HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-28, Page 6----- -- - -- GAMBU'Jll'i' INDEX. 'MO Popple W110
Tu l'RFD 111' I'\nua>3TIUN IIONPJ tr INDIAN%
lir. s%ishan,•'
lit"•1s'rs Dad tailed.
fink Pills Lured slier 1 eosin.- „f Ute Curious Ways oI the fled V;entla Pietro Keep Close Tal, on Noteri By Practioal Exam !once
Sten of We North-West. outs (:au,bl•v. 1 Nava UnaninlouLly PronouneoJ
\I• I. J.t.. a363v
0.,e •..e the elrt:111i1t e11 Iliillla•
gfc. . 1 le,•)• ., nl., is one of the Lest
kn •...t au:1 11104 esliuluble lades :n
Ih0 ,
;IS, slid her statement that Dr.
.\Vidians' fink Pills cutest her of a very
severe attack of indigestion will bring
hope t., similar sufferers. Mrs. Joi,in
says: "About a p.m' ago 1 WWI Sciztvl
with Indigestion which had an alarm-
ing effect upon my health. Day by
(lay my <treogih grew less, 1 sufferer(
(runt dei rib!.: headaches, diazines,, pal-
pitation of the heart and sleeplessness
1 wAt in Illi: condition for about Six
to00111115. I Consulted hvu doctors and
'although 1 followed their treatment
carefully it ,lid nut help ale in the least.
Lust (1 toher, seeing That instead of re-
gaining yry Itssnit I was growing 9%orFe,
1 decide:I t) try Dr. Williams' fink
Pills. After I had taken Iho second
Lox Ikea' was a change fur the better.
and after taking Ihe pills for a month
lk.nger the trouble entirely disappeared,
'end 1 um again enjoying the nest ( f
leallh. I have So much confidence in
1)r. Williams' fink fills that 1 always
lake Mem occasionally as st safeguard."
Just as surely as Dr. Williams' prink
Pills cured \h's, Jobin's iidigeetion They
inn c'u'e all other ailments which conte
from 11ad1 blo(xl. 1)r. \Vflliarns' fink
Pills actually snake new, red blood.
That is the one thing they do -hut they
41•1 it well. hl n1l0l.ing this nc•w 11014
1)lu:I Ihb medicine strikes straight st
the runt of such ee nnvm aflinerils as
timteiniii, headache, 111111 hnekaehes, gen-
rel weakness, nervous debility. neu-
ralgia, rheumatism and the Ierturing
Weukenuig ailments that afflict women
and growing girls. 1'ou can get these
hills from any medicine dealer or by'
mail al 5') cents a hex :or six boxes for
$2.54) from The Dr. \\'illlains' Medicine
Co., Brockville. Ont.
The Inas of this story is it very light
sleeper, one Who is easily Wakened and
%vim is a long time getting to sleep. In
a hotel he had at last got sound asleep
when n loud rap, repealed, awoke hila.
"What's %vental"' t ackage downstairs
for you.„ "-ell, t1 can watt till morn-
ing, 1 suppose'," The boy departed, and
after a long lime the man ores .sound
asleep Lignite when there Came another
resounding knock ell the door. "\\'ell,
what is it now?" he inquired. " Tain't
ler you, that packager'
11 is easier In prevent than it is 'o
cure. Inflammation of the lungs is lite
compenion of neglected colds, and isitee
it limb; a lodgment in the system it i+
411111•ult to deal with,. Treatment will)
ihck!e's Auli-Censuupt'Ve Syrup will
eradicate the cold and prevent inflam-
mation from selling in. It costs little,
told is ns satisfactory as it it is surpris-
ing in iIs results.
y,l Sine "1 understand that in
sen !";ter- . .,(len sees palms about
1114 - . What kind of palm
P. r i ' ;..anent':" Mr. Dine yell:
"I'1 . ,e .i. 4 . .
