Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-28, Page 3EAs iI:RN OII:,ITi'. Titles Are Ghrn Rrpardless of Possible tunsey..rnces. iit the far east language has alwe _. teen more florid and ambiguous tha!I in the west. The King of Ave. in Bur- t e, called hiniselt the "regulator re 'n seasons, the absolute plaster of Ilio t•! t. and now of the sea. brother of lite ii and lord of the four and twenty rotas." The King of Armoire YYY,oe'er Burma, was "possessor of U.e white elephant and the two earrings.' as well as "lt.ld of the twelve Kings who placed their heads f'ider his feel.' L. the elozantbique-Jnmhca region of Africa. the King of Mono Muga was not only "lord of the sun and moon," but "great magician and great thief.' Another eastern potentate was the "sovereign of the universe; whose holy le as luminous as the sun, created to be as accomplished as the moon in her plenitude; King es spiritual as the Kell is round." Of the ruler of I<andnhar it uses Foal that his lame "exceeds ' le moon and stars end the unexpanded jtssatiene buds." and that his "feet (lee es fragrant to the noses of oU"'e emer- eigns as flowers to bees." HE GAN ATTEND TO HIS WORK NOW MANITOBA MAN CURED iLY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS lie Echoes a Statement Made by Thou - Free Lifts of Toilet Soaps Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS 1 he Co::pons are the sine as cash because they can Le exchanged for Toiht Soaps fur which you have to pity out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nntl)i-'g• Read r in every pack a:;:!, or wt:te us f. r Premium List A grit is Of ht''e vel 'e if it consists of suln, ta.ng you have no Pce . In exchange for Snnlli''it Seip f otlreees you can get something )Oil need and use every d -;v. SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS Laver Brothers Limited. Toronto, Carted& tdo IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL AIIOUT SOUS BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in tbs Land That Reigns Supreme in tui Com- mercial World. Only one person in four in London earns over Ll a week. Lugiaud has 28 railway tunne:e of a mile or more in length. sands of the People of the Prairies. The British nation has .C100,000.- COO invested in Amer.c..n railwa. s Giroux, Man.. Dec. 18.—(Specials. The public buildings in Britain Op... Mr. Philias Norinandeau, a well- alone are valued at L250,000.000. known resident of this place. is one The Duke of fife is said to Lo the of thousands of Manitobans who only teetotal duke in the House of have found relict from the pains and Lords. aches of Kidney Disease in Dodd's Lord Kinnaird has been appointed Kidney Pills. Mr. Normandeau is president othe Y. M. C. ..., it► Fuc- feet. finch an anima), when alive, always ready to say a gond word for cession to Sir George Williams. feet. weigh 1n.fm10 ounds, worhen nearly the remedy that brought back his Dr. Barnardo, the founder and el- p health. rector of the well known Homes, loft four and one-half tons. The circutnfer- "Yes, I can tell you Dodd's Kidney an estate of the gross value of £le, enee of the some 18 fhel.b dy al scull nloneifs st measurespart is Pills snide a cure of one," he says. 485. "1 had Kidney Disease for throe Owing to the competition of two feet three inches long and one foot years. At times 1 got so bad I coiled cheaper French slates, in the Englisn three inches high. hardly attend to my work, 1 took market, that great Welsh i, dustry The sea elephant, or seal elephant. is just five boxes of Dodd's Kidney has latterly be.omo Iia f -pa alyieiin ninny ways an interesting creature. Pills anIt is stated that the Hes. Dr. John So far as size goes. he can give points d my pains and aches are all gone nod 1 can work as well as any- Wats( n ("Inn Va lnren") may be up--; to the walrus, but he is certainly not so s i ' ferocious looking; Except for the cur • - MONSTER SFA E1.E1'lIANT. Ten Thousand Pound Specimen Brought From Southern Seas. A new and interesting nllrnction at the Berlin Zoological Garden Is a