HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-17, Page 7HOUSEHOLD FRIEND.
Peruna to a household friend in
more than a million homes. This
'timber is increaaing every day.
Peruna has become a household word
all over the English *peaking world.
It is an old tr-. d remedy for all ca-
tarrhal diseases of the head, throat,
lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and
female organs.
Ask Your Druggist for Free Peru=
Almsaac for 1907.
'So yo:I haven't (loaded, 1'rnulein?
1s Ih' ch.tice between Herr Nanhcirn and
111e so dilllculti"
"Oh, the choice isn't dilllcult ! The
only difficult thing is to communicate my
decision to you 1"
-- 11 your children moan and are rest-
less during sleep, coupled, when awake,
suint a less of appetite, pale counten-
mace, picking of the nose. ele., you
'say depend upon 11 That the primary
cause of the trouble is w•ornls. Mother
Graves' Worst Exterminator effectually
removes these pest.,, at encu relieving
L'.e little sufferers.
Doctor - Nlndnm, your husband roust
that a absolute rest.
Sindam—Well, doctor, he won't listen
to 1ns---
DOctor—A very good beginning, ma-
d.uu, n very good beginning.
Speechlr;s and Paralyrsd.--'I had val.
vulnr disease of the heart,- writes Mrs.
J. y. Goode. of Truro. N.S. "I suffered
terribly and was often sprerhle-s and
partially paralyzed. One dose of Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the ileart gave rue re.
Ilof, and before I finishru one bottle I
wee_ able to go about To -day I am a
wed woman. ---43
Di1 1• Eltl•.N'I' '1'1IEN.
"Voile husband dresses very quietly,"
remedied file visitor.
"At limes," rejoined Mrs. Hyatt, "hut
you ought to hear taus when his collar
buttons roll under the bureau."
Frank I . \Vellingte, I hu, died al his
home in Trimly Avi nor, New York, the
victim of a dlFeast: which caused Iia
brute; t, snap like glna•. One clay while
bol len;; n strap in n ,street ear his arm
stamped eft. A steel tme later n Icg
bone s :upped. According to his physi-
cian th s terrible condition was brought
AIrelit by taking Medicate
whlrh C0
1 ri certain mineral pnison.
•\g .in end again has it leers demon-
strat 1 that mineral medicine.i are
harmful. it Is because Means. futile
cue; eUeetive fur ell liver and digestive
disorde r, y, t contain tin Irnce of any
:tenon!. but are. oli the contrary, pure-
Iy het bell, that they hater %von the puttee
of r,1 Jicnl Inen, trained nurses and
scientists all Me wort? over. Biteans
eater from nearly evt•ry other liver
fltthiicttie in containing no mercury,
and from ncnrly eery other stnnnnch
htalteine in being free fr.)rtt biemulh.
They or' also free from alcohol. They
are c onepe und.d from the lines( known
malls/nal herbs and foods. rind are thus
the lest fanlity medicine that can be
rl, ninetl. They operate gently on the
'owes. curing constipation and piles.
They correct aeldeny of the almoneh,
ttt•mu!nte the digeelion, lune up the
liver, noel cerise' the secretion of tile.
Tlneir mei`, ral action Is at the same )nue
torr.' it • end Ltnic--correcting faulty
F: ere rete , ' n og rip freak and dchil:•
ln!:v1 or I'h••y Thus cure anemia.
g:•ern s .• , e . female ailments and
irrel;lrino • 1 eel inlpnritie., rheu-
m eti-:.:, • , ! .e'hr, gas. pain in
Ut.• yh ! 1 o the shmllders,
ren-tipat, e. ; . ell female nil
manes. A!' .!r. and Mores st•11
intron. 01 fitly e, ,:. n box, or post
fere fresh: lie It '.ran Co., Toronto, an
receipt of pylae.
