HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-17, Page 1Phone 25--- Advocate
When you want ANY-
THING that an up-to-date
printing office eau do. Lat-
est styles, nerves: types,
prompt work, tight price.
Long Distance Phone.
Belore Openlng An Account
examine the growth of The Sovereign Bank.
In 4;/ years, ending 31 it October, 1906.
Assets have increased to
Excess of assets over Liabilities to the Public
has increased to
It25,:; 13,401
Deposits have increased to 15,578,920
$1.00 opens an account in the Savings Department.
Interest paid 4 times a year.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
J08. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
he old store notion was to insist on a profit with
every single article, never to sell except at a
profit. The result was plenty of old stale goods that
nobody wanted. We believe in keeping things
moving and our idea of a good store is something
more than a storage warehouse.
We are now taking stock and find that we have
more furs than we care to carry over, consequently
we will sell at rock -bottom prices in order to make
room for our spring goods. To be convinced that
what we say we do we solicit a call.
Professional Cards.
DB. O. F. ROULSTON, L. U. S., D. D. S.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto Unheraity.
OFFICE: Over Dickson k Rarling s Law Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
libDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L U. 8., D. U. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Unheristy.
Seth extracted without any pain, or any had effects
OMs. in Fanson's Block, west side Main street,
AF. MALLOY, M. 11. (Tor. l'niv.) MF,IIBKIt
• College of Physicians and Surgeon., Ontario.
Former Htuse Surgeon Toronto western Hospital.
Stweeasor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: Fast on
snot street north of office, Exeter. Ontario.
House for Sale or Rent.
The frame dwelling In good relatr, on the South
Boundary, Exeter, PI block. west of Main street.
The land consists of two lots and is in first clans ro1,•
dition. loud water, several fruit trees. etc.
Apply at this ortb r.
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
•oiloltora for Moleons (tank, etc.
Morey to Loa■ at lowest rate -sof interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter.
1. IL Catt.sar., B.A., 1.. 11. Incomes
We have a large amount o1 private funds to Ivan
• rano and village properties at low rates of Inter
Rarr,-ters, Soliciton,Main at.. Exeter 01,
Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist
Metre. Te.cher PianoOrganVoice Ilarmonv
Modern nethals. Thotou•hnes'. _
William Brown
Prot. iDiplonaa of Royal Incort.orated Solely of
Mn.t fan., England: Organist -1 Tres itt Memorial
Chur h.Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
of Musi,•, Terms on applicatfuu. Exeter, Ont,
Hering Int 34. (''n. 1, I'st.,rne, Ulu sena, log •Iw ell•
gos.l lank tarn and dri.ehotse, goal orchard,
5 acres hardwn-1 hush, !Owes fall wheat, 211 ares
plowing 1, ne, 1 elmice steeled (ogress; cnn.enient to
hwr h and r ho,1, 4 miles from Hensall and A from
Exeter This farm be well drained and fence) and
in go.'1 state e•1.lilt ivation and 11 not sold pri.ate!.
on or ts•fnre Meth of Jannary will be *old with 1hr
chattels by public auction en Feb 1, 19•7, Eno- terms
and tuna, ulars apple toil SenalIscomhe, Prop.. or
Thew Cameron. Aust , F'arinhar.
Halley bands for Sale
The choicest wheat Lends of the
West. i 1)1% 1..1 fro• r1104 half sec-
tion( left if I.,.ught now can be 4(11(1
for Arno./ double 111 a year. ('An give
you the fnlle•t info'( e.nion regarding
h' ltllrst,"la1.: 11i(1 tow!) so, e9. A good
holt Section lit miler east of Hanley, Il
Acres spring lake in one corner. which
ran be bought at $12: huye•reat' secure
The Council of the Comity of Huron will meet in
the Council Chamber, in the town of eloderich, at S
o'clock p.111.011 Tuesday the 221.11 day of this month,
All accounts to Dome before the ('ouneil must be
placed with the clerk befure day of meeting.
listed Jan. 7, 1907. W. lane. Clerk.
Estray Steer
There estrayed onto the premises of the under-
signed, weft of Lot 1.1 Con. 5, Colborne. • two-year-
old steer on or al.nut Nov. lit, 1I4.'3. Owner can
have same by peening property and paving expens-
es. -John Simeon, Elanille.
