Exeter Advocate, 1907-02-07, Page 41 I 4 i l•('t•ll t►',t )
J. 'Turner soL! . luatrue,l tea:.. o[
y'ouog I .e& I. J. 1St rite ii fur ever
t51•M1. --�%.:►. %' IL-url nt L,n(tutl visit
Depends on your
Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys & Blood
If you have Constipation, Indiges-
tion, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism m- Im-
pure Blood, take
IL will cure you, no matter how bad
your case may he. It will tone,
aLreugtben, cleanse and purify your
entire system.
Price 25c., 50c, $1.00
The A. H. Lewis Medicine Co.
St. Louie, ('. S. A
For sale only at
Cole's Drug Store
Exeter, Ontario
Q zetex Abuorate,
Sanders A Creech, Propj.
THURSDAY. Feb. 7, '07
Remember the concert given by the
young people of the Lutheran cl.u•eh around Emulative and Vassar,
here on Thursday night of this week. has returned hove. -The little child of
The concert will be given in Zimnler's Robert Stone who has heen laid up
Hall and is such as will be fully appre- with a severe cola isrecovering. -Mrs.
elated by all who attend as this con- Crawford attended the funeral of her
gregation has exceptionally good tal- brother-in-law, Duncan McIntosh. at
ent.-Those of our business wen regtir- St. Marys a few days ago and since re-
ing ice during the warms weather have turning has been in poor health. -J. J.
been busy the past week storing the Taylor and son of Brewster passed
saute. The quality is gond and they through our (mix one evening recently
have put in a good supply. -itet. A. with a pair of colts they purchased
D. (:ischler of 'Zurich preached in the from Mr. Sanderson Of McInnis. -Mr.
Evangelical church here sevet-nl nights Fer'g11sun and friend of Bryanston vis -
last week, assisting the pastor in his ited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C.
Stone Last week.
bis parent, Tuesday tied stout nt'd
home F'r'iday. --Alts. James t•:,gleson
has nee. ed to J. J. Grahau►'s, near
Ailsa (', sig.--- Airs Eer•-, Mr.Yheraon
has gene to Buffalo, N.V., to visit her
sister.- A Lege number attended the
Inetunrial set vices iu Boston ch irch
nn Sunday of the late J. M. Young.
The Maccabees wet in tbeir hall and
teaselled to the church where Rev.
Sutcliffe preached a very itupressive
sermon.- R. W. Russell, wife and son,
Douglas, left here Monday for their
home in Yorkton, Mask. They intend
to visit friends in Hamilton and To-
ronto on the way. --The Quarterly Oftl-
ciat Board of Grand Bend circuit held
in Boston Methodist church on Mon-
day extended Rev. Sutcliffe an invita-
tion to'email) the fourth year.
Messrs. John McIsaac and William
Mason returned Immo on Monday
night after spending the winter in the
lumber camps of Month River. Jack
says there is no place like Shipka.-J.
1). Hannan was recently presented
with a bouncing baby troy -Ezra
Brenner. our popular hotel -keeper,
had a successful ice bee last week. -
Miss Annie 13esterd has returned to
Shipka for a few weeks' holidays. -
Rumor says there will be a wedding
here shortly. -Wen. Sweitzer lost a
valuable horse last Saturday. -We
had very cold weather the past week.
-People here have been making good
use of the sleighing, hauling logs Ind
wood. -John Breen has accepted a sit-
uation in a large wholesale grocery in
London. We wish hire every success.
Mr?. C. Love Sr. is visiting her dau-
ghters at Brewster this week. -Wes-
ley Mellin returned front the lumber
woods one evening lately after a three
months absence. -M r'. Sutton of Alber-
ta, spent a few days with his brother-
in-law, Frank .Stanlake.-Nelson Hic-
key. who has spent the past month
visiting his father arid uncles in and
evangelistic work. --The contract for
lighting the street lights has been
awarded to D. Geiger. he being the
only one to put in a tender. Mr. (Gei-
ger should he able to give good satis-
faction as he has ample time at his dis-
posal to look after them. -Mr. and
Mrs. Vin. Heiman gave it dancing
party to a number oftheir friends on
Friday night.- Fred Finkbeiner of
Crediton spent last week at his uncle's
place south of the village. He will
leave in a short time for his home in
the great W st.-
Miss Mnry
wetter left last week for New York. -
Fred Kibler of Listowt•11 spent Friday
night at the home of his brother-in-law
Jacob Kellet•mann. He bad been at-
tending the funeral of his aunt at Cred•
iton.-Messrs. Torn Kluwpp and Al-
bert Wolfe of Crediton called on
friends here Sunday. There seems to
be some attraction more than the or-
dinary for the Crediton lads over bete.
