HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-28, Page 4COLD WEATHER REQUISITES SPECI4L THIS WEEK Hot Nater Bottles, 75e. to $1.54 C.C.C., Cole's Cough Cure, 23e a bottle Cole's Cure -A -Cold Tablets. 15c it box Cole's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, 30c & $1 Melissa Balm, tbe popular almond cream for the toilet, 2.ic a bottle. Get the habit of coming to us fes drug store supplies. It is a habit that pays. W. S. Cole, Phm.B. Chemist and Druggist. Dispensing a Specialty. fgxetex Abrocate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY. Feb. 28, '07 NOTE AND COMMENTS Charles Hyman has been chosen by the Litter/11s of London as the candi- date in the bye -election to take place shortly. Mr. Hyman, who is said to be ill and convalescing in California, will not be present at the election. Duncan C. Ross, Liberal, is the new- CREDITON JEWELRY STORE- IVe invite you to an inspection of stock of Watches and Clocks Jewelry of all Binds Nice Fancy Articles Choice Silverware our We have marked our goods down to the lowest possible selling price and con give you bargains in all lines. Repairing... Everything in the repairing line done on short notice. We make a specialty of watch and clock re- pairing and cleaning. We Solicit a Calf JAS. LAWSON 6C( mb The HabIf Of looking for sunshine and fragrance, you'll find it! The Bee and the Buzzard hover together! One goes straight to tbe rose garden, the other to the decaying carcass. COME, draw the honey from "Our Clothes Garden" ly elected member of the Legislature and taste the sweetness of from Nest Middlesex, the bve-election CLOTHES SATISFAC- baving taken place last Wednesday. TION. Our Spring impor• His ntajot•ity is 126, a slight increase talions are ready for your over tion. Geo. W. Ross' majority in inspection. I905. New Designs, Beautiful The Sen.tte committee on railways Weaves and Colorings. threw out the bill to incorporate the NO HIGHER St. Joseph Transportation Company, which is to build a canal from St. Jos- Right in style eph or Lake Huron to Port Stanley, Close personal attention. on Lake Erie. The canal would short- en the distance between the lakes by J H • Boltzmann 300 miles. A couuuitteeof the Dominion Senate CREDITON has refused to pass the bill of the Stratford & St. Joseph Radial Heil way Company. which seeks power to build Crediton lines between Stratford and Exeter Following is the program given at and points on Lake Huron. The the regular Meeting of the Literal v So - ground on which the committee threw ciety Friday evening, Feb. 22: 'japer out the pleasure was that the privileg- on "Ceylon Miss Ella Beaver; Instr - es sought are within the jurisdiction omental, Mrs. C. Bluett; paper on of Ontario. "Singapore and Straits Settlements" Miss Rienzle: piano duet Misses Vivi- an and Ella Beaver. Keep in mind the grand concert to be given in the Town Hall on Friday evening. March 1st, under the auspices of the Crediton Literary Society. Mr. liaryey Lloyd c.f Tot onto, the wholesale purveyor in refined fun, has been engaged for the evening. Mr. Lloyd has appeared in all the bilge Canadian cities etnd has Mr. W. 13. Oliver, foreman of Grand Bend Breakwater, seems to tate some exception to the figures as stated in the Advocate some weeks since regard- ing the expense of the Grand Bend Bt eakava ter. The figures given were taken front the report of the Public ks Dcp:at anent of the Dominion Govct nutent and anvone would take it for granted that the Ilgeres in that repurt would I•t' tellable. In fact, not won favor wherever he has appeared. only t he flgurea but the whole state• Local talent. including the Crediton ntent was taken from this report. Orchestra wil! :assist. The concert word f it. word. If Mr. (►liver takes starts at eight o'clock. Admission, of age. To almost every one the re - exception to the Government Report's reserved seats 3.3: adults 25, children port of his death carne as a severe statements, well and good. We have under twelve l:ir, shock and each otic soon began to rea- no objection to Geoid Bend getting a lize that he had lost it good friend and go a1 slier of the moor} spent for pub Drevri1 uf. �VEa.KV Ht•:nDEN.