HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-17, Page 4tr oo SuQees l eal,oe.d a i; b Ile• l i "•1 n l.:uul5 vc- Jl l 1 l/I1IoOi,alrua•1.t snit ".1:,1.:_i the• Ileitis':•rr,f , the• l'ouoly to tt+u i[ ,t Yui I„• Jos. %‘',(1- is of 1 •uk11i11 is itis r,,•tt Highway i sr,etVed along the l..,kr• teach, t in r,nr s. hel.--lr. "::,1111,:,i,-,. Shoe iu this ruwnsh,p.--('altel, Jas.lil.avui Ic,te Ir•nu,nel The felleeiugw•eurptems) --Birk t'bil- heult• 1n 11t. I'I,t-:u,t, .'itch , after ;1 Brent.' II,,.pital, charity, $3; Adv,tt•ate' Ple1sanl st:,y t'i.h flier 1. heti..-11r- I i listing Cu., pi il.t Mg :I • t, $0i1,U:); amd 1trs. John Itasc5 have 111•eu 111 Do, account to llud ('trek Drain, $y t37 Detroit Oair,K t„ 1lie se'rfeus illness of Albei t Ilitsett, refund of Statute La- bor, $:3: (iuttlob Brown, Collector. $80; Township Election, expenses, $85.60; ('hi is. Beaver, repairing chair, $2.50; Chester Prouty. gautuity, $25; (lot deb brown, postage, $:3; Samuel Braver, concrete tile, con. 8, $5. Council reljontned to meet in Town Hall, C't•editon, Monday, March, 4th, at 1 p.m. -Henry Either, Tp. Clerk. wer Take Coles' Cough Cure and cure your cough. ' Why riper. •tit %lien you:c au!get Instant:relief from COLB'S COUGHaCURE Which is scientifically prepared and absolutely hitrinless to even the smallest child, and every bot- tle of which is guaranteed of the money refunded. Cole's Core - a:- Cold Tablets cure a cold in a day -- 1 bc. a box —AT— COLE'S DRUG STORE Dispensing a Specialty Q xe#ex cla�OCcife, Sanders ek Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Jan. 17, '07 NOTE AND COMMENTS Great Britain's trade in 1006 exceed- ed five billion dollare. Hon. Geo. W. Ross, ex -pi einier of Ontario, has been made a senator. West Middlesex in the Provincial Leg- islature is thus made vacant. Robert Beith, ex•M. P. fur Durham, Out., Hon. John Cost igen and Daniel Gill- more of New Hrueswiek have also been made senators. Prof. Godwin Smith in the Weekly Sun shy-: We have had special reason to rejoice in the growth, during the last thirty years, e.f rho quantity and character of our 1ue.d press. A local newspaper must. of course, he local: that is the condition of its success; but it may so treat loeal question; as to infltence general sentiment and char- acter in its ueighhorhood for geed. If it Cannot escape servitude to party it may set an example Of neighborly treatment of opponents, and geneaal moderation, inculcating at the same time great general principles of public life in its notices of the leading ques- tions of the day. If the influence of the pulpit decline;,, that of the local editor, 111 the sphere of political mora- lity, may gain in value. The senti- ment of the country just now is pro- bably sounder than that of the city, and the press. which is its organ, has an important part to play. Stephen Council The newly elected council of the Tewn..hip of Stephen, convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Jan, 14, at 11 a.m. The Reeve, Deputy - Reeve and Councilmen filed their de•• durations et ((MNoe and property qual- ifications. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and adopted. 1Vuet•th--Keg• lernan-that Henry Either he appoin- ted Tnwaship Cite rat a s,alny of $1:10 --Carr ire'. %Veh) --Senders-•that Samuel 'frown he appointed Treasurer at salary of SDI) mitt that 1►e forth- with file ,t new hold with the clerk. which is to ia' approved of by the conn- cii.