sou of Mr. Jos. Kirk, who Inas been Po seriously afflicted with rheumatic fever for the past two months, is improving and hopes are entertain- ed for his recovery. - A Fociat evening wan slient by a goodly number of our villagers at Mr. Wen. \I'iscman's, on Thursday vet►inr last. - A Targe number attended the literal of the late, Mrs. Kirk, on uesrloy afternoon. from the house -Miss Ida Rhoda is at present ser- iously i11. -Mr. and etre. Jas. Hannon :tic at present in My rill, Michigan. We are informed -that Mrs. Hannan is rind enable to return for a while -Mr. .Terry Brophy is at present hauling brick. Ile intends putting his hero on a foundation newt sum- incr. -Shipka was rather quiet t he night of the election. -Mr. It. Warner accompanied by his sister, and Messrs. 11. Hodgins and E. Harlton took in the tea given by the ladies of Thames Road church on Monday evening of last week. All report an excellent time. -There (hied in Detroit on Jan. 21111, .Nary McPhee, daughter tot Mrs. J. McPhee, of this place. De- ceased sc 1 „ a. in c rood 1 ., I.allh a li n aboutout Lt O weeks 9 1.fr O being 13 101C at - tending t•hc funeral of her sister, Mrs. Robinson she contracted a se- vere cold which turned to pneu- monia, neu- m n a o f h fn and .. e i :1 ft n y succumbed on the above date. The sorrowing fancily have the synrpaihy of the whole community. Kirkton -The (,rick for the new Methodist parsonage is being drawn Ode seek by the people of the church by hoc. -Mr. L. Johnston, who has been in the employ of Mr. Wm. Moore, for 1 he past three years has severed his connection there and will go west in the spring. London, has returned much im- proved in health. -Te' Call in, leave your orderI Eseery hs dine earesnairrowcescaper of M.lobtfront 1 :and have the goods delivered fico t other day. The stove pipes became overht:, ted and ignited the laths of the ceiling. The prompt action of Mr. Essery and family 5Jt'rel the dwellin,t. Just arrived, a good assortment ( -Word leas been received of the to choose front. ( death of John W. Thompson. which -pianos and Organs always in stock. t sad crest took place at Lia home in Stationery S. M Carlyle. Asda, after a short illness • Deceased was tt•eIl and favorably art • I known in' t his ton many, where he was a remittent for many years, and paid. ehis many friends will deeply regret The council adjourned to meet to henr pf his demist. He leaves a again nn Monday, Feb, 60, 1905 at ft :Ind Iwo children to mourn 10:,. in.T elaralion of office end qualification. Thomas I1. Courcy and Patrick (cern were appointed auditors, W. J. Smyth, Asecseor and 0. W. Ilod- g,n', collector. The Ito•Ird of Itcnith are the Reeve Clerk, enol C. Foster, Walter llodgins and Gen. lepton, M. 1L O. Dr. Lang. The salaries for the year are ns (nflows; Clerk, $115; Treasurer $60; Assessor, $70; Collector, $70; Board of Health, $2 fo reach day, Councillors 82 a flay for sittings and $1.50 for commission work. A num- ber of :recounts erre ordered to Ix .41 large artistic Calender given away ; tt free with every purchase. Lis loss. \1'. D. STANLF.\, Clerk. + of Mr. Wm. Kirk, Woodham. The ♦ remains were interred in the i'ree- - bylerian burying ground. THE Alissa Craig -Mrs. Evans and children have returned after tisiting Mrs. Evans' Conservative Demonstration merchants Bank of Canada1slhaters at Exeter and Crediton for ,nth anon ('unertatives 11111Ir pa!f three weeks. denlon.trtiou here on Friday melte -Mss Hruh, of Forget viitd a last in honor of the victory achievedc HAi) OFFiCE, MONTREAL. number of friends here last week. by Mr. 11. F:ilber fold the Consert•a- tivev throughout the 1',uvi,:"e. A torchlight processiun tees formed into lino headed by the Crediton Brass ikrtrdl, after whish a steeds e a� held in t he Town Hall, w here a programme of speeches were deliv- ered. The chair wav ably tilled by Dr. Rollins, and addressee erre •;iv - en by Mr. .1. Taylor ; Mr. R.11. Mc• Lean. of Itruceficld, who heretofore had always voted and worked for the Reform party. but during this c uu- I.