HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-14, Page 7MORE THN A FHTING CHANGE
_ Every Force in This World Works With
the Man Who Seeks the Good
Aii•1 when the servunt of the m•t.t
of Gott leas risen early and gone forth
behold 41(4 host encompassed the cite.
both with horses and chariots. And
his st•rvaut suid unto hint: "Alas, my
mister, how shat( we ded" And he
unswer.d: "Fear nut, for they that
be with us aro more than they that
be with thein."—I1. Kings, vi , 17.),
Who lin, not cried out, with that
youth. alas! A11 things are against
tine; eon aro many and friends there
are none! The roads to pessimism
are many; but surely this is the
shortest ono, to get to think that
life is but a conflict waged singly
handed against great odds, a lon
story of struggle, difficulties, pules,
disappointments. temptations, fail-
ures, wounds, ending only in death.
Even though you escape that chron-
ic Jaundiced view of life there are
reasons of depression when it seems
easy to got out of bed on the wrong
side and to plow all day into stumps
instead of to the good. clear ground.
Ever we need the vision the seer of
old gnve to the young man, to see
the hills about us alive with our al-
lies. otherwise it is easy to con-
clude the fates fight against us.
How slight is the evidence on
bleb men baso their gloomy cote
elusions! The pessimist always ar-
gues from a single instance to r
general law. 11 he strikes a poor
peach on top he throws thu whole
basket away—or sells them
run, 1Yhlttit'r, and Browning. Life
is not a Ione handed fight against
unnumbered foes; it is not a losing
light to any who will light it well.
This is a right world and only ho
who tights tho right feces unconquer-
able fops. A man may meet rebuffs.
battle's tides fury sweep back nn.1
forth, but in the end, as it has ever
been in all the long story of loan's
conflict with nature, so in the con rides' plight to civilization. lluubt-
llict with every other foo he is less rho sewn plan will be followedbound to win. This is as true in the this, individual life of every lighter 05 Fyear.
Few people have any conception of
nature and history show it to be i1(
the magnitude of the undertaking
voluntarily assumed by these teen.
One of the two was Charles H.
Walker, third orate of the ship Orca.
Between November 1, 1897, and
some time in May. 1898, he travel-
ed a distance eet.intatod at 3,200
miles, almost without rest, behind a
dog sled, most of the time without
human companion.
For more than 2,500 miles he
traveled over the (rore•n surface of
the great rivers of the interior. Ho
was practically
Went Over Arctic Ice With a Teat.
to Get Help for His
Some 1, arless while titan is in all
probability- preparing at this time
to take one of the longest, loneliest
and most tirduous journeys Integra -
able, for the purpose of conveying
to the oulsi4e world news of his
companions on board the whalers
icebound in the Arctic north or
Bering Straits. When several whale
ships were obliged to winter in the
Arctic eightyears ago, and tho pro-
spect of short rations disquieted the
crews, two seamen, 'Pilton and Wal-
ker, started out on different routes
to carry the story of their come
universal life.
On our side there is the great
world of the unseen. Little do we
know of it, but still that little gives
us confidence to believe it is people)
with our allies. Our fairest hopes of
good angels may bo delusions as to
details, but they are essentially true.
being born of eternal truth. ...
declares there is Ono over all, the
friend of all; greater is ho that Is
with you than any against you:
greater is he than your temptations,
your adversaries, your diflicultiee.
and your sorrows. '!'his was what.
tho great teacher came to toll mei..
that God was on their side, stoking
to help them, loving, caring, co-op-
erating, leading thein into the lilo of
victory over every enemy.
1.et a ratan face life in this confi-
dence and he is invincible. Ho goes
forth and an unseen army goes wits
Ho insists on sitting square on the biro. He gains the seer's vision to
cactus bunch when there is only ono see even tho plotting of the enemy
on the whole bench -hold. llo thou and the forces that light against hint
becotnos an authority on cactus. if all working for his good. I•'rom
ho can spot. n few foes on the pori- many combats he gains strength for
icon ho is blind to a regiment of the decisive struggle. All things
friends close at hand.
But the seers, our poets and teach-
ers, have a wider vison; they setek
the glory rather than the gloom anal
they tel( us that every lean ['as
more friends than Foos. This is the
song of those who told us long ago
of Providence, the one who backs n
man up and fights on his lido and
furnishes him i n the hour of need.