1:.isv 7'0 al \KI: A %Hsi' l: E
flow a Fleeing Cashier %\'as Found--
Discotery of a Guinn of
All p:•ofessional criminals and most
police olllcers mid detectives are super-
stitious. They believe in luck. It is luck
if the criminal ge's away, and it is luck
if he gets caught. Fortunately for
society, the luck a - wally is against the
criminal and on the side of the law.
Ono detective on the central Malt \vas
looking for a pickpocket recently. say..
Chtcagu Tribune, and was in a fever
-f impatience to get hold of the man
that afternoon Leeause it was feared he
would leave lotvn. Ther p ekporket romld
Hot be found at any of his usual haunts.
11e was known to be i, baseball fan, and
the dote five. who was the only mein 011
!hr force that knew tho offender by
sight, dezided al once !hat he was al.
'ending the game. 11 Kapp; ned, Itnw-
ever, that there was a game that after-
noon at both the ball parks. 11 tuns a
question of South Sitio or West Side,
and the detective nipped a coin to see
%•here he should go. The coin sent the
nfllcer west. and his tine was with hint.
The pickpocket was heated in the grand
stand and fcllowerl and taken into cus-
It is astonishingly easy to snake a mis-
'eke in trashing down a criminal, 01111
1t is no eliiioarage►nent to the police that
a blunder, sometimes on the pert of the
offender and sometimes on the part of
the officer, often carries the hunter
-straight to his quarry. A recent instance
of this kind seems almost providential.
The cashier of a grain company on 1.a
Saito Street had been plunging on his
own account and vas behind in his cash
to the lune of several thousand dollars.
ills employers complained to the bond-
ing company, which stood responsible,
and at the same lisle tate cashier got
wind of Iho exposure and bought n
ticket for Itis home town in \\ iceman,
and left on the afternoen train. A de-
tective was alter t►in► within Iwo hours.
But the detective, to while away the
time on the train. engaged in e.1 gunge of
whist wills a party of drummers, and be-
fore he realized it was curried hero towns
past the elation where he was supposed
te change ears. Cursing his luck, the
sleuth left the train and found by in-
quiries that he could not get back to the
junction point for two hours.
Ile wandered around the village
streets and ran almost into the arms of
the: fugitive. who, by a cults trick. was
wailing thero for a train to take hint
westward. it is such things ns this that
cause detectives to
Some limo ago an odd piece of luck
enabled the city police to lip off a den
of counterfeiters to the Government de -
teeth e3. • In a raid on n poker joint a
young man who was known to the
police was captured ttdh the other
pinyin's, and nt (ho slatiun it was de-
rails! to search him, just for luck.
c •,•al new half dollars were di -coveted
in his pockets, and (hese were found to
hs counterfeits of tho cleverest kind. be-
ing of good weight and ringing almost
trop. '
•Iho man was detained and his room
on Illinois Street was .searched. A
quart or more of the coins were found
in the bottom of his trunk. but no dies
or melting pots were discovered. It was
clear that the poker player was "shoving
the queer" for a den of comers. No-
thing teas said about his arrest, but a
Gnvernm.•nt detective rented the room
ncre>.cg the hall and shadowed every one
who called to see lite man while he was
lying In the station.
That night the plant of the counter-
feiters was discovered in a basement
near the north branch of the river,
and the entire gang is serving time.
A notorious ('ranch murderer was
discovered by n lucky accident in a cote
el Havre. A Liele :live who was dining
Utero happened to overhear a young than
making inquiry of the cafe keeper as to
Iho formalities necessury to securo pas-
sage for America. On being told that
Oral of all his papers must be in mater.
ho admitted that he had none. The de-
tective look hint in cusludy on the
chance that tie Wright he a criminal.
When he its searched documents were
found connecting hien with the I'anin
which at Ihnt thne was creating an im-
nlense sensation all over Prance. it
eventually transpired that this youth—
he was hitt 19 years old—hod in the
roost cold-blooded manner murdered a
family of eight people in order to secure
their little busmen of money. The police
had not a singlelclew until I ) (written -
cri e -Irdiscovery of the fact that this young
noun find no ptsspnrt.s.
