HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-31, Page 8STOCK TAKING THIS WEEK Call and get a suit, an' overcoat, or a pair of , trousers while the snap is on. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, lzeter, - Ontario Rosiness Locals -- Read Them The shut to buy dinner and tea .sets- eheap. Steuart,. 1M Ovels7 Cowl age Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Burgeon, will be at the Commercial Motel. Exeter, on Friday, February 8, Moms, all day. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose tiireated. 1 ran each corn, peas and tumatues for :sic.: i lbs. ►uney biscuits 25c.; 4 lbs Mi,ruratta tea $1. Stewart. Clubbing Rates: The TAE DVcanO- CA give you a special clubbing rate with any news- paper or magazine in America. Call surd get our rates. Special at,-• k taking bargains, clearing Kaes in Bolts' Suits, regular value $2.50 to 51; your choice per suit $1,15, Stew- art. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate (Alice. 24 lbs. cooking r',,lic Sugar $J: 21 as. bet granulated sugar 1; 6 bar.. Camila-1 Sul, 25e.; 6 ll.., good figs 25e.; IQY..S'ui(„r flog tea $1: beat rolled out meal 25e.: ,V 1' 'soap 1'C e Stephen. Marriage Licenses issued at the A vacate office. Skates Taken. The person who took a pair Of skates drool the Opera House on Jan. 15th will kindly return there to this (ftice at once. LOCAL I)OINGS. 1 >t� ALA..IlJkelk Ala alkali) a&a& \I1. amid tVuud still females very lee ell!! ing Wits COW ftteuced un Sat ut•day lost. Mrs. Phoebe Harris, Huron street, ie again quite ill, Mr. M. Salter has resumed work af- ter a week's illness. Mr. L. Ifat•dy was taken ill of grippe Sunday and is conflued to his room. A number of Exetet'ites attended the anniversary services at Centralia en Monday night. Mr. Geo. Mantle is recovering from an illness which confined him to the house during the past week. Dr. Holmes, dentist of Saskatoon, Sask., formerly of Clinton, lost his office and contents by fire recently. A large number from here attended the oyster supper at Centralia on Mon- day night and report an excellent, time. Mrs. Campbell of Hibbert underwent an operation at the home of Mr. P. Bowden last week for an internal trouble. Writing from Macoun, Sask., Mr. Fred Bissett says that the thermom- eter registered 44 below last week. Excuse us. Mrs, John F. Smith, Qth con. of Step- hen, was operated upon last Thursday for an internal trouble. She is now doing nicely. Mr. W. H. Hodgert moved his house- hold effects from town to the fares he recently purchased on the 10th of Us - borne on Monday. The report of the Womans' Institute meeting last week stated that Miss May Snell sang. It should have been Miss Florence Snell. Dr. Malloy last week purchased from Mr. Andrew Gibson, the Dr. Rollins, residence on Andrew street, at present occupied by Mr. Beverly. The annual meeting of the officers• of the 3:ird Huron Regiment will be held at the Hotel Normandie, Clinton. on Thursday, January 31st. 31►s. W. D. Sanders very kinds membered us last week with a i.,, exeell.•r,t 1ievonshirecrearn. Nee to t•ay that such palatable dishes are appreciated. Mrs. Wallace D. Clarke, I nee \Vi formerly of London, twill hold her nuptial reception on 'Thursday, 7th, from 4 to 7 p.m. in her suit rooms in McDenell s Block, Main Monday's Free Press contained picture of four generations, sou whom are Exeter people. They Mrs. James Singular, aged 80, of \Villiauls, Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw o eter, Mrs. Samuel Sample and sots. Milton. of Cobourg, formerly of Exe- ter. It will be sad news to many of our older inhabitants to learn of the death of George Ryan of Brantford, *former resident of