This is the song of Loweli, Teany-
at a time at several stages of his
journey. Nothing but the necessity
that the condition of the frozen
whaling fleet ehuul(1 be reported led
hint to attempt the trip; nothing
but un iron constitution. unyielding
7081 and good fortune enable(' him
to fight his wuy through constant
peril to .safety. Itis owti nccuuna of
his exploit ens substantially as fol-
"William 1)ryd'ii, supercargo of
the Orca, anti man itu charge of the
whaling company's finances at. Point
Barrow, came to me on November
work together for good. Ile serves 1st with the proposition of making
the right, the truth, the things that the trip to San Francisco. Ile told
are eternal; Ito lights for character.
for manhood, and the good. and the
eternal forces that rule the universe
tight by Itis side. t[o beholds the
hills full of the hosts of heaven;
though ho has no time to enjoy tho
vision he knows they aro there, his Point !tope for toy provision supply
allies, his assurance of ultimate sic- for the trip trade little difference.
tory. The question, would 1 go'?
"Il was n hard matter to decide,
Inc that the safety of the entire
company depended on getting cer-
tain information to the officials at
that place.
"Whether I went eastward to
lerschel island or westward to
1Ii %.4 't"1+'1"ii'414 1.144 44—I'i'+p ' b
crown and circular stnnlin • a brim.
And still more unique is the fact
that it is built of young Alderney
skin. Light -brown velvet pipes the
brier, which Is coneenled beneath
folds of iieerty satin in white that
terminate in n long, stiff, clerical
bow at the front. Prince of Wales
ostrich tips of downy whiteness trim
the left side.
-3-11-1-4-11-1-1-44+++ +++44 A fetching little model with clink
THE !'Ulf 1IAT. trimmings suggests a lovely but for
the girl who has a short straight
'he 111081, becoming headgear of tho neckpiece of squirrel of chinchilla
son is the fur hat. The soft pelt left front last year. A three-inch
ngling in its cosy Wai nittt with
lightest of smnnter flowers and
furbelows sots off a fair face as no
other bit of millinery can, and when
snow is here, surely It is time for
Foremost among the new creations
in fur headgear is tho large lint cealtd beneath a large, square
built entirely of some silky skin. buckle. A white ostrich feat her
Not only is the genuine pelt used for roset fills in the space nt the centre
this purpose, but in every modish of the fur stole. as well as the space
eflecl8 imitation fur cloth is employ- under the bow at the back. But
ed with bands and tails of real fur. with ugtially charring e•lTect white
An ettretnely smart inatanco of tulle could be made to serve the
the Letter style is a wide -brimmed same purpose.
het with Inrgn flat crown covered A fashion which promises to I*
111h the silkiest grey beaver cloth.
Graduated folds of white chiffon line
the faring peaked brier and a band
nt white fox coutplote,•s the tipper
edge. liaised high on a bandeau at
the hark, the hat is pitched well
Dyer ,he fere, while a long while os-
trich plume rising from the back of
the c:own falls coquet ti4hly on the
rutTur•• This particular style of hat.
Is suited to evening ns well as day-
time wear, but denands parr icularly
iNt.riking features in the woman
(whom it becomes.
111. 11 ern simple and youthful iv a som-
breto shape, built enthrly of chht-
[hill.. Pert elain blue velvet rib-
bon to htancherl in loops around a
tu11 bluer elute rose. The latter
ado, ns the under side of the left
brim. and emphasie.:s the inimitable
dark and light markings of this
elegant pelt. While velvet ribbon
((unwinds the crown and forms a
large bow precisely at the centro of
thi front.
. tme other popular style of large
bat. the mushroom shape, is em-
ployed extensively as n fun model.
Very choice among the offerings of
an ttclueltu her ho'cse is a hal 11f
chinchilla in the inverted saucer
ehape with Inose sargue coat to
'nettle A bed of velvet geranium
flee -yrs -not the rounding cluster of
1►l11ssn:us, but the indivldnal flowers
--filly in the lop of the crown, and
another bunch masses itself charm-
ingly at the side of rho bandeau. An
'Alsntienn how of rose velvet ribbon
with steel 't iekl a spreads it. the
bark and harntotti/es with the steel -
It rimmed rote eel vet ro':et8 Ott t he
cont. 1n place of the geranieine,
short feathers or fen titer roots are woman who loves r.'aI lace is a
em(•loyed to cover the top of the fragile chnpenu in the wardrobe of
neie.hruon fur lints nnil to till in the a young debutnnle. A wide hent
deep curve of •h.' brim. brim iy built of genuine rose point rebel isluud, enol when th. a •:.rm
t1'itlt brim abruptly tilted. a large lace with a slender, siont ing
how cleared nude our say Ong .:her.
