HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-07, Page 5TTjer year
Mies Snell, formerly of Blilevale,
is receiving $45,00 per month from
the Calgary Milling Co., Calgary.
This estimable young lady had only
a common school education, and in
a few months with us prepared for
the above situation. With a few
years' experience Mus Snell will re-
ceive at leant $75 per montb.
Steslogrepky is better than
cahoot teaching.
What we have done for others
we can do for you. Enter any
time. Individual instruction
Write for catalogue.
Wingham Business College
AMliated with Business College Clinton)
GEO. SPOTTON • Prislcipal
Your house is not completely fur-
nished if you have not placed in it
either a Piaoo or an Organ.
We Have the Best Makes
Our Prices Are Right.
Call and see our stock and get
our prices.
A full line of tine writing paper
and envelopes always on hand.
Music and Music Books
A Full Line.
ie an essential with us. Every-
thing in the construction of Our
Time Pieces is shaped with this end
in view. They are made to keep
good time and give gond satisfac-
r•-1 For Present Time
For Future Time
For All Time
Our line of Clocks is complete and tip -
to -date.
Get One of Our
Alarm Clocks
They are the best -at the usual
low price. Call and inspect ourgeu-
eral stock.
The Jeweller
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
MIsato effectual Monthly
tater on which women Gag
depend. gold in three degrees
of strength --No. 1, 11; N0. ,
to degrees stronger 3; No. S.
for special cess, per box.
Bold 1,y all dru Its, or sent
prepaid on eros ppt of price.
Irma pamphlet. Address;
OMNI Mfo101NUCS.TosINTo.ONT, (foraswly Il'iradssr
Clinton: Friday morning O. S.
Doan, Due of the oldest residents of
Clinton. paas'oiI Away in his Sikh year.
He wee in the tanner y business for a
great many yentas and Tater in the
commission hu.ines'. Far nvrr :,0
7esrs he .t ro'. a to:id vanee the town's
antera•'as and for several years acted in
the capacity .)f conrtcilleir. He wits it
prominent nn'nlIer of the A. F. & A.
M. order and will he buried with Mas-
onic honors on Sunday. IIP leaves a
family of three daughters', OnP of
wheel' teaches in C'le'veland, Ohio. also
one son, a resident of town,
i• Al Prue of Canada Lyne E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Composed Nes Effected sunder
Many wonderful cures of female ills
are continually coming to light w hi. h
have been brought about by Lydia E.
Pinkhana's Vegetable Cornpound, au.l
through the advice of Masi- Pinkham,
of Lynn, Maes., which is given to sick
women abeolutelyy free of charge.
The present Mrs. Pinkham has for
twenty-five years made a study of the
ills of her sex; she has consulted with
and advised thousands of suffering
women who to -day owe not only their
health but even life to her helpful advice.
Miss Annie E. Schwalm, of 326 Spa-
ding Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"I have found Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vege-
table Compound a specific for female weak-
ness with which I have been troubled for
years. I also had irregular and painful
periods which afFiete.l my general health
until last spring. I was only a wreck of
my former self. In my affliction I was ad-
vised to use ,Your Compound'and am so
glad that I dud so. I found that in a few
abort months there was no trace of female
weaknews, my strength gradually returned
and in a very short time I considered
myself a perfectly well woman. I appre-
ciate my good health and beg to assure you
that I am most grateful to you for discover-
ing such a wonderful rentety fur suffering
The testimonials Nytol we are con-
stantly publishing from grateful women
eetablish beyond a doubt the power of
Lydia E. Pin'khatn's Vegetable Com-
pound to conquer female diseases.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Shia asks nothing in return
for her advice. It ie absolutely free, and
to thousands of women has proved to be
more precious than gold.