\\'e AP 11,1 %. Missions. in the \Vorld-
There is a work 10 do for every man
e11 earth, there is a function t0 perform
for everything on earth. animate and
humanists. Everything bas a mission,
end 11 a is - ion of Dr. 'l'honuts' l:clec-
trio (1, - heal burns and wounds
1,1 • , • . ription and cure coughs,
cote-. ' and all affections of the
re.p t,, tet
in 1840 its, re were. only 2.460 news -
vipers published i11 I:Itr)pe. Tr -11:1)
Ilaerr are ••t• ,,'l�wa .
Puts You on Your Iteet and keeps,:.0 thorn
That • whet "1 er,-,wim" .Ines 4..r all thole re
Fuming from .,a -ting diwasos. 1t is the host
Muir in esiet.u.'e. It stimulates, nourishes and
builds up the s►'.tera
the first .\nierican oil Well was found
re, id''nlallly by MPH sinking for snit iu
Ihe: ytar 1af'. `^
T1. •y are n Powerful Nervine -Dyspep-
sia Caisse' derangelllelsl of 111.) Ilt'Mous
syr -peen, end nervous debility once ens
g.endere.l I: difficult to deal will). 'there
ore many te.stinsnninl.3 ns to 1110 etlieacy
of I'nl ln• lee 5 \ egclahl' I'i:;: in treat.
nig this disorder. showing that they
peter fail 110 protha'., good 4 C$ulis. Il)-
• •,e proper lone lo the digt'stive or -
g. , they rcclore equilibrium to the
1 .• .•('1111•..
111.1. Ill.l.ft I I.
1 ,.riey.e the most persistent r.pti-
r 1 ,•t. r knew. Ile slipped mid fell in
. .: I eld!e yesicrihay and you never
:t sigh) n• he wos \\lien he got
-XVI i . _ e3 ,
' Ile �, r,-; . 3htevl himself on Ihe fact
1',.,1 11 %%1e.. ao Hire 4111(1 w)f( tthere he
l' 01 51111-1. and expressed the opinion
tl..'' if it had been hard he might have
;:et) Z. 1,. •.l or IwO."
(il'I':Elt 1'1'111N1 \tr.'I'I10DR.
The isles of calehing tl:h by 111ea1114 of
r i slogs e n 1113 a 1101(1 in 111e Imp of it is
a. a ••it•.ngh fine. ye! this does 4101 i h 34,.13341 - 1 1313'0 7117•1 ;• ., 01, 1311:100
t. ''.:.V '1':3-03l10 111" method COS,. 1 • . 1144.•• •,.n .let•✓, - .
1 " Ihe Philippine ! \4 , .li• g11 f.: et r' y fact
1 :.3.. 114•341 appar'8tII: dmvn I 1 i„ . r, , 1 • t.°, 1t
4 flit' bull•em•iec'(hn); fis)1.1 1' .i )' its I. '. r 3 314111
1''3.1 then. 4•..,1,,,,; their huttdc Ihr.'ugh e t.i1d1''i
1h• hole jut the lop, esti',,,'( B1011 %itlents. 111e, u11kiss(d to bed •
ei•.'Ic1- 1.; sleep.
Arany curious mslallccs of the manner The Vieena police, %%1111 the uss4)tunce
or the ,blab of must other capitals, have
• Indians man-, p
Ln W tic a the
1 1
I h the honesty of
loses itself aro ci!ed u1 11e ,:,,rth coupe , prei:lired a "Galublers' Index," u)nlau►-
l-y of (h,3 Canadian North -\e•• -t. One of
Ihe tale's is of a native who..1, •.4:ug iu' 111
and terbaee.) and blankets, hrske hr'..into lite
stor,% of a remote trading post wh,ch
had been Sicked and uboIdouc l for u
few weeks while the while 1111111 in •charge
len itsael sl busntt_v cLseWhere. 'file In-
dian supplied his needs and he left pelts
in payment fur whet sIle took, and
months later he came back to ascertain
if Ile had left enough.
One Indian found a Bost closed when
hc• Went to it to dispose of nus skins.
Being unwilling; (4) wait he forcibly err
!Mil and left his pack, but nothing with
it to indicate his identity. ''hen he ro-
lirtvl, fastening the thaw as Ix'_sl he could,
and nal until a year later did he return.
