HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-21, Page 3WAS SENT HOME
171EN JOS. Room: COUND 111:\1.711
Ile Was Unable lo Work for Sete')
Years Before Ile Used the Great Can-
adian Kidney Remedy.
Cot t er8 Cove, N fld., Dec. II. -
(Special.) -Tin days of miracles are
past, but the cure of Joseph Boone
of this pace almost ranks with sen-
sational cures of the earlier ages. )alma must be
Mr. !Boone bad been ailing for eight to wc1)0
years, seven of which he flans unable ,Tis "man.23
to work from the effects of itackacne
and Kidney Complaiut. 110 was all
aches and pains.
ile was trotted by several doctors.
and after seven months in the hospi-
tal was sent home as incurable. It
was there that reading of cures in
the matt ~papers led him to use i)odies
Nicht y I'ills. It toot twenty -ono
bugs to cure hien, but to -day ho is
strong and well and hard at wore
lobster fishing.
People here have learned that if
tho disease is of the Kidneys or (rota
the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will
Cure it.
NOW 1 I.AV ME DOWN TO st.1•:1•:I'.
A little boy, lisping
11e3 and his Maker,
With starry eyes,
dusky hair,
A girlish playmate,
home grace.
Together in the
At childish ganies-ho,
the long, long tears
Cherished u love that no'cr
change nor fade.
Daunt less in spite
doubt and fears.
Strong as the torrent's
sistles'•s sweep.
his evening
saw u lovely
and crown of
of win -
garden had they
of scorn :ui.1
Mr. Eden -Zeller Believes That 11 W111
be the aa'orld's Great Producer.
"West Siberia -will be the Ameriea
or the future. In spite of he adverse
conditions '.', wake peoples of fore-
sight will settle and encourage settle-
ment in that part of the country and
its great advantage will soon be tilt
and appreciated."
This is the prediction of Oscar n:d-
en-Yeller, who recently returned from
an exploring tour of west, east and
north Siberia, extending through a
year and a half. He bases his asser-
tion upon the vast. extent of Siberia,
the etdnpt.abiiity of wast Siberia for
grain raising and the great practical-
ly untouched mineral deposits of east
and north Siberia.
"West Siberia promises to beco.no
the grain belt of the world," Mr.
Eden -Zeller says. "The land is mil:
ed for grain raising and because of
Its vast acreage it will ultitnately they become beautiful dragons. 'Phot its w`ilking,rgnn� Unregulated from
produce grain for all nations. in the national example of the re
- lies w (lune hey are I 1 sly w becuu,.
•'Of course, for the time being, only ward for perseverance which takes t„rpI un,p Mote Uw whole systo,n out
the rich tracts of land situated on the place of the story of Robert of gimade to rmeet. such�ecase". a '1 pins•
"My love is not for
must smile,
Pretending that
1s guy.
"Pis No with me.
long while.
I found my iove
dear, T trill
To you be ever
I'll answer, darling, that I lova
you still,
Till falls life's curtain and again
I say
"Now I lay ale down to lateen."
"Now I lay me down to sleep."
Chatham, Out.
fierce, re •
Ile has no rlgnt
right alone. And If
ho still
Loving a
was vain.
heal t
loyal, and, fol
Tho first anniversary of the vic-
tory of the Yalu was celebrated by
General Kuroki's men in a taost re-
markable manner, which, nays a
London '1'itues correspondent who
was with the First Japanese Arrnv,
involved work nearly as hard as that
required to win he victory. Not
being able to go to Japan, they dollar for the round trip, ts
brought Japan to Manchuria. A gaud ten days. For full particulars
whole corps that had been in the field of this and all other trains, aye•
for more than a year set out to
nearest Lackawanna agent or write
Fred P. Fox, D.I'.A., limedo, N.Y.
of a
Clothes washed by Surl!ight Soap
are cleaner and whitt-r than if washed
in any other way.
Chemicals in soap may remove the
dirt but always injure the fabric.
Sunlight Soap kwdl not injure
J� the most dainty lace or the
hands that use it, because it is
absolutely pure and contains no
injurious chemicals.
St'nlight Soap should always
b:: used as directed. No boiling
or hard rubbing is ncccsslry.
