Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-28, Page 47
Oxetev ;ktivoCtlte,
Sanders tk Creech, Props.
'THURSDAY, DEV. 28, '05
Exeter School Report,
&following is the report for December,
Jr. Leaving ('lass. -A. Hrintnell 79.
N. Russell 71, M. Jones 67, 1:. h1e1 her -
son 62, :1. Pfaff :,,ti, 1), U►Hing 5t3,e:1.
Murray 55, aM.Cowatd 66, F. Clegg 53,
II. Am IUstrong 50. M. Knight 19, H.
Workman 40. NV. 'rriebner 40,
Jr, :Matriculation class.--A.Going 62,
V. Sanders 52. W. Knight 51, E.Senior
48, 11. Gardner 45, C. Stoneman 41. 11.
Fair :1, It. Farmer 38. 1'. Catling 30,
No. on roll 24, average S3.
L. C. Fleming, teacher.
Forte 11.-8. Stoneman 77, G.Thoni-
aon 73, E. Taylor 70, A. May 05, T. Sen-
ders 57, M. Hawkins 55, 51. Johns 51,
L. Martin 50, E. Goetz 50, E. %Villis49,
1. Rowe 48, F. Foss 13, It. Geiger 40,
W. D. 40, M. Bolder 46, E. Go•
ing 45, C. Fisher 45, B. Sheer. 44, L.
lteiuuer 44, I3.Martin 40, D. iteedle
37, G. Dick 35. L. Coullis 3 4. No. on
toll 26, average 22.
A. E. Durrington, teacher.
Commercial Depaartmen t. -A. Howard
37,J. Cameron 84, M. Qeance 82, 1I-igh
McKay 82, E. Bissett 78, B. Welsh 78,
Bert Luxton 70. M. M1cTaggart 72, E.
McKay 69, W. Russell 69, E. Fee 08,
0. Fee 64, A. McCeirdy 63, K. Spauekulau►
63, M. Willis 52, B. Snell 49, 51. Ort -
mein 47.
Regular Class. -I. Handford 77, L.
Mullholland 73, B. Mack 71, E. Jones
71, 1.. Amos 68, L. Sanders 60, K, Ste-
wart 06, K. Collins 66, L. Badger 01,
A. Dow 01, C. Miarets 63, F. Sweet 02,
A. Davis 02. E. Down 58, B. Howie 57,
W. Huston 54, D. Stewart 51. E. Far-
mer 49. C. Dnnsford 45. D. Godwin 41,
M. Amey 32, No. on roll 46 average 39.
A. F. Chidlev, teacher.
IV. -Viola Welsh 71; Ruth 'too-
-per 70. Jr. IV. -Alonzo Heywood 74,
Victor Sweet 71. Garvey Acheson 73.
:No. on roll 41, average 41.
F. E. McLean; teacher.
Sr. Ili.- Lillie Rowe 70, Pearl God-
. -win 74, Blanche Atkinson 72, Percy
'Godwin 70.5, Pearl Johns 70.4; Wal-
lace F'uke 70.3. Jr. Ili. -\Mev Jewell
70.2; Clair Wood 70. No. on roll 41.
average 40.0. -II. E. NVaalrond, teacher
Sr. IL -W. Ford 80, L. Delve 85, W.
Heideman 84, J. Walker 79, I. Hardy
79, A. Jackson 75, O. Hodgert 73. Mid-
II.- M.
iI.--M. Carling 87. H. Snell 85, G.
;Delve 74, R. Balk will 71, M. llueston
"71 Jr. 1L -M. Brinlacomhe 71, O. An-
derson 70. No. on roll 50, average 50.
Anna E. Martin, teacher.
Jr. 11.---:1. Anderson 91; J. Seltbmt
91; A. MacKay 91, M. Gardiner 90, N.
Jones 00, L. Harvey 83, M. Jones 82. It.
