Exeter Advocate, 1907-02-14, Page 1los
Phone 25 -Advocate
Whet, )tet want ANN -
THING that an up-to-date
printin1•, office call do. Lat-
eat styles, newest types,
prompt work, right price,
Lang Distil nee Phone.
Real Estate Changes
able t. t ;, \Vt• hate titl-
eyualle.i f+,rilitie• to rent,
sell or buy t it hi r faint or
vilhiKe [•r,•psvty. Try it.
S%NHllfts di ('itt{tic11,
Before Opening An Account
examine the growth of The Sovereign Bank.
In 4% years, ending 31 it October, 1906.
Assets have increased to 825,343,401
Excess of assets over Li-ILI:ties to the Public
has increased to
Deposits have increased to
$1.00 opens an account in the Savings Department.
Interest paid 4 times a year. AD
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zuriob and Dashwood.
The Old Reliable
There will be an honest
No humbug abort this sale, what we in we mean and what we
rnean We say. Winter goods to clear.
AI,., rt lot of
Mens' Tweed and Moltin Overcoats, Wool Blankets,
Ladies' Golf Jackets, Working Coats,Underwear, etc.
Every article marked in plain figures. No deception. Our Spring
Good, are fast coming to hand and in a few days we will have one
of the brightest and nattiest stocks in town.
Prefesaleaal Cards.
DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. &, D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson k Carling's Law Ofsce, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors"
DR. A. It. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.•
Honor graduate of Toronto L'niveriste.
pts ext,ected without any pain, or any bad effects
Once in Hanson'' Block. west side Main street,
AP. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
• College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former lrcuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr../. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
Erst street north of °dice, Exeter, Ontario.
House for Sale or Rent.
The frame dwelling in .rood repair, on the South
roundary, Exeter. i i flocks west of Main street.
The land consists of two lot/ and is in first class Con•
ditlon. Good water, sclere fruit ttees,etc.
Apply at this Once.
-- --- --
tors, Notaries, C'onseyanctn, Commisdoger'-
t elicitors for Mohions Bank. eve.
MO1ey t0 Load at lowest rata of interest.
Duces, Ma!n street, Exeter,
1. R. Culla, B.A., L H. Notion
We base a large amount of private funds to loan
a farm it ! village perperhes at Inw rates of triter
Barristers, Solicitor. 14 . -..1.. Exeter t.;,
Otganiat and Chat Master c: •' Methodist
.Church. Teacher Piano, Or.: Harmony.
Modern toethal• Thorouyhne••
William Brown
Prof. D'i' t of Royal tnco►tr•ratcd .is of
Msslriana r - arA: OOrrggaanoa. M Trintt bemirial
Cburch,I3teter Piano.Orgs.. Ilarmnoy ►n•1 Theory
of Musi:. Trrra on appii,-atioa. Exeter, Ont,
a▪ TAst es • 'arm, lot 1' ar.'. , :- • east'.,
• 2ephen. • tiered for sate- TL.. far:,. :msiste of
gyp acres and a sit:ate 3 nein from Exeter. It M of
Read. rieh. clay 1.osa. Inert se a frame boas' of 9
room*, with summer kit(ben and woodshed targe
trek tarn. N IN M. with cement Soon There are
sten dirtying • -1. and other outbnil•tiege The
fano is well f. - .d and well drained. The user
seuble tons tt:r ugh the farm. About it acres of
hard+rood Isiah Fri, a Pere Apply on the prea.isea
Palley Lands for Sale
To Farmers
The Enter C ai.n.r.• and I'resen ing Company are
now prepared to receive contracts for the growing of
teas, tomatoes and cam fog.the coming season.
Contracts may besignelt at J. 0. Jones' store, the
Sovereign Batik or Advocate office.
Barn for Sale
The uadere:gaed is offering for sale the tarn locat-
ed on Lot 4, Con. 2, Biddulph; du 54z34. All the
timber is well preserved and would work In splend.
idly for rebuilding. Will be sold reasonably. rot
parti•-ulera apply to
A. B. Jamieson, Centralia.
Public Notice
Take notice that all persons found throwing ashes
on the streets without the permission of the Rout
Ctommsstonet will be prosecuted aocordine to law,
the sante being contrary to by-law. By order of the
village Council.