When he weakest 11110 the poet and told
his story the price of 1140 skins was
handed to )riot without question. 'Pine ac-
counts of the w•Ititc elan )tad bel n care-
fully kept, and he was ceratin that no
claim hut a just one would be made.
An unusual degree of confidence is re-
posed in the half-breeds, who are lieu-
tenuuls of the white traders. In EdInon-
lor. I naw it trader give one of his half-
breed einployes $1.2e0 to be taken to a
distant post and thero distributed as
wages to others. writes a correspon-
dent. 'I'he'two shook hands and parted,
but to heel for a year, 1411d the while
man east he wits sure not a cent of the
money- Wnuki fail tl reach its rightful
In the town of i.(lmonton itself hon-
esty seems to vie with hospitalily for the
credit of being the most prominent trait
of the eilizens. Scores of thousands of
dollars' worth of bus Bre storm) there in
warehouses, which ar., seldom .r never
locked or guarded. Only the mora valu-
able pelts sure put under lock an.l key,
and then the purpose is more to prosect
then ham accidental damage than from
possible theft.
A Few Entries From the Recite& of a
Post Commander.
However dull camp.oigning in Africa
may be, no tint' could rens/111014y com-
plain of guard duty by night on that
"04410. In Isis book. 'Y:ampaignolg on the
tipper Nile," Lieutenant V0111114711 •1113 quotes
a few entries front the 0'1.4,411 of a post
r0mn►ander. The entries, it ie true, pre-
sent great uniformity, but they are of
themselves; sufficiently exciting.
April 10th. Lion visit's! hump during
night and carried off woman.
April 20111. Lion 0111110 again and took
another Woman.
April 21st. Lion carried •df Ilunyoro
ing the nanle.s 0f the great professional
gambles and curd -e harpers of Europe.
''his index, in the form of a small
I,Ihogrlphal book, has now been seal to
1!'.' author& :s of all largo cities and
health resorts in Europe.
iI contains more than a thousand
haulers, among; W114Ch are a number of
high-sounding Saks, such us princes,
marquis and count. Most of Thee titles
bre, of course, self assumed, but, some
are genuine.
To each name a personal description
ant: seine biographical details are at-
tached and a reference to the particular
methods and pricks employes], such as
runway card sharpers; billiards, playing
dark; false canis; cardsharping with ac-
c4nnpliete. etc.
The object of the index is to enables
Bic authorities at health resorts to re-
cognize undesirable characters and ex-
po! them as soon ay they arrive, the fear
of making n►istakes having hitherto pre-
vented the polite. from laking sufficient
measures to pr, s'et visitors.
\11-011i WI IA. SIIREL,1. 1:1'ItI:
Iden' (u•r :1 few instances of %run-
Iluk:s hcaline power:
Three children in 011•• lousily in
Ilurk's i:ails hove been cured of 1111-
(14414 skin diseases by %ern -Rik.
Mrs. klilnie Elhff, of St. John's West
(Welland County), says: "My baby turd
n kind of rash on his head -quite a lot
of small rot spots and pimples. 1 ap-
plied %•ane -link and was delighted with
the result."
Mrs. Goring, of 1.onglord Mills, says:
"'leant -Huh is a wonderful healer of ring-
worm. 3 tried everything thatcco1Qd Le
thought of, but nothing ,ar able to
cure until %am-Buk came. It is, n line
!Ors. Witt. Scott, of Portland, %%ries:
"%ant -Bak seems to lake the pane but
of sores, wounds and skin shelties Gs
41(4011 a' applied and 111e11 It heals il.••ill
up' in quick lime. That has bun 1113'
exper•iencc rind 1 have used %•uu-link
in the house for emit'' lime•
%ant-Liuk is 34au•li4•ularly adapted 10 NO UIPPIaiI:K( 1:.
delicnle and tender skins. It is free
The Qui, keit
Throat and Cough
The reason is it, CURES everybody who
fakes It --young and old alike. The chil-
dren love it-alntoet like honey. It iA
absolutely free from hurtful ingredients.
It is the greats:4, household remedy of
the age. No horse should be with':ut 11.