Exeter, who died on Mon. day. Mr. Ryan was one of the several who moved with their families to Brantford with the Verity Plow Co., previous to which time he had resided here for many years and was highly respected. Interment took place at Brantford. In the absence of the rector, Rev. D. W. Collins, who had charge of the anniversary services at Lucknow, the services in the Trivitt Memorial church were taken by the Rev. C. W. Sanders of Lucknow. Rev. Sanders is an old Exeter boy and being that it was his first opportunity of preaching herea large congregation greeted him morn- ing and evening. His discourses were of deep spiritual character and he handled bis subject in a manner that was markedly interesting and instruc- tive. The Rev. gentleman will be a welcome visitor at the Trivitt Memor- ial at any future time. y 1'e - WI uf EXETER MIXREETS. "ll(•ss CI1A.N(iEI) EACH WEDNESDAY 1Vheat t10 07 I.on) Harley .. • 44 45 Oats first :i 3[ F'e h. Deas 75 76 e of l utatoes, per bag 6120)tiffsk Hay, per ton 9 50 10 W the Flour, per cwt., family ,2 (10 ie of Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25 Rutter 21 to '� were East f Ex - The Organ Recital to be given in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Thursday Feb. 7th, ie attracting a good deal of attention both in town and in the neighborhood. Mr. Wm. Brown's ability as an organist is so well known that we feel sure the recital will be well patronized. In addition Mr.Cyril Dwight -Edwards of London, the well- known baritone, will assist in the pro- gram. Mr. Edward's singing should please all as he is one of the leading singers in Canada. He studied under such eminent masters as Henschel, Rev. Andrews of Centralia occupied Wm. Shakespeare, Panzani and others the Main street pulpit on Sunday in and has appeared before the King, the the absence of the pastor, Rev. E. A. PI inceus Christian and other members Fear, who was at Centralia preaching of the Royal Family. He also toured anniversary services. with the late Madame Albani's Con- cert Company. This is Mr. Dwight - Edwards first appearance in Exeter and we feel sure that his singing will be greatly enjoyed. Women's Institute Notes. The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute will he held on Friday, Feb. Ispat 3 o'clock, in Senior's Hall. Those having books from the Library please, return them Friday. Miss Halls, Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec'y Skwaitopavi Concert Only a fair attendance greeted the Indian wonder -worker and his cont. pony of musicians in the Opera House Tuesday night. Shiingopavi was well ei rec iv Pc). pt His monologue was given in the hest of English and was Very interesting, while many of his tricks were excellent, pat titularly the live chicken and the rabbit feats. The lady musicians were good and their selections were thoroughly enjoyed. Convention in March. The seventh annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Preven- tion of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis will tie held in Ottawa the 13th and 14th of March next. A public meeting of the members of the association and of the citizens gener- ally. at which His Excelleney will pre- side, will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Normal school on Wednes- day evening, March 13tH, at which Dr. Shear), the chairman of the Ontario Provincial Beard of Health. will de- liver a lector upon "Horne Treatment of Consumption." Mr. John Bell of Saskatoon. Sask., has been visiting friends here for a week. He was formerly butter maker at Winchelsea. He is now in the real estate business in the West. After two months' visitin Ontario, he will return next. week. Cyril Dwight -Edwards, who, togeth- er with Mr. Wm. Brown, Organist. gives a concert in the Trivitt Memorial church on Feb. 7th, comes highly spoken of by the press of England and a 1 should hear him. Get your tickets at Cole's Drug Store. Word was received Saturday that .it.n J se Kitchen, Ph tch, fo rmerly of Exe- ter, now of Coldwater, Simcoe county. suffered the loss of his house and household effects by fire last week. Mrs. Kitchen is a sister of Messrs. Jas. .'nd W. T. Acheson of town. Mrs. Marshall attended the funeral of a cousin, John Young, near Lime- rick this week. Mr. Young had been ill of inflammation of the stomach and it is supposed the lining burst as he died almost instantly. He was forty New ahapee Kilg hard hats just in at fat ;us of age and leases a wife and slily. Stewart's. "Property For Salt. an We have at present a handsome nit piece of proper* y consisting of tine two sta storry residence and two lots, with we • On Thursday last Messrs. Armstrong d Brim. matte an extra large ship - ant Of hogs from Mensal! and Exeter tions. In all there were 397 hogs, ighing st1310 lbs. For these they good stable; all in first-class condition; conveniently situated: all modern ttn- proveol•'nt. Price is a snap. ('all cit. write The Advocate Office. A number of young people attended the carnival at Hensall on Monday sight. licks' Forecasts for February. Prolonged cloudiness and nice ked storm conditions will be the artier through all opening days of February, but these conditions will culminate in ppieioial storms of rain, sleet and snow ea touching the 3rd, 4th and 5th. Sigh temperature, with lightning and thunder, will tnark these disturb- ances over central to southern parts of the country at. first, [lilt sudden and Mt eta etiitoge to hlizzar.lous Pto1'1114 /110114(.1.f 'a nd snoW will at rike, followed bet wren the 1th and the 7th by it Soy - ere cold wave for Fehrnary. DON'T MONKEY WiTH THAT COt'(ill Use HOWEr:s ClIF.ItRY ('ORDiAT. � .b•. Bottles M4++++++++++++ I -++t+++++4 Suitings and Pantings paid $o BLit:), 7 his would indicate that the hog business is not yet dead in this district. Mr. W. (i. Bissett lost one of his black driving horses Wednesday night about 12 t 'clock, after four days' illness of lung trouble. The beast was worth about $12.5. Mr. Bissett also lost 00 Thursday a floe cat which he has had for nineteen years. Old age caused the latter's death. D. Henderson, government Veteri- nary Inspector of live stook. was in town last week on ()Richt! duty. The object of his visit was to inspect a number of sheep in the township of U8ia)rnp infested with scab. The dis- ease is a bad One and very contagious. F:very effort is being nu(e to prevent its spread in that locality. On Thursday of last week a very pleasant evening was enjoyed at the old 'Jogai th homestead in Stephen. The event was occasioned by the fact t hat Mr. Robert Sanders of this town learned that Mrs. ('olen14tn 11ng. ttti and daughter, Miss lda, of Larito le, Man.. had arrived there to visit their friends and wishing to make some Ian- gible return for kindness received of then) at their home when he was its Manitoba, he arranged with Mr. C. Heywood to furnish an evening's en- tertainment with his very excellent gramophone whilst he also provided a generous supply of oysters and in%ite.l the whole circle of connections to en- joy the evening together. So with the oysters,so'ial intercourse, a varied and well assorts( list of reentds presented I.y add ttuuu ural visiting \ti 1 �,g,.,• Happy Nees Year to Ali neigh', and a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Eli Snell has returnees to Forest. Mrs. 8. Sweet wvt, in 11.071t100 last week. Mr. and