riritriwir �
10'1 TRY 111/8 FOR YOUR COUGH 1' a1 klaili: \t (bur a N.•il of lot leu. sedfut ti 'rue home ,.( 1. - 11
tlt� ltt411.,11kaa. sb J!k!!k a11li111a >b
Mitchell: ..lessrs. John 13ennewt
1). \\'aerie arid David McConnell lin
been ►e -appointed license tuuluaissit
etc fur South Pet•
ru rriieve• -t cough or le eak tip a road
iu t went y -four hours, the f,ellutt ing
simple formula, the ingredients of
'1". which fall he ubta hied of any good pre-
script ion druggist at small rust. is all
)t,• that will be rteptired: Via gin Oil of
Pine (Pure), one-half ounce; (ilycer-
ed ins, two ounces; good ‘‘'hickey. a half
eY pint. Shake well and take in teespoen-
'k- fol doses every four hours. 'fhe de-
sired results can not he obtained un-
it. leas the ingredients are pure. It itt
gt• therefore better to purchase the in-
greaients separately and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pure) should be purchased in the
original half -ounce virile, which drug-
gists buy for dispensing. Each vial is
securely sealed in a round wooden case
which protects the Oil from exposure
to light. Around the wooden case is
an engraved wrapper with the nasae-
"Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)" -plainly
printed thereon. There ate many imi-
tations and cheap productions of Pine,
hut these only create nausea. and nev-
er effect the desired results.
Ailsa Craig: In a hotly contest
gene- of hockey played hero Mond
night Ailsa Craig Stars defeated Pei
hill team by a score of 5 to 3.
Godericb: A laborer en the U.P.
had his head split open by a lar
lump of earth falling on him from a
dump car. He is seriously hurt.
Goderich: Mrs. S. A. McGaw, wife
of the manager of the Western Cana-
da flour mills here died Feb. 2. She had
been ill for some tiwe, but the end
carne suddenly.
Clinton: The Robinson farts on the
Huron Road, just west of the town.
has been rented to W. Steep. It con -
sista of 120 acres for which he pays
$300 per year.
Ails[ Craig: O. E. Webb left on
Sunday to take charge of an extensive
bakery, confectionery and grocery
business at Harriston. Ont., which he
has just completed the purchase of.
Clinton: Hugh B. Grigg who has
been a member of the local branch of
the Molsons bank for two and a half
years, left Thursday morning for
Hamilton, having been transferred to
that city.
Ailsa Craig: Despite the fact that
Ailsa Craig was handicapped by hav-
ing to play three juniors, owing to ill-
ness of the seniors, they easily defeat-
ed Hensel) here Friday night by a
score of 6-2. Rickert of Hensel) rete.
reed the game.
Seaforth: The death occurred re-
cently at the hospital in Brantford,
of Jaynes S. Muir, from typhoid fever.
The deceased, who was the son ofJno.
Muir, of Seafortb. He had lived in
Brantford for many years.
Seafortb: J. Y. Smilley left town
last week for Aylmer, where he will
take possession of the hardware busi-
ness, which be recently purchased.
Mrs. Smiley and children will remain
in town until the end of March.
Parkhill: Brock Davenport, who
has been in the employ of H. C. Baird
& Co. for the past twelve years or
more at. their brick yards here left this
week for Waterloo, Ont., where he
has secured a mote lucrative poaiton.
St. Marcs: James Fenwick, team
ster, has bought out the grocery busi-
ness of Archie Baird, Queen et. Mr.
Baird intends to go out to Edmonton
district for the good of his health, as
he is very much troubled with asthma.
TheGreat Phos�Lo
Gnat Englfa lie,,s y.
Tones and inviguratestbe whole
nervous a -.,t,e,n, makes new t
in old veins. area em- ,l
ow Debility, Meatal and Drain Warry, Ik.-
pondc ,Btsval WeaknessIhwfa�(p�, Spon
nvdorrha+e'a, and Meets i f Abuse se or S�esaaee.
Prim 8l per box. defer $S. One will pl six
will curd. Sold by all d to or mai In
plain pkg. on roost of oe. Nein pamphletmailed/me. The Medtoln. Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
Clinton: Hog cholera was discover
'd last week in the drove of John Ell
ort. who resides near the town. He
est fifty before he discovered what
vas wrong and when Inspector Pet-
ite, of Chatham, arrived he killed
hirty-five more.
On the Defeat of the 1906 Council
in days )f red, solan told,
11111 Low is was your councillor gay;
With honor bright, to t'm le Role, delight,
Ile has been the nun of the day.
As a proof of this, he has headed the fleld.
