Exeter Advocate, 1907-01-24, Page 7•
When you have a cough, cold, sore
threat, croup, whooping cough,
brsenehltie, asthma er lung
trsubics you naturally
think of
Iho sat. and never;ai' ng remedy fee all
these ills. Perfectly harmless for (ho
weakest stomach or most delicate child.
Children Inve it. Adults enjoy it. 11
always cures. It is Dr. Slocum's won.
11ei fol c•,ugh and throat remedy. It has
never leen equalled for quick, positive
'and satisfactory results. No household
ishould be without it.
"1 Lave used your Coltatocte E:pector•
ant and Bud it satisfactory in cues of
croup. colds or cough,.. I have used it
aver eines 1 got a trial bottle. and have
recommended it to everyone in need of it.
You may use my name ud address for
testimonial if you wish. Hoping it will
benefit others as it baa done my chil-
dren. I remain,
1069 Prances tat. London, Ont.
Every neither, every father who values
'the hes th and wall -tieing of their chit -
"Veen will always have Coltsfoote in the
'horse os an ever -ready physician and
'iriend. Alt tip -to -dale dealers, for 25c,
•\will supply you with
One of the most interesting perform-
arice's of modern lime., is the handling
of the mails in great ocean steamers.
.Sono of the Wren become so expert at
sorting That they work almost automa-
tically, many of them being able to put
their finger on any particular town
marked on Iho rack blindfolded. On an
-ordinary western Trip they carry on an
-average about 200.010 letters and some
10,000 registered packets. The latter
nave all to be written up in detail in
their books during the voyage, and this
lakes more line than the actual sorting.
'The officials do not always manage to
finish th. work by the time they reach
port, and when such is the case they
-accompany what is left to the General
Post -office and complete the job there.
Meath Iles Removed a Distinguished
Physician and a Man of Rare
In tete death of Dr. l.apponi, physi-
•clan to the Pope, a personage has been
removal from life's scene who was
':scarcely leas known throughout the
world than the pontiffs whom he min-
istered unto. ito was a wonderful man
-Lna,-well as n distinguished physician.-
-Ottawa Free l'r.:ss.
it may be added that Dr. Lnpponi
was a man- of rare courage. Ile had
re fear of that bugbeer known as pro-
fessional d ,queue. When ho found
,something' good in a medicine he did
not hesitate to say so to the world. Ile
proved this when he wrote the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co. strongly endorsing
their celebrated fink ('ills for Pale
People as a cure for anairlia (bloodless-
-nem) and certain nervous disorders. In
the interests of the thousands who sof-
ter from annrrnia, nervous disorders
and kindred troubles. it is worth while
republishing Dr. Lapponi's titter, as
"I certify that i have tried Dr. Wil.
Hams' fink (tills in four cases of the
simple antenna of development. After
a few weeks of treatment, the result
crmte fully up to my expectations. For
that reason I shall not fail in the future
t, extend the u.se of Itis laudable pre-
paration, not only in the treatment 9(
other morbid forms of the category of
enamtn or chlorosis, but also in cases
of neurasthenia and the like.
(Signed). Dr. Giuseppe Lnpponi,
Via del Graccht 33e, lknrne."
The "simple timeli is of development"
referral to by hr. I.apponi is of course
that tired, languid condition of young
girl: whose development to woman-
hood is tardy, and whose health, a1
the peeing' of that develnpnient, is so
often imiH'rilled. Iles opinion of the
value of Ur. 1Viilianis' fink I'ills at
that time is of the highest scientific au-
thority, and it confirms the many path
t-hed cases in which enceinie and other
diseases of the blond as well as nervous
dieases have been cured 1►y these pills,
wheel, it need hardly be mentioned,
owe their ellicacy In their power f
making new Mond. and thus acting (.i-
rectly on Inn digestive and nervous
*Wein. In all rases of anemia, decline,
indigs..lion. and troubles due to bad
blond, anti all effeetlons of the nerves
as St. Vtlus' .lance, paralysis and lo•
comote.r neteet, they are commended
to the public with all the greater Con-
l(dence I Kraus• they had the strong en-
d easement of the great physician who
bus so reeently pae.sed away.