Well, goal luck. -C. Overholdt of Tie -
nary and Wen. Fraser of West McGil-
livray spent Sunday with old friends
here. -Our gruiel and very obliging
merchant Win. 'Shrum wens to he
.miles all over his face this week.
Cause? A "milliner" has come to as-
sist him in his ardnoms dirties here and
he says if she keeps her health title is of Osmium is visiting his daughter,
going to be a permanent stayer. ('on- frs. It. Skinner. -Severna [tont the
CHAN(1vicinity attended the rale of George
M, nE Rt�stNtr�s.-- •loose Hart- K
Small (comb.- tin Friday. --The Elitn•
vine cironit Epworth League conven-
tion held nn Tetesiley was a 1ruccess
from evei y .standpoint. The attend-
ance was large at h.lth sessions. in
the afternoon subjects relative to E a
wot th League wink were discussed,
while at the public Meeting in the ev-
ening addresses were delivered by
Reeds. S. L. Toll of Mensal) and E. A.
Fear of Exeter. Music was furnished
by the Sunshine choir.
John Andrews is on the sick list. the
result of an attack of theuu,atisfn.
'Iola. Birks also continues very i11.
We wish then[ a speedy recovery. -
Those who sold square timber to the
buyers who visited this conitnunit ye
few days ago, are taking advert tag • of
the sleighing in hauling it to town. --
J. Johns, Jr.. is in the wood business
this year, having purchased a piece of
1 • v
I h nom line,
Bros., and is ItBi-
ly engaged in cutting same. -Richard
Coultis has purchased a new driver.
Times are looking up; suppose Dyke
was getting too slow. -Mrs. 'Wm.
Coultis has retntneditotna week's vis-
it to friends in London.- Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Andrew and family left for
their home in Ilanliota, Man., Wed-
nesday, after spending a few weeks
here with friends and relative.. -Our
village hl irksnlith is the busiest than
in the to .HAM. Besides running a
shop he has about a dozen sten cut-
ting logs and wood and several teams
hauling it away. John is quite ahust-
ler after trade. -It. Coultis spent a
couple of days with his daughter, Mrs.
Laarkin of I3lanshard.-Mrrs. Hodgson
lieb, who has cnnduetesl the hardware
business hurt• for the plat year, sold
out last week to David Tiencan. Mr.
Tiernan is one of the riling Men of
our village. is well acquainted in the
community, a Rood shrewd business
man, and shomld do well at the busi-
ness. We bespeak for him a good
liberal patronage.
Mrs. Jaynes O'Runke, who has been
here the past month visiting her mot h-
er,has returned to London. Her broth-
er, Jeremiah Bat re, accompanied her Mrs. Irwin, who has been visiting
llama .tad spent 0 f•'w d+lye in the city. :It the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mi. M•'iii. u, send Al r. McKinnon of Mrs. R. Hicks, has left for St. Johns,
Nest Williams ti+Ih,d Aligns Men"n- N. 11., whets •1i'. It win has h -•en rep.
aid Smola!' --Our h.eys havr nearly pein•ed manager of .Merliry's Fuund-
cotnpleted the cow rate of rotting rt-.• W. Laker of St. Jirds., Ont., was
wend in the souuup.__A eery enj"y_ trete het week Intending the funeral
■hie beer w:11, s1).' lit at the bonne of I,f the tate Henry Istinpurt.--lire. It.
