HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-14, Page 4Tc Cis of
Dcficious Flavor
It fright worry a man
with a microscope to
LH Grand Maga! Tea
from the corninon kind
by the looks: but a blind
man can tell the differ-
ence in the first sip.
q Grand Mogul Teas are
a positive blend of super-
lative qualities that never
deceive the user.
q Mountain grown in Cey-
lon, cured and blended by
experts. they enter your tea-
pot with a flavor that no
other tea possesses.
q They are a contribution
to good health.
(1 High in theine and low
in rennin --- means high in
flavor and not a m o r e
substitute for bitters.
T e i
q Sold only in packages - all tea.
no store dust, no microbes. Look
for the premium coupon in each
package. " Grand Mogul " shares
the advertising appropriation with
you by g,v.ng the p: rmiums. The
quality remains the same- the highest.
V zet tr gkb i ttite,
Sanders & Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, DEC. 14, '05
Every farther in Canada should read
the Family Herald & Weekly Star of
Montreal. it is without exception the
hest Family and Farm paper on this
Continent, and costs but one (10111r a
year, including their. most beautiful
picture,"Queen Alexandra Her Grand-
children and Dogs." it is the biggest
dollar's worth offered this season, and
no farmer should overlook it. The
Farmer's Manual &. Veterinary Guide
issued by the same paper should also
he inpe a
tb h ands of-
every fernier. i Par-
ticulars may be had at this alike or by
writing direct to the Fancily herald &
Weekly Stat', 11ontreal. No e:lerpris-
inv farmer should be without it. It is
1•ecoi ii ended by the bent authorities.
Samples caul he seen at this office.
Cent 1'81 i iii
It refight he rcrnanccd for tate benefit of
the Advocate subscribers and others that
the proprietors can give you a Clubbing
Rate equal to "the vary best.'
:Hiss Ethel 11urdoek, who has been
engaged as bookkeeper with Mr. Thos.
'Willis. has taken a similar position in
Lambe). Miss Koehler of 'Zurich is
finite( the vacancy het e.- -Mr. (lodsave
who has been pressing hay in the vi-
cinity of Parkhill for Mr. Cnlwill re-
turned here with the press Friday. --
Dir. Oils Coughlin last week stripped
19 beau! of choice cattle to Guelph for
exhibition at that Fat Stock show.
They will afterwards be sent to Toron-
to. -Mr. (sus Coughlin, who has been
Indisposed for several days, is recover-
ing. --Percy Simpson captured severe)
prizes et the recent poultry show at
Seaforth for his White Wyarrdottes.
Percy} eon boast of having some of the
best birds in the county, --The anni-
versary services in connection with
the Methodist church will be held on
Sunday and Monday next. Rey. 11.
McTavi+h, of Granton, will be the
pt'eecher for the occasion. A supper
will be served on Monday evening in
the basement of the church. --Richard
Sando has rented his house to Thomas
Essery, who takes possession in Janu-
ary. -A number from here attended
the anniversary services at James st.
church. Exeter. on Sunday evening.
The singing of Mr. Pink of London
was very touch appreciated by all as
was also the instructive sermon deliv-
ered by Rev. Cerebron of London.
ATTBMI•T AT ifeutnilti. --An atternp.t
wag made to break into Hanlon & O'-
Brien's store on Tuesday tight of Last
week. From the tracks in the `now
it was shown that the party had first
tried to gain nn entrance by pryieg at
the windows but finding these secure.
ly fastened he went around to the rear
of the building and broke tri one of the
panels of the heck door. This done
he could have easy access to the store,
but the nrir•auder evidently beeline
frightened as authing' as tar has can
he seen is missing.
Por hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
blade, you cannot take any-
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
own doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and heals.
- r Yd a tserlhre eerie. f.., weeks. Then I
Viet Ayes*, ('terry )', 'cr.1 sad only on.
IMOD emnpletely eared m.
NIS. J. a. DAsn,aTH. sl. Je.olek, Irick.
Ile .16e .11* J. C• Avast tr. ,
.al arrugthillI. for
Coughs, Colds
Y•u w111 hasten recovery by tale. '
Ing one of Ayer's Ptlia at bedtime. I F
31 us. Bily.•a of 'flee t,.l..la' spent Sun.!
day with her meth's, \II•s. J. Atkin-
son. -Miss Kuuu.t Da. is of Killion
spent Sunday with her sister, Miss'.
