HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-01-10, Page 1Phone 25 ---Advocate When you want ANY- THING that an np-to-date printing office can do. Lat. est styles. newest types, prompt work, right price, Long Distance Phone. etet ithot tee Real Estate Changes Mede for v..n on i eason- el.:.• t, ►ins. 'tVe hove un- cqo tiled f.,cil(tiea to tint, sell or buy either farm or village property. Try it.. SANDERS & CRKI[CH. TWENTIETH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10. 1907. 1 91 Stands for Safety and Stability as well as for Sovereign. The Safety and Stability of The Sovereign Bank are amply proven by these figures :--Over 25 millions of assets accumulated in 414 years. Assets exceed liabilities to the public by over 5 millions The Sovereign Bnk of Canada. Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. $ 1 00 opens 811 tccaunt. 28 JOS. KNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, OLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. The Old Reliable WE ARE STOCK -TAKING THIS WEEK. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK CARLING BROS. rr.rbrs.l.ua1 Cards. DY. O. F. ROULBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Univerfsti% DENTIST, math extracted without any pain, or any bad effects ales In Fanaon's Block, west side Main street, liter. Medical A F. MALLOY, Y. 8. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER tMw College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. iorsner Ilcuse Surgeon Toronto western hospital. /seceaeor to Ili. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on dm street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. House for Sale or Rent. The frame dwelling In good repair, on the South Boundary, Exeter, 14 blacks west of Main street. The land consists of two lots and is in first class com ditlon. Oood water, several fruit trees. etc. Apply at this Ontee. Geist. DTCIt808 k CARLING, BARRISTERS, SO1.1C1• toes, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. /obclton for Moleons Bank, et,. MHsy to Loss at lowest rates of interest. Oleces, Main street, Exeter, t, a. CARLIN*, B. A., 1. 11. DtcsSom Moist TO LOAN. ws ranee a large amount of private funds to loan e firm and village properties at low rates of Inter OLADMAN t NTANRC'RY, Barristers, t+olidtors,Maln it.. Exeter On LLOYD Pe JONES OrganI*t and Choir Master of Mi•. hell Methodist Rosch. Tesoh•r -Piano, Organ, tore, Iiarnionv 1rileln methods. Thnrouvhnee, William Brown Prof. niplon:a of Royal Incorporat.d S.. icty of Iffus iane. England; Organist of Tri. At Memorial Chun h.Eteter. Piano, organ, harmony and Theory of Music, Terns on ap)liration. Exctet, Out, FARM FOR SALE. ruing lot 31, ron. 4. t'eM.me, 1(r• acres.ng (two!.(two!.Ing, go.1 hank tarn and tint ehouse, sa.l on•hart, 1 acres harlwoni lch, ina•res fall wheat. to ares plowing done, balance *eeriest tolerate,: onnvenient to char h and w hc. 1. 4 o k. froth lietisall and ( from Exeter. This farm is well dninol and feo ed and in p•.1 state of . iltlsati:•n and if not sold privately nn or (afore lslh of January will be sold with the chattel- hv' public au. Wm on Feb 1, 1907, For terms and part'. War., *pint to O. Sunallarombe, Prop.. or now Cameron, Ault„ rarquhar. Saskatchewan Valley Lands for Sale The rhoicrst wheat Iande of the Weal. I have n few I hoire hell ;Po- tion* I. ft if 1...nght now can be sold for Almost (betide In N \'f•N r. l'x 11 got e' ou the fullest inforation regarding hn. otheetcadsand tott11 site.. A good hall section 16 anile. east 1,1114114.v. (i acre. spring lake in one corner, which can ire bought et 812; huyeremu eectire home-otPad along•ade. JCIiN ('11Al I.ToN, Exeter. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the town of Goderich, at 3 o'clock p.m, on Tuese.ay the 22nd day of this month, All ac.