That excellent farm, lot 17 and 8•;, 19, Concession
5, Stephen, is offered for sale. This faun runasts of
1MI ares and fs situate 3 miles from Exeter. It Is of
gond, rich, clay loam. There is a frame house of t,
rooms, with summer kit, hen and woodshed. large
hank tarn, 'M by a(, with cement floors. There are
also dn.ing sheds and other outbuildings. The
fano is well fenced and well drained. The Over
Sauhle nine through the farm. About 31 rp, re. of
hardwood bush. Pelee PAM Apply on the premises
Hotel for Sale
The Metropolitan Itotel. Exeter, for sale. This
teal is err) built, is large with number of rooms
Hu li• en.e, also good learn In connection. If not
sold teefore Jan. lith will le sold by auction on
Feb. I•th. For terms and particulars apply to Thos.
Cameron, Farquhar.
Farmers' Institute
Thr regular no ebugs of the South Huron Fanners'
lost .fife will be held at
I3ItU('EIlELi), JANUARY 18th.
At the Exeter afternoon meeting the . prake . n will
be W. Elliott, (:alt. on "The l'ulti.ation of our
Vann." and .1. nanthems°, !firebrick!, on •'('are and
Management of Horses," and addressee by M. Y. Mc•
Lean and It. S. Philip.. A lady .)maker is expected
at both afternoon and evening n.eet ing*.
In the t, ening W. Elliott wall speak nn "Things we
ought to think alsont" and J. (lanihouse, on "How
to Improve Present Farm Condit inus "
in the afternoon Mr Elliott of (:alt, will speak on
"The cultivation of nor Farina" and Mr. °penthouse
nn "('are and Manao•ement of sheep.- Addresses
3 al,'. 10 4i' 'l 3., 31 3'. .rre.t.'r of (•linto1. and W.
Lew lee, ('read i t on.
In the evening lir. Elliott will .peak on "Things
0 e ought to think ab.at' and J. (1anlholase on "flow
to Iny.ro. a Present Farmin. ('onditinnn'
The afternom nee-ennes will mermen,* at 2 o'clock
shaep and e. ening meetings at 7::to sharp.
I're.ident. Secretary.
26c. alio:
1be old way 31) ('11131 11
W. S. Howey,
('hent -t and (►pori.
Phm. B
1(1, i:(etet,
The Exeter Council.
The council of 1906 [let fur the last
time on Thursday evening. All pres-
ent but Jas. Creech. The minutes of
previous meeting were read and appro-
ved. The following accounts were or-
dered to he paid: T. Hawkins & Son.
Sundries, 90e; W. IL. Lovett, coal for
north end tire hall, 17(.57; Advocate
Printing Co., financial statement, etc.,
817; J. Grigg, sundries, $2.62; R. N.
Treble, wood fur cemetery, $5.25; do.
wood for Town Hall 85.20; Queen City
Oil Cu., gasoline, $9.89; Goldie & Mc-
Culloch Co., sundries, $2.3:3; C. B.
Snell, electric lightning, $94.60; less
$12.10;J. N. Howard, lumber, $1.03;
Gladman & Stanhnry, account. 83.00;
Dickson & Carling, account, $59; Sane
mel Buckingham, rent barn, 51; David
Rumohr, labor, 51; Ww. Brimacomhe,
putuping, $1.50; W. J. Bissett, salary,
$32; V. J. Bissett, postage, $2.50; H.
McKay, hell ringing, $20; Wes. Hey-
wood, wood, 510; Samuel Stanlake &
Son, lumber fur cemetery, 519.21; Wm
Chowen, labor, 50c; Wtn. Jacuhi, labor
50c: Sani'l Sanders, postage, $2.28; W.
J. Bissett, post office falx, $1; J. Ford,
part salary, $27; Brown Bros. nuradry-
men, trees for cemetery, $8.
Mr. J. N. Howard appeared before
the council asking the town for per-
mission to dig a drain across Main
street from the premises on which he
le now building. The council granted
A communication was read from L.
K. Jonesof Ottawa, to the clerk of the
municipality stating; '•I have to in-
form) you that on Wednesday the 16th
day of January next. the Minister will,
in his office in the Western Block, at
10 o'clock a. m., take rip the applica-
tion of the St. Mat ys and Wesaern Ont-
ario Railway Company for the appro-
val of the route reap in respect of its
proposed general location from the
city of Woodstock, via the city (if
London, the town (If St. Marys and
the village of Exeter, to town of Sar-
nia." The matter was then referred
to a meeting of the Board of Trade.
