HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-21, Page 1titter will pat f/ 1 in advance for the AlpvICATI•. until January 1,11107. Subscribe now and get the benefit. You cant d l V better. ti Oat F'arrn. \'i!I.,g,• other pr, .tt� ae'lel, (Nought . \chaogcd for you at teaannatle commission. Apply - SaNim I(s & ('ItEEt n. ETEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DEC. 21e 1905. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's 'WISH OUR MANY READICRS A BERRY Capital, Reserves & Undivided Profits over $ 2,000,000 Total Assets, over $12,000,000 WHY NOT USE A Sovereign Bank of Canada Money Order Payable Anywhere EXETE R $5 and under 3c. Over $5 not exceeding $100c. ., $10 66 64 $30. . .1O,. $30 " " $50...15c. • Wish you all "A Merry Christmas" And while looking for your Xmas. Gifts, don't forget that we have a very nice lot to choose from. For Ladies For Gents Fancy Handkerchiefs Plain Handkerchiefs Fancy Collars Fancy Shawls Silk Waists Pillow Shams Dresser cover's Gloves and Mitts and more good Gifts we Dress Gloves Neck Ties Suspenders Neck Scarfs Way Mufflers Silk Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs Fancy Socks have not space to name. Fancy China and Lamps. have the largest and best assorted stock of these goods in Exeter. Pancy Lamps, dozens to choose from; prices 25c. up to $5.00 Hanging Lamps $3.60 to $5.00 'bins of everyy description. All kinds and colors of Fancy Plate*, ruit Dishes, Cups and Saucers. It will pay you to see them. CARLINGir BROS. Hot Drinks for The Cold Weather I have just purchased from the Ar- mour Company of Chicago one of their famous Hot Drink Machines. "The Vigoral," together with a full line of Fluids, consisting of Vigoral, Tomato Bouillon, French Bouillon, Fluid Beef Extract, and also Chicken Broth, one or all of which will be served t( customers at tiny time for Only 5 Cents a Glass. LLOYD P, JONES Orgtni.t and ('hair yllster of Mitchell Methodist Chur•.h. Tea••her Piano, organ, yoiee, Harmony. Modern methods. Thorouchness Tenders Wanted. Tenders for the erection of a Iour•roometl school will 1* received up to December 20th, 1906, by the undersigned. Plans and specifications may be seen atter the 13th inst., at nq otnce. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. BROWN, Crediton. FARM FOR SALE, 100 acre farm for sale. Lot 6, Concession 14, Town. ship of McGillivray, twoand a hall miles Isom Ml. Cannel, near church, school and postoffce; well undenfrained and fended, good for crop or grass, voting orchard, No. 1 sprungg well with windmill, good frame house with cellar, good outbuildings, p large back barn with good stables. John R. Doyle, owner. For particulars apply to J. IV. Do)le, Mt. Carmel P. O. Oysters served iu all styles except Property for Sale. in the shell. A fine pasture fans in the Township of Ilay, near I Sarepte; one minaret acres, 66 acres seeded. frame l �r T (�• m w mfr w M house and good stable, goal water, etc., • V e Baker and Confectioner. Medical Y. MALLOY, M. 11. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBEIt Another 100 acre farm for sale, In the township of C•shorne,snath of F.11in%ille,eonvenient toschool,wclI drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainer-. Apply to SANDERS & (uicitcII. Exeter, e College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. • er Reuse Surgeon Toronto western 'hospital. -- - cceswr to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night call at oMce, `�ri11CllClli('a aster, Ontario. Legal. DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOi.ICI• ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Stetsons (tank, etc. Molloy to Lose at lowest rates of interest. OAlced, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. Oau.me, B.A., 1.. 11. Mama M°NRY TO LOAN. we hate a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and tillage properties at low rates of inter. mt. GI.:ADMA N ! STAN BURY, BirAsten, nolicitora, Main at.. Easter Ont Money To Loan. 1 have private hinds to loan on farm and tillage i r pert les at lowest rates of interest. ERNEST EI.LinT Ofl%'e opposite Central hotel, Mdn.st., Exeter Township of Stephen Nomination and Election. - notice isbereby given that a meeting of the •. of the Township of Stephen, w ill he held at T • lail,Credttnn• on FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2Ynd, 1 ,• the hourof 1 f m., for the pparpoee of it. .1 .I ra'eieing nominations for Reeve and Corin• And further notk•e 19 hereby given that in nt of more candidates being proposed for any no Mar office than required to be elected, the { r . •.1in a• +till he adpmened until Monday, January lc ort, when tolls will he opened at 9 a m. at the •.t :ng placer, as fixed by Township By l.atr, via: I. Simpson's Mrher stoop. lot 6 Con. 1. No. 2, • • ,rte's kitchen, sol 20. Oon. 1; No 3, Rasher Ghee • 1, (on r: Nn. 4, Town Ilall. Lot 1'0, ('on. ennningham's k schen. 