It acts immodiately "I"'l Inc irritated
spot, stopping the cough, allaying; in-
flammation, strengthening 11►e. Throat,
voice and chest, making breathing easy,
and giving quick and permanent relief
l.) those having coughs, colds, croup,
whooping -cough, sore throat, hrotuluhs,
asthma ural lung trouble. Ono fond
mother. who knows, says :
-1 have no he4itan:)' in rocorumen ling Colte-
fts,te Yspect"rant, which 1 ha,e tiled time anti
exain, and consider it the Ire+t remedy uu earth
tor cough.; and colds. We keep it coastuntly in
our home. and it 1,1 the best household reined) 1
have Known. t'uttsfo:,te is like no other Hough
remedy I have mos used. it is so soothing and
he.din�. aed 1 fool sure it is a pure!)' ro5r441 Ie
11115. D. MAIIONKY.
IC Cat I4( o"
Sireet, Hamilton, Ont.
Mother ! gather ! Do not let that boy's
or girl's cough run on without ullen-
tion, tales endangering their lives, when
a 25c bonne of Coltsfoolo Expectorsuit
will cure it. Oct it from your dealer.
Keep it in 1110 house always.
'fill E\I:EPTI0N.
Attorney : "Ignorable. t,1 I1..' }:t, ex-
cuses 110 oar'."
Client : "I:xceld, of course, a lew' ere'
from all millers! coloring matter find
from 3111'n1nl fat, being purely herbal.
1. Ileal- eids. burns, bruises, ulcer:,,
chalet. 1 p.';i,'••.. eczema, ringworm.
rl1nn111;Z 7-01 ••-. 1171,1 !4') . enlarged veins,
pries, se :•tole :-••r•' .1.•. As nn .•nll.ro-
calien .t cute- rheumatism, eeilttiru.
man. Seen by patrols and fired at. Ile
new;.tt :•. and rubbed well on to 1h.
• chest u. 'ries of cold eases the tight -
visited ca11le-house, and 4te.5 wouldll b\'
guard., d.nes. amt aching.
April 22nd. Section went met to look All di uggists and stores 'sell al ,ri0c.
for lion and found him near river. a box. rn' post leve from the 'Lunt -Bat:
Badly wounded. but Very fierce. Was
killer and hroug111 into camp.
April Nath. .\11ollier lion (probe) iy
lioness) si- l'.l camp last night, and
carried off \111.11111 child. AVa.s seen by
patrol- and hied al.
Apr,l 25tm. I.ionC,5 conte ngnin, and
went to cattle-hr•u,e. where gua1d fired
n' anal wounded tier. One of the .414.4
sl ra 'k house at considerable dishonor,
and (411141'4x1 thigh of Nubian %•rubbed,
oiler) it still reneen . women appals
en11y little the worse.
Forster told me that h4' ft and pial the
tracks of Ihe lions paved one night two
yards from 111e door of my Imuse. As
the duce• was (made only of grass and
timid easily have been pushed down. 1
Ct 41gralulaled myself on not having been
at home.
1.1un.s had never been heard of here
before, and it was an exlraoldinury ger-
cunlshuu•0 Ilint they should hate cisme
('o.. 'resod( . for price. • 6 boxes sent
fin $2.50.
"Did you tell papa how lender your
love is for me, darluig7' "I dal. sweet-
heart, but he only laugher(, and said
Ilial it was legal lender he waisted to sere
Lefnre w4' could do business."
11 your children are troubled with
worms. give them Mosher (;raves' Warm
Extent) nator; safe, sure and effectual.
'try i1. anti mark the irnpro%cuhcnt :u
your child.
Father fart head of stairs): ' 1.11,'' ,vl:al
time is it?" Ethel On drub sig -coon.;.
"It's n quarter 111(51 t u. lather. • I"aIL• I :
"All right. I)tui't forget to start the
again after Ihe young; mutt goes omit 1u
gel hie blrakfast.'
here through the dense grass and under BROOKS' NEW
gees 111. 1 1rcieely tyle carne thing 1.'•I CURE
pened nl. Kiltilw'n in July. when a lieu nm..k.' Appa4anre. New roc!dtarnrrrr W-'Jerfel Nu
visited the place three (lights naming. ohnoaluua .prlcgo or pM..
laking 11 Child the first night. n woulan Autt,matic Air cushions.