A notice wAs also read regarding the
proposed Stratford to St. Joseph tail -
way through Exeter. Application to
the Parliament will he made to incor-
porate this company, "The Stratford
and St. Joseph Redial$Railway Co.,"
and to secure permission to build and
operate such a railway.
Mr. nobler addressed the council in
a speech in congratulation of their
gond work during 19116 and hoped for
good things in 1907. The business had
been done squarely and above board
and courtesy and fair play bad been
extended to all without fear or favor
to any. Messrs. Fake. Hemmen and
Treble all spoke kindly of the reeve
and their fellow cuuncilueen, agreeing
that the year had been one of profit
and pleasure to all.
The new council, consisting of Reeve
hairier and councillors Enke, Heitman.
Knight and Johns, was duly sworn be-
fore Clerk Joseph Senior in the coun-
cil chamber nn Monday morning at 11
o'clock. Rev. I). Walter Collins, rec-
tor of Tri vitt Memorial ('burcb, open-
ed the meeting with prayer, after
which the council adjourned to meet
the sante evening at 8 o'clock.
The council met at 8 p. m. Minutes
of previous Meeting read and approv-
ed. A communication was read from
a Toronto firm asking to be appointed
auditors. On notion of A. E. Fuke
and J. J. Knight, W. D. Weekes 3188
appointed one auditor. On motion of
W. Johns and A. E. Fuke, James Beer
was a+t(pointed auditor also, salary to
be $12 each.
The matter of sending representa-
tives to Ottawa re railway (natter was
discussed, and reports were rade re-
garding enquiries concerning 88 Inc
from Piu•khill, Kirkton and St. Marys.
These reports stated that the several
places were looking for the building of
the road and that St. Mees was send-
ing Hien to the meeting in Ottawa.
Fuke--Johns--that the reeve, Mr.
Bobier, and the town solicitor, Mr.
Dickson, he a committee to go to Ott-
awa to attend the meeting, railway
fares and hotel expenses to paid by the
corporation. --Cart led.
Mr. Ruttier eongratolAted the coun-
cillors on their eleetiun and welcomed
then( to the council hoard. Ile spoke
of prospects of I)PW industries and Al-
so of the railway pnssihility. He hop-
ed the council would deal with all mat-
ters in a fair and upright [tanner and
that the best of good feeling would ex-
ist at the meetings. Regarding the
appointment of
()filters desiredI
council to (house the hest [nen avail-
able. The old ()Meets had been satis-
a factory. Ile suggested the appoint-
ment of two Assessors for 1907 ser as to
get the assessment in the best of shape.
Adjourned (o call of reeve.
Ailsa ('iaig, Jan. 15. --News has been
reeeired here from 3)idsbutg, Alberta.
announcing the death by accidental
shooting of John Harvey Noble Alder-
son. Deceased im a soli of Dr. James
Ross Ander sou c.f this plarearid was A
druggist by profession, Ile 'studied zit
the Seheel of l'harmaey, Toronto, and
was .+leo employed in Saunderli whole-
sale drag store. London. He ons well
known here rind in Toronto, lernden
and ['Ark hill, and W11111.0 well•known
to the medical And pharmaceutical
profession in Western Ontario. He
wa8of genial dispu8ition sod had many
friends. He is survived by his parents.
one sister and two brothers'. The re-
nuIine were brought here for inter-
ment. the funeral taking place Wed•
nesday from the father's twine.
Ronald and MAbel Stinson. Bayfield,
visited Mrs. W. J. Wilson tart week.
R. W. Rnrsell was 111 London a fro
days list week.- Mr. And Mill D. Ma-
thews celebrated the 2.itli anniversary
of their wedding day. A very plenci•
• eel tame ons spent i.y all present. -
�Iis Mai lou Laurie oI Rebecca ((sited
Miss Mabel Foster last week. -Ebert
Hudgins of Parkhill visited friends in
this vicinity over Sunday. -R. %V.
Mussell and wife assisted the Boston
Methodist choir on Sunday.
