Exeter Advocate, 1907-01-24, Page 4Melissa Bal
An Invaluable Article for
the 'Toilet
Makes the face and hands as soft
% et, ►; evV•a•ot+,., l►appiug,ctil es
roughness, redness and any in Ra-
tion Of the skin.
A Skin Food 718 8 : 11 Healer
If you have never tried
MELISSA BALM don't accept another
before you have tested its merits.
Price 25c. a bottle
Prepared by
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Prescription Druggist
Where every toilet necessity is stocked
Ozecter gtb rotate,
Sanders & Creech. Propos.
THURSDAY, Jan. 24, '07
House Welt/emu-About seventy
invited guests gathered at the home of
Dlr. John Runtclitfe on Tuesday eten-
ing and celebrated the opening of .tis
mew house. The house is perhaps the
finest and most up-to-date in the dis-
trict. having been fitted with all the
latest improvements and conveniences
throughout. Those who were present
at the house warming yie with one an-
other in praising the beauty and
grandness of the home as well as the
excellence of the hospitality of the
host and hostess.
Mrs. S. McCoy and on Siunuel spent
Sunday with friends in London. -Mr.
Geo. Esser)• was on the sick list last
week. --A large number of our young
people attended the oyster slipper San-
der the auspices of the Ladies Aid So-
ciety of the Methodist chinch on Tues-
day evening.- Mrs. (Dr.) McCue of
Crediton spent Monciaty with her par-
ents here. --Miss Verne lesse,-v of De-
troit Is visiting at the home of Mr.
Wm. Essery.
Peter Fisher, who left for Los An-
geles some time ago to spend the win-
ter is improving in health. -David
Blair bas gone to Manitoba to look af-
ter the affairs of his bate brother. -
W. J. and Wm. Morrow of Pilot
Mound, :Haut.. are visitors at the home
of Arch. McGregor. -Mrs. Geo. Card
of Dakota is spending a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ivison.
-John Cooper and wife are here from
Albetra. on an extended visit. -Mrs.
James Crozier is here from Stratford
looking after tier mother who is ill.
Too Tate for last week)
Our villiage is nil alive. Messrs.
Coward & ('luk are doing a rushing
FAB Eitt3 Art E.TIJN.--\1 ect.'s 1.up-
Pl)' you 111th gee v1411114-10. standard
Red Clover at $8.23 per bushel; also
Alsike mid Timothy at right prices.
Its nut pay muse than twit keel value
for you! seed. A call solicited.
C. Zwlcltttlt, Crediton.
Fulluwing is the program given at
the reignite*. 'sleeting of the Litriat y So-
ciety Friday evening: Piano duett,
Thr Mise'. Kuhn; Solo, Ella Beaver;
paper on Noted Statesmen of Great
Britain and Ireland, Beulah Beaver;
piano solo, the President; paper un
noted Warriors, N. Gower; reading,
Ella Link; paper an noted Writers,
Miss Girvin; piano duett, Misses Vivi-
an and Ella Beaver.
The Misses Mabel and Daleen Suth-
erland of Toronto are visiting Miss
Marie Morlock for it few days. --Wal.
Lewis attended the annual meeting of
the shareholders of the National Port-
land Cement Co., Limited, in Toronto
on. Wednesday. -H. Edger, M.P.P.,
left for Toronto Tuesday to attend the
session of Perliimeut. -Art Zwicker
was in London Monday. --Miss Roxie
Eilber returned to her hove in Zurich
Tuesday after visiting relatives here
the past week.- We have had all kinds
of weather the past week. Saturday
afternoon it was quite mild, almost.