Ihe' nest 11 1111 n rhiid o11 the third Weld Binds and drays the broken
when I happened to be camping !h• 1• • :. a ;tidos la
101bI eld
my return iron Luke Albert. r'• ytul,h"I. No uta sur
lisle cheap. Pat. sr .t.
4.SENT 141'.4)
--- �cATatosus'NEE. I 3
HAM '5 131: I' I•'l l l I\' D t C. E. BROOKS. Jyt a Droste bids , aaltlaaI , MICA
a.... ,/. a....
Raby's Own 9',,I • hnve enl'e43 'Io\1\Iy N\i:\\ 'lin liltl'•11
nonny 11 prs•i•"i- •i •
no ether 114e 3 . • •
Stomach and h•.; l I
t. nlplc fevers or (e, " :n , t ,• .
ate good for e11, '1:' 11 , f
(tom Ihe new Non i.•
g1oWn e1411d. And 11 • • ' 1, ,
gllarnlllee of n got ,e;,..• . 134.3-: !' .t
11.03 du not cute;, h - r 4.. -re
drug. Mrs. J.. '
leaf:, X. 13.. - 1 I.•
Baby S ()%411 1 ahiels ale n ;•
I•) mothers. and fire below I. -: !' •gallon, of off.
'racy 1101 111n►e)41 like meek, site I
cote at I,sl I
At11.111 1.5(M1 w Utiles arc killed yearly.
Loeb ) ieldc (,n ail noel i)3'' 04 cr 2.000
Dr .I.mnhardl'5 1lx1:1-Itoi41 cures any
forth of files. Infernal. I:\b'1•Iltll, !teed:
ilg. 111141(1. (l.•l.i,.g, suppurating. et.•..
are smelly name, 4.f Ihe slaps through
loch 134'.•33' ruse Will Pa., it it cow
Piles are caused ht r..ng• =lion . t
L'tu.d hi the lower 1..'. t'I, u!d it takers
:11: inleruie; rented!: 1.• 1 e11104'e (lleCau15e.
Dr. 1.s'0nhardt- 1I.u1-RolO is a tablet
Ihkl'n infernally. and no case of Piles
has ever been found it foiled to Curr.
;Sh.ney' back if it docs moil.
$l.UO at all dealers. or The \Vilson-
l'yle Co., Limittxl. Niagara Falls, Out:
!toughly speaking. wheal has doubled
in pr14'' .ince the year 1750. This amebae
t( Ihe w mole world, not Britain in 14111-
Do not give up In despair,oa who suffer.
'rim ub,tivatedi,•flguremeuts of rte skin. Annolnt
:ho sore K{rote w nth weaver', ('Orate and purify
.h, blood with w'eaver's Syrup. All drugatate
(cell thorn.
'1 11A"1' TELL=TALE DAM.
The t,i.lor and texture of the hair are
never a reliable indiculknt '•1 charm:ter.
rut in about nine cases sot , t len the
['Mewing association of 4 ar!:.344 141niN•ra-
melds with- certain kinds of hair will be
1, old to be. correct. An nilburll-haired
pees n is of n kindly. sympathetic no -
ter... le ••plc with 011rly hair are. gener-
al!.,-periking. improvident, thoughtless,
wend esatieweeil seine!). i(ed hair is more
41rengly characteristic than hair of any
,'. There is an old impression
i .aeilyd people an mostly bad -
eel: but tllat is utterly wrong.
!ere almost invariably of satiny
;•.t., •h':4 very coln.eiderate of others
4,4•1 : !etre than overage intelligence.
I' .:':1,; gulden hair is rattly seen on
1,'1.,1.145 .•l a c0aree 111111Ire; !Wilber is 1341'
I :',Wil halt'. Tilt t user of either kali
11 1 •s e xis . 4, :11 nearly nlwayr 1'e found to he a Very
• .i xi. • Ives'•. "1 t•• psi, seen (over of fine arts, but of it rather
, I r.1. t , tilthday.' Irl'•!:.ide (liSjOailion. ,
.:1 4 ?"
