HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-21, Page 5THE
Qzetez 3 buointe,
published etery Thurs.ta) Morning at the Office
—es the -
One Dolle per annum if paid in advance, $i•IIO
if not so pall.
Lsvostialeag Raton ea . pplica.-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are .aid
Advertisements' without specified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for tranx•ient advertisements
inserted for long periods. E.aery description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates Chotues, money orders, kc., for
advertising. subscriptions, et..‘., to be made payable
SanderM & Creech,
Pretfeeerenel Cards.
DK. A. R. KINSMAN, I.. D. S., D. D. S.,
�llonor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
Teeth extracted without any p.tin. or any bad effect.
Office in Fansou's Block, west Bide Main street.
DR. D.
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of I'rosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an•
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
Bran and Shorts
and Wheat Chop
At Exeter and Centralia
Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in
your grain and load
home with feed.
Jos. Cobbledick
Creditou FlourI
Our Roller Flour is at the
very top of the list of good
flours. There is none litter
made. It makes the good wife
smile. Try it.
Tftel�as. OEeeUQg
of Peace
11 and Good Will
will seem more real if you
place in your hoiilra beautiful
We have them b.nght espec.
ially for the Xmas. Trade.
The (duality is the best and
Prices and Terms very easy.
Take a look at our Xmas.
Stationery, edge the 811.114118
for the Boys and (lids.
SV heat 78
Barley 40
Date .-
Peale 65
Potatoes, per bag 75
Hay, per ton tl 94)
Flour, per cwt., fancily
Finur, low grade per cwt. 1 25
Livehnge, per cwt
Shores pet' ton 2) 04)
Bran per tun 16 (1)
T'trkeys ..
Dried Apple
0 rtfl
2 25
1 25
6 Iii
24) 11()
10 O
Tar aaa Feathers 1a 1189.
TUMORS CONQUERS;' In England the IueedtI of tar and
Bathers was Intruluccd in ll6f), when
Qngtullned Suocwe of Lydte E. Pisa
ham's Vegetable Compound in t',.:
Oase of Mrs. Fannie D. Fox.
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
K. Pinkhsms Vegetable Compound is
the conquering of woman's dread en-
emy, Trainor.
The growth of a tumor is so sly that
frequently its presence isnot suspected
until it is far advanced.
So-called " wandering pains" may
come from its early stages, or the
presence of danger may be made mani-
fest by profuse menstruation, accom-
panied by unusual pain, from the
ovaries down the groin and thighs.
If you have mysterious pains, if there
are indications of inflammation or dis-
placement, don't wait for time to con-
firm your fears and go through the
horrors of a hospital operation; secure
Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com-
pound right away and begin its use.
Mrs. Pinkhatn, of Lynn, Mass., will
give you her advice free of all charge
if you will write her about yourself.
Your letter will be seen by women only.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the sucecss I have ha.l with your wonderful
medicine. Eighteen mouths ago my month-
lies stopped. Shortly after I felt so badly that
submitted to a thorough examination by a
physician and was told that I had a tumor
on the uterus and would have to undergo no
Soon after 1 read one of your advertise-
ments and 'heeded to give Lydia E. Pink-
ham s Veget:tl.le Compound a trial. After
trying five bottles as directed the tumor is
entirely gone. I have been examined by a
physician and he says I have no signs of a
tmnor now. It has alio brought my month-
lies around owe more, and I nm entirely
well."—Fannie D. Fox, 7 Chestnut Street,
Bradford, 1'a.
� ea
a... •t - Q ants
BOL $4.5
Is eight inches in diameter, and
about three and a half deep.
Genuine American make. Glass
is very white and finely cut.
This elegant bowl is very special
value at $4.5o.
Worth $s2.2 5.
This spoon is worth $2.2 3, but
we will sell it as an ad for $1.0 ,,
guarantee it to contain Su%
Meer, silver than any other standard
stake of silver s•�oon.
O. imf 10 the re love 1 p -i •e. only
i1i be steal to t'.ie ad.!r se
I'utu'incard b..( pr damn.' L.L
T'i, t• 1 WO erti.'I; s are easily
n,'rI i i7
so for Sesta, Neil enak • a
bt•auti h present for any purpose.
