HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-14, Page 2• RI11iuliA'TIc AGONY. Nothing Reached the Root of the Trou- ble Until Ur. eeillialus' folk Pills Were Used. "I suffered almost untold agony from rk'unlatisiu. For several weary months 1 vv as confined to bed. 1 had the best et medical treatment, but nothing seem- ed to reach the root of the disease until I used Dr. \\'ethanes' Pink Pills. '?'hese !:ate completely restored my health." This strong emphatic statement is wade by Mrs, Idna Morrill, of \Vood- e ock, N. S., a lady who tutd practical- ly Leen given up as incurabio by doc- tor:. She further says: "1 suffered 1,r ever twee years and rheumatism seemed to he thinly Implanted in my system. At the outset 1 was able to attend to MY hl.usehoid duties, but at night I suffered the greatest pain. 1 at once began M take medicine, but nsy condi- tion aeluatly grew worse. 1 was et. tended by a skilful doctor, but was ul- tinedely forced to remain in bed, sue fEring unlokl agony with every move - merit. Finally the `doctors told me the trouble was incurable. One day I was advised to try Dr. Williams' ?'ink Pills and i decided to do so. Presently the pains were not so severe, and i began to feel myself gaining. ,Shortly after i was able to go about, and lit less than three months 1 was perfectly well. For Ibis condition my thanks are grateful- ly due to Dr. William' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Punk Pills cured Mrs. Morrill by driving the rheumatic poison eel of her blood. They actually make new blood. They don't act on tine bow- els. They don't bother with mere symp- toms. They go right to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is why they leave cured the worst cases of anaemia (bloodlessness) headaches and backaches tidney (rouble, indigestion, neuralgia, nervousness and the special ailments of girls and women whose blood supply becomes weak, scanty or irregular. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - Ville, Ont. VeITTY BUT RUDE. An excellent story ig told of two well- known Bishops. The two prelates are great friends. and occasionally take a delight in poking fun at each other. Some little time ago they were on a pleasure tour its Italy, and one of them became eloquently enthusiastic on the 'subject of certain architectural beauties which he pointed nut to his companion. The other, who was not so interested in architecture, said : "Its all very fine, no doubt, but 1 should tell you That n rich field, fragrant with the odor of newly -mown hay, would please mo better." "That may be so." replied the first, 'sand there's not a donkey in thy whole of Italy that wquld not agree wf ► you 1" T TOMMY LEARNS DEFINITIONS. Tommy—"Teacher, whet does 'vouch- safe' mean?" Teacher—"To give, Tommy. Now. ran you make up a sentence using the went correetly" Tommy—"Sure. '1 vouchsafed Billy a poke In de slab.'" FELL DOWN FLIGHT OF STEPS *ROVED 7.\\I-Itl h ItEeT I\ Timex • DIFEE.ltl \7' I:\II:IU.I:\(:II:>. One of the most valuable points about Zam-Buk, the herbal halm, Is the vari- ety of use; to which it can be applied. Mrs. A. I.ivernois, of 131 Sydenham St., Toronto, says: "1 have used Zane Bilk for colds on the chest and found when rubbed well in it gate almost in- stant relief to the 'lightness' and 'stiff - nese.' Ono day 1 slipped when de- i9(ending the `.lairs and fell to the bot- tom. My right arra was terribly di3- cekwed and cwolken and be'eante quite stiff. As 1 still had a supply of Zeno 'Rue 1 nmhenl sante on the bruised limb and it was really surprising how quick- ly it remove.' the discoloration, cured -the stiffness, and restored the arra to ILS proper form. Since that time 1 have had occasion to use Zrant-Buk for rhea. Mati•nt, and 1 have found it equally Xnn1-Bak Is Po uniformly goo(i be- cause 1t is composed of the Mesa her- bal halms, essences, and juices known to medical science, compounded and refined in it special and peculiar way. It has ee: welt germ -killing power that it I - ilh'd as nn anls.seVJlc. tt; li 'le is very great (indite a hon Li t ., .n '!sena-Iluk Is aL,olute- tv unique. It is a sure cure for eczema. Iteh, blond pi.lepn, ulcers. chronic sore., ringworm. children': metes :spots. etc. It algin cures cuts, burns. bruises, (qhop- ped hands. enlarged veins. piles. and all di.ea?cel or injured conditions of the skin and sulejscenl lissuee. All drug- gisis and `cores sell at 50e. a lox, nr past free from tate lam -Birk Co.. Tnron'o, tot price. 