Joseph Senior, Clerk.
The t. wheat lands of the
Vest. I h.• a few choice half sec-
tions left l' .,:ht now can be sold
for almost n a year. ('an Rive
you the (il .. - ,rmation i g*rding
homestead• l •wn sites. A good
half section 1' Iles east of Hanley. (t
acres spring 1,,.•• ;n one corner. which
can be boil& • t • $12; hnyer can secure
homestead t' : •ids.
31)11 • 11.1R1.T(1N, Exeter.
Farm Labourers and Domestics
!bate Leen appointed by the Dominion Govern-
ment to place immigrants from the United Kingdom
in positions a.. farm lat.ourers or domestic sees ants
in this skinity. Any person requiring Nrh help
should notify me ty letter stating fully the kind of
help required, when wanted and wages offered. The
number' arri. Ing may not be sufficient to supplf all
requests. but every effort will be made to provide
each applicant with help required
Canadian Government Employment Agent, Exeter
Auction Sale
Farm Stock, Implements i
The Exeter Council.
Council islet Muuday night. t' tun -
enters Fuke and Johns were alt-ent.
Minutes of previous tweeting read .end
Auditors W. D. Weekes and James
neer reported, stating that they bad
found the Treasurer's Books correct in
every particular.
W. J. Heaman-J. J. Knight -that
the auditors' report be accented and
that they be paid their salaries of $12
each, -Carried.
A communication was read inviting
the council to attend a meeting in Ot-
tawa of the Canadian Association for
the prevention of consumption and
other forms of tuberculosis. W. J.
Hearnan-J. J. Knight -that the let-
ter be flied and that the council in-
struct the member at Ottawa to help
on the good work in the interests of
A number of copies of the proposed
by-law for the improvement of the pub-
lic highways of the County to be con-
sidered at the June meeting of the
County Council were laid on the table.
The by-law will be considered at a bit-
er date.
A motion of sympathy with Coun-
cillor Fuke in his accident was passed
per J. J. Knight and W. J. Heaman.
The following accounts were order-
ed to be paid:-TelepboneCo. 80c; Mrs.
White, scrubbing. $1; S. Sanders, tele-
grams, 55c; Geo. Cudmore, snowplow-
ing, $2; T. Elliott, labor, 25c; Geo.
Brooks, hread,charity, $1;0. B. Snell,
lighting, 11 arc lights 12 nights $27.72,
30 series lights 2.1 nights $40.80, 18 ser-
ies lights 1.1 nights $10.38, Town Hall
lighting $3.80, Total $91.50; W. J. Bis-
sett, salary $33; John Ford, salary $27.
W. J. Heaman-J. J. Knight -that
an aro light be placed at D. Braund's,
corner on Main street, Exeter North.
J. J. Knight -W. J. Heaman-that
in future Mr. Snell give a detailed
statement of the lighting for each
night when making out his hill and
that same be certified to by tbe com-
Mr. W. T. Colwill and C. 13. Snell
appeared regarding the matter of Mr.
Cnlwill's horse being killed some
months since by a live wire near the
station. Mr. Snell stated that Mr. Col -
will intended entering proceedings in
tbe matter and that the best way was
for the town, Mr. Colwill and Mr.
Snell to come to a settlement in the
matter before costs bad been incurred.
Discussion followed, the reeve stating
that he thought tbe town was not re-
sponsible for the animal's death and he
had placed the .natter in the hands of
his solicitors who after an examina-
tion of the Electric Light Franchise
entered proceedings against Mr. Snell,
who bad asked for a delay to approach
the council. That was the object of
their appearance before the council.
He regretted to have to push the .nat-
ter but was forced into theaetion by a
non settlement. The horse was worjh
about 8140. The council advised the
gentlemen to settle the difficulty and
that the council could do nothing in
the matter.
