Exeter Advocate, 1907-01-24, Page 55540 per year Miss 5ur11, fot Melly of Illiterate. is receiving $45.00 per month from the Calgary Milling Co.. Calgary. This estimable young lady had only a common school educatiou, and in a few months with us prepared for the above situation. With a few years' experience Miss Snell will re- ceive at least $7.; per month. Stenography is better than school teaching. What we have done for others we can do for you. Enter any time. Individual instruction Write for catalogue. Wingham Business College affiliated with keenest College Clinton) GEO. SIOTTON Principal Winter '06 You will want something for the hotne to mark the passing of Xmas. Tide A Piano or Organ is always is a most suitable gift. Then in SEWING MACHINES we show the best in makes and finish. In small MUSICAL Instruments and Children'sSleighs we show a varied stock. Also in Hymn Books, Bibles and Fine Stationery we win the cake. Prices and terms are most liberal. S. MARTIN &SON Wa*ch Quali*u is an essential with us. Every- thing in the construction of Our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to keep good time and give good satisfac- tion. For Present Time For Future Time For All Time Our line of Clocks is complete and up- to•date. Get One of Our Alarm Clocks They are the hest -at the usual low price. ('sill and inspect ourgen- cr,d ,tuck. MARCH A N D The Jeweller EXETER, ONTARIO Car's Cotton Root Compound. The great t:terine Tonle, and only .. (o effeetnal Monthly Regulator on which worsen can depend. Sold In three degrees of strength -No. 1, •I ; No. 2. 10 degrees stronger $3; No. 14 for special cases, per box. Fold 1,yy all dru o a, or sent prepaid on torn pt of prloe. Free pamphlet. Adtlrv. : CMM%MtOtenlICO..TOIONTO.ONT. (formerlyIVonds McKillop: While Wm. Lockhart WAS ten siring his windmill his mit got canght in the coupling and drew hits in wedging his au in so As to stop the mill. Ire wits goickly released but it was fond that his arm was broken be- tween the wrist and elbow, both bones protruding through the 11 esti. Seaforth: John McKinley an aged resident. passed away at his hump here in his :lith year. Ile WAS hot i, in Ire- land end elute to O•itario and settled in Huron County, of which he was a resident for over sixty years and was a slice •:sett farmer. Twenty years ngo he reined from active life and has beet»i resident of town since. Lydia E. Pinkhem's Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for all those painful aliments of woinen. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Com- plaints, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falun; and Displacements and con- se.luent Spinal \\ eakneets and is pecu- liarly adapted to the ('hanye of Life. It will surely cure Backache. It has cured more cases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors in an early stage of deve- lopment. That Bearingdown Feeling, causing pain, weight and headache, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it acts in harmony with the female system. It comets. Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. Ale° Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Latzaitude, "don't -care" and " want -to -be -left -alone " feeling, excit- ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep - lets. nits, flatulancy, melancholy or the " blues," and backache. There are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of tile organs. For Kidney Complaints and Backache of either ser the Vegetable Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yourself In strictest confidence. Lista L M IMIA= Mil. CO.. Usk ens. Clinton: Dr. W. Shipley leavi s shortly for New York, where he will take a past-gratduate course fur a couple of months. after which he ex- pects to go west and locate in Calgary. Clinton: The ►nenthers of the Gun Club treated their friend, to an oyster supper at the Graham House on Fri- day night. During the evening Presi- dent Ireland presented Mr. Cantrim' with A fur -lined overcoat on twhalf of the citizenr of Clinton and vicinity: this was the method taken by thein of expressing their regrets at Mr. Cilnte- lon's intended departure from town. Ailsa Craig: The dearth occurred at the home of his mother on Mondey, of Hector Munro of Winnipeg. after a short illness. Mr. Munro, who with his wife came here a couple of weeks ago. un-ierwent an operation for ab- scess about a week ago from the et- fects of which he died. Deceased was a native of town, but the teat few years of his life were spent in Chicago from where he went to Winnineg. He leaves a wife. mother, three brothers and one sister. Wood's 771e Groat Englis Remedy. Tongs and invigorate, the whole nervous ryy •e ii, makes new %next in old Velma. Cures Ner - mi. Debility, Mental and Bra ie Worry, Des- poiilrney, ,8 -t -sal Weakness t:miesk.ns. Byer- , yer. ,i.,lorrh.ra, and Effects of Weakness, or Presses. I'rico ii per bole six for Ie. one will please aix will cure. Sold b all drugglata or craned In plain pkg. on rteel'pt of prleel. Nein pompAid mailed fret TM wood Modtotstin Oa (formerly ii'indeor') T+.r.• le, Ortf. "Ask far tho Purple Package." " RELIANCE" BAKING POWDER Makes reed Nsalthful. Cocts Less to Use. Gives Bettor Results Insist on t�the Oonuifs. FR E ' neat:Tires re:crises roar CARDS ' Tn aura, i••rg ns. na•eaerin.; 11e fol• % y...vifl ,.,e • ,.:.4 oto wilt ,;Ind.v .rad ' rolutsli free, poa'agao prepaid, " -• r ! ,•• ..f aur Ialr�t edllion of 1e;en'If .1 ! . hi•'l't•e I••. -t c..r.t+ I:thn,;rn,.Lel .n brill:..at I ; colors: 1st. Marne your rroce►, 2nd. Name this paper. IVii:fl\\11(>4.11. FOOD CO.. T°Rol'.. ). CA\,►hA . ,3A..L sss '..,.. V assumes. t.:r .I, 1,'L•4. ,^e,'a,= SUITABLE FURNITURE For Every Room in the Home We have a beautiful selection of the latest (iesigns. ('11111'.' and !,ret our pric; 4, all nl:irke..t in plain figures. W E ask yon to room to this '.torn for forniterr• bee .are we h.•lieve vita will get the• kind you w;int. The stock includes all those 'neer.; that appeal to gond taste on account of their design, finish. ehnr►rte•r and richneee. We rat) .show• rtewt•.t ;divas lout the 1,1041 popnl.tr ternilure f'1 the hone, 1hitt can be found Any place, town or city. JAS. BEVERLEY, I I'1:IU.t lll.'It'iZ. 1.^adieg Forint ere 1)eeler and t'rtdertnkrr. Chiiaelhiii s t I The Ladies Aid of Jlethedist church here intend holding a box social un Wednesday evening, J8n.:ittt1 . Every- body welcome. Ladies bring y . boxes. ('owe and spend an enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hagler have arrived from the West and are visiting at the home of the Litter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Smile. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Suuale is recovering from her illness.-Owicg to such changeable weather a number of our citizens are suffering from severe colds. -After a hleasant visit of two weeks at the ome of her sister, Mts. O'Brien, Mrs. Tretfry has returned to her hove in Zurich. -Geo. W. Wren is taking a course on stock judging at Guelph. - Mr. Leach is preparing to build a ce- ment block house next summer. This will be the first of the kind in this vi- cinity. DEATH.- There passed to her etern- al reward on Sunday, Jan, 20. Mar- garet Latta, the beloved wife of John Fitzgerald, at the age of 66 years, 11 months, 9days. Mrs. Fitzgerald has been ill for the past three years. she having been stricken with paralysis, which was the cause of her death. Last fall she went to reside with her daughter, Mrs. John Chambers, near Kippen, where sbe received every at- tention. Her perfect patience and res- ignation to God's will were a source of consolation to the family and her many friends. For the last few years her busy and useful bands never ceased to work until she folded them in death. Obit itable and kind-hearted the poor always made way to her home know- ing fall well that a warm hospitality awaited theta. She received thein with a warmth equal to her warmest friends,'and always had a handful to give of her well filled and plentiful hotne. Indeed the loss of so noble a woman has cast a gloom on all the sur- rounding neighborhood that cannot soon be forgotten. She leaves a sor- rowing onrowing husband, four sons and foyr daughters to mourn the loss of a faith- ful wife and kind mother. The funer- al took place Wednesday from the home of her daughter to the Metho- dist church, here, where service was held, the remains afterwards being laid to rest in McTaggart's cemetery. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to statutes in Town Hall, McGillivray, Jan. 14. The following members subscribed to their declaration andualifications of office. John Robinson Reeve; Win. T. Ulens Deputy -Reeve; Joseph J. Poore, Elmer Sturdy and Joshua Morgan. Council- lors. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Accounts, amounting to $146.45, were ordered to be paid. U.ens Morgan -that By -Law No. 1, 1907, ap- Hpointing metnbers to the Board of lealth as read a first and second time be now at third time and passed. -Car - tied. Morgan- Ulens-that this Coun- cil comply with the request of the On- tario Municipal Association, by peti- tioning the Legislature to amend Sec- tion 606 of the Municipal Act and re- lieve municipalities from at portion of their present heavy responsibility for the nun -repair nt highways, and that C. C. Hodgins, our representative in the house be requested to present the tition and support the bill when it tines up for consideration. -Carried. Ulens-Poore--that thm following offi- cers be appointed fur the current year: Alex. F. Smith, Treasurer, $S1); J. D. Drummond. Clerk, $150; Daniel I)or- ntau, Assessor, $90; Geo. Saunders, Janitor of Hall, $15; Geo. Hindmarch and J. F. Laughlin, Auditors, $I0each. Carried. Poore- Ulens-that the hers of of council be paid $2 a day for ser- vices. -Ca rt ied. he Council adjourn- ed to meet the first Monday in March et 1 o'clock p.m. J. D. Drutnmond, Clerk. Hay Council Council elect for 1907 stet in Town Hall, Zurich, Monday, Jan. 14, and tit- ter subscribing to the declaration and qa;tlifications of office, the Council be- came organized. Minutes of last meet- ing rend and approved. The following oR{cera were appointed for 1007 at the s.1.ri,•.. mentioned: Clerk, F Iles..Mr., $1:t,; Treasurer, Thos. Johnston, $100; Assessor. 11. Lippphardt, $75; Auditors, J. Reliever and 11. Neeh; Caretaker, Mrs. E. Getz; M.11.0., Dr. J. L. Wil- son; Sanitary Inspectors- East, B. S. Philips; West. Il. Zimmerman. A. Cote was appointed a member of the Board of Health for 3 years, F. Baker 2 years and 8. Spencer 1 year. A num- b •r of taxes levied on the roll was or- dered to be cancelled. The Council passed a resolution favoring the re- quest of the Ontario Municipal Assoc'. titin' to petition the Legislature to amend the Municipal Act so as to re- lieve municipalities from a portion of their present heavy ieeponsibilitiesfor the repair of highways, and that 11. Killier, M.P.P., lie requested to pre - 'tent the petition and support it in the I orse. The application of E. Zeller and W.G. Hese asking the privilege of erecting telephone posts along the side of meed allowances in this Township for the pin -pose of erecting telephone lines in the municipal ty of flay, he granted. Notices from the St. Joseph Radial Railway, also of the St. Joseph Transportation Co.. were ordered to he filed. A number of accolint4 were or- dered to be paid. after which Council adjourned to Feb. 0. at. 2 p.m. F. Hess, Sr., Clerk. Erg" 4.11, 11,'¢ 434I AROUND ABOUT US ! r Baulkslluaf3a Alun illiaillkALA Clinton: Dr. 13.'rt Jeckeon, son of Mr. Jelin Jack son. of Lethbridge, has liven a unpelled to 'tell out his dental pratctire, and he will return to Ontat•• ill to reralperate. Sea. fort It: Russell [Unity. son of %V. 11 it try, of town, who is teaching in Pelee island, was given ample testi• j ' 'n':°f his pe)pul erity with hi. !!pupils' recently, when he was ptesente.l with a handsome gentleman s comp;eItion, and tin Addrett. P erkhill: The marriage took place ,et St. Thomas on Thnrtdav, Jan. 10th, at the home of Lew•it Ileal of hi, eld- est d.ulghter, 'Violet Clef ice to Austen i 1;•wi:e.le('redieof Pat k hill. The erre-' mony was performed by Rev. E. 1.. Pidgeon. Miss Gracie 13r;tl,sitter of the i bride tinted ;w mild of honor and Mr. ; .1:es. Me,ai••k of Toronto supported the gloom. Clinton: lioruge All.