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soap. bit is beet when
used in the Sunlight way.
Equally good with hard or
soft water
$5f to any 000 REWARD will ho pard
person t, bo
prove tit .t Sunlight'onp cont., 1,4
any injurious chemicals ur an, funs
of a tutu:ration.
later Brothers Limited, Toronto
In connection with the cheap ex-
cursion to New York on Dec. 15th,
the Lackawanna will run a st.e•,al
extra train, leaving Iluffulo at 9.00
a.m., making principal stops only
on Buffalo division, arriving in Net/
York at 6.55 p.m., in time for din-
ner and the theatre. Choice of six
other fast trains. Ono fire plus one
create in a bare valley overlooks.
by bare hillsides an illusion of Janan
at springtide, all green and park -like.
In Japan carp swim up cataracts --
in fables. \Yhcn they reach the ton
They Wake the rll,crvis.vlland left
toinery not properly
e1 1
to run itsclf, very a shows fault in
-- -- - �•ilh the
both sides of the great Siberian
railroad will bo considered by set-
tlers. It is a splendid tablelard,
awaiting only the thrifty farmer to
bring it into prominence.
"At the beginning of September,
last year, 1 arrived in Yakutsk, the
moist important town in northeast
Siberia and the principal head-
quarters of the northern fur trerl.o.
It is also the most northern tele-
graph station in the world, situat.:d
at 62 degrees north latitude. The
place at the time of my arrival con-
tained 800 Russian political prison-
-"rho steamers on the River Lera
run from May to September and der- whys seeing scalTolding and the
ing that time of the year things are prompter's box.
very lively in Yakt.tsk. But in the You had to do he same with the
winter months everything is very
quiet indeed. The.onle hotel in the
place was sold at auction while I
was there and institutions of thet.
kind are seemingly out of place in
"From Yakutsk I went to Wercho-
jausk, the coldest town in the world
Tho first part of the trip was ma: e
en horseback. Wo then went as far
as the Altan River on Russian peas-
ant s10de, and from there over the
n1ountain range of Werchojausk by
reindeer conveyance. 7'here was no
path, no trail, no indication of a
road, only the endless white glitter-
ing snow -plains, interspersed very
seldom with little scrubby trees or
"We arrived at Werchojnusk at mid-
night, October 81, having left Yek-
utsk October 10. Tho place is hard-
ly larger than the smallest American
village. The roofs of he poor -loos-
ing, tiny, log huts are merely frozen
snow and for windows blocks of
transparent ice nre in use.
The place is situated tit 67 de-
grees north latitude and 133 de-
o-grees 51 minutes east longitude. The
polar lights scintillate there with n
splendor and beauty mention seen by
human eyes. A light vapor of ice
crystals hovers a abort distance
above the ground continually."
Ilruco and the spider, restore to tie full the tingt:Ink
(Inc of the brigades, as its part in . and bring
the battle of deception, built both rhtieso urcchanisw. into order all parts of
the carp and the waterfall. For more
than a mile, and then up the sleep
slope which was the scene of their
composition, they brought pine
boughs to form the sides of the
channels, the overhanging verdure of
crags and of rocky islets. The (own-
ing torrent was made by bolts of
cotton laid in waves that half -sub-
merged the leaping fish, seventy -live:
feet long, whisk bad cotton crescents
for its scales. A utile (teat' the illu-
sion was excellent if you half-closed
your Occidental eyes, which are al -
the Kind of Food That Nour-
ishes Brain.
••I am n literary man who... ner-
softs ('fl(rgy Is at great part of rev
Stock in trade, rind ordinarily T revl wish cotton c1uLh. -11
have !lett._' patience with hremkfaxt cov.
Ing both avenues were nitcoth.e pine
foods and the extravagant claims
and cherry -trees, and set hetet en
made of thein. But I cannot. with•
1101(1 my acknowledgment of the debt
that 1 owe to (!rape -Nuts food.
•. "1 discovered long ago that the
very bulkiness of the ordinary dict
waft not calculated to give one n
river head, the power of sustained. the dreary kanlinng fields, whose
accurate thinking. ] always felt n v('r-ending stubble is as the annds
}wavy and aluFp ixh in mind as wolf of the desert, had sprung little dep.
