HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-31, Page 4D0 A I Ki1►1).'u MooreNvi11.�
0� HENS LAY 'l'I.e mots• (lieu's of Mrs. ,1• ll lfe,ur, uu u:hr•re 'root N...:el, 1i a '1 .
e'ht lyes leen is the heepl, .I iu L+:nld.ne tl..+rellulue " ue t h; it
tot• the past temple of week's, %%hear hall to night Claim -bele Mrs. ploy le• •
She underwent en operation. will he of It:tees %%h„ has been herr %i,tUng
pleased to learn that she is colv,eles ! her mother, J. T. Sitepsen, is on a vis•
eiiig and ere !or:g %%ill he :trowel onee it t.. Loniten 11 rends. --John Hlooum• '
ill -
1 t•s,
tip -
! at
ere -
n it,
ter -
r( I11
s a
se -
re -
el -
Wise Fat Wet. Feed
Bee 1118P it makes the hens Ley
and 1e a sure cute for chicken
Cholera, Hoop, teepee and all
Poultry diseases.
Boal)1i your Egg
good health producer, wakes poultry
strong and vigorous and thus inc►•eas•
es lite supply of eggs. One extra egg a
day will mere than pay the cast of
using this tonic.
15 Cents a Pound
1280 feeds for 25 cts.
Prepared by
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Central Drug Store Exeter
OFxeter- Ativaeate,
Sanders & Creech Prone.
THURSDAY, Jan. 31, '07
That Termite lady, who punch .1 the
two fellows in the street car last week
for making :►n insulting remark, either
had a great desire for notoriety or else
wished to test her skill on two at once.
She got the one and did the other, and
incidentally taught the smart alecks a
lesson not to be forgotten.
Missouri State has passed an A nti-
tipping Hill. The hill shakes it a mis-
demeanor to give a tip to any waiter,
porter, Pullman ear attendant or et her
servant. Vinlatinn of the measure is
punishable. by a flue of from $3 to $500.
The law should become WolId-wide.
Tipping is one Of the biggest rnrse•r+of
modern civilization.
By the death of lion. Andrew Geo.
Blair, Canada has lost one of her most
able statesmen. At the head of the
department of railways and r.•t:als he
did gond work. Later as chairman of
the Railway Commission he showed a
fine grasp of transportation matters.
Just previous to the general election
1 1p1 h( had
a difference fT Pence wit
h his
colleagues of the'leturier administra-
tion and resigned .^'I • irate' rived pri-
ea reit
George'?. Graham of Brockville has
been chosen leadet n as Ira ie 1
t e
in the Ontario Legislature for the pre-
sent session. He is 47 years of age and
has represented Leets county for 0
years. in 1891 Mr. Graham ran lin-
sur,'es •f:illy against the present Pre -
naive, Ilan. J. P. Whitney. Now, six-
teen years later. he as leader of the
Opposition will face Mr. Whitney, as
leader of the Government. Ile is the
editor of the Brockville Recorder.
For many years the plea has been
for larger provincial grants to rural
schools, lower prirl's for school Minks
and a better epialificetion for school
teachers. The last named has been as-
sured by IVhitney Government by
their providing for Norrpetl training
for all teachers by increasing the num-
ber of Normal schools, and by provid-
ing larger eateries for the teachers so
ns to retain the experienced teaehers
in the profession. Mr. IVhitney now
promises that the prices of school
books twill be lowered ennsiderahly 1)
the breaking up of the schnel hook
ring. And, again, memorizing the fact
that it takes time for the working out
of the new previsions of the education-
al law, the government will, in Addi-
tion to retaining the minimum grant
as heretnfnre, make an unconditional
grant of $ltiper nnnnm to eneh section
for equipment :and accommodation 110(1
a grant of 40 per rent see the exceppsnwt%onaf
ail salaries above $3t) and up to *414) r.
This means the Aral schnols of the
province will rorei ve *390,(4)0 this year
as against $1R0,111M).