1.e4 11. Con. 13; Na • mer'a hall, lot 23, t on. N B.; Nn. ; hannan's ,l 1t. Con. 17; Na 6,w•ilsnn's hell, Lot {tacos. N., o, Maccabees' hall• lot 1, ('on Sainte. And • r. are hereby reetuested to take notice and • • themselves em-onitngly. HENRY EII.nER. • ,n, pec. 6. 1916. Returning (Slicer. Messrs. Coward & Bloomfield, who recently purchased the general store business of Messrs. Jones & Clark here desire to announce that the store will he closed filen Tuesday, December 20 to Friday, i)ecetnber 20, inclusive, and will be reopened on Saturday. Dec. 30 by the new flrm. -- Zion Zion 'We wish the Advocate and its many readers a Merry Christmas and a Ila1p py New Year. ---The somal meeting of the Teachers and officers of theSale Lath school was held en 11or,day even- itag boat when the following iofldcers were elected for the ensuing year: Supt.. Ephrain 11ern; Assistant, Fred Vern; Secy, Will Herm Assistant, Thus. Morley; Treas., Herman Kyle, Organist, ida Ilia n: Drill leacher, Hector Tsylnt; librarians, bili Tay- lor, Nelson (iurvett.-Next Sunday Rev, Fair will deliver a Christmas ser- mon to the S;today school at 10 a.11.. Music will be furnished by the school. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry !tern left Totes - day for a month's visit with friends at Pert Hope and other eastern points. - John Poker ker of Sparta Road is visiting for at few days at the home of \William Taylor. ---Miss Netta Taylor left Thurs- day to take a course of training in the Stratford Hospital. We wish her every success. -Wm. TavIcor purchased a valnnble two-year-old filly last week f10111 a gentleman in i1ibbert.-The Elmo! th League of this place intend holding a "Literary" Friday evening, Dee. 20111. A geoid progetun, consist- ing of speeches, recitations. vocal and instrumental music, is being prepared. Ever•yb,sly welcotne. Odd Fellows Enjoy Themselves, Stab's Exeter Lodge is Visited by the (i. M. and the D.D.G.M. --Presentation to Bro. Poplestone. Exeter Lodge, No. 07, I.O.O.F., wits doubly honored on Tuesday et ening las4 by the visit of \Vorthy Blether Blewett of Listowel, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, and of \Vorthv Brother Fraser of 13ruce•field, D. D. G. M. of this district. There was a large attendance, over eighty being present, all of whom, with three of four exceptions, are members of Ex- eter Lodge. Past Grand Poplestone introduced the distinguished visitors, who, after being received in the usual mariner, were welcomed by Post Grand Rep. Spackman in a short. and appro- priate address. The visitors fittingly replied to the welcome, thanking the brethren for the reception accorded them. The Grand Master then direct- ed that the work of the initatory de- gree should be exemplified. Six can- didates were initated and all was done with such a degree of excellence that the G. M. and D. D. G. M. eulogized the efforts of the degree team, stating that the lectures and impressive man- nerof conducting the work not only reflected credit on the officers of the tenor hut on the whole lodge. Follow- ing this the Grand Master delivered an address on Odd Fellowship, which was listened to with marked attention. The speaker showed a thorough know- ledge of the principles and witching.; of the order and illustrated them by the telling of many beautiful incidents in a graphic and highly entertaining manner. At no time has the chief office of the Gland Lodge been filled by a more worthy brother, or by one more fitted to teach the high ideals of the order. His address will long be re- membered by those who were privil- eged to hear it. The work being over and the lodge closed the brethren re- paired to the lower room of the Opera Block where a sumptuous supper was served in the most approved style by Bro. W. J. Statham and an able staff of assistants. The supper over Junior Past Grand Creech called the brethren to order and an enjoyable toast list was proposed and responded to. The toast of "The King" was most heartily honored by all ppresent, and the toast of "The Grand Ledge of Ontario" was responded to by Grand Master Blewett in a Most pleasing manner. Thespeak- er gave an excellent sketch of the his- tory of Odd Fellowship in general with particular reference to the high stand- ing of the order in Ontario, whish he considersd is the home of the banner Grand Lodge. The talk bristled with bright and beautiful thoughts in addi- tion to containing