Exeter Advocate, 1907-02-14, Page 4•
iuAbuut Corns
Those little Punches of soreness
and tniset y that grow on the toes.
Just one thing you must do to be
cured remove the corn with
By the easy, simple and painless
method yet perfectly efficient. %Ve
hey)! had many testimonials. Try
it. yourself.
25c a bottle. Guaranteed
Prepared by
W.S.Cole, Phm.B.
Central Drug Store
Exeter, Ontario
Always the best at Cole's
(Exeter Abuoi ate,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Feb. 14, '07
Anditor'a Abstract
Abstract of receipts and expenditure
of 1906 for the Village of Exeter.
To balance from 1905
Arrears of taxes
Interest on arrears of taxes
Taxes collected 14113
License fund
Fines and tees
Poll tax
Rent of yillage scales
Dog tax
Granolithic pavement debenture
Provincial Treasurer cheque
Public School lloanl
Non resident taxes
Money borrowed on bills payable
Interest on investments and deposits
Sinking Fund
Street watering
Miscellaneous receipts
Total Receipts
lig Expenditure
EsJance ori hand
County Rate
Streets, drains, etc.,
Fines and fees
Legal fees
Town Hall account
Salaries and commissions
Board of health
Printing, stationery and postage
Water supply and fire protection
payable an, redeemed
Rills 1 I
Interest other than debenture Interest
Street lighting
Public Library
Street watering
Refund taxes
Election espenaea
Town Hall debenture debt
(lranolithic "
Fire engine '•
Mie:c::�aco .
public School hoard, Teachers salaries 3774 67
" fuel Nr' 47
" Secretary h Janitor 2s5 00
Miscellaneous 496 61
r'I,300 26
$ 199) 50
137 25
4 47
11655 09
546 97
21 (10
14 00
00 00
6 00
1725 00
137 IX)
2047 67
19 95
3605 00
42 35
4545 44
252 70
1423 05
1.25 88
$'24442 38
243410 26
41'73 10
9 0618 76
1016 65
7 00
157 15
13•) 80
10 (5)
253 GS
427 s7
10 40
24 10
70 21
1106 53
125 00
271 25
19 80
52 14
41 00
0825 00
788 85
810 33
548 68
1072 23
'2'347 83
Statement of Assets and Liabilities on
the 31st December, 1906.
Oash in Treasury
Taxes in
Land. in, tiding parks
Building, Furniture (exclusive school
tater works
vire hall and appliance
Public Library- books in same
Cemetery, including perpetual fund
&'hoolproperty, land, building, contents
Local school ratct due and unpaid
Local improvement work
Aid to railway s
waterous Fire Engine
R'na l Fire Engine
JAF wF.F.l4P9
4073 10
136 00
10(ki (4)
6500 (5)
2800 0)
40(1) 00
154)0 1Y)
2.:35 00
10000 (0)
933144 70
$2797 03
4501 40
4673 11
200 (4)
1000 0,)
$13171 :.ft
919973 14
Mr. Albert Penwardrn recently wild
a fine horse to Mr. T. E. Handford.
When some friends were visiting hint
at New Year they thought he would
not receive more than $5 for the an-
imal but he received DM showing
that the beast was a good one. ---Mr.
Robt. Hicks is very ill and confined to
his room. -Rumours are that in the•
near future there will be heard in our
burgh the pleasant chimes of wedding
bells. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Hind of Exeter
spent Sunday with the fortner's par•
ents.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark of (Ired-
icon visited the forttler's sister, Mrs.
W. Coultas lust week.
The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap-
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
The 1 -et kind of a testimonial -
"bold for over state years."
irade t J.C. aysr Co., Ln t1, Yace,
A1N s,anuraetarere of
P esesseA2ILA.A.
hers NeI
Nell 1t v100tt
We have no secrets 1 we pablt•a
Ms fermatas of e1% eve medieI is.
sllloufnesa, censttpatlon retort/sr
covers. Cure mese win Ayer•f s.
