HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-28, Page 5THE teeter gtbrorate, published every Thursday Morning at the 01Ice MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —Ry the— ADVOCATE PURL Iam' NO OOMPANY TBR1L9 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oas Dollar per annum if paid in advance, 51.10 fnot sopal& -iota st rtl irarg Minton cam ippliO•• tin= ti No pater discontinued until all arrearages are paid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcIent adverttaementa inserted for long periods. Ktery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders. &e., for advertising, subscriptions, -t.., to be made payable Sanders tt Creech, PROPRIETORS Professional Cards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. S., Uonor graduate of Toronto Univeriety. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain. or any had effects Once in ransom's Block, west etde Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also l'ost I Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentietery (with honorable mention.) ) Atluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the neatest manner passible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. 1 NOW IN STOCK. Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in your grain and load home with feed. Jos. Cobbledick Crcdilo� Flour! dl+oistl►s eatteaieCC CeeimiiH Our Roller Flour is at the Very top of the list of good flours. There is none better made. It makes the good wife smile. Try it. Rn Inviting Prospect Nothing better for • you—noth- ing more inviting than & meal of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly balanced, wholesome, nourishing food, equally good for young and old. Made from Canada's finest wheat flour, rich cr and pure butter. Baked by fie Mooney baker in the Mooney way. Say ' Mooney's ' to your grocer. d Goderich: Malcolm DfcLe •an prob- ably t ably the oldest man in this pant of the country, died het Friday aged 100 yaer•s and 7 rnonl He had been at resident, of Goderich for many years. Dunlop's R'serp 96 Yonne St. TORONTO Dunlop's Choicest Flowers only dealt Ia. Floral Desfdas for .I1 occasions. Flowers shipped to any point between Malt- fEaxuarantandeedC;.aldary, and safe condition illustrated Price List on application. 100.000 Rose Trees In bloom. JOHN H. DUNLOP FLORIST head Dlattace Pleat r Nips sed Sada Cdisa Rai. 4790 Sala 2261 Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women oan depend. Sold In two degrees ,.trencth—No. 1, for ordina cases. $ l per box ; No. 8, 10 de greet as t r o n, e r for Special Cases, $9 per lax. Sold Ay all drugjyrruta. Ask for look's Cot - 1100t Compound ; take no substitute. Vie Cook Medicine Co.. �t'indior, Ontario Illlj. The'1'rt'asuret's financial statement for this township for 11$)5 has been printed and we take a few interesting items therefrom. Total receipts for year amounted to $21499.:5;(; payments for all purposes was $4JSl7.6o; thus leaving a cash balance of $681.73 on hand; amount of uncollected taxes to Dec. 15, 1905. was $159.00 against $1211 last year. Zurich village spent $t 19.Sl and the tax levied on the residents was03 $17.97, thus leaving a balance of 198.11 on hand. 8100 was paid to the 'Treasurer of Stephen for the portion of Dashwood village on the clay side. The different drainage debentures all expire after next year except two, the Logan and Schwalm drains. Corbett Intended for taut meek. WEDDED. —A pretty welding took place at the home of Dir. and Mts. Richard Hodgins on Wednesday even- ing, Dec. (itb, when their youngest daughter, Miss Sura, was married to Elijah Harlon), a promising young farmer of West Williams, At three o'clock tete bridal party entered the !tailor, the bride leaning 011B the rut of her brother, who placed her under It beautiful bell which hung in au melt of evergreens, which was decor- ated with pink and white roses. The ceremony was performed by Rev. New- ton of Parkhill The bride looked charming in a g�vn of {)elle blue, trim- med with point lace anti wore a bridal veil caught with a wreath of forget- nte-sots and carried a bouquet of roses. Her travelltiiig gown was of dark blue and white silk waist and hat to match. Miss Minnie Batterill of Centralia who was attired in a gown of cream lustre. trimmed with ribbon and sequents, ,acted as bridesn aid, and carried pink carnations. Herbert Sherritt was best man. After the ceremony all retired to the dining room which was taste- fully deeorated for the occasion and sat down to a snpnptuous repast. The evening was spent in singing. instru- mental music and parlor games until midnight. The gifts were numerous and costly. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Harlton a long and happy married life. McGillivray E. W. Jones, of Toledo, Ohio, has b •en visiting friends in and around McGillivray.—Caleb Dowker, who has been suffering from an attack of blood poison in his hand, is getting along nicely.—Mr. and Mrs. T. Tedder of Michigan are on a visit to friends in this vicinity.—John Humble, sheriff of Rat Portage, is visiting at the hone of his sister, airs. W. 1)trling.--Han- nah Yoe of Woodstock is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Urs. Lee.--EIiuer Amos, of the Dental College. Toronto, is spending the holidays at. his huwue. ryiat a few months absence in To - into with her sister Mrs, A. Nest, 1 Miss Mae Scali has 'returned home. Her 111411y friends are pleased to see her hack again.—The wood cutters are loud in their praise toward Mrs. Idose 1Vatsnn, who treated theta to an ex- cellent fowl supper the other evening. —Mr. a i d MIs. J. Dorman of Chicago dare visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorman, 7th con. --Win. Rev- iler, tylia haul the misfortune to rpm pchfla:tnd a short agito, 18pprogressorkintobising favorably,— GRIS'rING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. i1. SlAtEITZER Tfto luras. 6reoIig of Peace ashwoo oller Mill We wish to announce to the public that we have placed our Grill in such a couditinn that we can now produce flour which not only MAKES THE GOOD WiFE SMILE but is also asat- isfaction to ourselves. Gristing and Chopping promptly done. All kinds of mill feed always on hand. We have just recent- ly placed in our mill it machine to Produce Rol \\'e invite you Jos.E e Mellen ist church. 18th con., with the organ, library en church furnishing,' teas Ale file un \fouday week. alio The building was a feat good repair and was in The trustees have the church sheet, w•h held daring the w church can be 1 maps that ar ticed: Arno Fa AVInehelsea W. Batten of Detroit is spending Xmas. at borne. --M r. and Mrs. Geo. Miller of Mt. Clements. Mich., are spending the holidays here with the former's father.—Miss Ethel Godholt, teacher of Comber, spent _Xmas. at home.—Mrs. P. Stratton and Miss Fi atnc1s, Of Croswell. Mich., are visit- ing relatives in this vicinity.• -Messrs. Bloomfield & Coward are at present busy taking stock at the Winchelsea store preparatory to opening tip for business on Saturday.—Miss Howard is spending the holidays at Exeter. —The pupils of our schools gave their closing entertainment on Thursday af- t.e: noon last. The program consisted of dialogues, recitations and singing by the pupils with character songs by D. Goulding and C. Godbolt. Every number was heartily applauded and from the manner in which evo-ything was presented it is needless to say that 1.-ir teachers spared neither time nor pains in the preparation of the pro- gram. At the close of the prlgratn a collection was taken up in aid of the Sick Children's Hospital and the Sani- tarium for Consumptives. The sunt of $7 was realized. --The Sunshipe church gave their annual entertainment Ion Xmas. night. The London Harpers furnished the music. while Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon gave several of her liter- ary selections in her usual good style. The remainder of the piogram %rats furnished by local talent which is sec- ond to none around Winchelsea. The proceeds amounted to $lief. Stanley W. Smith and cr. 'ghter, Elenoru, also Joseph and Miss Florentine Fos- ter, have gone to Detroit to spend the holidays.—Mrs. Jacob Realer is on the sick list.—Richard Robinson has re- turned from a several months' stay at Souris, Man.—Mrs. W. H. Scott pass- ed away on Wednesday at Clinton. The funeral took place on Satnrday.— Miss Lottie Grassick continues very low and her death is looked for hourly. Peter Fisher and Win. Logan are also very illi—Urs. W. 0. Johnston and two children of Milestone, Sask., and Jos. Greer, of Osnubrook, N. D. are here on a visit.—Charles Johnston, who had some ribs broken recently, is able to be around again.—W. Mosso) .has re- turned from a four mtanth's trip to Moosomin,Sask.—Andrew AAlnstrong has disposed of his fare) on the Bron- son line to John Cowan, the price be- ing $3300. Mr, Cowan gets possession April lst.—Urs. 