HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-02-07, Page 3_ ---�� _ - -- —`"e --
rhe People Who Know
By Practlual Exporlanoe
Rave Unanimously Pronoun+ Al
The Quickest
Throat and Cough
The reason is it CURES everybody who
takes it -young and old alike. Tho chil-
dren love it --almost like honey. 1t is
absolutely free from hurtful ingredients.
It M the greatest household remedy of
the age. No Ronne shoukl be without it.
It acts immediately upon the irritated
spot, slopping the cough, allaying in-
JllammaUon, strengthening the throat,
voice and chest, making breathing easy,
and giving quick and permanent relief
b those having coughs, colds, croup,
whooping -cough, sora throat., bronchitis,
asthma and lung trouble. One fond
smother, who knows, says :
el haws so hesitsae in meoutwn tion Cults•
feats E.pootornet, which I have *sod Woe and
again, and son.ider It the be. remedy en earth
for eorsghs mad colds. We keep it constantly to
ear hoes, and it is tics best bousebold road) I
have known- Ooltdnots iy lits uv ether sough
comedy I have ever nava, it is w soothing and
Renting. and I feel sura it L n purist, vegetable
Milts. n MAUO1IFY.
127 e:oahoart kitneet, H•mitton, Ont.
Me.ileeY l Father 1 1)o not let that boy's
or girl's cough run on without atte.n-
4ion, thus endangering their lives, when
a MSc bottle of (:oltsfoote Expectorant
will cure it. Got It frnrn your dealer.
Keep it in the house always.
n is n comnem practice for the boys
In sorsa a alch and jewellery factories to
kill the rats which infest the buiklinets,
and burn the bodies to obtain the gold.
Many oiled rags are used in burnishing
watch cases, and in time they become
Impregnated with gold. 'fhe rats eager -
Iv devour these rags. and a few month.,
of this kind of diet tills the interior
mechanism of the rat with a gokt plat-
ing. Twice a year the boys have a grand
cremation. The rats are caught by the
hundred and burned in a crucible. The
intense hent drives off all animal sub-
• stances and leaves the gokl in the shape
of a little lump. The amount of the pre-
cious metal obtained in this way is not
targe, but gives the ingenious youngsters
plenty of packet money. in some factor-
ies young Napoleons of finance buy up
in adverse the shone of their fellow
workers in the rat colony.
I Severe lase Cured by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Fierce darting pains -pairs like rel
hot needles tieing driven through the
flesh -in the thigh; perhaps down the
legs to the ankles -that's sciatica.
None but the victim can realize the tor-
ture. But the sufferer need not grow
discouraged for there is a cure ---a .sure
cure in Dr. Williams' fink Pills. 'These
hills niako new blood, this new blootl
feeds and strengthens the nerves and
bees Iheni from pain. The pain is ban-
ished to stay banished -Ihe cure is eonl-
yic•le. Mr. l.:hns. 11. Mack'nn, a pros-
perous farmer near Brockville, Ont.,
has-been cured of a severe case of eel -
alien and wishes other sufferers to hear
el his cure that they may benefit by his
eeperienee. Ile rays: "For upwards r,f
five years 1 was a periodical sufferer
from sciatica. In the morning while
gelling up 1 would 1* seized with ag-
onizing pains in my hips. Sometimes
Ihe•'0 pains extended down one leg,
sometimes down the other; often down
i.olh. The pain was terrible. Irnngrine
Ihe agony caused by a red hot spike
being driven Through the Mesh. 'Thal
wae just my feeling when the sciatica
was at its worst. Often while carrying
water In the horses the pain became so
acute I had to d.op the pail in the ruid-
dw' ref the yard. 1 billowed doctor's
treatment but with slight relief. I then
triol rheumatic plaster: and liniments,
but these rid not help rne at all. Then
decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills n trial. At first they did not seem
Ii, help me but as llw'y had been so
f ighly recommended 1 persisted in tete
treatment anti gradually noticed a
change In my condttitei. The pain lie -
faille less revere, 1 felt stronger and
my appetite improved. 1 think I used
the pills about tour or Ove months be-
fcr•e I was completely cured, but though
That erns Iwo year ago 1 have not since
Lal the slightest rclurn of sciatica. 1
Think 1)r. Williams' fink I'rll.e are a
einev.•lleus medicine and so does nay
mite who useil thrum as a *Mod builder.
