HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-10, Page 5-mmart.- ""1"1-
Of TII'r:
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with Clinton Business College)
This is the must modern, thor-
oug hand successful institution of its
kind in Ontario. Excellent staff of
teachers; unexcelled equipment;
large attendance; actual business
school. During November we had
20 times as many calls from leading
concerns for Bookkeepers, Stenog-
raphers and Telegraphers as we had
graduates to send.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Our handsome Christmas cata-
logue sent free on application to
GEO. SPOTTON - Principal
Winter '06
You will want something for
the home to mark the passing
of Xmas. Tide
A Piano or Organ
is always is a most suitable
gift. Then in
we .bow the beet in makes
and finish. In entail
MUSICAL Instruments
and Children'eSleighe we show
a varied stock. Also in
Hymn Books, Bibles and
Fine Stationery
we win the cake. Prices and
terms are most liberal.
--IS THE --
The Standard of the World.
it is right in every respect.
Fight in workmanship, ltight
in price. Right in time. Right
every time. Accurately adjust-
ed. Fitted in either gold, sil-
ver or nickel cases, Let us sell
you a watch.
The Jeweller
flash Wt)O(1
\'•e ht' i no iii ,„ t'f bells now• a, -`•!r. Arthur• K.•llelnian left on Mon -
the snow has all disappeared.-- Ed. day to resume Iris studies itt Nut ill.
\\ esteru College after spending his
holidays herr.— Fred FieLbeinet is vi.-
iting his Uncle here at present.—Little
Vera Broken hire bus guile to live
with her uncle and aunt in Elea
WRITTEN BY A NOTABLE WOMAN Avery and wife ofLnud.,n spent the
holidays iii our Midst. --Miss EmmaMrs. Sarah 1:ello�; of Denver, Color ! Peart is halide fur a few works. SSI>.
Bearer of the Woman's Relief Corps, 1 Edna '1'AV for is spending her vacation
Seeds thanks to Mrs. Pinkham. U U
The following
letter was written
by Mrs. Kellogg,
of 1u 2$ Lincoln
Ave., Denver,
Colo., to Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn,
Mass. :
Lear Mrs Pinkham:
For five years I
was troubled with
a tumor which kept
growing, causing
me intense agony and great mental depres-
sion. I was unable to attend to my house
work, and life became a burden to me. I
was confined for days to my bed, lost my
appetite, my courage and all hope.
I could not bear to think of an operation,
and in my distreMs I tried every remedy
which I thought would be ofany7 u1•e to me,
and reading of the value of Lydia }:. Pink -
ham's to sick women
ham's Vegetable Compound
decided to jive it a trial. I felt so diaoou-
raged that I had little hope of recovery, and
when I began to feel better, after the second
week' thought it only meant temporary
relief but to my great surprise I found that
I kept gaining, while the tumor h,aaened
in size.
'The Compound continued to build up
my general health and the tumor seemed
to be absorbed, until, in seven months, the
turuor was entirely gone and I a well
woman. I am so thankful for niy recovery
that I ask you to publish my letter in news-
papers, so other women may know of t e
wonderful curative powers of Lyda
Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound."
When women are troubled with irreg-
ular or painful period., weakness, displa-
cements or ulceration of the female
organs, that bearing -down feeling, in-
flammation, backache, flatulence, general
debility, indigestion and nervous pros-
tration, they should remember there is
one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound at once
removes ouch trouble.
No other medicine in the world has re-
ceived such widespread and unqualified
endorsement. No other medicine has
such a reconl of cures of female trouble.
Mrs. Pinkharn invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She is daughter-
in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for
twenty -flue years under her direction
and since her decease has been advising
sick women free of charge. She ham
guided thousands to health. Addreee,
Lynn, Masa.
Remember that it is Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound that is curing
women, and don't allow any druggist
to sell you anything else in its place.
Clinton: While playing hockey itt
Goderieh the other evening :Inmos ('ole
had his jaw broken in two places.
bare stood the test foe ever to yens,{.
and are still Inthe lead. Their absolute
certainty of growth. tbelr uncommonly
large yields of delicious vegetables and
beautiful Sower., make them the most
reliable and the most popular every-
where. Sold by all dealers. 1/I/
Seed Antal free on request.
D. M. FERRY & CO..
Windsor, OM.
Hallett: F. Yungblut has hoeght
the Ndt.ticre farm of W. Welt-, • n
con. 11, paying in the neighborhood of
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonle. and
only s..to effectual Monthly
Regulaternn which women con
dopena. S4,Id in thrco decreer,
of strength— .n. 1, $1; No. Y.