•mints to come before the Council must be placed with the clerk before day of meeting. Dated Jan. 7,19077. W. Lane, Clerk. •Estray Steer There estrayed onto the premises of the under- signed, west of Lot 10, ('on. 6, Osborne, a two-year• old steer on or about Nov. 1st, 1006. Owner ran have name by pro. ing property and patlug expens- es. -John Slrtnon, Elun.11le, FARM FOR SALE That exrellent farm, lot 17 and SSS tai, Concesaion Stephen, is offcred for sale. This fano consists of 1.' • a••res and is situate 3 miles from Exeter. It b of good, rieh..•lay loam. Tnere rs a frame house of 0 rooms, with summer kitchen and woodshed. Large hank tarn, 56 by 64, with cement floors. There are also driving sheds and other outbuildings. The fano is well fenced ami well drained. The river bauble runs through the farm. About 6 acres of buds oai hush. 1'riee Sti tn. Ap``.1;• on the premises to ABRAHAM MAKING, NR. Hotel for Sale The Ilitrnpnlitan IIMei, Exeter, for sale. This hotel is well built, is large with number of rooms Inas license, also good barn in connection. if not .3.1 before Jan. 21th will be sold by auction on Feb sth. Por teens and part',ularsapply to Thos. Cameron, Fanpihar. Farmers' Institute Meetings. The rexular meetings of the South Huron Fanner.' Institute will to held at EXETER, JANUARY 17th. BRCCEFIEI,D, JANUARY 181b. EXETER At the Easter afternoon meeting- the speaker. will T.e w Elliott, Galt. on "The t'ultisatlon of our Farms' and J. Gardho,se, llighfleld, on "1 'are and Management of Ilrreee,' mei addresses by M. 1'. Mr - 1.. to A•id 1t 8. Philips A lady speaker is evt.ecled at both afternoon and evening meetings. IIn the evening W. F:Ilwt' will speak i.n "Things we ought to think about" and J. Itardhnuse. on "How to Improve Present Farm Conditions " 1tItI'l'l:FIELD In the afternoon Mr. Elliott of Galt, will speak on "The. olti.ation of our Farms" and Mr. Oardhouse on "Care awl Management of sheep' Addresses will Wants- giset h) n F, rrester of Clinton and W. i.ew 1-. Trenton. In the evening Mr. Elliott will speak on "Things we ought to think about • and J. Oanlho.se on "Ilow to imprntc Present Vanning Conditions" The aftercmn meetin` will rommenre alt o'clock sharp and es ening meetings at 7:10 sharp. N. U. SANDEitS R. GARn1NER President. Secretary Parkhill: Rev. W. MacGregor, pee. tor of the Baptist churches here And in McGilli\•rny, has tendered his rceig- nation to the menagerie, to take effect the last of March. Clinton: Metter'. Hodgena BMs. have decided to retire from the cloth- ing business And here disputed of the sande to Mesar;. A. J. Mote ish and .Tnhn Crook., who will take posaeesion on Fell nary 15. The ADVOCATE can equal any Clubbing Rate offered by any paper. Call and See Municipal Election Returns, VILLAGE OF EXETER. Considering the wet, uncomfortable day a fairly large vote was pulled. The candidates and their friends work- ed hard all day. Much interest center- ed in the couteet for the Reeveship be- tween the old reeve, Mr. Bubier, and Mr. Wm. Bawden. The councillors ran aclose and interesting contest and the result showed that four of thew are very popular. while the other two are not so well known, having been out of town considerably since they moved to the village to reside. The old trustees were elected to the school board, although Mr. Richard Davis, the new aspirant, polled a good vote and was at no time out of the running The result is the council of 1907 will consist of Reeve. A. Q. Bobier, and Councillors, A. E. Kuke, J. J. Knight, W. J. Heitman and W. Johns. The Trustees of the school are, Messrs. Samuel Martin, R. N. Rowe and Frank Wood, same as last year. After the polls closed a large num- ber of citizens congregated at the Town Ball, where Mr. W. J. Carling announced the returns and the suc- cessful candidates who were present were called on to make addresses, which consisted principally of "thanks" to the electors for electing them to the bonorahle offices and "promisee" of careful attention to their various du- ties. The following is the result in detail: For Reeve 1 2 3 4 Total Bobier al 57 59 D7-277 Bawden 36 36 34 52-158 Majority Councillors Fake 75 63 Heitman 50 60 Hodgert 14 I8 Johns 