HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-14, Page 5Vetsteesslsaal Cards.
ahDR. A. R. KIYSSIAY, L D. s.. D. D. 8.,
Honor graduate 1 Toronto Cuberist'.
teeth extracted without any pain, or an • had effects
Office in Vaw,00's 131, I., Wert side any street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Denti.tery
(with honorable mention.)
Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Mates made In the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
()dice one door south of Carling Oros. store, Exeter.
Bran and Shorts
and Wheat Chop
At Exeter and Centralia
Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in
- your grain And load
home with feed.
Jos. Cobbledick
Creditoll FlourI
03)5),CCC CCCCC)C)4}011/11
Our Roller Flour is at the
very top of the list of good
flours. There is none better
made. It makes the good wife
smile. Try it.
imas. Grooling
of Peace
and Good Will
will seem more real if you
place in your homea beautiful
We have them bought espec.
ial l y for the Xmas. Trade.
The quality is the best and
Prices and Terms very easy.
Take a look at our Xmas.
Stationery, also the Sleighs
for the Boys and Girls.
Wheat 78 132
Barley 311 45
Oats :3t 30
Peas 65 65
Potatoes, per bag 75 80
Hay, per ton (3 (II (1 50
ions•, per cwt., family 2 25
heir, low grade per ewt 1 25 1 25
utter 20
gl:e '23
ivehog:+, per cwt O 10
gems per tun 20 (10 20 I/0
ran per ton 10 00 16 n0
it keys 11
ecse 8 10
ticks 10
bicken]. 6 it
Dried Apples 6 0
Roller Mill
We wish to announce to the public
that we have placed our mill in such a
condition that we can now produce
flour which not only MAKES THE
GOOD WIFE SM11.E but is also a sat-
isfaction to ourselves.
Gristing and Chopping
promptly done. All kinds of mill feed
always on hand. We have just recent-
ly placed in our rnill a machine to
Produce Rolled Oats.
We invite your patronage.
Jos.Eidt, Dashwood
Prouty 35. Sr. 1I I. -Nelson Stacey 71.
PAINFUL PERIODS .Ir lIL_Na,rr11a11 F'nid a
lana Ilex 8'2, Horace I'fatf 73, (ira11L !
Hooper 59, Edith Carrick 50. Jr. IL-- -'
Annie Green lit, Emilie Smith 79, Ethel
Sitiith 78. Jr. 1't. 11. -Willie Hooper.
Sr. I't. I. -Lena Stacey.
F. H. (Seaham, 'reacher.
Suggestions How to Find Relief
from Such
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical suffering, it does not stein to
ne the plan of nature that women
should suffer so severely. Menstrua-
tion is a severe strain on a woman's
vitality. If it is painful or irregular
something is wrong which should be
set right or it will lead to a serious de-
rangement of the whole female organ-
More than fifty thousand women
have testified in grateful letters to Mrs.
Pinkham that Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's
Vegetable Compound overcomes pain-
ful and Irregular menstruation.
It provides a safe and sure way of es-
cape from distressing and dangerous
weaknesses and diseases.
The two following letters tell so con-
vincingly what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will do for
women, they cannot fail to bring hope
to thonsandsof sufferers.
Miss Matilda Richardson of 177 \Vel-
lington Street, Kingston, Ont., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
"Some four years ago my usually good
health began to fail. I had severe twins in
mystical, my head ached, I would have dizzy
spells, and during my monthly periods I
_would suffer intense twain. 1 was advised to
try Lydia E. Milk ham's Vegetable('m111,01110,
and I am so glad that i did, for it brought
new life and health to 1110. My monthly
periods were natural and painless, and my
general health improved. I have not hail an
ache or a pain since, and I feel it a duty as
well as a pleasure to tell you what your medi-
cine has done for ine."
Mme- Louise McKenzie of Mount Car-
mel, Montreal, Canada, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkharn:-
" I had heard so muelt good about Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before thousands. Address Lynn, Mass.