W Olid 11;111l
The many friends of Miss Nettie
Switzer will be pleased to learn that
she is daily recovering in health. --A
little daughter has arrived at the home
of Rev. Bartlett and it is now receiving
every attention. -Our League and
choir intend giving an "At Home"
shortly. -A number of our citizens are
suffering from la grippe. --Little Doris
McNaughton who has been quite ill, is
convalescing. -Ed. Knight is now oc-
cupying the Allen farm, on the 8th
con., where he will retrain for a few
weeks. prior to removing to his new
farm near Exeter. --Much sympathy
is expressed for Mrs. W. J. Roy in her
bereavement. her mother. Mrs. Thos.
Grant, having been called away. De-
ceased had reached the age of 8i years.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy attended the funer-
al at Mitchell on Wednesday.
To Buy Horses
I te118all
of Mrs. ('has. Zwicker.-Chas. Fahner, 1
one of . ,, most rowan,. young farnl-
On Sunday Dr. Medd. formerly of ere, was on Tiles( �a y •united in
tilts place, preached two very inter- i to Miss 1 vdia Schroeder, the pleasing
esting sermons to large congregations, event taking place at the home of the
-Ou Mondry the members of the A. bride's Mother in Dashw•notl, We ex -
F. tl :\.:.f., ht hl a Lout net iu .Villers tend congratulations, --Jnr. and \1i's. 'f
hall. A)!ont two hundred were in at- Claude Bluets entertained a number I
tendanee and a very enjoyable time of friends tit their bout' Wednesdaywas sll,•nt by all. After a dainty evening. -Mrs. (Rev.) Andrew has re-'
luncheon had been served an interest- turned from Russeldale,where she has
I Irish to announce that 1 it ill be In Exeter on Sat-
urdw-of each week to buy all classes of borets.
They must be in good ^onditlon, and the highest
market price will be }akL
T. F_ IIANDFORD, Exeter.
Household Effects, Etc. '
Li tT 1t1, cos 11, t•SBU1{NE,
on TUESDAY. FE11RCARY 10th, 'tr
at 12:30 o'clock sharp
The following pe^perty, rir:
HORSVI.-i draft tare. b years old:1 draft brood
mare 4 year+o14. infoal to Colston Leader; t aged
to e.1 mare, in foal to Geo. Martin's hone; 1 driving
mare.: 'ears okL in foal to Clarkenwell: 2 dn.ing
olt', .1 sears oki, tied by Texas Jwk, yearling) t
by sir Malcolm. yearlirg colt by Golden Th
tucking colt by IAutentrar: rocking colt by Marten.
CATTLE -9 snitch cows. t cows with calf at foot;
2 rows due to • all about timed sale: 2 cowl to call
in March: 1 cow, to ^aloe in April; 2 farrow .....owt; 2
yearling steers, god ones: 3 Tripp calves.
1100'.._; brood row,. 2 s••,ss with littet at foot;
3 ens, 0' farrow April 3: thnr..ught.red, registered
Yorkshire Tran i y r-old.1 store pigs, 11 pig, 2 mos.
POULTRY - 3 geese and gander, yt. about
. pure bred (tarred Rock Mrs: 1 m•ired bens.
IMPLEMENT" -Massey Harris Rinder. neariy
new: M. H. Mower. Sharpe hay rake. M. N folder.
M. 0.cviti'atot,land roller, Maxwell disc harrow,
Kemp TUMMY spreader. neuly new; set iron hay.
rows, 2 narrow plows. 3 fnrriw and !•tarso•ang
ptosr•. ruiner, turnip drill, 15 trout M If Ace deal.
nearly new; M. 0 root pulper. 8Ui lbs. rake.
Chatham fanning mal, hey rack, truck macros, top
tnggy, fob sleighs, rvtter. neatly new: gravel toe.
sew: ' .et dool a harness, set tingle harems: 2 Ing•
ging chains. 2 •row tares 3 set whiffletrees, grind
stone, '<combos el. spade, forte. neck yokes. ales
40 bush. seed Mansuria Battey, 150) bush. oat.., pun.
city turn!p., Cedar and Mk p•wts. dry nose wood,
I{OUSEH• •LD EVTECt'S-- toning r -an tale. sols.
fancy tale, drop.leaf table. kitchen bre, t Red
room suites. cupboard. stands. Orions. set dinner
dishes. rror•ks. milk pails. National Cream Separator.
.burp. J) sap pails. sap pen. parlor stove. goof •-ook
stove, stove furniture and other useful &markt
startt a house.
