HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-28, Page 7• TIME -SAVING MACHINERY hwtr.nl' pneumatic drill docs ii in eight
The bill for manual lab r for making
100 pairs of Loots used to be et10. 1.'y
the aid of machinery the price of the
\\IIe►1.1:�\1.1' It,tit11131V OF 1 LON-
labor is now reduced to $:33, and the
tools are mado in one-tenth of the time In►♦ vu\1-1 1 \l i.1.
f.rmerly neccsary-
• v' ship: are pa:nh'd new -a -days. and
g , the aid of thee mmpreee.•d-air 41•'-
v . r.n•• can easily do the work of a
n n armed w ith brushee.
i , • n Urirklay'ng is no longer a /lan-
e ; it. A roan hc: patented o brick-
pr.v.:c nlschme • %%hie•!: only weighs li0
-.end-. and does the work of seven
men al much :4n- than iter[ the cosi.
T1'c Mieka are fed by band, a lever
prase: them into place. aide rollers
.1 pec. p , f.ece .on the work. and other rue
• I k•r e p r,.ss the 'wok (loon on the mor.
let , ee r•ieh latter is ren out he a hoe
er. (bee man can hay- some 3.AQ brick
tl cps' with one 01 these machine's.
.\L10\L\Tir.. c:\SiIttf,
r,.•. many rn; n s w a i l you coon! : n
r,, • en? If )...t wurktd slead:iy at the
r... •e►e a► second. :.niy 7.210. An
arida ere n small machine -1
fII%I. \\I: COW 1'1\\II.Y 10 \ TEV
atl\t II 0\\:'
What New Labor -.,viu!i laver)liun.are
1►oniu for 1he Irdu,lr) 01
Ike Wald.
It society were properly constituted,
wars and standing armies ulxiliahed,
and everyone did his share, eleven min•
41e. work ped• day for each person
%soul(' be enough to supply the world
welt alt ileceseitiei.
S41 Says the le -emelt socialist leader,
Ai. Jule; Guesle, nml he bases his as-
bertiutl on the fact that modern ma-
chinery has trached .such a pitch of per-
fection that seven men can now grow
enough corn, grind it to flour, and bake
it into bread to teed 1,000 people all
the year round.
M. Gue:tele pray be guilty of some
slight exaggeration, but the fact of the
matter is that very few of us have the
!cast idea what machinery is doing for
industry. Already handwork hardly
counts, and new• labor-saving inventions
cense along every day of the year. In
the factory, the euunting-louse, the
farm, the road, or the home, the story
is tale same.
'fake this matter of harvesting which
M Gucsd,' refers I. In the heat -
growing \Vest They now use a machine
Vial has a cutting bar 35 feet wide,
end is drawn by a 5t1 -'+•n. "tractor."
L'ohind the culler, and part of the santo
(machine, is a thresher, and other auto-
matic machinery, which separates tho
grain Irons the chaff and sacks it. It
else drops the straw fu bundles at le -
getter intervals.
This machine will cut 70 to 100 acres
a day, thresh and clean 1,000 to 1,500
sacks of grain in the sante tinge, and
de the whole thing at a cost of about
35 cents the acre!
Yet the old cry That machinery brings
down wages i, absurd. Thirty years
Ago a roller in a steel works vas paid
l; cents per ton toe rolling steel rails.
To -day by the aid of improved machin-
ery, one roan does the work of a s,;orc.
lie is paid only a cent a ton. yet his
wages are 40 per cent, triter than they
were in the old days.
In large baker the bread is now
made by machinery. Forty years ago
it took filly -four hours of one man's
work to prepare, roll, and cut 1,000
pounds of dough. To -day, by the aid
of machinery, the same work is done in
fifty-four minutes.
The cotton trade has seen many start-
ing evolutions within the past twenty
years. Spinning machinery penis al -
mod beyond improvement. But oat
part of the process which leads to sheets
fat s
►d shirts 1 •to
has up the present been
necessarily done by hand work at
emit -moils cent. That u rho picking,
Potty years ago the Waking of 10,-
ertL envelopes took 217 hours of a man's
tune. Now -a -(lays 1111 tine is reduced
by machinery to sixteen hours.