The Irish fernier still clings In the
Cullhatr,n of the potato. "Anel." sor-
roe-fllly remarks an Irish writer, "he
will deubll•ees continue to grow it long
after it has caused his death by starva-
8q -.'r 5 0151. L/(
T111: Itlt111S11 N MON.
Dr. Emil Reich Says Living ne)ond
Their Means is the Curse of
Eugtlsh People.
"The gel of this country is make-
believe,' said Dr. Emil Reich to a re-
presentative in discussing the pathetic
iragely which canto to light at the in-
quest of \Ir. Alfred Pearce, a clerk, who
committed suicide because. his efforts
al "maks-believe" in living beyond his
inenns had ended in pitiful rrutuy.
"This sad case is not an uncommon
one," Dr. Reich continued. "It only
chances to have ended in tragedy, and
therefore in publicity. Mr. Pearce has
been a victim to a whole rational sys-
'teum. I pity hint; 1 do not blame him.
'Thirteen years ago. when I came to
England, 1 looked around for a couple
of c.teap rooms. It ryas necessary for
iso be economize. I had lett a family
in Hungary. ltty wife was in ill -health.
i had` A:500 wench of debts, and £40 in
the week'.
"t seen discovered that those two
cheap rooms were nn impossibility un-
less they were so far out of the beaten
track as to he ILSele.Ss to Inc. 1 sous
n My
obligeetake a flat
at I.RO
a year. to Y
house rent was therefore double my for-
tune. This is an example cf the ex-
penses of imperial England which ne-
e ss:tales the game of 'make-believe.'
"There are more cases than one can
realize of the stniggles of the man who
have £1,000 a year and spend £2,000.
They are every -day occurrences.
"Imperial England will not economize.
Everything is luxurious, of -the best.
One French servant will no the work
1 M four English maids, and yet the Eng-
lish woman continues to engage her
tour servants. where she can only af-
ford the wage of one.
"An interesting feature of the sad
case we nre discussing is the fact that
the wife of Mr. Pearce was left in en-
tire Ignorance of the threatening cala-
mity. //
'This Ls Also typical. Imperial na-
tions look dnwn on their womankind..
Where are three stages—a man may
despise his wife, disregard her, or treat
For a: a baht'.
"I do not wish to suggest that III
'Englshmen despise their wives, but
they all treat their women as if they
Were chi!dreen, In France we would not
Venture to dL,guise our affairs from
our wives. We treat them as our
friends and comrades."
A baby that does not eat well and
sleep well, that Is not cheerful and
playful needs attention, or the result
may be serious. Stomach and bowel
troubles make children cross and sleep-
less, but a dose of Baby's Own 'rnblcls
soon cures the trouble, the child sleeps
soundly and naturally' and wakes up
height and smiling. Mrs. J. E. Hurley,
\\ orlhington. Ont., says: "My little nne
Iia.; had no medicine hut Baby's Own
Tablets since she was two months old
and they have kept her the picture (.1
good health." You can get Baby's Own
Tablets from any druggist or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The I)r. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A l'STR.tLIAN EGGS... , . ... .
Have Arriwd In London in First Class
A fresh development In the egg trade
Le now being brought before the notice
of the London produce merchants, and
may prove bencllrial 10 the great body
of consumers. For some years poultry
farming has been taken up more and
more by farmers and others in South
Australia. and the quantity of eggs pre
%need has increased sea touch that the
focal and Commonwealth matkels can-
not nbsnrb the supply. It has therefore
become necessary to export. '1'o this
end, the South Australian Government
undertook to advance the freight on a
smnl1 trial shipment, the producers
theutseles supplying the eggs, with 'he
result that seven hundred cases of s'ggs
were shipped by the slcantship
nnnin." and arrived in London recently.
They weie graded, packed and chilled
at th, Government Produce Export De-
partment, Port Adelaide, none but aha°•
h;'cly fresh laid eggs being accepted.
As the result of the caro taken to grade
end park, the eggs have arrived, it is
declared. in flat -class condition. The
eggs have not been frozen; they were
merely chilled in the temperature proved
after careful experiments to he most
suitable. Although they hive travelled
thirteen thousand miles and have reach-
ed London about sestet or eight weeks
enter laying. the consistency of the at.
!mitten 01111 the rendition of the yolks
are stili -factory; the eggs will boil, poach
or fry.