Rose.- 31t. Pebbles and 'Mks M. An-
derson of St. Marys spent Sunday at
the letter's home. -11 iss Usborne of
Bowmanr•ille is the guest tot her cous-
in, Misr.. Lily NVerry.--hiss Ferguson
of tie recuse, N.Y., who has toren the
guest of Miss Bella Malloy for the
past ttwo month-, returned house uti
1'ur-sd.ty.--31r.and .s1rs. Nelson Fite ch -
e: of Killion w" ited at Jaun•s Murry's
on Sunday attid attended our anniver-
sary services. -Mussell ('.•ago spent
Sunday with it'll' Arthur. -Out' next
Literary meeting will be held in An-
derson wheal house on Dee. 10. A
good time is expected.- Fred Snaith is
laid up with blood poison in his hand.
i evi Carter•, who spent the summer
soman in the \Vest, returned home
last week. -Miss 11ughes of Ilaierton
spent Sunday with Miss Jell. -Miss
McCannless of Ildertoi is spending a
few days with her cousin, Miss Laura
I[askett,-Miss 1linnie Cunnitighnnt,
after spending several months in De-
troit, returned home Saturday. --Miss
E.J. Cunningham was visiting friends
in Brinsley during the past week. -
The 1.O.F. intend giving an oyster
supper and con..ett in their hall on
Tuesday evening next -Bishop 1Vi1-
liams held confirmed :,n set vices in St.
James' church on Sunday last. The
church was crowded and all were de-
lighted with the discourse of the able
divine. A large class took the rite of
confirmation, which was impressively
conducted by the Bishop. The solo
by Miss Haskett was admirably ren-
dered and well received
Miss Maggie Baxter left for New
York Monday. -Miss Mary Lynch is
visiting at her brother's home in Mer-
rill, Mich. -Mrs. Shearon and family
have returned to Detroit after spend -
nog a few weeks visiting Mrs. Shear-
on's parents, Me. and Mrs. McKinnon.
--Mr. Viii. Holt had as good sale on
Thursday. We are sorry to see Mr.
Holt and fancily leaving our midst. -
Mr. John McPhee returned home last
Friday after at few years residence in
British Columbia. -Mrs. Holt left last
Monday for Hat es[ on business. -'two
of our young tnen got intoa brawl one
evening last week and caused consider-
able excitement in our midst. They,
however, had their we cooled off by
alae timely arrival of Policeman Baxter
and a Ur. Schroeder, who took them in
hand and straightened theta up in a
manner they won't sown forget. -Quite
an exciting horse race took place on
the road Saturday. Two farmers with
fast (') horses happened to meet and
the speed qualities o
f their
equines was at once the subject 01 dis-
cussion. It. was,which had the fastest
beast. The only way to decide the
matter was a trial of speed. At it they
went and a most exciting race of the
John Gilpin style ensued. It was de-
cided, however, that Joe lost the heat.
The time reported is 2:221.
Spicket stood on the sliding plain;
Bob slipped up the sliding lane,
Shoved him with all his tuight and fain
His head went through the window
Mr. and',1i-s. J. Donnell, who [MVO
been resitting on the town line for some
time, have moved to St. lfau•ys where
they in: -ed making their future home.
While sorry to lose this worthy couple
we wish them every happiness in their
new hotne.-Chas. ilall of Lieury is
daily recovering from the effects of
his recent accident.- Kilraen Baynton
who recently rented his farm for a
tetra[ of yeau•s, has gone to London
where he has accepted a position. -
A little son hats arrived tin brighten
the horse of Mr. and .Urs. Ninian
Grieve. -Iles. K H. Upgrove has gone
to St. Louis where she intends resid-
ing for the winter. -Geo. Bloomfield
and son, Walter, have rented J. Mein -
tyre's 2011 -acre farm, 12t.h con., West
Williams, end will take possession
next Gill. -Chicken thieves ale oper-
ating is our neighlanhood at present.
-Janes McCaffery has purchased the
met ry-go-tmind owned by NV. 31. Ilse,
of Dashwood. -Mrs. Hurst and little
son, Harold, who have been on an ex-
tended visit to friends in this neigh.
boyhood, have returned to their home
in Rat Portage. -The death occurred
at the home of Stephen Cunzens on
Friday of Alex. Clarkson at the age of
30 years. A short time ago deceased
came here from Kiondyke to visit old
friends and appeared to be enjoying
his usual health up to the day of his
demise when he was stricken with
heart failure and passed away very
suddenly. He is survived by hts par-
ents and one brother and one sister,
.all of who are at Klondyke. The fam-
ily formerly resided near Ooderich.