Hay Council
Hay Council met in the Town 11;411
Zurich, On WiYinrsd+ay, Feb. tflb. All
menthe)) pi ese11t. Minutes of previous
meeting read and udul,ted. 1 be And-
itore Report was laid before the Coun-
cil, also the treasurer's books, which
wete examined and finally adopted
and signed by the reeve. A petition
of John Mosseau and others asking
to detach certain lots from S. S. No. 3
and attach them to S. S. No. 10, was
received and will be considered at the
next meeting of council. The follow•
ing orders were passed -II. Neel), aud-
itor, $6; J. Haberer, do., $8; Herald,
printing. $27; C. Battled), rep furnace,
$15.50; Tp. Treas. exchange on cheques
etc., $3.71; C. Troyer, refund taxes, $2.
Council will meet again on Wednes-
day, March 8th, when pathrnasters
and others will be appointed. -F. Hess,
Sr., Clerk. _
Marshall Miller, who has been quite
i11 of late, Is, we are pleased to state.
on the mend. --}'timer Murdy's hand,
which received a severe cut a tew days
ago is getting better. -Albert Simpson
has disposed of his valuable team of
horses to W. Whiteford, for which ho
received a good figure. -Mr. and Mrs.
Abe. Simpson's little child, whose ill-
ness caused the parents touch anxiety,
is, we are pleased to report, now out
of danger and daily recovering. -Mrs.
Boyle, who has been on an extended
visit here with her brother. John T.
Simpson, and also friends in, London,
left Thursday- for her home in Ripley.
Miss Lillie Fraser is spending a few
days at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Benton. -The Farmers's Institute held
their meeting in the Maccabee hall on
Tuesday afternoon when interesting
addresses were delivered. In tbe ev-
ening the Woolen's Institute was held
at which a large crowd was in attend-
ance. The program which consisted
of addresses, readings, vocal and In-
strumental music, was lnucb appreci-
ated. The latter have eighteen mem-
hers. They expect to meet again in
June. Delegates were present from
Guelph, Toronto and elsewhere, -Art.
Simpson has returned from a month's
stay in Kincardine and Ripley. -Mrs.
W. J. Hodgins who has been visiting
friends during the past week has re-
turned home. -Charles Miller and Mr.
Hamil spent Sunday in London. --The
Maccabees At Home was a decided
success, there being a large attendance.
The proceeds amounted to $K3. -Dame
rumor says that wedding bells will
soon he ringing, but we will not be
losing any of our citizens. Let it be
soon. -Wellington Whiteford, who re-
cently purchased a farm near Hensel!,
has disposed of same and returned to
nut- burg. Last week he purchased the
farm of Gilbert Grieves, 2nd con., and
has taken possession. The purchase
price was $7100. -Wm. James Carter,
who recently sold his farm, intends
leering in a few weeks for the West.
On Tuesday evening a large number
n en a social
gathered at hie home erne d
me. During the evening he was
made the recipient of a handsome gift.
Mr. Carter, although taken by sur-
prise, made a suitable reply. After a
dainty lunch had been partaken of the
gathering broke up.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson are
mite ill this week of la grippe. -Miss
Bontbr'on. after a pleasant visit with
Miss Rebecca McCoy, has returned to
her home in Ilensall.-Will Fraser's
many friends are pleased to see him
out again after Ibis recent illness. -We
are also pleased to note the improve-
ment in health of Mr. and Mrs. James
Handford, -Miss Jennie Mann has re -
tarried to her home in Lambeth, after
a pleasant two weeks' stay with Miss
Brownie Andrews. -After a few days'
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Collwill, Miss %Vebb has returned to
her horse in London. -John Russell of
Montana is visiting friends in this vi-
cinity. -That old Mend, the grip, has
still a firm hold on a number of our
citizens. -Miss Flo Essery is spending
a few days with her brother at Pal-
merston. -Herb, Mitchell and wife of
London were here this week attend-
ing the funeral of the former's mother.