firs. ('lark were in bold()over Sunday. Mrs. .John Ilaw•kshaw is vi;itin friends in i,ncltn. Alessi s. Fletcher and Clark have r turned from Al vinsten. Miss Eastwood of 1Vhithy is the guest of Mrs. Stauhury. Mr. Rube,t LP:tthot•n cause up from Loddon to spend a few days. Miss Kande Hatter after spending a week with her parent,. tet'I:'tied to 1..rrldon \tonality. .1r. and Mrs. ('bas. Isaac of !meanspent Solidity with friends in town. Mrs. Marshall Ilex carne up ttotn London on Friday to spend la few days. Mis. iHev.) Fear visited at the home of Mr. Tebbutt at Ilolme's%ale doling 1104 week. Mr. and Mi' s, (:at field Sheerer of !Irritator(' arrived there last week 00 a vlslt. ,1r•. Richard 1y1•I.11 of Kala maze() art ived Monday might on a visit to his Ino0 her. Miss tVilnaet Smith of I4(0(1(n Road South. after three week.' vi.ir with her broth.'.• arid sisters in Detroit and Cleveland. has retail',) home. Mts. Alex. Pager. of Swift 1'nt•leot, 1A'asa„ woo has been visiting her rel r. Heywood on the gramaphorl(• resSeS. cord and ins Ir.'s near 51. .4„, vs; is to,n, tIlk week Eggs Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton ('nickrn Hens Ducks Geese Turkeys Dried Apples 0 65 20 00 1900 9per lb 7 „ 10 " 10 .r 1.2 ., " T. H. Handford shipped a car of horses Tuesday to Winnipeg. The first carnival uf the season is to take place in the rink Friday night. }Oliva We welcome the good sleighing. - It is a pleasure to hear that Mrs. Hy. Doyle is getting better. -Mr. B. Cunn- ingham sold a fine driving mare toDr. McBride of Dashwood, -Who's alright? Khiva boys are alright. Ontario Liquor License Act License iristrict of South Huron. Notice is here. by given that James Maddock, of the Village of txeter, has made application for permission to transfer his Village tavern lineage for the premises, hi the Village of Exeter, known ar the Mansion Ilouse, to Thomas Cook of London, and that geld application will he considered at the meeting of the Board of License Comntlasionera. to be held et The Queen's Hotel, in the Village of ltenvall, on the 16th dsy of February, 1907, at the hour of 10 a.m. All persons interested will govern themselves .. co rdingly, John Torrance, License inspector. Dated at Clinton, this 29th day of Jan., 1907. Supplementary Meetings of South Huron Fanners' In- stitute for 1901 will be held as follows. viz: ELIM VILLE, Township Hall, Thursday, Feb. 14th Ahemoon meeting: Major Sheppard of Queenston will speak on "Prols.gation fruit grafting, budding, etc." and llr. 11. J. Reid of Georgetown will speak on "Principles and F McLean, in stock breeding.' AdAre.s- esalso byIt. B. McLean, KiPlpen, and F. O'Brien, (•hiselhurst. Evening meeting --Major hheppard, "Three historic day; on Niagara River"; Dr. Reed " Breeding homes for profit." CREDITON TOWN HALI. Friday, Fel.. 154h. Afternoon meeting: Addresses by MaJor Shepphart "Propngatinglntit grafting, building, roc"; Dr. 11. J. Revd. "Diseases of .ligeatice'estem of rattle." Also addresses by M. V. Mclean, Sraforth: R. ti. 31' Lean, Kipp.en. Evening, meeting: Major Sheppard, "Three historic day. on Niagara Ricer": Ar. 11. J. Reed, "horse breeding and are in relation to diseases," GRAND HENT) PUBLIC HALL Saturday,Fel,. . ifth Afternoon meeting: MajorSheplanl "The in,pro. e- (nent of country roads"; 11r. Reed. "Florae breeding for profit'; ad,fr.use's by R 11. Mclean, and Paul MAge, Thames Road. Evening meeting: Major Sheppard "Opportunities on Canadian fans;'; Dr. Reed "Principles and pra• tic( of Kock breeding..' %t'RIt'1I TOWN HALL, Monday, Feb. 18th. Afternnnn: Major She-ppard "Planting and care of fruit trees"; Dr. Reed, "Horse breeding for profit"; addresses by R. 11, McLean and e. Madge. Evening: Major Sheppant"Three historic days on Niagara Ricer'; Dr. Reed "Diseases on digestive syaem of cattle." MENSAL!., MILI.F.R's HALL, Tuerlac, F:eb. 19th. Afternoon: Major Sheppard "Soil tillage for frr- tilily and nnni•ture": Dr. Kral '•Hors• Ia.