springlike. About 11 o'clock at night
it blew it gale, tearing down signs,
fences and doors and Suuday the wind
had changed to a nor' -wester. accotn-
panied by snow flurries. We are now
aving zero weather, bugging the
coal stove and looking at the coal bin
with noxious eyes. -We are indeed
pleased to state that Mrs. Chas. Zwick-
er is rapidly recovering her former
health. -Wow. T. England is giving
phonograph concerts. He held one in
Greenway Wednesday night with con-
siderable success. The phonograph is
a large one and es the iecordsare good
lin excellent program can be given. -
Miss Lily Anderson of Centralia visit-
ed Mrs. Sambrook Tuesday. -`•love of
our boys are quiet handy with the
gloves and can give it fellow an inter-
esting flve minutes who feels like fac-
ing them. Probably some of them
will develops into a Corbett or Fitz
si)nmons.-Wm. McLean, reeresent-
ative of The Kurtze Acetylene Gas
Co., of St. 1Villix111s was in the village
Sattirday with a t•lew of starting it
town gas plant. A stock company
witb a capital of $1000 has been organ-
ized and the majority of the business
and private people have agreed to use
the gas if the plant is installed. Pros-
pects seem bright that the plant will
• installed this summer as the price
of carbide is much cheaper. Our peo-
ple will cevtsinly- bitve a touch better
and cheaper light than they nue at
present using. -Miss Myrtle Clark en-
tertained a few of her friends Wednes-
day evening. A vet y pleasant time
was spent by ill. -The young people
are once more enjoying the good skit
iii .-11rs. Rosin's Finkbeiner and son
Wes have retie tied from Ilersry,
Mich.. where they were attending the
funeral of a relative. -Last \Vednes-
day evening. 10th inst.. Returning Of-
ficer. Thos. Trevethick, called a sleet-
ing in the Town Hall to receive nom-
inations for it Police Trustee. Harry
Beaver and Walter Clark were nomin-
ated for the lace. Mr. Beaver re-
signed leIving Mr. Clerk in b accla-
mation. board yyTrustees
watt n. Tt►e new bi 1 nl of
are Wut. Lewis, Wit. Wenzel and W.
('lark. The trustees will do a kind act
and one that will be appreciated by all
if they would put the street light in
working order again. Surely we can
milord to have our streets lighted even
if it is only by one Limp.-- Dr. Orme
of Centralia was in the village Mon-
day. -Bert ('bark has receivel hissanm-
ples of w.. 1 paper. He has a fine se-
lection and can satisfy the tests of the
most particular.
Miss Ricca Gassman left last week
for London where she his secured sloe
business with there:►uctiun sales after- ploymeet.-11. M. \Villert has pur-
noon and evening. The busy house- cheesed a fine team of he evyy colts well
wife is certainly litying in her swum- matched. -John hall of London was
er's supply. T. Cionet•on and R. Hun- hrt•e during last week looking after
ter are weilding the h,nnhner in good the shipping of some clover -seed. Ile
style. -Miss M. Fair, our lady teacher, is a large buyer of send and of late he
must have her hands full, having as plIreInteed Fenno firer heavy horses for
large attendance as two teachers form-
erly had. We wish her success with
her heavy charge.-- Some gentlemen
traveller shot and killed Wes. Hey -
wood's, fine barge Scotch collie on the
roadside Monday. Wes. says his equal
for a watch dog was not in the Town-
(Penni Another S. erre)
Miss Ella (':cumin is "biking friends
in Comber.---Mi-s Gregory of Nissouri
spent last week at the home of her sis-
ter. Mrs. W. O. Medd.-Hol. Brown
wit in Blenheim lest week and while
there purchased a stand:ud bred trnt-
ting sIallUall, tieing two yens,. old. --
Milo Snell spent Srioday with %V. G.
Medd.---'rhe hind stoi in on Sonll:sy-
was terry sete'res it destroyed the
Mower trill in •Vol. Ternbull's barn. --
Frank Darille attended the Butter -
midterm' convent' itt Lindon !let
week. -Miss Cora Rion teliffe of Cline
ton is visiting friends in this neighbor-
hood. -Thos. Coward was in London
en business last week.
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it - Ayer's Hair Vigor.
it is a regular scalp -medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap-
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a greatdeal
to you - healthy hair, no dan-
drutf,no pimples, no eruptions.
Th.. h.st kind et • testimonial -
"Sold f. r over *tete years."
/Lade by J c Ay•r r„ • 1_.well. Yana.