Rowe 72,1 Follick 71. Sr. ]'t. II. -
W. Kydd 88, L. 'landlord 77, S. Johns
76. N. Hockey 75. L. Cann 71. No on
roll 38, average :35.4.
Elsie A. McCalluml, Teacher.
Jr. 1i. -F. Howe 93, It. Fleming 87,
M. Knott 85, A. Mack 81, E. Day KJ,
R. Welsh 82, W. Manson 82. 13. Hod -
a rt 70,J. Russell 70. Sr. Part 11.--
M. Case lie, :1. Hicks 81, A. 13e11 79, F.
'Bowey 75. Jr. Pt. II. --E. Iiorney 91,
-H. Parsons79. W. Mitchell 77.Marjorie
Huston i7, J. Ferguson 76. No. on roll
39, average 32.-- L. "1. Jeckell, teacher.
Fears Epedemic.
Dr. Sleeted, Toronto Health Officer,
an the local) Board of health, said there
was every fear of a smallpox epidemic
in the province. and he advocated gen-
eral vercinattion in all of the cities as
Suicided Before Family.
Galt, Dec. 21. -George Fairgrieve.
,aged aaNMI. 55 scaler, a farther in goo(:
tlnancial circ inu.t.'nces, who resided
near (Dalt, committed suicide this
morning by rutting his throat with e
rMSor. The deed wae pet pett•atted in
his own hoose. in the presence of his
wife 110(1 only daughter, about -10 years
of age. :1t. Fair•grieve, who recently
sold his fares for a good round sum,
tr,d been morbidly brooding over the
transaction. His younger brother
committed suicide by hinging a few
years ago.
The Child sad the Jail.
Toronto, Dee. 31. -Acting on in-
structions from the Provincial Secre-
tary, the inspector of prisons has not•
ifled aII the sheriffs of the province
that in fhoore when children under 16
years of age are sent to a Jatil for any
offense they must not he detained a
single day without notice being sent
'to J. J. Kelso. the superintendent of
'neglected children, in order that steps
irony be taken to severe their removal.
ff it 18 absolutely necessary to detain
'them in jail they must be kept sepal..
ate from other prisonetr, This ,ctiot
hes been taken in eider to prevent
young persons -boys mostly are con•
corneal -who are tinder Arrest for th-•
•first time, and usually for trivial ofT•
eases. ;associating with hardened etiol.
finals and 1hos becoming graduates in
You can hardly !ind a home
without Its Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Parents know what
It does for children: breaks
up $ cold in a single night,
wards off bronchitis, prev ats
pneumonia. Physicians 'd -
vise parents to keep it on hand.
tsTA. cwt enc -h mMttrtne stones can bur
bea►f ere• Cherry Teetotal. Tot tis er>..ths of
eklldre. aolbla5 togld rn.slhlr tae Meter -
J10011 fl,.rLi.• $AtM .ga, Dols
tY .. (1. amts rn .
*ADI drujgleae. for Lowell, Mae'
Throat, Lungs
see 1111 greatly ald the Cherry
Pectoral In breaking up a cola.
teen t%
our aged and resp.cte.► filend. Ste.
John Corbett, who is in his teeth year,
visited our postmaster here last week.
lie is real suu►tt and as active es he
was many years ago.- Win. Couch
and family spent Xmas. with Phomas
Stew8r(Isom -Mr. and lis. Matthews
of llderton and Jerry Br•ophey and
1; 'Iv spent Xmas. with W. T. Plena.
The Xmas. tree and entertainment in
the Roston Methodist chins+ was one
of the test for many years. The arch
of latae and flashlight tableau was an
impressive lesson, beautiful scenes long
to be remembered. Proceeds amount-
ed to $52.—The a hnualschool meeting
was held as usual yesterday (Wed.) -
The Misses Millie and ,table Foster
spent Xmas. in Parkhill.
(Too late for last %eek)
A little son and heir has arrived at
the home of 51r. and Mrs. C. Keating.