Chris. De•itti-h Monday evening, -A flicks spent Monday in London. --
n111111'14' of nit,' yanng people spent a Clarence and Harold Duptan attended
pleasant evening I ist week at the the ('1mindrutn social at the rectory,
hone. of Win. iie••unan. Dashwood.- p', id ty evening and report a pleasant
John Lippert 10+1 has valui ub a mare, etening.--Mrs. Cochrane is on a visit
"Fan a► feta d lye ago. J ,hn has n 10 Iillsgreen friends. -Miss Verna
tenni raised 1v her whieh he refused 1.,-,,,,, t• of Chicago is a pleasant visitor
Vi.i0 for. itt a he home of her cousin, Miss Vera
y. ---Mrs. (Rev.) Baker, after a
it pleasant visit with friends in Contra-
' Iia :,net vicinity has returned to Allots
t'r.tig. - Mrs. James 11 tarry. after a
few weeks visit at. the home of Dennis
('linen left Inst week for her home in
Ann Arbor, Milli. -A few of tier young
p••ople attend..! the "At Home" tinder
is.. inspirits of K. 1). T. M. at %i•Intes-
vilte.,n Thi,, lay evening, whileuthere
went to I. .•ter and enj noel the dance
a r h•' Opera House. All report sa
so •1.,1st turn•. Some of tem Itile and
L.• - 'oak in the Carnival at Exeter
FI iii •', ••v.•ning. -- Lie Grippe still holds
4w av in our It1610t 31111 bas:. CnnsequerlcP
nl'RV ar'erorlfinetl to their hooses.--
Yerm• 1 •y w,a+ ('i!)11,11144 illy --the
11 iv ala•- hear iv .,lpp,ased to cOte. not
f. t th•' 1)111, .. of deriding who bit
h•• " •11 •'uetino•• (u bile•! nat. fur a1
-1.-11 or whether ht. «ill dust off his
clothes ai_'.1 Laid at Ileaithlf,ur•
a l,: slieep•pen. The hoar who cold.] se'e
f 1.1.-1, . 1.,•v M utuut•1 uv .ten \lith the
Iaid, f 1 tit or Ilinor,1luw world 1. a
Why Refer
to Doctors
Because We iii kc medicines
for them. We tell them all
about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,
and they prescribe it for
coughs, cold,, bronchitis, con-
sumption. Thy tru.t it. Thclt
you can ..T.,f.l to trust it.
Ask your m'vn doctor.
The beat 1...1 • . of a t• .'umontal --
"Sold to • . , .t=, .- •• ars."
tell. 1 .. , . 1.; •..11, Yaws
.,..11srl•t, 1
f L •
S' L' rt.
�•- a.7 tt u R t atria.
tape ht,e r , re.• -.•e • t. a publish
the Rirlanlss el' el) our atpdtellM,
roe* Pills g•eatry aid the
torsi In a.roaking up a
N.ed!ess t., say the t'isit.•1s tat re 1%
Ill d ttitll the resalt or theist Osiris,
.e•1 also with the other entt•1'tttiinitcoi
affil tletf.
Miss Nettie Fulton of Wullareblt g
visited the Misses 1%'itwer during thei
week.-Vt ut. and Alia. Mrl:liuchev, 1
town line. mourn the lose of their in-
fant daughter, whirl' sad event took
place on Sunday. -Fred Demuth, who
had the inisforttuee to fall the other I
day and dislocate his shoulder, is, we I
are pleased to state, getting at► as well
as can be expected. -Mrs. McCormick
bas enlarged her stove. -Napoleon Le -
beau has returned from his trip to
Texas. Ile intends returning to that
state in the spring. His father and
family will accompany biro. -Mrs.
Schrag of Tavistock is a visitor at the
hove of her son. -After a pleasant
stay with friends in this locality John
Cooper and wife have returued to
their home in Saskatchewan. --Jacob
Sutith of Detroit was in town last
week. -Rev. A. Gischler has been as-
sisting Rev. L. K. Eidt at Dashwood
during his revival work.-Elthraiu
Holtztuan, who has been residing in
Elkton, Mich., for a titne, has gone to
Berlin where he intends to locate. -
Henfv Orel), who has been quite ill of
late, is on the road to recovery, -Miss
Roxie Eilber has gone to Bothwell
where she has accepted a position ;as
milliner. -A few friends gathered at
the home of Michael Kaercber on
Tuesday evening to help him celebrate
his 74th birthday. During the even-
ing be was presented with a handsotne
Morris chair, it gift from bis children.