Mr. Robert It ,1)in-41n is under' the
doctors cite, II.'ing ill of 1a grippe. --
Thomas l'oward Is also ill from the
same disease.- A nurnher of our resi-
dents attended the silver wedding et
Zion on Friday. - Several of the young
people (Ir•o%r. nit to Centralia Monday
night to the oyster sipper.
more. --There ass nn eervic•e in St, field spent a few days in Loudon
AuJrew's church (al Sunday u%%ing to week. ---We synepettrite with
anniversary services at Mikis'e•en.-- Mrs. Atm Siuni,son III the serious
John Heitz recently lost :► horse valued nese of their iuf.ent daughter, -3
at 11200. -Atwitter of etre old and high- James Morgan is centime' to his
ly respected residents has pa8sed to through illness. --Arthur Simpson
the greet beyond in the perse i of Jas, returned from a pleasa11t visit to 1
McTavish, whose death occurred on ley and Kincardine, -Chas. Hayter
Setetchy, He has spent the past 'L, purchased Janes Doyle's 100 farm
seers of his life here and proved trine the 2nd concession fur which he p
self a good citizen and friend. $7.500. The herrn is at [)resent oc
f - pied by Thomas Dale and he will
Saintsbury cafe the fare, in March when Mr,
ter will take po-session,-Mars
Miller is confined to the house thio
illness,- Quite a number from this
tinily attended the Foresters hal
Lucan last week, -Elmer Murdy
the misfortune to cut his hand sew
ly, a big saw accidentally falling n
-Wm. Thompson, Meth con., enter
tabled a large nurnher of friends
Monday evening. Dancing was
chief amusement. A -number• f
here were in attendance. -Mrs. Alb
Neil and Miss Lillie Fraser spent a f
days last week at the home of M
%Vat. Cornish, 3rd con., Stephen
Wellington Whiteford of Hensall i
visitor at the home of Fred Situps
-James Hodgins and sister, Miss I
of Biddulph, Sundeyed at the home
J. T. Simpson. -Marshall Miller is it
the butcher business at present. 8
cess Marshall. -Jas. Neil and Per
Simpson were in Exeter Tuesday.
WEDDING. --A very pretty weddi
occurred at St. Peters' R. C Chur
on Tuesday, Jan. t2, when Miss An
Farrell became the happy bride of M
James Hennessey. The knot was
curely tied by Father Foster. T
bride was beautifully attired in ago
of white silk and carried a wh
prayer book. She was attended
her sister who was also gowned
white, while the groom's hr•othet•,G,
acted as best neem. When the ce
molly had been performed the brit
party with a large company of frier
repaired to the home of the bride a
it %vas here that a most tempting at
delicious repast was served. :aft
which a very pleasant time was ,pet
As one gazed at the numerous, rest.
and dainty gifts which was present
to the bride, it was an evidence tit
she was quite popolatt with her hu
of friends and her departure is great
regretted by all. Gowned in a ban
some travelling gown the bride, with
her husband left on the evening thein
fee a trip In i,ondon, Detroit and oth-
er points, alter Which they will return
prior to leaving for their future honkie
in the West. The best wishes of the
community are extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Hennessey and may their future
be filled wit b happiness and proeperity.
- •
Hen ill
The Telephone Company will soon
complete their task. 'they are placitlgA
a line between here and Lucien.
number of residents along the line
have placed phones in their homes. -
Mrs. R. Hodgins of the town line, who
has been confined to her bed with a
severe illness, is, we are pleased to
state, convalescing.-- We are indeed
sorry to report the very low state of
health of Mrs. Derham, widow of the
late %Vne Derham. The lady is resid-
ing at the home of her son, Lorne,
where she is receiving very kind at-
tention. -Mrs. %Vile Davis is recover-
ing from her late 111,1ess Rs is also leen
Davie. -John Mains has returned to
his home in Watford. -E. B. Smyth
bas gone to London where he has ac-
cepted a position as harper, --Wm.
Ryan h is returned to his horse in
Niug e. Man., after a pleasant stay in
these parts. -The wind storm of Sat-
urday week blew Nassau Davis' house
down. It will be quite a loss to him
as there was no insurance on it. Nass.
has the sympathy of his many friends.
litany Culbert had the Misfortune
to lose his tine mare. Maud S., by death
last week. Henry intends perchasing
a more speedy one. -Lewis A. Hod-
gins has returned from a pleasant visit
to friends in Bier.