-ceding and 'Arvin relation to diseaars'; aeldressea by T. Fraser, anti A. )Dl.tar,l ttrucetfeld. F.rening: Major Stott. - pant '•(ryq.o.taniti., on Canadian faros-, i.r. Ke..1. .The 1.r...1 mare and foal." Tl'CKERSMiTI1, STRONG'S HALL, Weil. Feb. _''..h Afternoon: Major Sheppard "Soil tillage for fertili• h and moisture"; Dr. Reed "Horse breeding and rare in relation to di.eaaes"; addresses by It. 114tnter, Elimvillr. J. T. Allison, Thames R(a.i: H. Morten'. ilenaall. Evening: Major Sh.•ppanl "Opportunities nn Canadian (anus'; Dr. Reed ••i'nm'iples and pra,•- 11Cr in stock breeding." HAYFIELD PUBLIC HA1.i., Thursdap, Feb. 21st. Afternoon: Major Sheppard "Soil tillage for fertili• by ani moisture' •; Dr. Itet,l "Principles of stork breeding": Addresses by It. B. Mclean and A. e:. SmilGt, E.1160:: Major She1plan) "Three historic 11 'lay; on Niagara Biter": or. wed "Horses for p.rnflt- A meeting nl the dire.dtors of the !met dine sill 1.r Fold on the forenoon of the meeting at Hensall, Fel. g Ii+tl,, a1 11 o.lw•k The afternoon meetings will commence et Toch. k sharp and 1.ening meetings e- at :.Jap. An exeeilent pr•grsnn ,•••n silting ..f run.i • and literary'elt•.;tions will i. given at evening meet - ings. All interested in Farmers Institute meetings err rnMially ins 10.1 to attend. W. 1). SANDERS, Pre, It. GARD IN F -R, S..• v. The 1 1(1 way to cure it c,1(1 THE NEW WAY - Take HOWEY'S ('r'IIE-A- COLD CA1'SUI.1',S Price 25e. a box W. S. Howey, Phm. B. chemist and Optician, F_xetei. TRY T. HAWKINS & SON FOR STOVES and FVRN1Aczs We keep a full stock of Building Hardware, Paints, Glass, Oil, Nails, Etc. Also Repairs for the Frost & Wood, and Cockshutt Plows. T. HAWSINS & SON. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING In the Furniture Line. Before we know it, it will he time to say farewell to old winter and wel- come the incoming spring. Modern retailing knows no better time to close out stocks than these between season days. We have cut our pro- fits very low for a few weeks and this Is your opportuuity to hay furni- ture at NEARLY WHOLESALE PRICES Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Couches, Etc.. are all placed at a small margin of profit. Remember it costa you nothing to see our goods. Get our prices and we can save you wont -y, ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 DRESS GOODS SALE We have several pieces of dress goods which we wish to see selling faster. All -wool Roxana and basket weaves, in good shades of navy, green, grey, brown and two of black. Extra good service for an odd skirt or shirtwaist suit. Lines that were 85c. sale price 50c MEN'S SPRING SHIRTS To be welt dressed it is necessary that a man have good, fresh linen, It adds to his appearance more than any other article of his (tress. Our spring shipment of the famous \V, G. R. Shirts has just been opened. A special feature of then') goods is the COAT SHIRT, open- ing right down. just a coat; thele is DOulling or ding- ing to get it off as in the old styles. p �' it saves the shirt anti insures comfort to the wearer. Patterns and materials the vet latest, colors and (it guaranteed. Prices $1 and $1.26 LONG KID GLOVES Ladies' kid gloves, elbow length, in black and white. As an increased demand for these is expected this season those buying early are sure to be the fortunate ones, JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing V"Iiriew AF IV' NIP - .10 is 111•' one hoar (h..t nee.