much desirable in- formation regarding the Grand Lodge of which the speaker is the honored head. He concluded by the ret-itation of a beautiful poem, illustrative of the high principles and beautiful teachings of the order. The moue of D. D. G.M. Fraser was coupled with the toast of "The District", to which he responded in :a vet y able and interesting manner, showing that the district has at its head a tnostenthusiastic and painstak- ing brother. one who during his term will further the interests of the dis- trict to a marked degree. Representa- tiveSpielman replied to "The Sov- ereign Grand Lodge" in his usual elo- quent and pleasing manner, and recall- ed incidents of the pleasant harmony and good work elf that august body which meets next year in Toronto. Past Grand Stanbury trade at fitting response to "Exeter Lodge," thanking the visitors for their kind words in re- gard to the home lodge, and giving a short and interesting sketch of the history, struggles, victories and rapid fuel ease of .arae. At this juncture a diversion was made and Past Grand Fake was called upon. 13ro. Fake on rising to his feet stated that the occa- sion had been considered an appropri- ate one at which to recognize the Wot th of an old member of Exeter Lodge, Bro. S. A. Poplestone, who is about to leave town. He then read an appropriate address, expressive of the earnest work done by Bro. Poplestone in his haute lodge, the high esteem in which he is held by every member, and the regret felt et his leavine. He was then presented with a beautiful smoking set and the address. The wet thy brother was much surprised, bot made a feeling and fitting replyp, in which be stated that nothing in connection with his moving from Exe- ter to Blyth was so regretted by hire AS the enforced separat ion from the Lodge of which he bad been so long n member. Continuing, the toast of "The Ladies" was pleasingly respond• ed to by Bro. Tainan and tiro. Kins- man. The entertainment which all had so heartily enjoyed was then brought to a close by the singing of "Ood Save the King." LRCM) Mr. and Mrs..los. Forrest has moved here from Parkhill, baying purchased the station betel. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Shoehottotn w he will make her hemp at the hotel. i't•ior to leaving 1'aukhill the Litter was waited on by a few friends At her lAte home and presented with a sable Muff. We extend a hearty welcome to the new comers. --The London Advertiser of the 12th inst., says: "Those who were in attendanee at the mot ningser- vice at St. Jatnes' chinch, South Lon- don, or at Christ church for the even- ing set vice on Sunday last, were ca pts• sated by the charming voice of Miss Nellie Ilodgins of 1.11CA11,wh.,tendered as solos, "Nothing to i'ay," and "Psi nos of Peace." At t he Auditoriums men's meeting in the afternoon her sweet totes were also heard by an ap- preciative audience."-Lnst week the jury returned a true hill wgainst Jas. Piper, county constable. Your scribe joins in wishing ye edi- tor and renders a Merry Christmas. -Grace church Sunday school will hold its annual Xstuaes. tree in Hibbert TOW!) Iliell,on the evening of Saturday 'next, Dec. Zlyd. The service In the church on Sunday next will be held at 11 o'clock a.m.-Mts. Fell and .Diss Maggie Davis were in Guelph last I week, where they acted as delegate• to the Women's Institute. -31r. and 11rs, llatnhly and three children, of North Dakota, are on x visit to rela- tives and friends in this neighborhood. -Ed. Wilson, who has been receiving treatment at the London hospital, has returned house much improved in health, and the wish of his many old friends is that he will soots be restored to his wonted health. -After a week's visit with her friend, Miss McDonald, at Constance Miss Vina Taitin has re- turned home. -Joseph Norris, who has been ill and under rho doctor's care, is, we are pleased to learn. daily imptov- ing -The Methodist Sunday school will hold their annual Christmas tree and entertainment in the church on Christmas evening, Dec. 25th. -The shareholders of the big threshing Ma- chine held their h'tsiness meeting in the town hall last week. Crediton A Merry Christmas Mr. Editor and also to your numerous readers. -Our burg hes been ver y busy the past few days. Shopping for Christmas gifts is on in all earnestness tit present. The shops are replendent with goods of every description suited to the oc- casion. Counters and shelves and ta- bles and 1.enches and every form of t`eceptatcle ere groaning beneath n weight they at'e called upon to bear in so great de gree but once a year. The window.: and interior of the stores are beautifully decorated. --Next Sunday evening (Xmas. eve.) at 7 p.m. it Xmas. entetttinnlent and Cantata will be given in the Evangelical church, The Cantata, "Bethlehem Echoes," will be in English and is very interesting. Everybody come. -Miss Lizzie Fink- heiner washere last week attending the funeral of her uncle. -C. Zwicker was in London Tuesday. -Our Xmas. vis- itors have begun to arrive. A few of the arrivals we have noticed are: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heist and Mi.and Mrs. Peter 1'ahr,er of Hersey. Mich., and 31r. and Mrs. Gabner of Elkton, Mich. The next few days will see many more arrivals from the cities across the Ix,r- der•.