Mast Ifave
".'Do you call this a band of picked
musicians?" said the hotel manager to
the leader of a summer band. "Ach,
dot vos so, 1 bick 'cm minesellef:' re-
plied the bandmaster. "Well, then, you
picked thein before they were ripe."
When In town, hey "The n k 1." Mepnthol
Itiy+ he best and sltupleit for nee e$ Wingc or haodatic wlll only
cos t15n
dragon -fly on the next hill -a dragon
fly with wings fifty feet long and
beaten -out ration -anent tins for its
gigantic eyes. You had to do the
same in order to realize the Big Lion
(properly spelled) with capitals). The
holes of his nostrils, some fifteen
feet wide, were made with 'netting.
Their fleshy part was soldiers' red
blankets, for he was a fierce Japan -
ere lion, just now in a red fury. iCs
mane was Inado of evergreens nn the
summit of a rocky escarpment. Five
hundred yards away more evergreens
were formed into a lashing tail.
General Fujii, the chief, and the ott-
er members of the staff enteral into
the plan of the effects rind the organ-
ization of he fete with the seine
gusto with which they have of:t-
mnnoeuvred the Russians on mane
fields. Young forests of pines (Ind of
wild cherry -trees were literally trace•
planted, and walks and arbors set
among them. A gentle slope was
leveled for the approach to the altar.
Beyond it a statue of General Kuroki
on horseback -a good imitation of
bronze -looked down on the Rech^,
with n hanging iris garden at his
feet. From the altar left two aven-
ues, -oven provided with cen(ln'ts
where they cro'nscel gullies, -leveled
with as uiutah care ns if t.hcv were
meant. for a generation's trnfflc in-
stead of a day's tnerryluaking.
One of the avenues led into the lit-
tle village of Platt -chi -tun, which had
been Kuropi's headquarters since the
Battle of Mukden. It had a gar-
landed bridge, a huge evergreen arch,
and what takes the place of an arch
in Jnpcan, a torit, which in this in-
stance was forinetl of Chinese matt•
them traanfputrench's mode by r+olda. t
artists. Venerable Fujfyntna, vie
most painted mountain in the world,
was there, of course, and scenes loth
at home and nt the front.
On the plain, out of the earth of
Uneasy Passenger (on ocean steam-
ship): "Doesn't the vessel Hp fright-
fully?" Dignified Slewtd: "Tie vessel,
sir, Is trying to set a good example to
the passengers."
sure Regetators.--llandrnke and ben-
detien are known to °zees a powerful
Influence on the liver and kidneys, r,
storing them to (healthful action, induc-
ing u regular flow of the secretions and
Iu.pnrting to the organo c (n,
power to perform their functions. 'Flo -•
valuable In,lreslieuts enter into the com-
position of l'.0 u,elee a Vegetable fills
and serve to render thea tho agreeabi
and salutary medicine they are. '.here
are lcw pills w enective as they in
their action.
ma body alter ,hung the ordtnary oasts gardens, such as you See front
l ocxl t
ahich the digestive
the b rem one end of .Japan to the other. Ilia
the bruin to the diie'uttve a. future lakes were seat. in ' inters
"I tries! fnt►tl8 ens,V of digestion. Ian(tacaperr, and a fountain inter.:
but found them usually deficient in among the beds of imita+tion iris.
nuta•imeet. T experimented with The night before the tete iilBrtns
many btenl.fnet foods rind they, tea. ,'of imitation paper flowers, which had
proved ansae istnctothu till 1 reached been fashioned in the leisure 111)1 rs
Grape -Nets. And then the problem of camp with the skilfulness of I'ar- •esecres3 who ills 'Milled into f11111.Was rolv'ed. !elan ,,hop' -girls, erre brought In from h4' V.