They are at present visiting the latter's
parents at Exeter.- A number from
here sttended the musical entertain•
merit re the Trivitt Memorial church
et Exeter Thursday evening. Every-
body was well pleased with the pro-
gram. - Weare sorry to learn that
Itubt. Wilson intends leaving our burg
shortly, he having purchased a farm
near Lobo. -Dan, McCurdy bas pur-
chayed from Nelson Baker the farm he
recently psrchssed from his brother,
Thornton, being lot 9, con. 2, Stephen.
The farm is one of the hest in the
township. --A regular northwest bliz-
zard raged all (ley Sunday and quite
a large amount of snow fell. Larckily
the tetnperatute WAS not very cold or
it would have been felt touch worse;
as it waw few ventured irons the coun-
try and the rhnrch congregation were
smeller than 11911a1.
('.ARD of THANES. -i desire and take
this means of returning thanks to
those who showed their ninny acts of
kindness acid rendered assistance dur-
ing the illness and subsegment death
of my late hitsbnnd.•-E9ther Jalnieson.
DRAT!! OF MRS. MirerreLT..-After
only n short Mlles + (11 pnrnrooni,t foll-
owingan nttnek of 1:t grippe the deal h
occurred on Th,lr••41.t4. Feb) tn)1•)• 7th,
of Jane M.'iiitnn. beloved wife of Thos.
Mitchell, 1,'t 2, (ion. 2, Biddulth, et
the agi• of OS ve:lrs, 11) months. The The following is the report of the
Iew9 of her death rune as a surprise standing of the pupil. in Eden school
:old -heck to tetany of her friends who for January. Sr. iV. -Nina Kers•
were un:,ware of the s••riuns names of 'aka. F ito are. W 1:4+••ry. A Kerstike.
her iiloess. She hal. in fact. been F fl:ubdford, (! Skinner. 11 ilirks, %V
,i. k only ,t few flays and the end came Webb •i, 11 Davie. Sr. 111. -A 11cCui••
v('ry suddenly. Jane Moulton wet dy.(' M tv.ii M a)', A Mkinner•. r ('mates,
horn in Leets count vand came to Hid- (1 Davis. W. Walker. Jr. 1. --I.
Coate+, 11 Mr(':ufly. .1 fluster. E Kel-
1••t. Mr. 11. V (`,.,te'. 1. fI),ding, F.
Webber. W l'.,1b.•rt. .)r. 11.--- M May.
T Skinner. M fo('nrdv, F ('oat,'i. Sr.
1't. 11. -it Webber, 1t Thiunpeou, '4'
Hicks. Jr. 1't. 11. -11 Hunter, Carrie
Thump Yon. (i Hinter. V l'inrurllhe.
Pt. I.- W Therop.nn.
.1. 1V. Bog a th, 'fearller.
and X1 r6. 0.4111i .1 N..,liget, t4 h"
have been voutiug thrix 1iughtetl ill
Deta nit and 11t. Cletut mo. 11.14 e rt'turll-
ed to their home here. They Leval.
having spent a very pleasant time. -
The entertainment given by flub Luth-
erian congregation in Zi►umer's Hall
last Thursday night is very highly
spoken of by those who attended. They
were greeted with a full house which
must be very encouraging to the com-
mittee who had chatge of the proceed-
ings. The receipts totalled sometbiog
over half a hundred dollars. -Jacob
Zeller. who a short time ago disposed
of bis eighty -acre farm on the nine-
teenth concession of Stephen, last
weekurchased the fifty -acre farm of
Jos. 'ZkIer on the side -line 11 miles
south of the village. -Fred Finkbelner
accompanied by his two sisters, spent
Thursday of last week at the home of
bis uncle, south of the village. -A
number of young people held a pedro
party in Zimmer's Hall last Friday
night. They say they had an enjoy-
able time. ---Wm. Oliver of Grand Bend
was in the village on Saturday. -Pet-
er Mclssaac last week delivered a large
load of flret-class furniture to Mr. and
Mrs. Screemau of St Joseph. People
who want the best come here to buy.