•. 10 fails to give good resolts 4 cendittnns. Net e' was it as 4 Mr. Sanders there passed an evening Mrs. J. 'r. NVe.tentt and her sister, to belong remembered and such ns can Mrs. .1. 1)X111 of ('yleress Ricer Man.. only r0e1111 in drawing more closely who hate been visiting relativesd and ' the bonds of fele ndsbipse formed in the friends at H••n'nill(•,. ('Baton anoter Reduced 1n Price + past and the beginning of Asti' ones places 11411111 11,. part few weeks, carol,. that shall extend Into arid endure in ned here on Monday evening last. We have teducexl a large ess Orders to send tzar• or cos e( a etsiness an. P nesday, 1•eb. lath. at 1 .)cluck. 1 the future ('oro. (:et your Express a h lett .tiarrders. Fott Ewe** Order*. AUCTION SALE: �w' SNELL S IiUWti_� STAR FLOUR when m -ed ,Inde' pt ..per popnl.lr as :tt per -ant. number' of flrst.elass suiting* he Te 1. graph Offlee, $arch r 1) r and partings pries and for ty in Crediton on if y . , pt •!er n fore Man - \V d the next ntont h'a ill offer you d Suits reduced front $)'t to $15 A ('igar ('ase, Owner In hays r:nc' S., •M.p and tot. ad feet frnntagr: 1 vacant pante h 1„t st feet rennase. lot ••nntainico aainingcr boo's, $l 7 to $14 y pent Ing property and paying !•� story frame haws arid Int, containing r tomos I $10 for this h )tl an e'••. r. ar, 1 atabfrawl dri.e shat. F 4. ,111,v " •• $15 to $1�:d1 •5oes Jtlseser. mare, : years . by Vontine: 1 mare, s .ear, okf by i Fra. ulr. 1 mar. 1 scan old In Trta• JA` k. ,vna 1l to $)'i lel t ce 1 1 .! II !I 1 Sol). rising 2 cram old, dranaht: 1 h...- Ao : i '. ' of SALE itoh.t Flour use our new heti Remnants of th•ess f.(►ods a Il White Seal. 43 Panting " " $fl to $5 A former Exeter how, Hilton II Fv' 111 " •, " $;i to ono, son \fr. Jo • Tn,bn e, $t John Evans of London, t Ret 2.atten, I,ght'Ir,ah, light wagon, 2 � •• " $1.50 to$:i.7.i Was married all Wednesday re»lIhnr,art...arriaer pole set ,tn le bankroll. s 1. a. aiding trough, rhrppiog block. chol'ping Lenrh. last t.. �flcv Latera •.pr, box Mos n• flame coal Mrs, Marina \luras., %vimtmr'liffe oilatese melodies fall leaf t to f d e-A,ermheet, This lint h ride was bridesmaid and Chace. Don't Mf th I A. J. F.tana brother of TFRMv a a.h mer that " " 51.45) to$a.lwl Alma, daughter of •srrnrgleak grinA't . f t hl n ape,. .t a Ammer, lounge, cradle, What•nM, wri e - - o I Road, London. Miss deasie Misener, Imes.In w ! And n,nrraas other art ,les. Tailor'si se N'ilf Clear et sister of e h ns a.ams of „met r t: hence. s, groom, was . a,.ount 6monthai .-.'slit glen nn furnishing ate.' groemslnan. The ceremony wits ver. IF street Ileasilo hurchin "API" notal 5 per cent. hr annnmoir foe cash I the preserve W. JOHNS fore.;Pd by J. J. Rosy en et .t amounts f cal rot Terms of Real Estate trade knees n nn aire► sale, ic • ref a►pout thirty ..f the In,nle(liate Alroatthe same time ant place it notpN.ate' t . • a4h1 felon, 10(, acres of land being Ior 11. ion station they trill il i s' rese in Linden. (',Ina flet and 2e,; miles from Cenlrah■ stat lora Merchant Ta)lor - Exeter Ir l'•n.ls and re laf 'veep After ;r tfip Township of Ateph•n, dlna ted miles, eolith of E.r • •ilii F+++444- 4 -14•F+♦+♦♦♦ -F 4 -ii. _ .' ,! c:.•'fl . 1111t •u. 'Jae stanley,Au.-t R. E. walker Prop. t l • We have prat reeeiveil another car of Atneri,..n ('ora which we will .ell or exehange on re•elson- able terms. Re Taunts of Ribbons on ONIPO Remnants of I«ace Sale eV Remnants of Prints a •7 4 ! Remnants of Flannelettes Reillnants of Art Nt1141ins HARVEY EROS 4 � at /11""N lis than li•'ll)111trlty of Art Satins ('ost 1,"inti tnts of 1Vr'.ippe,ettes Prices EXETER ONTARIO 4r17_, N F4i.4i4 ROWF ALsawaaAk41. ak