The funeral took place Sunday to the
I'at•khill cemetery.
MELANCHOLY 8t11('inf--Thio com-
ity was sadly shocked on Wednes-
d ,v last, when it. became known that
'r►mtnas Rees, of lest 2S, Con. 6, had
taken his life by hanging. Mr. Rees
was one of the most respected farmers
of the township, but for some time his
nc nil had been unbalanced and it was
only a week previous that he ball re-
turned home from the London Asylum
where he had spent several months.
However. he appeared notch improved
both mentally and physically. Oct
Wednesday he was helping the hired
male to draw in wood from the hush.
One load had been taken to the house
and rtnload(•d and they were about. to
return for t he second when Alt. Rees
suggested that he would stay at the
►p itu to do the chores. while the hired
mai went for the wood. Thus agreed
the hired man went for the worst and
Mr. Rees entered the herrn. Thio was
the last seen of hits alive. Ile had
g )lae into the mow, fastened one end
of the rope to the purlin piste and the
other around his neck anal then ump-
e 1 off. The hired man returned in dne
time tint the wood and toot seeing Mr.
lt•"e4 slit ring around went into the
here tori there to his great horror dis-
soya•r.•d the lifeless body of deceased
satspended by n trope. ilesides the
grief stricken widow he leaves two
hildren--son and daughter- who here
lie profound svrep-.thy of the whole-
•n000nity. The funeral took Were
rid ►y,
- -ON--
My kit tens three. were white and gray,
Twits hard to keep them clean;
No swatter how ( worked each day.
The kits looked very mean.
They'd go out in the morning clad
So tidy arid so trine; [sad,
At flight they'd come horse looking
With clothes so soiled and grim.
I could not keep them tidy, neat,
One hour of the day
When they were in the fleld or street,
With other cant at play.
I then procured the DIAMOND DYES
And made it dye bath hot,
And to my kittens great surprise,
1 dipped theta in the put.
To -day my kittens all are dressed
In Black so rich and deep;
I mourn no more, and now aur blessed
Whene'er I roam 01' sleep.
The moral of my song is plain.
To women bright and wise;
If you would pleasure, profit gain,
Just use the DIAMOND DYES,
Died in the Dentist's Chair.
Seaforth, Dec. 6.-A most unfortun-
ate and regrettable occurrence was the
death this morning of Mrs. Thomas
1).tvson, Babylon Line, near Varna,
in the dental office of Dr. It. R. Ross.
town. Deceased cause to town accom-
panied by her physician, Dr. Rogers,
of Brucetield, to have several teeth ex-
tracted. and just as the operation was
completed, collapsed, and although
every mean was tried could tint he re-
vived. e
H t pulse t hroughont had been
steady and strong, and there was no
indication wt+►levet
f t o
t 1 fatal
nmination, ft is perhaps unnecessary
to state that no blame attaches to
either Drs. Rogers or Ross. A leading
physician of town stated that the un-
fortunate affair was nruloubtedly one
of those rare crises of idiosyncrasy in
which the most rigid precautions and
careful watchfulness would be of no
avail. The deceased wasabont 35 years
of age and leaves a little girl nlpot11
four years old. flet' husband died
about three months ago. For some
years 31r. and Mrs. Rowson conducted
a hotel at Hensen, where both were
well and favorably known.
Dr. N. D. Buchanan has returned
from his visit to Toronto and Belle-
ville. -Messrs. Arthur Sreenun and
Jos. Muss(•ati, of St. Joseph have gone
to Sarnia, where they intend remain-
ing. -Mr. Oster a former resident of
Drysdale, lost his eldest son recently,
by drowning. The fancily now reside
art Rainy River district. --The trustees
of U.S.S. No. 1. Stanley, hove engaged
Miss Helen Sparks as teacher for 100(1
at a saley of $:100. --Mrs. F,ngelberg.
sister of Mrs. Adam Faust, passed
away at her home near Grafton, N,D.,
a few days ago at the age of 29 years.
-Peter Denomnie, of the Matilde line,
won the horse at Harry Ran's rafile it
few days ago. -Oscar Klapp( has re-
turned from HLtnitnb,l.-.lies ('lura
Walper who has hod change of J.
Preeter's millinery depot trent, has
returned to her home. --Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Sparks of Blake recently cele-
brated the twentieth anniversary of
the marriage. Chinaware was in or-
der for the day and many friends as-
scml'led to do honor to the host and
hostess. --Chas. Johnson of Stanley
[net with an accident the other day.
