HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-17, Page 8Good
Do not let all the good chances pass
by you. If you are likely to need a
seer suit during the- next six months
yea will he doing yourself a favor
by getting it now.
Yllke advantage of our special
discount of 20 per cent.
We don't try to fit a man into a
tray -made suit. We make a suit
Oa It the man; and to tit him as if
is were his own suit, not a borrowed
etas. if you want to have the recite
Salim of being a correct dresser let
taado the tailoring for you, and you
will ever be entre of
Good materials, good fit, splen-
did workmanship, and perfect
Merchant Tailor,
Mister, - Ontario
habeas Locals -- Road Them
65 Ladies' choice fur Lined coat, re-
d to *44. Stewarts.
Moss Por Sale.
laiacres, being Lot 11, Con. 2, Step-
Illes, central p.psition, being 21 miles
film Crediton, Centralia and Exeter.
Ms farther p erticulars apply on the
wise.. or Jas. Walker, Crediton
P. O.
Clubbing Rates, The ADVO-
CATE can
give you a
sgnsial clubbing rate with any news -
u pper or magazine in America. Call
al get our rates.
=11.50 and $12.50 for tiro of the nic-
ti rimier Sets we hate seen. Stewart's.
Get your Marriage Licenses at the
Meoeate office.
New Black und White Sheppard
draib Dress Goode. 85c, and 11.25.
latrine Swell. Stewart's.
Ghee used always in favor—Cole's
)Ding Powder. Try it.
Dsreseety For Sale.
We have et present a handsome
gksaof proper 1 y consisting of fine two
salsaey residt•nce and two lots, with
mad stable; all in first-class condition:
slswoieutly *situated; all modern iw-
oreement. Price is a snap. Call or
waits The Ade ocate Office.
Z 6. Handford shipped a load of
ii♦eaes to Winnipeg Wednesday.
'!dire many friends of Mr. N. D. Hur-
d les
will he pleased to learn that he is
shish to leave his bed for short inter-
Me. Daniel Woods who has been
annilined to his bed through an attack
rave,'fl disease is showing signs of
ilbptoveme n t.
Mr. J. 11. Walsh, who for some years
efewslat grain here for Mr. Jos. Cobble-
• , was married to Miss Margaret
il♦Lirtitender at Accola, Sask., last
seseltb. They will reside in Osage),
masa Fouad.
Tro pairs of men's mittens left in a
mare. ('all at Advocate office to claim
uspert y.
Me S. Valuable Discovery.
One day last week Mrs. Peter Baw-
lof town trade a rather valuable
alcove' y, which may yet lead to a
Mune for some one and a discovery
the fact of a gold mine in our midst.
Mewas dressing a duck and on open•
Olathe gizzard found several Small
aaiggets what appeared to her to re-
semble gold. She laid it aside and had
illfewaminrd by an expert who pro-
..taced it the real thing. Needless
Ramsay that the value of property in
f $ neiahhor hood has gone out of
slut, in fact is'tit for sale at any price.
25e. Rattles
++++++++++++++++ +4
Reduced in Price.
We have reduced a large
number of first-class suiting!'
and pant ings in price and for
the next month will offer you
Rails reduced from $IS to $l!
'• " " $17 to $14
Plating "
$10 to $13.50
$15 to $1131)
*5$6to $5
to $4
$4.50 to $3.75
$4.01 to $:3.181
o -n
TMs Line we Will Clear at
Once. Don't !Mee the
illterctlast Tailor - Exeter +
aTssass vasssss�
Stopped His Paper.
"I've stoped my paper, yes, I hey;
1 didn't like to do it,
But the editor he got too smart
An' I allow he'll rue it.
I am a man as pays his debts,
An' I won't be insulted,
So when the editor gets smart
1 want to be consulted.
I took his paper 'leven years.
An' helped him all I could, sir,
An' when it comes to duinii' me.
I didn't think he would, sir.
But that he did, an' you kin bet
It made me hot as thunder.