1t was Irick --and bad lurk for him—
that cnttsed a west side woman to write
a message to her criminal lover with a
hnrrl pencil o11 a soft pad of paper. The
police had been watching her for n
week in vain effort to discover his hid-
ing place. They knew she was writing
to hien. but they never could intercept
Ilse missive's. 11u•0 ono dny a detective
found Hie poet on ttlueh site had just
written. The starer{) I►ninte 1 haul pencil
had tett the address indented on the
street below.
A police (MTteer on the northwest side
discovered the holy of n murdered girl
50011 years ego, because he terns lucky
enough to Ileac a dreg that insisted upten
1 IIoei ng him, 'I ne girl ilisnppenred and
the whole country had 'wen searched for
her, rind not the slightest truce had been
disrovere,l. Tho grieving mother In -
tasted that the young woman land been
rounder, d. The police thought Ihnt she
had run away. The officer who found
1I•e holy was walking nrrtoss the prairie.
followed by his fat Terrier, that refused
to he left at home. The dog. Molina the
body of the unfortunate girl halt honed
lerneuth weeds and rubbish. barked so
loudly Ihat This master followed hits to
the spot.
Some tt•e.nlen 11. ik as if they had put
011 Wttr complexions wrong side r ut.
OLD It011 iN 110ISEs. t4. 9
Dealing .apparatus Dis otered in a Ruin
In Britain.
An unusual type of ItoHann villas has
atesii unearthed on the site of Iles
ancient ttontan encampment in Britain
at Caerwt-nl. The remains hate been
found to bo in excellent state of preser-
vation. A departure from the conven-
tional practice of the Romans in the de-
signs of their residen'es, as revelled 1•y
previous excavations in Etat country, Is
Me provision of extra roosts abutting
•el the four sides of the courtyard. In
thy' basements two completely perfet't
healing devices or 11).p/realists were
f.,,und, together with the peculiar blue
tiles utilized by the owners for conduc-
ting the heat front the store in the base-
ment atd radiating it through the upper
reams of the dwelling. In Ilse basement
-onto exquisito specimens of Roman
',eying were unearthed.
CLOGS \VOR\' Bl• EN('LlSIl \\'OIiIC-
An ecknowlcdged authority has esti-
rataled there ere at least 4,000,000 pairs
of clogs sold in the northern counties of
England every year. Different woods
are preferred in different districts. The
workers in factories and other indoor
occupations in such districts as Bolton,
Oldham and Preston prefer a sole made
from either alder or birch, while in the
colliery distric!s such as Wigan, beech,
birch and ash aro most generally used.
the first nunief in each instance being in
greatest demand. Some ldra of the im-
mense quantity of soles used may be
gathered from an estimate that each pair
of clogs will be resold twice beforo bo-
ing replaced by a new pair, Thus averag-
ing three pair of soles to the life of one
pair of clogs.
l..tM-lit K.
Once more Zorn -link, the great hrrl:al
balm. has been proven Lastly superior
to orJinary remedies, and has cured
where other preparations had signally
Mr. J. C. Bate,, of Burk's Falls, re-
ports Iho caso referred to. Ito says :
"ate three children were all broken out
with sores on face, hands and feet.
Their condition was pitiable, and al-
though I tried various ointments and
salves they did not get at the root
of the evil, and the sores contin-
ued to spread. One (1e. I sow it re-
port in a local newspaper Letting how
beneficial Zam-Ruk was for skin dis-
eases, ulcers, • c. i got a supply of the
balm and applied it to the children's
sores. Almost immediately they got re-
lief, and the sores began to heal. In
one week Znm-Buk overcame the trouble,
and to -day the children have not a pim-
ple or spot or mark of disease on their
skin. %ant-13uk is n splendid healer."