She 'aye they have no equal and never
wearies of praising them to her friends..'
tuned Wood is Ilse secret of health--
f)r. \Villinms' fink fills the secret of
good terve!. That is why they cure
seinlien, rheumatism. St. Vitus donee.
Lear' palpilatius indigestion and the
ailments common to worsen and grow-
ing girls. Sold by medicine dealers or
by nihil el SO c.'n!s a bre or six boxes
Mr 8':.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine I:c., Mee keine, Ont.
Mr. Singiede'n : " Mi•vs Willing-er-
Nellie, you ik n l rare it I drop the
'Mier' awl rill you Nellie. do you?"
Mie. Wilting: : "No. indeed! Why,
only yesterday I reninrkre.l to meneee
lhnt 1 was gutting mike tired of being
called '
(:nntlbv ere made for religious pug.
te.e s lei to lilt. in height and 601L. in
11'OPOI.D ti1lhi. RAM VISIT TO I1E11
MOTHER'S lateek
!tette Condition on Which Baler of
Beldtutn Will Ginseng to Her
Return to Kingdom.
Princess Louise, of Reignite vt ho has
been living in France, since her dra-
'rn3ativ: flight from the sanitarium in
which she was imprisoned, has for some
lime past been making palhotic appeale
l.. Iter father, King Leopold, to be allow-
ed to visit her native country.
She has just returned to Paris from
the soulh of France, and in an inter-
view she said, with evident emotion,
that she desired nothing on earth so
much as to ace her father once more.
"I have written again and again to
my father," she said, "but no letter
can toll how keenly I feel toy separa-
tion front my fancily. 1 am condemned
to live without seeing a single one of
my relatives.
"1f I could only ser my father face
to face, and speak to him alone, all the
terrible misunderstandings that have
been created between us by interested
j)arties might be removed.
"1 have asked to be allowed to re-
turn to Belgium and go to my mother's
grave, and although the King hos cot
yet seen tit to grant my request, I still
hope that he will do so before long.
"In any case, I do not forget that he
is a King and my father, and I will do
j Nothing to embarrass him. t will do
;inything to be reconciled to hien short
re giving up the devoted friends who
helped me to escape from pri'on."
"lifts any such proposition been
made to you?" she was asked.
"Yes," the Princess replied. "Karon
Goflinet, one of my father's chamber-
] tains, and Maitre Weiner, his legal atd-
v'iser, told me that 1 should be provid-
1 ed for in Belgium or Germany if 1 lett
'Franco end my friendi. But f would
not hear of U. It would be gross sn-
gratilude on my part.
"i do not believe that my father sug-
gested anything of the kind. IIe would
TIC more wish to select my friends than
I would his. As to my financial posi-
tion, 1 have made no complaint, and 1
have never naked my father for money
4s pay my debts.
"i want affection, not money," the
Princess concluded, sadly.
As a remedy for all the ills of child-
hood arising from derangements of the
stomach or bowels Baby's Own Tab-
lets have no equal. You do not have
to coax or threaten your little ones to
take them -children like thein. The
Baso with which they can be given as
cc'mpared with liquid medicines will
appeal to every mother. None is spilled
or wasted -you know just how big a
(k. a has reached the little stomach.
And above all mothers have an abso-
lute guarantee that the Tablets contain
ne opiate or f oisonous soothing stuff.
They always do good, they cannot pos-
sibly do harm. Mrs. Edward Donovan,
Si. Agatha, Que., says: -MI ani delighted
with ilaby''s Own 'Tablets. I know e 1
no medicine that can equal them in
curing the ills of young children." You
can get the Tablets twin any dr'uggLst,
er by mail at 25 cents a box by writ-
ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Laid Ills iliead on Track and Allowed
Train to Run Over 11.