-The \Illa8.tl'ee entertainment of the
Boston Methodist church trill he held
Christmas night. -C. H. Wilson and
W. T. Clem; attended the fat stock
show and dairy meeting at Guelph last
week. --Christopher Corbett, who has
spent the p,i.t year in Washington,
called on friends here Saaturday.-51r.
Henry Stewardson returned to his
home in Toronto Saturday, after a vis-
it here with 11E4 uncle, Thos. Steward -
son. While here be enjoyed a few
days' hunting and secured 25 rabbits.
-At the recent business meeting of
the Boston Methodist S.8., the follow-
ing officers were elected: -•Supt~, H.
Hutchinson; Ass't., R. Webb; Secy,
Edna Sher'itt; Ass't and choister, Miss
Tessie Turner; Treas., Mrs, W. Brown;
Supt. home department and cradle
roll, Mrs. A. M. Wilson, Librarians,
Misses Maud Pollock and Lillian Turn-
er; Collector•, Iioy Sheppard; organist,
Zillah English; Ass't, Mable Foster;
Teachers, Mrs. A; M. 'Nilson, 51rs. W.
J. Brown, Miss Sutton, Mrs. Millis, Mrs.
J. Wallis, 511s. English, Mrs. Sherritt,
A. M. Wilson; assistants, J. Young, J.
Sherritt, 1'. Turner, 51 r. Turner, Geo,
Down, J. Wallis and Mae Wilson; vis-
itors of home class department, Vina
Sherritt, Mrs. Sutcliffe, Mrs. Foster,
Mrs. Wallis, 5!,'. Hutchinson, Mrs.
Wilson, Mrs. It, Webb. -A letter of
condolence bas been extended to Mrs.
Hayter and family from Union 'fent,
No. 48, Greenway, expressing their
deep sorrow at the recent demise of
Mr. Ilayter.
NVemnxo.--The home of Mr, Rufus
McPherson was on Wednesday, Dec. 6,
the scene of a pretty wedding, George
Luther claiming their youngest daugh-
ter, Miss Clara, as his bride. A num-
ber of guests had been invited to wit-
ness the ceremony which was perform-
ed by the Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe. The
wins , bride, who %VHS urlattenrled,
was gracefully gowned in a pretty
dress and was given away by her fath-
er. The tea which was setve•d after
the ceremony was enjoyed by all. The
bride, being very popular here, was
presented with numerous gifts. We
trust Jar. and MIS. Luther's married
life may he one of joy and prosperity.
Girand Bend
Mr. Young lost at veinaahle horse Last
week by death. -J, l►lil•er lost a steer
t few days ago by n straw stack Galling
n it. -i. Green spent Christmas attthe
onfe of his brother, Svt'us,-Quite a
lumber from here attended the nom -
nations at Crediton F't-id;i y. -School
lofted Friday and the teacher. Miss
nnnhlghanl. is spending the holidays
t her home in Sarnia. -The entertain -
tient given in the Pies. church Thin -s-
ay evening inns well attended, pt•:)-
eeds amounting to $18. The Metho-
ist peeple held their's Tuesday even -
ng end took in $21. --It is reported
hat 1.. ltnv('lie has sold his store. -
lifted Gravelle, who has been in Thed-
)rd for a week, returned ,Monday ac-
ompanied by his brother, Jeremiah,
-Ito will visit Rete for a few days.
(Toro late for last week;
Mt'. Ti mint of Tedford spent at fete
eys here last week. -A boat load of
other arrked S.iturdaay for the liar-
s, -Harmon Gill is all smiles over
le arrival of a little daughter. --Ii.
niith has rented his blacksmith shop
Julius Dis'ar•dine.-Much sympathy
expressed for Mrs. Young, who re-
rrned Tuesday from the London hos-
tel. 1Vhile there she had her foot
hputated.-Miss Lydia Disjardine of
srkhift and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc -
es were here last week attending
e Gilmore-Sharrnw nuptials. -Wm.
ritz and family returned Monday
0111 a pleasant visit in Galt, -Mr.