Sent prcl..ti.l to any address for
P.O. or etpr •ss stoney order ent'-
erinK the anlonnt. if not satis-
factory tool. can be returned al
my expense and Merry will be
!lyre. your (Vends or relatives suffer with
Fits, Fpile;.ey, St. Vitus' Dance, or Filling
Sickness, wrote tit a tial bottle and valuable
treatise on such d'tcascs to Tug Leiner Co.,
17o King Street, V.., Toronto, Canada. All
druggists sell or can obtain f..r you
Hair Renews
Always restores color to hair, all the dart, rich color k used
to have... The hair stops al ing, grows long and heavy, and ail
dandruff disappears. An depot dressing. .� z t ^ Tt"`
!chard I., before setting out for the
holy Land, ordained, In order to pre-
serve the discipline of his fleet, that
whosoever should be convicted of theft
should first have his head shaved; that
boiling pitch should then be poured
upon it, and a cushlou of feathers (de
la plume d'orelller) shaken over It. U•
was afterward to be put on shore at
the first place the ship touched at,
though after a baptism of boiling
pitch, the poor wretch would have lit-
tle life left In him. In modern times
the practice has found favor with the
populace as a means of readily exe-
cuting Justice ou uu offender whom
the law perhaps shows no anxiety t0
reach.—London Mail.
Hard to Please.
"The only perfectly beautiful wo-
man," said a well kuowu sculptor,
"must have been u goddess. I never
saw a perfectly beautiful woman in
my lite, nor even heard of the exist-
ence of one. As for Cleopatra, a learned
Englishman has discovered in some an-
cient gossip written on papyrus that
she had the foxy red hair and the
freckled skin of all the Ptolemy family
and was obliged to resort to hair dyes
and cosmetics to keep up her reputa-
tion for looks. But perhaps the sever-
est shock to the feelings Is to learn that
Mary, queen of Scots, actually squint-
ed, and that Mme. Du Barry wore a
set of false teeth."
The lirewr•ease.
The smallest mammal in the British
Isle Is the shrewtnouse. This is not
only the smallest British mammal, but,
with the exception of one other of the
same genus, the smallest fu Europe.
The harvest mouse is sometimes
thought to be even smaller, but the
length of Its head and body Is often
two and one-half inches, while that
of the lesser shrew is rarely more than
two inches. The tall measures about
one and one-third itches, and Its teeth
are so extremely small that a leus is
required to detect them.
Deficient liens of Koren.
According to the Korean 1,U•nu. It Is
dishonoring to use "thou" or "Ire" of
God. In speech Korean Christians are
ofteu heard to use "Ken yang ban"
(that gentleman) in order to avoid the
objectionable terms. Instead of say-
ing "Ile (God) says" they say "That
gentleman says." Then the Korean
language (does not possess the article
and has not Idiom to represent terms
like 'faith," "love," "grace," holi-
ness." "justification," "truth" and
"eternal life."—St. James' Gazette.
Courtesies of the Street.
A hansom cab driver bad Just picked
up n fare and Wns driving furiously
niumg a crowded street when the wheel
of Ids cab just managed to graze a
horse which a very thin youth was
Deducts Cannot be Curd
1.. 1 appb, atiois, as they . anuut reach the dis-
eased portion of the ear. There is only one way to
cure deafness,and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness ie cau.e.t by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is inflamed you ha%e a rumbling sound ur im•
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closes, Deaf-
ness is the result, and unless the inflanu..ation 1111
1.e taken out and this tube restored to its normal
c'rmillion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
ale out .r1 ten are cause.) by Catarrh. which is nolh•
ingbut an inflamed comfition of the timeous.urfh es.
We will give One !tundras' Lollars for any case of
Deafness caused be Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. C111INEY' k Cu., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all nrugg sts 75 cents.
Take 11014 Family Pills for constipation.
Polhill: Mr. Humphries was re-
cently presently with a solid leather
.nit case by the officers and teachers
of the Methodist church.
