HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-10, Page 3r
Teething Bable
are saved suffering -and mothers
given rest -when one uses
Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure
Quickly relieves -regulates the
towels - prevents convulsions.
Used 5o years. Absolutely safe.
At dru`rstores. ?Lc. 6 bottles, SI VS.
I'LtIonar Drug R Chemical Co., l,taaited,
sots Proprietors, Montreal. 41
Manufacturer* of the
N1����s0Il BOE��
klagara Falls, Ontario,
Work wanted for Polder & John-
ston machines, and Brown &
Sharpe grinding machines. Prices
low. Any kind of llUht machine
built to order.
This Is the Proposal of an Eminent
E;ir James Crieliton•Browne, giving
evidence before the !loyal Commission
on the (sure of the Feeble -Minder, said
that the tum►bc'r of certified lunatics in-
creased last year by 2,150, and no one
conversant with such matters would be
surprised if the increase was even
greater this year.
Ile was inclined to believe that Insan-
ity was increasing out of proportion to
population, and the problem must be
approached by new methods. insanity
was largely a preventable and curable
disease. and it seemed of paramount im-
portance that there should be n strong,
well -organized department of the Cen-
tral Government to protect the sufferers,
to protect the public, and to conduct
scientific investigations. Ile laked for-
ward to the Coirnuissionere in Lunacy
forming an integral part of a floa:d of
flealth, presided over by a Cabinet Min-
Meanwhile, the f)cnrd of Commission-
ers were grievously overburdened with
work. and he thought they should be
reinforced by n paid chairman of dis-
tinguished position, two additional medi-
cal commissioners, a special statistical
clerk, and a permanently retained archi-
lou Aust :tierce In This: -
That 1 I. ,I !;e does not necessarily
mean Ihrre IN anything wrong with
your head: That being so, you must
look to some other organ for the !rote
tile. is the ache in the forehead, and
does it cease if you press i1? That is
neuralgic headache. Is it on one side
of the head only? That is what the doc-
tors cull "megrim." Both (hese forms
al•irl:' from lack of tone in the system.
Is your headache general and nccoln-
pnned by siekntt s or foul breath iv
constipation? That kind of hendache
is duo to liver and stomach disorder.
Nine headaches in ten arise from these
causes. Bileritis correct the organs
which by the:r derangement are caus-
'ng th • trouble, and coie headache by
lie vr i neticial operation on the diges-
tive -y 1.•11', the liver and the blood.
Mr.. I;. U. Black, of 35 Blcvins Placa,
Toxon e. say.: "1 suffered ncutcly from
heady •h'. The attacks were most vin•
lent 1111,1 made lee so 111 I could hardly
.do ony'lli ng. The headache was nccom-
pane d by digestive trouble, heartburn,
•and c'enstl;•nik,n, nn11 it seemed as if 1
were piing fmnt bail to worse. Unlit 1
tried 13ileatis 1 was unable to get any
thing which gave Inc relief. Ilileans.
however, neted like magic. They not
only cured the he•ndarhe, but also re-
lieved ate of the litiligestien, heartburn
and co'tslleat;on. No family should he
wf'h,tll n lox of Ilii ons on the shelf."
Rice•:ns are n euro for all digasl(ve
end Ever ells :cirri, constipation, piles,
deliitity, nna'niiii, b!unl impurities,
cold and chills. 1111'1101a USD!, wind
spasms. female ;laments and irregutnri-
lirs. sallow complexions (due In bile in
the blood), ditziee,s, etc. ,11I druggists
and sores yell them nl 511e. a box, rr
plod free from the fifteen Co., Toronto,
for price. 6 boxes for $2.50.
Nlis3 \creelv.rweed--''Cxc,j a my tg.
nn. ince: but night I In call you Ale.