74 65 Knight 75 68 Sanders 57 34 Trustees Davie Martin Rowe Wood 70 70 19 56 119 109-317 104-2fki 40-91 Iki- 290 9:3 -312 50-172 Hullett:-Reeve, Thos. McMullen, majority 4d. L.iudou:-M.tyun, J. C. Judd. Lucan:-Reeve, C, W. Hatwkdhaw. Coil e:Moa b -Jas. Burnett, J. J. Ma- ltuire, that. Bowden, Jas. Park. Biddulpph Township: -Reeve, F. A. Ryan. (loom: hors - J. B. Ryan, M. Breen. ('has. McMahen, A. K. Hodgi- son. FORMER PARK HILL MAN KILL- ED IN COLLISION. Parkhill, Jan. 3. -News of the dent') of Ernest Hastings in the collision neat' 'ropt'k'i, Kan., is received here, hie native town. with general regret. The Late Mr. Hastings, w'ho was a son of Wm. Hastings of town, was an actor of great. ability. With hie bro- ther, Fred, he was educatexi for the law at Toronto, and both young men were admitted to the bar. Almost immediately afterward they both de- cided to go on the stage feeling that they had the ability. Fred Meetings has been touring Australia and New Zealand for some years. Ernest Hastings has been play- ing in United States, and was well known in all large cities. About a year ago he was married, and at the time of hie death was on his way to New York to see his wife and step- mother, who are at present in New York. Locals Mr. Torn Carling, Jr., entertained a number of his ft lends last Friday eve. The marriage took place in Winni- peg recently of Miss Eunice Walters, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mason, (nee Ruth ransom, formerly of Exeter) to Charles H. Cuzner of that. city. 'rue groom was supported by Geo. S. Faison. Agricultural Society Amid Mooting. The annual meetingof the Stephen & Lisburne Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall yesterday after- noon. Mr. H. E. Huston was assigned to the chair. The Secretary gave a report of the last year's business which was most satbe actor) andshowed that the society was in a good healthy condition. The election of officers wee then proceeded with and the fol- lowing will compose the Board for 1907: Pres., .Tnhn De bridge; 141 Vice, Ed. Christie; 2nd Vice, Jas. B+.11antyiie; Directors: Wm. Russell John Moir, %V. D. Sanders, Peter McTaggart, J. Alliston, R. Seldom, H. Smith, W. R. Eniott, Paul Coatta'e: Auditors, Jose )11 SANDERS & CREECH Croditott Fred Jones of London sang at beau tiftil silo in the Evangelical church on Smithey evening. -We are pleased to state that Mrs. John Mcleaatc who has been very ill, has taken a change for the latter. -Albert Zwicker, who is city r•eptesentetive of a %Viuuipeg Wholesale Biscuit and Confect' v'y i"riday etching et 8 p.m. A very in- timi at Edmonton, Alta., was in thetetrstiug program has been piepared, village it few days the past week re- consisting of a trip around the world, Hewing acquaintauced.--Miss Carrie touching British Puasessiuus. Brief Kuhn returned "mute Saturday after a descriptions will begivetl of the count- pleas,ent visit with friends in Landon. ries, historical. geographical, its people, -Nis« Tillie Wind is visiting friends commerce, government, products, etc. in Detroit for a few weeks.-- Miss Ella Several debate will also take place Link this returned from her visit to during the term and .e iu.,ck Parlia- ment and mock trial. Societies such es these are very profitable to both young and old. We wish the mem- bers of this society every succetls.- Exeter mice more contributes to the happiness of another Crediton East house and thus cupid scores another victory. We refer to the carriage of Martinet Iiedden, son of Win. Hebden, and the young lady of his choice is Miss Florence Kydd, daughter of J. Kydd, of Exeter. The pleasing event took place at Exeter' un Thursday ev- ening, the young people returning the same evening and are now coulfnrtably settled on the groom's farm at the east end of the town. Sam's many frietads join in wishing himself and bride a long and hippy watried life. signed leaving Wenzel and Lewis elec. ted by acct au, ttiuu, with a titeattoy' to fill. The 1{ctuining Officer, Thorned Trevethick, will nu doubt announce a day in the near future when a new nomination will take place for the one trustee required. -The Literary Socie- ty will bold its beet sleeting iu the n'iucipal's tumor of the new school on Exeter.