•i•, one of the o!d te,idente, was buried on Saturday. Mitchell: Rose Babb was tined $3.00 for using bad language and bulking , Violet Caston one day last week. Parkhill: 11r. 1V etsun. a former te- s dram% of town, et one time conducting e tailor shop here, died at Detroit on `n ridgy. Uowuie: John 1V. Stathdee a pros - Pewits farmer of this township. was ieceutly np►rried to Miss Lizzie Turner of Carlmgtutd. Seaforth: Miss Addie Stephenson, daughter of D. Stephenson, formerly of Egmnndville, recently piqued away at Douglas, Man. Seaforth: Mr. Cempbell, who has been ledger keeper in the Bank of Commerce here for some time, has been transferred to Walkerton. Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Beattie have moved into town from McKillop. Mr. Beattie is engaged in the livery business with Mr. Carbert. Clinton: J. W. Treleaven, B.A., of Alutonte, bas been engaged its classi- cal maater of Clinton Collegiate to take the place of C. McKintioo who goes to Barrie. Parkhill: Joe McKinnon, who worked with Wm. Purnfrey, butcher, during the past summer, has opened up a butcher shop on his own account at his borne, lateen. Clinton: R. Norman Jolile. who has been leading the choir of Wesley Methodist cbut•oh, has resigned to take similar work and additional classes in and near Toronto. Clinton: Old Clintonirtns will learn with sincere regret of the death of the wife of Bishop Carmichael, Montreal. which occurred while he was atToron- to. on Wednesday. McKillop: John Shine has disposed of his farm on the 5th concession, to August Bicknell for $5,500. We nn - del -stand Mr. and Mrs. Shine intend returning to Seaforth to reside. Clinton: Gledhill Bros., who pur- chased the stock of groceries and boots and shoes from the estate of the late Geo. Ballard, expect to move the hal- ance of the stock to Kincardine about February 1. Clinton: The hoot and shoe busi- ness so long conducted under the firm mime of W. Taylor & Sun, but for sev- eral years owned and managed by Ja- cob Taylor, has been purchased by Fred Jackson. Clinton: The Hotel Normandie here is about to change hands. the purchas- er hewing a plan trent Toronto. -The Waverly hetet changes hands next month. Geo. Buxton having sold to Geo. Stewart of Girder:ch. Clinton: Ern Twitchell, eldest son of James Twitchell, who has been em- hloyed in various parts of the States, as decided to go into business for himself, and has bought out Siftan's Photo Studio at Woodstock. Logan: Another pioneer of Logan passed away on Monday et the tipe age of 1(10 years. The deceased, Will. Uninc, was a resident of Logan for be- tween forty and fifty years and endur- ed all the hardships of the early sett - lets. Cromarty: The remains of the late Robeit Park, who died in Brantford on Jan. 111th, were brought here for burial. the interment taking place to Roy's cemetery. Deceased was a for- mer resident of this place and was 34 years of age. Logan: The sad depth of Mr -s. Mich- eal Shen, occurred recently. The de- ceased lady was in failing health for some time. but her death was unex- lpected. Mrs. Shea was leorn in Ire- and and came to this country about fifty years ago. Clinton: On Monday evening a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sibley gathered at the home of Mrs. Shannon, and took Mts. Sibley by sur- prise, presenting her with half a dozen chine tea cups and saucers, it being the anniversary of her birthday. Bayfield: Death has again made its call, this time on one of our prominent young men. in the person of Jonathan Peck, who was recently sent to i.ondon hospital for treatment, but died a Anti time after his arrival. the body being brought here for interment. Wingliani: Peter Porterfield, who has been clerk of the township of East Wawanu(th,-adjoining this town, for the past 36 years, has resigned. and his son, Alex. Porterfield. hes been ap- pointed to the office. Mr. Porterfield has also been postmaster of Marnoch for over 45 years. Seaforth: Rieh;ard Hewitt, for many years a well known figure about town, died in the House of Refuge. on Sun- day. sged 07 yearn. Lest fall his heultll began to fail and he was taken to the Horne. Dent was ea Heed by consump- tion. The remains interred in the Maitlandl,ank cemetery. `i.uiforth: A pretty wedding took place at the resilience "f Abraru ('rich, Wednesday, when