mounted specimen of a monster sea elephant, says the Scientific American. I1 can claim the distinction of being the largest sea elephant that has ever been killed. II was found some 18 months ago ny whalers off the coast of the Falkland Islands. They promptly surrounded the monster and subsequently slaughter- ed it—no easy task—and the hide, with the raw skeleton, was purchased at a high price by Mr. J. F. G. Umlauff. Some idea of the size of the monster myhe gained from the fact that from the tip of its tall to tate tip of its tusk it has n total measurement of nearly el ALUMINUM PAPER. This material is intended as a sub- stitute for tin -foil. It cons:sts of paper specially prepared to gig a it n parchment -like consistency and cover- ed with powdered aluminum sprinkled upon a thin layer of resin. Pressure is applied while the coating is soft, to insure the adhesion of the powder. The metallic surface thus obtained ie not aflected by moisture or by greasy substances. Aluminum paper is cheaper than tin -foil, and, in Germany shorts oro making to introduce it extensively. Huffer no More.—There are thousands d who live miserable lives becausey.• pepsin dulls the faculties. and shadows eaisl.ence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that bo - set the victims of this disorder is to nyder thein a course of Parmelee', Vege- table Fills. which aro among the best vegetable pills known. being easy to take and are most ehicacious shear action. • trial of thew will prove this "Did you enjoy the cornet playing in the room next to yours last night?" "Enjoy it?" my friend shouted savagely. "1 should think not. Why, I spent heir the night pounding on the wall to make it stop." "it roust have been a misunder- standing." said the landlord, gently. "The cornet player told me that the per - body. To anybody who has troubl.• poiuttxl to the' g oral ecr •tnrysP }Sigh their Kidneys all I call say is of the English Piesbytcrinn Church. I sous nose (whence his Greek name) he sons in the next room applauded him so 'use T)odd'a Kidney Pills,' " The two London I'olice ('omnis-' is just a big; black seal. fairly agile in heartily that he went over every piece Dodd's Kidney Pills always cora sinners. Metropolitan and city, avith the sea and clumsy ashore, like all his he knew three time=." aide Kidneys. With web Kidneys you their hcad,luarters at Scotland lard kind. He is about the bulk of the hip - can't have Bright's Disease, Diabetes, and the Old Jewry, have sneer their popolantns, although more hirsute, and Dropsy, Rheumatism, or any of thole command about 16,000 in ,n. with a less extensive opening of the other fearful and fatal diseases that The daughter of ti e in st famous jaws. Ile holds among seals the unfgde spring from sick Kidneys jockey in the history of the turf. -the itoyition of being common in both hemi- _♦ late Fred Arc: e", was 21 i care of . spheres. although from the ardor with age on the Lith Novcutl:er, and be -1 which he has been hunted very few .Ttll: UNFORTUNATE EUGENIE. came entitled to a fortune of £121-1 specimens now exist north of the equa- 000. tor. Tho War Office refuses to give of- Just now, however. the sen elephant Worms derange the whole system. ficial recognition to polo under tiny is enjoying a respite. and is consequent- Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator de - circumstances whateter. 'I ho use tor lY increasing in numbers rapidly, par- ranges worms anti givea rest to the this game by o81c rs of h. roses which titularly In the southern seas. Ile sooner. It oufy ousts 'lin cents to try are on public charge is strictly for- forms practically the only population of 't and w convinced. bidden. many an otherwise lonely series of bar - To promoto better attendance ren rocks in the Antarctic Ocean. His among school children, psi es are fond consists chiefly, if not entirely, of given at Southboro, near Tun' rid e ,.uttlefish. Wells, to parents of the most punt- --4---.