- The Misses Inez and Stella Andrews have returned from their vis- it to Parkhill. 1Ve must congratulate Miss Inez on her passing her examin- ation at the Model school, London.- Joe. Haim. is busy tearing the inside off the old school building which he recently purchased. -After a pleasant visit at the home of her brother', Dr. McCue, Miss McCue has returned to Toronto. The Dr. has been quite ill Irately, but we pleased to state that he is able to attend to his duties at the office. -Miss Ella Beaver has returned from Detroit, where she has been vis- iting her sister, Mre. Harry Dyer, dur- ing the holidays. -H. Eilber, M.P.P., attended the annul sleeting of the Hay Tp. Farriers' Insurance Co., in Zurich on Tuesday. -Chats. Holtzman visited friends in Elkton. Mich., last week. -Our young people have been deprived of their skating on the river during the past few drys owing to the recent thaw. Jack Frost has again put in an appearance and we trust it won't be long till the toys and girls will be enjoying their favorite past - time. -F. %V. Clerk, wife and family visited friends in Granton over Son - day, the former's old home. --Miss ADDITIONAL LOCAL$ The Detroit News of last week con- tains an account of the death by acci- dent of John (looney, who some months ago who was married to Mrs. Barney, widow of the late John Barnes, formerly of this place. Mr. Coons was etigaged in the American Car Foundry Co.'s plant when he was struck by a travelling crane, his bead Ethel Clark is spending a few days at and shoulders being coiupletely crush - Centralia with her cousin, Miss Fleda sd. He died while tieing taken to the hospital. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by six children. Caned. On Tuesday night last a number of the friends of Mr. John McIntyre gathered at the oyster parlor's of Mrs. Islanders and there entertained biro to an oyster supper prior to bis returning to hie old home in Seaforth. Atter justice bad been done to the excellent- ly prepared bivalves Mr. L. H. Dickson took the fluor and in an address of a very flattering character and in behalf of these present presented the honored guest with a beautiful gold -headed cane. Mr'. McIntyre was wholly taken by sal ;vise and Although overcome replied in a very buitithle and becom- ing manner•. Mr. McIntyre has been a resident of Exeter for several yea.'8 dur'it.e whit•b time be has endeared himself to sill who had the pleasure of his acquaintance and hie departure will be regretted by a host of well- wishers. Baker. -Our spurts are preparing for 78 the. shooting thatch to be held at Mof- 22 { fact's hotel, Centralia, to -morrow (Fri- day.) -The annual election of Sunday -`213 school officers was held in the Evan- gelical church on Sunday morning and - resulted as follows: Pres., J. H. Holtz- -262 Vice Pres., Dan. Oestreicher; _ f " ed Treas., Chas. Kienzle; Sec'y, Miss Me- linda Trick; Chorister, Sam Brown; Librarian, Jim. F. Brown. Reports were read by the Treasurer and Secre- taty as well as taking a subscription for S.S. work. -The funeral service of the late Mrs.Joseph Datincey was held in the Methodist church Sunday even- ing. -Bristol Fasery of the Sovereign Bank staff was bitten uu the face by a colt on his father's farm one day last week. The bite was out very severe and Bristol thinks he escaptai pretty lucky and says it tnight have been worse. -Old King Lngrippe has mottle his appearance in our village and as a consequence many people are afflicted with the. malady. -Mrs. Chas %wicker has been quite ill the pest week. Her friends trust she may soon recover. - Our new public ;churl opened Thurs- day with a staff of four teachers, viz: Claude Bluett, Principal; Misses Edith Robinson, Exeter; Mayme Girvin, Goderich; Clara Kienzle, town. We can