HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-10, Page 4ilet YIaIei Botiles In health -a comfort ilnd luxus v In sickness -n iieces8ity Our new best rubber hot wat••r bottles with cloth insertion seams and perfect fitting stoppers insure satisfaction that you can't get from the ordinary. Everyone guaranteed. Oar Supply is Large & Assortment Complete We carry more than one quality but each ie sold at. honest prices for what they are. Prices 75c. to $1.50 W, S. COLE, Prescription Druggist, -AT- COLE'S DRUG STORE Headquarters for all Rubber Goods Oz ter Abuorate, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum If paid In advance. 111.60 If not an paid. Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Jan. 10, '07 NOTE AND COMMENTS Hensall will soon go dry. Itealt over, even the shoutir,•.. Only 27 votes between the high and the low councillors. Over a million dollars of succession duties was received by Ontario in 1906. Who said Well Johns and .lack Knight couldn't strike a 290 and a 311 clip. It seems that Stephen believes in giving 11. Willem and S. Sweitzer turn -about in the reeve's chair. Mr. Jacob Kellie ninn's success in stepping into the deputy -reeve's chair in Stephen without having first sat as councillor speaks well for his impuhtr•• ity. His opponent, Mr. Andel son, wade a good run. It is all over, but the election Was warn) while it lasted. Seldom have the fights in Stephen, (Shorne or Exeter been so strenuous, and never has it been mute ao warul in all three muni- cipalities at once. King Edward is becoming a matri- monial pear'ernaker as well as a nat- ional peacemaker, he having succeed- ed in slaking the Marlboro'igt►s friends again, The friends of Mr. John Moir ate congrittulating him on heading the poll for councillor in Unbovne. By some means he was left at home last year, but his eminent success this year shows that the people have confidence in hila. Clandeboye. Mr. Boyle of Moo•3ejaw is visiting friends in the village. -James Mcllhar- gey is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London receiving treatment. We hope for a speedy recovery. --The Misses Lou and Lizzie Ar•dell returned to their home in (Merit. Monday. They were here at- tending the funeral of the late John Hodeins.-Jsmes Carter of London spent Friday in the village. --Mr. and Mrs. Kestle are now comfortably set- tled in their new h.noe.-Mrs. Boyle of Lneknow is 1he guest of her sister. Mrs. (isorgeC.u•Ier. -- We are sorry to hear that ,f i, s Nellie Domain is cnutin- ed to her bed through illness. -Mrs. N. J. MclIhargey after seyerul months visit here returned to her h • in Hamilton. -11. W. Jell of McLoed, Alta., spent a few days at his home here.--`Ve are sorry to learn of the serious illness of I'. Williams. Local Option i ehundred a ( -- Coe 1: i. (n and Pleven muni( I, ell ties voted on laical Option on Monday. Thre-fifths of the vote Was required to carry the by -Laws. it was carried in Hensall anti 1.'ahuttie by tw'o to one; ( a Carling. 1. v., es. Mid- land.111 i t s( r n 1 e v t 1 land. %Writon, TI(kel'snlith, Turnnto Junction, Stanley 'i'p., 13rtcefleld, Hn• Fon and Ripley, Iltoce tp., and teeny others. it war defeated in Bradford, Ails:( ('raig, Meaford, Enlbro, Adelaide tp., Burford tp.. Port Elgin, Kings- ville, Leamington, Urun,bo, (trejyQ� Tp.. Collingweod, Niagara tp., St. Marys and others. in a nun)ber of places a majority was palled for the by-laws. but three-fifths was not secured. Wea/k Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungq, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the hest doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The best kind of a testltnontal "Bold 1..r over atxty years." *4. b see Cit r.e,ersll• L -ss. ' VI.. manuraoturera of P SARSAPARILLA. qersMIt )1001. We bees we t We pnbtlsb tereelae of ail our mNletnsu. yaw's P1911 keop the bowels resuM►. A.1 Vegetable and gently laltativ;J. Now Books for library ('(•nt rube Mts. ilitks s,'• r,t 1.t.,iday i11 L. (1011. -.1. Hastings 011(1 Wife a Exeter FICTION Spe111 Sunday at the team.. of Geo. Es - 104s Jane Caber 5! 