A,so mansr.eturers or
ijerSCfltiRY FfCTOtAL
which he hits paid a good Noire. -
Messrs. H. Willett and Jacob Keller-
man!), reeve and deputy reeve for
Stephen. Iefr. Tuesday morning to at•
tend the sitting of the County Council
at Goderich.-11.. is whispered that ere
long we are to lose one of oar fair sex.
-Peter Deitrich left on Saturday
morning for a two weeks' visit among
his friends et Mt. Agatha. He has for
the past two years been in the emptily
of Alex. Zimmer id this place and so
(tittmful Kai he been that the has been
re-engasted for another year. -The
Muses N'inner of Zurich spent Mnndsy
it Thee huwe of tiro. Itnhy.--Misses
Nichul+un and 11 est, teachers of Znr-
ieh spent S.itii,day and Sunday hete
at the home of Jonas Ilsrtleib.-The
timer -el of the infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Wildfang funk plaice on M.tt•
urd.ey afternoon at the Evangelical
churl) herr. Rev. 1.. K. Eidt ornciet-
ing and interment being made in the
Goshen line cemeter y. The sorrowing
fanl•iy have the deepest sympathy of
the community, in the loss of their
lit tle eve. -- Jacob Schroeder sold a pair
of Albion colts, conduit three years in
spring, to Mr. Ragan, for the hand•
soon• figure of Sant(. Mr. ltsgnrt got
g ood value for his •y, and is well
setistied with his purchase.
Aerates/T-0n Sunday et noon as
little Johnnie Mteir, son of Mr. and
MIS. 1,,'o. Stier of this place. tt•t. tak-
ing the row to tvatel he thoughtlessly
fastened the chain with which he was
Wittig/ the cow around his weber. The
a I become (tighten, d and ran
awe.,% asoh (hp lad, who was dragged
en the D std, rough. frozen ground.
After running prrhap•, :el) roils some
then r,'tight the cow end freed the lad
t%hu s. ,s nncunsoiems ,old remained 81)
lid the (.elbowing morning when foi a
-host t,nm.' he rallied :t little. ile wets
t• 1rah nriiised and cut ,about the heed
It teli,..ring over thirty stitches to
1.'.e the %tunnels. In fact his scalp
nestly %etiolated from his skull;
Is - . ,ill er hoop teas fr.lettired and his
-lion. hore beside.; internal inj•mries
t, hit It it is 1hnugbt will yetprove fat -
[ti. Airfield,. was ettlled and dress -
i the t..unds lot holds ant but little
li. p • lie his recovery.
St. Mot ye: Mr.. McEvey. who is
n 'e. in her Wed cear. slipped and fell
so het'.ily that she mat rendered urnnisi fou. for fifteen 1 our:amid of hes-
e it 11. it .//t' SI.tte of
Weare pleased to report that MIS.
EMI, W110 14148 be•( -ii very ill, ire imnplov-
iog.-This week the home of Mr. and
Mrs. tic(. Earl has been saddened by
he iuegel of des 1l) 1t'IIiov,ng from their
'sl their intent 14111 fat the age of 11
days. Tht' bereaved parents hive the
sympathy of their friends.
DIED -This week it hecou)es our sad
duty to record the death of Miss Phu' -
he Lingard, who pissed away on Fti-
d.ty id last week. Miss Lingard hes
been in very poor health fur neatly
two years, the greater putt of which
time she has been men invalid and al-
most helpless. The funeral took place
to the Zion cemetery on Thursday.
James Carter of the 2nd concession
of McGillivray has disposed of his NO -
acre farm to Mike and Alvin Cunning-
ham. The pi ice paid was $0,500. -An-
drew Clark has been appointed boss of
the Denfield section of the L., H. & B.
and has removed thither with his fam-
ily. -John Gilmour is constructing a
post driver for use during the coming
season. -John Joseph Lewis has rent-
ed his blacksmith shop and is going
out west this spring. He was recent-
ly the recipient of an address and pres-
entation from his neighbors. He was
a good citizen and will he missed in
this section. -George Sellars and wife
have arrived front Ponoka, Alta., and
are visiting friends in this vicinity. -
The extraordinary high wind of Sun-
day has bad a telling effect on flatten-
ing down fences, tearing the shingles
front the roofs of many buildings, also
some trees suffered injury. There
werealso current reports on the street
that some Karns were unroofed. -
Fred Shofft is here on a visit to his
)mother and sister. He owns a ranch
in Alberta. -Miss Nellie Deacon still
continues to improve. -Mr. Pitman
was in London lust week on business.