Squill; or 11r. Squills?" The Doctor
(irascibly) -'011. call ale nnylhing tvu
I,ke. Some of my frijends call me nn
old hIL,l." Mics Me'n(I0Wswe'ct--",\hl
but the. arse only people who know
you in'imaF.ly,"
e hnrret,r finer Wendell with great
abi'ily Ih • cane of his client for 'teary
on hour. \\'hen he I;nd finished, hire
1c.re'ed (rale! on the nth, r side. will]
a super iteer, ewer, remarked that h,,
dt1 not ne,l, rs and a word the olh r
bail sn:d "I behove it. for I •.r;ls
wundiug liwr said the first Apes!
1 ART OF HUSBAND TAMING little Girl-" els rtinrnrna ds ntt•f(Il
blroit Is your;"" Little Iloy-"Or•ful!'
rty'i Little Girl -"But sho lets you go any-
\vh re you want to, and—" l.iltl.'
ONE tiny -"Oh, sho ain't, strict with me."
Lilllo Girl -"'filen who is she strict
with?' Ltltle Boy -"I'n "
An End to Bilious 1leadache.-Rilinus•
111\7S ON 111111 TO UAN eG..
A feels 1\ho il;r, Had 'Oeperience fells
Iler Friends Row tt Is
There are nhanv little things it Is ab-
solutely necessary for a womuut to learn
before mastering the gentle art of Iran -
aging her husband. It is easy enough,
ie the ordinary way, to gel a husband.
but the difficulty lies in keeping hill.
Therefore, all ye who are married and
have to deal with the superior sex, take
` warning, and do net allow all the
charming qualities and graces that so
• motivated "hint" before marriage to
ie. idle, or 10 be only displayed before
: friends. Some women do not think it
necessary to wear pretty clothes for
' their husband's eye utnnr, or to do
' (heir hair in the innst heeo►ning way
l un, ess he brings n friend home. This
I i; one of the greatest mistakes. Every
I man appieeiakas beauty, and especially
in bis Own w•'fe and his own belong-
' Some people--excalingly looks!' ones
-consider beauty a snare and a de-
lusion. iI is not so. and should never
be so. CO'I tirade the world beamlitul.
\Vh)" shuudd not we in our small ways
stake it beautiful fnr each other? A
Isw•e •t senile on the wife's face and ninny
O 0100, tired and weary with his long
clay In a .toffy office, will forget the
worries he has had, and look forward
le his home -coaling, more even than he
looked forward to meeting his beloved
one in his courting days.
We cannot. all be beautiful of face,
but we can all beautify our nature and
our surroundings, and That is far better
than merely pretty features.
Husbands who have something nice
la conic ironic to will always come
home. It is only when their homes are
made uncomfortable for then, that they
seek consolatlon elsewhere. 1 dare say
we have all met the man who is merely
a bulge 1' in his own house. Ile has no
say in any matter, and lie is not con-
stilled nor this opinion asked. Ile is lo
bs; pitied, and his wife is a foolish wo-
man. .
I have found it expedient on several
occasions to ask try husband's advice;
it nice rases out of len it is worth fel-
teeing, ing, but even if you don't cure about
il. consult hint, and ask hint things.
Men like to be looked up to and asked
things. 'The great secret of a really Ihnp-
, py marriage is to be "chunks" or "pals"
wills one's husband, to enter, as far as
one Can, into his pursuits and hLs !hob-
bies, to e•neourage him to tell one the
truth about everything, and even at 1110
risk of tieing horribly bored, to go lo
n football match occasionally (if his
tastes tend that way), or, at least, to
appear interested in his amusements.
To keep our hnvbands 0111' devoted
lovers the same as they were Lefore
mnrriage, we must humbug them n lit-
tle. Every man likes to he thought a
he ro by his wife! if one loves the man.
we I:e not Indulge and flatter thins a little?