1' ,t h,.•,. Hely. -- lits:. It 'tti ill, .\ ho was ohlily(�t d 1049 House ofaThousand raol! -. 11 NI, h !-. i to give tip t.•.,rlllog 111 the Fait fiord ries Seevnd Wooing of Selina Sur R 11 Knee.) SCh J11I abubl 1 wi' (((sill Its ago, 11N'Ilig 10K,1 Young Man iu 8 ltdrry R w' Chambers to Ilhless, has . flu 1 et toiled and t:►k- toss Karl Grier le•uu Tn, r g' e1) up her duties 111 the Senior dt•part- tuent. Miss 1hIswr11, who had charge of the Junior room has resigned and the trusters have engaged Miss Mahe! Sparks, of near ileusall, who recently passed at the Model school at Goderich with hono1 s. The echool re -Opened on Thursday after the holidays and we trust the cooling year will be success- ful to both teachers and scholars.-Af- a pleasant visit here with friends Miss Runiens has retie ned to her home in London. -Fred Bloomfield and his soother spent Sunday with friends near Hensall.--The attraction seeing quite strong at Exeter for a few of our young mien, and we expect to hear of a few weddings in the near future. - G. Ranting of Ailsa Craig was a visi- tor in our midst on Sunday last. - Don't forget the shooting match to- morrow Friday iu connection with Moffatt's hotel. -The roads are in a very bad condition for travelling ow- ing to the recent rains. -P. Hanlon is in Goderich this week attending the funeral of his nephew. -There was quite a stir in our town Monday on account of the elections. -J. Wilson was quite ill last week but we are pleas- ed to state that be has recovered. --T. Elston's horse has been laid up since Monday witha sorefoot.--W Riley con- tracted a severe cold on Monday and has since been laid aside from active duty. -A few friends gathered at the house of Samuel Davis on Monday ev- ening where a vet y pleasant tune was spent. Messrs. Essery and Elston sang several songs, whileaddresses were de- livered by Messrs. Riley, Baskerville and Davis. Mr. Davis treated thecon,- pany to lin abundance of oranges and candy. The gathering broke up at a reasonable hour', after all singing "Were all jolly good fellows." 1oJ1 1. air Baltimore 1154 By Wit 0 Woman 11455 light,u,, Chance, A 1a ti house iu Il o)mbury 1067 Fen% .elk'. 1'arrrr 145a o T.„drr Dolores 10:9 5! 1_0iimier 4.y's Dream 1041 'the Woman of Babylon 650 ):a,t 1.y one 055 Guy Earl -uurts Wife St. *:fur, 84» Marion Grey 761 Meri.ale Banks 551 Molly Baan 766 72'6 360 361 352 353 384 885 886 547 366 3311 390 3'dl 392 Owen ''tater Mar•hmout Chambers Mr*. Oliphant Mr* 11 Ward Ducheri Wil isms J Hocking 5fre. Wood Flemming Wilson Holmes Duchess Man on Box 11 Mn)nth Ishmael Pengelly J Hocking M ISCEI.LAN HOUS Widow O'Callahan's !lays Zollinger Puck of Nook's Hill B Kipling Count Bunker T6 Clouston tta'* of Life, The Ouy Boothby Criu,e of the Under fleas Mr. Wing -rave Millionaire Openheim Kish •pp of Cotton Town (.1 Holmes Arnclitle Puzzle Animal Nerves K T Beton Girls Annual Boy. Annual Toru Sawyer Iluckleberry Finn HISTORY Twain 653 A Knight of St. John Brenton 654 Brown of Monkd•n H Strang 655 little Arthur's History of Greece A 8 Walpole 556 My Sword of Lafuette M Pemberton 557 Invasion of England 1.e Quenea 558 Harry Rochester II Strang 559 8ir Nigel [Doyle 660 Warousta Richardson 561 White flumes Crockett 562 Saul of Tarsus Miller VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 546 Adventures of Billy Topsial N Duncan 547 Alton nt 8omasco Harold Bindles. 515 Canadian Girl in South Africa E Graham 549 011 the Rocks W T Grsatfell SCIENCE 3X20 399 331 :332 :333 334 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 0:. 