Which Toohey, so liked to do:
"We may lose" said Rest Sam, "but ne'er yield,
With my friend, Jim Falls, so true.
With Atkinson•, Trim and i lek,
No better then they. eonld you plek,
w',lh Har Falls and Goblin's Bill,
Ile shall be our hero still.
But for nineteen seven, nought of Bill we see
I rer meadow or over the lea;
For whom dirt he lack, to have at his back,
But his neighbor—Charlie Mark.
Of old, sat t'nrle Tommy on tke heights,
The taxes on Hs realm. dirt surely grow;
ile brooded o'er his le-eike before the lights,
An 11.! herd the quiet Sauble, via') t') clow.
Oh Tommy .vas the man for th• rnuntry,
Tommy was the roan roe and true;
His friends wer.• all fr his country
But they c• rta inly were too few.
With the Isaacs and 11•slgln', bold,
And they were hot for him, 1 know,
With the Turners his friends of old,
Arid dear Mooresville, -how did "she" go!
No more for Hill, I. the happy scat,
And Tommy, as usual. has planned his retreat;
The w•eiynme leader of the southern :one,
Boldly pns•laim the honoree! seats, their own.
Most people have ideas—Whoa councillor should be,
Hilt a 5 •e, red -hit Conservative le good enough
for me;
So lads and lasses always, let Aunt Ellen's George
And pull for Jimmie Bryan, who is rot yet got
('nurage Hill rani Tommy," ynu have had your day.
('o,mrillorihave g me before you and 1 ave gone to
(•on•a.•r, fello .wnrk••r-. you have met your doom,
So all join Johnnie awl give King ro.m.
My song is pow ins long, end I've forgot my friend,
To whom. with ,teorae and Al, my influence, 1 dip
1 in.? him at the Central,- env friend Nr. iireen,
Who, in summer or in winter, is the best, 1 ever
('e, 1, Will and Wilbert,- may vnu barn Taylor high,
`flew art is in K.Ilarn.-y; amt that's no Sr;
Mar al! Iti.iduiph have a progs•rms New Year
An 1 Join me in goon, 111, new council a cheer.
Ailsa Craig: Prier to (raving town
to enter the Harper Hospital, Detroit,
to train for a nurse, Miss Anna Mur,
ray was presented with n luautifnl
gold watch and complirltentutry ad-
d roe as.
for Every Room in the Home
We have tL beautiful selection of the latest designs.
Come and get our prices, all in irke'I in plain figures.
tisk you to emit•' to tin -10.11'0 for furnitere hre,tn-p
we believe y -nu will get the kind yon hent. The
stock ineludewall those pier.. that appeal to good
to-te on account of tlo•tr d••,ign, Ifni -h, character
r , •av
a n t rir e \ •r c; s y•
h I \ ran hu t newest itlena and the
enact p.•)ralnr fit-nititte fir the hoose. th.tt can he
found any place. town or city.
OI'KIlA BLO('K. Leading Furniture Dealer and i'ndertaker.
St. Marys: The remains of the late
Mrs. J. W. Hay (nee Castilla Grace
Vernon), who died at Dauphin, Man.,
eu Monday' Jan. 21st. arrived Tuesd,ly
and were interred in the St. Marys
cemetery. Decease.I was a aaughter
of N. J. Vernon, and was 30years and
7 month+ old.
Clinton: The death of Mre. John
Biggins which tusk place at Midnight
un Thin -witty, deprived eight children.
the oldest but fifteen years of age, of
the care that only a toying mother
can bestow. She was only in her
thirty-fifth year and had been ill for
several weeks of typhoid fever.
Clinton: Harvey McBrien met with
,t bad accident at the Organ Factory
Thursday-. Ile was working at the
shaper, when his left hand was caught,
the fingers being badly cut and broken.
He had to have the second finger tak-
en off, the third one being broken.
Seaford]: The following were tick-
eted to distant pointe last week: Mrs.
A. E. (Iihaon and son William, to
Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. 1).
lrlust roue, of Mtunley,to Pilot. Mound,
Mare; and W. F. ('arnochan, of Hui -
lett, to New Liskeard, New Ontario.