---This tic works; in fact, we think Heron co ruts get. rather too little; bnt•at the same time we consider the Gov- ernment's stated expenditure too high for the work dem.. R K n 1 s ane at the funeral with the e ' in the Legislature respecting mot flog- t,y w , s•. �n now Mrs, Glanville. The funeral took place Saturday to Woodland cemetery and wss attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. ness again counting Motley, after a brief illness. -Bert ('lark and S.rn, Kuhn. were in London, Vond:ty, on business.- The little son rf Mt-. John Either was operated upon for pleurisy list week by Drs. Autos and McCue. The operation was a success and the little boy will soon be alright again. -- Mrs. John Kuhn who has been 111 for several months, and quite helpless, unfortunately fell out of bed last week and broke her leg. She is at present, in a serious condition. -Henry Either, M. P. P. of Toronto spent last Sunday at bis home with his family. --The re- vival meetings, which are being held in the Evangelical church are being well attended. Rev. Eidt of Dashwood preached a powerful sermon on Mon- day evening. Rev. Wagner, of Berlin, the Presiding Elder, will assist in the meetings during the remainder of the week. --Next Sunday. Itev. L. H. Wagnerof Berlin. the Presiding Elder, will hold the quartet•ly services in the Evangelical church. Anniversary ser- vices will be held at the same time. German services will be held in the morning and afternoon and English in the evening. Special collections will be taken up at each service. -Our brickurnkers are selling their brick in great style. Their brick is in great demand by people, who are erecting buildings. What we want is a rail- road. What's the matter with the C. P, R. OYSTER SUPPER,. -The oyster sup- per, which was given in the Methodist church, under the auspices of the La- dies' Aid, Wednesday evening. Feb. 20th, was a success, although the weather was not very agreeable. After the supper a progratn was given in the church. Addresses were given by the Revds. Allen of Parkhill and Going of E 1 h • M' F xeter; so os y . ass ernie Allin of Parkbill, Mies Stewart, Ailsa Craig; Nelson Hicks, Centralia, and Master Sherwin Allen of Parkhill; readings by Miss Essery of Chicago; Miss An- drews of Parkhill; Miss Myrtle Clark, town and Master S. Allin. Master Sherwin is a bright little speaker and if he continues as well as he has been doing of late we can promise a bright future for him. Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. Fanner spent Sunday at the home of the latter's mother. Mrs. Schroeder.- W.o. Shrumm made a business trip to London Monday.-- Perer Mclsaac placed a fine new Bell organ itt the home of Lawrence Deit- rich on Saturday. -Rev. L. IL. Wag- ner of Berlin preached in the Evan- gelical church here on Sunday. He also conducted the communion service. De:ev .--How often are we remind- ed of the uncertainty end shortness of life, and the nearness of tbe infinite beyond. it is with sentiments of pro- found sorrow that we are called upon to record the death of a former young man of this burgh, in the person of Philip George Bastard, which sad event occurred at the home of his father, Bruce street, London, on Wed- nesdey, Feb. 20. Deceased was born and raised in this vicinity ant resided here tip to about four months ago, when the family removed to London. Deceased had been failing in flesh and strength for almost a year, but was always around and able to do his own work till he went to London when he was compelled to keep to the house and later to his bed, gradually waning away. A short time ago he underwent an operation in hope of getting relief, which however was only temporary, and it became evident to his friends that with him it was only a matter of time. During his illness he was ever patient and trusted in