Ile was trying to prop open a door
and it being very windy thedonr•carrle
off iia hinges and fell knocking Mr.
Johnson to the ground with the door
on top of him, with the result that one
of his ribs was broken. -Mr, and Mrs.
Martin Worm of the Bronson Line,
Hay, on Thursday celebrated their sil-
ver wedding.
Rev. E. Sanders has resigned the
pastorate of the E(piseopal (leech here
and removed to Tilsonhurg.-D. H.
Sreli of Hartford, Con re, one of Lnr:ut's
old boys was one of the lucky in the
Hartford lottery, hotting won $7.501
for a 60k. ticket. ---Nal. 1[awkshnw has
returned from the West. -Jos. Forest,
who has been wine clerk at the Royal
Hotel, Pnrkhill, for some years, has
purchased the Western Hotel at Lu -
can. The Board of License Commis-
sioners will he asked for a transfer of
license front John McPalis, who has
ie.'n conducting the place. --Mr•..1. H.
Howard, who for a number of years
has been running a repair shop. has
sold name to Petry Hodgins, and has
accepted a position with the Wort -
min A•. Ward Co., of London. --While
walking on the street the other day
B. Stanley had the misfortune to get
his foot caught in the grating causing
him to fell heavily to the ground. Ile
received n cut over the eye. We are
pleased to learn that he is getting
along nicely. --John Piper, committed
011 a charge of indecent assault pre-
(erred by Mrs. Phillips. carne before
.i,, igo. Jfncheth last week. Ile was re.
lensed on hail furnished by his enttnsel
.1. F. Florida. It was clamored that
Piper will take proceedings ,tgeinst
Mrs. Philips for false rosiest anti el•
!eget' attempt et hlaeknrnil. it is also
reported that other warrants may be
isslaed growing out of the trial of Pi-
per nn a elate.. of attempting to as.
sant Mrs. Philips,
Mr, Chester Hope and family have
moved to Parkhill and are occupying
routes it) the Boyce Block, --The chief
of police was nutitied Friday of a series
of thefts that have occurred around
(ireelit Way. Hen roosts have been
rotated right and left. Investigation
may he made. -At a trustee meeting
held in Boston Methodist church last
week .piss Mae Nilson was appaoit.tcd
organist and Miss Jessie 'rustier assist-
ant. -Some one lost a gold watch neat'
the school. Ask the teacher about it.
-In starting the acetylene gas ma-
chine connected with the Boston Meth-
odist church recently, the air not being
all out of the pipes an explosion re-
sulted, damaging the machine consid-
erably. No one was hurt.
FIRM.- The building on the farm of
31r. Graham, south elf here, had a nar-
row escape from destruction by fire
Alenday night. In the pig pen which
is close to the ()diet buildings, was a
for force foto trolling feed for the pigs,
and the pen in some way caught tire
and was destroyed. together with ten
pigs. By hard work on the part of Mr.
Graham and some neighbors they were
able to prevent the lire from spreading
further, although it was only by dint
of the hardest work that they tvet•e
able to keep the fire from catching on
to a straw stack (lose at hand. Had
this caught nothing could have saved
the other buildings. As it is 11 r- (ira-
hauu's loss will he considerable. He is
cougralulating himself that it was no
worse, as his buildings are all of the
E. Treffry bas moved to the faros he
recently purchased from Mrs. McCor-
mick, on the 12th concession of Haty.-
The population of our thriving little
village is increasing. A little son bless-
es the home of D. Bt -inane'', while a
wee girl gladdens the hearts of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Gormley. -Alpert Ryckman
is on a visit to Michigan, -Mrs. Leach,
who sprained her ankle a few days ago
is getting on as well as can be expect-
ed, -The Methodist Sabbath school
will commence at 10 a.m. instead of
9:30 for the winter months and church
service at 11. -Thos. Swale bas return-
ed front the West. He hes now com-
pleted his three years out there and
has the deed of 160 acres of the fertile
'land of the west. Two of his sons each
have homesteads alongside of their
father, snaking 480 in a block. -The
great annnai shonting match carte orf
Wednesday at Mennen Brintnell's.
Wilbert I3engough, who recently re-
turned from the Nest. is learning the
tonsorial business with his uncle, Mr.