Mitchell: On Wednesday, Howard,
the 4 year old son of W. Y. Morenz,
accidently pulled a pot of but water
neer himself off the stove. It was
found that the little fellow was badly
scalded from the waist down. Ile is
getting along as well as can be expect-
t, e
Logan: The death of Mrs. Geo.
table, one of our old residents, took
,ice Sunday morning at the home of
r daughter, Mrs. Reinholt Rock, con
at the age of 65 years. Deceased
is been in rather poor health for some
due with dropsy but the immediate
nee of her death was pneumonia.
Mitchell: At the age of 1•13 years and
'e menthe, ('harlotte, wife of the hate
tit bony Rowe, died at Port Hope on
siday, where she went from Mitchell
May 21th of last year. Her mind
d been mentally unbalanced for
Int' months and she was looked after
friends with whom she died.
Mitchell: Another one of Mitchell's
telt beloved rind highly respected
indents has been called to the great
gond, in the person ..f Mrs. Grant,
tier8'2nd year. ITr. to very short
ne ego she had enj ,yrtl the lust of
alth, but during the pail few weeks
e hod been slowly sinking. Her
tighter, Mrs. John Rey, of Kirktnn,
s leen constantly by her side of bite
d everything tens dime tee relieve her
flet ing. Mrs, Wm %Volker, former -
of Mitchell, and Mr•a. Roy snt•vit-e
r. The funeral took place from the
site of Miss Belle ('olgnhonn, to the
'the list church cernete•ry, where in•
meat took place.
- -ease - ----
(I rand lit•tt(1
Mr. !Ammo of near '/.urielt wag in
• burg 1'u 1,1 .y. Albert Gamble who
has liven tt•newing negnaint,ulera
around herr. left for his borne iu Owen
Sound Ftiday. N1e•a:rs. Tient in ,and
1\',ut,lueld of i)ishw'ood welt: here
Monday looking nfter their ire.- A
remitter flout here have pot op their
se,l.en's ire. \1r. Grist's of P411(1101
Was in 101V11 %Italy. —it i' reported
that el- are to have two Letcher shipe
f hi= .u•,n,,r•, \Ve certainly ought to
have first-class Meat then.- li:arnlen
bill -pent Monday in Thedfntd. ft is
elite r eel t hat Sato Sehroede•r nt Mhipka
h as tented Mrs. K. St oldie' pinee.--
t'h,a'•. Ta•idetnnn and wife of Pt. !futon
ore visiting with the formers, pjsrents,
Mr. end Mrs. A. Teideman.--Mr. Heir('
of Pat Unit vent Saturday With John
Mr. T. Eaton Dead
Acute pneumonia caused the death
of one of Canada's most remarkably
succeasful business omen on Thursday
morning last at his borne in Toronto.
His immense retail and wholesale es-
tablishments at Toronto and Winni-
peg are among the largest in the
world, and are chiefly the monument
to his wonderful business ability. The
deceased merchant prince began his
business career in Perth county. Ont-
ario, opening in company witb his
brother James, a small country store
at the village of Kirkton. This was in
the sixties. A few years latter they
went to St. Marys and latter T. Eaton
commenced business in Toronto, and
everyone knows with what success.
The dceeased was a man of splendid
character. He was widely known per-
sonally and highly regarded. The se-
cret of his success is said by close ass-
ociates to have been integrity and
pluck. He had attained to the age of
71 Dears.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCA1. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or consti•
tutional disease, and in order to cure it you roust
take internal remedies, hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly nn the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack rnedi-
rine. it was prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years and is a regular prescrip-
tion. It is composed of the hest tonics knows. com-
bined with the Feat blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces The pro -fret combination
of the two ingredients is what pro•lueessuch wonder
fu1 results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
F. J. CIHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggists, price 75e.
Tak- hall's Family Pills for constipation.
\Vtngham, Feb. 4. —During the fire
at Ilan nut's general store yesterday
morning one of the fierceet gales of the
season was raging. That the destruc-
tive element was confined to the one
building was due to the heroic efforts
of the firemen. The store contained
a stock of between $25,000 and $340.00(1.