aystead of London was in town last
eek. --Ed, Bossenberry attended the
wk show at Guelph, --S. Ireland of
eshwood, has been engaged here
ring the past week erecting a ve-
ndah for H. nnssenb erry.-Wen. T)e-
re, who has been engaged with Mr.
award all summer, returned home
t week. -3. Brenner has iArrchased
e old Bossenherry hotel and moved
to his park where he intends fitting
ip in first -cissa condition,
Wannnn.-The Presbyterian church
s on Wednesday, Dec. 13, the sce
or pretty wedding, when Mr.
s. Jos. !harrow's third dot
NINA Malvin,, became the hap
f Mr. Herbert Gilmore,
Mich. At 3:30o clock as the
dulcetstrains of the weddi
played by Miss Pearl Tayl
bride, floated through th
flee the bride, gowned in
robe of white silk, and
metal bridal veil, was led
by her father, where the gt.
ed them, end
"il.dore the alter now they st
The bridegrooms anti the ori
Anil who can tell what love
In this their hour of pride
1'h• nnptia) knot was spew
it.•v. Mi. Cauriere, and
was Aware of the fart th
cynosure of all eye.; of
there being about 75
evitired Nona rkahleco
n1t 1hetrying ordeal.
loony Miss ('atter re
Mios flilulnre,
.1'.1,•,1 .Is )l'idelAal:, id
P,14,11110 1)1 cream v
tv Is Qv/Ile rt4'd by 1.1
.'ea .-nl .n t• being ore
rep sired to the horn
',is at Brewster,
at ate rows, aweite
J041114,1 r00171 A Dor
up which contain
inrllretinn that t
favorite with sl
ns'hle time w
1r. and Mrs.
f•'o- .bear•• in th
ieg for their h
Deafness Cannot be Cured
to local applications, as they cannot reach the die
rased lotion of the ear. There is only out way to
curt deah,t.s,aud that to by constitutional remedies.
Dearn.als is caused b) an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is inflamed lou hese a rumbling sound or im-
perfect bearing, and %hen it is entirely ciosad, Deal -
neer is the result• and miles* the inflammation can
lie taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition. hearing %ill be drstrove.' forever; nine
rale* 0141 or tam are caused by Catarrh, which is neah-
ingbut an inflamed condition of the mucous surface*
We will give one Ifundrr<d Dollars fur any case of
Deafness cau,ed b) Catarrh that cannot be .cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. fiend for circulars free.
r. .1. CI(KNfr V .t CO., Toledo, Obio.
Bold by all Urugg 114 75 cents.
Take Ilall'sFamily Pills for constipation.
(Intended tor last week)
W'e are pleased to report that 311.s.
W. Mc('ann, who has been ill, is daily
recovering under the skilful 1real tnent
of Dr. McLaughlin of Dashwood. --
Soule of our boys are talking of taking
a trip over to Uncle Sam's for the holi-
dey.-Debolt Dei trich had a Kt aye! bee
on Monday.-Chau•les Holt and Miss
Kenny spent a few days Inst week at
the home of NI r. Cole, Ushol'n(•. - The
-calf company held their annual sleet-
ing one night last week and themajor-
ityof the people are well satisfied; bet-
ter results yet than cement at Dur-
Miss Blanche and Lillie Hooke spent
Xmas. under the parental roof. -Miss
Jessie Luxton of Sarnia and Miss Chula
Luxton of London, are spending the
holidays at their home here. -Archie
Luxton of Fillmore Sask., is home to
spend the winter with his parents. --
Thos. Brook visited friends In Wood-
burn Sunday. -W. A. Davidson, our
popular school teacher, has resigned
and has accepted a school near his
hotne. His many friends here regret
his departure and wish him every suc-
cess in his new school. Previous to
the school closing a program was ren-
dered by the pupils which was a sur -
cess. During the day the pupils made
Mr. Davidson ti,. recipient of as gen-
tleman's companion. The gift was ac-
companied by an address expressive of
the most cordial feelings for the recip-
ient by every pupil of the school. Mr.