There is no harm. Ile loves to be told
Iha! this Ito suits him, and that he has
an excellent taste in clothes, even though
1,e will never acknowledge it; and, above
all, don't nag! A nagging u•ornan is n
curse to existence. Nothing drives n
man sway quicker Than the wife with
o tongue. Ile either becomes a p or,
henpecked creature, or else he neglects
his wife and home, and goes among
sirangers to find the sympathy and con-
solation That he should ihnd in his own
1 (lo not suppose there is n woman
hs,rn wl,o is so Absolutely faultless that
she would never say, "I told you so,"
and who can nlways be bright and
smiling in wile of the worries of n
bong and trying day at home vilh the
children and ser•(tn s. Yet. If women
tt•on!d only try a few of the ways i have
mentioned, there would he less unhappy
marriages and fewer divorce (rases, I
feel star.. Ily no mans do 1 advise
keeping things from one's husband. Tell
your husband your (roubles and nnxie-
tie:, but choose the time -not when tie
es'''- Leine tired out, but wail nwllile,
1 N I II. Int: IL\ 11.10 HIS DINNER
(and that is a really important Venn:
then is the lime to seek advice and con-
sola:Mn, and In all probability you will
fret both. 'Teed the brute" is a vers-
eryold adage, and a very true one. The
best of mel nre more amenable after
o good meal. Try if rind see.
Therr•fnre I would certainly sny to nll
who are d" sienna rf managing n hue.
Land sneer:Wilily. use incl 111111 Judg.
mend, study him and his luslcs, rcspcct
hint end hick up to him. and you wail!
fin.! That your husbe nd will be your de-
volcal lever nll the days of his life. On
Loth sides leers uiest be a large amount
or giwe-an a sto not think 1 nm
neglecting lie l:;•,r - -hare. Ile certainly
has his lube- I, - . in quite es
great n degree, 1 :' ,, ,1 i another mat-
ter. Therefeer• I ! •sy, hawing,' once
wren y'nur 1 ! - ' . e, keep if. for
there is n :..•.r.' ! r , i us gift tinder
h• at. n than the bar of a good man.
end women have it in their power lo
make In.•n good cr otherwise.
!toeless - "\\-t re you eessick coming
acres... dear?"
MIs* Pert -"Oh. no! 't'ou sty, papa
haat wt!li ti=."
Ib,.-te.s-"But s-liat tins that In dr
V,ilh your not being seasick:"
Mi'ts leer!-"\Vett, yon know, papa Ls
a Judge and he overruled the molten."
13r1 \IU)INn-tlot'st: f•:\r;t
— olds •tbe . ftrrlt.r:'.u: l.', :
n1t)t ls'rsl*4 t lt,e..fi' 1 • Iil era • seed, e•
flnarder--"Ar.' They in Latah feral, es
you annnun.,' Ihc;'I. or 5') ;II ce'"
Not even o prd'•e::e.'' of 11•.Lteet a' •e
i . ro:ng•eterlt lo salts alt: wt'luan
sees, tt hich is caused by excessive bile
in the stomach, has a !narked effect 'm -
on the nerves, and often manifests .1 -
self by severe headache. This is til:'
most distressing headache one can
have. There nre headaches from cold,
front fever, and from other causes, but
the most excruciating of all is Ihe bili-
ous headache. Parrnelee's Vegetable
fille will cure 11 -euro it alnlost im-
mediately. It will disappear as soon
n• the 1'ilis opera te. There is nothing
surer in the treatment of bilious head-
Anyway, when you send a boy to col-
lege you can feel sure he isnt going
tc be (ruined to be a miser.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie scr(ttches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol•
turd'e Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Horses Ridden In' the Spires -Winds
That Waft Thanks of the Dead.