The furs. carpetut, etc., were up -stairs
where the fire originated, much of
which was totally- destroyed. Consid-
erable goods were saved front the main
floor by beingcart•ied out by willing
workers while the Bre was in progress
tip -stairs. The building being frame
and a fierce gale raging it was not long
being demolished. There was an in-
surance of $20,0(M) on the stock. $2,000
on the building and $250 on fixtures.
(intended for last week.)
Miss Jane Arthur of Nissouri is the
guest of her sister. Miss Edith. --Mies
Francis Sparkling is seriously ill. Her
many friends wish her speedy recov-
ery. -The sparrow Match held at And-
erson by the Anderson boys was a
great success, ending with an oyster
supper. which was held in the school
house last Friday night. Everybody
had jolly good time. -Miss Maggie
Anderson of Mt. Malys is spending a
few days at her hunt, here. -Quite it
number from here attended the Moth-
erwill Anniversary last Sunday and
Monday nights. -Mics Mary Switzer
has returned hone after spending the
past two months with her sister, Mrs.
Nickell of Meaforth.
in Farming.
"Dollar Wheat" is fine for farm-
ers, hut they take long chances
with their health in getting the
wheat. Bad weather, lifting,
straining, wrenched backs, lay
the foundation for Rheumatism
and Kidney Trouble. There is
a farmer, out Markham way, who
was so busy making money that
he did not realize he was snaking
ill -health at the same time. Ile
had headaches ; often itis beck
hurt so badly he could hardly
stated, often the urine was highly
colored and scalding. But he
thought he was only " working
too hard." (Jne day he caught
cold. The next day lie had Rheu-
matism. This Markham farmer
sufferer) 7 year:with Rheumatism
until chance brou ht a friend who
toll hits about brought
re';cved the excruciating pain,
and cured him in three months.
1iaagHAii (1ST.
"1 hast suffered almost eoatannally for cosec
years w.th Kidney Trouble ; could}scercely walk
and was unable to att.-. t to my farts duties.
After taking the first few pills 1 felt mac i re.
Merest, sed after taking half a bot was ah:e to
do a furl day's work. i know one hos of flu•ju
saved me Soso Doctor's bill, and Clink they are
the finest Pill mate.:' plum Assorr.
Bu -Ju
TheGentle Kidney Pill
We will refund your money should these
Gentle Kidney fills fail. Sec. a large
hos. At all druggists, of sent on receipt
of price.
The ()Ala Uteatkai G_ LK, view. Od.
tvn•� reee•utiy put elm td the residenr'(• Hhrtt., w ,. the f a li;•asaoL
1 event on \Vrducadav 1Ilr-•Cl'ef le ell
oeiuK th, 111.,* x1.111•• ,.1 her ,1 ‘lighter.
alis. lily, to air. \\'Ii) Sioith, r,. suit
of (leo, g,' Mesh last -. The e, reuoaly
%vats pet forner,t by !le% . Iter ry. fetter
of St. Thomas' clutch, at high uo,ut.
The t ride and emote were uun.,ttend-
rd, and the crrrutotty wita.rsar..i uuly
by the iuinireli,atr r, 1,(iva•
or I Ml••L.aehl•,t ,has mut e.l bete will
h„ Coolly.
Mt. ('.u•uaa•I: (hue• of our oldest and
Ill est re.Ju•ctpd frlelide '.e's* d noisy
•-:a the 25th iia -.t. in the person of Mt,,
01angt' at the age of ninety-tive.
Though blind and dud ridden for
twelve years she wits always patient
and chat'* fui. She is survived by her
Duly sun,George,with whoa[ she diced.
Seaforlh: The death occurred on
Sunday o 1,..I.rlla Dickson, t•eh
ct of
the kite James Scor t. sr., at the advan-
ced age of 84 year s, had been in Lul-
ing health for setae titne with the in-
firmities of old age. She leaves a fam-
ily of grown up sons told daughter,
her life partner having pt•edeceased
her abort t:via years ago.
Mullett: The death of Mrs. Town-
ie -lid. relict "f the late Elijah Town-
send, on Sunday afternoon, was not
unexpected, she having been a patient
sufferer foryears. She experienced a
stroke of paralysis about six years ago,
which partially deprived ber of the
power of speech. and from which she
never recovered.