The young lady was poetic and hill of
soul. She could see peielr: and beauty
where others could only discern tnan-
She was walking through the silent
wood.s with Mr. Snowman. who did not
knew enough about poetry to keep him-
self warm.
"(lh," she gushed. "tool: al That rung.
reticent reek. stop, I lintel speak to
hien, for 1 ant sure he can hear and ai-
preeinle a compliment as well ns ee
puny human creature's. Ser hos' he
meta at me. Mast tifi,•ent oak. if you
could speak wheal would you Bay ?"
"Well. do you know, Mics Hopkins."
venturer) Mr. Sle,w►nnn, "I do believe
that it he could speak he would mast
surely say, '1 beg your pardon, Fin a
?sties Pert----"Il'i a gond plan In think
tele. before you speak." Alr. Saptieslsle
"Vee—es, but when 1 de that I forget
whet it was 1 wanted to say, dont you
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
--safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic sad vomiting—tea healthful rest
--cares diarrhoea without the harmful
effects ot medicines containing opium
or other iajnrioua drugs. as
Va.-et drwg•stereo.
National Drug & Chem-
Diarrhoea'ca' Ca.,.I.
1115 5PECI.U:I'Y.
Young Foley looked so downcast that
the market -man asked why he carried
such a Ing face.
"Fired." returned Foley, concisely.
"Fired?" repeated the n►arketntan.
"Give you any reason for doing_ i$ '
"Yet)," Foley said, with the cur of a
martyr. 'I'M) boss :;aid he was losing
money on the things 1 was making."
"Is that so? What were you slaking?"
Zam-Ruk Gave Instant Relief.
An accident in a Toronto home the
other day might have had very serious
consequences hid ft nal been for Zam-
ituk. Miss Martha Green, of 9 Clare-
mont St., in 'eking a pan of boiling fat
from the oven spilt f{ over her right
hand. "The boiling fns ran into the palet
of my hand." she says, "and over all
my fingers. You may well imagine the
agony 1 suffered in consequence. The
hand became swollen, and large blisters
formed all over the pains and along the
fingers. For over a month 1 was un-
ablo to use the stand at all. I tried
several kinds of salves and liniments,
but the wound seemed apparently no
better. About this time I was advised
to stop using all other preparations and
apply Zam-Rik instead. The very first
application soothed my hand and
seeped to draw out the fire and inflam-
mation; and as I kept un using %am-
Buk the blisters gradually dried up and
disappeared. In a very short time the
SCAN was healed completely.
%ant -lick is equally effective for burns,
cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains and
stiffness. It also cures eczema, ulcers,
sores, blood j:e.fson, r•ingavorm, scalp
sores, chronic wounds, acne, black -
hi ds, {►irnplcs, cold sores, chapped
hands, and all skin diseases and in -
Juries. (tubbed well on the chest, in
cases of cold, it relieves the aching and
lightness, and applied as an embroca-
tion it cures rheumatism, sciatica, neur-
algia, etc. All druggists and stores sell
7.aut-Buk at 50e. a box, or it may be ob-
tained from tato Mtn -Bilk Co., Toronto,
upon receipt of 'price. 6 boxes for 1r2.50.
.. dm••••••••+••••••••.•••_
Terrible Miscarriage of Justice in the
Nearly three year, ago a treasure -
hunting expedition went info the low
country toward Portuguese territory. A
man named Vanni.'kerk with a bullet in
the head was found, as well as Vamlie-
kcrks ring.
A man reamed Schwarz, n member of
the expedition, was arrested and charg-
ed with murder. The trial created n
sensation, the evidence being purely
circumstantial, and doubt being ex-
pressed as to whether the skelelou was
not that of n black man.
Schwarz, however. was found guilty,
though he strongly protested his inno-
cence, and a rennet' for a commutto
tion of his sentence failed. On the
night before his execution Schwarz
swore to his relatives that he was in-
necent. and he repealed his statement
on the scaffold before ile was hanged.
Subsequently rumors were circulated
that Vanniekerk had leen seen olive in
Portuguese territory with the treasure.
1t Ls believed that he is now in Jo.
hanne..burg. but the ca.se is being kept
dark. It ie known at Krugcrolorp,
where Schwarz lived, flint \ anniekerk
alive, and the I.aw Department also
knows, and a public statement is ex-
pected soon.