vieg in the no,th of .lnnu-
"GtsprNuts agreed with mit Per great hnskets and fnslenetl to the wry predicted with fairly accurate .le-
tht hunger the beginning,and supplying theinsfutrl- twigs of the transplanted trees. j tail the end of the Russo -Japan e
The st.runl(Pst part of it all is tied "Ver.taunt that fro maks( other prepared it is as nat ural for the eoldie're id she Is Mlle. ('navel Gratfen, of a
footle lack. the. .lnpnnese army to do these peasant family, who recently estate••] had not fleet snag It vary tong thin a aN It 15 for them to filth'.
before I loan/l that I was turning That entree out an unusual quantity and quality
of work. Continued use has demon-
strated to toy entire satisfaction tint
(!rape -Nuts food contains all the elm
Bents needed by the brain end nee -
'Sone , 1etn d the herd working
public writer." Name Ric .•o by
•'estate ('o., Ilattle Creek. Mie•h
'!teeters a reason. head the to ale
bent, -The Road to Nell%ille, ' its
"Of course," snid the visitor, "when
you sliero an apple willi your little
brother you never take the largest half,
do you?"
"Most assuredly not," replied little
Emerson. "There being but two halves
to an apple there can be no largest."
Success to LI'e to depoudent upon geed health.
you Ale out of sorts, ill or feeble, Cute
"Ferrorite." It's the but tonic. 11 twttlea
An moved -at iealets.
Speaking of weather indications, when
allspice is adulterated with groun•1
cocoanut shells the season is sure to be
Where Doctors do Agreel-Physicians
no linger consider it catering to
"quackery" ill recommending in prac-
tice so meritorious a remedy for indi-
gestion, Dys' e;'sia and Nervousness 8a
South American Nervine. They rea-
lize thnl it is a step in advance in med-
ical science enol a dire and permanent
cure for diseases of the stomach. 1t
will cure you. -G0
"1)o you admire Beethoven's works?"
"1 never visited them," answered Mr.
Solidnlan, absent-mindedly; "what doe,
he manufacture?"
"i won't do any more work Inc that
man Hopkins." " Vhy?'• "Well, he
passed some remark I did not like."
"Did tie? What was It?" "Ile sat.'
'Brown, you won't be wanted after this
Like Tearing the !team Strings. -
"11 is not within the conception of
Ivan to pleasure my great sufferings
form heart dist ase. For years
endured almost Constant cutting and
tearing pains about my heart, nn.l
ninny a time tvnuld have welcomed
death. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart
has worked a veritable miracle."-Th')s.
Hicks, Perth, Ont. -59
Sudden transition from a hot to a
cold le,a.perutuie. exposure to rain. sit-
ting in u drought. unreasonable substi-
tution of Tight fur peaty clothing.. are
ft causes of colds neat the result-
ant cough so perilous to persons of
weak lungs. A g the malty medicines
tot touuctun1 disorders su til *mg. there
is none better than Ilickle's Anti-Coi-
suiuptivo Syrup. Try 11. and bewuw
conduced. l'r,ce 2.5 cents.
Merchant (nhnut to engnge n traveller):
"I am told lint you have been In gaol
once; for what reason, may 1 askr'
Traveller: "Ah, yes! Il wns for thrash-
ing a isirty who would not give me en
order." Merchant: "You are engaged."
get ft Rimini's� or Shorthand education
nothing will pay you fel well, end no
school can do so well for you as the
old successful ('ntiada Dewiness (rot -
lege of Ilntnillon. We can place Y(i0
of our gtnduhle:s in goal situations
during the it►e'oming year. We did
it this year and can do it ngnin. This
is the old reliible College of Canada,
established 41 years: :d years under
present principal. Over 3,(100 gradu-
ates in successful business life. Try
It. Write
Il. 1':. G.tIJ_AGIWIL Principal.
C. 11. College, Ilaultilun, (int.
Y. \l. C. A. Buildings.
Sl:r>atl' I:N(TII•.K P:\WS.
make nhi.takes unintentionally. Put no one EVER MADE A M.SfAKE
ONL.V 01.13 REST '1'! A. BLUE R11313CN.
You may have observed that dress-
makers never seem to lire of their ef-
forts to improve on the work of nature.
Tier• a ao more obstinate skin trouble than
Salt Rheum. 1t sometime. lin;;ocs for yea,v, bat
Waiver's Corals'sakes sh ort work et it. Ala,,
take Weaver's syrup to Insure porro:seen' curs,
Predicts a Revolution in France Within
Tao Years.