N, et pale lire e felt virtually 'deem of the snu4e ince gracing the front the Pacific !4tu:1m
Whaling l'unu(:aaey
,. ' -able
•tree t of .t smell toque. A wide slightly to the left side. (len•rine had supplies. The worst stage of
•' hat
the trip wag ended. but It had been
a terrihie strain. 1 wa: alinest
stole is laid on a boat -shaped tur-
ban frams•, to form almost a point
in front. Curving around to the
back, one end pas.. s through a slit
in the. other• both end, being wires
to stand out perkily like a smart
bots. Their everting point is con -
but finally i said I would make the
attempt. The eastern route to
Herschel Island and then up the
Mackenzie and down the Athabasca
river secured to me the most. practi-
cable route. After reaching Hersch-
el island 1 could get enough. food,
1 thought, to last Inc until I should
reach the first Hudson's itay Com-
pany host, and front there o1 1
could follow the line of posts that
stretched through the Northwest.
"'Pilton had gone west to Point
Hope. but none of us knew how he
had fared. 1 selected five dogs from
the big pack at. Point Burrow. and,
after notch work, found two Indians
who wunld nccotit('ao,V Inc to the
first Iluileen's ltuy Company's post.
'they w.•r.• young fellows, and good
"No provisions could be spared
front the Point liar ;tv hoard — the
supply there was too limited in
view of the many tnouths to feed
and the many long mouths that
tuust elapse before aid iron outside
could be expected to arrive—so we
decided to shoot our way through to
Herschel island, tilt utiles away.
If we saw game, and the Indiana:
very popular with th' well-dressed succeeded iii shooting it. we would
girl the remainder of the Beavon is get through.. 1t we did not—well,
to have collars 011(1 cuffs of the
outer Jacket or hefty coat, or fur,
and n Targe polo turban of the sane
pent.. Milt entirely of the fur, very
little U cunning adorns the bet. a
single brilliant buckle or button
there would be two natives and
"Ne did take some bread and a
5111811 eptantity of canned goods
along, but not nearly enough to
serving. {►0rhnps, to clasp jetted or "Ott November 1st w.• started out
spunglc.l c(uills directly in front, or along the coast line. it was anov-
in cavalier stele at the side. Large
tx•ntl►rork h':ttels will ale° be used
in this way.
For more dressv wear, spreading frozen bays that, indent the coast
osprey, bird of parndise or other of ice many places to n depth of from
the feathered tribe in white, will fiftt'r11 to twenty miles.
perch jauntily on these all -fur tur-
bans. On a 1'renchy creation #1f
ing, and kept snowing nearly all the
tint', we were on the coast. This
made that stage unduly lone;. for we
were unable to cut acrnss the deep
moleskin. loops of hlu', tine,' rib -
way of keeping the direction.
bun filled in n helium space at. the Had we ventured out on the ice we
back. A silvol huckl • pinned the
have lost our wry
(4a bloc gull! just where the and m•nndered far out on the ocean
end r
twee •f Ili hal IlI!turned up and in to peck. IItu1 it be.•n clear weather'
gi.•• a pointe.! tricorn !elect. Ihe•esy we coil(' hate crossed these reaches
Week hits in hrns(1tail shuts and tots saved several hundreds of
variations of the tricorn stint**.and .dile..
are eel MI by stunning gilt bue:kle " 1'e i riLle gales swept down upon
and gilt braids. us from the northeast, making tray -
More claberale still ere the hats el doubly hard. It was extremely
of tinged cloth and here farming n cold all the time, the thermometer
for tail r, benLi anti seldom getting above 35 degrees be-
backgroundbentie of fur. en'I r•etelertd extremely low.