\Irs. Selina Davis, a resident of Ab-
ing:,bol, has proved how wonderfully
effective 'likens nro in cases of rheu-
matism and debility. She says: "I hail
pains in the limits and acmes the back.
weighing down symptoms mut grenl
weariness. In October came a crisis. 1
was rendered completely Widens ey
acute rheumatism. Ity the doctor's
advice 1 went into hnspltnl, %%1101V I re-
mained under Ircatncnt fir nine ',weeks,
on returning 1 was confined to my bed
again fir seven weeks. 1 read a le-
:.'riplion of the gond work itileans were
doing. Tit's induced nese lo °blain a
supply. Ity following the direeti ns
given for their use 1 improved in health
bran day to day. After a little while
I regained the uan of my limbs, and
after that my pragcress was rapid. For
same time now 1 have been nble to re-
sume illy ordinary !de and work, nnil
nm altoge'thr n different person from
what 1 sins during the east few y••am"
fh 'urneticm is due to the presence eat
(e rten) pnimnnus arida in the blond.
The Hiller heli' for the blond nre the,
liver met 111e kidneys. Through these
°teems the blood 1•(1.4 s, and when the
eergtnn+ are In he'alihy otter;•Ilion they
filter n'it the ,arb•tonee•, When
they nn' not In lie:11111y operation they
heal. And rheumati.m Is one of the many
serines results. iMeans do not net di-
rectly sin the hlonel. bol they net upon
and Correct the liver Anel kidr eve. They
lime eorre'I Itt' r: al tans' of r!lenma•
!ism by nit ind r :H•ti n, lhleans
me elan n sun' 0111• for In,li,;-'•tnn•
1 ver trembles. I ea,larh', gas, beteliIOC,
renin: an th. ° es', enn.tinalir•n, pile.
f.•'unle n'lnt eats. nett all Weed tmpmri•
lies. All droggiv's and v'ofY's .ell thorn
o' Ile. s bis. "r r'n.t fro fon 11,0
1:,'e1►1 ca.. T-,rnnt•.e, fir pace. A Loxes
for $2.b).
Keeps your body
warm, yet lets
your skin breathe
--knit, not
woven, -
-it lits, Cmarasteed
does PEN- Against
ANGLE Shrinkage
X ustStiltialitietfx
rade-markedin red. In a
•ariety of styles, fabrics and
prices, for women, men and
hitdren a n d aranteed.
"Health and Alger depend upon the
quality and quantity o1 the blood "—
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price 50 cents per Bottle.
Tryon are not alit. to obtain it in your
n.ixhb,rha..1, w. will send to any ad -
ors two bottle, upon receipt of 0YK
DOLLAR (541c. per Lottie) carriage
Pamphlet east FRU M apptletatle&
The Carai'n Nodlolne Company
97 Wellington St. West, - Toronto
holt FATHER.
The tour -year-old customer came up to
the notion counter with brazen confi-
dence. "Please, ma'am," he asked, "can
1 have a pigee for father?" But the store-
keeper was experieuced in such deal-
"\Vhat does father want it for?" site
"Blowing soap -bubbles," said the cus-
tomer, promptly.
11 You aro Nervous anti Irritable take
Vsrrosirn," the greet nerve and blood tonic: you
will be a new person by the time you bare used a
bottle. All dealer*
Customer (lifting something out with
hi= spoon : "11 hat have you been pul-
ling in this chicken broth ?'' \Nailer
(closely inspecting it): "That seems to
bo a piece of chicken, sir. Accidents
will happen now and again."
Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure?
1t has no equal for removing these
troublesome excresences as many have
testified who have tried It.
nattiness is increasing so rapidly that
it is believed that by the year 2900 all
men will be without hair on Iho lop of
their heads. Dr. \V. A. Hammond is
responsible for this opinion.
Setter wltheut • stomach than with
one that's got a constant "hart- to it.
Dr. Yon Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimu-
late the digestive organs. Let one enjoy
the good thio¢.+ of lire and leave no bad
effects -carry them with you in your vest
pocket. 60 in box. 35 conta.-41
The Australians, Ute greatest len-
drinkers in the world, use ?Mb. of len
per head yearly. French people use
about hoz. per (lead yearly.
"Ott. stip en soy old thing." said the mid.
eight rallar. So the doctor dipped on the top
flop, hut he 41,1 nut Ione any time, as he dippeJ
on •'Tha 1, J: 1." Menthol fluster and alt was
right in pity.