We trust he inay long be spared to en-
joy many more birthdays. -A little
mite of a girl has arrived at the home
of Louis Prang to gladden the hearts
of the parents.
D$MIaII- On Moiiday death visited
our neighlauhood end claimed as hie
victim another of the early settlers, in
the person of Mrs. Johnston. relict of
the late W. Johnston, who predeceas-
ed her some four years. Deceased had
reached the age of 68 years, hut for
some time past had suffered from in-
termittent attacks of pluerisy and
bronchites,which together with eteak-
ness of the heart, wits the iuulu•dlate
cause of death. The accident, it bleb
she met with at Kipper station ahoot
a year ago, when she was jerked ort
the train while it was still in motion
so WIecked her physically that she had
not her usual strength for medical aid
to work upon and sotiuecumtled to the
attack. There tune left to mourn the
loss of a kind and christian mother six
children, all of whittle are grown 11p.
Her remains were Laid to rest in Bay-
field cenmtet y uu 1Verloesday whither
they were followed by a 1 irge con-
course of friend:. The he►'t•aved friends
have the sympathy of the community
in this their hour of trial.
Mrs..rnuilacollhe has returned from
a week's visit to Exeter. -Mrs. Yung •
Mitt onvias
utisa a.to u
It (i r •'c
d t l h friends.
end .
Dr. Gunn of Clinton was in town Fri-
day. -H. Billings bas been laid up for
a week with grip. -Mrs. R. Hunt re-
ceived word at few days ago that her
sou, Hit rv. has been ill of typhoid fe-
verin %Vinnipeg hospitalfor
weeks. His friends will be pleased to
know that he itt getting tilting sett well
as can heexpert ed. --Stn. White, who
has heen ill in the London hospital for
some time, expressed a wish to see his
friends once more. On Fridtay his
brother went to bring hirer home but
they had only reached Centralia when
he passed away. Much syrnpattry is
felt for the aged mother who is very
ill. -The grim reaper death visited the
home of Mrs. James A. Bell and re-
moved her brother, Mr. Fairhurst. The
young than who has always made his
home with his sister, had been ailing
for some time but his death was nnex•
petted. He was highly respected and
by his death we lose a gond friend.
The funeral took place to McTaggntt's
cenleterv. We extend our ss nip etby
to the bereaved ones. --The remains of
the late Mr. Doan, who died in Clin•
ton Friday were brought here Monday
and laid to rest in the lfensall Cni,n
cemetery, Under Masonic auspirces.-
Sunday will be our League aoniv.t'•
story. Rev. Dr. Medd will he the
preacher for the day. Dr. Daniels will
lecture on "Uncrowned Kings" on
Monday evening. A good program is
being prepared. The %iu•ich quartette
has .iso been engaged to take part. -
Mrs. Thos. Peart spent SSetur•diey with
her sister, Mrs. 17pshnll at Ki pen. --
Friday evening the Hensall hnrkey
team went to Ailsa Craig to play the
return match there. The were d.feat•
ed, the score being 5 2. It was n fast
gator throughout. -Saturday our Jun-
iors event over to Seeforth and played
it game of hnek•'y with the Beaforth
iaov.. They seemed to le lost on the
Meaforth ire and 1h••y were beaten.
Scare 11 -0. -Mr, and Mrs. Oilders of
(iode•rieh ere visiting at Joe EIlis'.-
Mr'. C. Manna has reternt'tl from Wal-
kerton, where she has been visiting
friends for three week'.
A Baker's Triumph
The Mooney Baker cannot
produt;e anything better t h an
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
The very best of flour, butter
and cream - the most modern
plant, the very best baker in
Canada. A biscuit superior to
any other you have ever tasted.
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer.