Fishing fiats are now beim; made by
machinery. Three or four rapid move -
menta of !evens, and a whole row of
stitches are cast on. A kw years ago a
woman would have .pent half an lour
in doing the saute work. The machine,
Memel' driven only by manual power,
Ik.'s line work ed. roughly, sixty women
w ills needle and mesh. •
- As marvellous perhaps ns ony other
caving is That effected iu the printing.
Lindner, and allied Trades. Less than
forty years ago it tock two Wren more
hum a week to turn out a couple • 1
thousand r,.leies of un ordinary maga-
zine. '1.oi.i'. ;ea. -eatery enables the
sant.- '•.'"t L':. <titthing, anti eov-
ering, t,, ta d. •:•• u, forty-eight hours.
Not ..ri', v. • '1 h;,,aes be warmed and
1 ghkd I.:• ,. ;:. ey, but cooking. dust -
ung. ;•t: 1 t.u!., tern to the \enshfng of
wind e--. eel he ne.con►plished by elee-
h!cal Lee -roes Worker] by an agent sit-
ting in a :'lair and pressing Lu;:ons. -•
l'eur .ones Weekly.
The Proportion. Neerseary tor Different
\ ties.
\\•hen a child allows a disinclination
to take any food it is reasonable to try to
induoe hits to eat, but foolish to try to
fore° him. So many people try to compel
a child to cat more than he needs that
thi following table is worth bearing in
mind >!
X t15ild aged 11 to 14 should consume
00 per cent. as lintcl► food as a man.
Between the ages of 7 and 10 he should
eat 7a per cent. as much as action•
\\hen from 4 to 6 years of age, 40 per
cent. of a man's portion should be his
allowance. ,
Between the ag.-.s of 1 and 3. 15 per
cent. of a roan's portion of food should
After the age of 15 a chile) should .at
nitwit as a normal roan, and a lad of
that age should cat more than a woman,
who, as a rule. only eats 90 per cent. as
much us a man.
day ho at:rarubled and rolled down /he mtts hull.'. Mitcham, appeared to answer
Under Present British tan No One
Prin. es In be ~oiler. Bus !'lunges lute
bile 1ha:nee \\a.),, 01 ;t
Labor M.1'.
The rubbery of ,•., i -01.000 !rani the
London (:mals Celle ,i tramway, depot
ie Paul Sheet, Fie -ion' I,•1, levy( fel-
lowed by the arrest • de of the
missing night wadclimen, and the re-
covery of 3:700 hidden carefully away
under it load of ....al. The 111(4114)-t1:u
takings of the north metropolitan !rout
c,,nductotc for Sunday silo Sahuday-
I WAS deposited on Sunday night in the
depot "strong raonm"--nn erection of
brier eighteen inches thick. with a stout
dowr,idew•i11r ''n ks. Next
moorrningell 11 oprasvfoundtl !drat a hole, had
been knocked in the "strong neon" wall,
and nine hags, containing '11,041,
The police wem informed and suepcc-
led Ih4 night watchman, Hammond. The
than was not to he found, and the wife
denied all knowledge of anything having
been brought by 111111. Alts Ilainnond
appeared agitated. and the keen -eyed in -
hunk step of Itt' leis was "bunging'. on
t•) the cit, iikenent restive in (heir case
was easy. They simply walked down the
slops. Meanw hilt the driver floundered
about u► the water till borne melt nr u
boat hard by pulled biro out. 'There was
only line inside paws' user and he es-
caped uninjured.
At Messr.,. rlendenning:s auction
remits revently in an inlere.sling seen
rale, .some l•ernarkably high prices Were
received for single rare veins. A Wil-
liam and ltfary pattern halfpenny in
copper, undahat, which cline from the
ilurikuh collection, was sold for
A Charles I1. pattern lar•lh.ng in silver.