10degreee strongerr1;T o. 3
for special came
Sold by all do st.4, or sent
prcpaltl on ace pt of pried.
Free pamphlet. Addr•e.ae �Tis{
Coot( Mte1t1II QS..TSIOMTO, OMT. (fo rswvly 11'asadaar)
Furniture Store.
We have a full and up-to-date Stock of Furni-
ture in all lilies, which will be sold at
Very Close Prices for the Next
Thirty Days.
under the parental roof. —Miss . ,aur ,
Harrison of Toronto is the guest of het Township for a sone. --'There was a so- I Seafot the Bert an Lemont], a
tial gathering at the home of Mr. xud former Seaforth boy, who has been
runt, Mrs. Rust. Taylor.—J. 1'. Par-
kinson of London is spending his heli- Mrs. I1. L. Callfas ou Friday evening. with W. \V. I.a Chance, architect at
days at his home herr.— Quite it nun,. — halite Mutter visited friends here Regina, hes severed his connection
her from here attended the rhino moil several days last week leaving for with that firm and has entered into
ding of O. RowtcliHr.—Vise Meta Blake no' Thursday.—John Hoffman is partner..!. p t%itb Mr. E. M. Storey.
The new firm will be knuwu as Storey
& Van E gutond.
Ailsa Craig: On Friday night an
entrance was made into 1). M. Doug -
1 -t.' store through one of the cellar
windows. Twenty dollars in cash and
a quantity of tobacco and gum were
pilfered, On Saturday evening Will
Davis, a young lad of the town, was
arrested, charged with the theft and
placed in the lock up. Ile was after-
wards released on bail.
Parkhill: On New Years Imitative. j
a uutisber of the shippeis and 4.111,•1
foe -Mess alien of town assenilled at
the station a1111 sot prised the agent.
Mc. 11;1rvey,'u1o.t ngre;llty, by rriul-
t ing :An ttddi est. and pie-. ntil:g hint
with a hahelsonie quartet rd oak units-
chair with leather seat.
Taylor bas returned to her duties at
the General Hospital, Stratford, after
spending two weeks at her home here,
--We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
W. Whiteford is recovering from her
recent illness. —S. Horn spent the hol-
idays in Toronto with bit son, John.—
Miss L. Culbert was the guest of Miss
Etta Whiteford on Sunday.—Fred
Stephens visited in Toronto during
the holidays.—Quite a number of our
people are suffering from la grippe.
Title ie the best asso1 ted stuck we ever had; bought from the hest nlan-
ef:,etnrers in Canada; and will he sold at a close pt ire.
We linve 50111e piet left, whirl) will he sold at b•:,1 than cost as we
must slake room for the spring stork
Big cut in prices for al► days
A call will convince you that we mean what we say
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
We wish yo:u all a happy and prosperous New Year
u..l :h.• It••t r`f All tt'eekliea
itt1T1i i' alt
And with the Funds II. r J 1 and Weekly `star -. 111te in.•lnded theme•t t•esntlhtl pi, tore err r
Ricentnne.apap.•r resin.. It u• gravure?' a'_".einches. 'stated -A TI r: or WAN." 11 is
eaailr worths %s . d•Ilar hill.
thealevlI'ATR trill wirply a111v-aI nes,, market•, *aria! happening.. eta., et,.. and the
F'am:h Ilenld and Weekly !its, will dire eau 5.•:omhinatinn..f the ,rr.at•at weekly ne.etaprr
rmerfng every portion of lh• rr1.oM, a areal t,ta•I.. nosaatne, far snrinr-torn ani of lhe English
nr Amerlran m .guinea in int rrr'tin,T family reading, and without d'wht the lest farmer's paper
en the continent Vo paper printed in the English langgleiage give* it. readers an •h oda 'slue as
the Fatally Ilers14 ami Weekly Star Sample 'ol.tea of 1), !want fall pi. tine may he seen at this
old*, Cali .ormend your tutiacriptinnto vie AM'ot:ATP, hacter.
Mr. Robb Hicks is confined to his
home through illness.—Mrs. John
Johns ie still 3n the sick list. -Mr. and
Mrs. S. Andrews have returned from
a visit to Landsdown.—Miss Lizzie
Johns entertained a few friends Tues-
day evening.
Short mention only was made last
week of the following event:—On
Monday of last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rowcliffe a very en-
joyable time was spent in honor of
their twentieth wedding anniversary.
After the oyster supper was partaken
of a well rendered program, consisting
of duets, instrumentals, recitations,
phonograph selections, speeches and
violin solos, was given. Rev. Fear of
Exeter, who twenty years before tied
the nuptial knot, acted as chairman.