-R. Russell of Montana, who is visit-
ing his mother on the 14th con, at pre-
sent, came to the village last week and
purchased a handsome Bell organ
from Peter Mclsaac, agent for this
community, and of which he made a
present to his two sisters. -It is report-
ed that there is a case of smallpox in
the Township of Hay near Kalbfleish's
Mill. -Rev. L. K. Eidt was somewhat
indisposed the last of the week. -Sev-
eral from here have been busy the
past week taking out timber in tbe
Pinery below the Bend. -Several of
our people have been victims of King
La Grippe during the past week. -Mrs.
Meyer is reported very ill and under
the doctor's care;we hope she will soon
recover. ---Levi Hamacher visited
among friends at Plattsville several
days last week. - February month
seems to be giving us plenty of stormy
and cold weather. -Saturday last was
a busy day in the village. -Say, were
y')u remembered on St. Valentine's
day, and was it pleasant or disagree-
able? -Are you contemplating matri-
mony? Get your Marriage License's
here. -Our genial miller. John Eidt, is
all smiles this week over the appear-
ance of a bright baby boy which came
to his home on Sunday last. We ex-
tend congratulations. -Andrew Muss-
er, who has been visiting his family
here since Xmas, left,tbis week for
Kimberly, B. C., to resume his work.
Andrew hese good position in one of
the large mills of that place. He has
three other brothers working in the
same mill and wages are such as to be
a good Inducement. -E. M. Broken -
shire did official duty as Sanitary In-
spector in hisdivision in the Town-
ship of Stephen on Monday and Tnes-
day.-Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haug are vis-
itingamong a nn friends in and around
Dashwood this week.
WEDDED -In Dashwood on Tuesday,
Feb. 12th, at flveo'clock in the after-
noon, the marraigo took place of Miss
Lydia, dautgbter of Mrs. John Schroed-
er, to Charles C. Fabner of Crediton.
The mystic words which were pro-
nounced by Rev. L. K. Eidt, ,Evange-
lical pastor here, were uttered In the
presence of a large number of friends
and relatives who had been invited for
the occasion. Thus we lose one of our
fair ones and contribute to the happi-
ness of another home. We congratu-
late the happy couple and trust that
their lives may always run along the
smooth pieces.
School Reports
Following is the report of the Sr. and
Jr, Department rif 8. S. No. 1, Stephen
for January
Sr. Department.-- V. -W Hodgins,
E Windsor, C %Vilson, %V Situs, (1 Es -
spry, F Mitchell. 8t. 1V. -J White, A
Robinson, N McCurdy 0 Hogarth, M
Hepburn, A Dupla!), M Elston, 0 Wil-
son, E Sines, 11 (licks, 1. Robinson, M
Elliott Jr. IV. -J Hogarth, M. Call.
fes, M 13aynhatn, I Essery. Sr. 111.-
11 Windsor, E Wilson, E Baker and J
Davis even, N Beeman. F Davey, E
Oallfns, 11 White. It Celifas, 13 Ander-
son, E Davey. -M. Botterill, teacher.
Jr. Department. -Jr. lie. -F Fair -
hall, A White, A Brooks. Sr. 11.-M
Heist. V Bogart)), O Motz. Jr. 11.-M
Heitman, M Elliott, E Bowden, 11 Neil.
t. IL -O Davis, I McCurdy, E Alex-
ander. Pt. 1..- 0 Devey, A Robinson,
E Wilson. Jr. l't. 1.--11 Elston. Pt..
I-V Neil. The best spellers were: F
Fairhall, E Bowden, V. Motz.