Also number of h' -n.. plant* -Palms, Fern..
Oersaiume. I•esrnila, Fol.•ge "s•rn., COMMA
and other
TERMS • 1,11 rA I: and under. soh, inn tht'
amount • re- nth • red": ren ai farnuhtng ai-
pros ef 1••.nt r, :e. .a din. •:r.t of ; per eat. per
annum oe for -ash oe credit amnceant&
No reverse as the proprietor i. imago op fatsaieg
F1.F.'T• )( '. 1 •exFITTF,R 10*. WIIrTE.
•plitt.I Aastinneei
ing program, consisting of instru-
mentals, solos, duetts and readings
was rendered and everyone report a
very pleasant time indeed. The affair
throughcut was t► decided success. -
On account of the .:.any functions in
town on Monday evening Dr. Daniels'
lecture, "Uncrowned Kings," was post-
poned till a further date. -Miss Lilly
Ortwein left this week for Toronto to
attend the millinery openings. -Mrs.
(Dr.) Campbell of Zurich is visiting at
the home of Thos. Murdock. -Thos.
Murdock is visiting friends in Leatn-
ington.-The many friends of George
Wren will be pleased to learn that he
is improving rapidly from his recent
illness. -Mise Annie Wren spent Mon-
day in Exeter, -Mrs. L. H. Dickson
has returned to Exeter after a pleas-
ant visit. here with her brother, John
McDonald. -Mr. McMahon is visiting
at 13.Bonthron's.-Miss Joynt of Luck -
now is a visitor at the home of her
brother, G. Joynt.-Miss Coates of
Clinton is spending a few days with
her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Murdock. -Mrs.
C. A. McDonell bas returned from
Forest where sbe was attending the
funeral of her mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Hut-
ton. Much sympathy is expressed for
Mrs. McDonell in her hour of bereave-
ment. -A London correspondent says:
"Mrs. S.J. Latta and daughter, Estella.
have returned from an extended trip
to England and Ireland. They are.
now spending the winter in the North-
west with Mr. Latta, whose health is
improving. The family will return
during the slimmer in time for Prin-
cipal Latta to resume his duties at Col-
ilorne•street school after the holidays."
Mr. Latta le an old Ohiselburst boy,
where a number of his relatives still
reside and the news of his recovery in
health will be learned with much
pleasure by all.
DEATH. -Death has once more visit-
ed our midst and removed one of our
highly respected residents, in the per-
son of Joseph Harvey, the sad death
occurring on Tuesday evening of last
week. Deceased has not been enjoy-
ing good health for some time and be-
ing well advanced In years his death
was not unexpected. He was one of
the pionee^ residents of Stanley town-
ship. bsv'- • owned and occupied one
of this lits- s fere.* in the township and
which is n -'w o o'ipied by bre son. He
retired from active duties of life a few
years ago and came to reside in Hen -
sail. Ile was a good living, useful and
bonoraLle man, who always tried to
do as he would be done by. He was a
genial companion. and a true friend
and his death is deeply regretted by
all. His wife predeceased him several
years. He is survived by four sons
and two daughters. The funeral took
place on Friday and was largely at-
Ontario Liquor License Act
license District of South Huron. Retire is bete.
►. given that James shaddock, of the tillage of
Exeter, bis made application far perrniptfon to
transfer fug t'it's.' ta. ern license for the premises,
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. 1
Boyce. -Mrs. Beavers, who is ill at the
horns' of Mrs. Chris. Brown, is conval- i
escing.-Judge Holt of (ioderich held
Division Court in the Town Hall on
Wednesday. Two cases were on the
docket. Bedford vs. Banes ro : thresh-
ing account. Jud 'tient given in fav-
or of Bedford. Page vs. Morrish re
gravel account. Judgment given in I
favor of Morrish. -The Foresters held
an oyster supper in the building, for-
tuerly occupied by Mr. Kerr on Wed-
nesday evening. A large number were !
present and did justice to the excellent
bill of fare. A concert was afterwards
given in the Conrt room, which was
greatly enjoyed. -Mrs. Dunkin and
Mrs, Winer of Morriston are visitors
in our village this week. -The home of
Jos. Hoist was the scene of a pleasant
gathering on Saturday. About sixty
guests were present to help celebrate
the 80th birthday of Mr. Ilaist. His
three sone, Sam, Noah and Jacob of
Sebewaing, Mich., were also present.