After the programeolue time was spent
in social conversation. All departed
in the small hours of the morning.
About 100 guests were present from
Flint, Mich., Edmonton, London, SL
Mary's, and from the surrounding
community. —Mr. Phin. Hunter lost
a valuable newly calved cow through
death on Friday last from paralysis of
the throat.
Mitchell:—Mayor, John Skinner.
The following by- acclamation: Reeve,
A. J. Blower. Councillors—T. S. Ford
John Avery, W. F. May, Dr.
hurt, Thos. Thos. Rondey, Louis Porro.
Parkhill.—Reeve, West Williams.
Win. Ronald. 05 majority: : Councillors:
McLeish, McDonald, Campbell and
Barrett (Acclamation.)
The Niagara Power By-law w is car-
rie.3 in every place where voted on—
all the cites and many towns of \Vest-
er•n Ontario. About S(1 per cent of the
vote was for the by-law.
Clinton: W. F. Grah:uu, a former
resident of town, was recently neat kat
in Marl, tie, Mich., to Miss Bessie
Statile y: .1 very pretty wedding
took i,l;lee,at the home of F. Tisdale.
Y:aerut,1h. recently when \Liss llannnh
ale. third daughter of 31 t•. and
.this. 1(ieh,ld i'enh,tl•', of this tow•o-
ship, h••e.ttue 111•• 1i tole of Ft•.atik Hoh-
5 ,11. .,f Val 111.,111 h.
fwaaa Army Oddities.
Maar, Indeed, are the curious ons'
toms connected with the Russian
armysays a writer in a London Jonr-
this week moving his household effects
to Parkhill where be has a good intuit-
tion.—Miss Lidia Haug of London
spent Sunday with friends here.—Miss
Ethel Kellerman left on Moadxy to re-
sume her studies at Sarnia.—Mrs. Ra-
der and children who have been visit-
ing friends here for sometime left this
week for their borne near Bay -Port,
Mich.—The officers of the Sunday
School have again placed the teachers
.and classes in a very satisfactory man-
ner for another year.—Mrs. Battler of
the Babylon line visited her mother
here on Sunday.—The election on
Monday was not very exciting still
nearly every vote polled. The result
showed that Hy. Willert again secured
the reeveship and Jacob Kellerman
bas been elected deputy, surely we
have nothing to kick about. For
councillors Fred Wuerth headed the
poll with W. D. Sanders as second and
Steve Webb coming lowest. The
above named gentleman will compose
the board for 11)07. —Messrs. Dan. and
Theodore Willert of Michigan have
been visiting their parents who have
been in very poor health lately.—Jno.
Graybeil of Zurich spent Sunday with
his family here. The weather the first
of this week has caused the roads to
be in a very bad condition.
tel. For Instance nope but giants are
allowed In the 1 reobrasbenaki
ward regiment- To the Ismallows regiment sone but fair Lan are ad-
mitted, while a turned up wee 1. the
Vaallfyta` adornment of tbs Passim
The Guards chaaNllre. en the
ether and. are composed exclusively
of dark haired men. Thea. toe, the
distinction between officers of aha
a those aa
meats imost marked. is
tenant until recently taking preoedeiog
ever a captain of the We. Turtbell-
Sore the pay of Infantry 0facers In 11Se to town with his pride from Hamilton
teguments li ludicrously small. What
where he was married. The couple
the Infantry private's lot V can beteg will reside in his residence on Queen
be imagined than describeL tit.
Parkhill: The following teachers
t for Wednesday:
ut.t ie o Ravenswood, Peal
if:u•r•it to Mcinnes, Pearl Walsh to
Belle River and Susie R. Saulter to
John Young of western Manitoba is
a visitor in our vicitlity. He is an old
Kippen boy and his many friends are
real glad to see him. Geo. Sproat, Gil-
bert Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
K vele are alto here from the West.—
Miss Clarissa Mellis of Toronto Is
here visiting her fatber.—The mem-
bers of St. Andrews church recently
presented to their pastor 27 bags of
oats. Kindly acts of this nature are
always duly appreciated by the recip-
ient and bring forth good fruit.—The
other evening W. H. Johnston's Bible
class met at his home and presented
hint with a complimentary address. ac-
companied by a handsome easy chair
and fountain pen. Mr. Johnston made
is very suitable reply, after which alt
enjoyed a dainty lunch.
Loran: Mrs. John Fox while des
rending the stairs lost her footing and
as a result three of her ribs were frac-
Ailsa Craig: Jno. MacWilliam is
/toeing his household effects to Elora
this week and he and Mrs. MacWill-
i11111 will shortly follow.