hie eldest daughter, Martha A., was united in marriage to James A. Christie, A prosperous young farmer, of Stirling. Hastings county. The ceremony was performed at high upon by Rev. A. K. Birk•, and was witnessed by about twenty-five guests. Seam lh: Mise Jessie 1).. eldest daughter of Fred Ve nstone, nt S rat• fot•.l and formerly of town, was mar- ried in that city a few days ran to Thus. Patterson. of 13 mows, Seek., at pro•epe'rous young buaines' men of that place. Miss Core B., danghler of 11. Gelb, of town acted AS flower girl. Mr. and Mrs, 1'.ttterson left for their west- ern home Saturday. Stanley: John Gibson of 2nd con., died on Saturday. Deceased had not enjoyed mined. health for a good many years and during the pt meta winter he hail leen confined to his residence wog of the time. He suffered from donne form of kidney trouble. Ile wee (17 years of age and leaves at widow and e son and d.aelghtcr. 11.. laid resided in Stanley most of his life. Mitchell: The sad news of the death of Allen Lorraine Thompson. in Toronto. Thursday evening. bat twit a deep gloom ever Mitchell. The young 111111 wail only 19 years And 6 months and 22 (%aye of Age. end war the Vounv• est son of Walter Th pson, tie had spent the holiday newton in town at bit home along with hie parent' and family. and had only returned to Tor- onto bat a feiv days, when he became ill. He was removed to the ('ity (ien- er►l !Invite'. where he died nn above date. The remains were hruuight here for interment. -' :.• Usborltc Council. The Gunnell elect for 100 ,- tact at Tow'.ash:p Il;til Oil Jail. 11, pursu.urt 1.. statute. -\11 moue heib ►tile )recent, 'mete and bubscrdied the ueeessaty uvills of idler and to il,t a ;tion, anti took their seats as the t'mineil fur 111u;. Jus. Haw•li.i lttcim; lieu. Andrew, John Muir. \Vin. Atkineinn and Samuel Mealy, Councillors. The sal cries fat 10)7 were fixed As follows: Clerk, $150; Treasurer til; Assessut• $65, Collector $6O; Auditors $6 each: Caretaker $7. No alluweii ,:.• ter postage. The ap• puiutiuent Of (Misers resulted as fol lows: nuttily -Atkinson that F. Hur- ley be clerk. -Carried. Moir -Andrews that Paul Coates be Treasurer and tial his band be approved for 8107. -Car- ried. Atkinson-Itoutley-that Rich. Hunter be Assessor. -Carried. An. drew -Moir -that 1V. Brock be Col- lector and give satisfactory security to the amount of $10.000. -Carried Atkinson--Ruutly-that \V. H. Mat - shall be Collector.-Lo•.t. Atkinson-' Andrew that N. N. Shire and Henry Strang be Auditors, and that the meet to audit the accounts on Jan. 9 at one o'clock.-Cerried. Ruutly- No Seconder that Joehua Johns and W. A. Turnbull be auditors. ltoutly- Moir -that Thos. Veal be caretaker of hall. -Carried. Moir--Routly--that the Board of Health be the Reeve, Clerk, %V, H. Pasetnore, P. McTaggart. and Jas. Handford; that H. K. Hynd- nian, M.D., be M.H.O., and Thomas Swale, Sanitary Inspector, and that the M.11.O. receive $3 per day arid the other members of the Board $1.50 per day when on duty. -Carried. Andrew Atkinson -that the Fence Viewers be John Hanna, John McQueen, Charles Harvey, Fred Delbridge, Robt. Doupe and James Earl. Poundkeepers: Ft ed Luxton, S. Hunter, R. Keddy, Thos. White, Win. Taylor, Walter Hazel- wood, Thos. Cameron and John Shiite. Carried. Moir -Atkinson -that the expenses of the municipal election, amounting to $37.25 be paid to the Clerk for distribution, -Cart ied. Rout- ly-Andrew-that the expense of pre- paring, publishing and submitting Lo- cal Option By -Law, Amounting to $29.58, be paid to the clerk for dish f- hatiun.-Carried. Moir -Atkinson - That $5 be donated to Sick Children's Hospital. -Carried. Andrew -Moir - that the clerk be paid $17.20. registra- tion fees for registering births, mar- riages and deaths 1906. -Carried. Tb ' Reeve was authorized and instructed to purchase tw' chairs for hall. The clerk was instructed to order the Mun- icipal World for each uletnher of the Council, the Clerk, Treasurer and As. sensor. Orders were issued in pay- ment of above accounts and the Coun- cil adjourned to meet Feb. 2nd at 1 p. m. -F. Motley, Clerk. TRY 1 HIS FOR YOUR COUGH To relit:%,• ,;h or beeet nt,;tcu1.1 in tt%.