11 was ferinerly almost universally be-
lieved haft on All Saint's day the dead
permitted were
p d lo' leave their tombs and
to rua11h abroad, says tine London 'I'ri-
bune. 1n some parts of Brittany, and in
other places, the peasants even now are
careful to lock up (heir horses in the
stables lest the dead, rising from their
graves in the early morning, should
seize them and ride furiously to some
distant spot they may Eaves frequented In
lit the northern departments people
refrain from slamming doors sharply on
this day lest they should hurt an invisI-
bit, spirit entering. and the children aro
forbidden to throw shines into the
hedges or Trees for fear that the missiles
should wound the soul of some depar•tc(1
relation or friend hovering about in
in Al -ane little lamps, lanterns and
Wenn'. ring tapers arranged in the form
of a cross are seen burning all night
tong close to the ground in many a
cemetery. They are destined 10 rejoice
the souls as they rise frorn their graves.
Perhaps the most common of all
superstitions concerning the dead is that
about noon on All Saints' day there
conies a gentle gust of wind. The pea-
anls in lire fields raise their heads in
the hope and expectation of feeling it,
for it is the (lead wailing Ilieir thanks
to the living for their prayers and re-
membrance of them.
AN» DOCTORS S.11D. "NO (:tRtl,"
Vet Zanh•Buk hes Completely Cured.
So powerful are the healing essences
in %a►n'lluk That In some cases which
have been pronounced beyond relief
They have worked complete cure: Such
an Instance Is just reported from lover -
(nay, Sask. Mrs. J. M. McCormick, of
Ihot place, says : "About seven yi-ars
ago sty face Broke out in rough red
blotches, which burned and itched and
smarted in turn almost beyond endur-
ance. 1 tried every remedy 1 could gel
for face and skin (roubles, but in vain.
i consulted doctors, and they told nig
!herd was absolutely no euro for lee,
but that r should have to wait until 1
outgrew the disease.
"Finally my husband sent for a satnpie
of Zam-Duk. We applied some to n
small patch of the disease, and to our
delight Ilio 'neaten (reeled with Zane
Fmk very quickly healed. We Iii ri ob-
111inel a proper supply, and began the
%(un-Ruk treatment. 1 oat now delighted
to stale that after having used n few
boxes, 1 nun eon►plelely cured. 1 will
never bo without %ant•Ruk in the 110111+
an long as I live, and to all who aro
troubled with skin diseases In any fora
1 would say. waste no time in obtaining
a supply of Zom-Iluk. 1 have since ob-
tained n supply for an old Indy tcho had
on ulcer on her leg Inc 30 years. 'Three
boxes were sufficient to clo..e the
%am 13uk cors cuts, burns, bruises.
-,cards, eczema, scalp sores. pimples.
poisoned wounds, children's rashes,
DIMS. boils, alrccessos. itch, sore hack,
festering and discharging wounds. cox.
Used as an embrocation it cures Rheum-
ntisrn. Sciatica and Cold on the (:hest.
UI druggisle and shores sell %ane-Ihik at
ro-. per box. or oblainiible from the
%ant-iluk Co.,Toronln, for price. 6 boxes
for 82.50.
ti\li'f1' flitesEe IN 1:111\I:I'Rlill.
Some rather reularlcabte li):ur•'.: have
been published Concerning the• nu;ula•r
t apply hou.sc, in Edinburg!,. Th.'
burgh assess rs hooks show that in
'Slay last there were 1.17) tenantless
3rousrs, n record for the city. Neorly
lode-fif:pts are titmice melee 20 poutuii
reef. and flier, furs' for Ilse mist part
tverking eine: houses. The total builder
lion of lino. copied Intl=es Is 1221..':,1
pounds, agents! a Iota! valuation (fir :he `I
city of 3,191.1,(x.1 poun.Is. On all hands
it t: I ;n e. (l Ihnt itie rlrir( raises of the
Liege nntaunt of prnperle standing
Nulty ale ovetbtuiiding orad want of cue
Dear Moi>:27
Yens hole ones r:,^ a can_tact caro is
Fall er:J \Violet wr,.:hc:. Il- y writ
catch colt!. Do yai k;r.w r.ixtot S;aloh's
Cotin'rn :lien Ctu-, t!re 1 -d Tor., 441
•.,dot it Fel el—ss f : s-, many) h is sari
to Ir. I!r, only re'!,alle ren.' Iy `ire' e11
ti' , i r•f t!se ..r f,a1u es ,n cJ)Il!r-•i.