---('erri'd. S,►uders--%vu'rth--- that John Brokenshire and henry Doyle be appoiutevl Township A tors al it salary of $8 each. --Carried. Kellr'rneenn - `Vehh-that Jas. Hod- gins be appoint',! care -taker at a sal- ary of $18. -(Tarried. %Veldt- '.%'berth -that Jot. Guinan he appointee) Ass- essor at a salary of $80 and a further sum of $6, for attending Court of Rev- ision and keeping a Public School Tru- ant Book. -Parried. Wuerth--Kell- ermann - that %V. 1). Sanders be a !p- ointtd a member of the Townsf1tp Board of Health for n term of three years arid that Ur. McCue Of Crediton be Medical Health Officer and William Lewis, Ed. lirokenshire anc Wrn. Oli- ver be Health Inspector,. - Cart ied, Sanders - Welsh 1t1.4t the Tr -easel -et - request Dennis O'Brien to pay at meet the ,amount due on drain on South Belinda! --•(',cried. Keller Maine - !high Carrell lately. -John Mains of wife and to -0 children of Hsmiots, Wnefth -that by-laws 1; 2 and 3 of I Regins,Sesk.,is visiting in and around Marl., are renewing acquaintances 1907, hating been read the third time i Saintshllty, the guest of his sister. Mrs. around the berg and are also at the Dickens.- i:. B. Smyth and John home of the former's mother, Mrs. E. %oins visited at London 'Lest week,- Andrew, and sister, Mrs. Joshua Percy Atmit age has gone to London Johns. They were on the tram thatlwas to resume his duties at Mc('.)r•tuick'swre, ked near Fort Willianls,the whole 'stablishtnent.-Phineas Dickens held train leaving the track. Fortunately , large wood bee Monday, the result Mr. and Mrs. Andrew escaped with (wing a large amount of woad cut. On only a few slight bruises. Tuesday night a dance was given to the stalwarts when All enjoyed s them - s..1 %,jail y'to their heat is emitted.- Rich, Drought Inst a vale able 111511' Last week I Quite a number of Dur p'nple nor through death,- 1V, J. Davis, Frank still 111 with la grippe which is still 1):►vf• •tad others attended District; prevalent in our hnrg. 1Veare it.deed !)range meeting in Parkhill IAA week. j sorry to revolt the cntitinned illn'cs --K-m. !(van ofNingi, Man., is visit. of Mrs. Wrn. White•!ortt. Nay het re• ii.g in ion. burg. 1'hr 111 se, Shoela)t. covers• hr speedy. -%Nord has been 1 e - tont of Manton viated Mts. Richard ; ceived that Miss Met ta Tsyler, who is! 1i' !gin' S'..1(lay. training fora hers' in Stratford Gen. ; era' Hospital. is suffering from an at- -- - -- tnr•k of 1yphe'id fever. Her ►nany' 3tagt11re Ifriendstrust Ibet her r'cevery may 11'IinDIN(1 .%NNIVKlt•+.Stil- ('1•:1.8:11n.%• I he speedy and perunan,'Itt. - George ti 1 wears it le !!,":aryl Mrs. y11'u,.yFly nnKlf thltsnntet h ''wing to 1In' foot rliletta thatitlinelbaby 'soy , 1•nndat y were rel u t fed. The • ,ate ha. "rived 3t their heal'. --Thr Fp- i s h,•Ih alive :old eojmying�g'reti health worth i.esese of this pare held its and it w,' n • fele npprepritl that ''lectie•n et efh ets nn 1'tid,ay evening Theyst ldcelt•hrat,'this thirty-fifth Wihen the felletyntat Litre rlerlrr a telly :eat y. •%ceerdingly id%itatie)ng t's.. Mss 11 ti 'rat let; 1.1 Vier, w. ,e sent 10 a Urge nrthr nt'of ft fends Hiss Lila T,1'4,1 : 'rad vire, r, 1'. J. stip u,1 .a most 11 Tits -feathering stns the heats: 31,1 Mice, Miss 11.•11111 Taylor: r'sult. Theg,ra,rsl e( pre parAti(m Sec't-, 1Vrsley' Olson: T1 KI'h. It ed tU' n to ole by the geni it and w•ur• fi' rn; Organist, 1ii..s ll.•11 t 1'e• ac,; :by lost :;n.1 'lastest and the , u sit ll. porsentatfte to I) ,,11 1 faerntive, t ta,t• nn•s► fittingly c'Irhrtlyd. Their II. %1'. Tal'Iot.