Paris has gone wild over a new
Fred: "Ile married the girl 1 was en-
gaged to. Arthur: "Well, don't worts,.
You'll get over 1t before he does."
Bed -ridden 15 Years. -"If anybody
wants it written guarantee from ale
personally as 10 my wonderful cure
from rheumatism by South American
Rheumatic Cure 1 will be the gladdest
woman in the world to give it," says
Mrs. John Beaumont, of Elora. "1 had
despaired of recovery up to the time of
taking lois wonderful remedy. It Outs
ed completely." --58
skill which war devotal
to making witty' falla erd paper Onw-
ers. that trick of ready tniprovtsation
which brought Jnpnn to Manchuria
Was turned the next day into scout- levo ve.,rs there will be n revolution
hut the deed sluice/1iin trent of the in France avid a pretender nn the
meth}'s N 0110 snit t.o desperate throne. thntrch perhnpe not am Kieg.
charges in the night. For herself ':he gnietly predicts n
♦ violent death at. the bands of it
:\ vyonlnn nlny le shy on birthdays crowd to whole she will he revealing
t#iillout being behind the times. the future.
Itched herself in Paris. She has a
beautiful and undoubtedly epirit,lal
face, is a devout Catholic, and with
entire simplicity of manner and els•
quent phrase predicts tint within
"You ought to take This horse," saki
the dealer; "he Is a bargain." "Well,
then, 1 don't wont hhn." said RIO cus-
tomer. "I want something to drive, awl
1 could never drive a bargain."
It 1s flood ter Man nn'1 itenet.-Not
only 11 11r. Th as' Falectrie Oil of
acuu,pnrable vire In the household.
but too 1� rviceable ineand the kman 11 the far 1yard
It end
and on the rattle range, often sa,
the service, 01 a Teter, Miry surgeon. la
sejuriea to stock and m ewes of soh.,
and pales it can be used with good e1 -
Pedlar's `Oshawa' STEEL Shingles
4,J a
�i O
ei.tl►an(ee 1 or p tintoa. Most durable and ec,nnmical a serine for Roofing r siding clef
Iteshlence•, 11000.4.. Barns, I:levatora, at,.rrs. Ch orches. Puult y
l..tcier 4o lay an.1 will last longe- tit is any other c wri ten ('helper than w..,ud ahin;les or
sI.de. No expe,ie:.co n ea k:cry. A tum ner And ,+'tips ant the only I, requi re 1. it is
eumi•ittrdeuo4 high gra.le steal. Ala, Co ruL•ted Ire.,, Painted or (i.tuen z .•. in sheets
Ise inches long. Bee e, site Embossed Ccdln a. V crm ed t eofinr. r0t00 de-ieua of
It todug, Ntdi:tg and Ceiling+ iu all gravies. 1,1c,usants of bui,.UneJ through the D',n,luiou ate
covered With aur Sheet Matti (,o s.ls, tn►king data
send in yen( enter for as many squares (,Oxen feet) as you require t . corer your new or old
buflai,r . 1'l.e, vary bent roofing for sh1; c1ltmtte. We cv, o ip,,ly Eave Tr.ugh. alt •iacl.
Corruptee ..r Plsld Round, t,undiC'or , .pea, Sh es' Oboe s, 'pik s, lubes.
We ate the t,rre,t csneer11 of the kiad under the British flag. Fat.tbh.he,l 35111. Capital
Inve.aeJ i_,ti•,•n.t,.•.
Write To Day for Catalogde Ito 14 R and Free Samples.
MX� 3E2'1:3 XXICA IPMo>Pa,m,
MtNT.1EAL, QUE. I 0•TAWA, ONT. TORGN70 ONT. I vtAs veneer VER,8 C.