•aign worked agninst the return of 1 hr )loss Government, and at the election, raft his first vote for the Literal -Conservative. The candid:ice elect, Mr. 11. Felber, ;aptly expressed his lhenks to the electors of the inr, including many Liberals for the handotnr ,najorit v ,riven him. Me, believed the pledire• given wil h re- gard to clean and honest govern- ment %%nuld lie carried out, and thnl he would es before, do hie duty for thi' riding. The meeting teas en- livened tcitll spirited mortis: from the Crediton bond. Is StiPITAT. (all paid up) NoSERVE .... e,' i•SURi`LiS PROFITS.... era t the YAW -9.: "SR1tieneral Maneger the it the served , fel ate. crone nt p: interest at most favorable current rates allowed nn Savings tI t. 3ank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. rifle --Mr. Frank Thomas, on returning $6,000,o o frons Toronto, where he has been for some time r•newed acq(bIintane�em x3,.. 00,000 here, Tuesday s`vening, on his way 18,959 to his hone in Forest. -Mrs. 1). (:obbledick, accompanied X. F. ii[KRDF.N. by he rdaughter, F.asie, and grand- Sopertntendent of Branches daughter, Misr; Gladys Carter, re- turned on Tuesday evening atter spending r1 week in the vicinity of Exeter. -Miss Mildred Brow it is spending a couple of weeks visiting friends at Maplewood and Woodstock. -Mr. Clatworthy, of Ildorion, who will operate a lutnhrr yard here has enough+ his (entity end they are nt present occupying Mrs. I1e11's cot- tage en (Gorge street. (n Mr, Alex. McKenzie. lownline west t vOrld. laser with an eccidcnt on Monday af- ch.t$ A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED ternoon by which he win be laid up le r:d for some t:mc. He was haulinz logs w 'n rev to the mill when his horses+ took g5 Branches In Canada SAVINGS BANK Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- ien, to whom loans are made on approved names. Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the CREDITON BRANCH prole. [right aril! ;pan away. In bis effort to overtake Them, Mr. Mcllenxia'tep- In'''' W, S. CHISHULM, Manager. ped snit teit hreoleng his arm. • IIIGH SCHOOL. llouat•s.-Bella Hawkins, 19; Hugh McKay, 78 ; Edna Taylor, 71 ;Maurice Bonier, 72. Lulu Martin, 66 per cent.; May Hawkins, 65 : Beat t ie Martin, 65; Thomas Sanders, 63; Ida Rowe, 62; George Armstrong. 62; Barry Ren - die, 62; Maud Johne, 58; Ethel Cob- btedick, 57; Blanche Sheere, 55; Leah Hemmer, 54 Edward Willis, 53; Mit- chell Willis, 52; Jessie Russell, GO ; Irene llondford,50 ; Bertha Sne11,49 ; Millie Bissett, 48; Flossie Sweet, 42: Case Howard, 38; Lloyd Godwin, 37; John Walker, 31. Tota) enrollment 45; avera,;e 43. W. J. O'Brien. Teacher. COMMERCIAL COURSE, FORM 1 Honors. - Jennie Hardy 95 per cent.: Atmina Hotter, 813; Linda Hunter. 84; Maude Taylor, 76; Oli- ver Graybeil, 71 . Alice Ilowerd 67 per cent ; Edna Bissett, 6.2: Allen McCurdy 60; George W(tiitbold, 60; Bessie WeI,h, 58; Frank Knight, 57 ; Edith McKay 56: Ila Johnston, 53 ;Frank Bawden 49; Obesley Evans, 48; Roy Parsons, 47; Garfield iiedgert, 47: Dyer Ilur- don, 45, Total enrollment 45; evera.e 43. \V. J. O'Brien, Teacher. ROOM IV Sr. 40. -Lillian Amos, 77 per cent ; Douglass Stewart, 71: Kathleen Stewart, 70; Winnifrcd Iluston,70 ; Jr. 40. -Viola Welsh, 75 per cent. ; Ruth Hooper, 71: Lillian Knell. 70. No. on roll 40; average 37. C. VOSPER. Teacher. ROOM V Sr. 3rd. -Loney 1(eywond, 93 per cent ; Willie Armstrong. 81: Victor Sweet, 81; Willie Birney, 79; Willie Bradt, 78: Edith lteidemen, 72; Her- bic Gardiner, 70. Jr. 3rd. -Charlie Welsh, 73 per cent ; Lily Rowe, 73; Ida \Vels11,71. Na. nn roll 52 ; a vera ze 45. ii. E. WALROND, Teae)ter. ROOST VI Jr. 3r1. -Willis Davis, 87 per cent : Eva Shaddock, 86: Willie Fcr,zusoo, 92 ; May Jewell, 81 ;Willie Snell, 80: Itelt i Meleny 79 ; Clarence Heywood _9 ; Witte. he Ii:Itler, 71; Gerald Bor- den, 73. Sr. 2nd.-lt:ty Deerin.r,80 per cent ; Clair Wood. 75; Lillian Royle. 74; Fred Mock, 71;Wilfrid I \ Stewart, 70. Jr. 2nd. -Olive Dearing, 74 per cent Irene Hardy, 72: James Walker, 71: i'red Shaddock, 70. No. on roll 52 ; average daily at- tendance 47. A. E. :MARTIN, Teacher. ROOM VII Jr. 211.1. -Itchy Wood. 97 per cent Ear,tr't Ittrtev, 85; Violet Knot 1, 84. yr. p1. 2n1I-Flossie. 1)int►ey, 89 per cent. ; Edit Pa vi', 92 ; Gladys Delve, 79; Mid. pt. 2nd-1i1:n►cht Quante, 99 per cent. ; Nelly- ,Innes, 94; Muriel Jones, 90; Ellie May line ty, 99 : Joe Follick, 87 ; Agnes McK:Iy, 76. .Tr. pt. 2nd.-Mnrcuerite Gardin- er, 94 per cent.: Jeel n Seldon, 80 ; Irno Sweet, 71: Muriel Anderson, 70. No. on roll 39 '; average at trod. 33. F. E. CARLiNG, Teacher. 11.0 cent ; Cites ROOM VIII. t-Mr..Thoulav Abbott, of the Lu- ad - Bissett be re-epi:ointed street tom- InrIlRulsel1�791e�inla 97 Rotten 76; Gore can Linnshe di'poscd of his farm of mi'sionrr, i,alar' $375, per nnnoin. 1.,0 11 e . .tp to 'Mr. \V(•Ilinzton (�'irrtetl. don 'Marshall, 74. :pa:title: 150 (i r (for I:t!i011 and 1(t0 to 5t r. weed - Muir - 1'4ai council Sr. 1 t. 11 -Miller Ruston, 83 per troches for 7:4900. He in• Jou•n to friday, 1'• h, 3rd., 1905 at rent. rdgoing to Manitoba in the 8 o'clock, p. m. Mid p1. 2nd. -flay Davis, ie per GEORGE Ii, I:i*NI:'II', ('Irrk. cent. flettie itu�'ell, 71: Eric iltlr- . dun, 70 ; - - - - -------- Ir. t't. '2nd. -Ethel Day, 75 per cent.: No. :1. -Florence Rowe. *40 per cent. Nn nn roll, 40 ; ay. attend. 35. S. J. Irwin, Teaoller. Stephen School Report The following is the report for January of S. S. No. 2. Stephen. Nimes are in order of merit. Sr. 4th., Eva ilirtzul, Roy hill, Herbert Mit elle 1, V.verelt Sims, 1,•1- urt Mins, Clayton Kints, Si est art Milclwll, Iloy Ainl., Ar. 3rd., Beryl 11111, ()lite Kine Mary Chamber!. Sr. '2nd., Lillian St ,Ills. Tillie Ed- e :d eard., Ethel Ninos, Eli Minim, Sydney Smart, Percy Lawson. Part 2nd., Viol -1 Cornish, Irvin t Stahl', Andrew Ilinatrnn. MARY 1LOHF,RT$ON, Tc•Ieltcr. Centralia Secce•eful Church lb• overlie:. - The re -opening services in the Me- t hodist church nit Sunday finel Mon- day last were very rratifyiug to all The services on Sunday taken by Dr. iiannnn, of Exeter, .tire execedine- ly profitable, burr.. crowds being. in nttendance, loth nternine and even- ing. As watt announced, sn oyster supper and entertainntenl were given and was so tvt:)1 patronized, even •landing room in the church s, as at n premium. Atter the inner [Litt h.ttl 1e ,i w r•11 rc,rnled with. nyslers Joan Wmm & Sons ••••••••••••••N •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••M • 1 1 1 FIIRNITIIRE W A REROOMS We airu to make 1 six store the store to which any pereee may cotuo tvith high . • pectatiens and Iron. which they will go with the dt•teren11.:,r. .,+ •,, r... t rain. Th it. is why we scour the markets for tau best furniture to sell .0 prices that enn't I' eaten in Cauada. A ,;rowing haeme • ::a es that we aro to the tight tracts. Modest as our prices you will be snrpri-s'd at tha choice: we can give you in the tete-t ,1.signs and finishes. Emil piece of furniture was chosen with ti view to durabili'y as well A8 ,trrii:etic appeal -mice. ROWE & ATKINSON • The Lea(linry Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Exeter Ont. ••••••••••••••• ••••N•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••,, hot, or oysters cold, ns well es an •abundance of other edibles. a very enjoyable programme was rendered. Those taking part were: The Im- perial quartette, of Exeter composed of Messrs. D. A. Ross, R. E. Gurney, and the Jlisse_s Gidlcy and Huston, of Exeter. Solos were .also web re- ceived from Miss Huston; also from li r