-- tunl scholars. The system has work- THE BEST WAY TO WtNNIPI:Q. Bev. W. H. \lain, pastor of the Baptist ed very successfully for some titre The (:rcat Northern Railway ('om- Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strung past. patty is now running a magnificent testimony for and is a firth believer 'n The news of the sudden de:►th of fourteen -hour night train from St. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Ile lets Mr. Samuel S Parker whilst shoot -0t -Winnipeg. Paul to This ne w tra h► tried mauy kinds of remedies witheu t ing near Oswestry caused a great' "The Winnipeg Limited," is nue of m.iiil. "After using Dr. Agnew's Cater - had• through Liverpool. Mr. Par er the very finest in the Northwest. P. i that Powder 1 was Dr. be/tatted at once: had for many years been prominent is equipped with the newest and best are his words. It is a wonderful rem - both in the commercial and social compartment library observation' edy. 50 censs.-65 life of the city. curs most luxuriously furnished and; 'l'he Mayor of Islington things that the comfort of the passenger is cater- 1 —„ The trouble with some people is Scotland makes Fetter use of its tette ed to 1n every detail. This train has that they believe one good turn dc - cation than England does. The Mayor already tnada a nano for itself for serves a better one. however, is himself a Scot, and that running right on time and connee- . discounts the assertion somewhat in tions aro made at Winnipeg for all i Just •Word of on; where the akin Is hat the eyes of those who e the mus- points in the Canadian Northw�•st. 1 (tuition; by burns or scalds apply W Until this service was instituted the [;erste Immediately : the sooner the better. trip was of eighteen to twenty hours duration. It is now possible to reach I All the girls that have been disnp- Winnipeg by way of Grand Trunk to, pointed in love are not old maids—the Chicago and North Western to St. 1 mnjorily of them ere tnarritd. l'nul in practically the same time ni i ---- by Canadian Pacific direct. 'Phis' No At.olinl in It.—Alcohol or any route possesses the added interest of other tipewhould p- p,ur strengtvolahle byantievaporats ichionwdocs nont ' nce the Beautiful and Brilliant Em- press of France. There is to -day living in Paris, bereft of husl:and, son and empire, and for many years an exile, the aged woman who was once the beautiful and brilliant Empress Eugenie. France, now more than thirty years it republic, no longer forbids its former sovereign to puss her closing days amid the scenes of her triumphs and her dis- illusionment. The brief and glittering glories of the ill-omened Second Empire it to invest with • • toowholly faded any are Y dangerous suggestion the presence -.t her who once wus the most dazzling of then) all. They and she belong to his- tory now—so tnucl► so and so little to the present that young students who read eagerly of Sedan and (he Coin - mune and the flight of the empress iron the Tuileries are often startled to find that she still lives. "Why," exclaimed a young high- school girl, looking over a recent issue of the Century Magazine, "is the Empress fortune not to t e Scotsmen. Eugenie alive? 1 shall expect lee next thing to be told that Marie Antoinette A st!iking evidence of the extension ha:, taken a little flat in a quiet quarter of golf in England is found in the where there are no electrics, and enter- fact that 81 golf courses can now ho thins the ghosts of the guillotined at reached from Waterloo on the Lon- don es South-western Hallway. It is safe to say that 15 years ago there were not more than three or four courses on this line. .fudge Sn, ly was about to ad- journ a case at Bow t'o'Inty Court because of the plain iff s ab once, when the missing litigant rushal breathlessly in, saying he had been standing in the etre t. 