6 10504 seal for $2.50. sena one cent for dainty Trial box. — --rte- A go d ci(: en. brcnitliese and excited. nn up tee :Marge. calm policeman one eve nne' `rel:- "Ofll:•cr. there's a ler- irk tight going en round the corner 1) the I^gl(,l." "Thank you. sir. I'll de m as uch or you entne day. sir." said the policemen. gratefully. as he took the turning to the left and quickly distil). pea: eel. t1 SENTENCE. SERMONS. We live by the joy we give. Ssgndicance is not a mauler of bulk. Good will on earth Is God's will for man. There aro no saints without their see - vice. A week end religion Is weak at both M1,4. 'there are no single admLsslon tickets to glory. No than can b, free who hulds another In bonds. Many have found life's crown bending over a cradle. The dew of heaven is not in the mildew on the SP1111011. The path of happiness always leads by' some rad ot►P's side. Il often takes a vacnnt place to bind the family fast together. Giving is always a poor investment when it is on investment only. Tho true servants of heaven are known by an atmosphere of happiness. Ile who is allays looking for a soft phaco finds one in the slough of despond. . The only way to get some folk; to for- give and forget is to lend them a dollar. Nothing worth seeing comes from the life that knows nothing of the unseen. A MOltIEB:S PRIDE. A mother's greatest pleasure is in seeing her little ones bright, playful and healthy. The well child Is a blessing le tho home, but the sick child is a regular IiUle tyrant. A few doses :•t i;aby'' Own Tablets will make the r ick- ly chd well, or an occasional dose will prevent sickness. There is nothing to equal these Tablets as a cure for sto- mach and bowel troubles. They make teething easy, break up wide, expel worms and cure simple fevers. Baby's Own Tablets are so'.d under the guar- antee of a government analyst not to contain one particle of opiate—the never do harm — always good. Mrs. G. M. Kemp, Carleton Plane, Ont., says: 'I have given Baby's Own 'Tablets to toy little one since he was a week old, and have found them a splendid medi- cine. At eleven months ho weighed over twenty-six pounds." The Tablets aro sold by druggists or by mail at •Tri cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicife Co., Brockville, Ont. SAME PLALE. Man : "Where does this road go to, eny boy?" Boy : "Don't know, mister; it's always hero when 1 come this way." A BROAD STATEMENT. Dr. Leonllardt's Item-iioid will cure any case of Piles. This statement is made without any qualifications. It is in the form of a tablet. It Is the only pito remedy used In- ternally. It Ls impossible to cure an establish- ed case of Tiley with ointments, supposi- torics, injections or outward appliances. A $1,000 guarantee with every pack- age of Dr. Leonhard!:, Item -Bold. $1.00, all deniers. or The WiLson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. -1' a:mosiTics IN COMPLIMENTS. Some Odd Presents That IL-ne Been Given to Rulers. A very pretty- compliment was paid by his fellow tewn,rnen to President Fat- Ileree of Prance upon the occasion of Isis recent visit to his- birthplace, the litUe town of \fe:rin. To widen tho street the house in which the President was born had been pulled down some years ago. What was to be .one? The people of Mezin put their heads together and when their distinguished fellow -citizen arrived, imagine his delight at finding an exact reproduction of his old home in papier macho! All was perfect, down to the very furniture, part of which had been collected from the country around and pnrl reproduced in facsimile. The l'resi- elent thanker( Isis (pends in a voice bro- ken with emotion, and tears acluuily streamed clown Isis cheeks as he finished his little speech. Tho late French ?'resident, M. Loubet, was once the recipient of nn interesting present. it consisted of an immense album (pled with thousands of press cuttings relating 4o his visite to Italy and to England. The