A few evenings ago a number of the
citizens assembled at the hone of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Maguire and presented
them with a hall rack, an easy chair
and a very flattering address. The
former has accepted 11 position in Clin-
ton for which place he leaves shortly.
He is succeeded by Mr. Craig of Ailsa
Craig. -The anniversary services in
connection with the Methodist church
was held on Sunday. Dr. Warner.
Principal of Altus. Iadies' College, oc-
cupied the pulpit morning and even-
ing. On Monday evening an old-fash-
ioned tea was served and a good musi-
cal program rendered. -The Rev. J.
L. Shall, B.A., occupied the pulpit in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday. -
Miss Culbert's many friends will be
pleased to know that she is recovet iug
from her recent illness. -Alf. Fox is
on an extended visit, to has brother,
Lloyd,at Oakville. -Miss May Stevens
Lax returned to Forest aftera pleasant
visit with Miss Carrie Willis. -Rev.
H. A. '1'homns and family left Thurs-
day for their new home at %Vardsville.
The best wishes of all accompany there.
Miss Self of Buffalo, after a three
weeks' visit with her sister, :Nes. W.
Martin, letutnu-d home Thursday, ac-
companied by Master Chas. Mat'tin.-
I)r. V. T. Bunting has been appointed
trustee on the Lucan high School
Hoard ly the County Council to suc-
ceed Rev. Thornas.-The engagement
of Miss Jennie Hodgins to Mr. %V. H.
Dignan of this place. is announced and
the wedding arranged er t
take face on
Feb. 113. -Iwo Shea, the 1(1 year-old son
of James Shea. passed away Sunday
evening atter an serious illness of three
m•mths.- The tewains of the late Jos.
Mel.atghlin, son of %It•s. Temperance
McL•eugblin, arrived here Saturday.
Deceased passed away Friday in Sagi•
naw, when. he has resided f it some
years. --The death of Mrs. Sceli, widow
of the Tate 11'ru. Sceli. occurred quite
suddenly on Saturday morning at the
home of her daughter, Mts. J. Herten.
Decreased had suffered from heart
trouble for some time, but of late had
improved to a great extent and was
walking around apparently well five
minutes before the end sante. Sht• is
sur't•ited by six sons and two daugh-
ters. The funeral took place Tuesdity
to St. Jtai:les' cemetery.
-- - -=
(intended for last week.
DRATlltt-On Tuesday, Jan. 211th,
Mrs. Mary Armstrong, relict of late
John Armstrong, aged 76 yeas', pass-
ed away of heart trouble of which she
s11tieitel for about a year. The de-
ce';eseel had on two ucc,lsions suffered
strokes of paralysis which left her in rt
weakened condition and to a less rig.
oriels constitution world hat's been
fatal some months ago. She Was one
of the poinrel'set 1lei sof the 71 h con.
moving here when the township was
N wilderness. She leaves several sons
and daughters to mourn the loss of a
kind end indulgent mother. The body
,ons interred at 1Vest,s Cemetery on
Thtrruday.-Amidst life we at'e in
death, has been vividly illustrete(I in
the suidden death of John Moreland
Young who pas-.eeel away .Inn. 25. The
cause of death is not deflnitely known
but is supposed to have been acute in-
digestion which caused a perforation
of the stomach. The deceased was in
Parkhill Tuesttny and on •Vealneulny
took ill at his hrother's threshing.
%VKuurvu lieu -sr -The home of Wm. The doctor was called in on Thursday
('aldw•e•II, Fanst•ille,was the scene of a and all that medical skill could do gave
very happy event yesterday at high no relief until (tenth took place on Fri•
noon, when his daughter. Alice, was dray. The deceased was born on April
made the happy bride of our enterpris. 10. 1S61i.on the faun that he lived 00 at
rug citizen George Jnynt. At the ap- I I he time of his death, being lot :fist,pointed hour the bride entered the Nutth 13ti11ndary of Meltilli,rsy. On
parlor leaning on the ern» of her firth- I Apt it 5. ISSC3 he was married, to Mists
er while Miss Muni. Jnynt of Lurk- Lavine 1. Humble, second daughter of
now played the w.dding march. The Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. 11utnhle, who with
bride who was h.ndsono•Iv gowned in an adopted daughter are left to mourn
totem' crepe.de-rhino, carried a sheaf the boa of it faithful husband. The
of heat!! if•d roses. She was assisted ei.reased was a N/rl'ist en( rllenther of
by little M144 Strang, es flower girl. the Mrthottest Church which he joined
and hale Miss (':tldwell, a r•unsin, too, when ,t mete boy. Mr. Toting was
ring bearer. The Rev. S. Toll perform. (1r.1nently pointed 10 n4 a fine example
.d the eertmmly in the presence of of i tune living Christian. carrying his
ab nit fifty guests. After the 1141/41 ('hr i+l iat print"iftles intnever•y day life.