'Yon should have been in court," said his honor. "I don't try custom in the street." The burial of a horse at Outten, near Lads, led to the findlrg of en urn containing aboi.t 2(:0 slyer coins of about the siae:•nth century. An inqu,st is to I e held on the "treasure trove." tet, ral silver pen- nies of Edward I. and Edward iii .I groats of lata a•d 111., and a Ber- man silver coin bearing the name of an Empere,r Lidos ic, have been found in Wexford, Somerset, church-, yard. NESTS WEIGH FIVE TONS. The largest, heaviest and most 1i/hil- ler nests are to be found in Austrnlin. I he jungle fowl of that land build their The IFffec'e Produced by Witch Hazel when combine 1 with Menthol as found in "The 1) k L" Menth t spviitco truly for rheumatism neuralgia- PRUDENCE. eo algia It being • - PRUDENCE. A grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft. Our Honest Belief It that we have brought As near PERFECTION as modern method's and materials will permit CLUE RIBBON 'Feu has a DISTINCT INDI IDI'ALITY that lilts 11 above tots line COMPIti,ItISON with other brands. TRV TIIE RED LABU. It is quite possible for a you 1g man to be handicapped by too many ancestors. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.— five-o'clock tea every afternoon. \Vhy, it sculls preposterous!" The very Interesting article which pro - evoked tier comment was taken from the forthcoming autobiography of the lake Dr. Thomas Evans of fans, who assisted Eugenie in her flight. It is full of in- teresting bits; yet, after all, there is nothing in it so vividly appealing as the glimpse at once of the repudiated soya- . the woman driven from her home, ' the mother separated from her son, ,:igen in a convu:w►lion with Mrs. I•.vans, Doctor Evans's wife, some len or a dozen years ago. She was staying at Pe.t iville, and tier husband brought his .l -:wised charge to her there, on the tt,ty to the i - st to sail for England. The: empress had w ilh her only a little reticule; on the journey she had washed out her own two handkerchiefs, an.1 ironed theta by pressing them belwe,\ti the leaves of her prayer -book. ller hostess provide(' her with fresh linen, and afterwards, fearing recognition by the servants, waited upon her at table herself. "Ah, how mush trquble I nen giving(' the grateful guest murmured again and again. After dinner the two women - nests in the form of great mounds, fell into conversation, anti the empress! some having been found 15 feel in displayed her shabby clothes and her !'eight and 1:1(1 feet In circumference. tiny hag explaining her makeshifts, and; i'hey are erected in sheltered spots, talked pathetically of her hasty night; and are skilfully interwoven with and the treasures she had len behind. I leaves, grass and twigs. The bush "The thing I would have liked to bring i turkey adopts a similar system in con - away with Inc above all others," shed strucling its nest. but it is more ex - mourned, "was the tiny brush with , tensive. and the shape is pyramidical. which I used to brush my boy's hair They built in colonies. and the nest: when he was a tinily." At the thought ore so litr•ge that it would require the of it, left behind in the baby basket, in ! cervices of six or seven carts to remove a room likely al any moment to be fn -1 one. The material of a single nest waded by n ruthless snob, she broke soil- l has been found to weigh upwcrds of d y into tears, and asked, sobbing, if il we're not possible, after all, 1t might ime overlooked or dLsdait by the in- ders, and left undisturbed by their 'Irtous and unfriendly hands. "No one but the mother would care for `)teething like tltatr" Poor empress and poor mother! Few omen have lost more than she. An flee Ions. —♦ HAPPINESS ANI) GO(11)NI:SS, Ilnpptncss is n vetidition of goiednea The haply man i.: geni•,'ally a hen!th nein. Happiness nets upon the soul medicine does upon the body. Ito ness Is a prophylactic that will pre ninny imperfect conditions from a empire fallen di'gracefnlly; a husband in the soul. A happy cheerful ((cml in exile; a son slain uselessly a favorable ph)chologieab ell 1,y savages; nothing r ,vett to her of ell she had except-1rony of ironies! --her fortune. For the old ex -empress Is very rich. and will leave htr grset wealth. it is said. In the young Ent/lig) l• -ince -ss X-ritnddaugh1rr of hrr faithful