• dainty by (tntherings of Valenciennes "'the Indictee h d greatlick kill-
ing deer. getting set en the first fif-
teen days nut, but w ith three men
and five hungry dogs to free more
could hate been uite,l Busily We
took out the bones tine kept all the
lace. The example in gpit'stion slows
a simple, circular shape covered
with silver cloth, the (riven being
concealed under prime,. ,. 1 ace. A
wide band of sable bordered with meat. currying it in our sled until
ecru lace encircles the sides u( the consumed.
crown. and two eagle tails fail over" During the last three slays of the
the hail nt the back. Silver tinsel dealt to Herschel We were prnclictll-
tose8 nestling In velvet leiter trim ly without food. 11e pushed on
the trent of the crown. blindly through the snow and cold,
Not 80on to be forgotten by rho working the hungry dugs to the
"Twenty-seven dnyr after 'eat rag
Point Barrow we arrived on Her-
✓ , high crown, the height ls'ing while tiny ermine taint intertwine
• ntuattel he rlbl..•n that rises at. with the lace bow. !testing n► the
!. • top 1'laetered at the ei,1.' of centre of the bore is a tinsel orchid.
• •.'.:reply up'urm.1 brim on the and snot her nestle.. at the back like enpes. Nntewor1b* ,- n • with
tie;. h. ,n7e-green estrieh tips .eater amide, grachtat4 layer:, of pleated fvll eetheeitoe 1(4 t•:;.•• ., • • the
the entire spa•.', while a shorter white Dille. .% v. hire ai(rr'• jute neck and ter., •;i(... •.i .ii•erc•nt
t -um en fhe nppeo.fo !tide is tacked feet satteily et the heft side wiellh. In elle p..1 a.re,•'i,.:1-pleated
le I. a head .•t enhle. t'umbinieg tvlL• with fur giv.•t tulle. the low.r tape reaching to the
1n the realm of the sease'tt's `ntert exquisitely dainty el'ects. 'Peelle 8huulder line. Printed crepe de chine
w, .u••,, h#1trvrr, it where tut np• rel:. -4 of all sorts npar with forsenrs tl:cuthi echs
re, with"tees lerah'le. Iterptrka'bly 1; .hrpte hats and pei.'rines. in fact. the fur neekpie,es un.l form draped bow
II a toirtian with high congeshapeti rubel theut,elve,' look very muck at the hack of fur hate.
worn out, and the Indians were in
little better condition.
"11e were well taker carr of there.
and remained until le.cembrr lt;lh.
1)t' would have. started before. hut
a sal•. essio I, of bll0t%Stel'liIS t►nd
Wiaiards auule 1114 a41111 impracti-
"From Herschel Island I decided to
go up the feel river to fort Mc-
1'herson, the nearest Hudson /ley
CompunV's post. Traveling on the
ricer was. of course, easier than
along the coast lino. The timber
kept off the fierce wind to a certain
extent and lessened
'1'111: 1'LG11C1 NO COI.1►.
"The snow on the hard surface of
the frozen river made excellent
traveling. and Ivo covered tho dis-
tance between posts -450 Miles — in
sixteen days. 11'o had more grub at
this stage than on the first relay,
for at. Herschel I was olTered every-
thing 1 needed. but on account of
the distance we were compelled to
depend somewhat on game short en
"At Fort McPherson I sent back
the Indians and started on alone.
I had letters to the Hudson's Bay
Company agents, and only took
enough food to last me between
"Front Fort McPherson I went
across country on the Hudson's Bay
Company trail to old Vert Good
Hope, on the Mackenzie river. The
distance %vas 300 miles, and I cov-
ered it in fourteen days. Provisions
got rather short before Cood Hope
was reached, but I olid not suffer
•"1 -lie solitude of the long journey
through the timber and up the snow
covered Mackenzie was awful. I
could cut down a few trees at night,
build a lire tend go to sleep. Thank
heaven, 1 could sleep!
"There were many wild animals of
various sorts, but I had no unpleas-
ant experience with therm. The
sight of a traveler passing through
their stamping ground in the dead
of winter was too unexpected a
happening for them to snake any
"Upon reaching Fort Good Ilopo
I was received in royal fashion by
the company's agent, who provided
me with provisions sufficient to car-
ry 1ne to the next statdon. Fort Nor-
man, 200 miles farther up the river.
1 encountered had, very bad, wea-
ther on that stretch, and it took ate
nine days to snake it.
"At tent Norman another supply
of food was forthcoming. Tho next
station was Fort Higley, 180 miles
distant. It took 1110 eight days to
reach that station.
"From there to Fort Simpson was
n similar distnnce, but having better
weather 1 covereAlbit in seven clays.