939 94') 941 942 943 944 945 940 947 941 949 9511 951 95.2 05:3 954 9.55 956 957 41n11 Hampton 958 Imola 0.59 Undertow 6111 Graustark 5115 Meek Rock 715 Sky Pilot Nature and Health New Creations in Plant Life Hot Water Heating Care of Engin.. and Boiler Family Physician Inventors at Work LITERATURE E Curtis Harwood Lawler Le Van 10. Gunn Hee Aw-akeningof iielen Itltehie, The M Deland Giant Circumstances Oxenharn (:all of the Blood R Meilen. Princess of Vaw.•ovy Ixenham Thirteen Men Fruzer Vine of Sibmab, The A McPhail !fade in 114 linage Ouy Thorne In the Van Price brown Silver Maple, The Marion Reitch Heart that Knows, The C O 1) Roberta Freemasons The Gibson Spoilers The Rex Beach Power i.ot S P Greene A Gallant Fight M Harland quest of Happiness, The N 1) Hillis hid M,1)hie S R Crockett Rani( of a Single Note, A A E Barr Squire's Daughter S K Hocking h•n'elda 1: 8 M•-I.-eod The Dw.tor 3 R Connor No Friend Like a Sister i! N Carey 11 i1.inge Borough S weyn.an Cupid and the Candidate Carr Man Who Rose Again Ilo.king Cameroun of Bruce Richardson A lade 01 Rome Craw foul Parrish Haggard Knowles C H4'trchem, Ralph Connor (irand Bend 31r. and Mrs. Teideman accompanied by their children, who have been visit- ing their sons in Sarnia and Port Mu- ton, returned hunle Friday. -James (tush, who has been spending the hol- idays in Stratford, returned !lone. %Vedueaday,- Messrs. Ed. Gill and D. Wilson were in Exeter Friday on bus• iness.-L. Ravelle was in Dashwood Thursday on business. -Addison Bos- senberry, who was 'tinted in marriage a few day ago to Miss Margaret Mc- Dougall (not (crimes as stated in last week's issue) returned home Monday. The young people are now t'eceiving congratulations from their numerous friends.- Wm. Oliver and family re- turn. •1 Monday from their visit. to St. Marys. --John (laird sod family spent Tuesday near Thedford.-H. Speck - man of Exeter was in our burg Mon- day. -The matt y ftieuds of Miss Cella Disjardine will he sort y to learn that she fell en Wednesday and broke her anti(. -11t'. Fletcher of Forest spent Tuesday with 11.`4nlith.--Mr. and Mrs. He•:ttuan of London were herr for a days last week.- -31r. liea,nsn lost one of his Targe deer by death lately. - Emery ('art iere, who has been holi- daying ,tt his home here, returned to Parkhill 11onday to resume his studies. DK.'Tlt.-By the slow but certain prucesa of death, the hsrely pioneers who laid the foundations for the agri- cultural wealth and prosperity of this country, are quickly becoming a 8111411 remnant of what was once a strong force in its early history. To the num- her who have borne the heat and har- der of the day. must 1)e added the name of Mr. 'Xavier Disjat•dine. A pian of strong physique and character he enjoyed good health until a few years ago when he was affected with heart tremble hitt was always able to Ile. around. Mir wife prede(ras.tl hilt severer years :ted since that Owe he hate made his twine with Ills s1,1), Ed, On New Years day he ,fore 58 11,114 and after eating( a few meethf els at09e and went out side. His daughter•in• law thinking he remained out longer than usual went to the barn where her husband was working and not finding him thew they co,,i, lensed ,t seitreh. On nearing the house they saw hien -ottani; from an out 1014449 and noticed !)at he was breathing very heavily. Ile lingered only a few moments and then answered the Master's call at the arts of 77 years. Mr. Disj fdioe wits t► Litters) in politics ami a member of the Presbyterian church. Ile Ir Ives to mourn the loss of a kind father three sons and four daoghterr and to th.•nl the sympathy of the COM y is e'ttende(l. Thr funeral took place tin Thursday, the remake' being kid re rest in the (hero) Bend cemetery. fol owed by a huge cune'•llrse of sor- loe ie't• friends, who gathered to pa). 1 ..1 t 'bete to their departed friend (3rtarnw(ty N •I.on Il iyter awl family returned (rout visiting friends difT••rent p:at(s (,1 1liclligK in. --John 13:•Iling,who spent th. li litlsys:tt 1)••t'nit with his daugh- t.•rs, his returned bailee, Rccotpanied by h:s dnught.v, Mary, am) 11r. and VIS 1.. 