Up In 1811 n law remained in fume
that every dead person must be buries)
wrapped in sluff made of shev'p's Went
Use the safe, pleasant rind effectual
worm killer. Mother Graves' \\'ornt CC -
terminator; nothing equals 0. Procure
n bottle and take it home.
Mary Ls the most common Christian
name. Out of every 1,00 English pe° -
pie, -G$ are named Mary, GG William, G2
John, and GO Eliza.
A tit/N Lass of flesh, a little "h'tlaate couilit
and &little pain lathe chest are Mons that loud
not be leered. A11oa'. Lang Salsas loosens
the coag\ sad egscfs a oars w itauat a grala of
eplu .
Mary Anne : "('leave. sir. there's some
one to see you up at the !muse."
Ile Jones : 'Is 0 n g. ntetnnn ?"
Mary Anne : "Well, 1 don't exnctly
know, sir; much about the same as your-
A Tonle for the Debilitated. Partite.
lee't Vegetable l'ills by acting mildly
but thoroughly on the secretions of the
body are a valuable Ionic. eliminating
the lagging organs to healthful neti°n
and resk ring them In hill vigor. They
can be taken in grndual,tl doses and
Rel 118(1 That they can in' discontinued
al any lisle without return of suer ail•
ments which they were used to allay.
Uncle: "What's 'lint, my lad? You
tell me your employer has foretell nn in•
Invest in his bn,iness on you. and you
ienly with ham sis months?"
Nephew : "yes. e::. sir. Ile said 0 i didn't
bake an interest in the business I'd have
to gel out."
The Grand Opera Howe of Paris leas
n regular no-i.e....Ira of I70 perfirmern.
This is the inrgest orchestra belonging to
any theatre.
Dear Mother
Year Resin carr are s constant rare ill
Fall ant Winter weather. TIryy wig
Sit,l h's
inch cold. 13-3you know about
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tost4 asd
what it hu ctoa r ic. so many ? it u said
to be the only rit.:A.1e. remedy for 111
dream of the air tonnes mea children
kis abenletey homiest and pleasant to
isle. Itis guaranteed to ewe
or year mosey
w returned 1119 vire is 25e. per bald.,
mad all cholas in medicine seal 314
Fourteen Year , Old and Now in Use in
Every utilized Country.
The aetvance in the use of acetylene
since its deeeery fourteen years ago
has hevvt reniarkable.
Important weeks for tete production
of calcium earbido aro now to bo found
lit all parts of the world. notably Nor-
way, Sweden, Franco, Italy, Germany,
Spain and Hungary ; at Niagara Falls
and Sault Ste. Marie in the United
Slates, and al several points in Canada.
There is no civilized country where
acetylene is not in use, says Insurance
Engineering. In warm and tropical
countries especially the rapelily of ad-
vance is taxing the productive capacity
of the world.
Colcium carbide is in appearance much
like anthracite coal. It is approximately
s chemical combination consisting of
two-thirds calcium and one-Ihird carbon.
In present manufacture limo and coke
are utilized melted by the heat of an
electric arc of enormous potentiality in
an especially constructed electric fur-
When calcium carbide is places! in
water tate lime deserts the carbon. with
the production of oonsiderable heat, to
become slaked lime, while the carbon
forms a new alliance with hydrogen and
becomes rho hydrocarbon known as
No other gas which has been pro-
di.ced on a commercial scale is capable
of giving, volume for volume, so great
yield of light as acelylene. C•dciu►n car-
:►ide will yield, with the addition of
water, five feet of acetylene to earl►
pound of carbide, tate acetylene Laving
approximately ten times the illumina-
ting value of ordinary city gas.
\Veight for weight the ultiinato illu-
minating power of a pound of calcium
carbide is considerably in excess of the
illuminating power of oil, candles or
other means. Because of the facility
with which 0 can be transported, and
the simplicity and safety with which it
can now be utilized by means of modern
apparatus for generation an extraordi-
nary field is opened.
Calcium carbide is now parked in 100
pound sheet steel drums, hermetically
sealed, and is Thus Transported with
safety and without danger of deteriora-
tion, and at low cost, t0 the most dis-
tant cou[I tries.