Asti Bt's. PWekam's Advice -A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Wsa
1 started to take it for painful menstruation
so that when it cured ate I was not surprised.
I had sutrered with blinding headaches and
!pairs until it seemed that I must scream.
'flies•• rutins lasted from five to ten days every
month, and you San understand how glad I
was to get relief. lent in the best of health
and ant pleased to give you this testimonial
for what your medicine has done for ma"
Such testitnony should be accepted
by all women as convincing evidence
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound stands without a peer as a
remedy for all the distressing ills of
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound rests upon the
well-earned gratitude of Canadian
When women are troubled with irreg-
ular, suppressed or painful menstrua-
tion, leucorrhrea, displacement or ul-
ceration of the womb, that bearing -
down feeling. inflammation of the
ovaries, backache. bloating, (or flatu-
lency), general debility, indigestion and
nervous prostration, or are beset with
such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner-
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
they should reinember there is one tried
and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound at once removes
such troubles. Refuse to buy any other
medicine, for you need the best.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkham if there is anything
about your sickness you do not
understand. She will treat you
with kindness and her advice is
tree. No woman ever regretted
writing her and she has helped
BOWL $4.50
Is eight inches in diameter, and
about three and a half deep.
Genuine American make. Glass
is very white an.l finely cut.
This elegant bowl is very special
value at $4.so.
5 i.00
Worth $2.25.
This spoon is worth $ s.:!;. but
we will sell it as an 43 for $i.oe.
1 guarantee it to contain so,
m•+n•saver th an:iu % usher sI;.I d .r.l
m site of silvers awn.
t'w1n; to the r,• tune I e i e, only
Mk sill be sent to one address.
Put up in c:ird h or or flannel bag
Thee Iwo arti.•I's are easily
worth S7.;o or S'(.ti. , and mai.•• .t
beautifu: pr.•seet for any purpose.
Sent prepai,l to any address for
P.O. or espress money order cov-
ering the amount. If not satis-
factory goody can be returned at
my expense and money will be
llfay (Connell
The Council of the township of Hay
met in the Town Hall, 'Zurich, on Dee.
5. All present. Minutes of previ
nteetir.g read and approved. The nom-
ination of Reeve and Councillors will
be held on Friday. Dec. 22, from 1 to 2
p.m.. in the Town hell, %u,ich. The
ollowing were appoin'e•d Deputy Re-
turning ()Mc( re aced also the polling
Ayer's Pilis
Want your moustache wheel!
/Mtn Alley lar slob c vfe
Vegetable, liver pills. That'
is what they are. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
sick -headache. t..+et4 tatty:
places selected: Poll No. 1. John Haw-
kins. D.R.O.. 5.S. No. 2; 1'011 2. 11. S.
Phillip.. S.S. No. 14; Poll :3. Andrew
Hes-: Poll 4, 1). titillate,. S. '. No. 4:
Poll 3. 13. Surerri, S.S. N... 12; Polt 0,
John V••elker, 1Litalent's 3lI.'ek, Dash-
wood; Poll 7, C. Troyer, S.S. No. 3;
Poll 8.8. Spenser, 13i:.oune•lte block.
St. Joseph. A large Diiinhe ' id gravel
and other accounts wet passed. The
council will mneet for the Istst time in
11105 on Ft iday, Dee. 15, at -10 o'clock
a.m.-F. Mess, Sr.. Clerk.
Stephen Council
The council of the Township of Steph-
en convened in the Town Hall, Cred-
iton, on Mnuday. Dec. 4th, at 10 a. ,n.
All present. Minutesof previous meet-
ing read and adopted. The Reeve re-
quested the Clerk to rend the report
re Mud ('reek Drain as tiled by F. W.