-Michael Beaver has moved into his new dwelling. -Large shipments of fowl at•e being made tothe city mar- kets this week.- Rev. J. A. Schmitt of Berlin has been in the village the past week in the interests of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Waterloo. -Our sheen) in, Christian Trick, had an ex- citing time on Tuesday catching a weasel which had been making nightly visits to his hen roost. He leas him boxed up in the shop and prizes him very highly. -Thos. Iaawson intends tnoving into his dwelling in a few days. After completing the millinery season with C. Zwicker, Miss Colvin left this week for her home in Brussels. --Miss Sarah Smith of London is spending a few days in town, prior to leaving for Pittsburg, Penn. -Mrs. Chas. Either has her father, Mr. Martin, of Mani- toba staying with her at present. - Our young folks have been enjoying some fine skating in the fields the past week. -Mrs. (Dr.) Heist has returned from Toronto after a pleasant visit with friends. The Literary Society met at 51r. 11. Beaver's home, Friday evening, Dec. 15th. The meeting took the fora) of A debate, "Resolved that the inventions of the present century are superior to those of previous ages." The affirma- tive was taken by Misses Turner end Beaver, and the negative by 1fiss Far- row, Miss Kienzle and Mr. Bluetd. Messrs. Beaver, Ilrokenshire and Rol- linson Acted as judges And gave the de- cision in favor of the affirmative. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bluett on Friday night. Jan. 5. ('tan of, THANKS -Mrs, henry Fink- la'iner wishes to return thanks to her many friends who so kindly aided, ioth in words of sympathy and deeds of kindness dewing the sad and trying hour of the death of her husband; not foe getting to Hanka special mention of the great attention paid her by the Foresters in the burial of deceased; Also their prompt. acknowledgment of the WOO policy payable at her hus- bandsdexth. S11n14KN 1)K.tTtt. --Startlingly sad- den was the sad summons of death to Mr. Henry Finkb.'iner on Thursday lust and his sudden demise hits cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood. Deceased had not been eujnving the hest of health for many rnnnths, hut. his condition was not snch that it in- capacitated him in the discharge of his duties, in fact he was attnlnl ns usual on Wednesday and performed several odd jobs. That night he retir- ed in his Listed health little dreaming that before day break the sad messen- ger of death would overtake him. Mui h, however, was the case. He was awakened teem his peaceful slumbers by a sevete fit of coughing which de- veloped into a hemorrhage and in a few short moments and before his wife mold render any assistance the struggle was over. Deceased was a long and much respected resident of this place and his sudden demise is much regretted by all who knew bin:. Deceased hsd been married about fif- teen, years. his wife taring a daughter of Mi. John Ilcywood of Exeter. Ile - •ides the sorrowing wife he is survived by three brothers, Matthew, ('hristo• pher and .Tacos,, all residents of this place. Ne was a member of the inde- pendent Order foresters, under whose auspices the funeral took place nn Sat- urday to the Crediton Cemetery. CHRISTMAS Bargains for Christmas 25e. Fancy Embroidered or Plain Silk Handkerchiefs for 21c. 25c. 40c. GOc. 35c. 50e, 75c. do. do. do. do. • do. do. do. do. do. 25c Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars for 20c. 35 and 40c. do. 25c. 50c. do. 40c. 75c, do. 60c. 25c. and 35c. Fancy Cups and Saucers only 15e. Two Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, to be sold the first buyer cheap. Fancy Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs at Away Down Prices. 5c. Fancy White for 4c, 10c. Fancy White for 8c. 12 1-2 c. do. 10 15c. do. 12c, 20c. (lo. 15 an(1 1(3 25c, do. 21c. 35c. do. 25c. Etc. Etc. Bargains in Furs, Coats, Caperines, Stoles & Ruffs. Come and visit us and get the Benefit of our Big Bargains. Poplestone & Gardiner Centralia Mr, P. Curtin, and son Mack, who have been spending the summer in the N. W. 