—Nr. I''iutehe, h:as dfs• i tett y friends wfsh that they may long )yed of his hun,1lr,1•:,cr►• (:arm, being a the spared to celebrate ,all the miniver- or 1o, con. I i, !',)eine, h1 !Iris David [ gray celebrations on the ealendar. walfieir of Ilii•hett. The frit' paid was l•F7D110. This i. e•m,• (if the hest farms in the township anti is well r) - Mooresville Mrs. Bey1e of Ripley is spending a few days at the home of John T. Sitgp- son.-La grippe is very prevalent in our vicinity and a large number are suffering from its effects. -Thomas Boyle of Moose Jaw, who has been vis- iting friends here for the past few days left Tetesd ay for Ripley, prior to leav- ing for his home fa the West. Ile intends taking a car of horses back with bio. -Elmer Murdy and Josh Morgan have been receiving congratu- lations from their friends during the past few days, having been elected councillors for our township. The for- mer polled the largest vote. -George Blootuf7eld and wife spent Sunday in London. We are pleased to state that the !Atter bas recovered from her re- cent illness. -Mies Olive. Fraser, who has been visiting friends around here, returned to her home in London Sat. urday.- J. J. Lewis bought it team of horses last week in London. He brought thein borne Thursday and on going out to the stable the next morn- ing, was surprised to find one of theta dead. He purposed taking theta to the NJ' thwest.-James B. Simpson of Hensall paid a flying visit to our town last week. -Joe. Simpson of London visited his daughter, Mrs.Mot•gan, last week. -Mrs. Webb of Lucan is visit- ing Mrs. Gilmore. -Mrs. Cowan of Brinsley spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Fred Simpson. -Miss Mable Cun- ningham of Briisl•t' is visiting her sister, Mrs, Chas. Lewis, -- '4Vedding bells will be ringing soon. WennuNo.-A very pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Peter s R. C. clutch on Tuesday of last week when Thoii, s Riley claimed Miss Kate Ma- loneyas his bride. The impressive cer- emony was pet formed by Krc, Father Mister. The bride, who was hand- somely attired, was attended by the groom's niece, Hiss Jlaizy- ()'Dyer, who was also daintily gowned. The bride's half brother, Larry Sullv,en,did the duties of hest 111en. At the con- clusi,ti of the ceremetty the bridal par- ty, tegeth,•l- with the invited guests, to the timelier of forty, repaired to the honk of the bride, where the happy couple were warmly congratulated. It w•as indeed a happy crowd that sat down to the smopti mi, and daintily arranged bindleun. The evening was pleasantly spent, the elder people en- joyed themselves with various games Mule the lads and lassies tipped the Tight fantastic toe till the wee 511)14' 'ours. The presents were rtnnlet•0es, varied, choice and costly, an evidence of the high esteem entertained toward the bride, coupled with the donor's earnest wish that the loving pair may long enjoy to the full life's inestimable blessings. h'alth,w•e:►Ith and happiness Clundebay'ee, Norman ('l:u•k has accepted a posi- tion in St. Thomas. -Mr, and Mrs. Kit - met -:sent Sunday in town. -A warn- ing to young ladies! Keep the win- dow blinds down Sunday evenings. - 1%'e are pleased to hear of Miss Nellie 1)1,4 'on's recovery from her recent ill- ness. --F. E. Kestle and wife spent Sunday at Hryanstnn.-Miss Ruby Es- sert' is thegq,It•st (if Miss Jennie Brown. -1W'e are pleased to see the genial face of Den Sutter) in our midst agein.