Says I, I'll stop that sheet, I will,
Tito' the miserable thing goes under!
I hunted up the measley whelp,
An' for his cuunin' caper,
I paid them 'leven years and quit!
Yee, sir, I've stopped the paper."
Mr. Thomas Willis, Main et., is very
Mrs. Birney is recovering from her
Mr. John Wamsley is under the doc-
tor's care.
Mr. James Creech has been confined
to his home with a severe cold during
the week.
Miss Vera Rowe entertained some
friends Tuesday evening, as did Miss
Lulu Martin on Friday evening,
Mr. Jimmy Bawden of the Molsons
Bank was moved from London to Ex-
eter last week and is now one of the
staff here.
Miss Florence Day gave a party on
Wednesday evening of last week to
her young friends, proir to her leaving
for London.
Mr. Wm. Tapp, the obliging hostler
at the Central Hotel, is taking a few
weeks holidays. Mr. Wm. Jones is
filling the vacancy.
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Agricultural Society was held
in Brumfield yesterday. It is under-
stood that this society now goes out
of existence.
Mise Ada Blanche, fourth daughter
of Mr. Joseph Rollins, Crystal City,
Mau., formerly of Exeter,was recently
married to the Rev. S. J. Shields of
the Holiness Movement church.
Word was received here on Monday
last of the death at. Brandon, Man., of
Mr. John Keddy, a former resident of
Exeter, who will be remembered only
by the older residents of town.
Reeve A. Q. Bobier and town solici-
tor, L. H. Dickson, went to Ottawa
Tuesday morning on business in con-
nection with the proposed railway
mentioned under "The Exeter Coun-
A slight mistake was made last week
when we said that Mr. Fred Wuerth
was re-elected in Stephen Township.
We should have stated that he was el-
ected, be not having been a councillor
in 1906.
Mr. A. E. Fuke last week purchased
considerable of the stock of the Ross
Taylor Company as well as becoming
an employe of the company and will
be actively engaged in the interests of
the company in future.
Mr. Wm. Smith, who hasbeen visit-
ing his parents, London Road South
for some time, left Thursday eve. to
resume his duties with the Emerson
Shoe Co., Detroit. He was accompan-
ied 11y his sister, Mise Willruet, who
will visit for some time.
The National Portland Cement Com-
pany's annual meeting takes place
shortly in Toronto and stockholders
should see that their proxies are sent
in. We understand that several gen-
tlemen of town are going to the meet-
ing and those not going should entrust
their proxies to then!. A. E. Hod-
gert is going.
When a record in shooting is to be
mode commend us to our old friend,
Jas. Westcott. As the master of a
hunt he is second to none. Recently
he and his son, Frank, shot twenty-six
wild geese in 3o minutes near their
home in Douglas, Man. The lightest
weighed 10 lbs. and the heaviest 13} lbs.
Again In one day's hunt they, with a
friend named Shttetnan, shot two elk
and one moose, the moose weighing
when dressed 900 Its.
Every young lady, who is desirous
of fitting herself so that she may be-
come independent so far as gaining a
livelihood Is concerned and is judicious
enough to prepare against a possible
day of adversity, should read the new
advertisement of the Winghani Busi-
ness College. The dainty, butterfly
lady. who has assurance of being spoon
fed through life, must not read it.
Write us and we will tell you the sec-
ret of our success, which made the
attendance of this year double that of
The initatory Degree Team of Exe-
ter Lodge. I.O.O. F., drove to Bruce•
field on Friday night with Bro. Stan -
bury, 1).D.(1.M., and there exemplified
the work of the initatory degree, af-
ter having first assisted the D. D.G.M.
in installing the officers of Brncefield
Lodge. The visitors were treated vet y
kindly by Pest D.D.G.M., Thomas
Fraser. and the other member -a of
Br icefield Lodge and an excellent sup-
per was supplied for thein at the Dix-
on House where Mr. Bruce Bossenber•
ry is the genial host.