Tucket•srnitb: W. H. Carter, a
fol mer Tuckersrnith boy, was recently
married at Beresford, Man., to Miss
Laura McKay.
Clinton: Mims Carol Newcnrnbe,
daughter of Itev. Newcombe of town,
was recently initialed at Indian Head,
Man., to John Miller.
Seaforth: The death took place on
Jan. 1st, of Peter Jordan at the resid-
ence of his son-in-law. D. H. Stewart.
Deceased was 73 years of age. and had
been in failing health for some months
Clinton: Wesley Cnekerline, of Tot-
ontn, formerly of Clinton, had the
misfortune to have his collar bone
broken while at school.
Tuckerenith: The death occurred
recently at Backoo, of an old resident
of this township, in the person of Mr.
Alex. McLean, sr, He was aged 82
years and 6 months He was horn at
Loch Sunni t, Argyleshire, Scotland,
and came to Canada in 1852, and re-
sided on the 2nd concession, L. R. S.
until 1880, when he removed to North
Ailsa Craig: A pretty wedding was
golemnlzed at the home of Mrs. D. W.
B. McKay on New Years day at high
noon, when her second daughter, An-
nie Waters, was united in marriage
with Roland Craig, of Ottawa. The
bride, who was unattended. was be-
comingly attired in a beautiful white
silk costume. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Rennie, of Statile,
in the presence of a number of inti-
mate friends.
Ailsa Craig: Will Reid who has
been ledger keeper in the local Stand-
erd Bank for some time past. has been
t r.a nsfet red to the branch at Ilarriston.
Parkhill: Jam. Gillies has returned
To relieve a rough or break opitcold
in twenty•fonr hours. the following
-ituple formula. the ingredients ot
which can be obtained of any good pi e•
•eriptiun d1 tlggist at small cost, is all
hat tt ill Ie. requited: Virgin 011 111
i'iue(I':ne), one-half mince; (.lycer-
ine, two winces; good Whiskey, a half
pint. Shake well and take in tett8feorin-
fnl 11.)4es every four hoot+. 7'Ile de.
sired results can nut he Obtained un-
less the ingredients are pure. it is
therefore better to purchase the in-
gredients x5'1111 4tely and prepare the
mixture vont self. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Per, 1 should he p,erchasel in the
urigiu+tl l ;elf-onuce vial -1, which drug-
gist. lily fur• dispensing. Etch vial is
401•11ntV se.41e51 in i. •gond wooden ease
whirh !mot vets the oil from exposure
to Tight. Armand be wooden CAM.' is
:u, enur.,t•.•,1 %5, .,.pe1 with the n:une—
"Vitgir, Oil of fine 11'urt I plainly
printed thereon. I'here,lle• upany 11111
Lail„119 Nlltl rift Ip prodnrtions of Pine.
lot these only create onuses. and nev-
er effect the desired results.
"Ask for the Pu-p'e Pwekrige.”
h,ihlNG POWL)i:R <
lace on 1
Iirucefleld: The death occurred re-
cently of John Manson, of Manitoba.
only son of John Mason, formerly of
our village. He was ill of typhoid
fever for some time. He was 18 years
of age.
Parkhill: At a meeting of the
Board of Education on Saturday Mr.al
Gerwooof North Bay was engaged
Re Principal of the Iligh School for
101)7 to the take'plece of N.McDougell,
recently resigned.
Ailsa Craig: Rev. Baker was wait-
ed on a few evening ago by a number
of members of Marrs Hill churcb,lirin-
sley, and presented with a large load
of oats and other good things at the
Parkhill: The bakery business
formerly on red by W. F Jamieson
and during the last few mouths by
Bayne' Bros. bas been purchased by
Henry Hay nton of Londe!), who etl-
'ts•red into posseseinn last week.
Nairn: A quiet wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
('Lake when them daughter, Cat her.
ins'. was united in rnarreige with Mr.
David leKenzie. Rev. Mr. bonnie
read the nl:trtiage service.
Blyth: A very pretty wedding took
I)ec. l(1 rot font p. 11)., at the
• /.takes rood Healthful. 1 bourn• of 1/ mid Kennedy, when his
• (sects I.r.Ts to % T:c. ! serum' daughter. Milt., was united in
) c:. es getter Results. a In srraige to G,•nrge E. Moore, of Ileo-
Iatiat on tion Ocnulne. f Luther.