11. Lehr.. Miss Eva Stinson (if It.. field is visit ing at the home of 1V. .I. 11'ii+un.- Mrs. 11'. '1'. 1'Ienc retie e ed h 1111,' from '1' ,rontn whore she 10.1, 1.•. n visiliteg 1. r son. Gordon. w'ba is ill n1 the Chilli .•11.4 Ho pi till. We All en••grat ,l tt . 33'. T. Clens as !treaty It 'eve f with over 148) of a in .j it it y. --hi-s Delilah it , ytev'speta the c"cation with Maher Foster.- 1f. Iteics.•II, (8,1,' 11)41 roti spent a few day- in Parkhill recently. --The Pdttn e•rs' 1 1"ti1 its will he held here Feb. .i 14,11. Stanley: Previous to the el 'sing of the school in election No. 3, for the Christmas holidays, the pupils pre- sented their teacher, Miss 31. C. Jen- nison, with a handsome Chatelaine pin and a beautiful gold broi•eh set with brilliants. Hensall G. Richardson has returned to De- troit. -Miss Do'ena Wilson who has been teaching at the "1Vhite" school house 11ea1' h/'te for the past tern!, has resigned. Miss 11cEwen is the new teacher here. -Miss Jean Dick of Pitts- burg and Geo. Dick of Moosejaw are here un a tisit.a-Miss 3fata•1 McLean, after a 4)leassnt visit here, has return- ed to Winnipeg.- 13awden have returned to Clinton after a visit here. -Nelson Suthetby. who has been in employ of J. Hopkirk for the past three years, has iltlrchased a blacksmith bus- iness at Mt•ilin, Essex (7o., and left last week to take possession. Ile is a goo(' workman end an ideal young 111511 and his many friends wish bite every prosperity.- -0Id Mr. Mut ray, who has been very ill, sutievieg from pneumonia, is, we are pleased to sten', showing some signs of improvement. -- s. Vale of Exeter was called to the bedside of her sunt, Mrs. Shuat•t, who is very ill, and with no hope of rec(.v- ety.--Rev. Going of Exeter preached a temperance set mon in the interests of laical option on Sunday evening. -The Local Optiou by-law was carried here Monday by a majority of 68. Owen Geiger was elected Reeve, Majority *I. Councillors were all elected by accl4- tnation.-Mrs. Roberts of St. Marys In visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Tole. -The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. J. C. Stoneman on Wednesday evening. An interesting program was rendered and a pleasant Sloe was spent Ly all.- 31. s. C. Matins is visiting %311. keiten fiieuds.--.lanlea'rloyer forth was in town Monday on business. --Mr. and Sirs. ('hatll'rworth of %ul'ie.h visited the Litter's neither, Sirs. 11'. McLean en Sunday. -Our young peo- ple ,u a disappointed these days owing to the fact the' there is no skaking.- The recent rains have left the reeds in a very had condition. -Rev. and lits. 'tole entertained the latter's Sabb:oh school class to the nuniber of sixteen on Thursday evening. The young pee. pleLare loud in their praise at the kind hnepitslity shown them by their pas. tor and his estimable wife. The Miss- es Going of Exeter were also present. -.I. Shepherd awife are visiting 1.ievlds in KMeat-dims - Mrs. J. 13nn- tht-nn is on a 5 isit to Goderich friends. -While playing with s little;hoye OW other day Master Willi.• Wisemil• lee had the n)islortrine to fall and hurt his leg. A phys ri an 44..s called and an exanlin,ltloo m ilk hot it was found tial no iones wet broken. 1Ve are (1190.ed to state that the little fellow is getting along as well as can he ex- pected.-- Nies. G. Marks of Hrucefleld 1s n visitor at the home of Fred Bosch. --Mrs. H. Busch, who has been cun- fine(1 to her bed for the pant six weeks wit 11 pleurisy, is able to sit up a little each day. The news will be learned with pleasure by her neatly friends. --- A. I3. Smillie and J. A. .'1 eliwen of town were enccessfll in passing their examinations at the Ontario College of Physicians sod Sur'ge'ons. We ex- tend cangratuletions,- -Miss Munn has returned to London to remonh' his stud- ies at the Business College. --Miss MabelSpat ks, who recently passedi at the Model School, Goderich, has been engaged to teach the school at ('en- t.taint and left last week to canunence• her duties. -11'. Stoneman ruler toned the choir of the 11etllOdist church on Tuesday evening. During the evening the (heir presented ,1 h IIl11so►rle rh.lir IM it token of appreciation. The elft was nr'eotup.u'ied by an :asldte,s. 11'. 