cents! t oblations the company sat down' 1114 death is a great loss to the row -
to ,t d.t•nty dejunntes About four ; inanity of which he [vasa vsleed uletlt-
o'rl,-•k the wedding party atsrted for' her, hating endeared hitn+.lf Ity his
(Hens all when the happy 'ample board. in my nn+elft+1 arts and kindness to
oil 1 he live. o'el ,'k train for London, - his neighbors. Hie large circle of
'Tme,nte,:onl 11,•ton. 1)n the tom 1•fri.•nl+,Ind arq,llinlNor,e 5yltlpath'xe
of the happy couple they will take tip' with 11'4. }'.•,g in the• irr.p.utable
resillelwe in 1It. groom's mew residene 11.►es she hs s.1.4
Hoot ahuost rornple1e-d. Thegroulnc'e - - - ___
itte-.nt ti1he bride was a handsome) TIIa111P!i ]Eto;l(i
piano. and to the 11 tate girl ;tad ting
!wryer pearl nr.klWei Alla Inrkets. IIt IN4 ‘It i•'nnlv.; -•Twenty years
d.un•1••, however. Aer.lyding to the Tht• laid. rereicetl to Inv other hand ago on Fel. 1.1, 1K87 a happy yowl:
Ilene 1 ,.1 tut1 sign, th•• laek hone of presents. Vans Tort.+pendent j•.ins 1 coopl•• 1)lighi-•tl th••ir troth null set .,mt
the pt+•.e11t 44unt''1 14 !woken.-- Miss tvifh !h. rn:uuv frienJ4 of the happy f with :an r:lrn.a d.sirr to make their
51. ill Nil has t.•t Irne.l (tom an ex•
thretrin tvi.hing then) 1„n v(,vag,,lway in the world. The groom was
r,•, I.•.t tri -it to I. ,o leo. -\(r. and �1ts• thrungh life. %V1n. R,v,•rs and the maid who teas:
11 :a. is Elliott entertained a nem- • destined to share him morrows and jays
Clabbiag Rates, The A O• ; w•a4 tie.th H:.namomd. Their it.
('ATE r.ul t.ndan(s ar that titoe w.re Mrs. ,1. 11.
give yon a ' (' ,,,,F,1,11 of Mt.•,tf••t 11 and W. Dotson
speeiyl r,mhhing rate with any news. ; of Stant. 1)n Friday evening 1 •st
paper or niag.i.ine in America. Call , some fifty invited guests gathered at
of !stater poop:P on Friday even•
iug it their h ,m,'. The Exeter pe.)pl.
th Inc ht mo itt' e1411 rend romk nv.t,•rs
�+(pn•r so well as Mrs. Elliott and. they
t1A1(f. l t :. ':• a`• '..g :e g••1•Ct'-ue s ippiy.
India Pale Ale
Brea sal from se-
1trte'.i hots, ,heir e'
barley malt and
pal spring water,
with the utmost
care. Bot':rd at
the brewery (repots
to e:t.ure proper
handling. That is
why Lalat', :1'e
is equal to the fin-
est, burp.+.ed by
none, though it
Costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods.