Zaurl3uk is a healing baht coin -
pounded from saps and essences of
the flmest known nle(Ilcinal hurl s. 11
has high nntiseptiq power, killing dis-
ease germs which settle on sores noel
eruptions. etc., and which sot up fester-
ing, blond poison and suppuration. 11
cures eczema, skin rashes, cuts. burl.,
bruises, abscesses, ulcers, acne, black-
heads, ringworm. blood poison. etc. 11
heals cracked and chapped hands, cold
sort, etc. As an embrocation it gives
speedy relief in castes of muscular rheu-
matism, sciatica, etc. Rubbed on the
chest in cases of colds, it relieves the
tiuhlness and aching. All druggists and
stores sell at CNN•. a box, or nlny lee ob-
tained post free from the %aur -Bok Co.,
Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 )mixes
for 82.50. Send One cent stamp for
dainty trial box.
The Boss: "How many children have
you I'at ?"
New Janitor: "Siven sor."
Tho Boss: "\Vtty, you have quire n
family to support."
New Janitor : "Faith. an' 1 hate, see;
an' it they all didn't earn their own
livin' Oi couldn't do it al all. at all."
Pilo sufferers knew that Ointments
and other Meal treatments sometimes
relieve hul never cure. They don't te-
nuove the cause.
There is a little tablet that taken
internally removes the cause of I'i!es
and cures any o1140. of any kind no mat-
ter hots long standing.
A month's !refitment costs *1.(10. Ask
for Dr. Leonhardt's 11e►n-Itnid (a thnu-
eand dollar guarantee goes with every
All dealers, or The Wilson -Pyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Fails, Ont.
AN I:LE(.:fltiC TEST.
The officials of New Y,erk are very
severe nn .
fnk , beggars end bogus
> s f n dent and dutub .len
cripples. . I stranger
H fauna begging 0r w,lieiling alms there
h^ Is put to the following lest Iia prove
thnt he is really In need of ail and un-
able to help himself. A pita erfltl elec-
tric batter)' has been pr•oaidrel al each of
11.e several hospitals, in'Pwiten a "north'
i± found risking for .(lid he i, taken to
the hospital and he "juice' La lurnett
On. It the victim ots the limit without
"hollering" he is turned loose and leer -
milled to continue his business 01 living
without working. During one week Ilve
"fake" omnia aero discovered through
the use of the e1, , 1 .r battery.
\\'Isle --Say, pa, if "cls." is short for Thiel Injects Powerful Narcotic late
tents, what is short for dollars?" Ilse Fane.
l'a--.ill [harried then, sty son.
Does fit
Pen -
has the soft
warm feel
the skin enjoys.
Doesn't itch.
Made for men, wo-
men and little folks,
in a variety of styles,
fabrics and prices.
Weasthar to every dr alerin Pen -Angle
Underwear to replace. at cur cost, say
warn Wry is material or making,
"Health and Vigor depend upon the
quality and qualtUly of the blood "—
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price SO cents per Bottle.
Ifau are net able to obtain It in your
■elyhh.rhoo.t, we will soul W any ad-
dress two b..ttl.s upon receipt of 4N K
DOi.I.AR (Soo. per bottle) carriage
Paraehlet seat rata in aplleatlee,
The Careen Medicine Company;
17 Wellington St. Wets, - Toronto;
"Whitt M mi-,erahle life Brown live;.
Itis a veil:ahle dog existence," "Why
so :'" "1 hs wife is for ever calling him
Ise 1:arr:es 1"
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cared in 30 minutes by Wol.
ford's Sanitary Lotion- It r falls.
"Well. Kitty, what is wrong with Iho
young a nap your mother wants you to
say 'Yep' to?" "1 hale hint ! 1 should
like him to be unhappy all Itis lite."
""1 turn marry hitt, dear.'