1660, bearing the inscription, '''truth and
1'eace," rtnlived C3 12.s. 6.1. A George
111. Sirillin;, 17;1x, generally enewn us
Dorian and \lagers .shilling..1:1 5s. An
E4lw;u.' \"l. halfpenny of Loudon. let
15:. .en Anne pattern farituug, 171:1,
struck in silver, £3 bus.
A tragedy has taken place on one of
the i. -Mints lift the Scottish coast. For
days tire signals had been seven on Pale
bay Island from the !tile of Harris, but
owing to the .lute of Ili. weather 114o
communication could be effected. 11 has
now been discovered that a smuil open gat:": ;INC(' al Crush) !louse in the
host. containing a ghillie, named Mc- f,1111,‘• f :4 hak r and smuggled tris lady-
Dunald, and his son, who had been mu, `' e
Sat rd J lead Mayor'. (:!tilrt 1'tont
l)ruvvniIIq - ♦ (:harming Mary
01 11 uittinglon.
1f ever the full iastete of the Inn!
Meyora Iv of 1 oit(lun 1- ,vri''len, it will
he fowl) to contain many an incident
of rentar•ce such as one would scarcely
exec' to find in it.
Whnt. for ins once, could be more
romantic than the story which tells
1 uw Sin John Spencer was webbed of
his dem beer and heir.'ss, and became
the tui e tor of a lite of marquesses?
"Wee Spe'rer. • as Sir John was popu-
ler•Iy known, kept his mayoralty al
(:reoby t' a •e, It'shnpsgale; and the
young Lord Compton fall a victim to the
charm, o.' his pretty daughter. Sir
Jnh'. h Wever, suspected the Iordling
et' beteg more itl'racled le- Itis none),
log, than by hes child. and frowned
on a e. But love laughs at par-
ent f • e •s 115 at lock-rn.ths; and ants
it 1: • t:.•d 11 line duv the )Dune•
spe'ede'r found en the thaw a piece of rugs ing since Christmas, had leen washed 1 !ie lily IbUs romantically tantically abducted
vhiclt bore the figure;. £100-46." It was ashore. (loth were found to bet dead Proved a tho n In !a' Ilea!' to her hus-
bsnd in later hlle, for we find her in-
s.sling on' an allowance of .02.200 a
year for pocket•money, our £10,000 to
spend in j, well, or coaches.. and horses,
and (emote at.endnnts, a.n.i generally
ntak.ng (such
mea have made her iutd wish that
!1e h :ri ward a more modest, it kss wen-
t441, bride,
t q a !y dramatic was the way in
which Lord Mayor Osborne won wife
aril fortune. When an apprentice he
chanced 141 see a little girl fall from ane
of the w n lows overlooking the Thames
a'- whirl she hail been carelessly lett
by a nut -se. Quick as thought the lad
plunged into the river to her rescue
and brought her safety to shore, to find
teat he had thus saved from dealt) the
daughter of Sir William Rivet, the
Lord Mayor. When the child grew op
lo lovely' womanhood many y7, rich and
titled su t'r sought her hand; but to all
of them the -saki• •." ^ Ilex hand wars
reserved for the young apprentice who
had so gallantly risked his life to save
hers,. arid Osborne not only made her
his wife. Ind in due time became Lon'
\tuyor !himself; while Iroin lhts union
alruck a projection • ixty feet down, andsp.:rang the peasant ducal house of
there he lay stunned for hours. Next ea hen Walter :Metter Gurney, of Caimh- Lords.
t croy(ton , Thal is a charming storey. too. which
the lab off cue of the missing lags.