Will Fraser was in London this
week on business. -'rhos. Boyle of
Exeter spent Sunday with his mother.
-Thos. Carling, Jr., of Exeter assist-
ed the choir of the Methodist church
here on Sunday. He also rendered an
excellent solo which was touch appre•
dated.- Fred Bleeenfleld and "friend"
Sundayed at Dashwood. -A number
from here took in the conceit at I':xe-
tet• Tuesday evening. -La grippe is
still quite pre%'aleet in our Midst.
Among the number Who have been
suffering from its effects are Mr. and
Mrs. D. Coughlin :and Mrs. S. Des's,
hilt we ole pleased to state that they
are around again. -Mrs. Edwards, who
has been visiting with her daughter,
Atte. Deplete for vnme 111110, has gone
rn1 a visit to friends in Lmean and
(ir; iitun.--A number of our Vn:Itlg
p.•,.pl:• iutend taking in the K.O.T. M.
"At Horne" at Al(oresville to -night
(l'htirsday.)-- %Ve have been experienc-
ing some pretty cold weather diming
the past few drys, and with a little
111010 snoW We would tervee' and sleigh-
ing I tKh-
in, •=e r-: th. is.: hes or tet:nine
being done.
ANNlyert,'l.%ItY-Sucees.afell anniver-
sary sera ices of the Methodist church
here w ( e
i held on Sunday d n • 1 %n
ant 0 .
day. ''h.• ,
1 a
tl lit way uav '
.tl o
3 ted n Sun-
day 1 { �1un-
daay by ltev. Fear of Exeter who preach-
ed interesting sermons, while the choir
furnished excellent music. The Mon-
day evening's entertainment consisted
of an oyster supper and a program.
The supper reflected great credit on
the ladies who prepared and served it,
while the program was an excellent
one, c '•)tistiug of speeches by the
chaeta,,. 1, Hey. Andrews, and Rev.
Feat: solos by Mrs. Baker of Ailsa
Craig and Mr. N. E. Hieks of Centralia;
recitations by Miss Kate Elliott and
Miss Essery. Miss L. Elliott accompan-
ied Mts. Baker. The attendance was
very large and the proceeds $85.
(leo, Sheri itt entertained a number
of friends:1 few evenings ago. -Misses
Mabel and Millie Foster entertained
about forty friends Thursday evening.
Miss 'Zelledi Engli-h also w,IS a pleas-
ant hostess to a few friends recently.
All report a weal time, -Root. Itidly
end wife, Ben. Ge•rn►ette and Rufus
*fel'iiersem, who have been quite ill.
are recovering. -The Eeriness insti-
tute tweeting will he held in U.11. Wil-
son's barn on Feb. 6, at 1:31) p.m.,
%while the ladies will hold their meet-
ing in Wilson's Hall at the sante hour.
Mrs. Price will address the ladies on
important subjects. -%V. J. 1Vilson
has pl)iced it phone in his house to cou-
ne•(!t with his store. -Last Wednesday
%V, T. England of Crediton spree a
very interesting phonograph concert
in Wilson's hell. The audience were
delighted wit li 11,' 444:4-ir arid songs. --
NV. T. l,'lenr:ettended ('.enity Coulee!
At Leiden last week ars Deputy Reeve
of 3lctiillivray. He has been in the
1'onneil a number of years and well de-
serves this exalted hon:)r.-A large
milliliter of young people from this vi-
eieity gave Jas. 1t. Wilson a surprise
p'sty 011 Friday evening. -Jas. Kirk
In •t with a painful accident Friday
mein. He heel purchased a young
- h,.rs+eand was leading it along the
4 reed het when a short dist,%nee frnrr, went to Parkhill to attend the Bon-
('. H. Wilson's the animal in souse way spiel. They Rot second place for the Parsons of 1lillsgreen hats tented his
puled Mr. Kirk over the lack of the brnrher's farrn.-Len Charlesworth who
!piggy, bre..ki,tg his collar hone. Ile
tvay taken 1.1 the home. of Sir. %Vils•m,
and Dr. Wilson Telegraphed for and on
his arrival the injnr•ed 111-en'r w•einds
%cote plIckhr at1.•114.4 in and ht• was
t hen r.• %e.l t41 his 1)411110 where he is
seer ;ng along es well a. 0.111 b • expect-
1 ed. -Ilea, and Mrs. itessell of't ir•kton
tee oeuvre' the chair the past two
.' .,1 vs. 'their (!al ft heels were
pis ,� it!War!