A story of the suicide of a dog at
Crofton I'ark Station en a recent after-
noon is vouched for by an eyewitness,
11. II. Ilowe, of 17 Dalrymple (Bond, Crof-
ton Park, England.
At Crofton Park Station there is et
slope which leads down to the side of
the railway line, and Mr. Ilowe, who
wa.s wailing to catch the LSA p.m. train
to Victoria, noticed the dog walking
about this slope in a last kind of way,
and apparently having no owner' near
n! hand. Several linters it started to go
on to the line, but each lime seemed to
change its mind, and ran back up the
slope. The train which leaves SL Paul's
station at 1.22 p.nt. and arrive at Crof-
ton Park at 1.17 then ran into the sta-
tion. while Ile dog Model quietly looking
et the engine, wltieel was a yard or two
fmm the Iselin!' of the slope.
As soon as the train reached Ute slope
the dog. with rebuses+ Mullen instinct. ran
forward anti placed its head on the line
nppnrenll. with the ides of courting
death. and in a few minutes its wish was
gratified, as ttie train passed over 11,
severing the head completely from the
body. •
Crewe of suicide in the canine world
are not unknown, ns there is n recorded
distance of such a Thing n few years ago
In the Regent's (:anal. and another in
the White Stone Point, nt Ilnnrpetentl.
It is net known it the present case is the
outcome of unrequited love.
An old Indy mel n neighbor in the
slrret one day, and wa.s Telling her about
n recent bereavement. "les," she said,
"our 11111 dial lest week. 'That's Ihe out
of seven gone, rind now there's only me
nna old Jiec' till." 'Then she added. pa-
thetically. "Only two lef1: 1 suppose 1
thrall be the next to go." ":\ts;' said the
neighbor. "1 suppose you mill. At any
rate, if you ain't the flex!. you'll bo next
lett one."
-steel all fet•saA
end bowel dimities. ,
Makes pony babies
p!run and nosy. Prowl
by SO years succeesful
use. Ask year dew ee
for it ---
Nurses' ass hollers' Treasure
-2ti-6 letdes sees.
Noised Dr.. h Cloonicsi Co.. Label
"Queen City"
a better tier a pyre PAsetoba (lour --it • 1.-iter
+bee a pis gotta, by—teras bladed r coabem
tee best Sashes d bud.
°Q.,= Gere a r aflpispoici &our.
D".74:=6"._Oak year grocer far
The Campbell Campbell's
Milling Ca t�....
Tears j,ous . ores Queen City
A Paris journalist has founded n
babies' club. It is u spacious and plea-
sant building, with a gantry, and a club-
house where guises cf all kinds are pro-
vided. 'There is a Punch and Judy show,
with n cafe where sweets. cakes, tea,
milk, and various kinds of lemonade are
sold to members and their parents, while
there aro also innumerable toy -shops
and a theatre.
Dear Mother
Year Stile odea ars • mutest are is
Fill and Witter weather. They �w�ill
wast cold. De you know atom SSil.b'a
+� Gee. dm Laos Tonic, and •
velem it boa dare tor so mazy ) h u said
(r be dm e0ly rankle remedy ler J
Assam of dm air panes is c bJrea.
11: absoitaely harmless and pleasant t•
take. h r pwanteod o cine or your mosey
is retuned. The peel is 25e. per beth.
•ad all driers io medicine soli
4This remedy should be is every ItwssheiA
in driving the long - Simplon 'Tunnel
under the nips, a line test was offered
of the accuracy with which engineering
science can guide the direction of two
parties of workers, starting twelve miles
apart, so that they will meet in the heart
of a mountain. Three principal elements
had to be calculated -the total length,
the level, and the direction as to right or
left. When the two bores met in the
middle it was found that the length -the
least important of the elements -differed
only about 31 inches from the calculated
value; tete differesico in level was less
than 4 inch s, and the error in direction
from one end was lens than 5 inches,
from the other less than 4 inches. The
suecess of the engineers was retnasisable,
considering taut the tunnel is 12ee miles
"Some day we shall be conversing
with the inhabitants of Alums."
"I I:ope not," answered the weary
business man. "Tho telephone tolls fur
conversation within the narrow limits of
this earth aro big enough to make one
shudder at the thought."