WAREHOUSES The Leading Commercial School
School of Western Ontario
-AT- f
Highest Price paid for Grain
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
Our courses are thorough and practical while the
teaching is done by an able instructor. M• ambi-
tious young men and young women who desire to
lest the best possible Commercial training patron -
is. this School, while business men art in search of
our graduates to fill responsible positions. The bat
time to enter our dares in NOW. Beautiful cata-
logue tree.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1S55)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Paid Qp • $3,000,000
Reserved Fund- • • • • , • , . • , $3,000,000
OFFICE, HOURS 10 a, in. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p. en.
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all paints iu the Dominion, Great I3ritain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES tirade to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest ctirt•ent rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department' pop0odi.d oa$eaarnl,d air
aandt0s(d et,oevperdanl teJrcencom-
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON R' CARLINO, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
their comfortable hone to help partic-
ipate in the wedding festivities, I
coming fr m 131I1t 1, Self
Cromarty, Bengali and Exeter. in
the dining morn a long table, artisticly
decorated with rarnations, was epead
with an Abundance of delicious en1
appet it I/11Kt1 Ildi
and tato
it-it canrlos be bestowed upon those whir
provided the repast. The table linen
and dishes which adorned the table
were the sante Lti,tt were presented to
the bride an her wedding day, an evi-
dence of the care and value these anti•
cies have received during the past
twenty yentas. From 0:30 to t):a) p. ni.
three eh:eluting yummy waiters--'4isses
Pearl Ito, yrs, Stalfa, ei ay and Ernest
1(1t'rrs, looked ,after the wants of the.
guests and tint one Was fol guff
Their simile., pinaftlle•s ;Ind lougnets
of 1•.11 11.11 e.,. lo, ked daiety indeed.
After t b•• im11••l 111 in hail beet[ fully
sats-tl•.I the 141 1.10 5 were cleared and
the 1ete-•unelrr.•1 111054e Hing pleasant-
ly ,pent in e,11siu and gators. Willits
Powell .-I Exeter was present with his
i:dison ph„tor;r..l•h and cuntrilnted
Mitch to the eve ' g's outseta Mineral.
The gifts p1e seated to thele) that ev-
ening were costly awl nnlleerous, com-
twitinit seat -sal pterrs of ra'L glass, sib
ve•rw•are• and china, also a handsome
dinner se•t from It number of their old
ne•ighbolsand fti.•rnds. There is not
one who knows Mr. and Mrs. 1(1vet•s
but will p.y lull, a1' to their worth
and oil wish them happy returns of
the 14 tI fli 4'.'I 1.441 v and hriu-..yenjoyment
of them. During the evening a very
amusing act took Wave w hen Mr. and
Mrs, Itivt'Is vele te•rn:lrried, and at Exeter
which %Villin 1'owrl1 Drab iat.d.
We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
-The Successor -which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market.
We handle Perrin• Plows
and have just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin Plow Cotnpnnies
MONEY can buy advertising /pace, but it can't buy a
quarter centur't•'s successful retard of wonderful and
&linnet mitnr1110nm cur's of the meat difficult and
Intricate cases of throat, Tung and shvnach troubles. Such is
I'sychine's scene!. Thousands of cases given up by lending
do. toll. as hol:Plees and incurable have been . uiekly and I-er-
man.ntly cured by I'•yrhine. 1t is an infallilte remedy for
('sig)Itt 04,1, itt, i,ronebi ti., pnt11111nnia, consumption, 1111] igestl'ei,
toes of apl.etite and all t• wring dipeaees.
“My son had a terrible mug!) still
was wattle -.t tea RI1a.I(tw. It,' tort
mid h. (mild tont 11, e if u•a,1 /',y
thing., 11 cno.t him `-Yee. J. Rang-
er. Rmrk•ill,•
' After tat a to t' no Borth of Plv-
'hint' my lungs are well and life 11
ae'.in worth Isnot."-Mea 1. Kfch•
anis, 'Iarrlettw t'ovt. N.V.
" 11)' Abrams air 1•,w 9,100 M a Lc11
after using tkr. hlrte."_Il. Kobbarut
nndg.t•arrrt, (ant
"I•tjChlne%avetim) life
den. ( Cbntwalltl., Toronto.
Paychine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute
AT ALL DEALERS, Mk a d 11.00 A BoTTLe
DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto