HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-17, Page 5THE
which enables a young lady or
gentleman to pare a good Hying
is a proper one.
EACH STUDENT is instructed
at his own desk; consequently
the baekward or rusty feel quite
at borne in the
Clinton Business College
Affiliated with Busines. College %Ingham)
Excellent text -hooka, unexcel-
led facilities. A 1 teachers, and
situations for graduates.
Write for catalogue.
13EO. SPOTTON - Principal
Winter '06
You will want something for
the home to mark the passing
of Xmas. Tide
A Piano or Organ
is always is a most suitable
gift. Then in
we show the best in makes
and finish. In small
MUSICAL Instruments
and Children'sSleighs we show
a varied stock. Also in
Hymn Books, Bibles and
Fine Stationery
we win the cake. Prices and
terms are most liberal. -
—IS THE --
Tho Standard of the World.
it is right in every respect.
Right in .vorkmanship, Right
in price. Right in time. Hight,
every time. Accur'ttely adjust-
ed. Fitted in either gold, sil-
ver or nickel cases, Let us sell
you a watch.
The Jeweller -
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only sato effectual Monthly
Iteguiatur on Is tech woolen can
depend. sold la three degrees
ot strength—No. 1. t13; No. it.
lO degre(•a stronger • No. 3,
for special cacte, per box.
Sold by all dru ata. or Bentw
prepaid on rece pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address : Tog
CsstNtetotstco..TONONTo.ONT. UcrnwrlyWineson
Biddn'ph: SII-. To•eh, y, a form'•t
iel,iden1 e•t chis tree a ship. nnd;1 gr.t '11
ate of Victoria Ilo:pied. London. hi's
IPae+ed 1h.• Inger,oll 8utitsii11111 from
Miss Itv.er• and t;eken possession. SIi
will be itssistcd by \ii -s :%', t'lia
a gt•adn.ltl rause of Detroit.
Blyth: .k to .rri:.ge teak place Mon-
day evening et the horse Of Jan, z
Walker. the eon! rite' ieg pat tie. hare;
his elites, 11 •lighter Eliz Ise• h ilial .1
W. B.•11. Beth are we! and fat o, al ly
knonti in Blyth. Only a very few
friends s.•re present to Weln••s+ 1h.•
tieing of the fanpti•tl knot. Hey. %V.
11. Har [ley it le•Isting.
Mlle. Robltaille Tolls Mow Mrs. Pinks
ham's Advice Yelps Working Girls.
Girls who work
a r e particularly
susceptible to fe-
male disorders, es -
I. -daily those who
are obliged to stand
on their feet from
morning until night
in stores or facto-
Day in and day
out the girl toils,
anal she is often the
bread -winner of the family. Whether
she is sick or well, whether It rains or
shines, she must go to her place of em-
ployment, perforin the duties enacted of
her—smile and be agreeable.
Among this claws the symptoms of
female diseases aro early manifest by
weak and aching backs, pain in the
lower limb's and lower part of the
stomach. In consequence of frequent
wetting of the feet, periods lecorne pain-
ful and irregular, and frequently there
are faint and dizzy spells, with loss of
appetite, until life is a bunien. All of
these symptoms point to a derangement
of the female organism which can be
easily and promptly cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound.
Mile. Alma Rohitaille, 78 me St.
Francois, Quebec, Quebec, tells what
this great medicine did for her. She
near Mrs. Pinkham
' Overwork and long hours at the office,
together with a neglected cull, brought on a
very serious female trouble until finally I
was unable to go to lurk. I then thought
of a friend who had taken hydie E. Pink-
harn s Vegetabio Compound when her
health war in the same condition that mine
was and straightway sent out for a bottle.
I finished that abet took two more before
1 really began to improve but after that my
recovery was very rapid and I was soon
well and able to go hack to work again. I
certainly think your medicine for sic
women worthy ot praise and am indted
glad to endorse it. '•
It is to such girls that Mrs. Pinkham
hulk out a helping hand and extends
a cordial invitation to correspond with
her. She is daughter-in-law of Lydia
1:. I'inkhanl and for twenty -flue years
has been advising eiek women free
of charge. fl(•r long rtt•ord of success in
treating w•nlnan'e ills makes her lettere
of advice of untold value to every ailing
working girl.
llt•ttSitil TAilySr '%F' AO -Ur Sir` v if NI lUr
tIi,s Millie Petty is honer Item Wile
nipeg, where sate has been etigagrd as
stenographer for solute time.-- Vi -s N.
Corbett le -unmet !.*torch}- Rona 1)e-
treit owing to i11 health.—O. Geiger
zed family attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. Suraruh at Zurich uu Sou•
day. Disceased was a cousin of Mr.
Geiger's. --Mr. Mutant, who has been
foreman of the tuuuldiug department
of the Hensall foundry for some time,
has resigned.—John Moore, who has
accepted a position at the foundry
here, has moved with his family- to
town from Seaforth. \Ve welcome
the new comers to our midst. —We are
pleased to state that Mr. Murray is
daily improving.—Robes t Norris of
Davidson. Sask., is visiting in this vi-
cinity.—Mr. Maw of Chatham bas ac-
cepted a position as miller at the lieu -
sell naitla.—P. Lamont and Root. Win-
ters each shipped a carload of cattle
tc Toronto on Saturday.—A very in-
teresting event took place recently in
Detroit when one of our popular young
ladies, Miss Lon V. Thompson, daugh-
ter of Mrs. W. Thompson, was mar-
ried to James R. Barnett of Wniket•-
vilte. We extend congratulations.—
The Epworth League held a social ev-
ening on Monday night. An interest-
ing program was rendered after which
a dainty lunch was served.—B. Phillips
wise in town Monday looking for a
house and will move here shortly.—D.
Kaercher of Mildmay visited Hensall
friends recently.—Wes. Moore's hand
which was injured recently is getting
along nicely. Willie Weismiller is
also recovering from the effects ot his
recent accident.—Miss Margaret Bon-
thron has returned front Barrie. She
leaves next month for Toronto where
she will take a course in the General
Hospital.—A friendly game of hockey
was played here Saturday between
Exeter and Hensall Juniors. The score
resulted in favor of the home team -
7 -0.—A large crowd took advantage
of the skating on Saturday evening,
although the ice was not in very good
condition.—The funeral of the late %V.
J. Miller took place Friday and was
1 trgely attended. ►The nurse, who ac•
c'ompanied the remains here, is spend-
ing a few days with Mrs. Miller.—Ed.
Shaffer, who spent a month in Toron-
to with his family, has returned to
town.—John S. Wren and wife have
returned to Toronto after a few days'
visit here.—We are pleased to note
the daily improvement in Mr. \\'run's
health, he being aide to sit up two or
three hours each day.—Donald Nevin is visiting from Miulitolia.—P.
Triggerson and wife attended the fun-
eral of the latter's sister at St. Helens,
last week.
1. ingl am: Gee. Hebeitso-r, a f r —` + --
teeo res dent of this place. e•etn•t.itt. i1 TRY 1HlS FOR YOUR COUGH
stat de at Edmonton on Jan. 13.
St. Mat vs: R. F. Benison, fond -
dealer ,ied undertaker has sold
out his business and will go west.
Ailsa Craig: The hone. of \V•r•.
E -t ton, of town, wait the scene of a
quiet wedding on 1\'ednesd:ty when
their daughter Edea R. was united in
marriage to Janes W. Richards, of
Chathauc, Ont. The unattended le ids
was git eta away by her fa, her and
wore it charming dress of white silk
eolit•ne over t+tff••ta silk. The ter -
ntony- Oink place at 11 11'11014Z in the
preset ce of the brid •'s immediate rela-
tives, Rev. W. II. Geddes ofitcistillg.
Ths Great FnglisA Remedy.
Tones and Invigorates the whole
nervous eiotii, iwakee now
lood in old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des-
pondency..Bessaa1 We akru.ss missions. Bper-
-,1.:torrhmn, and Effects of aEmissions. or F-rces ea.
Price Sl per box. six tor IS. One will plealw six
will euro. Sold by all druarrtete or mailed in
plain pkg. on rete pt of price. New pamphld
mailed free. TM Mod MwdIo1M Oa
(formerly Wifulsor) Teta,smts.Ont.
To relieve a cough of break up a cold
in twenty•four hours, the following
simple formula, the ingredients of
which can be obtained of any good pre-
scription druggist at small cost, is all
that will be required: Virgin Oil of
Pine (I'e l t•), one-half ounce: Glycer-
ine. two ounces; good Whiskey, a half
pint. Shake well and take in teatspctun-
ful doers every four hours. The the
sired results can not be obtained un•
less the ingredients are pure. R. is
therefore better to purchase the in•
gredients septi! itelt• and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Port 1 :1888.1.1 tee p ut:based in the
origirt.tl h.alfeentee vials, is hich drug-
gists buy for dispensing. Each vial is
,'cnrely scaled in a ronn•1 wooden case
which pro' pct: the Oil from exposure
to light- Around the winder case is
nn engraved weaning with rho 11a111e—
"Virgin Oil of Pint' (Pure)"—plainly
printed t hereon. There ate many inti-
l+ttions dud che';tppt•uductions of Pint,
but the,e ui.ly e1t•ate nausea. and uev-
er efT. et the desired results.
For Every Room in theHome•
We have a beautiful ae'ection of the latest designs.
Come and get our price, all mArked in plain figures.
WI:.t-k vim to come to this store for furniture because
we h•le•s.. you will get the kind you want. The
sop k i.e' 1'a testi lho.e'neves th.tt, appeal to good
t.1-1.• ,tn .ireo nit of their design. finish. character
and rich ,it..... We e,tn allow newest ideas and the
Heist pepiil,tr (eminate for the home, that can be
foand any piece. town or city.
OPERA 1113)('K. Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
Wet-Proof—Cold-Proof—Almost Wear-Proo
When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until
you're tired of them—rubbers that will keep your
feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy
snow—rubbers that will wear like flint and fit like
slippers—go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stamped
"Duck Never Break " on the soles. Up in the lumber
camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbers.
Prospectors end miners wear them, too. So do people who want
rubbers that will stand pretty much any abuse. 1t simply isn't possible to
make rubbers any better than we make Duck Never Breaks—isn't possible
to make them any stronger, any stauncher, cr any more wear -proof.
They're made for service and give service --great service. Gd
a pair and see how a pal of really good rubbers can last.
Double Wear In Every Pair
Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by
The Daisy Rubber People
At Berlin Ontario
The Georgian is
lined with tough
tan.colored cot-
ton. Interlined
with heavy can-
vas duck be-
tween the rubber
upper and the
tough cotton
inside lining.
Outer rolled sole
and heel are
double - heat
pure gutn. Corte.
gated. Insole is
an insole of solid
lather, so you
can have this
shoe re -soled.
dt .6 silt dt a� a6 Asada .ai Ark ata
Seafortll: lieiirge W. Finch of toe 11
With recently luarl it'd at :luburu to
Hies Vida St siker.
Parkhill: Miss Edna Baird has been
rngagt•d to tette h 4 se on near Met-
rickville for the coming year.
Brucefleld: The little son of Len
McConnell got his bands badly scalded
by falling into a tub of hot water.
Seaforth: John W. H. Shortreed, a
ptt,sperous farmer of Morris was mar-
rieda a few days ago to Miss Alice Kir k -
by at \Valtoo.
Seatortb: Miss Myrtle L Woodley
of town was married on Wednesday
to John O'Brien, of Holmsfleld, Mart.,
formerly of Brucefleld.
Parkhill: Some sneak thief entered
the home of Mrs. Gilbert the other
night and stole a quarter of beef which
she purchased a day or so previous.
Parkhill: Mr. Gridwood of North
Bay who was engaged as principal of
our High School has been unable to
come and Mr. Andrews of Elora has
been engaged.
Seaforth: Miss May,eldest daughter
of Chris.Sparling, received a nasty fall
while going home with a friend to din-
ner on Friday;she unfortunately broke
one of her ankles.
Lieury: The members and adher-
ents of the Presbyterian church here
remembered Rev. A. Graham, their
pastor, by filling up his oat bin with
two large loads of oats.
Seaforth: Miss Nellie Devereux,
daughter of Robert Devereux, of the
Huron Road, east, has been engaged
to teach this year in Union sehool No.
1, McKillop, at a salary of $4110.
Clinton: The death of J. B. Rum -
ball occurred unexpectedly on Sunday
evening at the age of :17 years. A year
ago he was stricken with paralysis,
and has since been in failing health.
Stanley: The marraige took place
recently of one of Stanley township's
young teen in the person of Alfred A.
Scotchrnere, now of Craik, Sask., to
Miss Ellen Mat'tatitn, also of Craik.
Seaforth: Mrs. David Hutton a for-
mer resident of town died very sud-
denly at Toronto a few days ago. She
went to bed in her usual health at
night and was found dead in the morn-
\litchell: Patrick O'Brien a well-
known figure in town. was found dead
in his hyalite on Tuesday-. Ile carne to
the township some time previons to
1860 and lived alone on the 12th con.
o1 Logan.
Ailsa Craig: \Viii Davis the young
elan who was arrested n few data ago
charged with stealing $20. and a quan-
tity of tobacco and gum front D. M.
Douglas, has been released on suspend-
ed sentence.
Clinton: The death of Mrs. Trothen
which took pine.. on Thursday at the
horse of her nephew. Duncan Steven-
son, removes one of the oldest resi-
dents of our town, she having reached
the age of nearly ninety years.
Pat kbill: J1r..\IcCree'dy of the Park-
hill Flax Co., recently returned froth
:a trip to Europe, was married at St.