Hiss Mahn S1 irks, Tent -her.
The following is a repot t of the stand-
ing of the pupils in M.M. Ni. 4, Stephen,
for Jembery: Sr. 1V.- (i Ke'stle, 113
Morleek, M Kestl(•, N Arty, E Keatle,
11 Wein M E;Iher, Jr. IV.-- 11 Smith,
L Schroeder, 0 Filler, 11 Schwarz, A
Brokensliii e. L Meiotic, k, 11 Kraft. A
Cornish, F. %Vein, ()Cornish. (4r. 111.
0 13rutt•n, tfKlntupp, %V Schwary. M
Coxworth, (1 Brown, M Brokenshire,
O Cornish. E Schroeder. ir. 111-1,
Kestle, A Wein. Sr. 11. E Itoeszler.
Miller. 1. Smith. E Atny, 0 %Vein.
Jr. 1i.-0 Murloek, .l Htokenshire, 1{
Cornish, %I 'OX 44 ,1l(), Joe Srhw)arz, l:
Wein, A Arabin. 1't. i.- O Cornish.
Total 40, at%et•agr attend:mire
M. 0. Jennison, 'reacher.
drllph tnwn•hip,aPnnt 15 yeas ago.
110r• marriage with her now ►'erent•r'(1
husband way 1P'esse.1 1.y it family of
fine 41)uIKhtet'4 and three sons who
8')!(6ve. They Ate Mts. seen. 1.(0 an;
\fry. 5.% %%el:;�er, 1;1)or•a. Ont.; 11rs.
M;dnev An,irett,, I'ainiyille: Esther
)nrl "4,.t•mnn :.t 11.11111'. Albert on the
bony -dead :111,1 Ile, Pett of London.
i)r•reaYett 44''- :4 ly.3t of Nn.• (1l;tranter,
kind heatt.'.t .,!ul loved 1, a11 and ‘,v"" P,rkhiil: (leo. 111Irh4•II had the mi.
a ron.i,h rpt "..1"14r of 111'%fell) ,11141 f,)Itoar to horn his hands severely the
bon h. Th.• fnr''r al t,),.k 1)1 l.•,• 10 the• •11i,•1 d.at w,.1 as at eon,egnence is
Exeter ceeirtetynnMnride )'afternoon, wear there in bandages.
Millen: M1.. Th•,rnt.'n Wa`Ptce,
daughter of the late W. BinghataI.'lied
at North I3ai1lefonl• Sask., Toe,ll:,y,
where she went last September en n
visit. Her re4nainv were brought here
for burial. Her hushrtnd pp{redece6sed
her seventeen years. She leas•Ps:t)tree
sone and six d�aughter..
the tenrlin+ hrintr nrronlppas)ed by
many who lot 4..1 the tiepnrtea) and
symtu,this.• with chi s')rviving hive
6411(1 and family.
Gax)erirh, Feb. 9.- While cutting ice
on the harbor this morning William
Clark's 106111 of hors -ft broke through
the i„• and w.•)e,ir•)wwad.
I f �i 1);NtF Y I
" 11111 -d"
M. 0 OLID ElYt7
(111(1(1 NIEAY1-91
tt`t. CUSada>,
5 or 500
--they are all
Each biscuit
as light as if'
made by fairy
Baked to a
golden russet
So fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
find a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yon get perfection
when you get
Sodas ' f0
Messrs. John Thompson and John
Schnell, who recently sold their farms
will hold their auction sales in a day
or so. -Misses Ethel and Edith Cap -
ling have gone to London for a time.