now boast of having one of the The 1907 council in Ushorne will con-- -- best schools in the County. Since the sist of: Reeve. Jos Hawkins; Council -TO THE ELECTORS. high School department has been lots, John Moir, Gen. Andrew, Samuel started, quite a number of pupils from Ladies and Gentlemen -I thank you outside schools have come here for the Routley, Wm. Atkinson. The reeve and Mr. Andrew are reelected. The all sincerely for the large majority higher courses. Mr. Bluett was wait - fight was warm hut friendly. Local Lou gave tie at the pone on Monday. ed on recently by his ptipils and pre - Option was carried two to one. The four vote showed plainly that you township only has one hotel, that et appreciate the council's efforts in 1906, 1Voodbetn, and report says the pro- and we promise you cur bent efforts prietor himself worked for the by-law. for 1907. he vote stood: Yours truly, For Reeve 1 2 3 4 Total A. Q �F3ubier. Gardiner 44 70 51 102 267 TO THE ELECTORS -- Hawkins 112 74 90 32 314 For Councillore Frank Wood desires to thank the el - Andrews 115 58 85 41 3'29 ectorete for returning hint to the Atkinson 49 22 1'21 70 2tti I School Board for 1907-8. The sante Ellerington 48 57 42 80 236 careful attention will be given to ed - Moir 121 1111 tii :int xi3 ucationa) matters. Routley 41 67 80 09 'r!+ I6 -- For Local Option TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE For 63 106 97 86 352 'VILLAGE OF EXETER. Against 74 20 48 36 178 I.idies and Gentlemen. -i take this Necessary to carry 319 Maj. 33 opportunity of thanking you for again HAY returning nie for Councillor for 1907 Result of vote: I{seas, P. Lamont and in return for the confidence you have placed in me i protnieed to do my 463, Wendel Smith (def.) 194i; Council- is'niost to advance the best interests lore: Wm. Colwill (def.) 188; John Gel- of our village. ger 286; John Goetz 296; Chas. (ireb Yours Respectfully, (def.) 213; James Green (def.) 200: Louis A. E. Fuke. Kaibtteisch 327; Robt. McArthur 301. _ - McOILLI VRAY TO THE ELECTORS Reeve Robinson was elected by ac- Ladies and Gentlemen. -I thank you clantetion. The others are, Deputy- most heartily for re-electing ale to the Reeve, Ulens; Councillott•, Murdy, Council Board of Exeter for 1907. i Poore, Morgan. The by-law to extend am grateful fur the appreciation y'o'.t the terns of office of the municipal tine; show of toy services in 1006. council to two years was defeated by n Yout•e sincerely large vote. Thr exact figures are not W. J. Hemmen. yet known. The tote: - Dep•Iteeve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To'l Ladics and Gentlemen,-- 1 desire to Maw;on 21 33 86 32 31 12 9 224 thank you one and all, for the Targe ('lens 52 :i9 30 2:3 47 58 83 332 I vote you rolled up for nie on Monday. i shell do env best to deserve the con- fidence you have place'll in Inc by elec- Yours sincerely, J. J. Knight:. 1 take this opportunity to thank the Electors of Exeter for placing me At the head of the Poll as School Trustee for 1907 8 and promise to use my beet energies to further the interest of ed - 1 ucatilln in our town. 8. Martin, 60 48 51 54 79 72 63 118 72 53 46 91 63 61 59 107 STEPHEN The contest in Stephen was a sharp one. A good vote was polled in spite of the disagreeable weather. The 1907 council will consist of: Reeve, H. Wil- lett; Deputy -Reeve, Jacob Kellermann Councillors, Fred Wue•t th, Wm, D. Sanders. Stephen Webb. Of the 1906 council Messre. %Vuerth and Webb were re-elected. The vote: . Isle tior and H. E. Huston. It was o�e- Reeve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tteeareil: J to change the name from that of Sweitzer 27 22 72 85 33 24 81 37 61 415 the Stephen & Ushorne Agt icultural Willert 54 80 30 42 4810628 51 50 48:1 S ('iety to the Exeter Agricultural Deputy -Reeve Society. The meetin • out itself on Anderson 81 49 6864 22 48 26 40 37 411'2 recordasLaing in fav it' of the direct - Kellerman 25'29 49 71 57 fan 70 33 79 495 ars of again taking up the matter of Councillors