The dinner and supper were a corn -
success and all enjoyed themselves
very much. As Mr. Heist is still quite
active, we trust he may bo spared to
live among 118 for many years to come.
Following is the program given at
the regular meeting of the Literary So-
cietyFriday evening: Solo, Miss Ella
Lin; paper on Gibralter Ira S. Brown;
Instrumental, Mrs, C. Bluett;reading,
Miss M. Clark; paper on Egypt, Mies
Oliye Holtzman. Don't forget the con-
cert to be held in the Town Hall on
March 1st.
FARM Efts' ATTENTION. -We offer
for this week government standard
Red Clover at $8.25 per bushel, and
government standard, free of Buck -
horn at $0.00 per bushel; Alsike $0.50
to $7.50 per bushel. A call solicited.
C. Z ICKi:R, Crediton.
Miss Lydia, daughter of Mr. Herman
Oestreicher, underwent a surgical op-
eration on Tuesday morning of this
week for a disease of the lung. About
three:pints of pus were evacuated and
it is now hoped that she will make a
complete recovery after her long ill-
ness. -The many friends of Mrs. Chits.
Kerr, whose illness has caused much
anxiety, will be pleased to learn that
she is now on a fair way to recovery.
We trust the critical point is passed
and that she may be spared to once
more enjoy her former good health. -
Mrs. John Bowden still continues quite
ill. -E. A. I{atz of the Standard Bank
at Parkhill Was in town Saturday. -
II. Eilher, SLP.P., who is attending
the Legislature at Toronto, epent Sun-
day at home. -The Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist church are giving an oyster
supper on Wednesday, 20th inst. Af-
ter the supper an excellent program
will be given, consisting of foreign as
well as local talent. -Mr. Klumpp of
Detroit paid Samuel Brown a short
visit last week. --The two rooms,
taught by the Misses Robinson and
Girvin were closed Monday and Tues.
in the tillage d Exeter, known as the Marylon day owing to their illness. -Miss Mc -
House, roomas Cook of t.d, and .basa
t id Callum and Miss Howard of Exeter,
appppr::ation Thwin tK ron,;aereeool at onere meetingot the were nests of \ and Mrs. Claude
B0•rd of License Commissioners. to be held at The g est of Fred Youngmet
Queen'. hotel, in the Village of Henan, of1 on the 10th Bluets y. -
day of persons
ry, lett:, at the nom of them. with a painful neeident last week.
All peewru iotc,ested will govern themselves ac
N rdiogly, While in the act of removing some
John Torrance, Ucense Inspector carpet a tack flew up and struck his
Dated at Clinton. this Mb day of Jan., iso:. eye. Fred is now wearing a patch to
_ _-_.-- -_-- -_ _. protect it. -John Mcisaac, who baa
ESTENsIVE conducted a hotel husineee in this vil-
lage for the past two years, has sold
nut his interest to Henry Redfern of
Lakeport. Possession to be given the
-OF- lstof�May. We are indeed sorry to
lose Mr. Mcisaac, as he has been a
citizen and bas made many warm
mends while bore among u.. -Mrs
Pack and daughter of London are vis-
iting the former's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. John Finkheiner. -Mrs. llenry
Sheardown and Thos. Edward. of
Mitchell visited their blether, Joseph
Th. 'Mer•tgned s,rtioneer sill wit Ly Public
Martian, at
LAT t, ('ON, 11, HAY, ON
at one n'els•-k, p.n. the tollr.win4 property. .1x:
1' , - r : ;rtes sr" r -
1 gelding, lOyrs. ok1. bees,. i mare. 7 yre old. Edwards, last week. -Orta Walker.