For the Overworked—What aro the
cru .e, of despondency and melancholy?
A disordered liver is ono cause and a
prime one. A disordered liver means
a disordered stomach, a disordered
stomach means disturbance of the
nervous system. This brings the whole
body Into subjection and the victim
fee!, sick all over. I'arntel ee's Vege-
table Pills are a recognized remedy :n
Itis state and relief will follow their
Mistress to Mnid: "Bridget whit a
largo lire you left in the kitchen I.a..1
night when you went to bed." "Yes.
mum. I)id you thutk I should take it
with roue?"
Manly atren;tb and Womanly Beauty
depend on purity of tion blood. and much
of that purity depends on perfect kidney
filtering. if these organs are diseseed
and will not perform their fonetiees,
mrn will seek in vain for strength and
unman free 1 '- itty. 0.u10 Aiteriesn
. Kidney Cure drives out all Impe:rit.es
through the body's "fit•rors"--repairs
west spots. --40
"Grandpa," asked little- 1larold, tt•ho
was on n visit in the country, "is that
bell on the cow to keep her from falling
asleep in this quiet ghee 7"
Itching, Burning, Skin Diseases Cued
for Ttelrtyttve cents. Dr. Avnew'n Oint.
wont relieves in one day. and cures 'Tete
ter. Salt Rheum. Scald field. l:.-remn,
Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blott•hes and all
eruptions of the skin. it is soothing and
suit -time and acts like magic in the cure
el all babe humors. SS coots.- 47
Pew nice have Milk enough 1r, leave
their umbrellas to tho vestibule of a
The (keenest Teale Is "lrerrevim.- it le
pIe%ssnt in taste and contains ret the •uuriab-
sru.t an.14tron.;th that are need -
W by these ash.. are .ick and wish,.
There ore soma people clothed with
power whom it (locatt'I IP.
The 1:flee'. Produced h tviteh Duel when
•o,al,ined with tlenthul a. Tenni in '•'rho n & 1."
Menthol 1•la•l.r aro tnA wacecJ, 1t being •
?pectate fur ebunmatisa and neuralgia.
r:Re to Ihr t -id the Inst you hate.
noel the beta well come back to you.
Nip Dlsenee in the Rud.—It is (liQicull
to et-adirale n dicenoe after it has be -
crenae 101tcd. Iherefire 11 Ls Wi- , In
take any ailment in Its initial Mares
and by salt remedies as ere sullicient,
slop it in i13 course. Cold is (ire cent-
mnne.t complaint of man and Mien
tegle:te.I lead: to serious results. I►r.
'I'hi►mng Ertertrae Oil will euro the
severest cold or most violent cough.
Thal the ruler of the eyes should nffeet
their strength may seem strange. yet
Ittnt such is the ease tired not nt this
time of day be doubted. turd those whose
eyes 1 itt brown or dark -colored should
1•i informed that they nre weaker ruin
more 31tsceplihle to injury from endeds
causes than grey or blue eyes. lee. 1
blue eyes nre genertnlly the most power
fit, and next to those nre grey. 'Ilse
lighter the pupil, the greater and longer
continues is the degree of tension the
eye ran Slist:titn.
Nothing 1•.ok.e none ng'y than to see
s petee,n whose 1i -e11 14 erre cot 'r. d eliviT
with warts. \\hy h ee e !!, s.• el:sil�ure-
Inent ( on you- pet, til \Owe e a .nre' ie.
iroter of r:i' t•,:its. yore., rile, can i,•
found In 1:o'loway:s ('.,ern (sure,
SCII(Ntf. r;.\DOE \S.
11 14 shtlyd tint nearly $ (YA school
rar:L'nr exist In A11-drii. not including
the staler kingdom of Iling;are. TI t
free r.11t',erlehl with bolts private ail 1
• .:,l .• s-1: re!, ani are used for our -
I. :.:s of lir,. he it ies'r►eli oI in horti-
, t'lurr nail err. --growing. end niter) con-
. belnmral muse...mei era see -hits.,
1 r U it4t11: Wo. 2- 47.