'Thos. Talbot, a for- mer resident of this township, passed away at her home in Boissovain, Man., a few days ager. The news of her death will be learned with regret her many friends.—Miss ' • who is attending the rich, has secured a sc wood, while her c Sparks, has been S.S. No. 1. Town of Hayfield at (Inelpl of bayi par• cleta pr Maguire Mks A. Geilson of Centralia has been engged to teach in our school for the coating year.—Mr. John Wilson and daughter of Strathruy are spending the holidays herr.—A. Todd of Kings- ton is house for a short tuue.—Joseph Lewis spent Sunday at Sbipka. ENTERTAINMENT. —On lues lay ev- ening, Dec.21s►,a grand entertainment and Christmas tree was held by the Ebenezer Sunday School. They could not have expected a better attendance considering the unfavorable weather. The program opened by a chorus from the school. Following this were reci- tations, dialogues, duets, speeches. drills and a pantonine, all of which were excellent. Miss Scott of Forest and Miss Andrews. a student of Park- hill H.S., reude.ed a few recitations, while all the other recitations were rendered by the scholars. The schol- ars,Abo took part it th edialogues act- ed them in the hest Manner. A dri11, by the seniors of the school was well received, as was also the pantonline. A speech on the subject of Sunday school work was given by John Treve- thick. President of S.S. Association of \te(iillivray. The Snperindent gave a speech and congratulated theaudtence for their good behaviour, after which the presents were take.) from the beau- tifully decorated tree and distributed among the scholars and others. PRESENTATION.—The regular order in the school roost of S.S. No 5 wits rather disturbed when on Friday after- noon, Dec. 22, a few of the friends and scholars gathered there to bid farewell to their friend and teacher, Miss Mc- Itae. She has ably taught the school for the past year but owing t) circum- stances she was forced to withdraw and make her home in Winnipeg. 1Ve are sorry to lose her and we wish her every success in the West. The scholars gave a very suitable program after which they presented Miss Mc- Rae with a gold watch and the follow- ing address: Dec. `-'Ond, 190.5. Miss S. McRae Dasa Trtacaea.--WP, the scholars and friends of your school have gathered here to tender our than to you for the able way in which von hate instruc us during the past year. We wish to ask your lo giveness for any set of disobedience that we may have committed. We know that we have often grieved you by our negligence but we believe by the gentle may that you have directed us that it will be pardoned. We understand that you intend to seek a new field of There we wish you every success, but we know failure docs not a to those who are deter- mined to succeed. Now, please, accept of this watch chain, not for its intrinsic value but as s memento of your kindness to us and may Almighty God give you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Signed on behalf of S.S. No. 5. McGillivray. Violet Short, Eliza 1Itelgi AROUND ABOUT US. (iodet'ieb: Miss Campion, wli a re- ceived severe bolus at Brantford last week, died from the effects on Sunday. Clinton: Sarah Weeks. beloved wife of Alonzo Case of this plate, pas -ed away on Dec. lith, in New Yoi k. De- ceased bad been in poor health fur a► number of yeas. but for the past few months has been failing gradually. Clinton: Miss Edna Copp, daugh- ter of Joseph Copp. who has been teaching for a short time in U. S. S.. No. 10. Hullet, has been re-engaged for the next year at a salary of $T25. an increase of $25 over the salary at which she was engaged. Clinton: John G. Medd liras di -pos- ed of his barbering Dosiiicss. Ills health is not good, hence thesale; be will likely take up some employment that will not be so confining. His suc- cessor is Fred. \\'hitley, an expel t wielder of the razor and scissors. Mitchell: F.Hebden,fornterly itDuut- ger of the Mitchell branch of the Mer- chants' Bank, has been appointed gen- eral manager of that instil of ion. An- other propllotion is that of T. E. Mer- ritt also Wormer Mitchellite, who is to be superintendent of branches and chief inspector. Logan: The hone of Mr and Mrs. Christian Herbert, was I% scene of it marriage Dlotiday when the;r daugh- ter, Emma, became the wifa'nf If. E. Knoke, M. D.. of Medicine ceroOrony was performed h C. Landsky, in thept•eser flftv friends of the contr Mitchell: After for twenty-two • F. Davis has d• good will to possession ago Mt'. give wf been f take 1 t when Mr. 1 his di Ho resid Ole