It;t sieeiutrly 1:sr.a:ess .•.xi -! ,,eat
take. It it 6usra•.te rJ ro erre a yo elem• y
is r•'•r•r,• T',e ):,cc is 21c. per hi,:! ,
ore: sic •s -it -:i :a a:eC,eine salt i 4
Is the gr,atast fond and tissue
builder known. 11 has no equal as a
cure for till wasting disea;,es, and
throat, chest and lung troubles. 9 is
germ destroyer and strength produc
et, nuuri,hing and restoring the vital
organs. i1 is a perfea food and Valu
able medicine combined. It is pleasant
to take, it is predigested and easily
borne by the must delicate stomach.
Doctors Prescribe It
Many of the most prominent medical
men pr'seribe it in their regular prac-
tice•r n preference r fere
c to al; others.
Dr. Noonan Allen, cf Toronto says: "As $
stimulant to nutriti.,a in wasting diseases Cod
Weer (til KmuL•ion is the test tissue builder. In
Dr. Slocu n, Mom til- ion all nauseating taste and
smell are avoided, while retaiuiuo all the medial•
.sal value of the pure oil.
Dr. !truce 1,. Riordan, Physician an -1 Sul—tells to
theii.'1'.11., says: "some of the Cod Liver Oils
on the in irket are valueless on ace ,out of pro-
cesses to render there ta,teless. Such proceedare
removes the active principle of the oil. I look
:upon 5l tum'sOxwn"Isiuu as the bait. for the
reason lh.tt it is made "f the pure nil i" till very
hi:rha;tstate of emulsion. As an emulsion of
-pure Cud i.iver Oil 1 con+irler Os•+mulaton perfect."
Dr. T. Wylie, ("rand Medical Kxsminer, Sons of
•Scotla.,.l, says; "It affords ins extreme pleasure
I.to h4 in a position to be ab:e to recommend
$locum'■ Oxumul.,inn to invalids affected with
'consumption, scrofula, or wasting diseases of any
kind. I hare presc,ibex
d Omnulsi.n for yuan
I with great pleasure 10 myself as well as cnmfnrt
'testis pateeuts. 1 Aral 16 almost universally
adapted to children and the aged with whom the
!di estion is feeble and the lymphatic conditions
!below uor mal."
! If you need Cod Liver Oil, or are weak
tind run down use Oxoniulsion. At all
druggists at 35c and 81.00 per bottle.
Some lawyers have the knack of con-
'uloa poo4 elul aeiepu mood SufJae
Success In LI'. 1s dependent upon good Milt h.
you are out of sorts, 111 or feeble, take
' Farrovim." Ws the beat tonic. $L battles.
tU medicine dealers.
"Te -day," said the minister, "1 think
Voted better lake up the collection be -
fere I preach my sermon." "Why so""
asked the vestryman. "Because I'm
going to preach on 'Economy."'
Catarrh and Colds RePoved In 10 to 60
Minutes. One short puff of the breath
through the blower supplied with each
bottle of Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder
diffuses this powder over the surface of
the naval passages. Painless and delight-
ful to tire. it relieves instantly and tier•
manently cures catarrh, hay foyer, colds,
headache, sore throat, toxrsllitie and
deafness. 60 cent,. -41
Mr:. Caller -"So your husband Is out
eyeliner? \\ by nren't you scouring the
country with hint on your bicycle'"" Mrs.
\Vise •ler-"Ohl 1 have to stay at home
to scour the country off his clothes."
Avo'dIns Winter colds la difficult: curls;
them is not hent if you take A110011 I.ung Italsam.