{ i . hen) again.--Thyfaer•m. D►•:.%Trt. -•"in Thr. midst )f life we
.reek .11.1 he4)..'heltl effect,. of the late are in (tenth." Seldom hat that been tried here tit the last i)ivision (alert of
J .s. I•; tgles)ri w•n5 eel' lv puhli(• a,le- 1101.0 tent%' ill4)etI,ated than it Will thio 1,"1)1'i trill .tel. ng,.inst (dopiest, A: State
Mini Kenny who nursed the late Mr•.
Miller during his illness: and who ac-
companied the remains here, was withpre-
1 :a handsome geld ting and
a....,,,..1„t frena the 1,,.)e.,.,"dent Order
of Oddfe'Ilows (of which Mr- Miller was
a nle1111er) :IS it 11181k of their appreci-
ation of her valued services and as
something she cooId remember
sell bulge y. Sss Millie sits
for Winnipeg Thursday. -Miss Edna
Nee:Ands is visiting relatives in Toron-
to are! Georgetown. --.1. W. Gr•twein
and wife visited fr lend: in Z11111 11 Sun-
day. -Mr. and Urs. Wnrene•r spent
Sunday in Clinton. -Mrs, M. J. Hlar-
ris of Exeter, is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. I)ely rumple. -Mr, and Mrs. Beat-
tie of Sea forth were dere over Sunday
with the letter's father, Mr. Harvey.
Quite a number from here attended
the anniversary services at Ilillsgrern
Sunday. -Mr. White of Ailsa Craig is
visiting at the hone of A. ilr:and1- -
The gland nla1g4)erade carnival held
Monday evening in the rink wee a
enr•cesr both fine nri•illy and e1 herwise.
The ire We. 111 excel b•nf 0011(111 hill arl(1
everybldy enjoyed the skating im-
rnensely.--A hockey match between
Seater -Hi and 1lensall Jiuiors was
plsyrd in the rink here Ssetur•day, re-
sulting in fever of the former by a
score of 1-2.- 1)oring the recent wind-
storm ('ook.% stroke stark fell and
broke. ()n Friday while petting up n
new one it fell and broke. It went
through the reef of the engine rupee,
splashing it badly. --1Vhile (len. Set h•
erten' was vetting out of 1110 post of.
are with the mei! bag 11e slipped and
fell, striking his face against thestore,
and elating it somewhat. As a r41nce-
(lmance he was laid off duty for.ewe,,.t
A Surprise is Biscuits
Every box of Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas you open ---you will
find a new 'debt in these dainty
When you want to surprise yourself,
give your appetite a treat with
Perfection Cream Sodas
also an active member of the Chris -
tier. Endeavor. The greatest sympa-
thy was extended to the bereaved
family, and the large display of flow-
ers showed in a slight degree the re-
spect in which deceased was held. She
was dearly beloved by all for her sun-
ny and winning disposition and today
many hearts are sad and sore at their
deep loss of so dear a companion. A
grief-stricken mother, four sisters and
three brothers survive her. The re-
rn:eins were brought to Hensall Mon-
day. On Wednesday service was held
in Pretbyterian church which was fill-
ed to its utmost capacity, Rev. Smith
officiating, after which the remains
were laid to rest in Hensel! Union c1.111-
('teey, the brothers and brothers•in-
law seting as pall hearers.