- The anniversary services will be held in the Methodist ch,trch next Sunday, teaching morning and evening. On loteley evening following en 0111 fash- ioned tea meeting will be held in the schen! rnntn. A good program Is being prepared. Don't forget to come. - Burley Hudgins his at'ci'pted a posi- tion with the G. T. R. --Miss Jennie Brown has returned front Whalen af- ter a pleasant visit with friends there. --Miss Minnie Cunningham paid Clan- (Iehoye a flying visit t'iiinday. We are plenat'd to see Dr. Sutton is able to he around again. S ilntsbury Nr. and Mts. Hugh Carrell visited the fer,net'8 p:uent Mr.atol 1frs.,las, carrell, ,at 1l%jester,. recently.-- Jas, Carroll of Alvittsun wits :t visitor with the foruter's s1 -ter, --Thi• tem:ains of the Iste Jno. 11c(:art y were brought to Centralia Last week for interment. Deceased was a forlalor resident of this place and went %Vest about three years ago. He met with an accident at British Cotentin,' recently and was removed to the C,tlgst y hospital where he passed away. Ile is survived by his mother, two sisters and one brother. $hipka Geo. Sheardown of Crediton is visit- ing at the house of Chas. Lochner. - Henry Gould and wife are visitors at Ezra Breunet's.-Peter McPhee is hone from Detroit for a few days. - Sandy McEachen Left Saturday for London to resume his duties as brake- man on the G.T.K.-Cbtis. Finkbeicer is on the sick list. We hope he may soon recover. -Dennis Sutton of Lon- don spent a few days at the home of his parents here. recently. -Miss Clara Neab of Khiva has accepted a position with J. D. Haonan.-A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Fred Geiser on Monday evening. A large number of young people were present and numerous games were indulged in. A .fainty lunch Wits set ved and at a reasonable hour all repaired to their respective homes, feeling that they had enjoyed themselves immensely. Dash wood David Pfaff is busy breaking some colts to drive this week. In this ca- pacity Dave has made for himself a good reputation.-1Vho is there that ever saw a Jani tt-y without a thaw? E. Zeller and C. Either of Zurich were in the village Saturday. -On Tuesday our genial and obliging furniture deal- er, Peter Mclsaac, delivered a large load of fnrnitnro to the home of Mr. Wilhelni of Baden. Peter eel tainly enjoys a good patronage in this Ione of goods, carrying as he doe•s one of the largest and hest assorted steeks to be found in any country town, his stock comparing very favor' bly with many that are to be found in r h.' city. -This week heeins a series of revival meetings in the Evangelical church of this place, under the giiidance of the paster, Rev. I . K. Eidt.--Mrs. Wirtk- en►t•eder leis moved into the dwelling recently occupied by John Hoffman, the latter ha vim; moved to Pat khill.- 51r.Jacobs. A(0euap.anied by his sister. is visiting at the home of his brother, John. -Arthur !%'inert has secured ca position at 1 h livery barn here. Wt. h,-lieve Art hilt (4'111 pro(e•hinl,e•If trust- worthy and I)tinstaking.-!i. !Millett tend Jacob Keiler•uman attended Coun- cil meeting at Crediton Monday. Kirkton AoflCl'I.TUI(At. MEETING - - The annual meeting of the Blanshard Agl. Society was held in the Hell, Kirkton, on Wednesday Afternoon last. The returning Pres. Dr. 1V. 11. Carr ecciip. 10(1 the ch sir. Tee tier.