F' IR F" E a P>.tkhill: \Ven. Mngltdery, wh,v
'.� has leen here during the peat ss- ek
-' ncAL'T;r Lim F;Ciun6 PJST CAIOS i fr New Liskeard, returned on Fri-
t f day acconlpanis'd by Roy Manning.
n' )-.•...' •.•••WM: tri nntw•ering the ft, i ..
te,: - t• nit; le ad!) ..e„d rb• : who, it is understood, will go into
partnership with the boys in New Ont -
Seeforth: Me.srs. Chesney At Smil-
ey. who have been engaged in the
li lid ware business herr for the past
f.•w years. have dissolved partnership.
Mr. ('hecney has purchased Mr. Smile
' +^1, se/. f-oe, postageprepaid, n ••. t 1
t. , ' .'•,r Inie,t ed tin,, or I,aoaitai
pict'.1 4 ; v t ea1t;4 f.lhogra{ Lel io brilllnnt
r ;lore: -•
111. 1110050 your rrecer. 4
2nd. N.tn,e this pamper. e
l".1 ERN t 1 IOV,\l. i -(lilt) CO.,
!Oro \tie CAstana
Seaforth: John A. S'Ithetlaud, lab
of 1).•trait, :u:d in of \lr. Ales. Nat l -
el Lund, was t e..vialy HIM 1 it'd .ti 'l'rt 4•r'-
ton, to Mi ('hiiaiva \I.'I)ongnlf.
d oihhter of Mr, Chas. It•1►o,lg.,11, u[
11.11. pines. \lr..ui,i Mtn. �otherl•upd
will Irside iu Lurkuuw, where Mr.
Sutherland goes into pat 1 nership with
his brother-in-law, Mr. Wali. Mutdie.
in the hardware business
Ferry's 1907 Seed Annual Now Ready tor
Free Uiatributinn
Ferry's great Seed Hook is now
ready for dietribution. This is tem
hook that every farmer wants and
waits for. It tnakes no difference
what other catalogues tore received.
farmers are not satisfied until they
get Fert•y's, because it co11taine better
and fuller information.
Ferry's Seed Annual, in fact, is real-
ly more than a catalogue. IL dffe*
from the usual seed catalogue inae-
uuuch as it really helps each farmer
or gardener to choose intelligently
the varieties hest suited to his pat -Ho-
lder needs. The wise selection of var-
ieties results in bigger, better paying
crops. The experience gained in flf v
years of successful seed growing is
thus at your command.
For freshness, purity and reliability
Ferry's Seeds sre in a class by them-
selves. They are known all over tl►e
land, and farmers everywhere have
confidence in the name of Ferry.
and know for a certainty that their
seeds can be relied upon. They know
that every package has behind it the
reputation of a house whose business
standards are the highest in the trade.
Just drop a postal to D. M. Ferry tel
Co., Windsor. Ont., and they will
send you a copy of their 1907 Seed An-
nual. It's absolutely free.
for Every Room in the Home
We have a beautiful selection of the latest designs.
Come and get our prices, all marked in plain figures.
W E ask you to carne to this store for furniture because
w:: believe you will get the kind you want. The
stock includes all those pieces that appeal to gond
taste on account of their design, finish. character
and richness. We can :chow newest ideas and the
most popular furniture for the hotne, that can be
found any place, town or city.
Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a
premature grave through IMPRUDENT HABITS. EXCESSES AND Bi.00»
DIS1•:ASF'8. If you have an) of the following symptoms consult ,ts before
It 1s too late. Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks
before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidney v irrita-
ble, palpitation of the heart. bashful, excitable dreams, sediment In urine,
poor memory. lifeless, distrustful. lack energy and strength, tired morn-
IIrnples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression,
Inge, restless nights. changeable meads. nerve weakness, premature de-
cay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.?
We rare ♦-erteerrle. Stricture. Blood Pelson, .Nervous Drblllty. Kidney
mud Bladder Dlaeaarw. ('oaanitetlnw Free. I[ unable to can, write for
Question Blank tor Ilome Treatment,
les $UgLBT warm DETROIT, MICR.
iti ' IV
All depends on the tuition you receive in a college
whether you will make a success of business life. if your
teacher allows you to depend on other students and
look in the back of the book for answers, your course
will he a failure. There are no answers given in OUR c
books --we teach you to stand alone. You need no sup-
port, so that when you start life in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself so
essential to a business man. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
cient training in both our Business and
Shorthand departments.
Booklet free. School term : Sept. till June,
inclusive. Students may enter at any time.
Forest City Business College
1. W. WISTEtvELT. Y. M. a
A. te. g.,
r' % e‘..1 interest, and will conduct 1111 hti,i-1•
•►AVirt 'e,:'v.1M'it L'I*i V1IltIVO, 'r+. e.' 1 ci..1. himself. itiosalIll�tzimitegossallIftitheologl3 eigesta01110.111111111114,