-A very pleasant time was spent at
the home of Mrs. Allen recently in
honor of her birtbday.-Jas. Johnston,
who recently underwent an operation
at Clinton for the removal of a cancer
in his lip, is getting along as well as
can be expected. -Wm. Swayze has
gone to London where be has accepted
a position in a tin shop. -John Ginger-
ich is busy hauling material on the
ground for the erection of his new
house and barn which he intends build-
ing in the spring. -R Allan, accom-
panied by his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Mc-
Donald, and little niece, Anna Bell,
have returned from a very pleasant
trip to Little Current. -The remains
of the late Mrs. Quigley, who passed
away at Detroit, on Feb. 2, were laid
to rest in the Drysdale cemetery on
Monday, beside those of het' husband,
who predeceased her some years. De-
ceased was a fernier resident of Blake.
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others, but compere it ass
war you will -purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness-Labatl'e Ale is surpass-
ed by none. equalled by few -at about half the price of beat imported brands.
Highest Price paid for Grain
Zurich •
JohnDunn of Port Huron,off, and Mrs.
Canpau of Detroit were here last week
attending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Quigley. -Calvin Williams of Buffalo
is hone on a visit. -Leo Cbarlesworth
last week moved his household effects
to Petrolea.-Ed Magel of Elmira is
visiting at hie home here. -Albert Fos-
ter is now residing with his father in
town.-D(tiputy Sheriff Cameron of
Goderich was here last week and serv-
ed O. Hartleih, P. Lamont,Thos. John-
ston, F. Lelbold and A. Foster with
papers to serve as petit jurors at the
March sitting of tbe County court. -
Misses Lottie Galster and Idella Fisher
have one to Berlin where they intend
retraining for a time.--.dtsa Laura
Bossenberry, daughter of F. Boesen-
berry, has gone to Chatham where she
will take a course in music. -Henry
Brenner bas disposed of his dwelling
and lot here to Henry Bauer, Sr., of
the Blind Line, who gets possession at
the end of March. The former, with
his family, will nlnve to Dashwood
where he has accepted a position in
the planing tnitl.-An exchange of
farms took place on Wednesday by
which Ezra Smith, 111th con., acquires
Mol. Jacobi'e 50 -acre farm on the Gosh-
en line, and Mr. Jacobi acquires the
125 -acre farm of Mr. Smith on the 14th
con. Possession in each case is given
on March 1. -Dietrich Scholl has re-
turned to Tavistock after a visit here.
-Menno Surerus and wife, who have
been on a visit to friends in this vicin-
ity, left last week for their home near
Cavalier, N. D. -W. Bender,J, Wurtn,
11. Little, A. Zettel and others have
returned from South River.- The :first
annual sleeting of the Huron Werther
Insurance Co., was held in the Town
Hall Tuesday. Jacob Kellerman, Chas.
Monteith, Roger Nmthcott and Wend-
el Smith were appointed directors;
B. 8. Phillips and Alex. Rennie, re-
appointed emlitors for the year; W.
T. Caldwell. Pres.: A. G. Smillie, Vice
Pres.; E. Zeller, Sec'y•Treas.; G, Holtz-
man. General Agent. The company
merle good progtes$ since its start.
From the 13111 of June to the 31st of
December 518 policies were issued.
covering an lmureince of $8(X3.8(1),
i4•sre paid $118.48residue of prem••
him notes $13818.55.-.A quiet wedding
took place in Clinton on Tuesday, Feb.
5, when two young people of this vi-
cinity were United in marringe, the
contracting patties being Henry Vol -
land, Jr.. Babylon Line, and Miss Liz-
zie, danghtet of Adan) A Ibreeht, itth
cr)n. The vonng people will reside on
the gruonl'4 fine fibrin on the Marylon
Line and we join with the numerous
Mends in wishing( then) a long and
happy married life.
St. Marys: The death occurred on
Ma1111day of Alexander McNnchie a
highly respected resident tor over
( went t• years. 'rhe deceased was it
1,111iv4'nf S).otl:tnd rind settled (11 F)ll•
a1 tun o1 rooting to (!amide, Inter re-
moving to the Stone Town. His wife
pi edece:4,rd hila by t WO years.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
pith i.00AI. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot retch
the seat of the d:seste. catarrh is a blood or rnneti•
tuunnaldisea.e, and in order to 4 ore it you mast
take internal remedies, [tall', Catarrh ('ure is taken
internally ami a••1• ,iirertly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's l'atatrh Cure is not a quack meds.