51011 Hurn 11:1(11' a x1111,.1(.' reply. -It. .11cMoldie of London spent t few da)•a in town diet ing the we•ek.- IL .1ohn- h Is tenoned to'r,.-,ilita ,.flee' a visit with hilt mist' r. Mts. Situneulin.--Mr. 11 ..w of ('h alien, an expo! leered nlil• has ecce (ted a poeitis•n in ('nok's aeill. -- Mss SI,001 Petty 1105 gone 11) I. enolon to att.•n.l ('.'ollteleIsl C. -ll 'g.•. 11r. and Nit s. Soot !melt have re• totaled to Tureetu:tfte'r n ph-lsatit 849- 13 Ie. N1 vltt(t.'(lt'. --A '.ry Ilett )• et-e'nt ,,lave at the Ptesl,yrrtiin rt.nsr, Thano s 1(1'3,1, •'n Toesd:,y wreck. when one of abs most popular venng ladies, in the i'' "" of Hiss Susie Melville, 4.1•r .11)9 the happy bride of Wesley suit .,01,8 if I'al4010:4i. Tile interest. A Surprise V Biscuits Every lox 01 Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you opcn-you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. When you want to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Mooney's et Perfection Cream Sodas ing ceremony, which took place at 6 o'clock, p.m., was performed by Rev. C. Fletcher. 1'be bride who was hand- somely attired in a navy blue costume, was unattended. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple drove to the home of the bride's parents, where a reception wits held. Many useful and ornamental gifts were pre- sented to the bride an 1 groom. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons leave this week for Filltnore, Alta., where the groom has a blackstnithing business. The bride will be touch missed and her many friends are sorry to see her going so far away, but wish her and her hus- band many years of happiness and prosperity. DE.'Ttts.-We nee indeed sorry to leirn of the death of W. J. Miller, which sad event occurred at Los Ang- les, Cal., last week, the sod informa- tion being received by his wife on Wednesday. Deceased had not en- joyed good health for several months and last spring took it trip to Manito- ba with the hope that the change of climate would benefit hire. For a time he felt well, but last fall he con- tracted typhoid fever, and since that time has been very poorly. Some three weeks ago he left High River, Alta., for California, but the trip no doubt proved too touch for his nlready weak- ened condition and the dsyli►fte•r he at - rived at i,,os Angeles he passed away. Mr. Miller was one of our most enter- prising business Olen and his Pally de- mise is deeply regretted I.y the entity emenulnity. As a Mistime! and fath- er ht' tvas afieetionete end indulgent. and the; nnnle•rous ft tends extend their sympathy to Mrs. Miller and her young family. The remains are ex- pected here to -day (Thursday.) -This week it become merged duty to record the drat It of another of our highly es- teemed residents in the person of Mrs. Root. J. Drysdale• whose spirit took night on Friday after an illness of sev- eral weeks. The hest care and 14tten• Lien was given her but all to no ((rail and to -day the fond soother rests at peace with all the world. She was n gnarl woman in every sense of the word and by her death we lose a valued friend. She leaves to metre her de- mise a large gr'lwn-np family who have the sympathy of all. The funer- al took place Monday to the Rayfield cemetery. --Word has been received here of the dent of Mrs. ('Inti, daugh- ter of Win. 1Videsides, of town. De- ('eaae(1 had been a victim of pneumonia for some time 01111 8lthough she receiv• 0(1 the Meet of attention nothing could check the disease and after an illness of s weeks she pissed away at her home in To,kersmith. During her ill- ness she was finite patient end bole all with Christian fortitude. She leeves a family to tumuli her demise. To the sorrowing tines we extend our sympa- thy. Expectant Mothers should take " Tlu-Ju " during this trying time. The extra strain, weight anti undue pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby in jeopardy. Bu -Ju The Gentle KldneyPill keeps the kidneys strong and vigoroua-nentralitet Uric Acid in the bloul-relieves irritated itladder (Cystitis)-acte an a mild tunic on all the female organs. Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. This School is recognized to 1,e one of the leading ('oinnier ial Sehoob in America. Our graduate* are in de,,,sud as Busiuers College teachers. The moat recent application wr received for a leacher offered ({1414) per annu,u. \t'r t,eI!ere we are running one of the most progreeel.r and up-to-date businerr train ing ',hoofs In the Pr,. ince. The demand upon its for office help 1,srvenal times tie supply. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. WAREHOUSES -AT- EXETEN, CENTRALIA AND CLANDESOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDOM (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR Everyone needs something to create and maintain strength for the daily round of duties. There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the pu I ity and merit of which has been attested by chemists, physicians and experts at the great exhib- bitions. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Office, - Montreal Capital Paid Qp $3,000,000 Reserved ..............$3,000,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH OFFICE IiOCRS 10 a. In. to 3 p, m. SATURi/AYS, 10 a. ni. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great lit Rain and United Suites bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES tu5de to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department. 1101'tts 11: and nemesis rrreired lnteren com• 1u�undrd halt -}'earls anA added to principal June Se)tb and December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HUI(DON, Manager. Zurich 11'. Gebel and wife have returned to Bert it- after a pleasant visit. -Henry Eicher, ,r., of Elkton, Mich., is here on a visit. -Mrs. J. O. Kalbfleish, N110 has been suite( ing from a severe at- tack of pleurisy, is, we are pleased to state uu the mend. --Miss ida 1Vell is tin a visit to her sister at Saguia\', Mich. -Chris. E.chlet, a former tesi- dent of this vicinity, died recently at Pigeon, Mich. --School re -opened nn 1'hnl sday with A. McLeod as Princi• )tl, and Misses I', Nicholson and 11. Bess ,15 it.Si.talltr.-MIS. D. Sererus, is v.•1)• ill and under the doctor's cafe. Mrs. %V. M. Holtzman and daughter of Mildewy and \letno Snrerus anti wife of Cavalier, K.U., ore visiting ne the honer 114 511s, Smell's.- 111sses Annie :Intl E:ournt Heideman of Detro- it ere here un 5 '.1.11.- hili Geiger. af- ter an absence of 23 years in the West, is bele visiting his patents.- Jacob Huwald ,Gael wife recently celebrated the twenty-fifth arinive•rsitry of their wedding. A nuulher of friends were present ,1110( all repel ,t pleasant tithe. Mort is Ham',cher and wife of Ray ('ity are rejoicing over the ,waive( of a baby boy. --Dr. %Vilso11's horse in 14011)9 un - arc table way broke its leg the oth- er dal'-amiss Freda Hess of town and Ethel ensiling of Blake were +elu•lng the successful ones who passes( the re• cent Mod.I school examinations. -11'. Schenk is recovering from the effects of his recent accident. %Vhile lilting the trap at the .hoot on Tuesday hr wits hit by it stray wad which rut 11 gash on the side of his head, which required several stitches.-- A quiet wedding wits celebrated at the home of Martin Weirnl, Bronson Line•, on 33'ednesdny when his d'lugntrr, Mss Edna, was married to Daniel Osw..1,1. 81111 of ('hris. 4)sw,,'d. 11'e join with :1 • I rin wishing a young the many friends 1 I hnlg th ) g people .