album, whirl' 11 of enormous size and richly bound, con- tains not only cuttings. but photographs and iltuslrations of all finds, 11 toms, indeed, n complete chronicle of Isis life ss ritkn by many different people, and in more tient n dozen dint -rent languages. in India the native reeds consider it the highest possible cornpii►nent In be prevented with tine specimens of 'wild beasts, and consequently both King Ed- ward and the Prince of Wales have been the recipients of tnany gifts of this de- scription. I3u1 when. in" line day. two splendid tigers arrived unexpecteqly at Sandringham. ting Edward was driven t remonstrate. "I have nccorumotla- eon;" he said, "for horses, dogs, cows, cads, `nice, and even rats, but 1 must draw the line at tigers." An odd gift was.received by the Crown Prince of Germany upon his coming of age. A dcputhtion of butchers attended, bearing an enormous anti magnificent steak. upon the surface of which was worked in poet their greetings to the future ntonnir.h. The late Prince Biwnnrck once received i•elnl sons) miners in Westphalia a bust of himself carv.'el in coal. and it is sled That MLA odd present watt nlways care- fully preeerved by hisn and looked upon somewhat in the light of n luck bringer. A compliment which had serious re- !Miln was paid to an actor named Ilan - son nt a little mining town in British Colu,nbi+i. The audience was so stirred Ly \Ir. 1Ian.son's acting hent some per- son, began Ihn,wing present- upon the at I;P. like spectators al a spanish bull - Uhl. One burly miner, having nothing ease tinnily, hurled a lamp of gold ore l'nhlel,ily it hit the actor on the lien t and ewe:keel hint down. Ile ions badly injured and it was we etiS before he was able to play ngnin. I'ertnaps the oddest elm of paring a compliment belongs len a tribe of Indians 0;1 the Ain -hon owlet. When a chief wishes to do honer er to n dislinguistied Beller he invitee lune 1.: :a "potlatch." or tenet. 'then slo:•n ,.il trete eaten their till the chief gas !e the elite of the cliff and solemnly casts into Ile sea as many of his pnxteseinne as he thinks he can afore. '1'h15 is held to be the highersl on of compliment and much superior merely giving presents ter tate peal, -- I .inion rientlite. as J * . OATE •L 3'"' 'S ill ,lrV "Queen City" ti u better then a purr Man+ioha Mad —a a lel ler than a pure Ontario Bow—bnm:lAcuded u combines the best ge"la,as d both. ....ren Coy' u an all purposes tyt.. Doak.s finr,.etre s.r♦i.:d "Tsk your grocer for The Campbell C ampbell's Milling Co. teeter Tama Junco .. Onto Queen City FORESTS OF JAPAN. While the Chinese have been creating havoc among their forests for centuries. the Japanese have taken good care of Weirs, and to -day more than a third of the area of Japan is still under forest. There are only twenty sawmills in the whole country. The Japanese forets in- clude four zones—the tropical, bamboo and banana; the sub -tropical, camphor; (Inc temperate. oak, maple, poplars, etc.; and the ncrthe'n, pine. • They Advertise Thennseh'es.—immedl- ately they were offered to the public, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills became po- pular because of the good report they made for themselves. That reputation has grown, and they now rank among the first medicines for use in attacks of dyspepsia and lilk>usness, complaints of the liver and kidneys, rheumatism, fever and aguo and the innumerable complications to which these ailments give rise. TII ESIGN. "Whnt is the oulwand and visible sign of baptism?" asked a lady -of her Sunday School class. There was a silence for some seconds, and then u little girl broke in triumphantly with—"?'lease, Inns, it's the baby." --- A Metter et I t.nce to all those who art rue down and debilitated is the (Act that "Perro.nn f. the but fosse over c..ruyroande4l 11 gives strength aad builds up this gat.sa. 1IE•11:111 HINTS. Never get cold fret, especially in poli- tics. Avoid tato hours ; when the clock strikes 23 it is limo to go to bd. Maladies which fail to respond to any other treatment should bo treated with silent conlempt. Remember that care killed a cat, and the roan who Inas no more than nine lives can't afford to worry. Nose -bleed is frequently caused by not minding your own business. 