747 Crali et. 413 Susses et. i 69 Yonge 6:
This Beautiful Fur Scarf Given Away
TCI, t. .odrono, Tar Starr, "a.1" .,f dna lar: fol fu,r,•d skins
1s al. •., t 4i f uCLea Ione, ••,d 1..3 "a isrtre keel dun t.isc k a iia
The t :r 1. 1,11. soft and darty, Jon aha sight little. eq„Jany 1n
ttKs, roast b:acit martin Scarcetf.at east *-,0 or alae
dollars, nn,0w, ot.•.l with 1:1' ' pt.t.`d )It•:k shim of very hz:.d-
•,'.maai,prvsnw'. rah, warm a,d stylish ha,kluc We t.ili rrfve
aisva7 oto, hundred of these rites one Fur scarfs to J3••s
sod r.rta who will help i,arcduee Ur. Armo':r•s Porus Vrretaht,
Yips. the grestrst remedks nn earth tar the cure of it.lir-Won. eon.
A/patina. tleuraat;srn, illnry eofaplalots.. leak And m,pnre
onnditloni of the 1.:...1, razurrh, f,rn.l. wrok.
tssrr...,to, W; rant aPis hooests,.n:tsYuma
lea:witty to rttvivo our hazdsumu Fou..
Jcsteen'l your ram. ands,:drenand agr.xt:sell
c eh. ht 10.1.4 of throe' (wrens
tr nedt• a et 25•-
a box We trust
Pnltvin by il
ch rust.sner.bo boys sh a)!�'uU
e foal to a handsome present
fro „ us. you e.0 r II tl.rm out. Sly.
When sold retort. us law tee„ , ani wo
win oltl.lsIOVeryrl3eartat
Cant. Hy, , sea <+ ,,•'uu.ta ,,.d r,•tuzo
be eino'y quickly we will Wt. you an
mop ,ertup„ 7 to sereu,
r, a l:ds xm:
061.t' % a t, It or a *314015301 send
0old.enhhrd Jos •IMO
t.shtes the Scarf. tr ill o l a llur,• •1y
Don't • visas. D,•t ills this • t r• r-
im -My.
dm ,, wri:' nowamu a•ture
11 ', %t „n
baadsosae presents. Mdreas.
'l he Dr. Armour hiedic'ITe Co..
t1M6-Tt.in is a ur-.rrt '5 rty,:i t-1.(•Iml.n,y.
"This is our latest novelty; said the D H.BASTED() & CO
manufacturer proudly. "Good work •
isn't it?" "Not bad, replied the visitor;
"hut you can't hold a candle to the
goods we make." "Ohl arc you in this
line, too?" "No; we tnnlcc gunpowders'
77 =1a•gg• Masa sst S aaarwo o
i.AI)nes, and MIi'4 Pi FUR .rent FUR 1.1N un
o(1.vrs. taerytlinc to l or.. Fend for • .r.,l.,,•,
dlgtAlit p �Rs we pay highest price herd
Avelelntt winter colds 1.+ difficult curing
them is n d h t*l i1 you tike Allen's hong ndaam.
_ - _ - .--.
unrs! a,t wait until
t settles en Begin when tl.e,sold is ye 1t fur a
gargaln List of Farms
iLung Balsa">.Ioolrep fete roitet will be slower. tea's
malted free. ALF. BROWN
Mistress: "Going to leave, are you? Dalt. Piston, Out:
'f'irui of working for a living? What
are you going to do then:'" Maid:
"Nothing, ma'am. The fortune-teller
tells inc I'n1 going to marry money."
One Short run nears the Deed. --
Does your head ncthe? Dave you pains
over your eves? Is the breath offensive?
These are certain symptoms of Catarrh.
Dr. Agnew%s Catarrhal Powder will
cure most stubborn cases in a marvsl-
lotisly short time. If you've had Ca-
tarrh a week it's a sure cure. If it's
of fifty years' standing it's just as el-
fectiae. 50 cents. -57
Miss Eider: "1 bet you anything you
like that 1 never merry." Mr. Easy:
"1'11 lake you." Miss Eider (rapturously):
"Will you, really? Then 1 need not bet
al all;
tlaaliglt bap is better than arbor maps,
bat is best ekes used is the Sanhght way.
Bay Saaliglt bap flan fallow tireotiaaa
SIZING ill\i UI'.
"1 believe 1 enn truthfully say,"re-
marked the self-eomplarent man, " that
1 have only one 181111 and that's a small
'Yes?' replied the candid man.