Farncombe, P.L.S., and \V.D.Sanders
and John Brown. Drainage Viewers,
to the parties interested in the Drain-
age works. After this w•as done it
was moved by Mr. Anderson, second-
ed by Mr. Welsh that the report on the
Mud Creek Drain and its connections
be received. --Carried. Anderson -
Finkheiner--that By -Law No. 15 of
1003, to appoint Deputy Returning Of-
ficers and select pooling booths for
Municipal elections, having been read
the third time be passed. -Gari ied.
The following accounts wore passed:
C. Prouty}', gratuity, $25: T, Edweards,
elm!' in dog tax. $1; J. Raeder, do., $1;
C. E. Carter, bridge dowIs, $1.20; 8.
Morrison, gravel contract, $12; J. Mc -
1.• Ilan, do., $10; Wm. B. Geiser, do„
$46.77; M. McIntyre, do., $13; 1t. Hand-
ford. do., $38.70; it. Davey, rep. bridg-
es. $4: T. Keogh. (10., $1.60: J. Stan -
lake, do., $1; F. Allister, dn., $3; Wm.
Pickering, do., $10.25; R. Armstrong,
do., $8.30; A. Wild, rep. side road,
$13.50; G. Orange, rep. bridge and gra-
vel, $3.70; Do., gravel, $9.80; A. Came -
bell, do., $1.28; F. Triehner. do.. $29.54:
1.T Mitchell, do„ $85.54: II. Carruthers,
rio., $41.02; J. Quau•rin do., $3.01: Geo.
Heyman, do., $3.20; W. Hill. do., 40c.;
J. Keats., rep. culvert, $1. T. Oliver,
do., $1.50; Ise Hill, dn., $3; C. Hoffman,
111., $1.25; W. \Vitae'. do., $1.50; W.
W. Johnst +n, do.. se; Do.. rep. for
bridge. $6; D. Wilson, do., $13: C. H.
Wilson tile, $2.23; C. Stanlake, do„
$2.80; 11. K do., $10.10: J. Geiser,
do., $1.02; %V. %V. Kerr. mails, 90e.; W.
1). Sanders, Cont.. $4.60; 1i, Handford,
do.. $6.50; F. \Villert do.. $9(i: J. Ten-
nant, r'.u., $2.30; W. Pickering, do.,
$3.75; J. Keys, do., $1; J. Cronyn and
others, rep. bridge, *7: J. D. Heiman,
spikes, $1.27: Moller(' & ('n., dn.. Wk.:
W..1. Baker, tile and work, $5; Jo.,
Hickey, do., $3.50; Ed h:ahner• gravel,
$11.75; S. Smith, reqs. stitch. $3: N. Hai'
ker., h, ick hats, $1; .1. G. %Vien. work
nn e. s. r.. $9.6:,; %V. (Leath:an, tile and
drain, $(3; F. \V. Fat nconr3a•, ewer(' re
Carroll. $25.49: Z,Ier &Steele, drain on
P.P.r., $10: J. Hoilahan, ditch, $3; W.
Lnvie, !utiliser, $3; Express Co„ ex-
ttcess on A4sessinent Re+ll. 35c.; D.
West twin, concrete tile, *363145; lied
Hoist, war k un 31.0 s.r.. $3: W. S II,ag-
gith, statute labor, $11; \William
disinfecting. (Hoard of Health.) $1.
('nuneil adjo5rnPd to meet in 'roan
hall. Crediton, on Friday, De.. 15. at
1 p. 111. -- H. Either. Clerk.
School Reports.
rhe following is the report for S. S.
No. 2. Stephen, for November: V.-
Iluy hill 75. Sr. 1 V. --Olive King 77,
I.tuia Sims 7(3, 1lerla•t•t Mitchell 71,
St,•wa , t Mitchell 71, Clayton Sims 58,
Everett Sinus 53. Jr. IV. -Beryl Hill
75. \bury Clutin3eus 64. Jr. II .-LiI-
li:en Stalls 70, Matilda Edwards 66, Eli
Siam, tie, James Carroll 57. Sr. 11. -
Sydney Smart 68. Jr. I1.-- Viola Cor-
nish 71, Irving Stahls (11, Andrew Flan-
a.g.ut 57. Sr. Part 1. -Gertrude King
73). Elizabeth Sims 64. Jr. Pt. 1. -
1lyrtle Sims 78.