The last post on the Mackenzie was
Fort Providence, 175 miles above
Fort Simpson. I reached it in 0j
"After a gond rest I said good-bye
to my last Hudson Bay Aman in the
Mackenzie river district and crossed
to the Athabasca river. The Ilud-
son's Bay Company's past at the
mouth of the Huy river was the first
one struck
It was but 80 ladles from Fort Pro-
vith nee. and 1 trade the distance in
two days.
"Then I pushed on to Forth Reso-
lution, wiping out the 85 miles in
two other days. Tho dogs were
standing rho trip excellently and
were getting a fair supply of food.
"It took nearly five (lay's to reach
Fort Smith, iln tulles nearer home.
Then there ensue a long Jump of 300
miles to Fort 51eMurry, at the mouth
of the ('I. arwtttrr river. I perform-
ed that '0 :tire in six days—remark-
ably quick time, everything consid-
ered. This was tho last stopping
place on the Athabasca, although T
continue 1 down that stream a long
distance. covering the 400 miles be-
etween McM,irray and the company's
post on Lae 1.n cliche in nine days.
"1't•ont that point to Edmonton
was the easiest part of the whole
trip. 1 found posts and missions
every few miles, and 1' nluehr the dis-
tance, 175 miles, in six flays. At
Edmonton I left my dog team and
went on to Seattle as fust as I
"'!'here were few incidents in tho
trip, long as it was. It was simply
hard work, lend lots of it. Follow-
ing a sled drawn by flee husky clogs
at the rate of from 30 to at Iniles
per day is 00 snap. i would not
un,lertakr another trip like that ono
for a tontine.
"I s;d'h'r.d n great dead for lack
of food on my way up the Athabas-
ca and the atackenzle. It was al-
most impossible to carts a gh
f 1 to sustain self and dogs on
s of the lunger stager between
pests. The ilttle game I killed
helped out wnnderfelly. but I p 0.li'.1
o11 at tithes with an empty stomach
rather than to tike time to hunt."
'flue men in peril were those to the
west of ifersehel 'eland, bet fortu-
nntely i,ieutenant .larvis's rescue
party reached the scene and reliever(
the sit tint ion before the refugees
carne 11( netunl starvation.
yr yr* yr I Strain the water from apple parities
* 7700 r ah
add two tlespuuuful:, of sugar 11(
the juice. return to the sire. coo:.
r ase for five minutes, add u few Chops of
!.1101h and hull u teaspoonful
of (;rated matinee;Cuu1 and pew
et vend the apples.
HINTS $ Felt Hula: LIFE.
Corks can be made sound and air-
tight by boiling.
'1'1( clean enamel, rub with salt
moistened with vinegar.
Milk used ins+oud of muter stakes
puddings anti pastry light.
Yiuegatr p1/lc0d in boiling water
protent8 peached eggs breaking.
Lettuce leaves etrett'►t about the
floor will attract and destroy beetles.
Flour will put nut the flumes
caused by the upsetting of a para-
ffin lump.
Black pepper put i4) around whoee
Otero are ants Will 50011 make chem
When puking cakes, place a layer
of salt under the Mould. This pie•
vents burning.
When chopping suet sprinkle wills
a little ground rico. It will not thee
brick to the knife.
Salt sprinkled un any substance
that is Leming on t► stove mill stop
the smoke and smell
A tablespoonful of glycerine; In hot
tnilk or clrunt will at once relieve
the most t'iulent altuck of coughing,
In turning steak do not use a iork,
as the holes which It makes in the
meat causes the blood to run out.
Salt us a tooth -powder is worth
trying. It keeps the teeth brilliant-
ly white and tho gums hard and
When machining hard malerialt,
such as serge or holland, nil the
thread. This will prevent it con-
stantly snapping.
Grease spots 0n silk can be re-
moved by splitting a visiting car.l
ish onion and sprinkle it with salt and rubbing the shots with the soft
00 top of the onion place it cutlet of internal parts•
mutton with the bone removed, or, (lean windows with a flannel dip•
if more convenient, t wo or three chops pfd in paraflit, and palish wi(h 4
which have been denuded of most 4,t clean duster. it
dnnpntts a line pol-
their fut. Cover the mutton or the ish, and warns oft flies,
chops with another layer of the Letson collee is delicious. nub each
sliced onion, a little salt, just one side of a lump of sugar on the rind
clove, and half a d07.en black pepp r
SI•:1,EC'1'Fa) ltl:Clf'F
'1•o Cure l)rits1 lieef.-1'.'r ever.•
teenier pounds of bet•f, take it pelt
of salt, u teaspuuriful of {,else i:c(1
baltp ire,
aq+hurter of a p•luul of
brown sugar; mix. 1►wide into w
purls 41(1(1 rub the. beet we11 with onetlu•e•
third of it for each of three days
following. Jet lie in its own pickle
for six days, then hung up to dry.