hesvy:l mare lyre old, 4y rnk,o: 1 man, s yes out
and I colt, 1 yr. old by Weateid.; 5 saheb rows, t fat who has been quite ill with pleurisy, is
cow. 2 beds., ricin s vis: 1 steer, 3 yr. 0M, 3 ,teen somewhat better.- M it's Eesery of Chi -
s3old, 5.1?. . l yrs rad, a rsIves. 1 bennd tow. ea n, ill„ is visiting her cousin., the
'o nen. wagon, 1p burg*, 2 -test«. earrlage. rag. R
pair bowhskehth*,cone ►,lset double harness, t single Misses 1.111oi and Delpbia E.aacry--Al-
'. Mirtmos.,.ere•(onotinder. m'.,, seed d.ab. •-lulyt- bort Bissett is on:the sick list. -Mrs.
tx, hey twte. tart ruler. 2 p1y'.s, ire. harm*., Dryer's many friends will be sorry to
rantppti.w, rort pp*nxiper, fanning mi11, Knr cotter.
whee(twarrewrack. . grindstone. wagon rk. navel box. learn that she is very low and r.ot er-
water tru,h• water ►r;w, o'iaatty bar. rythe., p� cted to recover. -Master Milton Bed•
t rs •. ilk«. sb-T eN, biles. rev yokes.
lord, son of Alf Bedford, who is ill At
-• ,f all tints. .✓nets, tats, rook ..st
• sed nua,er=s. otn.r .rtictn. the home of Mrs. 1 -tmport, is iroprov-
. r►t}}.•ly nn reesene •• p►oprielor iy lessirig cls ing. --Eli Lawson attended a plea.Ant
✓ 0- /', end ;tilde. rash: Icer tea .motor M gathering at the home of Mit rick FiAD•
Miss Ethel Sweet heft yesterday to
visit in London coal New. 11:un1 ut g
prior to attending the millinery 0pr•u-
t nge.
Mr. Arthur D. Davis, who has been
iu England fur some month-, returned
to town last week looking well after
the trip.
Alias Barbara Robb, who 12a8 been
visiting relative's in town and Ushorno
returned to her home iu Stratfoid
Monday evening.
Mr. J. J. Jones, who has been visit-
ing hie mother, Airs. Jane Jones. for
several weeks, returned to Waskado,
Man., Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. \Vaddell of Reg-
ina, and Mr. and Mrs. (leo. E. McLay
of Shedden were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Barrows at the Commercial
House over Sunday.
Mr. William Whiteford, wife and
daughter. who have been visiting rel-
atives and friepda here for several
Weeks, leave to -day (Thursday) for
.Atwood to spend a few weeks prior to
leaving for their home in Virden, Man.
Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet, who has been ill, is
Mies Alice Dawe of London is visit-
ing Mrs. Ed. Treble.
Jfr+..Tri riles Miller has returned from
a several weeks' visit in Seafortb.
Rev. D. W. Collins attended a fun-
eral at Birr on Wednesday of this
Miss E. J. Cunningham is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Yager, who is ill of
Mr. Rich. Welsh left Monday morn-
ing for Winnipeg but will return
Miss Luvcrn and Olive Sivtddock of
Ilderton are ueste of their aunt, Mrs.
Jas Shaddock
Miss Luella Fear left on Wednesday
morning to visit friends in Toronto.
Whitby and Prescott.
Mrs. S. Sample and family went to
Cohourg last week to join Mr. Sample
who is teaching there.
Mr. Geo. E. Crawley was in Lucan
Wednesday with a view to purchasing
a livery business.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mitchell of Lon-
don were here attending the funeral of
his mother this week.
Mise Frances Davis went to Brant-
ford Monday morning to retrain with
Mrs. Ed. Dyer, who is ill.
Mr. Davis Gardiner left Monday
morning to attend the Canner's Con-
vention at Buffalo this week.
Mr. A. Marchand attended the fun-
eral of a little niece in Berlin last week
returning home Thursday evening.
Mrs. Amey and daughter of Goder-
ich were here last week attending the
funeral of the late Francis Shapton.
Mrs. Marshall Box, who has been
visiting friends here for several weeks
moved her hoesehotd effects to London
Tuesday, where she will join her hus-
band who is on the police force.
Mrs. Henry Sheardown and brother,
Mr. Thomas Edwards, of Mitchell,
was in town Thursday on their way to
their old home in Crediton where they
will visit for a few days. The many
friends of Mr. Sheardown will learn
with regret of his failing health being
at present unable to attend to his
duties and confined to the house.