Seaforth: John Rankin, who was
appointed town clerk and treasurer a
few months ago, 1188 tendered his tes-
ignation,the sante to take effect at the
close of the municipal year. Mr. Ran-
kin has 1)0011 appointed inspector for
the Huron dist I'iUL of the Standard Life
Egntondville: Two men named Jam-
ieson and Jeffery had a narrow escape
from death by snffocation at Colbert
Bois.' brewery on Saturday. One of
the large vats was being cleaned out
prepatory to being painted and in or-
� der to dry it they had a charcoal fire
burning in the vat. The tire was not
going well and Jamieson went into
the vat to freshen it up. Shortly af-
terwards Jeffery looked in and saw
Jamieson lying at the bottom gasping
for breath. Ile jumped in hut was nn -
able to get Jamieson out. Ile too was
nearly overcome by the gas, but man -
tiger! to crawl out and summon help.
When Jamieson was taken out be was
ui esescious and remained so for some
timte,butgradually came around all
right. Had he been left in the vat a
few minutes longer, however, he could
not have lived.
Senforth: On Sunday morning as
R. T. McIntosh was driving on the
London road, north of Brucetield, he
noticed a man lying on the roadside.
His feet were partly in the water in
the ditch and from nppppearences 1)0
thought him dead. Mt'. McIntosh
sought the aid of Mr. McKight near
by and in company with hint exiunin-
ed the body and found the man still
living, but life became extinct in a few
minutes while they were attending to
him. The man's mune was McAllister.
He was 82 years of age and had been
an inmate of Refuge for some time.
Ile formerly belonged to the vicinity
of Brussels. It is supposed that Ite
wandered from the House of Refuge
during the morning and becoming ill
or exhausted fell over and the shock
quenched the feeble spark of life. It is
not likely that he had been long lying
where he was found or he would have
been discovered earlier lier as there were
many people passing along the road to
church during the forenoon. Mr. D.
French, manager of the house of Re-
fuge, took chiu•ge of the body.
Winter Term Opens Jan. 2.
"Now, then, can't yer sec me?" bawl -
eel out the latter anerlly.
"No." was the reply; "yer whip's ID
front of ver."—Lon.lon Tit -1111s.
[tow to help the Dead Lady.
The following nate of excuse was re-
ceived by n New York city teacher one
Dear Teacher—Please excuse Emma fot
having boon absent yesterday, as I had to
tare her with me to help nn old lady who
died and had no one to do her work.
All Settled.
"You're wasting a lot of time and
money trying to capture that widow."
"Why? I►ou't you think she'll marry
"Sure. She told the the night she met
you that she was going to."
The Worm Turned.
"Do you shave yourself all the time?"
asked the barber.
"Ne. I stop occasionally for meals,"
saki Jinticlan savagely.
Next to excellence le the apprecia-
tion of It.—Tbackeray.
Frank Boyds, who spent the sum-
mer in Manitoba has, returned hone
again. --Miss Ella Dut•r's many friends
are pleased to see her Remind again
after her recent illrn'ss. -- R. Gilbert,
sr.. has been quite ill l.ttely. We
pleased to state that he is recnyet•ing•
—Miss Pesti Breen is now the possess-
or of a hendsoune little potty, the gift
of her tether. Miss Pearl is receiving
her Christmee gifts rather early.
Parkhill: George (llennenning and
his partner, of Cobalt, have sold one
of their claims ter $250,000, 'he cash
payment hemp $50,000.
Stanley: 3..1. Keys, ail old Stanley
boy has recently been appointed prin-
cipal of the birth school at Nashville,
Tenn., at :► 9:11,41V Of $20041.
Clinton: Harry Bartliffe has tem -
chased J. A. King's bakery business
and rented the premises for a term of
years. He will take possession at the
New Year.
Clinton: %V. L. Galbraith, who has
conducted the billerd room for the
past year and a half. has disposed of
the business to Mr. Marmite!! of King.
ston, who has obtained poseeseion.
Senforth: Messrs. Kruse BIOS., of
Egnlnndville have pmrchased the old
Bank of ('otnlerce property. They
intend remodelling the Irnnk and will
engine in the meat and general provis-
ion business.
Parkhill: A quiet wedding was sol-
emnized at the home of Mrs. Flora
Cameron, Wednesday evening, when
her dstighter. Miss Annie. wa'i mar
Pied to Wm. Peterkin, a former Reeve
of West Williart's. The eeremnny was
per formed by Rev. (it ahanl.