friend, Queen Victoria) who is her namesake. the beefy. A sad heart will al togrnph itself in n sorrowful overburdened hurt will sh n careworn countenance. hFart in a kind an.: ser and a joyful heart i cheerful countenance --♦ —' sides. the light a Count your mercies and ,7o11 dls- lllec‘Pd is he who ti+uunt ycur m►acrit+n fly side. n day in either Chicago or St. Paul, in any gimp° enter into the manufacture with Icsis time wasted in day travel'• of lir. ' K.lertrtc Oil. Nor do ung. The uniform excellence of the Grand Trunk service to Chicago is too well known to need any comment and too much cannot he said of the elegance of the equipment of the "Northwes- tern Limited" run by the Chien and Northwestern iladlway betw Chicago and St. Paul. '1'he'e w roads can give ninny n p the older ones in the east after the passengers cot "ITenry." said the w given her hits and a i tion writing -table machine on his birt you haven't forgotte be my birthday." replied. "I've hot ctars. Tho box keep cottons a Ne Reesoeeb sof cold in a Balsam w off c,n,';mp1 9.4 sound as Expo ri ly ton I value. climatic viccable 'furl ut hig..er auoject elewun it. It is as ser - le as In the useful 111 the 11 1s more urn to LOO n ran or his 18. ost per. Pedlar's `Oshawa' STEEL Shingles G• alvanised orpaluted. Most durable and Gem .mi -.1 covering k': R eI NIse Si (ets' Residences. blouses, Barns, L•levatere, it.w.s. Ch orches, Pauli y Baster W lay and will Iasi longer that any other a nering. Cheaper than wood shingle.' or slate. No experie•tce necessary. A hammer and snips are the only Isola regetre-i. It is sent -hardened high grate steel. Ats • Ce-regated lose. Pointed sr arals.an s it. is 'biota 98 inches long. tree ed and Embosser Cellists- V Grist ed /sodas. 2009 defies of Roofing, Sitting and Ceilings in all grades. Th wsuid' of huddles* t!hrot►gb the Damietta aro covered with our Sheet Metal .1 esu , making team F 1 IE, WATER AND LUGHTPZINe PROOF Bend in your order Por as m ::y sgnarei ('Oil. feet) as you require t' cover ynwv wow er old building. The very best ro„ti:ng for this climate. We can simply Nave Trough, all most. C We are t6 or largest concerti It of the klad und• er the British flag. Elbows, lidabt'ahwi int Capital invested 0:m.000.00. Writs Ta lay for Catalog:0 No 14 R and Fres Samples. TIMID 39,1r1733r.J.d.IL X'X3©F', MU? TRIAL, QUO. I OTTAWA, ONT. II TSMST0 ONT.vaaasVrta, a.s. 707 Craig at- 423 Sussex et. I 60 Seaga SI 1 GO Ponder St. WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE. HEAD OFFICE AN) W00 .9s - 0811AWA, ONTARIO, CANADA', VERY LIKELY. Mrs. Ascum—So there's a up tit your house? Tommy—Yes. Mrs. Ascutn--1 suppose your papa's pleased. Tommy -1 guess he's pleased 'at It ain't twins. new babeBargain List of Farms mailed fry. ALF. BROWN, Dept. K, Pluton, Ont: Sunlight Soap is better than other soap., but is beat when used in tore Sunlight way. Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions. When it comes to talking, a woman can give a loan a handicap of a mouthful of hairpins and beat him. The Greatest Tonle Is"Fer•rorim." It 1s pleasant in taste and contains just the nourish- ment and strength-giring qualities that are need- ed by those who are sick and weakly FIRST OI' ITIS KIND. "Tell nut darling," said the earn- est lover, nen 1 the first fiauco you ever had?" "Well," replied the giddy rite "you're the--er—first red head.si fiance." To discern and deal Immediately wlto Cause, and overcome them, rather than Lo battle with effects after the disease has secured a lodgment, 1s the chief medical man ■ d I'r a uic •rof non of the kl v 1vr i ,u c u is the -l' peau result .o u AnU p 1 of patient study along this particular line.. A 1. the brat appearance of a cold the Sy top will be found a most eracient remedy. urre,ting development and speedily healuigg (toe affected parte, .o that tho ailment disappears. LNDIsrc.tSARI-E. Fortunately, there is always somebody in every household who can always find everything that everybody else has mis- laid. Learn Telegraphy Great opportunities in the U. S. far Canadians as telegraph operators. 