A few night.: ago a hrenoh gentium: n
was travelling from litualcmix to I'nris
n u first-class corridor cordage. 'there
was only one other occupant of the com-
partment- -u man wearing n fur ulster.
Ilan two travellers settled themselves
.1.,tt n to sleep, and the elan in the fur
'oat drew the shade over the lamp so as
e make Ilse light dint.
The first passenger then fell sound
e•+' i,, mill ieni'mbered nothing more
site Ilse train slopped for a fesv min -
we, ata large elation, nl•oul 2 o'clock in
the morning. The other occupant of the
carriage inuucdiulely left the train, and
his fellow-iraveller was turning over 10
go to sleep again, when be became
aware nt n peculiar sensation on the
left side of his nose, immediately under
the eye. Ile mechauniciall; rubbed the
;pot, when II smarted ti little. His head
also seemed heavy, and he was unable
t•) go to sleep again, only dozing
On reaching Paris In the morning he
discovered !trill his pocketbook, cotlai, -
imlr: his railway lickt I tont e.204 ill Ile ete'.s.
awns Wassng from 11,:• ,it Inside pocket
or his cunt. The on'y outer person wild
had entered Iho carriage was the fur -
coated mon who ltd got out in the
night. ,Her relating the circumstances
le lite police, het drove to his usunt hotel,
and Ile -re his 'Mention was called to the
fact that there WETS something the mat-
ter with his left eye.
Ile consulted n doctor. who told him
that he had 1 t•in subjected to an injec-
tion of some narcotic by means of a
airgieal needle. 'file doctor added that
the stranger could easily have killed
him by injcx:ling a poison instead of a
Just • Word of caution; where the akin 1e
deslroyod by burns ur scalds apply Weavers
Cerate irnu,udiatuly : tLe sooner the better,
"Cook ere awfully expensive lt:vtn•-
ics," said !Ors. Howe.
"All -fired," said ?lr. Howe, as he
emerged from the kitchen after dismiss-
ing the twenty-Ihn'd.
So popular Is [tickle's Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup as a medicine in the treat-
ment of colds and coughs or ailments of
the throat, due lo exposure to
draughts, or auddnn changes of tem-
perature, that druggists and all dealers
in patent medicines keep supplies on
hand to meet Ute demoted, It is plea-
sant by lake, and the 11.44: of it gunr::n-
lces freedom from throat and lung dis-
Dupont: "1 think your son will be
celebrated if he lives long enough."
Durand: "ht what way 7"
Dupont: "Why, for his old age."
Ttvltchy Muscles and Sleeplessness,—
Thc hopeless heart sickness that "-Wes
upon a man or woman whose nerves ore
shattered by disease can best he pic-
tured in colorant with a patient who has
hean in the -depth'" and ham been
dr: tied frier them by South American
Nervier (1e-orre Webster, of Forest. tint..
ens's: "1 owe my life to it. Everything
else failed to cure mo" --44
Tntn—"Thnt girl 1 saw ye;u wilt in
a cafe yesterday had a hearty laugh.'
D:cic--".she ought to, After the lunch
I bought sur!"
No Reasonable flan expo:ts to euro a neglect.
p4 add in • day. But tune and .1llen's tense
Milian' will orm,,om the c...,ld and stave
sR c n.•umptiun. t'.,ugh will cease nod twigs be
IA sound a. a naw .L.L,ir.
IN'1'I':It\I \fatIA(ai AND CANCER.