celebrating May 24th. After :t vote of Finkheiner 5 4 32 44 17 62 09 45 6:t MI thatiiks was passed in favor of Mr. Preszca tor 10 59 15 31 37 W 16 19 10 261 finrdon for his services on 24th of May Sanders 67 72 29 30 17 54 31 50 44 394 last the meetingwas brought to a Webb 44 30 83 27 20 45 36 58 62 355 close. K Wuertb 48 24 85 84 47 67 57 19 30 461 Yearley 27 17 82 50 36 17 22 34 26 270 t!SBORNE Cards of Thanks. For ('mrnrillot8 Morgan 51 47 71 25 30 15 22 20 Mandy 711 57 01) 33 62 2'2 (V) 360 1'tltllp 16 18 :#1 39 s 74 74 711/4 Peat son 11 20 30 27 44 22 51 211 Goderieh:-Mayor, Jos. Elliott, 140 majority. Deputy-reete, Rohr. Elliott, ('onnrilhors: C. A. Reid, H. B. Beckett, J. T. (ioldthorp, B. C. Munninge, A. H. Macklin. W. F. ('lark. Water and light comnliealonere, W. T. Murrey F. W. Doty. Clinton: -Mayor. N. W. Whitee Reeve: D. Cantelon. Councillors; %V D. Smith, I). J. Gibbing''. A. C. CoOp e'r, W. S. Holmen, J. A. Ford, R. if Downie. Local option carried in Stan ley, Mtucbeton and Br•ucefield. Blyth:- Reeve, Milne. Councillors. Hi11, ('hrllew, Gen y and Johnston. Hibbert Township: -The following were elected Monday for township rout:ril:Reeve. J. McLaren: count -More, Wm. Oliver. 1'. Jordan, Jas. Roney and H. Harris. Colborne Township: -Reeve, Jae. Tact., :councillors. J. H. A. McEwen, .Tutt. MecManne, J. N. Duetnw, D. Ker• ib tn. ting Inc A8 counci for. ITo the Electors. -- Wellington Johne desires le thank the ladies and gentle- men of Exeter for giving him each a large vote for councillor on Monday. He hopes to prove himself worth of that confidence. seated with a comfortab a rocker and a beautiful scenery picture. The gifts were nccowpanied by every flattering address. The recipient made a very feeling reply. -The municipal elections which were held on Monday resulted in a general eruption of the old coun- cil, only one of the old council, Mr. Webb, teeing elected. The majority of the people were completely sur- prised and many were busy figuring the how, when or wherefore. The new council will he Willert Reeve, Keller- man Deputy and Wuerth, Webb and Sanders as Councillor's. -The Crediton atueteur Athlt tic Association will hold a meeting in Fire Hall Monday night for the election of officers and other I general business. All Ppm to attend. -At the nomination meeting of our p�nlice village held on the 31st ult., 1 Messre. Wenzel, Kuhn. Lewis and Faust were nominated as Police Vil- i lage Trustees for the present year. Since then Kuhn and Feist have re - TO RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN. Ladies and Oentleman.-I thank ou heartily for the confidence you have shown in Inc by electing me councillor for the township for 1907. "in the interests of the Township" will is my motto. Yours truly, W. D. Sanders. BIRTHS Ho»x+t're.-In Stephen, Con. 2, on Jan. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Hod - gine, a son. MARRIAGES. SIMMONS--MEI.VILLE-At the manse. Thames Road, on Jan. 1, by Rev, Fletcher, Wesley Simmons of Far- quhar. to Miss Susie Melville,daugh- ter of Peter Melville of Hansell. CRAW -MCKAY-At Ailsa Craig, on Jan. 1, Roland Craig, of Ottawa, to Miss Annie Waters, daughter of Mrs. D. W. B. McKay. REDDEN- Kirin; --At the Main street parsonage, Exeter, on Jan. 3, b Rev. Fear, Samuel Iledden of Credi- ton East, to Miss Florence, eldest daughter of Jonathan Kydd, Exeter North. DEATHS DIH.IAHDINE-At Grand Bend nn Jan. 1, Xavier Disfardine, aged 77 years. STANLEY. --l11 Biddulph, on Dec. 90 Margaret Ann Stanley, aged 58 years. Nom' Ns -In Bitldulph. on Jan. 2, John Hodgins, aged 87 years. KIRKBItIIK-1n Goderich, on Jan. 5, Alexander Kirkbride, aged Si years. CHRIHTOIIIKR -In Goderich on Jan. 5, Mrs. Christopher, aged 71 years. New Years Greeting To our Many Customers and Friends WOULD ALSO SUGGEST If you are not a customer to start at once and make this store your headquarters for your requirements in Hardware Stoves Tinware Furnace Work Plumbing, Eto. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.