Reeve Hewksbauw has returned from
attending County Council. -William
Perky has gone to Winnipeg, where
he will travel for the Mooney Biscuit
Co, Success Willi. -Airs. henry. 11an1)
had et hen that hatched out 0 chick 00
Jan. 21.-J. 11. Howard left last week
for Toronto where he has accepted a
position with the Canada Cycle &
Meter Co. -Alex. AlcFalls 1108 purchas-
ed J. It. McComb's residence. -Joe
McKinnon who opened 111) 11 Pitcher
shop here recently has quit the joie --
At the recent meeting of f out• Council
Jim. Piper wits re -i eesi:;:•-J village
constable, This is Mr. Piper', fourth
year and his pest record has been sat-
isfactory.-J.J. Maguire who has been
(i,T.1t. agent here for over three years
late tendered 1 orad his resignation which
took t•lfrct Wednesday, H. .1. Craig,
the newly appointed agent, taking
oyer the position. 31r. Maguire has
a n:tenetl is position in Clinton And will
move then in the nearfitere. While
h. -'re he ni•ide many friends and his de -
'terrine. is deeply regretted by all.
Last year he was elected as one of our
%'illage Uuitncillnn in a hotly contest-
ed election, while this year he went in
ley accL•1u►ation.
Miss Nora Orel) has returned from
her visit to Merlin and 3111%•ertuh.--
%V,,i, Meidilger and 'title have re-
tained frena Michigan and have now
settled down to the sterner' realities of
life in Mrs. St elk's dwelling. May long
life mud happiness attend them. --John
Funs, who has leen t he efficient fore-
man for the Zurich Flax Co. for a num-
ber of yeers, has been compelled on
:tceonnt of ill health tit resign his pied -
tion. ile is succeeded by Jelin 'lettle.
Misses; Annie and Emma Heideman
have returned to Detroit after a brief
stay he:e. ---Peter i, 'wont spent last
week at Godct•it•h, attending County
Celled!. - 1%'altrr Amos has returned
trout South River.-- 31 re Abel Srhilhe,
whit &wently underwent an operation
at the hospital in 1.ondou, is I•ecover•
inti nicely from its effects. -J. Preeter,
itvs.---Mr. dlier•vev, who wnx token %'•ife and family s, -e on a visit to tela -
suddenly i11 the other day is still in a tives in Berlin and other places. -Mrs.
precarious ronlition and his friends
are ver y:enxinns Ss t41 his recovery. -
11r•+. .f. S;) u k e while going out
of her hark .lour 11 its revr.rcnrtle by et
week spell :and felt. She was et mire
Assisted to her lied surd hats since been
lineable to tete'. it. We treat, her re-
covery may be speedy. -C. Hudson is
suffering from an attack of la grippe. -
G. Snlallacombe,who left for the `Vest
24 years age. is sinking friends in
town. Mr. Henry is also here from
the %Vest. -sine Dirstein spent Sunday
in town. -Misr McBride of Galt is a
guest, at %V. Ltiker's.--Our curlers
For Lung
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainiy streni;thc ns weak
theO ars
and a •• '
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
The heat kind of a teatime -wet --
"Sold for o'.-er nlxty years."
trade bT a. t'. Ayer Cs., T ,wfl, >SaN,
♦Ito taanuAoturera e
hersNAIR V111011.
We have no secrets! W. pnbnst
8*. fes' .la. of all ear asedfotnee.
(Rev.) Schnelke's many ft lends sympa-
thize with her in her bereavement, a
brother of her's halving recently pass-
ed away at Spok,ene. --M. Meidinger
has purchased the. dwelling and Intl,
lately occupied by Mr. l,eo Chin
and owned by S. itirenis.--John
Schnell, who recently sold his faun on
the lith concession, has pturhased a
piece of land west of the Lutheran
church from F. Kalbfteisch and will
ereet a handsome dwelling thereon in
the sprinq .•-Anniversary services were
conducted in the Preeb terian church
Ilillsgreen Sunday, and a tea sleeting
followed Monday evening. -Robert
Tankard hit won the Consolation,
the prize being four pieces of rut glass.