'I'., returned home on Saturday looking hale and hearty. -M r. and Mrs. Henry Mills spent it few days in Lon- don last week visiting friends. -Mrs. Jas. Bigg of Listowel is visiting her brother, Mr. Alex. McFalls, here. - Mr. Janes Quarry, of the Medical College, Toronto, it home to spend the Xmas. and New Years holidays. - Frank Boyle of Lucan paid the town a flying visit Sunday. -Our Boxing School has started in full swing for the winter. An invitation is extended to those conceited in their boxing pro- clivities, -Mt'. G. Coughlin is in'foron- to this week on business. He sncceed- el in capturing first prize for the six- teen export heifers which he exhibited at the Winter Fair in Guelph last week. -Mr. A. Hicks has started the second hay press with Henry Penny in charge. -The Misses,Rachel and Jane \Vilson leave this week to spend the Christmas holidays in Wiarton,-Af• ter completing the millinery season in London Miss Leona Wilson has return- ed. -Miss Clara Fairhall has returned to her home here, after spending the last three months with friends in Mar- lette, Iced Star and other points in Michigan. -We wish all our readers a merry Xmas.- Wesley Webber, Dev- on, has Made the purchase of a beau- tiful bay driver. ANNIVERSARY Seitvlcne.-The an- niversary services in connection with the Methodist church Sunday school were held on Sunday and was eondnct- e(1 by Rev. 11. McTavish of Granton. The weather was delightful, the roads good, and everything was as favorable as C(udd by desired. The church was tilled both morning and evening, there being present probably one of the largest numbers ever assembled since the re -opening, and the congregation was composed of people of all denom- inations. a goodly number coating from the country. And we are sure that none were disappointed as Rev. McTavish is not o11ly14 born orator, but his discourses morning and even- ing were impressive. scriptural and soul inspiring. Ile is certainly a most gifted divine and his visit to Centralia was touch appreciated. The choir ren- dered some choice and suitable music, the anthems being particularly pleas- ing. in the afternoon a mass meeting of the school was held, at which Rev. McTavish gavea heart tee heart talk to the children. On Monday the usual tea followei. The Indies of the church have long bad the reputation of get- ting up extra good steppers, but on this occasion they outrivalled themselves, the spread being among the best ever made in Centralia. For three hours a bevy of active waiters were kept busy attending to the immense num- her of guests present. This part of the entertainment was a success, as usual, and seemed to be appreciated by all. The social element was not forgotten, and was cultivated as well as the phys- ical, and all seemed to enjoy them- selves to the full. At the appointed hour the people passed from the base- ment to the auditorium, where the chair was taken by the pastor, Rev. Andrews. The program rendered, con- sisted of addresses from neighboring ministers, music by the choir, vocal and instrumental music, etc. The Ilensall quartette was present and add- ed much to the evening's program. The anniversary,tiiken its a whole, was a decided success in every pat ocular. BIRTHS SHEERK-Io St, Thomas, on Dec. 10, to Mr. and MIS, Aquilla Sheere, a daughter. YEi.t.ow- in Exeter. on Dec. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yellow, a son. MARRIAORS. LINDSAY. -- WOODS -At the residence of the bride's parents, on Dee. 20th, by the Rev. W. 11. Fair, Mr. 1Villiam L. Lindsay of Clinton to Miss Alice N.. eldest daughter of Mr. Roberti Wood of Eli,nvillo, Si'ARLteo-Mol(RisoN-At the home of the bride's father, on Dec. 13, by Rev, Martin of Exeter, Ernest A. Spau•ling, of Senforth, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Janes Morrison, Oth con., Hibbert. Wit.bix6tes -.Sudo ITIIO1.M•- At Fill- more, Sask., on Dee. 20, Thos. G. Williams, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Annie yleigbtholm. DP.ATHM I' 1NKIIKINKIt--In Creditor), in Dee. 14, Henry Finkbeiner, aged 18 year's. Xmas. Goods 1 Some of the most suitable goods for the Xmas. Trade can be found ERE. Pocket Knives ---Everybody wants a good Pen or Pocket Knife. 48 different styles to select from. We have them from 5c. to 75c. Scissors 25c. to 1.00 Razors guaranteed 1.00 to 1.50 Carvers per pair 50c. to 1.50 Carvers per set 2.75 to 3.50 Nut Crackers and Picks 35c. Food Chopper from 1.40 to 1.75 Sad Irons per set 1.00 to 2.00 Bread Board 20c. to 35c. Carpet Sweepers -Every home should have a sweeper Our prices are 2.25 to 4.50. Heaman's Hardware 8s Stove Store.