•ne ndrt•illtep.ea see cent cif he re -4 on - it aitnants.
inrmarwiini appvored agar Mondeyevening -Nr. and Mrs.
South Huron Liberals.
Brucefleld, Feb. 11. --Tho anneal
meeting of the Liberal Association for
South Huron, as constitute3 for Dom-
inion purposes, was held here to -day,
and, notwithstanding the storm, was
a representative and enthusiastlo
gathering. Mr. A. Mustard was re-
elected President, and Mr. J. 0. Stan -
bury Secretary. It was decided. to
hold a convention the second week in
June for the nomination of a candi-
A resolution of confidence in Sir
Wilfrid Laurier was passed, which al-
so expressed approval of the fact that
tbere bad been no Material changes in
the tariff in favor of higher protection.
A resolution endorsing the selection of
Hon. Mr. (graham as leader of the Op-
position was also passed. Short but
stirring addresses were made by Mr,
Thos. Fraser, the candidate at the last
election; Dr. McEwen, ex -M. P.; D.
Urquhart, Hensel); Will McLean of
The Seaforth Expositor, and R. Hol-
mes, ex -M. P., Clinton.
St. Marys: John I3razicr, a vagrant,
who says he arrived from England
onlya week ago, appeared before Pol-
ice Magistrate Stanley on Wednesday
morning charged with vagrancy an
sent him to Stratford for three months.
Feb. 5th, henry Volland to Miss
Lizzie Albrecht both of Hay Town-
Wret.sti-Haat-fn Lyndenville. New
York, on Feb. 0th, John H. Weird),
• of Mr. John W. Welsh, London
Road North,to Miss Lottie B.,daugh-
t.er of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hain,
all of Lyndenville.
FAIINEtt- SCE ROEDEI4-In Dashwood,
• Feb. 12th. by Rev. L K. Eidt,
Charles C. Fahner of Crediton to
Miss Lydia, daughter of Mrs. John
Schroeder of Dashwood.
REEDER-In McGillivray, on Feb. 2nd
Mrs. Moses Reeder, aged 52 years 9
SALVADOR -In St. Marys. on Feb. 4,
Frances Murton, beloved wife of the
late Chas. P. Salvadge, aged :A years.
CARoo-In 13lanshard, on Feb. 3, Thos.
Cargo, aged 02 years and 3 months.
Mots Exeter, on Feb. 10,Mtephen
Hicks, aged 70 years, 1 months and
25 days.
GUEST -In St. Marys. on Feb. 7, Wm.
Quest, aged 03 years.
Gist. -In St. Marys, on Feb. 2, Maria
Bickel), relict of the laic Edward
Gill, aged 88 years, 2 months 11 days.
8i!i.tl roN--in Stephen, on Feb. 0, Fran-
cis M. Shapton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Shapton, aged 30 years, 5
mouths and 15 days.
MITCHELL -1n Biddulph on Feb. 7,
Jane Moulton. beloved wife of Thos.
Hitchen, aged eMyears, 10 month!".
Have a number of Heating Stoves we are
anxious to dispose of. Cut prices will pre-
vail on every Heater in the store until sold.
2 Oak Heaters coal or wood. Regular 511.50 for $ ,50
1 Oak Heater. r with feeder - 13.50 for 3.00
(Used One Winter,
Oak Heater, coal or wood. with feeder. Reg. 22.00 for 18.00
1.j • - 27.50 for 24.00
1 Jewell
1 Itlucks' Prize, (slightly 1154-
1 Large Heater. second hand
Also a numl,�•r of second-hand
Volcano Hot Blast. any kind of fuel
Souvenir Heater with oven
r u
• 13.50 for 11.00
8 34,00 for 29.00
44.00 for 40.00
44,00 for 30.00
4. 22.00 for 14.00
wood cooks.
Furnace Work, Plumbing a Specialty
Luxton of 1•wlen •i.ited at the borne nf; H
. \�'iDrd last week.- WearepleA+ed e a m a n s Hardware & Stove Store.
priet"n report Astrtinneer. I p�.rt the• improvement, in health