his Sat iour to the end. The young roan was only in the bloom of youth. being but 2i years week it becomes our duty to record companion. He is survived by his the ,(garb ,•f one of our hest known re - Manitoulin flee sisters, Mrs. Glanville of sidents in the person of %% hest Heti- Manitoulin island; Mrs, Harris, Oke den, who passed away on Monday last Point. elan; Martha, Mand and Bertha t the •t a. f'* )• ears, 111 r or th. 1 At hones, and one brother, Russel, of ''484;1)•4. The (leeea.ea1 hod always en. at nn who were all in attendance Mr. Il. Either hos introduced a bill •o toyed the hest of health hardly know - es - exception of es of Real 1•..tvte, which ready as fol. i g h tt a d,t+ . . ti knee. Ws.. until just it week before his demise, when lows: --When in Any mortgage madeW.1.4W.1.4W.1.4token down with pneumonia after the passing of'this Act provision and gradually sinking succumbed to is made that if interest is paid prompt•thr effects of. the deadly disease. 1y it will hr tic, epi. el at 41 lower rate I'rnul the first is case assumed a ser- andrtinher t in at provided le,wer uch trrateg hes loos mature and li'tle or no hope could been Avid aecording to Each condition be entertained for his reco)•ery. The up to the time when all the principal deceased was a dative of the township Dh.tTI1.-Perhaps no death in child life that has occurred in this comirun- ity so profoundly affected everyone with sorrow As that of Waldo) J., youngest son of Jonas Hartleih, which money is payable. Any pet eon liable to of Stephen. being A son of the late sad event occurred nn Sunday, at one pay or entitled to redeem the earns Samuel IledJen and has lived in tbe p.m.. at the age of 13 scats, 11 months, shall 1,.• entitled to ,:+) the ,sines ►al township his whole life and had be. 16 days. Waldo had snot been alto• 1 Windt" corm well-known throghtotit the get her well since shortly after New Following are the prices at which we will sell during the great slaughter sale: Monet and interest on the same at A Sarprise is eiscaits Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sella: you open ---you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. When you want to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Iooney's •t Perfection Cream Sodas August Wolper on Tuesday. -Louis H. `Villert sports a tine driver which he purchased from Wm. Turnbull. - August Hill and wife of Crediton call- ed on friends here Saturday. -Jacob Zeller, who a short time ago disposed of his 80 -acre farm on the 19th con., of Stephen. has purchased the farm of Joe Ziler on the side -line 14 miles south of Dashwood. ElimvIlle Word was received here on Tuesday of the death in Hamiota, Man., on Monday of Mr. Gen. Andrews, a form- er re3ident of Elimville. Particulars have not been received, except that death was due to an injury sustained on Saturday. Deceased was about flfty years of age and went west about `20 years ago. He was a son of the late Samuel Andrews. His mother. Mrs. Eliza Andrews, and sister, Mrs. Joshua Jobns, (who reside here) and three brothers living in the west, survive, as well as a wife, who was formerly Miss Kirk of Kirkton, and two child- ren, who live at Hatniota. -� Farquhar. The entertainment given ander the auspices of the Foresters Lodge here Tuesday night was a complete success in every particular and reflects much credit on the committee in charge. C. LeRoy Kenney and Bert Harvey maintained to an excellent degree their previous reputations as enter - 5 Porter Undoubtedly the best s'ewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists. and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially ClitcaGo 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United Stales or Canada. t WAREHOUSES lA Famous School CENTRAL -AT- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE STBATCORD, ONT. 1 is recogonired to be one of the leading Commercial + • Schools in Ontario. Our courses are thorough and Highest Price paid for G1ain practical. Each department is in the hands of e:• perienced instructors. Our graduates are in de- mand and are meeting with great success. Man} leading Business tCo11egea employ our graduates as teachers. write for free catalogue Ycu may enter at anytime. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund• • • • • • • • • • • • $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. SASURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES Made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department, posits °f $l and upwards received. interest comb- ' halt•yearlc and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HLRDON, Manager, tainers, their every selection being en- objects of the order. Mr. Wm. Brown thusiastically received. Dr. Render- of Exeter was the accompanist, and son of Sarnia, High Secretary of the ! pleased the entertainers, for whom he order, was present and filled the duties ``played and the people, who listened of chairman as well 88 delivering an I very notch. The proceeds amounted interesting address on the airns and 1 to $63. 0. S}IHufrIfTI, Dashwood GREAT SEVEN DAYS' SALE COMMENCING aturday, Mar. 2 e have just completed our stock -taking and find we have more goods in some lines than we choose to carry over. And as we are going to have a Millin- ery department this season and must have some special room for the same, we are going to hold a great clearing sale for the next seven days such lower rate at Any time after the • township. Resides a sorrowing wife Vears and would now and then have time for paymentateat of the principal he is c,urvivcd by it young family of to remain out of school, but nothing money on giving three months' notice 'me son and five daughters, also his serious was anticipated. till Friday, of three mAk such payment mOther, Mrs. John (fill of Exeter: one Feb. 13. when the case assumed is ser- Men's tleece-lined, regular 50c. line, now 40c. or his intentionpeying three months' interest at tmother, Arthur, of London. and one ions nature and it physician was called r such lower rate in lien of notice. This sister. Mrs. Harty Gould of Exeter, All and found hila suffering from spinal Elastic llnahrinkahle wool reg. 75c. now 55c. Act shall apply to all nen rgeges riled; of whom hive the sympathy of their meningitis. At times hopes were en (en's all -wool underwear " $1.10 now 75c. to loan corporations After the passing u'tray friends. The funeral takes place tertaincd by his fancily And friends to -day. IThllrselay i to the Exeter cense• that he would flintily recover and then And all sizes in Boys underwear at the same of this Act. tory. at other tunes those hopes were I,liebt- reduction. Clinton: Messrs. Morrish & ('rooks Mr. Charles Greh end Miss Greb of won certainly done. The set vices of have take') over the clothing heftiness Zurich were in the village last ConnellyThers- carried on by Halgins Urns., day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aug- three ,hysic4 (l was hid but all to no LADIES' UNDERWEAR ust Hill.- John Mitchell has hon avail, hhepassPd RwRy AS Ale,we stated, gull in their initial bow to the pule bought He was known everywhere as s th ho Regular 35 cent line now 25 cents, • 40 ' " " 30 MENS' UNDERWEAR ed. All that mortal energy could do lie, the brick in the old School -house from with the curly by and evennow Joseph Heist, and will use the same h h d A Doctor's Medic,ne Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. it is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. it cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a testirnonial- •' Soid for over s•aty years." Bade J. 1' Arse lam•• . t.o.n •, thaw. £106 tnu,.r rt.uers cf sAcsa►AauA. vers 84111 %f0011 see We Lar• ne rote' we pa►:rte taw formulae of all car mistletoe& •u will hasten recovery tak• Ing ono of Ayer'• Pills a mo tl. erect :+ foundxti,n under his barn 1hi• t ere who o not knew will Ask con• summer. --Mies Stewart of Ails* ('rain spent it few days here last week with her friend Miss R ,hinson. - Miss Lily Anderson of l'entrAlie was in the vil- lage i -lage Inst Friday. the guest of Mrs. W. SAmhrne,k.