-Goo. Pei kins has, returned from the
West Owing to ill health. --Mr. Fitz-
gereld visited G. %Vren last week. --
Geo. Joynl's beautiful flew horse is
fast netting cnmnletion.--Dench en-
tered the home of N. Horton the oth-
er epee and removed their littlestl
The symp:tthv of the emnrn0nity e . ! ...,,
tended r ( e
th r .
eves 1
1 :► a
le regular with yew's
Is and thus hasten reeovory.
recently (li'posed of his hardware
business here to J. Preeter, has pur-
chased a livery business in Pet rolea.-
E,neran0, the young son of F. Hessen.
berry 1114 been weriml.ly ill the past
few weeks. The other day Drs. Camp-
bell and 1Vilson performed 011 opera•
riot' and removed a growth from one
of his leg. His merry friends will he
pleased to knew that he is gelling on
ea ee11 ..s c to be ex;)e'rter1.-The care
rola Thut'.d:ey by C. I1. Wilson. Every
to t h 1 1 ,.
1 ,i
K ►t The
w- es Dereb.esed by 1'., 66 %%'hil.seide fir
$2hs4)••nbjeet In;ele;el'•,vel of his friends.
Sleet llillit' F11atei loft Tuesday to visit
1,1.',.l. in ('listen.
stave.: 1%'I•:IeUtYU.--'25 years last
FI i.1 .y ')r. a,rl Mrs. John Brown were
nenrt i' d. Tliey are hot 11 slice :ted en-
v nK . ri tient!)) awl it was appr•op-
ria•e to celebrate this day. aecoading-
'y ileritetinos w•er'sent ten Ltrg.' nnnr-
her of ft lends aunt a must happy geni-
e, fist; %' (- tllr rr..elt. Great prep er:.•
11,.1,- iI 01 been 11) ole by 111e genial hoot
week %i1.n the diary -sine+, news wills leer'• a firm of lawyers at l;xe•ter, for
i 1 r e
..1 end %%h , r .
., ,•,. I1.I el 0 t
.� l e %, l e• .11 It reserved
Il hr 1 t) etre from ',meter, that K r r Pd
311.•+ il'le•t. this 1 da4)0hter „f the lit te•' lux 11011.1"n :at the 1inl.•, has recently
.Ino. Ale AIli.ter, 111d di.•d in St.,JO!.ph 'Well el' 1.1111 by 111. Ilunor, in f'"11* ()I
ile. pit •el. it e;tine to her t-nI,tiros end I•'u.t'r. who }tet jollgtnenl. for $15.
fl itt, ). in 11 'n. 511 le a terrible shark, -
a•, 011' 11 1)1 ('1114. been ill 1 Shim time. Thy 4,,,ee1y (emitted has derided that
Abner seven weeks aizo she entered the t b,• r''''tes ne,u e't any (•)4)4(37 bridges
'restate! to re.e..i '• t;, (IIm
went for her metier eonstr etre 1 are held r.'rp,IIl-
thlu,t, :.nil wax nettle! ..n '.4.•11 end sill.' (.41. the col le: 1 tarrying out 1 f
w es exp'•ote,l horn'• any der, int( Sun- the C0f1t1 I I9.
(1,e a she grew wnr•se :.rayl passed reW ly J'1im%'ill(+
nt 5 .� clerk, the immediate reefer. n(
,t1, 'wing hetet tr„'ihle, Reel in (2 tit'• n )4) nher attended the Th one
Il.it• T„wnsl, ( nn Feb. 2..l, 1a7t1, de. en head end ('entredi3 c•huich auniv-
and 110.1088 end the event was most rra•yd r init. In illi.. will (QV About thee- 0! 1(111.5 e) Sunday. --%V.' are p14119e41
0;14nrtls eel.l,at0d, The many friends tern vo.ns ago. For the pant fifteen to herr that the 0i( k of our burg air
wish 1het they mty long b• spired to yeerr.he has been n valued menthes 111191 ruing, nithnegh ninny are ill of
e.•lebr(te all the anniw. renry relebra- of the 1're•hvteriao (-heir and has been 1. grippe. - •Mr. W. C„ultit street Ibis
:i ... t: tare eerie.iJ .r. a popular teacher in the Sund8y school week visiting f1 icuds in 1enllln.