Last week death claimed another of
Exeter's best known and [noel highly
respected rot owe residents, whose re-
mains were htalugbt here on Monday
and laid to rest among those of bis
many near and dear t tends and telt-
tives who have gone before. We re-
fer to the demise of Mr. Charles Senior
of Blenheim, who died at his home
in that town on Saturday last, at the
age of 71 years, 9 months. The de-
ceased enjoyed his usual good health
until about the first of November last
when he became afflicted with anatnie
and from that time on gradually sank
until death cave. Born in Leeds, Eng-
land in 1835, be came to Canada when
quite young and first settled in the
neighborhood of Berlin, where be mar-
ried Miss Charlotte Jobuston. From
Berlin in the year 1882 he moved to
the township of Usborne. On the 1st
day of July, 1867, being the inaugural
or first celebration of Dominion Day,
he opened a photograph studio in Ex-
eter. He continued in business here
until twenty years ago when he moved
to Toronto, thence to Port. Hope and
later to Blenheim where he lived to
the time of his death. Deceased was
a man of more than the average intel-
ligence and during his residence in Ex-
eter filled many offices of trust,among
them being school trustee for many
years es well as assessor and collector
for the town. He way a roan who num-
tiered his friends as many and his de-
mise will be learned by all with pro-
found regret. Deceased was twice
married, his second wife, whom be
married about four years ago, was
Miss Nancy Beat of Blenheim, his
first wife having predeceased hits
about-etght years. Besides the sorrow-
ing willow he is survived by three suns
and unc daughter -William and Chas.
of Toronto, Joseph of town and Mrs.
Ap ,lefot•d of Leamington. His re-
mains sere brought here for burial
Monday and on Tuesday the funeral
took place from the residence of his
son, Jn';eph, Andrew street, to the Ex-
eter cemetery,
After an illness of many ruonths'
duration Mr, David Jacques passed
away on Monday night last, about
twelv.• o,clock, at the age of 07 years,
8 ner, and 2 days). Mr. Jardnes
has been a long resident of this neigh-
borhood and his familiar form will be
much [hissed 00 our streets. Deceased
was [ver a year ago afflicted with par-
alysis and since that time has sobered
(many strokes, and these, together
with an affliction of Bright's disease
has rendered hire in an almost help-
less condition for several months.
Born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England,
Mr. Jacques came to Canada with his
parents when quite young. The fam-
ily first settled in Colborne and a few
Years later moved to the tnwns%ip of
Usborne, where he has resided the
greater part of his time since. For
several years Mr. Jacques taught
school, hut of late has followed the oc-
cupationof insurance agent. Deceased
was a man of unassuming nature, pos-
sessing many good qualities of both
heart and head and his demise will be
much regretted. Ile was never mar-
ried hut he leaves to mourn his death
three brothers and one sister -John,
Wiiltarn and Solomon of Usborne and
Mrs. Geo. Fisher of town. The funer-
al took place to the Exeter cemetery
Mr. John Ilawkshaw received the
sad news on Monday of the death of
his sister, Mrs. Sceli, who died in
Lucknow in the 70th year of her age.
Mrs. Sceli w318 a former resident of
Exeter, having lived here with her
husband for many years. Her remains
were brought here Wednesday and the
funeral took place from Mr. Hawk-
shaw's residence, Main street. the
same afternoon.
Teachers' Salaries in West Huron
How the Minimnin Salary Provision
Affects This Inspectorate.
in the inspectorate of West Huron,
there are 90 rural public school sec
tions. There are 10 assistant teachers
• in these
P 9C
ts making
teachers in the rend schools of this in-
opectorate for 1907. Under the "min-
imum salary" scheme, 27 sections roust
pay the prinieipu+1 $501), :38 srctione
[Inst pay 5l50, 27 sections must pay
$418) and 4 sections must pay $301) each.
The assistants must receive at least
$:ill() each.
Four• principal9 and three assistants
receive more than the minimum sal-
ary. in Vsberne township all the
teachers receive $500 and in East Wa-
wanosh not one receives $5(8). There
are nine teachers in each of these
The total atwrannt of the salaries of
the 1(81 rural public school teachers In
West Moron for 118,7 will be $16,025,
which is $222:0 more than the slim of
the minimum Fealties. In 1900 the
Font paid the 106 rural teachers was
$:38.:60. end in 1905 it WAS 537,7:00.
- The general township grants levied
(under section X9(2) And (3) of 19(10) for
these 1183 teachere moonlit to $30,800.