"That's just like the hole 111 the quarter.
11 nifty be a small one, but 1t tnake9 the
quarter no good."
Doctor: "Counl.'rs, 1 should be glad
if you woukl cough." Counter: 'I
don't feel disposed 10 do so just now."
(To her plaid): "Eliza, cough like 1 did
this morning.'
One trial of !tether Graves' Worm Ea -
terminator will convince you that it
Asa no equal as a worm medicine. Day
a bottle aad sae 11 It does not please
Pratt*al tveryeay ►.assn! en
ref leo. est POW.
/ARM PUB. 1401011t.
Boa qt, eyet►ees.Oa ,
Ile Unlit accepted): "You sny you were
never engaged Mere?" She: "les."
Ile: " How Is that? I thought all wo-
men always had three or four t•iigage-
Blents." She (guilelessly): "Well, I pre-
sume i shall, too. You sex:, this is the
first chance i've had."
Bishop Advises Clergy to go to Places
of Amusement.
The Rh -trop of Manchester, England,
tS n prelate who seas Ihnt the Church
of Engfancl, if rine is to retain her held
upon the people of the 111th century,
must bring ber methods more into line
w'.th the el .it of the age. In strik-
ing nddres at Blackburn reeenllh 1 c
gave some of his views on the duty of
the clergymen of to -day.
ile viewed with amazement. he said,
the huge palnres Bunt were springing
up on all sides for the arnueemrnt of
the pet,ple, and the multitude.4 wtri
crowded them.
Clergymen who could not now o- lays
fin11 people at their betties must 11.1.
Inv: then t0 p18045 where they of:l.'Ct-
(sI, nod reek to make a first inipre.mon
up urn them, tither In their !dec.., of
nrnuse'mcnt or neer them, following
them home afterwards to continue the
"So this is the old family Ribls."snit
Mr. Newman. who was waiting In the
parlor Inc Miss 1'nssny.
"',)," replied Miss 1'aseay'r. little 1.1-n.
t1l' r. "that's the new one. Ire" alar
Fonght last wren so she Multi write in
i1 all al.-'c'ut when site was born."
leo ninny people e tryiieg to tea, e -
bone 1 money di'honeslly, T.
Herd nett soft •arae cannot w ith-
stsnd ilelloway's Corn lure it 1" et-
krtual twel!. time. flet • bottle at
wee •1111 be Sloppy.
(Small Dorothy was viciting kcf
grandparents In the country, end,
seeing a quantity of feathers teat-
tered over the benyard, snid:
"Grandpa, you ought to do some-
thing to keep your chickens frost
wearing out so."
You cosmos be expected to Lave laitil is
.sfhioh's Consumption Ceae, the l
Tonic, as a sae lot Colds. (.sats undo
t%resyee of the sir mese+ if you have
tint tarsiit. We Lave lash it it, ed we
*tttlsatss a. fi t ANION etre you it Bis
Jive aaehsal. R i1 dots i Goffs yea 25c.
71st's kir. Try it to.el y. ad+ u1 tfie
SLuloh Kae nerd slimy Iltous
Nowt istiotc taro, gad we in got k,'ete
W say trot R will cans gay (:•ill. ('ea104
Those or LAMS trouble. If we del net
Ielrve this en erould set grantee it.
elioh Las had as sabeekea roved of
mem las thirty dean. It las stood
Orgy (.•alit we %Indwell folate. farther
k feotJ to dee Beery toirmooists of there
who have "44 Slash sod beat awed
Mo. Arnie Tglor, Amyl, P•., writes t --
"I h uu$e • blade e.1 Ia1el,'s Casorurtin n Cur*
sod {moll i r ry burial. I hereto* 1laleln. .
M W e IRA& amii. 1 gem teras
I maiair sl. b 4 er dot en bets%
••• sr7 lslrs/ (soes►a • 1,44- el
. ewe it to d,• eiiib5 Oro %Mi
twee in load. mil lay Ain fai sats. is cured
Ws %______ . 1 Mall aware (a.9 11 So the
aide ppnseaesee wMerw sasd:ioe 5
A. 1 . - LS.W 71 Nt) 40- e