Rev. A. i1. Going is now the poss-
essor of a remit kable pair of canes, the
gift of a brother-in-law, who is a cap-
tain on a lake vessel. They are made
ft len oak planks taken from is British
and an American boat. both of which
were in the War of 1812.4. The Brit-
ish boat was "The General Myers"
which after the engagement on Lake
Erie retreated, with others. up the
Themes river and there sank, while
the American boat was Admiral
Perry's flagship which sank near Fort
Erie. The woad has taken kindly to
polish and together they are a unique
pair of canes.
Nicks' Forecasts for January
A Regular Stnrw Period is at the
beginning of a Venus period. Storni
ce.nditions at this period will develop
and culminate from the 18th to the
:Sete 'rhe crisis will be on and torch•
ing the lllth, at the plunge of the
Moot' over the celestial equator. Rt. -
/we -eel rain and snow storms will peas
oa it the country during this period,
with high bero►neter, gales and cold
ve following close behind and reach.
• g most p.et is about the 21)th and 21st.
Mrs. Mat v A. I3:agshaw is quite ill at
the home orf her son, A. Bagshaw.
Mr. John Charlton received word
last week of the death of his brother,
Alfred. in British Columbia.
Mr. S. `sample, corner of Sitncoeand
Elizabeth streets, will hold ten auc-
tion sale of his household effects ee
Saturday, January 26t teat one o'clock.
Remember the date.
Mr. C. B. Snell has equipped the
street lighting system with a complete
new set of lamps for Main street.
They were used for the first time Tues-
day night and proved a decided iw-
provment on the old ones.
The following are the newly elected
officers of the 11. S. Literary Su'iety:-
Pree., Daisy Dilling; V.P. Mies Greg-
ory; Treas., Frank Clegg: Secy, Lloyd
Davis; Critic, L. Hagan; Journalist,
Beattie Martin; Leader of Glee Club,
Mr. Fletnin ; Question Drawer, B.
Stoneman; Pianist, Ed. Barrows; Pro-
gram Committee, Room 111, Maggie
Coward and Tom Carling, Room I1,
Irene Handford and Ivon Ferguson,
Room I, Vera Rowe and Jessie Man-
The but attraction of the series of
entertainments that were put on by
Mr. Beverley will be given in the Opera
House. Exeter, on Tuesday, Jan 29tb.
This attraction consists of Shungopavi,
the magician and wonder worker, and
his company of musicians. Shangopavi
is a descendant of the "Cliff Dwellers'
prehistoric men, is noted for hie learn-
ing, humor, wit and magical powers.
His every appearance in other nieces
has created wide spread interest.
Don't miss this -the last and the best.
See circulars for further particulars,
Died Is Michigan.
Word was received on Sunday of the
death that day in Newaygo, Mich., of
Mrs. Thomas Vyle, daughter of Mr.
Mark Makins of town. Nodeflnite in-
formation as to the nature of her ill-
ness has been received. A husband
and a family of eight children survive.
The late Mrs. Vyle was a sister of Mrs.
Wm. Welsh of Stephen and Mrs. Jas.
Cockwill of McGillivray; and an aunt
of Thos. Clark, Mrs. John Fletcher
and Mrs. Robt. Fletcher of Usborne.
Church Notes.
Rev. W. M. Martin of the Presby-
terian church was ill last week. He
was stufcently well, however, to oc-
cupy his pulpit on Sunday evening.
Rev. Fear of the Main street church
preached for him in the morning,
while the Main street pulpit was occu-
pied by Mr. Thos. Hartnoll.—Rev.
John Veale of Kirkton preached in
the James street church both morning
and evening, while the pastor, Rev.
Going, was conducting services in
Kirkton.—Revival services commenc-
ed in the James Street church on Mon-
day evening conducted by the pastor.
They will continue throughout the
Stating Party and Dance.