Feta : Are Lola and Jack very fond of
each other +"'
cram: "1 should say so. Why, they
quarrel every bine they are together."
e1. —
11e : "1 will marry none but a sensible
Sho: "Well, you do seem to be cul
out for an old bachelor."
Non Ile has Dyspepsia No More.
Strange why people should not try
the very thing which would do them
good until Inst! Mr. Geo. I.a I'orlwin,
of 36 SI. I'turl S1., Toronto, tried six
different reinetliec for dyspepsia, Ilene -
ache. and heartburn before he tried
Diktat's. The six did him no good.
itileans have cured hint! He says: -
"I hail heartburn, dyspepsia and wind
after food. 'rho nourishment i took
seemed to do enc no goner, and the pain
1 suffered WIs very acute. 1 tried six
diffeienl remedies before (likens, but
they did ma no good. With fifteens '1
was quite different. 1 found they re-
lieved the tlntilenee and the pain with-
in n few hours and a slued course re -
stilled in it complete cure."
In every country where they hove
leen introduce". Menne have quickly
Taken first place tremae of their re -
girl and testing curry of indigestion,
liver and keteey cnrnpinints. anernin.
hrndnehe. delilify, constipation, stipation, piles,
female ailments and irregutarltk's, them
mutism, liver chill, eta Purely herbal
rind containing no akmhol they are nn
ideal family tnedieine. All stores and
druggists sell at 50c a box. or from the
Bikan Co.. Toronto, for price. G boxes
sr nt tor 12.50.
Temperance principles nee making pnnr
headway in France. and from statistics
one 15 driven lo the conrhrsion that the
French are tete thirstiest nation on tho
Globe. They mannered to drink. lost
coni. ++asides nearly 2,000,000,000 pints of
beer. 800.000.000 gallons of cider. The
strangest pari about this fg lure Is that
the average annual amp of opplos pm -
duces only about 200,000.000 gallreis of
he drink. The riddle is In Lind want the
remaining 700,1)001On gallons were made
from. 'fhis year the only articles of
drink on which there is n falling off-- but
ural a remarkable one --are spirits of all
kilxls. In particular the cnnsumptinn of
absinthe in Iwo year= has dropped 'rem
:1.91100$) ;pillow; to 3.70f.(1w. n figure
wtech is still formidable enough.
see len(
la a variety of :ylea.
Lbria sad Ixk lo.
women, sen sad
children. Fotta-fined.
Dealos are authorized
to wplue instantly and
e our cad any Pee -
1 Angle german faulty
it material or making.
pen-Aagle Under-
wear is form -knit
o it can't help
fitting your figure,
- it's made of
long - fibred wool
so it won't shrink
- and it's guaran.
teed besides. The
whole idea is to
make it so good
you can't afford
not to buy by the
trademark (ia
red). nos
"Health and Vigor depend upon the
quality and quantity of the blood." -
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price 30 cents per Bottle.
11 you are not able to obaeta i I to your
sehthbarboed, we will seed to any ad•
dress two bottles upon receipt or mea
DOLLAR ow. per bottle) earrings
p•ea.hent asst /aaa en aspareatfos.
Ms Carton Medicine Company
t7 Wellington St. West, - Toronto
For Iho last three years about 1001n0
working nen, membens of the Amalga-
mated Society of Engineers, of Engl(ktd,
havo made three len tea of Id. eauerf to
heap on the work of ttu.skin College at
Oxford. This levy produces over $1,500
a year, and by means of it- six engineers
aro maintained for a year's course ei
study at Ute college.