30 tr- 50 p. c. higher salaries. Positions foo all graduates. Send for free catalogue. Det. Tel. & By. School, Detroit, Mich. A Casket of Pearls.—Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great solace to the disheartened dys- peptic if he would but test their po- tency. They're veritable gems in pre- venting the sealing of stomach disorders by aiding and stimulating digestion-- GO of these health "pearls" in a box, and they cost 35 cents. Recommen-bed by most eminent pl!ysiclans.—G! i'AIR-WE:VI'11ER FRIENDS. Some men, when your money's free, Shake your hand effusively. When it's gone you find that they I Shake you In another way. A Ileeognlred Ibegulator.—To bring the digestive organs Into symmetrical work- ing is the nun of physicians when they burl a patient •uacrrng train stomachic irregularities. and for this purpose they call pre:writ,* nnthin/ better than Par- ►nelee's ',.g. -table foils. which will be It.ond a pleasant medicine of svrp„s. *lairs in bringing the refractory organs Into subjection and restoring them to nnin,ut action, In which condition only can they perform their duties properly QUITE SO. said little Willie- Undcrthum, nes a plan's 'better hall' mean?" , my son," replied Mr. Under- fneans just what she says." eperimenting.— There's no perleienhng when you've at you are a victim of or another of kidney held of the treatment have pinned their faith red quickly and perman- American Kidney Cure eminent in the world of q the kidney sufferer's tru- -63 A 0 Young Mon of Canada AND YOUNG WOMEN TOO Oat a IIUSINE—:%nr SH,>UTil.AND elocation. Nothing will hay y'ou eo 9 ell. mud n,, ash .1 can :to .0 well for y .0 a^ the old ,ucrea,ful CANADA OUSINESR OOLLEGE Or HAMILTON. We can place °.?) of ow: gr:t,l•iates Ire n.00D 1TUAIIONS during tis inr siring year. we lid ittill t year and can .1.1t:main. Thus is the ld reli.eble college of Cana 1 i, established 44 years,ner )09 graduatesilu}uccunder eoful lot iuoasre.entplife. t'fry it. while B 1:. (IAt.cAOB3C Ue at,illamittun, Ont Y M.:c. A. Buildings. cuUian PEide HOMCSDUR (Regi The Strongest and best s1�• '; t, t. iii 'Zc d i gh 11AUVAX, '•" t , sod e11c1oo1•3 S^_75 ,l 1:1'1' with waist and leg measure for sample s r• o pair. whieb will be -Ccfdelivered to you i/ p,stwe paid any- �,' ' • r h.ro In ('anals, except the 1' ,11:,414 $2.75 pants made in Canada. heavy weieht, dark gray mixture m taufac- tared from pure Nova Scotia w•o ,l. This cl-nth is kept up to the highe.t standard of ecoel icnc efor durability by the tit. Cr os Woollen Mills co 1.14., Newport, N. S. These pant. are kept by the leading clothiers .1 the Ii_,minion. If you cannot secure them write Cloyloog soils __r -.rte.,. _ - = Mr. Moveoft—"Nell, my dear, ho.v du you find your neighbors hero-- soeiablc?" Mrs. iIoveoft—"Vet er. Three or four of thecal have sent In to ask if I would allow their children the use of our pingo to practice oa. Dr. Agnett's Ointment Cures Piles.— Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. Coins fort in one application. 1l cures In three to six nights. It cures all skin diseases in young and old. A remedy beyond compere, and It never falls. A cents. -63 Little hay (just returned from a sleight-of-hand entertaintncfit, to his father)—I'npn, I wish I was a con- juror.." 1'oed Parent—"Why. my sots?San—"f would turn you into a rat. call up the cat, and w„uldu't 1 have a 1:'rkt 'MIES NOW. --- —What did she say vele n Cash or Cure I first met my hos- the bit department he Raid there Syro titles picked up in PA. d the ter,- her, Agree to work fur he end of six days 13 wnuld that be ed Susie. "an' it to tell him so, bat& to us If $Ililoh's Cassuoption Cure fails to can ywar (iota or Cough, you gee harts all yoe paid fort. You are .u: a of a Care • die C.ah. 11 d wasn't a nae cue, this ober would Cwt le made. Can anything Le lacer ? If you have a Cold. Cough. co any ,peau of the Throat, Limp at Ar Powers, try $HILOH 2Se. per book. AR denten gearsraeee it. T. N. U. t:4 l I: NO. SI le