-Tie:a5.' repo,; was Laid be•fure the meeting anti was highly pleasing to the members. it was the hest year financially in the history of the society which was or- ganized :37 years rag() and has held a Fefr every year since then. The bal- ance on hand is $21)I. The needier of membership was Lia. The following is the list of officers for the ensuing year: Pres., Samuel Donee; 1st Mice, John Hazelwood; 2nd Mice, Robt, Berry; Directors, Jus. Beatty, Alex. Creighton, 'legit Berry, Geo. 13ently, Rich. Paynter, John A. Robinson, John !Hooper. Win. Hazelwood, Jas. Robley; lion. Directors, Hun. Nel- son Monteith, Jfitliste•rof Agriculture: McIntyre, M. P: 11. H. Gunni, M. 1'.: Henry Either, 11. P.P.; 1)r. W. R. Carr; Auditors, %%'rats NoOt', A. fi. Drupe: See. -Ta seas., Amos Doane, - 1:1ituv ilio Miss i)(1111e1d of (.Panton and Fitt h- eringhatn (If Granton, were guests of Mrs. It. Skinner last week. --James Gurvitt of Zion is on the sick list, stir frying front heart trouble. -- Abe .Mus- ser, Accompanied by the Misses Pass- more left I.ridAy for HritishColumh',a. -John Wright occupied the pulpit here nn Sunday morning. Mr. reed Mrs. Wright, who hay' been living in the neighhntheed for several years. left Monday for Stratford where t intend snaking their future home. '%'r wish them every success in their new q'larters,-- -We tire pleased to report Diet Mrs. John Johns, w ho hem been quit' ill, is slots Iv inapro'ing, is is also Rola. Hicks. Slss 11aker and MRs Clef of (*eel: ilia ale g'u'sts ,it the hiute of Vr. lemic', -Jos, Andrew be t'- 'sed. -- Cori 1('el. W iiert h - Kell• et serum -that W. D. Sanders invest i gate the claim of Geo. Bedford and report at the next meeting. -Carried. Manners--R'ehh -that the Clerk cnr- It Quiets the Cough This Is one reason a by Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. it stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. Rut it docs more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. The best )tlnd nt s te'r'iresnial -- "Hold for over sixty yoar.,” Aaarsrsrsaee e•s:w, Xs8s bv./. e' A ,-r ••, - r Dwell, •r..1 Maom.ar.nfaet.:r•ra of SaRStPtRiiia. eJSritl.i, �/ v IIAIR 1'100&. W. Saxe 110 ee+ret, t we pelmet' /88 formula' 0(811 onr minimises. MOTONEY'S 'PERFECTION' (44 d1 Q • 1103hIEl' bISCteT ;chc'. C. STNATr:..,U Food Value Mocney's Paf>e ion Cream Sodas are crisp squares Of wholesome nourishmag. They are the food that builds strength and muscle. They are as easily digested by the chid and itvakd as by the sturdy workman. They contain ALL the food properties of finest Cana- dian wheat flour. in a farm that dertghts the appetite. Always fresfi and crisp in the moisture -proof packages. At all yours 1a 1 and r, 3 f°►d pAspa Chlselhurst The Ladies Aid of Methodist church here intend holding a box social on Wednesday evening, Jan.301h. Every- body welcome. Ladies bring your boxes. Come and spend an enjoyable evening. John Hicks, formerly of Chiselhurst, who for a great many years has taught school with touch acceptance, has this year made a change and is now in Winona. -W. Houghton, x highly re- spected young man of this place was recently married to Miss Dalrymple, daughter of R. Dalt yinple of Hensel'. The young people have taken rap their residence in our midst and we extend to themIl our hest wishes. Zurich Miss Nettie %Vett is home on a visit from 13rahtferd.- Len Chat•le•swerth has gone to Sariia► where he will en- gage in the life insurance business. - Miss Mae %Mural after a pleasant visit here has returned to Chicago. Her sister, Miss Unitise, a'ronlpanied her as far as Detroit where ,he intends re- maining. -D. S. (:order of near Ailsa Craig, is 111e new teacher in S.S. No. 12, ii:►y.-D, S. Faust who has been Sup011111en(lent of the Evangelical church herr for some time has retired and G. Hot-znr:ul has been elected to succeeded him.