Fresh pareley can never he improv-
ed on for imparting u delicate flavor
to all kind,, of savoury dishes, but i14
winter it is often difficult to pi.. -
euro it. and the careful housewife
never fails while parsley is plentifel
to lay by a store for use later in the
year. It 1. be freshly picked, and
should be immersed fur a few mite
ate:,' in boiling water, then strained
and placed o1 a lurge dish in a uu,'l-
eratoly cool oven. After it is quite
dry it should be packed in air -tight
Jars and tins, and put away in the
store cupboard 'till the wirier. When
required for flavoring, if it is soak -
cd for a few seconds in tepid water
it will freshen it considerably. As a
seasoning for soups and stews. dei si
parsley Is without a rival; while fine -
1y chopped it can be used for gar-
nishing cold joints and poultry, fri-
casseeS, and dried [Isle The green
juice prmticd from fresh parsley is in-
valuable as an innocuous coloring
matter for savory sauces, soups, or
Irish Stew.—Ilegln by {netting a
rump steak into a stew pan of good-
ly size. Cover it with slices of Spun -
corns. Barely cover this mixture
with water, and let it stew gently
fur about two hours. While the stew
is cooking peel about six good sized
potatoca and boil them in another
pan for some ten minutes; drain
them well, and, after you have re-
moved every semblance of fat from
the stew, place them on top of the
last of onions, cover the entire mix -
tire with a closely fitting lid and let
it simmer for fully twenty minutes.
By this time your stew will be
ready for the table, and you neat
servo it in a deep dish, the meat and
onions in the centre, the potutces
surrounding then. At the histmo-
ment add two teaspoonfuls of catsup
and a teaspoonful of !lour to the
gravy, and. after it has come to a
boil, pour it over the stew.
"Trish Fried Chicken."—'Ib prepa•e
this economical dish take some stale
bread and cut it into pieces across
the loaf, making each three-quarters
of an inch thick about an inch and
a half wide. Whelk you havo remove.,
all the crust dip the slices in a bat-
ter of eggs and bread crumbs and
fry them in hot lard. This is all
that is to this formula, and it would
be difficult to find a more delectable
method of getting rid of stale broad.
A delicious pudding that is s0 sim-
ple of preparation that the most in-
experienced amateur May es81V it
without fear of failure is mode Ly
laking half n coffee cup of brown
hreud crumbs• which are left to steep
for a few minutes in hail( a pint of
boiling water. When cooling they
aro beaten lightly with a fork. after
which one well b'.tit, egg. halt a
cupful of strained honey and a little
nutmeg are added. This pudding
may be baker( or steamed, but in n0
hour it is ready for the table. It is
server) aflh light, foamy sauce.
Soda Cakes—One pound of flour.
one level teaupoonful of curbonate of
soda, une'-querl.•r leve( teaspoonful of
crentn of tartar, suflici.•nt butter-
milk to alit. Pass the flour, sada
and cream of tartar through a Sieve,
or mix them thoroughly together
Then unix quickly with the butter,
milk to a suit dough, but not too
moist. %fake into little cakes• and
bake on a griddle. or else in the
even. If butter milk i.4 not to 1n'
obtained use 80111' 111ilk, 0r, 81 ill bet.•
ter, sour water mud.• Ilam.: 'fake a
littht ealt►tcal and put i• 111 rt jug of
water, let it stand until next day till
it little suln•; then use. This will be
found to lot good cakes, and is an
excellent substitute for buttered•':
when it cannot le. had. 'This mixture
nuns he baked in one cake, if liken.
Instead of smell ones.
Frosted .Apples --('ere and core ten
large, pe•rfe't. npphw. ('over with inn
Pint of water.; adtl the thin parings
of rate lemon, three tablespoonfuls of
suga1e and simmer until tender. 11. -
trove with a skimmer. ('arefolty
wash the apple peeing,' tut.( shunter
for half an hour. In the meanwhile
beat the white of one egg eith one
tahlespuu,.ful of sugar. Coat the
top of the epithet lightly with the
meringue and phaco in a cool oven
until dry. St in a (tool place.