1l may bo cured by calling the police wed dearth into the nearest drug store. 4. GiRLS ENTERING WOMANHOOD FIND RILE.1NS .t BOON. Mothers wtio have daughters just on the critical borderland over which Ilse girl pages into the fuller life of wee manhood. will lind Rileans it great boon. They make rich, red blood, and strength- en and invigorute the internal organs involved in the great change. Mrs.. T. Beadle, of ilome Place, Toronto, says: "%(y daughter, Elsie (13), was feeling fur from well this winter. She cone pluinel of frequent headache and was always weakly, tired, and drowsy. She seemed altogether without energy ;r strength. Each morning her tongue was coated and her appetite failed. She was sometimes so dizzy that on stoop- ing she almost fell, and she was also troubled a great deal with constipation. (inc single box of Bileans mode a world or difference in her, and so 1 continual to give her this retnedy. Within a few atreks They built her up wonderfully and they aro keeping her in the best o' health." Menne also cure anemia. green sick- ness, debility, sick hendache, constipa- tion, piles, rheumatism. scialica, and al: liver and kidney ailments. They tone up 11►e system and enable it to Throw on colds, chills. ele. All drug- gists anal Mores sell !Mears nt rear. a lox. or obtainable from the Itilean Co., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes sent for NOTICING TO 1.0er. • \fear tnnizi—"John, 1 think there's a burglar down in the hall." Mr. Cnnizt — "Let him slay there. Teere'e welting he can lake except the umbrella 1 borrowed from Jones." Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no questie:n about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hispreseripl ion tilled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOII'S CURB for a quarter. Why pay two to five doltari when a twenty-five cent bottle of SIi1L0:1 will care yea asquick l:? Why net do as hundreds of theusar.ds of Canadians have dere, fur the past thirty-four years : let SH t LO11 be your doe - tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. 81111.0I 1 will cure you,_ ani all druggists back up this statement with a positive K•larantce. 'I'he next tir::o you haeo to Coagh or Cold cure It with SFIILOFI r 11 u lee! F: NO. s-1/7 The Mark Thal TeIIs Tweir tsaarked the, is • eatery ere dna, fake. ,and prima l w woo.. -a, tar a aa.l a-Udea. F-erm ()cairn ere &absented t, erpta.e iosta.dy aid at our oo.t. Lay I'en•Auale )set mad (silky in maria) es making. Pre Fen -Angle trade- mark (in red) on every Pen -Angle garment, !elle you it will f4tandwon't shrine, your own dealer se guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is eofter, warmer, more flexible, better wearing, kommonamaaaame i7 D�ItWEAR. "Health and eager depend upon the gniality and quantity of the blood."— llunlanitariau. Dr. Carson's Ton lc Stomach and Constipation !litters A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood; Purifier. Price 50 cen(a per Bottle. Ifou are not able to obtain It inyour u.lghbrrhoo 1, we will ,eev•I t r any u1- 4r.es two ',Atlas n . receipt of ONE{ Dol.f.Alt (Sea. per 5.111.) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet sent `nae en application. The Carson Medicine Company) $7 Wellington St. West. - Toronto! .121..G1-3a1VRJ Big money now being made sell- ing shares of one of Cobalt's safe,(, best and most reliable companies. A trustworthy repro - tentative wanted for this dis- trict. Write at once to Box 413, Toronto. The largest known meteor was that found by Peary in Greenland. 11 weighed 49,000fb. Yen feted net shed any tears Ifyouwin Plana Tb I' . Di I." Menthol Y r eti bas lams NMI. Tar aN b. ceavis..,l A full-grown elephant weighs on an average G,OWIb., or fly much as six horses. Tho never failing medicine, Hollo- way's Corn Cure, removes ail kinds of e corns, warts, etc.; even the most diffi- cult to remove cannot witIutand this wonderful remedy. There are 470.000 men in the Turkish Armee or 70,000 more than in the Spalsish. They Cleanse the System Thoroughly. —Parmelee :s Vegetable Pills clear the RIo1110Cli and bowels of bilious matter, cause the excretory vessels to throw off Impurities from the blood into the bowels and expel Ilse deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain nr inconvenience to the patient, who speedily realizes (heir geed ollices a. soon as they Legin to take effect. Th'y have strong recommendations from all kinds of people. himseire who cheero another encourages lf. Like little volt t of .ilies.e, the eruptions Dir edema pour out discharges. It 14 blood causer the trouble. 