Thomas Wednesday. After their
honeymoon trip to New York they
will take up their residence in town.
Steatite h: J. Y. Smiley, who for the
past five years has been a metnht'r of
the firm of Chesney 1tt Smiley, in this
town, has purchased an old establish-
ed hardware business and stork in Ayl-
liter, and takes possession of his new
business this week.
Goilerich: Before leaving Bi'lniot,
where she had been on the public
school staff for some time, Vias M. E.
Inglis. who is now on the staff of the
(ioderich public schools, was trade the
recipient of a beautiful gilt clock end
ebony -handled silver paper knife and
a farewell address from her pupils.
Clinton: On Friday while engaged
in cleaning off the roof of his kitchen.
Mr. Harry Carttelon slipped and fell to
the ground beneath. His fall was
made the harder by the pump inter-
vening, and one rib was broken and a
second one was fractured end pene-
trated his lung.
Myth: On Sunday evening Wm.
Brooks died at his home aftera shot t
illness. About 6 weeks ego he took a
cold in his throat and led only been
in lied ithout two weeks. Deceased
Iced lived here for over :i2 years. His
age was 62 years.
Clinton: Miss Mollie Cluf?, daugh-
ter of 11. J. Cliiff, was grants() a certift•
cafe by the County Board of Examine
ere, end on the strength of it accepted
e school in Algoma at $350 a year, for
which place she left Friday.
Seeforth: The tnarriage of Frank
L. Willis and Miss Adeline liathwelI
was solemnized at the home of Holt.
\Villin, (ioderich street, the home of
the groom on Wednesday. The cere-
mony was performed at high noon by
Rev. A. K. Birks. Owing to the re-
cent dent h of the bride's mother, there
were present only the immediate re-
Seeforth: The following were tick-
eted to distant prints List week: Dr.
H. 11. Ross to London. Eng., per ('an•
adian Pacific steamer, Empress of Bri-
tian, sailing from St. John, Matted;cy;
Welter Keddy, of t'sberne. to Bran-
don and return: D. Donovan to New
Liskeard and return; Mr. 1nieson and
family to Wakefield, Quebec; Miss
('.asp to Philadelphia.
Soarer( h: Hobert Fulton, formerly
of i:dmondvilie, died et Brunet ion,
Wash.. recently et the ageof 71 years.
He sustained it stroke of paralysis
s • th1ee er four years ago, from
which he had never 11111)' recovered.
On the tlth of Dee. the stet with a fell
at the house of his sun, and fractured
hit thigh. The shock. with his enfeeb-
led 0e1111ition, Arrived 1,.0 1119011 for hien
end he was unable to
Seaferth: .\ sudden (ieeath (crnrr'd
Teem! ty in the persona JitInes li.
son, a Ricin sad trent took piece at his
d logilten's home. I)"ee.esed hail not
i,ven .'nje.yirig good health for settle
lionlett always able to attend odour•
ditties at his lite residence. The 11/011:-
ing ',f his death he was shout as usual
and had gene to the stable to attend
entre work there. He was out longer
Gem usual and the fancily hecomiest
aneirns, ' of the rnetubers went out
to the stable and (wind hint lying on
the flout dead. He is 70 years of age
end is survived 1'y a wife anti two
Staulr:: The your gest son of A.
hetes un•' with a bad xecideut c n Sxt-
1 onlay. 11•• t►.e: 01 nig to fix a
6111.111 telt ua the 10w-t•r• pall of t1 e
ttiudwill. when bet 11 hands tt cie
caught: the left 441114 ..t• 1401 0.11 Itl
Itwo place; lotweeu the wrist and el-
bow•, t lest thumb cru -he'd behind
the first joint. and the flesh and nail
torn completely elf hath of his thumbs.
The cords of the left at'nl were also
partially pulled out. An effort is beirg
toile to save what remains of his left
thumb by ;staffing skin over it.
St. Marys: Mark Oliver and ►.is
nephew and uit•ce, toed and Louise
Oliver, narrowly escaped linnet -edam
from coal gas in their house on Water i
street early Monday morning. The
latter arose about seven o'clock end
proceeded to light a lamp. Suddenly
she fell to the floor in an unconscious
condition. Both her brother and
uncle heeid the noise. Her brother,
ran to her assistance but on entering .
the room was overcome. Mr. Oliver
4548 more fortunate ;oil t: itngg;ed (`
get the d•ce i s and window s epee.