O. \l. 'rut Her. Teacher.
following is the November report of
S. S. No. (3, tlsborne. V-Olivaeet•y-
hill. \\'i1Iie Elford, Alameda Heywood.
Sr. IN'. --Laura Godhult, Othellt Iley-
wood, Newton Clark. Jr. IV. -Lilly
Heywood, Nella I1eywood, Aline
Johns. Sr. III. --Hubert Jones, Ella
\'ale, Ella \Va:hbut•u.
Jr. Room, Jr. 11I. -Minnie Talbot,
Lillis (i,nlbolt, Pearl Gutty. SO. 11, -
,Ino. Brock, Arnold Clarke and Jennie
Campbell equal. Jr. 1I. -Emus Hey-
wood. Pt.II.-Alice Cr•eet•y. Sr. Pt. I.
Inez freer', Hardwick Cornish, Dia
Cornish Jr. Pt. 1. -May Clark.
D. McDougall l Teachers
W. Howard I
The following is a t eport of the stand-
ing of the pupils in S.S.No.4, Stephen,
for October. V. -Elgin Amy. Sr. IV.
Wilbur Morlock, Sybella Morlock,
Gladys Kestle, Idella Schwarz, Willie
Preszc etor, Lucille Schwarz, Minnie
Kastle, Nellie Amy, Ethel Kestle, Mer-
ino- Either. Jr. I V. -Lorne Morlock,
Harry Schwarz, Edwin Wein, Herbert
Wein. Sr. 111,-Arva Brokenshire,
Alvin Cornish, Leonard Schroeder,
Clarence Hinter, Beulah Smith, Her-
bert Kraft, Oscar Cornish. Jr.
Willie Schwarz, Schwarz, Emerson Schroeder,
Clinton Brown, Mildred Kluutpp, r1a-
hel Ooxwortb, Mervin Brokenshire.
Sr. I L -Gordon Cornish, Otter Brown.
Jr. II. -Lula Kestle, Clara Wein. Sr.
Pert II. -Emerson Roeszler. Jr.
Pt. i1. -Edon Amy, Clinton Morlock,
Emerson Wein. Sr. Pt. I. - iia Farber,
Joseph Schwettz, Joseph Brokenshire,
'� or h
Laving Smith, Mervin (.e xw t , Ed-
die Cornish. -G. W. Lawson, Teacher.
Smoot. RKI'11RT.-The following is
the report of the Sr. and Jr. Depar•t-
mnentta of S.S. No. 1, Stephen, for the
month of November. based on general
proficiency and good conduct. Sr. V.
Satnnel McCoy 764, Enos Windsor 097,
Vernon Wilson. Jr. V, -Harold Du -
plan 010, Willie Sims, Wilfred Hodgins.
Sr. I V.- -Margery Hepburn 1310, Gif-
ford Hogarth 1306, Archie Robinson
12292, czar ‘Nilson 1128, Gordon Wilson
999, Frank Jlitehell 970, Murray Elliott
863, Gladys Essery 819, Lily Robinson
793, Jos. White 779. Jr. iV.-Hazel
(licks 123(1, Eddie Sims 997, Mervin El-
ston 3)51, Austin Duplan 915. Sr. 111. --
John Hogarth 1086, Iva Essery 839,
Mal wnn Callfas 853. Maxwell Bay 'them
713, John White 501, Ross Wallis, Nor-
Minnie Botterill, teacher.