The Leading Conunercial School
School of Western Ontario
Our eau,es are therm, 1 and pra, ti. al ..iii:e the
tea,•hiug ia dant l y an able instructor. The au.bi-
ti0us youu,c wee a11'1 yowl,: women who dr -ire 1.,
get the beat possible Commercial training patron-
ise this Srhooi, while bu,iuesa men are in sear it u(
our graduates to ell responsible poe!tions. The best
time to enter our lasses is NOW. Beautiful cata-
logue free.
Highest Price paid for Grain
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
- FOR -
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ala In Canada.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
Reserved Fund-. • • • ....... $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 1.) a. m. to 3 p. ni. SATURDAYS, 1 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Fortes supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Idritain and United
States bought and sold et lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealer's and Business Men at
lowest rates arid on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department
a posits of 91 a1.d 11 v.ards received. Interest corn•
pounded )slf•yearly and added to principal June 344th
r and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLINO, Solicitor,. N. 1). III;I IJC) , Manager.
Mrs. Anderson, Sr., •1111 con., still
continues very ill. -A little sun has ar-
rived :
t the ho r o
ole f • • '• ltldl( 11 ,a s,
M�RURE �t t1
12th curl. -Doting the recent wind-
storm %Vila (jai ter, 7th con., had the
ulisfor•tune to have !) feet of the north
side of his large barn 00 the holm.
I tion -Poles
t ff.
are all set o
%Vest MrGiI1i%'ray and the wire is now
being strung on the new tel -phone line
from Moray to %Vest MMlGilli%•ray• SPREADERS
Mrs. loses itecder and Airs. Walter
i)urt. of 31.111137. are t'ecoVering futon
their recent illness -Jou. Nirhol,tetich-
er in S. S. Nl). 15, has purchased M„s.•8
Rrr'ee'..:e1.1 sere fares en the 18, It c• n.,
the cense]. rte: len being .$Itt $1. The
latter, who will continue to cside en
Ile. farm d t?'IlI the ptesynt year, will
also iter th.• l.•o.lht of the season's
crop awl Mt. Niebol %will take pn.sr.•
slim lit 1'8 S - 11r. nmol Mrs. David
Al:uhets recently celebrated the G.ith
anliveisary of t-he•it• wedding day. A
gathering if 1(I pat took of e. Sin/1P u -
ons re'pase in the hoantiftilly depurated
parlor. Thst 31r. and Mrs. Mat hers.
are highly esteemed by their friends,
wns dotal 1y '.•Il)OnstPated h%• the 1)311.1.
sotne gifts they received, -On Fridey
at the Town Hell, AilsaCraig, before
Magistrate Smith, Anthony. Rowe of
Hrinsle•y elected Pummel y trial and
pleaded guilty to the theft of one game
rooster and eight hens from t farm
of Thos, A. Lewis, 4th con., on the
night of Jan. 8. The rooster was re-
covered by ('unstable Mngnire under a
search warrant, and the Magistrate
ordered the immediate return of the
stolen hens and imposed a fine of $211
or one month imprisonment wish held
barer. The fide was paid, and the hens
We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
--The Successor --which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized tobe
the best on the market,
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of' walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
Agent ter the Sylvester and
Perrin Plow Companies
Greer Shorthand
Touch Twriting
aro two •y,tems whir h yon cannot nfTont to omit from
pint tnalne+r e•lnrarion. in the -e day-, I. hen everything
must tie 41006' I'-,uratclr nn -1 rspidly, the system teed
nitre ho the M et mud qu'''kest-
(irevq Fhor•h,•s•I 1+ cane 10 learn, ea -y to wrtto,nnd
ea'y to 'eel eft. r 1• i• w •itten.
r)nr re:nl(Ignr .• i'l tell yore all about the I'y•eern. and
Is fr. c F -r the a•ka• if.
Scheel term: September ti:; June, inclusive,
Forest City Cusiness College
1. R. GREGG, Y. N. C. A. Buliding,
founder uteri Sys:ern. LONDON.