\\l:h tier clue the detectives began to
search ti:.e place s; :slenlalically. In a
coal receptacle in the back: they found,
from exhaustion.
al last, seven !.• ;c, re money. roe, red up Prince Edward and Prince Albert will
h} about :owl, -'1, which, as it sub- ge 10 the Royal Naval (allege, Osborne,
sequently herr .i. the woman had :1:; naval cadets at Easler. This shows
that morning . 1.,l in. Then the wife the value which bath his Majtsty and
broke (hewn and admitted that her bus- hie Royal Highness set on the training
bait i had br ought in the money, and
later bud gone away with two of the
bag:. The police are searching for tho
To be thrown over a cliff a. flunked
feet high, have tour ribs seta lied. and
sustain other terrible injuries. and yeti
Ira able to crawl home !we miles, and Ihr eroniising 111114: fellow' AIs) will one
live for forty hours afterevnr.ts, are the day rule as Nina Edward the Eighth.
details of a terrible story from Ireland Ct course, Prince Edward will ultimately
a.: related by William McElroy, a gar- :titer the army, 01111 the Osborne trnin-
d(ner in the service of the Marquess of Ing will therefore be rather more impor-
( at effeartt. Ile made aa deposition '•• tint for Prince Albert. who is expected
Ilial effect just before death (teed hn" to adopt the navy as a profession in the
from his suffenngs. In a lonely mown same w (told' hearted manner as the
heinous district, near t arrit'k De.te•, t'rinee of wales.
County Meath, warn -an hie way home,
afferdod by the sea -service. "There is
n: better place in the world," said Wil-
liam IV., the Sailor King. "than the
quarter-deck of a British man4i -war for
turning a boy into an English gentle-
man." King Edward and the Prince of
Wales havo often quoted, and heartily
endorsed, this dictum. They icnow its
truth day experience, and now (hey mean
t) pnl.it to further proof in the ease of
-he was attacked hy. two mete who Threw ee
him over a high cliff. In the fall, he ALLEGED PAINTED BRUISES.
Need fart With atony,
"How 'To Avoid 1'ayntcnt of Debt.' a
book just published in 1• telen t. ie. a
c n-
u ," utter show til t t,
t l attempt
present County 1:uttrt
adequacy of the pt ! y
ssStein from the creditor's point uI view.
Lllll it costs, it is eslimat.d. ill>D,OW; The author, "A Solicitor:' shows how
pill kart) to pick Ihee Aulertean cotton easy- It is al present for n man to live on
amp atone. N(w comes au u►venlian Ibn fat of the lund and pay nobody, tine
of ide. Gcort;e :\. I,ovvey, oI 1Joston, leas, indeed. the creditor is sufficiently
r;'nich is design(.' not only to pick the eimdiclive to pay lit least .C50 for the le`
coven• of a debt .d £20.
halls by machinery, but al the saute
ter..; to cleanse !hent from burble., 311.1
eta 1. 11 effects n clear saving of 75
torr cent. in latw,r and in edit.
Ale. Lowr}•'s invention is a petrol en-
gine.'. So is the new motor street -clean-
ing machine which was put on Ihe mar-
ket u few months hack. It has four
s pa1:aIo eats of rund•cleariing rash(•
noels, raises no dust, gods along et
rrven or eight mikes an hour, and with-
out any fuss et all docs the work of a
Catlutlon of :iW able-bedicd men.
\lest hotels --large ones at lease -have
a'retaly dispensed with the anniec .•f
tn►tlery maids onco a necessity. The
,' sIxs ate washed le machinery in it
doler the time at one-eighth Ihe cost,
!.1 without anything like the hurnan
of breakage'.
Just the same port of thing is hap -
petting in launderics. A machine us rt
Heck whirl' will wash and linih col -
fere er cuffs al the rate of fifteen a min-
. Or it will wash 200 shirt. an (tour,
,non and gross en' a minute.
re, ;met niellroets of washing by hand
:icon be as 0t4-c'lete 1s the dodo.
I , retry where you eye the tromp!' et
r,achuxe1ry• Euler a !oboe, o factory.