- Hent y Decker, after an absence ..f eighteen years its Michi- gan, is here on a visit. ---Mrs, ('hat 10,4 Kall,fl'isch and Hat -Dunn Steinber-h, of 1lettoit were here pact of the last week, owing to the serious illness of their ling her, Mrs, J. C. Kalbfieisc•h. -%Mhile waking in the swamp its Stanley, .1' of Hi II gre' u nar- rowly escaped death by bring struck by a falling tree. P. Sipple had notch- ed a tree ,and when it was reedy to fall hr gave a cry of earning. Mr. Wilds misjudged the direction of the fall and was struck by a 111111). He received :i severe gash on oar of his cheeks and was otherwise bruised. A shall tree on which the larger one tell s•tved fine' death.- -A number of friend, est het at the hone' of 11r. and Nils. 1). 11. Steinbach at their hone in I)e- trait to help theta celebrated the 111.11 anniversary of their wedding (ley. Mr. and Mrs. Steinbach hays• a host of friends here who wish theta many happy returns of the die v. -After• n few weeks visit here 11iss Amelia Axt lues returned to London.- Mrs. Chris• tine Voltam' hes gone to New Vett state, where' she will visit her daugh• ler for a tint,'. -The 41st annual meet- ing of the limy Branch Agriculturist was 1101,1 in the Town 117/11 11'rdnesdsy. There tut' a few changes iu the direc- t"; ate sold a gond Rend elected fet- tle. year. Messrs. W. T. Celli well, J. Pfaff and E. Zeller were re elected to t he efh es of Pr'sidetit, 1st Vice and 2nd Vice respectively, Directors, Louis Rader. John Dec tier, John Geiger, !)avid Schnell, John Hey, Jr„ Chris. K:lber, C. Oswald, F. Willett and 11. S. Phillips. At s snh8010ent meeting of the new Board i), $. Faust Was op poi n t eel Ser. Treas. - Messrs. Ed. Appel, %Nin. G. Mess and %1'itt. O'Brien have hel'tl elected to fill the position of Po- lice Trusters of our village for the cruis- ing year, --The tinniest meeting of the Hay Township Fanner,,' Nutted Fire insnranre Co., was held iu the Town Hall Tuesday. The retiring Director.. Messrs, Win. Cornett. %Vol. Lemont and Chris. Stade were re! -elected by ac- rlgelatinn. After the general meeting it special meeting was held, when (1. Shade was ('leeted Pres,; W. Lsrnont, Viee•Pres.; O. Holtzman, general agent, and N, Either. Sec'y•Tre ts. The fiii tncinl report of the Company shows that $(t-197,2() in losses were paid out in hits) 'The insnranr.. in force on Dee. :31, 10(16, was *3.tt-11,575, and there is cash in the hank, $3,242 20. so the Company is in the hest of standing. -- The remains of the Inti itev. J. Mc- Denalul who died at it -tiny River on Monday w•.te brill to rest in 1h.' Ba v• field culnt•tety nn Tnesd/y. Dreeas,•d n•as x son -in -buy of Jas. Allen of tient- Blake. 11F.%Tit. -Another faithful wife and kind mother has been rolled t0 the I,et• ter tvo111 ,and to dny the household of DAM,' Sinetos, Sr., has beet) left in etrow owing to the death of Mr-.. Sora tit.. st the edvanned age of 83 ...ars. !levees' (1 lets been ,t re..etertt 'f 1 his tee reship for ,► number of rears 'rad has resid'•d • 11 the Bronson 1.;1)', %• n ftir'nd and neighbor (bete were vm' het ter nen here (lentil has ranked t-i.le.pread r'gret in this emelt:elsey. he is snitiVe' by her ng,( p.rtnur t hn fs ti,) 'nus of -Ig', road n fnrni!_v of ens grid (laughter. and (n them we sten! our sytllpatby. N1:1 obeli: Arthur 1.. 1 haptnan, sr n f 11. 