•1,1y 1., ,; notes. the t••,l"winIf Ample I.t a, il.. tl a iegr,nt• 1.1., u( it'll Call Ise e:•t.,itieduf;tuy A..oelIse- scriplioo druggist at small rot -t. ie all that will lie required: Viig.0 (Id of Pinel Pure). cane -half omits : Glycer- uu•, t..,' ,)anew: good Whiskey. a half pint. Shake well .tn.l take ii. :e seta; •u- tul doses every four heal s. '1'be tie - :item! results Can nett he ..I,t;►iurd un- less the ing.e1*t alt.. alt piste. It is therefore hotter to purchase 111e in- .fredieuts separately and prepare 1be mixture satin aril. Virgin O 1 of Pine (Pure) Fhonld he purchased in the u•iginel half -ounce risk, wbleb dl ug - gists Filly for dispensing. E" h vial is securely sealed in a mond wog den case which protects the Oil from exposure to light. Around the wooden case i8 On engraved wrat%p.•, with the name- "'t'ilgin Oil 0f Pine (Purer -pl,tiutyy printed thereon. There ale twiny imi- tations and cheap productions of Pine, but these oil ' create nausea. and nev- er effect the esire•tl results. birKillei: Ili !bett 1.awtaiet, sou Jas. W. L•twrence of this tow nship, was recently niatrir d to bliss Lizzie Bowles, at Randolph. Man. Rubbers needn't be flimsy to be stylish; needn't be clumsy to be staunch; needn't cost more to be better than you've been buying. ubbers They give you Double wear from every pair. Look for the trademark. The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario Oae of the 209 Daisy Style. Ask your Do.t a. Thislight storm - tubber it made is the siert toe -shape to fit YOUR shoe* 103 DISCOURACED MEN 15 LIFE WORTH LIVING MEN, you become dlsheart• ene.l when you feel the symp- toms of Nervous Debility and adecline stealing upon you. You haven't the nerve or am- �,bltlon you used to have. Yon ` �� feel you are not the man you �{{ ought to be. Yon feel IuKo giving up in despair. You Se t �,it}� nervous and weak. have little ��~r ambltfon, f nln In the back { ��� over kidneys, drains at night. hollow eyes, tired mornings. 11141/.....--i prefer to be atone, dlstruettul, preferlt appetite, looseness is410.41. \ hale, poor circulation -sou fume Nervous Debility. (aur 1 4 , New Method Trstrong Isyour e, refuge. 1t will strengthen all weak organs. vitalize the n,-r- vous system, purify the blood �� and restore you to a manly , and►tlon. Pay When Curcd. READER Are yea a vi.dm' have you lost hope? Are you in- tending to marry? Ilas your blood been diseased? flay"! you any weakness, 1 our. Net. 'tethod Treatment will -ure you. What It has done for others It will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. charges reasonable. HOOKS FRFs: -'The (]olden Monitor" (Illustrated). on (Diseases of Men. Sealed Book on •'1>Iseases of Women" Free. ESTABLISHED 25 TEARS -NO Ct111;-?(0 PAS'. No Medi/lee seat C. O. D. No name. on boles or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of treatment FREE.. DitsKENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St.. Detroit., Mich. i You Men and Women Who have Irritated Bladders try "Bu -Ju" on a Guarantee. Doctors call it Cystitis. 'Whatever tete sante, it is due to weak Kid- neys. The blood is bringing impurities to these organs faster than they can filter it out. This is often deposited in the Bladder; irritates the membrane so much that it cannot retain the urine. Instead of passing urine four or five times a day, it i+ passed twenty to thirty times. The urine ii bot and ecal.ling, an.l burn's Wm One. My! w1Cat relief the first few " Iks-Ju" Pills give! They are like ice water to a patched throat. They nc•ntra!i,e uric acid, soothe the delicate Lining of the bladder, and take ae '.y the burning pail. They strengthen the weakness -heal the Kidneys -stop that frequent desire to urinate, which is such an annoying feature of Cystiti4. One man told us Haat " 114 -Ju" gave hint the fist uninterrupted night's sleep lie had enjoyed in fifteen years. II3u•Ju is aoli,by ilrnggists all over Canada. If yours should not have them, send to ue and we will see that you arc p:ro:nptly supplied. 5oc. a Bos, and your money refunded if City f ta: t, cure, The Clnflin Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Bu -Ju The Centle KidneyPill