So little is really known el the mys•
tcriee of censer That the Merest scraps of
information with regard to it ought not
t e be neglected. At the village of
' .1 ,vely, E ughtnd, nn Ileo North Devon
east, n eery large percentage of deaths
! is due to cancer, and the reason locally
given is lite habit of intermarriage neces-
sarily,, brought about in place so widely
severel h•um the outside world. The
slnte of affairs appears to be et en wane
til (tucks Mills. a fishing hamlet three
miles ntv.y, where intermarriage has
leen carried en to such tut i 5fretful that
ono sut'ttnrne is alntet,t su!ll ient to de-
siguatir the whole of (tic population of
the village.
I\fotter-Tommy, what's your little
brother cry:ng about?
.e I'm e•rhu' it t' cage ten'
won't g.vet Ilium ony.
Mother --is his own cake finished?
'fonmty--Yt:- lis: an' he cried while i
\t'us sal:n That, loo.
_ -
•el,,u say you were in the saloon nt
the bene of the essaull referred to In tho
complaint t" questioned the lawyer.
• ssr, replied diel the WHIR'S,.
"MI you lake cognizance of the pati
keeper at the tinier
"1 don't know w•1►nt he called it, sor,
but I look what the rest
A Startled Mothor
Nears That Coiigh
S:Is Th'n'ts of the Consoquenoost
—Croup, Whooping Cough
or Lung Trouble.
If she is a wise mother she will haul
the never -failing remedy at hund—
C:ollsfoole Expectorant.
it Ls the best, the safest, the most
reliable and positive cure for all forint
of cough;, colds, croup, whooping
cough, sore throat, bronchitis, ustluut
and lung trouble. No harmful drugs
The must delicate child, the weakest
stomas tt, welcomes it. 11 is pleasant to
take. It is the most reliable householl
remedy known to medical selene*
effecting remarkable cures every day.
"Having used your Cnit.toote Kapeetorant 1
cnasider it a .pl.ndi,l oedicine for o-.uahs ur and
thr.,at or lung trouble. Would net like to 0.
without it In the house."
51135. J. I.LOt'n,
a'lttorla, Oat
Thousands have borne similar testi
mony to tho wonderful curative proper,
ties of Coltsfoote Expectorant. At alt
druggists, 25c. per bottle. No othee
Cough Medicine "Just as good" es
usE Prime OIL
No real need to buy the more expensive
oils if GOOD BURNEIL is used
and KEPT CI.eAN.
If you want a BIG LIGHT—THass oa
FOUR (:AS JETS 114 0141—
For Sale by Dealers
"\\'I►en 1 said the average woman
hadn't any brains 1 did not mean to
offend you."
"Now you have offended me with your
"1\ by 7"
"It shows That you think 1 ant an aver-
age tt•onutn."
Something Moro than a Purgative—
To purge is the only effect of many
pills now on the market. Parmelce's
Vegetable fills are more than a par.
gative. They strengthen the stomach,
where other pills weaken it. 'I'hpy
cleanse the blood by regulating the liv-
ryee and kidneys. and they stimulate
where other pill compounds depress.
Nothing of an injurious nature, used
ter merely purgative powers, enters in•
to their composition.
Valet : "Do you think nester's illness
will prove: fatal? 'E throws every-
thing in the place at mc, sir."
Doctor : "No, Jorkins. Those are not
death throes "
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hispreecription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURL:
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH wiU cure you
as quickly?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done fur tho past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will curd you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold care it with
The Low Down
Ciea� SCpn�010(
has proven to 1.•e nor of tho bea all-
round Cream Sepnralore ter a Sennet
10 buy.
WP$7C ?
bemuse it IS built for h,ird every -:lay
use, la a giiod skimmer, IBMs inter-
elringeable ball -bearings. is easy to
wash and turn, and has I.ow Deewn
Supply lank. If you consider. your
ewe Interest you will see the Inaiererved
Low Ik.wn Oxford berme buying.
This ad will only appear once, so write
lo.lay for ratan, tie :and price 10
1 15111'rn.
nib . ton . and rletlry •
T t1 T(11 A M , e 1-3 24
Of W iL�i Suelea St., Ottawa, 11,11.