"Nnw•, Willie Jenkins," said the mis-
ter, "how many seconds make a min-
ute?' "Masculine or feminine?" "Mas-
culine or feminine—what do you mean?'
"There's a leg difference. When father
says he'll be down In a minute, it lakes
him sixty seconds; but sister's minutes
are about six hundred seconds."
Tiine tries all things, and as [tickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup has stood the
lest of years it now ranks as a leading
specific in the treatment of all nihnenls
of the throat and lungs. It wilt soften
and subdue the most stubborn cough 1 y
relieving the irritation, and restore the
affected organs to healthy conditions.
Use will slow its value. Try it and
h. convinced of its efficiency.
in 1861 there were only G2.16 females
to every 100 males In New Zealand..
In 1901 Iho proportion was 90.33 to 100.
It is expected that the sexes will soon
be equal in numbers.
Yes, Indeed, "blood will tell," whoa Metre..
and inerastati•,m mark the akin. W ' Cerate
and Wearer's syrup make abort work of all blood
sad skin troubles.
George Soptenan, of Philadelphia,
claimed in his tiny In be the strongest
man in the world. Ile lilted and car-
ries! sonic yards 3,3U11b. of iron.
"My Heart was Thumpin: my Life out,"
is the way Mrs. is. 0. Wright. of Brock.
.111e. Opt.. describes her sufferings from
smothering, guttering and palpitation.
Atter trying many remedies without ben-
efit. six bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart restored her to perteet health.
The Grit dose gave almost Instant relief.
andi in a day suffering ceased altogether.
Fred : 'There seems to be a lot more
fuss made of Miss A.'s singing Then
\lits K.'s, and 1 am sure Miss K. has by
far the richer voice." Irick : "Ah. yes;
but Miss A. has by far the richer fattier."
There is Only One Erleelri, Oil --\\'hen
an article. be it medicine nr anything
el .e, bet ernes popular, imitations 1nvari-
tthly spring up to derive advantages
from the original, which they them-
sclves could never win on their men
merits. Imitations of I)r. 'I'imtnes' Ee-
lectric f►il have been numerous, but
never sus cessful. Those who know the
genuine are not put off with a suhsli-
lute, but demand the real thing.
Is a Triumph of Luxury and Comfort—
Oscillation Greatly Reduced.
it is doubtful if any (rain in the world
can be compared with the royal train
teeently complete -1 for lite London and
Northwestern Itailvny Company. The
train is composed of sic carriages, and
is Mtn' throughout with every imagin-
able c: ntritnnee tear comfort and lux-
ury. Tile insinuation of tee interiors is
said In be unequaled in any rolling
slug k in eti,lence, the color scheme In -
Ulu ling nitwit gold and Ivory while.
The dining car is n sumptuous cone!',
ihe• kitch:n n model; the sleeping rarri•
age: are genuine triumphs of art and
l'nn%enieno•0. The nicchnnical contri-
vance, of those roaches et reduce oscil-
talio11 end jeering are such that, even
nl fifty mites an hour, one may writ'•
a tetter in perfect comfort.
(mile n niniler of Nye! trains. all
curnpttl.tiny appointed, are maintained
1,y dnffere Int British railway companies
for the 1140 of their itlajesties. Three
enm'•anies which work Ih ' e.rl rias)
Toole to S itland—the Great Nessler,.
the ,North-eas'ern and the X ,r,h British
—are now about lo build a royal train
for their 11aje:les' convenience when
travelling over the joint lines. flans
leave leen submitted to his elaje;sly.
The train will be buil) at the Great
!Corlhe•rn works al (Doncaster.
When on the continent the King Inv.
e1+ ,n a spec corridor carriage which
14 re.e'rved for him.
'1 h' Iallrst lighthouse on the Prihsh
is the Skerryvore, off ergyll-
shire. It 1., 14)11. high. II c )ntaans S,:NIt
tosedylhossi ibsioeve+ybsnmitoaK tors f resa,otnry, and Cunt £C90, .
11-00V. Of OREGON UsfS
For Odds and Fir:tlrl It t t:
Excellent 16. Remedy.
A Letter From The Ex -Governor of
The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, Ohio.
Dear Sirs. -1 have had ooeatden W
ease your Pcruna medicine in my (amity
for celds, rind it proved to be an excel-
lent remedy. 1 have not had occasion
to use it for other ailments.