Mr. Wm. C. Edwards, P.D.C.R.A.O:
1., P.G.M.1.O.O.F. ard P.P.O.A. Shep-
herds one of the most widely known
men in friendly aoclety circles it is pos-
sible to meet, Is the subject and here
is his experience. Interviewed at his
home in Peter St., Toronto, he said: -
"In January of last year 1 cut the mid-
dle finger of my left band severely and
blood poison set in. The wound was
so very painful that 1 could not use
rho whole hand, which began to swell
and inflame. f consulted one of the
leading doctors of Toronto and for two
months I was under his care. The
wound got no better, and one day the
doctor said, 'Edwards, the only thing i
can do with this finger is, take it off.
it can never be cured.' A friend
advised me to Try Zam-Buk before
you have it taken offl' I did so,
I bathed the wound and applied some
of the balm, and that night 1 got a lit-
tle sleep. Next morning the wound be-
gan to bleed, whereas, before it had
only discharge i pus. Within a
few days 1 couli do away with the
sling in which f had carried the hand,
and in a few weeks' time there was not
a trace of the wound to bo seen. To-
day my finger is as sound as a hell.
whereas, had 1 not used Zan+-Buk, 1
should have been a finger fossa. I paid
over 8110 in doctors' fees, and when I
think of the trifling cast of Zanrlluk
1 nm amazed at its wonderhll value.
Zam-Buk is a cure for eczema, itch,
scalp sores, ringworms, blotches on the
face and body, chapped places, cold
st res, piles and enlarged veins. As an
embrocation it cures rheumatism and
sciatica, end rubbed over the chest re-
lieves the tightness due to severe colds.
All store: rind druggists sell al !Al
cents a box, or post free from the Zane
But( Co., Toronto. 6 boxes for 82.50.
Tiw'.re is a weekly journal published
et Zurich, Switiuvland, called 'flue En- cent.
gaged Couplers' Arhrrlir;er, which, it is
slated, has agents nl work ell over
Switzerland ascertaining oto mune of
every girl who is engager) to be rnnrried
and that of her prosspeviivc Meshnml.
'floss nnnwrth are printed 111 the paper.
wilt► the addresses of the sweethearts
and n description of their t.ea•ial posi-
tion. Soon after the announcement of
her engngen)ent a girl finite herself al-
most in a position to start n shop, so
nnmernut are the samples she receives
(ruin firms anxious to do business.
"1l reminds toe of old times to fee so
many red. -oats,- said a one-armed inapt
t) a stranger, as a company of soktier•,
Ina rch. d past.
"Wen) you in the Army T a.akeJ the
sti7hnger, as he ehincezl at tits empty
"That's where I was," saki the (hour,
"and I left an ane on the t. Ukliead,
fell me about it," Enid the reporter.
"\\eii, 'twill jowl* to tell." was tho
modest rrply. "When the fightin' war,
gi in' on, 1 got separated froni the outer
boys, an' de,dg,7n behind the stump of a
tree I picked off the enemy's otbcsxs nes
fast as they could brir►g 'cm up. 1 guests
1 meusl have killed about four generals
and seven ooloneis, not to speak of hew
e t -
tenants and captains, when one of the
generals prnnlal we out to tt regiment
an' sed, 'If you don't kill that mail the
tattle is lust.' Well, they lust calve a-
runnin' at me with Meir beyonita glis-
t. nin', but 1 hauled ten or twelve of 'em
before they got up to rue. Pretty soon a
j corporals the only Odicier 1 had left alive
I-- hollered out, 'Surrender, will yer
"'Never,' Boys 1 ; So on they Dome,
iris' a whole volloy. One stun hit line in
the arm an' another in the head, knock-
] in me senseless. Think in' 1 was dead,
they went off art' left me. 1 recovered
1 enough to crawl into camp and have illy
arm cut off."
The listener was warmly ecpre-Lsusg
tris praise at the one-armed man's
hravety when a fvr7nrr sMepgxd up and
:aid :- -
"Ifows your arm. Jim?"
"it': all right," raid Jtnt, ratter die'p-
"I.rest his arm in my thritshin' ma,
chine," explained the farmer. "an'. of
ce,urbe, lief rather interested in him."