The Exeter Hockey Club's evening
of entertainment Tuesday was fully
appreciated by the large number of
invited guests. The attendance of the
band at the rink made that part of the
evening doubly enjoyable, the lunch
at the Opera /louse was appreciated,
but the grand climax came when the
music gave the signal for the dance to
commence, and the merry whirl was
on. Excellent music was furnished by
Messrs. Win. Brown at the piano, N.
Jarrott and Reg. Case with the violins.
Wm. Berry with the cornet and John
Mallot with the snare -drum; while
Dr. Ramsay called off. Needless to
repeat everybody was well pleased
with the evening'sentertilinntent.
Installation of Officers
D. D. O. M., Bro. J. G. Stehhury
concluded his visits to the I. O. O. F.
bodges in this district when he installed
the officers of Exeter Lodge on Tues-
day evening. They are: Jr.P.G., W.
W. Taman; N.G., S. Rowe; V.G., W.
Frayne; R.S., R. N. Taylor; P.S., A.E.
Fiske; Treas., E. M. Dignan; 1Var., C.
Birney; Con., W. Statham; 1.(3., O.
Southcott; R.S.N.G., W. J. Heilman;
L.M.N.G., Dr.Kinsnuan; R.S.V.G., Jos.
Ianbrook; L.S.V.G., N. Ct uikshank;
It.S.S., E. Haswell; LS.S., C. North-
cott; Chap., J. F. Taylor. A motion
of congratulation was passed to Bro.
Stenbury for the excellent manner in
which he had conducted the service.
parrssrs' Destitute,
The Fanners' Institut() meeting to
be held in the Opera House here to-
day (Thursday), promises to be one of
the most successful ever held here.
The officers in charge are sparing no
pains to bring shout this result atiel
the various subjects to be discussed
have been plaeed in the hands of the
bust practical sten procurable. The
farriers of the district should attend
this meeting es platters of vital impor-
tance will he discussed which will be
the means of posting them on the lat-
est and hest Methods of farming and
' thereby raising the standard of farm•
ling and helping their neighbors. The
address by Miss Fear to the iadies'
Institute in;the afternoon nrnl the en-
tertainment in the evening will be in-
teresting features.
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Dried Apples
66 07
44 45
:t3 :34
75 70
(k) (10
10 00
2 (10
1 25
21 to 2•r
20 00
19 00
9 per lb
7 •.
10 "
10 "
1.9 ..
7 .,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gidley are both
quite ill at their home.
Wal. Bruwacombe left last week to
fill a position in London.
Mr. Percy Moir of Burford is home
on a visit..
Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon of Toronto
visited relatives here last week.
Mr. P. C. Luxton has returned to
his home in South Bend, Ind., after a
visit with relatives here.
Mr. Adams of Calgary, who has been
visiting at his home in Sarnia, spent
Sunday in town.
Miss Tillie Yager, after spending the
millinery season at Niagara -on -the -
lake. returned to her home here Tues-
d Among those present at the lteneral
of the late Charles Senior were hie
two sons, William and Charles, of
Mr. Chas. Tebbutt was called to his
home in Holmesville on Saturday ow-
ing to the illness of his sister. She is
now improving.
Mrs. Walter Graham and two child-
ren of London were here Tuesday,
owing to the illness of Mrs. Graham's
mother, Mrs. Bagshaw.
Mrs. Geo. Staples and son, James,
after an extended visit at the home of
Mrs. Harness, returned to their home
in Cadilac, Mich., last week.
Miss Lou Brimacombe of Wapella,
Sask., arrived here Friday last and
will spend a few weeks with her sis-
ters. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Howard.
Mrs. J. T.Westcott, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. J. Diehl of Cypress
River, Man., are visiting relatives at
Hensel!, Kippen and Colborne town-
Mr. Simon Downey of Carstairs,
Alberta, visited in town last week, the
guest of Mr. John Spackman. Mr.
Downey ie one of the many who have
prospered in the west. He returned
Mr. A. T. Hind of Stoughton, Sask.,
editor of Stoughton Times, visited re-
latives and friends in apd around town
during the week. Tom learned the
art of printing here several years ago
and has since been following the trade
in various places in the West.