• ; ••u \Ir. 1.1u(her, "11.''. quite w'enility aid pr0l.inent
, 1 • t,'•.'. nota." said Mrs. 5Iru•1-t•lu. "mid they say
1, .,1 • ' 4.';'• : ! . Ihrr, h rose practically train nothing."
Is It lid • 1 .s . I don't "\\elt. well :'' enlist ked She Starte.r•d.
ru, to ). ''thal', just what 1 io•. f(m1 ;if the - - ;'THE QUEEN CITY 01L CO., (lwrT
hr.'nkfnsl•tahlc Ilse flea nils." '
111 \431:11 '1'1(1141: '1711: i.k''INT.
lh•tice 11.s 11. 1►ritlul \\illi I'n(ertultate
(rutin. a1 Prisoners.
1,:1:1 pri5ouel's in Buesia have do-
• e 1 l
• form t bll►k )
t 1,1bc•w
call lilodovka, lir hunger shrikes. They
refuse to bowls foul for several days,
uulil, in fuel, they full into u low fever.
They do Illi+ as a protest against being
kept so lung in prison before they 111.7
There is nothing a governor of a pri-
ses* hates se, much as u h•.>pital full Of
ievalitis, and the prisoner.: know this, so
they have utul•e than once surcei'd'3i in
getting (heir trials burlic.d on by this
meat,. The governor generally tele-
graphs to Saint Petersburg, asking what
he is :., (1o, and receives instructions to
put the strikers on U•iul, whether the evi-
dence is complete against them or not.
Sn effeetivc have Iheie hunger strikes
proved that they havo become quite com-
mon in the large palliest! prisons.
5'nelime5 they are resc.rk to merely
(u sceneau el000xious jailers removal.
13itt rgio9.•1111.r small town in this•
baa. ha- foul,d. a, he think", a means of
violins; a tilup I., them, Ile had several
hunger strikes among his prisoner.;, and
at last getting tire) of their luclics, sent
for a couple of companies of soldiers.
'then he ordered all the strikers to be
brought into the room where trials were
held. Some were so weak from their
.,lunlary fast that they could not walk
alone and had lo be carried. They were
propped up against the wall and pro -
aided Willi 0 1.,;11 el soup) apiece.
"lou bane ien minutes in which to
luu-h your soup,- he ,bid. "If lit the end
of that tune. yeti have not done e • ---you
will be tired upon -tile soldiers are wail-
ing outside.' Some look the hint and
gobbled up their soup as hard as they
could. But others were obstinate atnd
refused to touch it. At the end of the
ten ininules, i110s0 w 1111 had consumed
(heir portion were removed to their cells
with the assurance that, if they struck
again, they would be shot at. Soldiers
,.ere called in and ordered to fire at the
refractory one:-. Di -gusted al the bru-
tality of the pees:.v!ingo They aimed as
high as the) shred. Netertheless, :.rv-
t'ral prisoner, e.''4)• Illol'3 013 It'541 serit.115-
ly wounded, end the gorernor•declares
Ihnt he ha, .11•Ilip0d out the Glndovka,
and adtioe • 3111 13S to adopt the salve
For ages Ihe English and I'rell01: con-
trolled the 11r.uulfacture of hairpins, and
it is only %%Altai the last twenty years
That the god-, have been )•r.1du':ed in
other counties to any extent. The 4118-
ehin.•ry used is of a delicate a1141 ;1111.1rate
!:;,:1,'3ler, rt; the prices all which the pins
are sold necessitate the cheape.l and
tilos! rapid process, Which run only be
procured by automatic Inuc•hiur:,. 'fhe
wire is mode expressly for Ihe purpose
and pill up in large coils, %chic. are
placed in a clamp, and s'► carried lo the
machine while being; slraighlened. This
machine cut., head,. and, by a delicate
and instantaneous process, sharpens the
points. Bunning at full speed, it will
turn out 120 hairpins every minute. To
ecenuilize, it is necessary 10 keep the
engines going every day and night.