I 1'.,, khill: The ,'ale;.fie -111 agi,issf
the tiesuship el West N':Iluenis, ea-
t tett I,s Aotl my `te. I, a bunter is
i [lint tear -lop and has tt.1.•, .*+gee's. ti
recover for injuties susti.inev) by Plea
Steel and lei two childt, n. \Vat. aarl
%lar y, while di lying on 0 side toed
Duan'; Hill, betwet•n the inn and MEI
cons., on July 2iol, 11U1, h .s le en net-
tled. Owing to the narrow newt of
road and the want . f gall ds, tailingis
or protections of :any kind et the
of the steep ('nb114L-tueuts on
side, the buggy all iven l•y Mrs. Stall
was overturned and its oeciipante bel•
musty injured, w•as entered 1n the wite-
ter assizes. The road was also said to
in a bad state of repair it the tism
The defendants agreed to pay alta
plaintiffs in settlement .-f ben: claims
the sum of $270 and each tarty 10 dip
suit will pay its own share of tae roti*
You Men
and Women
who have
Irritated -
"Bu -Ju"
on a Guarantee.
Doctors call it Cystitis. Whatever the natne, it is due to weak Kid-
neys. The blood is bringing impurities to these organs faster than they
can filter it out. This is often deposited in the Bladder; irritates the
membrane so much that it cannot retain the urine. Instead of passing
urine four or five times a day, it is passed twenty to thirty times. The
urine is loot and scalding, atel burns 1$te fire.
My I what relief the first few "Ili -Ju" Pills give! They are like ice
water to a parched throat. They neutralize uric acid, soothe the delicate
lining of the bladder, and take away the burning pain. They strengthen
the weakness—heal the Kidneys—stop that frequent desire to urinate,
which is such an annoying
feature of Cystitis. One elan
told us that "Ile -Ju" glee
hint the first uninterrupted
night's sleep lie had enjoyed
in fifteen years.
Ru -Ju is 501,1 by druggists
all over Canada. If yours
should not have them, send
to us and we will see that
you are promptly supplied.
5oc. a Box, and your money refunded if they fail to Bute.
The Gatlin Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Oat.
"Bu Ju
the Centre Kidney Pill
(2)( K K& K .`%• K S K K be K K (3. K K e& -AT.
"I bed stricture for eleven years. It finally brought on Night's
Disease of the Kidneys. 1 had an uncomfortable shunting p.i.r to the
groin and feeling as though something was in the urcthta. fly back
was weak and 1 could scarcely stoop over. Urine was full ot sedi-
ment. Had a desire to urinate frequently Family dr ctors, so-called
specialists, patent medicines, electric belts. ail tailed. 1 was dis-
iecouraged. iI had spent hundreds of dollars in va,n. 'Hoary I con-
sulted Un. Kennedy & Kergan as the last resort. 1 had heard a great
deal about them end concluded from the fact that they had been
established over es years that they understood their business. 1 o
delighted with the results. In one week 1 felt better and in a few
weeks was satirsly cured. Mayo gained sixteen prorate in weight. '
G. It. WRIGHT, teasing.
BLOOD P911. S are the most prevalent and most serious di . They
sop every lire o the victim and unless entirely eradicated frau the system will
cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptoms—oar
NSW UliTIIOD positively cares all blood diseases f
YOUN�O OR MIDDLE -CED MEN.—imprudent acts or later eseesua
have en down your system. You reit the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally,
(t►ysieally and eeataally you are Dot the man you used to be or should be.
R E AD E1� Are you a victim t' Have you lost hope 1 Are you Intending
to many 1 Has your blood been diseased t Have roe an
weakness 1 Out New ethod Treatment will cure you. What it has done toe other it
will do for you. CONSULTATION FRCE. No matter vetoes' treated s
you. write for
as honest opinion Fre. of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FRES—'The Goldoni
Mealtot" (illustrated). m Diseases of idea. Sealed (look on "Diseases of Woman" Fres
thins Confidential. Question List for Home Treatment Free
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich.
K K- K K K K'•K
DesKlo Desk
is only' another way of s-tyir.g " Ambition. " We 811 are
ambitious--weall want to reach the top, but if the first
few rungs in 111e ladder of' success are raising, it's pretty
hard to get a foothold, isn't it ?
Begin right anti attend the li'ouE.T ('tr� 13t•siNEss &
SIIoRTIL\ND (c'I.Lte.e. Nt'th'ng is taii+:ht that ie tit needed
in bueincss life. The rings arc all in ot'It !Adder, and when
you graduate you stand alt'r.e on a fir:n foundation.
Rosiness and Shorthand work our specialty.
Write for our catalogue ; it's free.
School term : September till June, inclusive.
forest City Business College
3. 'x'. ' ESTEKN, ELT. Pratcar.t. V. M. O. A. nada., London.
YFs '' tar -0 , t