HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-28, Page 8,
Call and get a suit, an
overcoat, or a pair of
trousers while the snap
i8 on.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
liminess Locals -- Read Them
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate melee,
3 and 4 yard wide English Linoleams
—the Lest stock we hare erer shown.
Hussies for Sale.
Just received a number of the cele-
brated Borland Buggies. The best in
the market.call and see them. -A. Pym.
Lace ('rertaitt<s—snaps at #1.00 $1.25
and $1.50. Stewart.
Woreetes Institute Notes -
The uvular meeting of the Woman's
Institute will be held on Friday, March
1st. at 3 u'rlock,in Senior's Hall.
Miss Halls, Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec'y
Full stork of Boom Rugs, wool, tapes-
try and relrrt. Great 1;iy 1-ulttes at
Dr. Ovens Coating.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. Exeter, on Friday, March 8th,
Hours, a;1 day. Glasses properly fitted
and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose
Stewart sells good groceries. Cheap
all the time.
Property For Salo.
We have at present a handsome
piece of property consisting of fine two
storey residence and two lots, with
good strt►•le; all in first-class condition;
conveniently situated; all modern int•
provement. Price is a snap. Call or
write The Advocate Office,
`'tic Wall Papers. All in at Stew-
ores. Extra Special Values 5c and 10c
Borders sarree price pr i' roll as papers.
Get your Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
(h.'s Hants,/ to le 4101 444 milli rlee'r; rte
S ee n a r 1'.r.
Mi's Maggie Robinson of 1VestsCor-
ners has nearly recovered from her
recent illness. -Mrs. John Dixon's
many friends will he pleased to learn
that she is getting along nicely. Her
aunt, Mrs. Weir, is attending her.---
Mts. 1). Gilbert and Miss (ieraldeen
Allison ate also recovering from their
illness. - \Ir•. and Mrs. John 1lorley
111011111 tie. loss of their infant son,
the seri event taking place on Friday.
Miss Blows of Simcoe is* pleasant via -
lair wit t, her brother, W. Blows, 12th
con. -Through the opening of the
Moray, Livery and West McGillivray
telephone line local subscribers are en-
alele,l to talk to Moray P.O., Jas. 54-
E:weu'-, ti!h con, McGillivray; Jno.
Itehrs I.i•'ory; Lieury P. O. and Geo.
Sambas. West McGillivray. at their
convenienr'e, without extra charge.
tic. Bottles
4111-11.1 ALA& ALA' silk
Miss \fay Snell entertained a few
friends Monday evening.
Mrs. hili Snell was quite ill during
the past week but is now recovering,
Mr. Geo. Crawley is moving his
household effects to Luca] this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart enter-
tained a number of friends Friday eve-
The London Military Camp is an-
nounced to take place from June 4th
to 15th.
Dr. A. R. Kinsman went to Toronto
Saturday to attend the Dental Con-
The St. Anthony Social Club's dance
on Friday evening wits an enjoyable
affair and well patronized.
Mr. Thos. Brooks has been i11 of
grippe during the week and Mr. Willis
Powell has been looking after the Ex-
press business.
Mr. Wallace Fisher of the Sovereign
Bank staff at London has been ill at
his home here during the past week,
but is now recovering.
Rev. Mr. McTavish of Granton, who
occupied theJames street pulpit Sun-
day, pleased the congregations very
much by the floe practical discourses
which he gave.
Dr. G. F. Roulston has been in Mil-
verton and Toronto during the past
week. He was at the former place
owing to Ibe illness of his father and
at Toronto attending the Dental Con-
A chimney afire at the home of Mr.
Samuel Baskerville, Gidley street. on
Saturday was the means of bringing
out the firemen and a large number of
citizens about 11:30 Saturday night.
No damage.
T. E. Handford shipped a car of
horses on Saturday, one on Monday
from Exeter, and one from Goderich
on Wednesday. P. Coleman accom-
panied the horses on Saturday and
Ed. Hooper on Monday.
Mr. Shirley Bobier was in London
Thursday undergoing a thorough ex-
amination in the superintendent's of-
fice on railway work -rules, regula-
tions, telegraphy, etc. He stood the
test and passed the examination suc-
Mr. C. B. Snell feels rather elated
this week over the fact that. the Exe-
ter Council actually praised instead of
centered him for the electric service
lately. Mr. Snell believes the differ-
ence is purely imaginary (?) on the
part of the council.
The Rev. D. Walter Collins will de-
liver a series of sermons in the Trivitt
Memorial church on Sunday evenings
during Lent, dealing with the persons
r-oncerned in the trial and crucifixion
of our Lord: 1st Judas, 2nd Cainphas,
3rd Herod, 4th Pilate, 5th Multitude.
At the Thursday evening services the
Itector is discoursing on the "Seven
sayings on the Cross."
During this and next week the mill-
inery openings are held in Toronto.
The milliners from Exeter who are
attending are: Mise Jennie Taylor, who
afterwards goes to Shakespeare; Miss
Merril Gould, who goes to Milverton;
Miss Tillie Yager, who goes to Dutton;
Miss Tilly «'hitsj Mise Eva Belkwill,
Miss Morlock and Miss Edith Sanders,
who return to Exeter; Mtaa Milly
Hyndman, Miss Ethel Bissett.
During the week a change (sae been
made in the Commercial Hotel by
which the bar hes been moved from
the smell room behind the public sit-
ting room to the frontloom, which
has been enlarged by the doing away
of a passage which led from the hall
to the bar. We understand the change
has been trade to comply with the lic-
ense regulations which require that
the bar be in a front room.
About a year ago Toronto Saturday
Night passed into new brands, the old
company selling out to a new one, of
which Mr. H. (lagnier is the head, and
Mr. E. E. Sheppard being succeeded in
the Editorship by Mr. Joseph T. Clark.
:1s stated by one of out exchanges, the
new management has made good, and
Saturday Night is in a class by itself
in Canada. Any of our readers can
get a free sample copy by sending a
lpostal card to the publishers, 20 Ade-
aide Street West, Toronto.
We are in receipt of a Raymond
(Alla.) paper in which an account is
given of a banquet at which our old
friends, Dr. !livers and Dr. Rollins,
took part, the former as chairman and
the hatter replying to the toast, "Can-
ada." Special mention was made of
the excellent manner in which their
duties were performed. By the way.
the paper was edited by Brigham 11.
Young-- but, likely not the original
"Brigham", of too -pinch -married fame.
By some means the report got cir-
culated around town that George. son
of Mr. David Gillis, was frozen to death
in North Dakota recently. We
heard the report over two weeks ago,
but did not credit it, and so did not
_-- - - _-_ -- _ mention it. it now proves that the
44+++++++++++++++++++++++4 report was without foundation Mr.
Gillis having received a reply telegram
Sll'4, on Friday which stated that he was
ngswell and had no experience of that
and Thr cutlet s drove to Lucan Thera•
clay and played a granie with the club
of that village with the following re-
Reduced in Price.
We have reduced a lar e
nonil,er of first-class 5uiting
and pantings in price and for
the next month will offer you
Suits reduced from $18 to $15
" •' $17 to $11
" " $16 to $13.tr►
" " $15 to $12.5oPanting " " $11 to $5
.. „ .. $5 (filet
• " $4.511to$:3.75
" " " $4.0n t o $:3.00
• o ---o
Thin Line we Wili Clear et
Once. Don't Minx the
Merchant Tailor - Exeter
Lucan Exeter
Ilodgins :o Anderson 14
('onrsey 16Huston 9Eveels i
Sprung 6 Anderson 10
Ilawkshaw 13 Husain 5
311 38
Exeter players will probably go to
ensalI Friday.
rid ay.
Mrs. J. E. iamb of New York, who
has been visiting several Ontario cities
and towns, spent the early part of the
week in Exeter. Mrs. lrantb was a
former resident of Exeter North, hay-
ing lived here with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Esdele. About thirty
years ago they moved to Detroit where
the family was broken up. Miss Eo -
dale. now Mrs. lamb, went from De-
troit to New York where she has since
resided, ar.d this is the first opportun-
ity Mrs. i ami has had of visiting the
scenes of her girlhood days since.
Inning her short stay she succeeded
in collecting a Targe number of inter• position in (1. ('. Pety'u hutrhet- shop.
rating and vett' prrtlt viewe of the -- Monday ,'t ening Dr. 3)a'aie'Iswill de -
town and surreielninge end other liver his he -tete. "Uncrowned Kings"
things of interest to take hark with in the 1t•'th"r1ist ('hnr•.•h. The poe
her. lice magistrate investil. -t 7.11 a charge
Mr. W. H. Levelt is having his resi-
dence fitted throughout with a steatu
heat ingapparatus. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
A number of the census of Mr. Wm. Wheat 70 71
lit•iularombe gathered at the home of 13at•ley. 45 46
Mr. Enos 1(uwclifTe Monday evening Oats 30 37
where they enjoyed an oyster feed in
75 76
honor of Mr. l(rin,aeuu11 e, to whout a Putatues,per bag W 60
handsome locket and an address wets
presented dui -in the evening. A most Hay, per ton 9 50 10 00
enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. Flour, per cwt., family 2 10
Brimacombe left Tuesday for London Ftoitr, low grade per cwt. 1 20 1 25
to visit his pat ents for a few days Buttner • 1 to
after which he goes to the West. 'gg
Stewart-Croocb. Livehogs, per cwt
A quiet wedding took place at the Shorts per ton
home of Mr. and Mrs 'Vr 1 n Branhickpeuer ton
8 61)
20 00
20 00
. n. Creech rose ]o ( 9 per lb
Monday, February 25th, at 8 o'clock in liens 7 If
the evening, when their daughter, Ducks 10 "
Miss Edna, was united in marriage to Geese 10 "
Mr. Alex. Stevens t. The young couple Turkeys 12 •'
were unattended. The ceremony was Dried Apples 7 61performed in the presence of only the
immediate relatives by Rev. A. II. --
Going, of the Jaynes street Methodist In the Clutches of `Grip'
church. They will reside in Exeter.
Directors' Meet•
A meeting of the Directors of the
Exeter Agricultural Society was held
at the Central Hotel, on Saturday af-
ternoon last for the purpose of selec-
ting committees and snaking other ar-
rangements for the annual monster
celebration on Victoria Day, May 24th.
It is the intention of those having the
matter in hand to make this cele-
bration exceed all others heretofore
held in the town. The following are
the committees appointed: Executive,
W. D. Sanders, It. G.Seldon, E. Chris-
tie; Soliciting, W. D. Sanders, W. J.
Carling, E. Christie, N. D. Hurdon;
Sports, N. D. Hurdon, Wm. Russell,
Alf. Walters. Peter McTaggart, J. 25 CENTS A BOX -a small sum to
White; Race. C. II. Sanders, E. Chris- pay for a guardian of your health.
tie, W. R. Elliott. P. Coates; Printing, Frlmitation is the sincerest form of
John Delhridge, P. McTaggart, James flattery. BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITA-
Ballantyne, John Moir. Jos. Davis TIONH, Be sure you get Howey's Cure -
was elected Treasurer and R.N.Creech, a -Cold Capsules.
Secretary. It was decided to hold a
joint meeting of the Directors and the
Sports Committees, Wed. March 13.
This remarkably changeable
weather has made the Grippe
specially dangerous. The dis-
ease has many in its clutches
and will claim many more.
Don't he one of them.
Howey's Cure -a- Cold
will shake off any case of La Grippe
and cure a cold, its forerunner in 24
hours. It is pleasant to take and
leaves no bins after effects.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark were in London
over Sunday.
Mr. Smith of Ingersoll is visiting
friends here.
Mr. N. Cruickshanks left Tuesday to
visit in Toronto.
Miss Norms Bobier left Wednesday
to visit in London.
Mr. Arthur NVood of London spent
Sundaywith his parents.
Mr. Vm. Moncur of Guelph spent
Sunday with his parents here.
Mr. A. Evans came up from London
Saturday to spend a few days.
Mrs. Wilson of Petrolea is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hor-
Mr. Wm. Pugsley returned from
two months' visit in Detroit on Tues-
Mr. Fred Ross of Windsor visited
Mr. H. Jones, London Road, over Sun-
Reeve Holier and Mr. Davis Gardin-
er were in Clinton and Goderich Inst
Miss Mabel Piper returned to Lon-
don last Thursday after two weeks'
visit here.
Mr. A. W. Ellis of London was a
Tpleasant caller at the Advocate office
John Downey of Winnipeg is visit-
ing hie father, Mr. Richard Downey,
Exeter North.
Mrs. Hardie, after a few days' visit
with Mrs. 11. Spackman, returned to
her home in London.
Reeve Wittier went to Bervie 'Tues-
day to look after his interests in the
creamery in that place.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Horne of Strat-
ford visited the latter's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Fernier, over Sunday.
Mr. Jos. Case of Toronto was here
over Sunday owing to the illness of
his mother, who is now better.
Mr. Frank Weekes has secured a good
situation as photographer yin Cobalt
and left for that place on ednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Dignan arrived
here Saturday evening to spend Sun-
day before returning to Lucan whete
they will reside.
Mr. Wrn. Melville has severed his
connection with 'I'. Hawkins & Son
and Mr, Gordon Manns of Hensall has
taken the position as tinsmith.
Mr. Frank 1)efbridge has severed his
connection with the Sovereign Bank
to take a position as manager with
the Farmers' Bank. north of Toronto.
Mrs. Thos. Bowerman and Miss May
Armstrong, who have been visiting at
the home of the letter's father, Mr. 1.
Armstrong. for two months. heft Mon-
day on their return trip to Willow City,
N. I).
John R. McDonald, aged 00, two
miles west of Ailsa ('raig,hanged him-
self in his baro Sunday night.
W. S. �OWEY, PlliJ.
against Ira Bice, hotelkeeper here, un-
der the Lirjuor License Act.. A dozen
or more witnesses were examined, the
hearing of the evidence taking up the
whole nay. The case was adjourned
for a week. The charge was of selling
liquor to a drunken man,and a further
charge of allowing liquor to be con-
sumed on the premises inay be proceed-
ed with after this case is disposed of.
Mrs. Vina Young wishes to express
to the members of Union TentNo. 48,
K.O.T.M., her gratitude for the kind-
ness shown during her recent bereave-
ment and also for the promptness with
which they settled her claim, the
cheque having returned within a few
days after proofs of death were filed in
Port Huron. -The Women's Institute
will hold their next meeting at the
home of Mre. H. Wickert, Jr., Thurs-
day, March 7th;subject, "House Clean-
ing." -Miss Millie koster,who was vis-
iting friends in Clinton, was called
home last week, owing to the illness
of her mother, but under the treat-
ment of Drs. Caw & Wilson is, we are
pleased to state, recovering. -James
(Vallis has decided to go West next
week. Ile will offer his stock, house-
hold effects and house to rent by pub-
lic auction in March. -WV. J. Wilson
& Co. are selling best quality table
syrup, smoked herring, whole codfish
and No. 1 Labrador herring, canned
corn, peas and tomatoes.
Wind and the use of impure soaps
cause dryness of the outer coat of
the skin. Chapping, redness and
roughness follow. Anything that
will restore the softness of the skin
and neutralize the effects of the
soap will always prevent the chap-
ties the properties. You can have
a chapless season if you use it. it
isn't possible
to became dry or chapped if this is
applied always after the hands and
face are bathed. 11, is a delightful
compound that oinks into every
pore of the skin, softening and
healing it like magic. If you are
not familiar with it, we urge you
to give it a trial. A bottle costs
but 25 cents and lasts a long time.
22 children were burned to death in wa school fire at Montreal on Tuesday,
caused by a furnace explosion.
WRECK AT GUELPH Chemist and Optician.
Three people were killed and thirty Phone 50.
hurt in a (i. T. R. wreck set Guelph on
Tuesday, caused by a broken rail.
. S. Howey, Phm. B.
C. Smith of St. Joseph spent Sunday
to town. --Miss McBride who spent the
past month with Mrs. Fred Mmalla-
comhe, here, has returned borne. -Jos.