Mr. Gus.Handford of Renfrew spent
Sunday and Monday in town, the
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Handford. Mr. Handford bee
been in Toronto shipping a new stock
of photographer's supplies to his broth-
er, Wilbur, who was burned out at
Lethbridge recently, mention of which
was made last week. The fire loss was
complete, no insurance being carried.
Happy New Year to A1119
Is the one flour that never
fails to give good results
when used under proper
conditions. Never was it ae
popular as at present.
if you prefer a Pure Man-
itoba Flour use our new
White Seal.
We have just t'eteived another
car of American Corn which we
will sell or exchange on reason-
able terns.
o --o
tAle rigsALA' ilk Alt sect akar
Mrs. Samuel Martin is visiting in
Mr. John Torrance was in towni,n
Mr•. James Sweet returned from
London last week.
Messrs. Jos. Davis and N'. W. Tette
en were in leeltton Monday,
Mise Clara Rau of London is spend•
ing a few days in town.
Mrs. Hairy Stat Ilam of Acton is vis-
iting at h •r old home bele.
Miss Annie SIMI on of Ottawa vioit.
eel Mrs. John Speck man last week.
Mr. Garfield Barbarian of Jarvis is
visiting in town, the guest of Mr. S. M.
Mr. R. J. prawn e,f Owen Seend re-
turned to his home Tuesday alter 8
visit here.
Mr. Fred Moore of (filen Adelaide.
Sask.. arrived here last week on a visit
to friends and relatives.
Mr. Thos. Smallaren ibe of Crystal
('ity, Man., who has been visiting
friends here, left Monday to visit
ldr. Thomas Hoyle re tut tied here
from London on Saturday. We me
der•stand Mr. Hoyle will accept a poli
tion in town.
Mr. Wm. Brimecornla' of liatnueta.
Man., whole spending the winter with
his father, visited (Heeds in and
around Exeter during the a eck.
require nee e care dining the winter.
Bard winds and frost- air make the
use of sum... healer ah+olntely ieces-
sa r y.
All the well-known preparations for
the skin are to he found to our stock
of toilet *aides.
is specially recommended for chapped
hands, fare, lip'.. etc. Excellent for
gentlemen after shaving.
Only 25 rents per bottle.
W. S. IIQEL PIiiii.8.
Chemist and Optician. EXETER
I'Iione :,t).
NEXT i)OOIt 10 POST OFFi(•1''
We keep a full stock of
Building Hardware, Paints, Glass,
Oil, Nails, Etc.
Repairs for the Frost & Wood, and
Cockshutt Plows.
Gc11io� Ready For in1er 1
This is the time of the year when one begins to furn-
ish the house for winter.
We Help to Furnish the Home
By supplying Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites,
Parlor and Extension Tables, Rockers, Chairs
Pictures, Etc. Call to see these goods and you
will find the "price suited to the article' Ind "both to
suit you."
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Children's Coats!
Justa few left. If cutting the price will sell these, they
will not last long.
Heavy, serviceabe tweeds in grey, green and brown.
Regular prices $1.50, $5.00 and $5.50,
To Clear at $3.50.
Of extra heavy Milton cloths in navy, fawn and red. Reg-
tr+ar prices $3.00 to $4.00
To Clear at $1.50.
Itt'F1•'S, STOLES, MUFFS and ('AL'S. There are still a
few first-class articles left to clear tat
Special Discount of 25 Per Cent.
Regular 20e. a yatd, sale price 15c. yard
" 15(-, 11. 61
" S yards for $1.00
,. 10 „ ., ,. 12 .. ,. ,.
10 " „ ,.
New Prints, Ginghsms and Muslim', Two big shipments
opened this week. You are invited to Inspection.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E, Sanford Clothing
Dress Goods
Art Mnslins
Art Satins
Wrapper( ttes
('o t