Parkhill: While endeavoring to
thaw out some frozen pipes leading to
the cistern, Mrs. T. Munroe met with
a painful accident. The had climbed
up on some boxes in order to reach the
pipes and had a vessel of bot water
in her band. By some mischance the
boxes slipped and Mrs. Munro fell.
scalding her face quite badly with the
hot. water.
Clinton: Edward Levy was united
in the holy bonds of matrimony- to
Miss Matilda Wagner. formerly of
Wingbam, on Wednesday, Jan. 30, at
the manse, Brucefleld. Miss Alice
Carr was bridesmaid and Mr. Norman
Nickle acted as groomsman; the bride
was dressed in cream Bilk, carrying a
hunch of carnations; Rev. Sewers of-
ficiated.! After the ceremony they pro-
ceeded to Kippen where * sumptuous
repast was partaken of. They will re-
side in town.
Ailsa Craig: On Jan. 23rd the mar-
raige was solemnized at the manse.
Cargill. by Rev. Nichol, of Miss Mary
Ellen eldest daughter of Jae. D. Camp-
bell of that ploce, to Wtn. H. Alexan-
der, son of Johnston Alexander of
town. The bride was assisted by ber
cousin. Mies Janet McKinnon, while
Edward Campbell,another cousin, sup-
ported the groom. The happy young
couple will make their home at Sarnia.
Ailsa Craig: Mrs. Isabelle Anderson,
widow of the late Joseph Anderson,
passed away Feb. 2nd at her home in
London in ber 83rd year. She was a
native of Scotland and was the eldest
daughter of the late James ROSS of W.
Williams'. She has resided in London
since 1893. She leaves font• cbildten.
The rernine were brought here Mon-
day to the residence of her son, Dr. J.
It. Anderson, the interment taking
place to Nairn cemetery.
r1'LA•1,'bt'r 9,^,•h.'1+i.'L`r.'11.' , 1 -:,- -i.'i ". k'.".t
i'l•o anyone wrir.ng ns answering the fol.
Dili t;:aa . , .:,1 ab. )
s sotutely free, pcs•tag a prepaad, :1 -. t. 1
- nt fon- of our Pete.te+litu•o • r I-.u.nir, 1 E
piern•e;s.a,tcards 1 U:u;;ralih(s1 is Lai!linut
1st. Name roar grocer.
2nd. Name this. - paper.
"Ask Cr.. tau Purp:o Package."
Makes Food Healthful,
Uosts Less to Leo.
Gives Better Results.
Ins.st on tho Contains.
TCR( T-, C.t5,iD.t
vS1ab'�4'k L L y'. k's V1i w'wLti4"aVki ."s'�
Rubbers needn't be
flimsy to be stylish;
needn't be c1
to be staunch;
cost more
to be better than
you've been buying.
They give you
Double wearfrom every pair.
Look for the trademark.
The Daisy Rubber People
At Berlin Ontario
One of
the 209
storm -
is models tin right toe -shape to ft YOUR strove
must of necessity be lasting in
order to successfully weather
the storms of business life.
young men and young women
to take minor positions which
eventually lead to positions
of responsibility and trust. The
foundation is secure. Our
students go up, not down. We
are unable to supply the demand
for our students. Why? Be-
cause business men recognize
the superior training they
Write for our business and
shorthand booklet ; it's free.
School term : September till
June, inclusive.
Forest City
Business College
1. W. WESTERVELT r.N.C.A. Bldg.,
Principal. Lsedoa.
The World's Greatest Cleanser Is
Gold Dust Washing Powder
Its yearly sale exceeds that cf all ether washing powders combined. Looks
just a bit as if housewives appreciated merit., d esn't it? GOLD DUST
clean: everything from cellar to attic.
OTHER GENERAL. I Scrubbing floors. washing clothes and dishes, cleentre wood -
USES FOR work, oil cloth. s.iverwars and br,w're• pal;store tress work,
GOLD DUST Waning oath room, pupas. etc., and making the finest soft soap
Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Montreal. P. Q. -Makers ct FA:RY SOAP.
110LD DUST snakes bard water self