- «'e ate pleased to see Wm. Lewis Around Attain after his re• cent illness. --Mt. And Mrs. August HAi•t and Mrs. Jo.. Heist Attended the funeral of the late Mr. haercher of `►stringt ills lest Senday.--Francis ('lark end The.. Trevetbick here been IIUAble to Attend to their btlsine-ss the war ,., ore them any rrteastire of re- „ - ,. I poet week, owingto an Att:eck of the lief from the severe shock and pro. 75C. • 55c grippe. Mr. And Mrs. Watson. and fnnnd %ffltetion to whist) they have " " - • 881.00 75e son, tithe have been visiting telmtiwes just been snhjeeted. The funeral took in the village for some time. have rr• place i%'eelnPsdAy to the Faster (-erne- ter " " - 1.50 " $1.15 ned to their home in 1Vew,enese, I tett, Rev. Fadi ,,meiating. Hiss tall• titidieS HeavyHoe " 25c, " 19c MAO. s ), Y cernine his death whither it is the boy • 50 " - 3S with the curly hair. in school he was Misses and Children's Underwear, all sizes, pparticularly bright. having successful. I)• passed his entrance examination at the same reduction. last midsummer. His early demise has caused deep sorrow Atnong his as- LADIES' WAISTS ETC. sweeter; and schoolmates for he was a general favorite with all. Nicety Nee. 131i1Ck White Silk, reg. $3,yourchoice$200 sou. memories will linger in the fain- ily circle that he ha, Mt for the home White & Cream Lustre" $2, » • 1.35 above, No written words can convey ▪ - ,1 - " $1.11 - " 1.15 to the sorrowing parent. the condol- ence extended in their behalf. nor will Stuff and print waists regular 5Oc. now 38c d ff 1 t t Mr Dore Link is attending taperers were: Willie Schrader, Ezra the ruilline t y opening: in Toronto, Bender. Joe (iissnlan, Willie 1'reszca• Miss White (if St. M:erws• Atli) is visit tor, Sam Oestreicher and Art'i''inken• ing M,,. Fr.ar.cis ('lark. snug a l,eauti- weder. fell solo in the Methodist church last I$tlnday evening. - Art( .wicker has re- turned front London, where he wets ! indisposed fur severslej*ys.--Owing to the ib ence of Rev. Andress in De - 'trait over Sunday, Mr. Iloll:and took charge of the meetings in the Method- That she nifty soon recover is the wish iso church both ueorning tied evening. -Torn Klempp is kept quite bn>y saw- ing cord wood for mit townsmen with his engine. This is rmlcih Getter than using the ...tweeter." -JAs. Ryan of , the Sovereign Bank slsff is in the her. r Fmrn AnMher Soni Mrs. John Eidt's many friends will be pleased to hear that she is slowly recovering from her illness. -Mrs. George K••llertr, tt is on the sick list- " » " • 30c. " 23c • 50c. ' 38c Heavy Shakers • 12. - 9c 14e • 101c Ladies Spring Felt Hilts in red. white and Nue. regular 50c. line, now 25e. (fur Millinery department wil of her many ftiends.-Nits Lillie Ile, t. M 1 LL I N E R Y have cngsged the serve -es „f lei!) wA, ill Ifenden Saterrlay Attend•' ing the funerel of the !Ate Philip I3as- trard, formerly of this piece. -- Several frotn the village Attended the Auction sale of faun shock And implements of ie cerlvinc(d of what we siv. WALL PAPERS We have a small quantity of wall paper which we are clearing out. Regular 30c. line'I NOW • 2''c. a I 5 Cents 20c, a » 15c. 4 1 PER DOUBLE - lOc• ROLL Embroideries at Greatly Reduced Prices. LADIES' COLLARS Regular 25 cent. now 19c. " 35 25c. ot 50 » " 38c. All heavy goods at the same reduction. GROCERIES Here are our prices on groceries during:the sale, Hoisted ('offee 12ic. per Ib. Green ('ogee 1(k•. per Ib. Show thin Tett 19e. •• Jipen Tea IDe. '• Gun Powder Tem :3.ic. •• 22 lbs. Granulated sugar $1 21 lbs. yellow sugar $1. Viral krAde ('Anned 1iooda 4 Cans Peas, fresh, 'tic. 3 ('ane Corn, fresh, Vic. Tomatoes 10e. per can. Select raisins 3 1b. 25c. clean currants 4 ib. Lac. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce 1. Hued out with a new and up to -date stock and es we first class milliner, we are Anxious to have you call and W. O. SHRUMM, Dashwood.