Jr. Department. -Jr. Ili. - Earle
Cellists 1(128, Elynter Wilsou 993, Ella
Baker 913, Harry Windsor 832. Roy
Cellists 688, Hubert White 564, Willie
Alexander, Edna Davey,Flossie Davey.
Sr•.11.--Fred Essery 1(M)1, Lloyd Eng-
land 773, Anthony White 688, Fred
F,eirhail 408. Jr. Ii.-Murvan Callfas
1181. Everett Callfas 1043. Lower Jr.
11. ---Vera Motz 1(67, Othello Motz 933.
Matleleitie Heist 891, Malt'an England
819, \Nellie Baker 709. I't. II. -Victor
That "Rich Fruity Flavor"
RESULT of expert blending of strong, rich
Indian Tea with delicate, fragrant Cu, ! ,n
Tea. That " rich fruityt avor as made 1:.•d
Rose Tea the table beverage of thousand' .,f
It distinguishes Red Rose Tea from all other
It ]Hakes it different from and better thin
any other tea ----it's a flavor you won't forget. 1 t
ed Ro
good Tea
T. H. Estabroolis
St. John, N.B., Toronto, K innaipced"
Hogarth 860, Mabel Elliott 503, Ethel Arthur Robinson. Elmer Wilson, Al -
Bowden 550, Hubert Neil 537, Eddie bet's Hackney George Hackney.
Alexander, Ralph Wallis. Pt. I.-1 Maude Porter. teacher.
Touch Typewriting
The students of the Forest City Business and
Shorthand College are taught Typewriting on Machines
with blank keys -blindfold the students and they will
operate at a high speed.
A touch operator can do more work and gets more
,Honey than a sight operator.
" Can you write by touch," is the first question
now usually asked the applicant for a position.
School term -Sept. till June inclusive. Bool.kt
free for the asking.
Principal. LONDON, ONT.
Winter Term Opens Jan. 2. Dunlop's Rosery
This is one of the best Commercial and Shorthand
schools in the Dominion. Our courses are thorough
and practical. Slang fluidness Colleges employ oar
graduates as teachers. All our graduates get go. -1
positions. Write for our free catalogue.
96 Yonlle St.
DerdoD's Choicest Flowers ouly dealt lo.
Floral belittles for all occasions.
Flowers shipped to any point h.twe,m Ilett•
fax and Calgary, and safe condition
illustrated Price List on application.
100.000 Rose Trees In bloom.
Load Disuses Pisan s Nips sad Saari,, Cells.
Vila 4700 Mais 2261 -
Make Your Christmas
holiday Goods
Now is the time to make your selections. Our stock is now complete in
Desirable Gifts for Everyone.
BOOKS, in all the newest bindings and by the best writer.
STATIONERY, in Fancy Boxes, Writing Sets and Fountain Pens.
CHINA, Japanese, Prussian, Old Greek, English, German and Bohemian Glassware.
LEATHER GOODS, Hand Bags, Portfolios, Billfolds, Purses, Cigar Cases and Music
Rol i s.
BURNT WOOD, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief and Necktie Boxes.
TRAVELLING CASES, Ladies' and Gents', Manicures, Military Brushes, Collars,
and Cuffs, Gloves and Handkerchiefs, Work Boxes.
MECHANICAL TOYS, Steam Engines, Tools, Air Guns, Autos, Arks, Acrobats.
131oeks 4311(1 f.i;lill("t.
Dolls, Doll Carriages, Sleighs, Rocking Horses, Christmas Cards,
Calendars and Booklets.
Come and see for yourself: we are stirs we can 1►1(uie.
The folln.vsaar tit the Nov. miser re• o.t of U tile. Nu*.il Hay ansa y •phen:
Charlton's Fair,1V.-F1 eel Surilh Kl. (3elmun Futd
71, Gordon Hooper ids. .1r. 1 V - 'Jsncy
Snaith 75, Clayton Prouty 47, Clifton
Exeter. '1