Begin when rho cold is young and not wait until
It settles on the lungs, fur then, even with Allon's
Lung Hallam, o.)mplate relief will bo slower.
"Do you know anything shout the art
of ntlsbandry?" "Well. 1 ought to if
1 don't. I've Married off fhe daugh-
Mother (tutees' \\'orm Exterminator
has no equal for destroying worms in
children and ndults. See Ilhat you gel
rho genuine when purchasing.
There Ls no place like home -and the
Husband of a painfully neat woman is
probably glad of it.
When In town, Lay "Tho 1) R 1," Menthol
ts'ar. 'fry it 1•.: rwir.a -.e or rheumatic pains.
It t+ the bait and simplest thing and will only
gas ilia
The Golden Text had been: "Ile not
drunk with wine whc►rin is excess."
roar -year-old \linnie, questioned on her
return from Sunday select, quoted it
as. "Don't get drunk with wine. Drink
Stop the Patti but Destroy the Stomach.
-This hi sadly too often the case. :4o
many nausemus nostrums purporting to
cure, in flea end do the patient immense.1•more harm than good. Dr. Von Stares
llineapplo Tablets are n pus•'; vegetable
pepsin preparation, ore h.rrm)e, v as milk.
One after eating prevents any disorder of 5
the digestive orgat.s. 60 in a box, 3s
cente.- 40
L� Kl ' lNf: Ill:tl:rill ?
Various fleasors Chen for Practice of
It will be remembered with a shudder
that during the past few year various
high u.td eminent medical authorities
hese conte out with stern pronounce-
ments against tee practice of kissing,
and especially of promiscuous oscula-
tion. Nothing could be better calcu-
lated, we have been told, to spread the
geruhs or microbes of dLseaso than the
use of the lips in this fashion, and fear-
some pictures have been cultjured up
of Iho rasulls altnctst certain to follow.
While we have 110 reason to suppose
That these warnings have as yet had any
appret'iabld effect in diminishing the
sunt total of the osculatory exercises in
which men and women have recently
indulged, it can well be believed that
they have thrown somewhat of a chill
Melo osis - u therefore ems, and lhe.h fore dimin-
ished in some degree the bliss That
should otherwise attend it. ll is there-
fore, with feelings of unmixed joy Iha
we chronicle the tact That a distill
guishsd French physician has gon
against his collcngue, and actually strut
up fur kissing. Far front being harmful
it is wholesome. The mistletoe should be
encouraged by enlightened practitioner
all the year: round. Kisses carry 111
crobes, of course. So much the better
says this amiable authority. The inter
change of certain bacilli is a laudabt
and healthful practice. In kissing, it is
not so much the bad microbes as the
beneficent ones that are exchanged.
'These good bacteria. as is well known,
are not onlyfavorable, butessential to
f r
digestion. if wo were to sterilize our in-
ner roan, completely killing the white
with the black sheep among our colonies
of bacilli, we should instantly die. Nov,
by exchanging our friendly microbes
wo stimulate them. Kissing, therefore,
is a natural therapeutic custom, the
jelly physician concludes, and who
kuows but that some day the kissing
cure will be ordered for dyspepsia by
up -to -dale physicians?
Where Weakness Ls, Disease Will
Settle. -If one suffers from any organic
weak nes,, inherited or contracted, there
disease will settle when it attacks the
br,dy. 'Therefore drive out the pains
that beset you, do not lel a cold or a
cough harass you, and keep the respir-
atory organs in a good healthy condi-
tion. This you can do by using Dr.
Thomas' dielectric Oil. Prevention is
the wisest course.