St•afor1h: The following were tic-
keted for distant points last week:
Miss Evelyn ('nmphell to her home in
Brandon: 1•:. R•ol,inoon and son, to
Med 'rine 11st, N.%V.'l.: V. K'weld el
to Masse Jaw: 1)r. H. (1. McKenna,
DnbLn to ('nlorada Springs. Colin silo:
Neil C. Fern ie to San Francisco: W. P.
Corson to Edmonton.
This is one of the hest Conmtercial and Shorthand
schools in the Dominion. Our courses are thorough
andpractical. Many Burincas Colleges employ our
graduates as teacher.. All our gra.lnate. get rood
positions. Write for our free catalogue.
'tPsYCHINE" possesses peculiar
properties that act promptly
in gaining the mastery over
this disease. One element at once checks the fever,
another the chills. The tightness across the chest, the
heavy breathing and hoarseness, is removed by another
element. Its tonic properties renew the strength, and
make rich blood, the cough disappears, the "mucous" is
carried away, the wheezing ceases, and after a short treat-
ment ninety per cent. of patients are cured for all time.
The disease seldom returns after you have begun the
6 PSYCHINE" treatment.
CHESLEY SCHELL, Ravenswood, writes : "I was out with the volunteers
at London last June and I got a heavy cold, which turned to Bronchitis, and my
lungs were severely affected. I had a cough all summer. PSYCH' NE proved a
great blessing to me. It is a positive cure for Bronchitis. -
The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, - 179 King Street West, Toronto
a_ :
Gregg Shorthand
is easy to learn, easy to write and easy to rea.I a!t:r
it is written.
The students of the Forest City Business and
Shorthand College are subjected to the test of the
Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplomas.
95% pass and 651,; take honors.
Catalogue will give you some pointers about our
system and is free for the asking.
School term—Sept. till June inclusive.
Y. M. C. A. Lids..
LONDCN, C;1 -r.
Iiullett: On Wednesday ninety
guests assembled at the Stene of 311..
told Mrs. (neo. Dale to witness the mar-
t•iage of their daughter, Evelyn Daisy.
to Benjamin W. Churchill. The cere-
mony Woe performed by Rev. Birks of
Senforth and I{ev. Fitzpatrick of To-
ronto, The wedding march was platy -
ed by Miss Lindsay of Ooderich town-
ship. The bride who was prettily alt -
tired tuns given away by her father. I
Wood's Fhoaphodia
The Great l;n,Jt.,li Remedy.
A positive vitro fur all turner of
Sexual W'c.ihneKs, Mental wag
earns AND arras. train Worry. 1:'rni,:arions, Sjser'.
matorrhora, Impotency EtTe.•ts of Abmte or
Exeesn, all of which lead to Consumption.
Infirmity. Insanity and an curly grave. Price
$1 per pkg all for $5. ono will plca, six wSl
Sold by a
Sold or limited in plain
package on receipt of price. \Vrito for l'atnDhist
Theo Wood Medicine Co.. Windsor. Ontario.
Make Your Christmas
holiday Goods
Holiday Goods
Now is the time to make your selections. Our stock is now complete in
Desirable Gifts for Everyone.
BOOKS, in all the newest bindings and by the best writer.
STATIONERY, in Fancy Boxes, Writing Sets and Fountain Pens.
CHINA, Japanese, Prussian, Old Greek, English, German and Bohemian Glassware.
LEATHER GOODS, Hand Bags, Portfolios, Billfolds, Purses, Cigar Cases and Music
BURNT WOOD, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief and Necktie Boxes.
TRAVELLING CASES, Ladies' and Gents, Manicures, Military Brushes, ('ollart,
and Cuffs, Gloves and Handkerchiefs, Work Boxes.
MECHANICAL TOYS, Steam Engines, Tools, Air Guns, Autos, Arks, Acrobats
Blocks and Games.
Dolls, Doll Carriages, Sleighs, Rocking Horses, Christmas Cards,
Calendars and Booklets.
Come and see for yourself; we are sure we can please.
Charlton's Fair, - Exeter.