The further sumof$15,2L5 for teachers
loteries roust be levied by special rates
on the different school sections. The
mem of the minimum 8Alfries is 545-
308), tieing 57.440 more than the solar -
les paid in 1906.
There are oixty schools or depart•
nrentl' of the 106 licit which hAve char•
gest teacher. since Jemmy, 1906, And
ten have changed twice since that
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Real Estate Changs
\1:ule for you ou t eason-
a,l 1, 1. t111,.. \Ve• have un-
equalled (..((tales to rent•
sell or buy either Cann or
village property. Try it.
SANt.Eltre & CRKECH,
Prospects of C.P.R. Branch
A very enthusiastic meeting of those
interested in the proposed new branch
of the C.P.11, through this (lietlic1 was
held in the Town Hall, on Friday night
last. A letter from the Minister 1.f
Railways hearing on the p1.•j.•ct wa+s
read by Reeve Buhler. The letter
stated that a tweeting would he ha ld
in Ottawa, on 1Vedneeday, J00. 16, to
take up the application of the St.
Marys and Western Ontario Railway
Company for the approval of the
route [lap in respect of its pr"posed
general location from the city of Wood-
stock via the city of London, the town
of St. Marys and Exeter to Sarnia.
Mr. McCallum, President of the Board
of Trade, was asked to take the chair,
and Mr. J. G. Jones to act es Secretary.
After a brief address the chairman
culled on Mr. L. H. Dickson, who gave
a resume of the action of a joint meet-
ing of the various districts interested
in the proposed new railway. He
thought it was a good thing at this
opportune time that a delegate or del-
egates he sent to Ottawa.
Mr. T. B. Carling, provisional direc-
tor of the proposed new road, was the
next speaker. He agreed with the
previous speaker and thought we
should not leave a stone unturned to
secure the road.
A number of others addressed the
meeting on the same lines and all were
enthusiastic towards securing the pro-
posed new road if possible. It was
finally resolved that Mc. John W.
Taylor he the delegate. It was after-
wards artanged that Heeve Buhierafd
Mr. Dickson should go.
The Literary Society held its first
meeting in one of the rooms of the
new school, on Friday evening, Jan.
llt.h. The following program was ren-
dered: Gramophone selection; piano
duett, Misses Clark and Beaver; piano
solo, Miss Olive Holtzman; amine -
phone selection; paper on "Places of
note in Great Britain and Ireland,"
Mrs. Bluest; piano duett, Miss Clark
and Miss Ella Beaver; gramophone se-
Miss Roxie Either of Zurich visited
her cousin, Miss Martha Wenzel, last
Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oes-
treicher spent last Monday the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Callas of Cen-
tralia. -The newly elected council met
in the Town Hall last Monday. They
are a fine looking council board and
ought to give a good account of them-
selves this year. -Assistant Inspector
of Branches+, Mr. Fear of Montreal.
was in the village the latter part of
last week inspecting this branch of
the Sovereign 13.uik.--Geo. Sutton of
Shipka gave an entertainment in the
hall last Friday night. The program
consisted of limelight views of the
doer War as well as selt'ctiens on the
bag pipes. A fair number were (Ores•
ent.-Miss Robson has returned to
London after visiting her friend, Mire.
Albert Cunningham, for a few weeks.
-Our young people are enjoying the
skating on the ponds north of the vil-
lage. -The majority of our people are
suffering from colds or attacks of the
grippe. All kinds of cough medicines
are selling rapidly. -Mrs. Rosina Fink-
heiner and son, Wesley, left here on
Tuesday for Hersey. Mich., to attend
the funeral of the wife of George Fink -
equal any Clubbing Rate
offered by any paper.
Call and See
and %%'111. Wenzel. It was also decid-
ed to celebrate Victuriat Day this year
310(1 1111• secretary 331(5 instructed to
see about purchasing at field for the
association. The newly elected pres-
ident. Dr. McCue, made an excellent
address, which was well received.
Mrs. Gen. Essery visited Mrs. A.
Hastings in Exeter the greater part of
last week. -The Ladies' Aid are giving
an oyster supper in the church on Mon-
day, Jan. :N. -Andrew Hicks, who has
been buying and shipping hay around
Mitch:sli and vicinity, has so far ship-
ped fifty carloads of bailed hay to the
Cobalt district, -Frank Bode and
Clarence Duplaul are on the sick list. -
Mrs. Duplan, who has been i11, is con-
valescing. -Mack Curtin and sister,
Miss Irene, leave this week for Wolse-
loy, Man., where they will make their
future home. %Ve are sorry to lose
these young people ns they were high-
ly esteemed in the village. -11r. and
Mrs. Dennis O'Brien attended the
Traveller's' Ball in London last week.