Trade caviled thus in •
trailer el styles. f abites and
rives tui wemea, men and
ehild,e•. F' o r m I sled.
l)eaien are authorized to
replace instantly .ad at oar
can. say Pea -Anal. ear
!dent faulty in matt -nal
Of mating. e.,d
Pcn-Angle trace=
mark (in red) on
every Pen -Anglo
garment, tells you
it will fttandwon't
shrink,- -your
own dealer so
guarantees it -
Underwear thus
trademarked is
softer, warmer,
more flexible,
better wearing,
e "Health and Vigor depend upon the
1 quality and quantity of the blood." -
✓ Dr. Carson's Tonic
-' Stomach and Constipation Bitters
Ie A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Bloof
Purifier. Price SO cenla per ffottle,
Tho art of paper -making has reached
the point where it is possible to cut
down a growing tree and convert it
into paper suitable for printing pur-
poses within the short space of ei
The Covernor's Wile a Prisoner. -Mrs.
Z. A. Van Luven in the wife of the gover-
nor of the county Jail. Napanee, Ont.. and
was a great sufferer from rheumatism.
Whin the hest doctors in the community
and "specialists" failed to help her, she
buried her scepticism of proprietary
remedies and purchased Routh American
Rheumatic Cure. 4 bottles cured her. -42
pinges much mare quickly than nir
which 6 moving slowly or not moving
at all
One test for distinguishing diamonds'
from glass and paste is to touch them
with the longue. The (diamond feels
much the colder.
Tilts. Sabin of Eglinglon. says: "1
have removed corns from my feet with
Holloway's Corn Cure." header, go
thou and do likewise.
Elderly Suitor-"Goed•ewening, Fred-
dy. Ds y.0 know Wino I ash?" Freddy
(aged seven years) -"Yes; mamma snid
you were sister Clara's last hope!"
Th re y nm store nt,stinato skin trouble thaq'1
Salt Rheum. it sometimes lingers for pears. leof
%Yesvers Cerate maker shot work of It. Also,
tale Weaver's Syrup to insure permanent cure.
"Sometimes 1 think you're unfortu-
nate," she said. "Why so?" he asked.
"Trio only Ihing bad you ever lose 6
your lempen„
Running sores, the outcome of neglect
or bad blood. harp a never -failing balm in
Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Will heel the
moat ntuhhorn rases. gnolhes irritation'
almost instantly atter first apnlicatint
It relieves all itetring and burning 51.111
diseases in a ,lay. 1t cures piles in 3 1,
nights. 35 cents. -3P
14', sometimes as ilifieult lo be right
is to prove Ike other fellov' wrong.
Whir mere prevalent In winter, when
s,rl1 n Change: in Iles weather try the
sir ,n e,t cnnalilutrnns, colds and
e -ughs and ailments of the throat may
endue In any season. At first sight of
detan:•ement use (tickle's Anti•Consump•
live Syrup. Instant relief will be ex•
perienrel. and use of the medicine tin.
ti' ih: cold disapp:enrs will protect Ihc
lung:: from n'.t:ick. For anyone with
throat or chest weakness it cannot Ite
A judge In r'tna 'ding n crtminnl call -
cd hint n scoundrel. The prisoner re-
plied, ' Sir. I am net ns big a scoundrel
its your honnr"-here the culprit slop-
ped, but Madly ndded-"lake, me in
be." "Put your Words closer together,"
said the judge.
"Eve got n great chance," began Cor -
roughs, "In bake big money on a cer-
tain investment if I only--"
"Sorry, ofd man," interrupted \\'ise-
man. "hal Et leen Trying to work that
game myme!f."
They nre Not Violent in Ac!lon.-
Some p. tonna. when they wish lo
cleans: the stomach. resort In Epsom
and other purgative salts. These are
speedy in (heir action. hal ;•ere no per-
manent good. l'heir use produces in-
cipient chills, and if persisted in They
injure 111' stoma,•h. Nor do they act
upon 111- inleslin's in a beneficial way.
Parmelee: Vegetable Pitts answer all
purposes in this respect, and have no
IIiS N.\\!1:.