1leitelein of town. h as been I'. l''r(l 110111 the Toronto ('.P.11 etching office to the central office et "indult to take ti'1' position 01 reused 'a1'•'(r•11'r. t'ur'n rots! inn day -Cole's ('ore -a• rg'nppe 1, hating a tine Rrirk house, is •sten recovery br keeping rho (''I I tnhl'ts ler cents a is,x at Cole's i,•oik latera and homy t,t,sl'rn 1niproV'- L bowols rogular with Ayer's Pi;r 1►r , 9'"t P. rne•ntt. (1 Porter Undoubtedly the best •' e'wed on the continent. Proved to br so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially Ctaicaoo 18)3, where it received ninety•sia points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other I'orter in tke United States or Canada. OVA REHOUSES ' The Leading Commercial School School of Western Ontario 1 CENTRAL - AT - EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) STRATFORD, ONT. Our courses are thorough anti practical while the teaching is done by an able Instructor. The ambi- tious young men and young women who desire to i;et the hest possible Commercial training patron• ,re this School, while laminate men are in search of our graduates to fill responsible positions. The beet time to enter our classics is NOW. Beautitnl cata- logue tree. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN. Principals. THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund— • • . , , . • . , $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. rats SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. i)RAPTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed SavingBank Department' posit. of $1 and upwards received. !interest can, p poinded half -yearly anti added to principal June 30th and Decemier 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON tee CARi LNG, Solicitws. N. D. IIT'RDON, Manager, Mitchell: The infant son of Rev. and Mrs. Garbutt died last week, The rl•IIIai115 ►'' ' 1•ekolt to L•it.den On Thursday to be intent -id in the family plot. l ONS (''.1 P'FI ON 501114 s,1 V e n be rtn•eel. while others say (fee any CIs,', don't get it and then yeti won't 11,1t',' to expt'r•intl't.t. Get 11O1VF1-'S (11 FURY ('OIU)IAL instead. it no ks like ntagir. Take it in tfuo• amd yon tton't have to discos the rnnsllllllllinn goes, inn. Don't cos: but a few cents and 11.111 th a Atilt of ►!,rants. RID prows _ SPREADERS We have just received a number of fine Spreaders —The Successor --which doci its work in fine Style. This is recognized to be the best on the market. PLOWS %Ve handle Perrin Plows and have just received a carload of walking, rid- ing and gang plows made by this reliable firm. THORNTON BAKER Agent for the Sylvester and Perrin Plow ('onlptenies Exeter - Ontario W. Howe Phm, B. to Nit li'.ray: The ri mains rf the 1i Howey, ell bat' Sirs. hires, 1111(1 teenier of Thnnlas S• Hers, 70) con., were la. u);ht to A Craig Saturnus- (tont Fetest 811(1 laid CHEMIST & OPTICIAN Exeter to rest in West's cemetery. IAMB; BAKING • A trial WiA c :i,,nre eit.iy b.•tfolnfnnsd t th.t "Relishes Sakln POwd is far neper 1s•: i. ar.y o 1•. r . to be s r ••r • ed. It I. prtpnrrd (rash the It's Snd purest materia s th•t (:,ones inn ► ores un•'r ".r -!ire• 1 i..n of 1n ett'rt rnanufaetuNngebee.IsI• therefor- tvr '•.' r 10e. tr. -e 111 05 8 case guarantee of Satlefaction. in outer e.. lstrndu•e "R•:iwnce l►skinpp Poadere es are making wendorturly aerie tee t premium raft^rs t . Rays Red ?i►ts. 1' i•.terr.ted drop us a tsetse I FR BEAUTIIUL PICTURE POST CARDS FREE, To soy n+er of b11115r Itr.rr'+'r sera will &roily send, abs.iw$ ip *eo, 000taso pprepaid, n 'e? of f„•:. ••f n r , . r -t edition of Of post cards. lithographed t1. Militant colors Pi t,1 y weir.• n- att8welietttl.1followingquestto: lar. Ptamo ycur Orocer. 4nd. Maswe thl PansM►, international Food Company, Tornnto, Canada. '• Ash for tho Popp', Pasta=s." 2 N 4144 44 qrs. 4 4*It 044e111✓N4141•