The nlanufarturr of paper from the.
lilts of the cotton-s'alk is one of rho
latent inventions which are said to have
passed the experimental stage. It is as-
serted that all grades of paper, from the
best form of linen to the lowest grade,
can be manufactured from cotton -stalks.
l addition to this $ variety of by -pro -
(Inds, such as alcohol, nitrogen, and
material for gun -cotton and smokeless
powder, can also be eiecuraxt in paying
quantities. Mills for the. use of cottnn-
blailks treater In that stay become gete-
eral in the emtion-growing States. it is
er.tunated that on an arca of land pr iduc-
utgr a bale of cotton at least ono teen of
statics can be gathered. Upon tits baste
from 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 tons of raw I
material could be secured for the pro-
duction of paper, which would increase
the value of tie South's cotton crop
nearly 810,000,000.
Just the Thing That's Wanted -A pill
that acts upon the stomach and yet ss
eo compounded that certain ingredients
of it preserve their power to act upon
the intestinal canals, so as 10 clear
them of excreta the retention of which
cannot but be hurtful, was long looked
for by tete medical profession. 11
was found in I'arntelee's \'egetalole
Pills, which are the result of much ex-
pert study, and are scientifically pre-
pared as a laxative and an alternative
in one.
SAD SIGirl's.
01 alt sad sights
That's known to men,
A woodlesr r •.el,
A coallecs ben.
L��.M�e1a �Innnor
stn dlOrtt off owes ass emend from
eat*. TIM eed work et
lt.M� tIsnei•giie�oarjl.I.d w1W Wsc ,'seyrup.
Thyme. serge. marjor•em. and all their
family, consisting of nearly 2,600 rpec:ks,
almost all have square sterns.
A Cure for Fever and Ague.--Pernie-
lee's 'Vegetable Pills are compounded
for use in any climate, and they will
iw found to preserve their powers in
any latitude. 1n fever and ague they
act upon the secretions and neutralize
the poison which has found its way in-
to the blood. They correct lite impure
1 es which find entrance into the system
through drinking; water or food and .f
used as a preventive fevers are avoided.
Connally holds the record for having
must short-edghtel people. The average
al twenty yeses 15 fivo and st-half per
There Is ao twaning a windmill with a pair of
befowa and there 1s an turning in your chair if
you have lumbago .r Tame Mak, but it w"ul,1 be
alt. easy 1fos had "The D a I." Menthol
limiter en year
All our thoughts are original either
with ourselves or others.
Bickleae Ant;-(-ooneuniplive Syrup is the
result of expert c•hernicnl experiments,
wsdertaken to discover a preventive of
inflammation of the lungs end enn-
surnpliun. by destroying the germs that
Children wee are Pale rind peevish want.eme• (develop Ihese diseases, and fill 111C
thing shat will rank. god : ob blood ; Were Iv \t nrl(i with pitiable subjects hn ek'iu l
nothing to .gnat '• Yerrovim for %Ms purpose. p 1 P y
Mothers. be sere to get a bv14�e
There is a smnll district le lwet n Trini-
dad and 1'anann, on Iho const of \ cu-
czuele, a herr ruin never tolls.
Holloway's Can rere Ls the medicine
10 remove all kinds of "ins n:td warts,
and only costs the small tum of lwcnly
(ire cents.
In Perwia playing -cards of Ivory have
been used. and indien cords are lo be
seen made of thinly -beaten gold and of
stilcken. The use of this Syrup will
prevent the dire conequences of neglect-
er' Cukls. A Trial, which costs only :S
cents, will con%ince ysu (hat this is
h1 the aneier►t cathedral of Genoa a
vase of unm'ose value has taxi. pro•
served for 1;1,0 years. 1t is rut from n
tingle enmcrold. 11•s principal diameter is
121l,in. and its height 5%in. It is kept
under o-eternl lochs. the keys of which
are in different blinds. end it is nicely
exhibited in public, Then only by a:n
order of Ihe Senate. When exhibited it
is su•pendect round the oto' k of n priest
ley a cord. and no one La allowed to much
it but him. It Is claimed that Ibis vase is
one of the gifts wheel was mule to Solo-
mon by the Queen rt Sheba.
\V0RI.1i, DEGI'1:g"I' ('O1.D-MINE.