Ellie and wife spent Saturday in Lon-
don. --Mr. Gilders, who has been visit-
ing In town for 501111- weeks, left for
Toronto Haturday.--J. W. Peffer of
the Sovereign Bank bar been trans-
ferred to Milverton branch. ---Mrs. D.
Ross is serionaly i11. Her sister, Mrs.
Habkirk of (loderich. is staying with
her. Her ninny friends wish her a
speedy recovery. --1 here is a great
deitl of sickness in town at {present.
The doctors are kept busy day and
night. - Wes Moore's hand is doing
nicely under the rare of the doctor. -
(l. McEwen has perch/teed a fine span
of horses. -Neil U;pshaw of ('hesley is
visiting in town. -Mrs. John Paterson
moved to Kippen Saturday. --On Fri-
day the Loeknow cutlets came here
and hod a friendly game. The visitors
proved victorious sr,d won by eleven
shots.-- Mr. Drew of ()oderich has tak-
en a position in N. P. Warener's bek•
ery.- ('. Petty of London has taken a
IP A Fr•w Directions for Baking 411
Harveys' Star Flour
1. Be sure that the floor is
warn] before mixing. If thor-
oughly warmed twenty --four
hours before mixing it will make
better bread.
2. .Set the sponge very thin
with good yeast or if yeast cakes
are used be sure they are fresh.
3. When ready to knead add
as little flour as possible only a
sentient quantity to prevent
stieking to the I,oanl when thor-
oughly kneaded.
4. Let it rise in a lean then
knead in small loaves and let it
rise again. Bake in a moderate-
ly heated oven and do not let it
stand in oven after it is done.
5. We recommend a short sys-
tem during the cold weather as
it is dilticnit to proters the
sponge from changes of temper-
ature and drafts.
The choirest Ontario and Ma n•
itoha Wheat. in equal proper -
lion, is need in the manefertur,'
of Star Flour.
Wo keep a full stock of
Building Hardware, Paints, Glass
Oil, Nails, Etc.
Repairs for the Frost & Wood, and
Cockshutt Plows.
In the Furniture Lice
Before we know it, it will be time to say farewell to old winter and wel-
come the incoming spring. Modern retailing knows no better time to
close out stocks than these between season days. We have cut our pro-
fits very low for a few weeks and this ie your opportuuity to buy furni-
ture at
Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites. Sideboards, Couches, Etc.. are all placed
at a small margin of profit. Remember it costs you nothing to see our
goods. Get our prices and we can save you money.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
Fashion decrees laces and embroideries to be correct for
this season. In fact such a height of popularity have trim-
mings of this style reached that no costume ordreas is corn-
plete without the addition of handsome dainty laces.
Valenciennes and Torchon effects, insertions and edgings
to match, so necessary with fine wuslins, lawns and organ-
dies that are so much in vogue.
Oriental laces in ivory, also white, all -overs, insertion and
edgings to match, very suitable with light dress goods and
Wash Silk Torchon, one of the prettiest, most service-
able creations in laces. Ivory shade in all-over, insertion
and edging, black in lace and insertion to thatch.
Embroideries, Swiss muslin or cambric edgings. insertion
alloverand wide insertion specially for blouse fronts. A
beautiful range of 18 -inch embroidery for corset covers.
Elbow Length Silk Gloves
Not light weight as In most silk gloves but made in extra
heavy weave of pure silk, n glove that will stand wear,
colors in black and grey. Short and three-quarters sleeves
being the rage long gloves are necessary. Buy while they
are to be had.
New Collars And Belts
We have gained for ourselves the reputation of carrying
the best assorted 710(1 most tip -to -date range of these goods
shown in town. Our latest arrivals are new designs in
chiffon and silk collars, dainty colors and black; also a full
stock of turnovers and wash collars.
if you require a new belt we can suit in kid, leather or
silk, black and colors.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
fL81IElEiTE �I�BT60WdS
Women's albite Flannelette (towns, made of fine
Saxony Flannel, trimmed with Torchon lace and in-
sertion; others with Flannellette Embroidery and
fancy stitching. Sizes 54 to alt) inches.
$1.00 Gowns Reduced to 78
u 44 4f 69
44 44 44 48
These are Lig velure and will go out quickly, Come
early and get good choice.