Morrow, w n of Crediton. Several addres. s were given and the You are Suit sayers. We make the readings pro- gramme interspersed with choice Suite-yeu wear them out. We make readings by Miss Godwin, of Exeter. them as web as we can, so that, they The proceeds amounted to upwards of X1125, will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because. if they do, you'll +--- likely go somewhere else for our Elirnville hest Stitt, And no one cnul4 been -Mr. Victor Snell has been con- you. $o much mossy ought to bast fined to his room fo rover a week so utuch Suit worth. And Suit worth with 0 severe attack of sciatica. is fashionableness of fabric -style in -Mr. Aaron Cudmorc. of Crys- tal cut -St -finish -looks - dressyness - tal City, Manitoba, is visiting his sis- ter, Mrs, John Johns. It is over fif- teen Art good a place as there is within years since Mr•, seCd t ore went niiiee to get all this and not pay too nest and we are pleased to be able much is W. Johne to ray he has 'keen one of the for - WE'RE SUIT SELLERS tunate ones, and can now take life Elegant Black and Blue easy. -Several •fro,u this vici,tity took Suitings for $i .00 in the oyster aupper, at Centralia, on Monday evening, and it ie needless and to Fay they bad a good feed. anden- jo- n pleasant o f Ge W. JOHN'S -)i r. L. Andrew, of Gerrie. •;.rut few deys of the present week tisit- iit +relatives and friends. 'Merchant Tailor -Nov.' 4. bat the political atmos- phere i% cleared up and «-e have a change of government, we are hav- hug Mine weather again, and about - -- - t he only issue of the day is the bal- Exeter Municipal Council/ fol with the tali on while no doubt ,- • some of our good Liberals will feel had to think they have loaf their job for ni feast ei:;tk1 years. Bid dulhh -Mr. 1Va:thorn, of lee Ila u•lon, bO nosy rend a second and third' time ip smiled friends in niddulph, on Sun - Muir finally paseCd,-61,1rriCd. dcly last, Muir - Wood.-- That the tender4 -Mr, Joseph Simpson], of l'ort of the Times Office for printing be - Huron, has been visiting friends at ing the lowest be accepted.-Carrietl �ioorc�tiIle. Levels - Muir - That the .iudi- -�1i�s Dora ICclland, of Hibbert, tors' report as presented be aduptcel • is guest or miss Minnie Reving- a11d the auditors be paid, -Carried. ton, this tcoek. A communication front R. BlatoR- -\[r. Moses 1(nd;;.ins, Of Moores- ford, Esq., asking a donation of e5 Tills has bought the property of Mr. tow,ird paying elle eipen�es of a John Simpson, in Cklndoboye, and lawsuit re. sidewalk, .was read •tnel intends wooing from 9looraeville. filed on motion of J. Muir, seconded - A sleigh foal of young folks from by J. Armstrong. Mooresville gave Mr. Thompson, of Levett - Armstrong - That Jas. London, a surprise partylately.Desna' tender rot ringing hell, at - Miss \leggin and Burly Qunton 938 bc. .uoepted.-tarried. of (1'sborne. ham been visiting friends Wood -d Muir -c That Mr. hard• near ;Mooresville, this week. ing's tender for scales at 460 be ac• -The quarterly meeting at Lucan cepted.-(ferried. un Sunday last was well attended. Levctt-Wood-That J. T. N'nst•- -.Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Recin,ttnn cott bo appointed Truant Officer at spent eSunday last with friend,' in the old salary, vu., 410. -Carried. N' sou i Arm'-trong - Muir -- That V1.3. ouneil mot :it fettle Hall. Jan. 30th. woo, 411 prc.:ent, Jliau;es of previous meeting read and contlrnteei Wood -Armstrong. -That by-law No. 1. 1905, to appoint and fix sal - 1a r es of officers as road a first 0 i A Few of our Prices on Stoves and Ranges Oak Heaters, coal or wood = - $ 13,50 Baseburners with oven - ,< - • _ - 30.00 Base Burners double heater with oven 32.00 26.00 No 9 Ranges, with reservoir e• = 30.00 No 9 Ranges A Pew Second Hand Wood Cooks at Bargain Prices, HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store