Australia now pueeres the de(rpt:'t
gold -mine in Ihe world. Within the Inst
eve eve's. the shafts at the. New (:hunt
Rnihvny at itendige, 1 ice aria. have been
sunk to a depth of over Vain.. and the
i totniz there lapped has been sampled
WWI crushed, with the result tont a yield
of gold equal lo an ounce per ion Iles
tarn r l,tauwl.
The reparations in the
nen" have been tested be Gov -eminent
+elks in view of Ihe fact Iliac never
' in Ihe• 'wild's hitilnry 11115 gtuki
nhNtinrtl trent sn Iow a slept* u�
11.. e e gUal'l(ls ut u mile.
Copyright iws. by the ttaa..lin V.
MAN -4 -LIN is An
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation.
There are many ailments
directly dependent upon consti-
pation, such as biliousness, dis-
colored and pimpled skid, inactive
liver, dyspepsia, overworked
kidneys and headache.
Immo Constipation and al,
of these Maleate disappear.
NAI -A -UN can be relied upon
to produce a gentle action of the
bowels, waking pills and drastis
cathartics entirely unnecessary.
A dose or two of Man-a-iln Is
advisable In slight febrile at'
tacks, la grippe, colds and
loosen za.
Ask Tour Drawee for Free Peetnta
Almanac ler 1117.
Pros SIPS t. 5514. Fig
programme, writ.
Rev. Or. Withrow
lutorsattee taaa1.bad re same on application..
v. u. sea mea.
Phase s COBALT. 0` t'
Agents Make Mons
•seUy an 1 quietly acting as our represented,ces
•ad bfllls t order. for SAiteS-atMtla/Ia.
741 is the strangest. statist. most seyietdis_s
fence on the market. Realest (.nets( Is sen.
because • c.snparlsoa with ethers 7wiohly
slows shined farmers bow nue MAN, it IL
Well advertised 1a hinting fans }y.. -and
Wet irks et still • .iter to sell. We've a geed
proposition N oiler you. Jacluslss territory
and • liberal e.maimien Writ. today.
C.rpeay. l.tmlt.a, London, Ost.
An awkward man in a ballroom is
apt to Ise train wrecker.
There is nothing equal to Mother
Graves' \Vornt I sternlinalor for de-
stroying worms. No article of its; kind
has given such satisfaction.
A bov in the schoolroom Ls worth a
dram in Iho poolroom.
A Pew People era " wear oat • coag*.- but It
is most the masa danger/me asperimwt hug*
MIAs The other 5S,‘ �of wueak ones mil t» ead ,etter
are aide 's Lusa raamen
Frnrtce tuts ono ttlkivcrsil+ student to
etvs, tt(,5 of her pot.nlnli.,u ; literal lira•
Ion has only one in 2,1:.0.
Tis a Marvellous 'Thing. - -When the
cares effected by 1)r. 'Thomas' Fclectrki
Oi' are considered, the speedy and per-
manent relief it lou, brought to the MI,*
feringf wherever it has been used, it
must be regarded ns a marvellous Thing
That se potent it medicine should result
from the six simple ingredients which
enter into its reimposition. A trial will
convince Ilse most Skeptical of its heal-
ing virtues.
"What rent dr, yeti pay for That
hotter?" asked the inquisitive pere - n.
"Alas," sighed the taxpayer, w1 own
Says Results are "Truly Wonderful"
Mrs. 1. limiter. 01 111
linglen Road, Kington,
Ont. says:--
"1 have si.ffcre•d with
keine) and hver lion.
Lle and chronic can•
situation for some lime.
f ` r• 1 was subject to dizzf-
'less, bilious headache,
l'ou nrs.s, drowsl•
Mrs. 1 „linter.nearril\, pains to Use back
end side, acrid n tired, weary feeling
nearly all the time.
"I tried almost every medicine. wee
treated by d.,ct,rs and druggists teeth
bilk er nu bruit!.
"I t i d Dr. I.Gertharll rt Anti•i'ii:. asst
the results have 1,'••, !rel). ItOndcrfule
am se) much better. Anti -Pill is a most
etorelcrful +remedy ."
Al; dealers. or 17ee \\'stand-Fy1e f'o.,
1. mired. Niagara Yetis, Onl.
1 N u riSitE NO. s -r,