In sine country d:.lrie•ls of !relent!
i' is not 'muslin! to see the owners'
unities; simply chalked on cnrls ant other
'Vehicles. in order to comply with legal
regubtl :ons,
Unfor•Iunntely, this cnstn•n lends 11 -
self to the playing of pranks nn the part
of 'I,'tny" na'iciowty Inclined. ofte
sometime, rub orf ILe lettering, and
thereby gel the carl•owtier Into trouble
with Ilse 1Olire.
:\ case of Ihi4 kind having nreurrel,
n r naslabulary sergeant nrct,slel a
r untry'nlnn w'h• g: mune had been Ihui
n1'11 n111 unknown In him.
el, this earl yours. my good man"
"of cou':s • it 6," was the reply. "Ill
y . 1 s.• tooIlene the trailer wid it?'
"1 ot•serte." eaitl the pompous pollee -
wail. "lent yrs name is nbli berated."
'1 It 0 ye'r.• wrong," quollt the rmIn•
tr. trail. Niwhad never Nene across
tee Hee dieeefiary 1voM1l irefore, "for
•:r (•1 " (► I!eilly, an' I don't car'
'v n k • :: 11."
\ n wants her husband to to
•loo:, .s .rry that his honesty
,•t:}Ao., .i N 11'I.NY 1 . e sem i, 4.l.. G, ,, lhe'1n eu poor.
lk►nielhinu New and is uClirthlrif. reds
Like a Ito) .
\i. N. A. Daf.e'.
2'' ' 't. me SL,Tor
r,. ! says.
'1 have been n suf-
ferer from Iiyseep-
I,i,t for years. I hate
len treated by dor.
1.,rs and hive taken ,
nary medicines o ith '
only tempnrary re.
lief. Since using
Dr. Leonhnrdts An- i
ti -fill 1 can rat any-
thing the same ns
when a lay, i final
Mr. N. N. Defoe. they regulate both
aroma, h nnr! bewele. 1Iy old time vig-
or has returned. so that my spirit., are
buoyant anri lerupe- normnl. I give all
credit 1,• this wonderful remhedy - - Dr
(.rontiar•dls ,\tllf•l'tll.'
All dealers or The Wi!son•Fyle Co.,
L.Lltiled, Niagara Falls, OaI, t r U
If you are not able to ubtsin it In ynnr
nslgbb-,rhoorh we will send t , any al.
dress two bottles upon receipt
or (►\.
1►01,1.Alt (sec. per Natio) curriuye
Patvtph!st meet FRU en application.
The Carson Modfolno Company
87 Wellington St. West, - Toronto
Knitting Machine
With or Without Stand.
YOU CAN clothe your faminy from head 45
lost PRtL-
Catalogues 8, Ir. 0, II. 4 distinct machines.
Address, Box See
o9kinto this
main question
Get boyk on
"Roof ing
Right" and
,see how littlo
risk you tako
when you
roof any
building with
Soldunder a plain GUARANTEE:
that keeps your roof good fcs .
years. With decent caro, an Oshawa-
Shinglcd roof will last a CENTURY.
Easy To Put On
With a hammer and a snips
(tinners' shears
anybody can
put Oshawa
Shingles on
Locked on
all four
the side lock?
It drains the
shingles so that
water can't seep
under. Top to c k
(see Lc!ow) makes
whole roof practi-
cally one jn ce nd
Sheds water quick.
Made in one grade
only-- 26-i cage sorni•t,-ug:(teal iter 1,
double-galvi nixed (saves reeving.
Wind"water - and -fire-
PROOF. Keep buildings
safe from
Cost only
4.50 a
square (10
ft.x 10ft.)
ticn(r 1 book-
let and learn
how little a RIGIIT
'roof costs. Address
tllme. i PEOPLE
Of Oshawa
Montreal O t to w n
X1.3 (:rasa:k. W. LA Snv:cx $L
Toronto tendon
11 (.;,,:hoein St. 60 Dundas Ar,
Winnipeg Vancouver
nit Lombard !k. Cls Powder 81.
half: N(`' ' C7.