Davidson was completely surprised
but expressed his thanks in an excel-
lent manner. Mr. Campbell of White-
church will be the new teacher of our
it *sight be remarked for the benefit of
the Advocate subscribers and others that
tho proprietors can give you a Clubbing
Rate equal to "the very best."
Happy New Year. -Mr. and Mrs.
Bluett and family are spending the
holidays with friends in Forest. --Mrs.
Harry Flnkbeiner has moved some of
her household effects to Exeter, where
she trill live for a while. -J. N. Holtz-
man has had two plate glass signs
placed in front of his building. They
are very neat and attractive. -Our
young people have been enjoying the
fine skating the past week. Some are
advnenting a snow shoeing club. This
would be a very healthful exercise for
our sports. -51I. John Wilson, accom-
panied by 1118 daughter, Miss Allie,
of Stiathroy is spending this week at
the home of his sister, 11Mrs.John Kerr.
--School closed Friday for the Xmas.
holiday. A very interesting program
was given In the Principal's roots in
the afternoon. -Miss Ethel Farrow,
one of the teachers, is spending the
holidays with her parents in Gaaterich.
Mrs. Mary Brown is on the sick list.
We trust she will soon regain her
health. -Messrs. August Kuhn end
Art. Zwicker spent Xmas. in London.
-The past week has brought a Targe
number of visitors into our midst.
Ninny a happy reunion has takt n place
during the holidays. The following
are a few we have noticed: Russel
Huxtable. Hamilton; 01. Crocker, To-
ronto; Miss Tillie Wein, Garnet Maker.
Mr. 'and MIs. Wm. Young, London;
W. H. Brown, Kinciudine; 5!,'. Mis
ale and sun, Miss Tillie Wind, Conrad
Vuelker, Chas. Ewald, ('has. Wind.
Detroit. -Several of our people attend-
ed the Xmas, Festival in the Evaangeli-
caI church at Dashwond Monthly ev.
milt; g. -Mrs. Sia, ' ' return-
ing from chi • g was
run over by sever.
n1 severe ti dly re-
covering. Jlnb,
held a sbr
13, J
J. Tr
ship 41
To the Electors of Exeter -
Your vote and influence respect fully
requested for A. Q. Buller for Reeve.
To Exeter's Ratepayers.
L:,dies and Gentlemen, - I take this
opportunity of stating to one and all
that 1 have been nominated for Reeve
of the village, and. having decided to
stand for election, I respectfully solicit
your vote and influence to elect rue as
your chief magistrate for 1906.
Yours truly,
W. H. LsVII'rr
To Exeter's Electorate.
Having been requested by numerous
friends to stand for electiori to the
Iteeveship, 1 wish to state that 1 11111
in the field, and respectfully solicit
your vote and influence. I have been
a public servant for several years, and
if elected will do env best in the inter-
ests of the town. Yours truly,
Jett. W. 'I'AYi.oit
To the Ratepayers of the Village
Having been nominated as Council-
lor I wish to state that I and in the
field. Mark a X opposite my mune on
the ballot and the act will be appreci-
ated by tile. 1f elected I shall serve
the town to the best of my ability.
To the Electors of Exeter.
Being nominated as councillor for
the year 1000, I respectfully solicit
y our vote and influence, and being a
man of long experience in corporation
matters I can promise, if elected, to
use experienced effort in the interests
of the village. JAS. CREECIH, SR.
To the Electors of Exeter.
In accordance with my promise of
two years since and because of the
wish (Amy friends I am in the field
for councillor for 1900, and would
greatly appreciate your vote and in-
Hoence in my behalf.
Yours truly,
To the Electors of Exeter.
Your vote and influence is respect-
fully solicited for
for Councillor for 1906. If elected, will
vuseillhest efforts in the interests of the
To the Ratepayers of Exeter.
the field rasa candidate for councillor.