M. Mcllhargy of Seattle is home on a
visit. -F. Ryan has a contract of cut-
ting 400 cords of hard wood for Jos.
Carter, 2nd con., McGillivray. -James
Mcllhargey's many friends will be
pleased to know that be is getting
along nice at St. Joseph's hospital,
London. -The Sisters of Charity were
here the past few days on their enell-
al collecting for the orphans. -James
Simpson is now occupying his sun's
new house.
We are reallenjoying a bit of
beautiful winter weather now -even
to having some sleighing.
The Appeal
rue at Cares for 1•.ve'1, Mirk Chilli
iu Oastnrl., where! Parents
Crtutlut A1101.41 to Pey
e fur 'Treatment.
Tho Hospital for Siek Children, College
.'rest, Toronto, nppesls to tethers mrd
mothers of Ontario fur funds to nlaiutain
the thousand sick
cluklren that it
;tutees within its
walls etcl y year.
the Hospital i•
not a local in'tltu
tion -but l'roviu•
cial. The sick
child trutn any
l.:nre in ()warn
w hu rnu't atlord t..
p,ey tuts the SeMIL
paitalc;tcy •. t ht
child living iu Tor
onto and is treated
The hospital had last Sear iu its 1,e.1
.nd cols `58 tint fent. - 3(1 of theca: w4Na
er 231 plater outside of'I'urrlito. Th.
1.37 eta.
per In
tient tact
day, and
were 134
rick lit-
tle , nes
a day in
tlec Iioa
Si nee
is f
•he If sl,l•xl time 1,rnt.-1 12,120
8,1,00 , f Owe, este unable to
and wrro (rented fi•.e.
'NNW 1'm' 11.1(8 I10088, JI•RT
AUI(I Ile, ..
Your money
can put gol
den hinges
on the door
of the
hnely'.dnlbe t
irony be the
Friend f
jNeed to
ti n nrcteot! y'e
Your dollar may be • door of hit* to
somebody's child. The Iiospital pays not
dividends of health sn.l heti furs. to .uf
fat ing ohilell,uoel on
Ivory dollar that is
tee! by friends of
little children.
1f you know of
Any ehii.l in your
neighb.►rhe,o.l w In
is *irk or eripple.i
or hAs club fee t
nem' Ilio (lir•ut'5
084440 to tLc Iloa-
Seo what can be done for club font chit
then. There were 36 like eases last )oar
and hu44'ireds in 3t ecars.
IWO 01 r rentcase
MORN' 9PTt11
Plea a send ennt rihntinns to J. kVA
R )l,er own). ('hairman, nr to Hingis% 1)is i.I
son. Ser t peas , ,,f file II so s ial for Sisk
(.'hel,hvt. Culogo Street, Toronto.
(11th �Si
--they are all
Each biscuit
as light as if
made by fairy
Raked to a
gulden russet
So fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
find a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yen get perfection
when you get
Sodas 00
Walter Linderfleld of London Is
borne for is few days. -Miss Maggie
Buchanan who has been out West for
a number of years, is home on it visit
to her parents. -Miss Myrtle Hodgins,
nurse, of New York was hem last week
visiting her father. -Miss Olive Sel-
lery who is here on a visit, rendered a
beautiful solo in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday, which was much
appreciated. --Some of our young peo-
ple attended a carnival at Seaforth on
Friday night. -A number from here
attene;ed the funeral of the late John
Gibson at Stanley last week. -Less
Calwell of Regina, Sask., is here visit-
ing friends. -Mr. Stuart of Seaforth
was a guest at G.1Vren'eover Sunday.
Miss Mills has been visiting her cousin,
Mts. Wilson fir a few weeks. -George
Joynt has purchased a handsome new
piano.-Iven Welsh and Walter La -
don have gone to London where they
have accepted positions as firemen on
the G.'r.R. Success boys. -Mitis Arn-
old has returned to her home in Bee -
ton, after a pleasant t isit with her
cousin, Mrs. John 111ac,u•thur.--Miss
Brooks of Exeter has been staying
with her sister•. Mrs.Gauld, fora week.