Ittllt --Gentlemen. abeg' a, 1., .,f ,er.t' •`
nllern.'n before r we b
patient', hands and fret, l'11 get that t freer .••n'
Win ..n tet.!
1(117 e( 1,1►
1 th•.
right -bawl
of a lemon. and pour on the coffee 43
the ordinary way.
Iutitut.ion frosted glass is made by
dissolving in a little hot water as
Much Epson salla as it will ahsorb.
Paint the glass with the wale,-
waleiwhilst it is waren.
Dyeing light colored cloth gowns
In shades suitable fur autumn or
winter wear has come to be an al •
irust necessary part of many wom-
en's fall sewing. since 'made over'•
dresses aro undesirable for oven those
alto are economical, because they
bear the ineradicable marks of a
Previous season, and since the styles
change so radically every three or
four Months, it they are not used
during the following season they
because hopelessly old-fashioned.
The only ditfculte in securing prac-
tically new robes by dyeing is in
selectieg an up to date color that
the material will take wits L look-
ing dyed.
I'Inin goods, of course, take a dif-
ferent shade tmich tetter than a
striped ..r dotted cloth, for the put•
terns invariably show if closely in-
spected, even ellen the color is good.
A light blue, green, etc., can ho
dyed a darker shade and look li':n
new, and almost any shade can !n
11)8(10 'thick, though the degrees 1,f
blackness will depend entirely upon
the original color. So a woman m4.;
have the material returned with
brown tone, a red, or even a dark
blue tint, though dark blue and deep
green will usually make n very Balis•
factory black.
Mauve gowns show up beautifully
in dark shade's, such as brown blurt•,
claret, plum. maroon. sage, olive)
green. and black bill light blue, yel-
low, ere., should rover hu attempted.
text l.t n tthite cloth, pato bluuw
and all the tones of pink fr rose
to salmon give excellent. results, b�
cause they will take any shade. A
gown of amber will show a desirable
color 111 any shade but Itt1'en,er, pine
or light blue.
A Irro811 frock takes it gaud shuttle
in olive, plum or claret. and Inc.,w
maroon. and ollte greens. The put•
11 1,..1 in green; aro sufficient to
mate ane women, puseeesing ({ours
in these tones sure Of a r.l,n shade
after dyeing. fur the take any but
light, pale blue er yellow. The dark
greens are more lintit.:l. for 1h.y
can be changed only to navy blue,
brown, 1,114)11 and claret. ('ream
color, like white, ran be made env
shade. Yellow 18 another tune that
takers a large variety of culut:'.;
Net it looks well done in anything
but #1141 ruse, pink and light bleu
An Italian Family Victims of i►
Bold Deception.
Signor i.nrico Itnblini, n merchant
o1 San (!nsclane. bn 'Ieeeetaty, welt
to Bessie on busin.e:s in 1 87 7 aril
decided to settle in the ('ear's d.•n,in-
After the nesae.iiatiun of the 1:nt-
peror Alexander 11. 111s tele/iv.•. re-
ceived no news of him, and rcc..earse
to the aulhoriliee elicited inertly the
statement that, he held "disappeared".
having been, it WAS though•, centime.
mired in the ussonsinnt it.n of the
A month (Igo the members of Ms
wealthy iktldini family were vieite4
by a men who repre•sent.sl himself to
be Enrico Itetl•Iini. Nobody errttl4
reeognirl. him, but he gave such cir-
rtn ettantial details concerning Fit
',lenlity that all suspicions of his k.'-
ing an dmpn..eer vanished, net' he
wits received with epee mine. Ile de-
cided to 11111ke hl,' abode in Snul'n'i-
cieno, and was 'warily welcomed by
his fellow -citizen.'.
To the serptise of everybody, the
pseuds Fnrlco 'Santini Was the other
day nrrested ns n clever swin.11ee
named N'endramini, "wanted" by the
polite. The members of the ltalditti
iamily and other residents of San
1'a'ciauo streriteeidy uppo-r'i1 his
arrest. ns he had won grtut powder -
lie still refuses to say how he
i,ecame acquainted with the details
rn , I ,
, r r► in Enrico Ih I m4 awl t •
o +d + li
a t
1:1.111!. which eincered him mels a
cordial welcome in $aa C.tw'iant).