•ver)• happiness. -- - C1lifielhtlrst Buggies hail to be brought into use again owing to the recent thew. -Cel - vin Newell has purchased it home in Hensall and will move there in the spring with his family. -,1. Mclean in• tenderer -ea -Ong a new house• in the spring 11 11f1 ie busy drawing brick for it. -R. New.•I1, j,., left with his (anli!v for Kingrten where they intend( lie 111ainiug rut' it time prior to ie,4\1 I'g for the West.- .'1 little son 1111... Fools of D•►n 13rintnell. 5Ii•s 1'410, is the new organist. at our church. -- Wm. end firs. ileghten 01 . now cool• fartably settled in their new flame. May their married life be one of hnppi. 111.85 and prosperity. -- - Shit roe • Mis4 M. ('.Jennison com)neneel her (butes in unr school nn Thursday last. The following is a 1ril,ute to the high esteem in which she is held 1'.• the IN - pill and trustors of her I,t'e s, In'ol. •'.\tics 1f. 4'..iea,liw'n, %V 11.1 11.49 1111 'Amigo of No. 3, Stanley, for the past i-,.11ple 0r }•1•:119 or S.,, %Y,i°, 101 111,• 1•\'I• A "Ru -Ju" pill at bedtime takes of the holiid .Vs pi erentell by her 1,o- -relieves the sharp pain in the back pies with a h ort+anlr hooch and with h -relieves the dragging, bearing (Kbnrd, 1114 an index of their rcg (Iowa throughhips-1 pain; ththe hi s- Miss .i.•nni-on is Iegaldr.l ( L 3 v'v )' eapahb• t'•nher. ind'•ed :t• ()TIP of presents Constipati )n - Is the; the best in the inspeetorate arid has best protection against Kidney I'• , 'I) nstatf V1111.1'. 1. Her matyl,f,'il),ldittI 4 in Troupe during pregnancy. I No, 3expeel to heel.. of her )01.-ese in At all druggists, or direct on receipt f �. ( 'Ind II"' g"ad wishes '4" with of price, soc. a targe box. I11vfle1.1: The new Methodist 67 cher' h will hit opened tin J.uina 1 V : U. Tlf[ OtArUN CM[Mical CO. e1M(t*O l a..rviees In he r•e 1•14Pfe.1 1y 111'• tire. 548 08001 nose. (i N. 114 Leri ',f I:.,lcrich. III 'tit DIi.tTlt.-The death of John (Stout H.edgin on Wednesday, at the age of 87 seals removes one of t he tuost high - 1v respected resid.•ntuof this township. Mr. Ilodgins''health began to fail ,t few month, since but it WAS only about two tveeks ago that he was conl- ta•Iled to take his bed. A general Freaking up of the system 58'as the cause of his death. 31,'. Hodgins was a native of Ireland bot eft 111e 10 this township when there were only two nr three settlers in the entire district, and with the detet initiation and force of eharac.ter that mist ked him in later years he 511111rd to hew out s home and ,l fortune, in loth of which be sin.. eede.l. All the trials Of it pioneer in the bush fell to his lot, and he never shirked whatever difltentties ea 1110 in his way. 1}e was blessed with a robust cont it ul inn and gond health, but what was. f equal importance he had a true helpmate in the person of his late wife who predeceased hila a few years. He is survive.( by two sons. and one danelrter, Janles of Centralia, and Walter and Milson at home. The fun- eral took place from his late residence, lot IN, eon. 1. to Sr. ,}amts cemetery, ('landeboye, on Friday. Ailsa Craig: .inn. ,McWilliam. who hots been principal of our school for the past three years, has sccepte•el a posi- tion as teasing' of the Elora Mt de1 school for 11807 at s good salary. �IURE SPREIDER 010 PLOWS ____ SPREADERS We have just received a number of tine Spreaders -The Successor -which does its work in line style. This is r(_'cognized to be the best on the market. PLOWS We handle Peri in Plows and Ih;tve j11st t'e('ci1•e( a car'oad of walking, I id- ing and gang plows made by this reliable tiro(. TNORNTON BAKER Agent for the Sylvester and Peri in Plow Companies Exeter Ontario WOod'8 7'he Great y. Tones and invigorated the w hole nervous a '.1nn►, Make. pew toed and Ern s Worry, Acre - and Rests . Hier• butte oror it pale et x t'noli,. Newels 008 /kbQ(tyy M r...n,l.'vary, orzwed rnntorrh(w., and - I'rice It per ',melte win rune. Fold p6tln pkg.. on roots. maths' free TM (Iornu-rly I('(n./scary