-Miss Evelyn Simpson has returned
from her visit to Craig. -Miss Alvina
Wilson has gone to !Merton where she
will teach school for the coining year.
We wisn our young friend every suc-
SHOOTING MATCH. -The second an-
nual shouting tournament in connec-
tion with Moffatt's Hotel, on Thurs-
day last, was a decided success. The
weather was all that could ire desired.
Shooters were present from London,
Clinton, Ailsa Craig, Crediton and Ex-
eter. Six events were shot,five at tar-
gets and one at live birds, good scores
being made in all events. In the ev-
ening Mr. Moffatt, the genial proprie-
tor gave an oyster supper to the shoot-
ers, after which all went away well
pleased with the day's sport. Tbs
manager, Milt. Mitchell, gave excel-
lent satisfaction. Following is the
Possible 15 10 10 10 10
J E Cantelon 9 7 7 7 8
B ((lover 9 9 0 9 10
I) Kennedy 8 4 7 5
it Dar 9 9 4 8 10
Fred Kerr 11 8 6 5 8
F Hovey 11 9 6 8 9
A Mahler 12 9 8 8 9
EMatbler 8 3 5 5
R Gillies 11 0 7 5
I) Wet herspoon 9 7 5 0
F Snell 8 8
J Tr'iebner 11 7 7
O East 12 9 7 7
P Beaver 5
E Mitchell 0
F Dutdle 3
Wind 3
W E Sanders 0
Ford 3
Yearley 3 5
(i Mewhiialey 4 5
W Finkheiuer 4
L Robinson 4
D llartleih 7 5
Live Birds -Possible 0
J E Cantelon 6
beiner. who is a niece of Mrs. Fink- B Vsst Glover 2
beiner's.-Mrs. Chas. -Zwicker is ill M Mitchell 5
from an attack of appendicitis. We
trust she will have a speedy recovery.
-Mrs. Robert Walker went through
an operation butt week, which proved
quiet successful. We are pleased to
state that Mrs. Walker is rapidly re-
gaining her strength, -Mr. John Tor-
rance, License Inspector, of Clinton,
was in the village 00 Thursday.
C. A. A. A. MEE'riso-A meeting of
the Crediton Amateur Athletic Asso-
ciation was held in the Fire Hall last
Monday night. A large number were
present. TheTreasurer'8 report was
read showing $70.9.1 in the treasury.
The following officers were elected: -
Hon. President, H. Either, M. P. P.
•, " Wm. Lewis
President, Dr. McCue
Vice President, Fred Young
Treasurer, John O. Young
Secretary, Claude Bluett.
A committee of management was also
elected consisting of IL F, Either; C.
Zwicker, sant Brown, Geo. Holtzman,
D Kennedy
R Gillies
I'' Mahler
J E Hovey 6
A Mahler 5
J S Cole 2
It Day 4
Fred Kerr 4
Wetherspoon 2
KERR--in Crediton East, on Jan. 11,
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr, a
HEDDEN-In Crediton East,on Jan.18,
to Mr. and Mrs. Russell lledden, a
Sest.1-in Lucknow, on January 14,
Sarah Hawkshaw, relict of the late
John Sceli, in her 70th year.
SENIOR -111 Blenheim, on January 12,
Charles Senior, aged 71 years and 0
JacquitN- in Ushorne, nn January 14,
David Jac(uPP, aged 07 years,
months and 2 days,
Stoves Ranjes Fie1ers
For a good baker and economy in full and a few
dollars loss than the other fellows
see the best line of Ranges
in Exeter
Souvenir Ranges with reservoir and high shelf, 4 and 6 hole
$44.00 to $.510.00
Garlands with reservoir and high shelf, 4 and 6 hole
$38.00 to $44.00 (This range has an extra large oven)
National Steel Ranges with high closet and reservoir, $50.00
The finest steel range on the market.
A few other makes from $33.00 up,
Heaters from $10.00 up.
1 only Coal Oil Heater; Regular $5.00, for $4.50
Hoaman's Hardware & Stove Store.