1 he local reine.ly is wearer's Citrate, aulweaver's syrup eat drive the poieoa from the Mood. ----- The world is full of superstitious people-olherwiso there would fro fewer hair restorers en the market. Mother Grave,' e\Vor►n Exterminator does not require the help of any pie. grieve medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and lit convinced. I'Rt1%R OF FIVE: BILLION DOLLARS. Do Your Previous Records of Britain's Foreign Children Commerce a are surpassed. 'f110 total value (>f (Inc import and Cough in i extort bale of Great Britain last year • estcedeJ for the first lime the gigantic t-•lal of £I,0411,000,00a, aieily beating all previous trade records in the history of the United Kingdom. This fact is brought out in the trade and navigation returns of the United Kingdom fir 1^•06, just issued. Owing t., the recovery from the effects el 11►e Solite African war, the great been) in the cotton trade and other minor a lu>os, the trade of the country during the last few years has Leen pro. grossing Ly leaps and bounds. The following figures show in round mIlions the inercase in total trade since 19e4:-1901, imports £515,000,000 ($2.575,- lrl6.000), exports £40'7,1100,000 ($2,035,000,- (M:0), total reil.00e3,000 ($4,610,0(t).0ree; 1.03, iuli orts £-65,0:10,(1(10 (52.825,000,- (XIO), export, £565,000,000 ($2.305,0()0,000), taint £)72,030,001 (14,860,000,060); 1906 1 import, X607,001,103 ($3,1135,(100,000); ex• )`.rte £(6),403,1100 (12,300,000,000), total, .11,067,01:0!.00 ($5,335,000,000), Comparing l:06 with 1905, (he returns Amer teat imports leencased £C42,9r1i3OX) 421 S eeds:s) find exports increased £3,203,0o (1.66,f00.030). The total in- cleaee was £96,1(0,000 ($t80,500,000). A :triktl'Ig example of how the absence of a tariff impedes British trade is fur- nishell by the automobile industry. the exports of British cars and car parts have increased only as follows in the Inst three years: -1934, £221,012 ($1,605,- 010); 19d5. £,;01,502 ($2,509,110; 1906, £620,0lk)s($4,101),100). On the other hand, the imports of foreign uutonwbiles an•f parts have increased to Ilia following enormous extent: 1904, £2,423,940 '112,- 11'4700); 1905, £3,367.123 ($16,(+35,615); 1906, £1,371,669 (1,1,858,300). NO BOO.\I AT TOP. • Williamson : ''It was never intended that a lazy elan should reach the lop o' the ladder." Henderson : "1 suppose not. There's ty> place up there for him to sit down." FOLK LORE. Old Lady : "1 dinna I:en what ails folk, that folk canna like folk as folk should like folk! for if folk liken folk as folk should like folk, folk would like folk as well us folk ever liked folk sin' folk were folk." It you are a sufferer from colds get 6 bottle of Dickies Anti -Consumptive Syrup and test its qualities. It will Le found that no praise bestowed 08 it is too high. 11 does all that is claimed for it, and does it thoroughly. Do not lake any substitute for I3ickle's Syrup, be- cause it Is the best, having stood the test of years. All the Lest dealers sell It. REAL LOSS. Neighbor: "I heart your wife giving you flail Columbia this morning." Homer : "Huh 1 That wasn't my wife; it was the cook." There Is no such thin`` as a harmless, cough. The trouble goes from bed N worn unl.as check - .d. Allen's lame Salem cures the wont oelds. It allays inaaeusati.a and clear the all passages. France has a 10 per rent. tax on thereto tickets, of which tho ptoceeeLs go lir relieve the poor. Pain Is Punishment.—Pain is a pre- test of nature against ne•gect of the bodily health, agairst 'carelessness te- garding the physical condition. 