, o long ago nearly a:l the processes
el rendieer.tig the raw kart int. smoking
t.taceo wire done by hand. Now it
r• all machine work. One machine.
w0,:C11 :Kern:, 1., puvss all the setter•
ei end a hundred Iinnee the quickness
human hands. makes 310.11(10 perfect
_rlretfe,, in a !cn-heer slay, coreaum-
ir.g; Gott pounds weight of tobacco in Its
the 1'ntsh g neeening nbenlete for
renting. Paint mixed in n steel tank
'pray..1 under procure upon the sur•
tee. to bre colored. '110At is low 1';g
▪ '
aiumnr„nl lied steel, can de lite work
r: lane 11!•1, by counting! 31,61► ceih'
e., p..,'ar, arid inky the leirg'ain place
t. n„ IN FoNlies in togs. And it never
in less a en!areke. \\ hat le morn. Ibis
itt•...►et.itie la .,civ a begim►eng. It is pro -
' 14 4 ttdtl 'het in Mars even banking
o ;-e , or •i, d on largely by machinery.
-sew y0 1 'urn you find( machin-
e _• the we rk of dun•lrr-•d• of peen
*• •
.•i ,.r 'inn'. For instants. !-'
• ' !it'-:, 1,11.1. e,rh It f,vt .pM.
1„ r_. , taken 1V hours of hand surfs;
setatter rust anti with a start -
'the c•.,nctu•ion reached ea that "a
,irhlor cannot be rnade to pay if h(!
-.owes to retusc." The difiicully of
proving "meow,' in the case of a judg-
ment summons ib.ont' of the chief loop-
holes for Ute disticnesl debtor.
herr \(nerve, A Dresden s-hoolrnaster,
cn 1 (ting 1141110 lately. went up to a
pe.licentiate an.1 !smelting his hat. begged
is a cnurtous toile to be directed to
his dtatination. The policeman stared
a: bio. and told hint that If he desired
u reply he most sl*:ik more respcet•
filly -h1- interrogator must in fact lake
(ff his hat. Thi• was too much 'or
Herr Muerhe. who a'krd the pnticernen
rot to be inso'enl. Legal pmceedings
followed. and Ills . nurt has decided
Inn!, while ilerr eluerhe teas not ob.
ligtd 1.1 !eke off his hat when address-
ing a policeman. he inns' pay a fine .,f
feu marks for (:sing the word ''f:solea!,"
111E ('.:USE 01' -LEFT'.
Fir ee',iliam 0 wet•• has recently .1.'-
veir.pe 1 n new theory r f ,,imp, Ac.
('•rd.: g l', hi, esplanaln.n the suspen-
11011 r•f censentietie.s !r steep ie pro.
!ably due Io n "break and make' ac-
teon atn•ntg the brain "ells. the arfi•
♦ i1) of PIP brain u, cnttsidered to 1,e due
1.1 terve cells, from which spr:ng nerve
cords that go in dividing; and .utr.b•
):ding. until they terminate in little
knob,,. Formerly it wail i,•tiev j that
tire nerve cells of the brain were in peer-'
reanent Cnnr.e.fo t Gy 111‘41 115 01 their
1. (Wants; hut now 11 app.'rrs Ittat these.
are only in nppoeilien. aa.d captb a of
teeng separated. Tlse t,yp><Ilhesis Is that plaust').
'during sleep such .separation tak.ke _
place, and the fact Il:at narcotic stile
61AAres are capable of inducing sloop
u heel to supp••rt this view.
rest of the cliff. a further distance of an adjourned :summons n is told of Whittington. when he enter-
f.'rly feet, after which he crawled on his rttarging hitt, with persistent cruelty to laine;l tris Sovereign Henry V. and
• hands and knees for a distance of two his wife, it was staled that he hall been (►green chin
in the (sty. The King
in r
miles to his home, suffering throughout summoned for c,_eaunit in May. and was 6
the journey most 'errible agony.