11110. ft Kae wear:61,0 10 nue of the )r•t physiriws
in this country for years and Is a regular prrerrlp
tinn. It k composed of the tent tonics know•, ,nm-
).inNI with the Fret Moot d.,iritiers, acting dire,tIy
nn the mucousa,rfl"e' The perfect eombn.atinn
of the two ingredients 4. what i•rndure.,w•h wonder
fol results In , tiring Catarrh Send for testimonial•
F. J, CHF.811Y & t'O , Provo., Toledo, o,
nobs by druggists. price 7. .
Take 11,144 Family !'ills for co ,.ti( silo*.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
The Leading Commercial School
School of Western Ontario
Vtr11! 11 YIL
Our courses are thorough and practical while the
teaching Is done by an able instructor. Tbs amid•
tious young men andoung women who, desire to
get the bat possible Commercial training patron•
search GI
.selogue this &tree.ot
bo, while business men to In The exit
our graduates to 611 responsiblea p
time to enter ourclasses (*NOW. . Beautiful cats-
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
R4eerve8 Fund..... • • . • • • • $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p.m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all pointe in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. •
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Sarins Bank Departments po,its of ss1 and upwards rc o pri. Interact comb
and December 31st.
' Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager,
Seaforth: A pleasing event trans-
pired at the home of Mrs, G. Sparkling
on Saturday evening, when her eldest
daughter, Katie L., was united in mar-
riage to George A. Moodie, contractor
Wolseley, c
e • Sask.
The eremon y
was performed by Rev. A. K. Birks,
in the presence of only the immediate
friends, the event being very quiet,
owing to tberecentdeath of the bride's
father. Mr. and Mrs. Moodie left the
latter part of the week for their home
in Wolseley.
Of Course k -Ju Will Cure Tat.
If yon are suffering agonies with
Rheumatism. Sciatica or Neuralgia -
if the Kidneys are so affected that
you have pains through the hips and
In the small of the back -don't hesitate
a moment in spending Soc for a large
box of Bu -Ju, the Gentle -Kidney Pill.
Von will get such relief from the first
few doses that nothing could persuade
you to discontame until cared Biqa
not only savelotou endless suffer9ng-
it completely removes every trace of
Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. If
your druggist will not supply you with
bun, send retail price to The Claf1
Chemical Co,. Limited, Windsor, Out, 51
pears their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty years of
success, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1907 Seed
Allmtul free on request.
n. N. s't.=BY a ('O.. tt4.4al,er. oat.
1110 PLOWS n
We have just received a
number of tine Spreaders
-The Successor -which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market.
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perritt Plow Companies
▪ Ontario
Clinton: The other day as Mrs. Ad-
am Cantelon (mother of Mrs. I), ('ant -
elm)) was nn her way home by way of
the telephone road, the horses took
fright ata load of furniture, and belt-
ed to the hide of the road, turning the
cutter over, she being pinned beneath.
She had the misfortune to have one
arm broken and a couple of ber ribs.
She is in the Hospital here.
� `t
The Dlfference
All depends on the tuition you receive in a college
whether you will make a success of business life. If your
teacher allows you to depend nn other students and
look in the back of the book for answers, your course
will he a failure. There are no answcrs.given in OUR
books -we teach you to stand alone. You need no sup-
port, so that when you start life in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself so
essential to a business man. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
cient training in both our Business and
Shorthand dcpartrnents.
Booklet free. School term : Sept. till June,
inclusio. Students may enter at any time.
Forest City Business College
). W. 1MESTEiYELT• Y. M, O. A. Bldg..