\\'illy ;whose father is building a con-
servato►•y'): "Papa, if 1 planted this pip
would 1111 orange tree grow up from it?"
Papa: "Of courteee illy son, and oranges
would grow on il.- Willie: "That's very
wr,11derlu1, isn't i1, 34apit '1 'cause this is
a lemon pip!"
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough 0r Cold,
no question about the.', but -
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHII OH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-fivo cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly ?
Why nut do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians havo
done for the past thirty-four
years: let SIHILOII be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
i ruggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure :t with
'w& r
Keeps your i.niy
warm, yet lets
your skin breathe
--knit, not
does PEN -
Ti...• .y✓,s
Trade -marked in red. In a
variety of styles, fabrics and
prices, for women, men and
children, and guaranteed.
% Hi' '
"Queen City"
n better Ilan a pure \iron ba (bur-,( n biter
than a ytoe Wan Paw -Smog t kr.lyd tl eeou&oel
the beat Tullis, of bosh.
'Quern Gay ' a an all twpuees B.
,71+•t your grocer lot
The Carnpbetl Campbell's
Milling Co. t�.e.•t p
'Toronto Jumbo'', cut Queen City
Why .411 you poison your -y *'.can Hath take nos
trums when female trouble sh •old be treated.
as yin would Leat a sore finger.
The "Emancipator" is a fora/ remedy oasay
applied by yourself,costs but tw:.oa
cuts adav nd
is guaranteed absolutely antiseptic 1t 14 iv'ler•
lose and .slorless, and is relieving thousands of
woinon w hn d14 net dream of help w'iltion& the
aid of a sur*eun. !'rice $1.S'1 per b.ttio, sent
prepaid 1.1 any add-ers in Canada.
11% Vu.ge St., Turontu, Canadaa,
Agents Wanted In Every Toms.
"health and Vigor depend upon the
quality and quantity of the blood." --
Dre Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters:
A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood'
Purifier. Price SO cents per Dottie.'
11 you aro n ,t able to o!rtaln 1t in your
neighb,rho,xi, we will rend 1'.any ltd.
drew t.en 1,,ttles upon receipt of ON K
Iyl►LLAR face. per i vale) carriage \
Pamphlet sent FREE en application,
The Carson Medicine Comyanyl
17 Wellington Sl. West. - Toronto
Farms For Sale.
Improved slightly, rolling. 3 . •!. r'ay
loom : grows hay, grain, -1,: • Is
abundnnlly. Chance of n life!:✓. el
a good home. Parer and 1.1. • +-bat
everybody. Send for list.
1. its;\'1'I.EY.
Bentley. P. (1.. '.1 '1.
USE Prime 011
No real need to buy the More es;•r .-.v0
oils if GOOD BURNER is used
and KEPT CLr.AN.
If you want a BiG LIGIIT-TIMER on
roue OAS 'ETA IN UNa-
For Hale b) healers
n.w'•1\•s keep them 'n 111e ho11:e 'I - -
'tag ANNA the • $0) 1 I druggists t IM.ttl.ent Treatment with Allen's Lung 13.41
' OI tarn Ire! i�i .'i ' the phlegm. 'Wp' the c••ngh u, t
Paid at 25 re,,!- . I.r..\ from Tll(• 4' pain int►'e .l•r., ores,,me' tbnae (errible cull►
Williams' Med • .i,. ' n ih'04•41,1110.1, ahich. nepsts led, lead t .consumption.
1111; 1.441 \
I! . r .I:ul•l' •.ff ,il '.vrk.-4.44441lsere,
'Intra✓ nu'tlrnt tool nod w.•rn,
4.•Ih 11111 .1, 411.4411 44.111 . irking carp
1'r.,111 It." (ir•i 1.191119 o1 11mer11.
i• I•ne-•i:u4ed y••Itng] elk` on 1114' list
Ihe- Ir,suhl'•' 1.) Ihe 17e:11i.