\'alentia Ilarbor, Ireland, was the
scene of a sad calamity about a fortnight
ago. About eight o'clock in the evening
Iwo boat:; returning from the fishing
grounds heavily laden will) fish were lost
near the lighthouse, and their crews,
then bound over. lit September it was k vt Y
m e
0 bus hest, the
alleged that tic again r,.'.saull;vl his wife; ti'-'"1Mayor, who took this opportunity
ofre ri
p Pt► n
)1 .• old of
� and tlh r 1
. '. ve • I ul 1
true cd her severely. Y 1
lb house. The complainant denied the
sngge'slion That the bruises ante com-
plained of were painter). The defendant
said his wife often called him oppro-
brious names, and would do anything
when in a temper. She had painted on
her body facsimiles of pictures; from a
numbering eight men in all, were medical I.)ok. and alleged that they
drowned. The night was pitch dark. were sores and hnnises. The chairman
and there was a heavy swell, accom- said the tern' was unanimous that the
partied by a cross-tiefe and a light win.!. char!;•' of persistent cruelty had not been
The leading; boat was coining in under mode out, and dismissed thea unimons.�
sail. and theeolher wits being lowed into
harbor. when the sail of the forme)' craft
Way seen to disappear by the crew of SKIPPER Dip F01I 1115 SON.
another boat. 'llreir shouts were heard
by other returning boats, which, how- A touching; story was told at the in -
ever. were unable to render ncsislance. (very at Lowestoft 'relative 10 the strewn-
" they tli('tnseteee were loaded to lee dog of ••n• of Ih,. crew of the Lowestoft
sail.nee Trawler Ivanhoe. wtllrh was run
down by ih. London steamer '1'nu(irkl.
When the collusion tscurr•o.l Skipper
Winkles. of the Ivanhoe. told his son,
a lad of fifteen. to kick oft his boots.
This len slid, and then \Vllgoss seized
and iifIel him on to the steamer.
A minute later the Ivanhoe sank. and
the boy ran 1111 and down thesteamer's
deck calling for ilia father. Ila was taken
to London on the steamer, and it was
r..4 until he return...I to Lowestoft that
he learned that his lather had lost his
Speaking at the prize dirtribtitien of
1)4' Universal rookery and I',,d Exhrl,t-
lion the• Loctit \IAycr . f L..r don sari I h4
would like 1., any that he did not tike his
food disguused. Ile culled it disg,uisisi
when it had • sauce thrown all Over il.
-1.aughtet). Ile liked his food nicely
conked and he likcth.:iuce, hilt Ire liked
t:' taste the food first. and Then put the
rause on if necessary. laughter). 11e
nes delighted to see so mare chii.Jrcn
receive prizes• and wn.. heartily out
when one tittle nee prize winner told
hint he IIked (erecta. pudding;. I1 w•es
one of the things he himself had a great
affection for. Ile thotight all children
,.ttomld be taught (wiaking. especially the
girls. There were many working mem
who world he much better off if !heir
wives hart been taught cookery jnetea4l of
ratio -playing. When ,. man who had a
pie•Ily 'citing wife with it good know-
ledge )f .(skip!( went home. and found
n .,rear dinner wailing for him. it was
mti hiller for him that a elk w•tr)
v'.. tee he acmeel al the piano playing a
trutreh prem Wagner. Laughter and. ap-
it is rr-,baht} net generally known
that Ionia i, rrmarkat►le for Ht: prxki's•
Aim1 lit tt11►11'.6 mewl elect!+•r.t 1)•14(141. 'Ante
ed them 1,1 great tengthe eke !hit which
runs festal lentsbay In Ilt'tlt., it .iulance
(1 11*0) rade'.. It Is ,bw tilled a, ••n 10"1-•
feet lagtinay." Aunther fin.' nen-I. 1.-
500 unites in !ength, r\'.nds prom fele
cella In I'.'sbaseur. mat the fresher • 1
Afgeenistan. 'Newt roads are kept In
Kriel repair. and were hentt er gina'Iv
i for mi'i•$fy pnrpx,s.s before. the• .1d►4•1t
III railroads. \tan). nt II:e native prier.
cc, g:;' e pxtti.cular filet 'o (heir road..
(at .bonne the nature of the country
plays a part in 111: erste(► •.• ea see,