C. ytideon made it business trip to Sea-
forth'I'hursday.-Mr. Mutat(, late of
the foundry here, has taken a posi-
tion ars moulder in the foundry at Clin.
ton. -Miss Pfaff of Dashwood is visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Cook. -Miss
Alice (halwell spent a few days at Sea -
forth and Exeter last week. -Vern
Couch of London visited at the home
Mr. Petty during the week. ---George
MacEwen hasoerr nen a trip to Ottawa.
- Dr. Cawthot•pe who had a practice
here toner time ago, is here on a visit.
Alex. i)algetty and wile of Gilbert
Plains. N.D., are visitors at the home
of the fornter's sistei•,Mrs. J.Sparks.-
The terrific windstorm which prevail-
ed during the latter pert of Saturday
night and all day Sunday did not do
touch harm in town, but the country
suffered more. Fences, trees and quite
a nemla-r of windmills were bidly
wrecker) or blown down. Shade trees
alsosutered Wrote or less from the gale.
-Gen. Wren and Jetties Murray still
continue to improve in health.-114►bt.
Newell has purchased the residence of
1.1r. Dxtids. The latter intends mov-
ing to Winghain shot tit .-A number
frim) Hensal) and vicinity attended
the wedding reception at the home of
Wm. Pepper. Logan, on Friday even•
lug in honor of bus son. JanmesThomes
Pepper, who was united in marriage
the previous Tueladay at Minton to
Miss Harriett Maud, youngest daugh-
ter of Jets. Stinson of ILartiston. The
young couple helve Match 1 for their
flit lure helm. 'n Weyburn. Sask.
The Ideal Bev er'tlge
A I'A&.0 ALF,
palatable. full et*
the tirtues of malt
and hofs, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further.
Mrs. Michael Ketcher, who recently
injured her swab, is getting along nice.•
ly. -Miies Georgina Corriveau, who has
leen visiting her brother here, has re-
turned to Port Huron. -Samuel (1,►heel
et former resident of the Women) Line,
Mssed away at his home in Elkton,
ich., Inst week, aged RI years. I►'' -
ceased was an uncle of E. IA►ssenber•ry
of town. -Miss Mel. Koehler has re•
turned home from an extended stay et
Tavistock. -Peter Bedsld while en-
gaged in a friendly tuned at St. Joseph
the other day, fell and dislocated his
right arm at the elbow. The 'evident
will necessitate him taking is rest for a
Jew week. --Mrs. Howsid, who left a
few months ago for the Mate •of Ne-
braska passed away recently. Her de-
mise came very unexpectedly. Jacob
end John Howald are sons of the de-
ceased.- 11. Singel has returned to 1)e-
lreit tt here he is assisting his son, El.
Blore. fn the contracting business.--
Mms..l. C. Kelhfleisrh centitnnes to inn
peeve. ---Wm. Hildebrandt of British
0 ,lumhia is here on a visit. -Fret
%Vitwer. who has conducted it confec-
tionary Ineaness here for a ilulllber of
ears lies disposed of the stock to Mrs.
del'"l•rniek and closed up business last
week.- Wm. i{ annie, Killion Line,
has purchased the 1(N) acre ferns of
.loltti Thompson, Town Line, neer
111.k,•. -- A little daughter has arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
(cram. Pere line, I1sy.-N. M. (7antin
,tad (1. Ilissonette have returned fr
their trip to Ottawa and the Coltnit
district. - I:.�tararas has returned from
his ti ip to 13.,deu.- Relit. Case Tioyler,
young st son of Chas. Troyer of Hills
green. left Sot 'i lay for Courtland to
learn tebgt..phy with his elder bruth-
e•.-•,V,is. Liz,ie Allen, of theChildren's
(Hospital. Detroit, is hrnur on a visit.
N' monist). --The 1{. C. church. Dry•-
d,dr, ws• on Tuesday limning the.