1 '1 r1. Ih 111•)•1 go to bed nuke. -el
\11.1 S• I.
himself to ,l01-•34.
01. 1Vr.rld of su'I•htnr •niv•.1 Wilts SI''(llt,
(114 vorl.l '•1 bra's
(1h. 4v„^'d of fI4.,em 11 411!' x1:1! ',fatal.
(5e. w..' 't 01 emu !eel 1• v.
i.e.. w4•rr y.3117' sorr.ra • les: t.,llr dread.
If, ✓.hen night's eles,k•ws env p,
l:e, h hale Ltd went ki•,ssl 10 101141
.\n.l to Aver !
1•:'n''•pe ha, 1110.11 ler. milli•sus of HO -
mail calls ,firs. awl al ,.:,t te) 116111011A rf
.---_-.--.- .__..-____ Prole -trot :. 'Ila're t.I.' to lraitil15 .,f
Issl I: No. 11 07. UK- til tl k r.)11r'11.
Mild in '1'h(vr \.•Ii• sl l'altn•'Irt's Ve-
gt•IaLle trill: are very boll in their ac -
1:011. They d,) not clause' griping in the
Slhdnnch or rads✓ 41islurban••es Melo :!s
••. malty pills de. 'therefore. 111.' must
401118b caul billy them 4'.i11out icor
ei anti✓:✓ -8111 ✓.Tull°. They con. loo,
t 11dnnni-lc: •'d h, ch:lllren wilhout On-
Ihe pel:'4'ie4 which folh.w the
c'e of pelts so l:nrefully prepared.
\tngislralc: "1 114.344 1 shall n. 1 34.1
1iOrt' ()gain." 0141 (111.1nler: "Net see nae
litre 14.411111 ! \Vii) , yon 111111 p 0 n to roe
54( your ullice, are sou?"
144ery one Thl,ks his own cross 1s the heAriest-
Whe•u'••,.flne.11'• the hoose with a pain in 184
.1,t. far inrt anise. hal it a mild be quickly tory of
tea it "'the h & 1; 11.nlhol l'la.tet was applied.
to1 e'I.
One) "nh ':.••t a trifle, ribs not try theist
Litt'✓• 1.1 .1 ...tri nn ey0 10 tot-ole3.c):
"SuP34•'- t .',boy. 3'ou were to g:i%e me
the •'h'., • ••f :hose two tipples of yours,
yin, wa:o41 tell m•' In lake the bigger,
wo111th1'1 vrnl :7"fsento : "No." 1.4111e
Ethel : \\ to net 7' fomrn) : "'Cos,
'lw4'uldn t h•' neees+aro '
111 finale be,;.ls and elle•ec r3,le, a
Itollouny'. C..rn Cure is the au:, .
►:5r. Get a bottle til once and cure your
rot the facts
edlar you roof
e thing.
apple of Oshawa
Your Grandsons Wili Be
Old Men Before .This
"Oshawa" Roof Wears Dai.
Roof your buildings with "O::hav;a" Galvanii.'d : 3(, l S' 77:1'.0 a
this year, and that •will be a GOOD roof in isR. We wiii g:',•)
you n written gua.'tatee hacked by $260,0000, that a ,ch a n.of,
properly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at lout
twenty -fiver yearn.
make roofs vater•tight, wird-proof, weather-proof, rust -proof,
fire -proof for a century. our plain gvarantr:e ke.!.44 it en f,.r
21, years without a rent of c•:st to the man wee
Made In ONE QUALITY ONLY, -Of '',8-j3uage,-
semi-hardened STEEL double -galvanized
They lock on all FOUR sides --the ONLY METAL
shingle that need NO CLEATS. E .y to put on-- a ham-
mer and a Hli.j)e (tinners' shear,) are tools enough. ('o:it
LESS and last longer than. any other root. Tc;l cs the
surface area of any roof on your place and \' . \4•;11
tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right,
�1�n�� T�wq�� winetsat Yawns :et`
t1Et-t Qals St, w. a (}o two. St. ass Bo t& At IP pm Mu St, 74 learinaro t1 fns etn,ler W- ,m