I have not time to interview every
voter personally, so I take this oppor-
tunity -of asking through the press
that you vote for me, and, if elected, I
promise to use every effort within my
power to show Myself worthy of the
confidence reposed in rue. Wishing
you all a Happy New Year, I atm,
Yours truly,
D. A. ANDRItaos.
Card of Thanks.
1 desire to thank the many friends
for theirood wishes in desiring me
to stand for councillor, and particular.
ly 111y nominator and seconder, hit
wish to state that for the coming yen,'
I have withdrawn m)• name from the
list. JOHN Faust RR.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament (.Z
Ileal Utlice,
Capital Paid Up
Reserved Fund— • e
- Montl'0411
• • • . $3,000,000
OFF/C6 HOURS 1, a. m. to 3µw. 5.1:Tt'ROAY8, In a. m. to 1 p. an,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, (teat Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Nen at
lowest rakes and on most favorable terns.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
SavinSaving Bank Department: nep .sit. of $1 old upwards received. interest tom•
gpodundedlt,ttehalfmbe-)cr blarlyst. and added to principal .lune 8Utb
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKsux & C'ARLiNG, Solicitor.;. N. 11. I(I'I DON, Manager.
A Great 30 Day Sale
At the Dashwood Furniture House.
We wish to announce to the public that our
stock is one of the finest that can be seen any-
where. We have lately added several new de-
signs in Rockers and Extension Tables,
also Pictures of every description, such as
Have Neer Before been Shown to the Public
in our section, and will be sold at a price that
will astonish you. We have made a big cut
in everything in the shop for the next 30 days,
so don't fail to furnish your house at a very
trifling cost.
Thanking our many customers for past favor, we wish
them and others a very happy and prosperous New Year
Peter Mclsaac, Dashwood.
New Year
and Gifts
are still
the Order
We have had a very busy
For the three old trustees
mss season and still the rush is on.
Our Lines of Goods embrace:
Christ -
Peter Frayne
Henry Huston
W. J. Carling
for 1906 School Trustees
ion Teo
cin Grown
gut Tea is a
the sunniest
Burnt Wood
Mechanical Toys
Leather Goods
Travelling Cases
Dolls, Etc.
Cense and sec for yourself.
Charlton's Fair.
Mrs. Stewart is here on a visit to
her patrents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bell. -
John Hudson and son of Marlette,
Mico.; Miss Edith McEwen of London;
James Geiger, wife and family of Pig-
eon, Mieb,; and David Wren of Vic-
toria Cniversity. Toronto, are spend-
ing the holidays in and aum;nd Hen-
sall.- V, Colw'lll hors returned from
Regina. His ninny friends are pleased
to meet him again. -Mr. Miners is the
now clerk at J. Weistniller's.- George
O'Brien has returned from the West.
-- Mrs. Met. Smith is visiting her fath-
er at L,acan,-Itichaard 111Nc11fotd and
wife of North Dakota are here en a
visit. 14. ('idmore has placed a 11(•811.
(dial piano in his home. - Miss Blake of
ery York is visiting at the home of
er mother, Mrs. Nesbitt. --Andrew
titrison has returned from the West.
of is visiting relat ives art Chiselbu►st.
itch sympathy is expressed for K.
onion of the Sovereign Rank in his
cement in the loss of his sister,
lied from the effects of burns
he received whale visiting at
.- Mrs. Gray, n former re'i-
iseth11rst, (lied at het 1101710
a few days ago,
Mark (.'lark, while en -
g wood, tripped and
oink an ugly gash in
ht. ('.11014he•ll refill
a of .feKillnp,
Vm. Them peen
g farm. This
11104' Earn, of
Great Bargains in
U asters
Dress Coods
Ladies' Coats
Ladies' Skirts
and Suitings.
We have those lines of good
on our bargain counter and
are going to sell them at
rock bottom prices.
rimy, aarly and have a choice