.retie rf a %*Iy pretty wedding, the
contiact log patties being At thin Si.e
nen noel Miss Annie 1'Ient•. Miss
Poll} 1'I ant nod Leo Jeffery attended
the h,lelly remelt', while Rev. Father
i,uiselle tied the nentrintoniel knot.
The yoeng people err well and favor.
ablo known mere end their host of
friends tot edict fol ?Iwo) a long, bright
and pttepee out 11,1411 II I fe.
Highest Price paid for Grain
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
The Leading Commercial School
School of Western Ontario
Our . ourses are thorough and practical while the
teaching 1. done by an able iustru.•tor. Th. ambi-
tious young men and young who desire to
get the best possible Commercial training patron-
ize this School, while business men are in search of
our graduates to t111 responsible pca•itions. The beet
time to enter our ..lasses is NOW. Beautiful esti
rogue free.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865)
Head Office,
- Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
Reserved Eland— - • • • • • $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in. to 3 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. no. to 1 p. m.
Fortner s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farriers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department. posits of st end upwards recelred. interest cm
d rind Jnae sOth
1 hal • earl and a ded o
{Donde. f) y t P
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLira, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager.
Brantford. Jan. 19. At police court
here today Elvira Gottschalk, alias E.
Bell,of Seaford), wets charged with be-
ing en nccomplict• of Fred /34hcock in
the turgery if a cheque. After It pre-
• examination f case was ad-
journed till Jan. 21. The girl was ac-
ctunpanied by her father and Iter•. Mr.
Birks of Seaforth. In comet she told
the whole story. She admitted writ-
ing the chegare in Seaforth and endor-
sing it as good with the tituuee of the
teller of the Dominion Mink. Seaforth
and beinitin,( it to this city, where she
met Bal0„rk. Securing the nonny
the couple Milted Up B•IfL11o, R,thrnck
baying promised 10 marry the girl.
This tie sup.egoently refused tie do and
the gill tetnlned to Seafertit, The
rein)/ bele came. to Brantford in oc-
tet) •1 and fell in with bad company.
Pretty and t•ivecinnt, the young
girl felt the bitter shame of her posi-
tion, and the eepreaeh her ntisgntded
Redone has brought on the respectable
home (rets which she came. She at-
taches the blame to the man Bahenck,
who is now tinder arrest for the whole
trouble, and a1 iened that she was
forced with threats to net asan accom-
plice in tate affair. Site at first liked
Babcock but Tater grew to dislike hits,
butuet of roar obey'e'd his commends.
Parkhill: N. E. McKinnon of Lon•
don, has made a deal with Mr. Boyce
for the Hoye! Bleck. which he intends
having tennveted and turned into a
first cites Commercial Hotel.
Clinton: On Friday afternoon '•the
sontmetefnl class of 1101" itt the Colle-
giate presented the retiring teacher,
Miss Waterw•ortle with an address and
a handsitiu• ring. She left. the same
evening for itd,telow•n, her home,
where she has accepted a situation.
in PLOWS -
We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
—The Successor—which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market.
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang Plows made
by this reliable firm.
Agent for the Sylvester. rind
Perrin Plow Companies
Parkhill: Mrs. Glavin (nee Josie
Ryan) daughter of Mr. Thos. I{yan,
formerly of lawn died 011 Monday e%e-
ning at Detroit, while undergoing an
eperaliuu at the hospital theme.
Desk To Desk
is only another way of saying " Ambition. " We all are
ambitious—we all want to rest,•li tl,e hep, but if the first
few rungs in the ladder of s,lccr.s are missing, it's pretty
hard to get a foothold, isn't it •f
Begin right and attend the FORREST CITY BUSINESS &
SHORTHAND ('o1.t.ti.E. Nothing' is tau;;l►t that is not needed
in business life. The rungs are all in ot•R ladder, and when
you graduate you stand alone on a firm foundation.
Business and Shorthand work our specialty.
Write for our catalogue ; it's free.
School terns : September till June, inclusive.
Forest City Business College
J. 'x. wt'STrkvI::-T. r, r• .;.•. v. P.I. C. A. ntdg., London.
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