Yours very truly. W. Al. Lord.
0 will bo noticed that the Governor
says he has not had occasion to use
Peruna for other ailments.
The reason for this Ls that most other
ailments begin with a cold.
Using Peruna promptly to relieve
colds, he protects his family against
other ailments.
This Ls what every other family in the
United Stales should do. Keep I'eruns
hi Uro house.
Used Pe-ru-na in the Family Elght
Mrs. Josephine Gillen, 345 Morris SI,
Portland, Ore., member Patrons of Ilus-
bandry, writes:
"Peruna has proven itself of such un-
told value to us that we are glad to give
it due prase. \\'e have had it in the
home for more than eight years.
"It restores hcalUt in a few short
weeks, takes away headaches and back-
nches, increases the appetite and re.
stores lost nerve force. It is a specific
for colds and catarrh."
Mr. Hiram A. Stiles, Middleton, Mass.,
who has reached lho ago of 82 years,
"I have taken several bottles of Per-
una with good results. 1 cheerfully re-
commend it to all who are afflicted.
"As a cure for catarrh and a tonic for
general debility 0 is seldom equalled."
Ask Your Druggist for Fera Perin
Almanac for 1907.
Mamma : "There, Dick, you just go
right to bed without a mouthful of sup-
Dick : "Oh, mamma. I can't sleep on
an empty stomach."
Murnn►a : "Then turn over on your
The President a slave to Catarrh. -D. T.
Sample. president of Nample's Instalment
Oompany, Washington, Pa., writes: For --
years I was afflicted with Chronic Ca-
tarrh. itemedie.• and treatment by spe-
cialists only gave me temporary relief
until I was induced to ease Dr. Aanew'a
Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost to
stout relief. 50 oents.—t9
Husband : "Now, Mary, you don't be-
lieve all Ihaso unpleasant things you are
saying. You know 1 would die for you."
Wife: "Oh, you aggravate me so; I like
niers who do things, not merely say
To Prevent is Better lhnn to Repent.
A little medicine in the shape of the
wonderful pellets which are known as
Parmele.rs Vegetable Pills, administered
at the proper time and with the direc-
tik ns adhered 10 often prevent a serious
ntttck of sickness and save money
which went(' go to the stricter. in all
irregularities of the digestive organs
they are an invaluable corrective and
by cleansing the blood they clear the
skin of imperfections.
Many a man becomes weary from try-
ing to dodge people who make him
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratcbea and
every form of contagious itch on human
or anitride cured In 30 minutes by Wol.
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Wife : "Those new neighbors of ours
scent lo be awfully pour."
Ilubby : "flow da you know'!"
Wife: "Whenever 1 want to borrow
anything they never have it."
"Regular Pr•otltloner - Me Result."—
Mrs. Annio C. Chestnut, of Whitby. wag
for months a rheumatic victim, but
South American Rheumatic Cure ebange4
the song from •despair" to "joy." Mho
says: "I suffered untold misery from
rheumatism --doctor'. medirino 414 me no
good two bottles of South American
Rheumatic Cure cures me- relief two
hours after the first doss."- 60
Lillie Ethel : "\\'IH•n i grow up I am
going to eel jtisl es;trlly ns 1 I.lense."
Little Willie: "\\ fiat are you going to
be, a cook ?"
Kingston Man Tells flow Ile Suffered
and lbw Ile as Released.
"Cor years n mar-
tyr," ii how Chas.
II. Powell, of LOS
Raglan Streel.hing.
ston, begins his
Flory. "A martyr
to rttronie; conslipa.
lion, hit now I ere
free from it and alt
through the use ell
Dr. Leonhardt's An.
Chas. 11. i'ownil.
'1 was induced to try Anti•I'i'1 by
Rnding( Ili' Iesbrucny of some one who
had been runnel of cortstpation by it. 1
he 1 stifles—el for eighteen years and had
token Inns of stuff recemrneidrd as
cure., but wheel made me worse rather
thin %s•tte... 1)Ct Fs bold me there was
n.) curt lir me, I)r. Leonhardt's Anti -
Pitt cure.' me."
All Dealer3 or Tho 1Vilson,Fyl' Co.,
Limited, Niagara Felts. Ont.
1 N U l!til'6 NO. 3-07.