11 steals in at the first opportunity arid takes up its abode in a man and it sornofimo3 difficult to eject it. 1)r. Thornes' Eclectric Oil will drive it out in short order. Pain cannot slay where It is used, but immediately flees away. On a gradient of 1 In 20, n railway engine or horse does exi elly three times as much work els Oil a dead level. the Night • What mother's or father's !tenet hu not leaped into their threat when they have been suddenly awakened us the night by that hard and prolonged, ce that smothering, choking, croupy cough that betokens the nsest serious resulta unless relieved of once'? What shall 1 dul is the first thought, and without as effective and reliably remedy at hand the child may suttee or die Lefuro relief cuu be given. SLOCUM'S LTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT is a quick and absolutely safe, reliable and certain cure for all fonts of Cough. Cold, Sore Throat, 1.agrippe, Croup, Whoopitlg Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma and rill Irritated and inflamed conditions or the throat or chest. It will save every mother many a sleepless, anxi- ous night, and the children as well as adults many an hour's suffering and illness. "I had been snftering for over two a .nth, wit% a.nbstiaate cough, a, hue a:au my little girl We tried several reoeediea c,,m men N an drug1 rt:,n with tut obtaining any apparent reran!, in tact we were'grewing were. If got a Doti,* of Coltaf.ote Kapeot+rsnt from say 'hugest and ia• side et two days the c:ruxh was cared, and the ee- sult.sopen.aneat and rapid that wn decided to keep Conafoote Kapectoraut in our haus* oert. tisu.11y." uo1RUT 1'At.RY, C.A.R. St.tion, Ottawa. No home should 1,b without It. It is the greatest family medicine for these troubles the world has produced. Keep 11 on hand. 11 is a never -falling Irival. 25c. at your dealer, GOOD FOR OI.D AND YOUNG. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. CHILDREN WVIS IT. f'" se Prime LSP OIL ECOOIL11OMy Sarnia u White No real need to bay the mere expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGiIT—Tunis tai row" OAS PITS 11111 0151 -- Queen TOY A 011 city AV?ffL Lamp For Sale by Dealers QOEEN' CITY OIL CO., ii,at� FOR SALE. d, avis r.nch, 16 i,rc• hearing .,clued, u acres folioed acture, F c•,w..:e h•.r.aa, gest %sass. baa and well. A get, h•.me 11. J. 11 AIJIICK, (lerniag, CaiiL Farms For Salo. Improved slightly, rolling, rich clay loam ; grows hay. grain. sugar boels abundantly. Chancey of a lifetime to get it good borne. Farm:• and prices to silt everybody. Send for list. I. 131.NT1.KY. Bentley P. 0., Mich. 'OS HAWK %AV SHINGLES AT $4.50 a square (10 ft. by 10 ft.), and with a guarantee of twenty- five years service back of the sale, "Oshawa" GalSanized Steel Shingles make the cheapest good roof for any permanent building on your farm. They last a hundred years. Even cedar or cypress shingles will cost you as much, and be rotted to dust long before an "Oshawa " , Shingle' shows a sign of wear. Slate wits cost you far more to buy and twice as much to put on, on'tlasbitlo ger. warranted) with heavy galvanizing. Anybody who can drive nails straight can roof any building with " Oshawa " Steel Shingles, --a hammer and a pair of tin- ner's snips are tools a -plenty. Tell us the surface mewure of any roof! and we will tell you exactly what it will cost to cover it with the cheape3t. roof you can really afford to use. Send for a FREE copy of our booklet, "Roofing Right," and read of the profitable, common- sense way to re.of any building on any farm. The booklet is worth reading. It tells why an "Oshawa" Steel Shingles make build- 'Oshawa" -shingled rcof i:3 cheapest for gled ro.,1 is safe. Ings lightning-pra.,f, and are gu: ranteed you. Melts, too, why "Oshawa "-shin- \vatrr-proof, wind - :•. proof, fire -proof, a n as Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shine icz weather-proof for a arc GUARAN'T'EED in cvcry way for ucentury, 25 X e"'' Ought to List a ftiiestLets tabout lg'tgquarter ithout painin drconl the blade of semi -hard- ' � caused in Canada last cned - hez.vy 1311 ct steel (LS - grillage book -where ch a l je,xr, Kd the sendcltcr yourreaentry, from lightning, and i;ives some surpris- Th Pealar IFF i.17- 1 Of Oshawa MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA LONDON 711d('reig`L W. 11 Col bornefit. 423 Sums=y as l•nndae N. W1'iNfP£'3 VARCOUJr.I( 75 la ruL,.r l AL ri15 1' • .1u h:.