Fred 11x1 n . -
t s R. Taylor and 1
) t g
have moved their• clothes cleaning Inert-
ness to the residence east of \V. Col -
will's. -Mrs. W. R. Hodgins has re-
turned from her trip to the \Vest.-
itev. W. A. Gifford, B.A. preached
missionary sermons in the Methodist
church on Sunday. -Mrs. Dodds of
Manitoba is on at visit to her roaster,
Mrs. ll. Ilabkirk.-R. Patterson, sr.,
is very low at present. -bliss Bessio
Beattie of Barrie spent at few days in
town during the week.-Roht. Camer-
on has returned from rt trip to Mani-
toba. -The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. John McEwendeeply sympathize
with them in their sad bereavement
in the death of their' daughter, Iles.
A. G. hose at Ottawa a few days ago.
Mrs. Idose, who was ill only eight days
le'tves her husband and a son six years
Usbortte Council,
Osborne Council met at Township
Hall, on Dec. 2nd. All present. 1115)11 -
tea of last meeting read and approved.
Nomination meeting will be held in
the Township Hall, Eii►uville, on Fri-
day, Dec. 22nd at 1 o'clock p.m. If
ruore [haul the required reuniter of
candidates are nominated polls will be
held on Monday, Jan. 1, 1906, as fol-
lows: Div. 1, Township Hall, Elite-
ville. Sidney Andrews, D.R.C.; Div. 2,
Lot tt, N.TIL, John W. Horsey: Div. 3,
[.opt 2, Con. 10, Afatthew Rotitl '; Div,•i,
Public Hall, Farquhar, A. Duncan.
By -Law No, 6 appointing Deputy Re-
turning Officers and fixing time and
place of nomination was passed, sign -
(•d end stetted. d. Rubt. Duupe's claim
for damages by the destruction of wa-
le!* priest/ ges caused to Lot 15. Con.
11, township of Usborne. by the con-
struction of the Gardiner Drain, MIR
settled by the payment of $50 to Mr.
Doupe. The Reeve and Treasurer were
authorized to borrow on their note,
such sums as ate necessary to pay all
the balance of expenditure on Gardi-
ner Drain account, over and above the
amount levied and collected by author-
ity of Icy -Law No. 2, 1901: and an as-
sessrrtent ordered to he levied on all
lands and made liable to assessment
for said work, to raise the amount of
said expenditure, together with inter-
est and expenses. Ily-Law No. 2. li%)I
to he amended accordingly. The ac-
count of the Board of Health for ser-
t'ices a 10 expenses, amounting to $2.t,
was paid to the Secretary for distribu-
tien. A large remitter of eccnuots
were passed and ordete issued in pity -
inept. Council then adjoureetl to
meet on Friday, Dec.15,at One o'clock,
F. Morley, Clerk.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by li al application., as they rennet reach the die
easel portion of the ear. There ie only- one war to
ore dcatnra.,and that i. by roodilulional remelts.
I►eafness le cruise.[ by an Inflamed condition of the
mutons lining./ the )81,IA. hian Tato.. at'hen tilp
tube i. inflame.1 you ha.e a smutting to of in,
p•erfeet hearing, and w hen it le entirely closed, Dean
ne.e is the result, and mile.. the inflammation can
hie taken eft and this tube restored to ite normal
enndition, hearing will fie deetrnnd forever; nine
'aa.e. nut of ten are caused by Catarrh, which i. noth•
ing hut an inflamesl condition of the mucous surfaces.
We "ill give One !Modred Dollars for any case of
Deafneae caul be Catarrh that cannot he eared by
!fall'. Catarrh Core. Send for circular. free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio
Sold by all !nogg at.. 7:. cent`
Take Itatr.Family Pills for constipation.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tbeonly safeeftet'tual monthly
merllcaneon which women can
dep.-n(1 Sold in two derre••s of
strength- No. 1. for ordinary
ess"s, 51 per box; No. 2, 11p0�e
SI per box SJdRob, ail
drwgppaa..Ha. Ask for cooks Cot-
ton Boot Compound; take nu
Taw Cook Medicine co.. Windsor, Ontario
Royal Household Flour
Is Always Uniform
—Why ?
, .011
t41.-4 mi:,u ///i/Pt 1 1 /
• , . �''Zim, i,, 1r`.ops ,..otos.,
It is one thing to make flour pure, well
balanced and gtrong, it is another thing to
have it uniformly so --to make flour that is
precisely the same in purity and nutriment
on Saturday as on Monday—in May as in
Because the "Royal Household" mills
have the finegt testing equipment available
and unlimited resources for securing
perfect wheat, they. can and do
produce—every working day in the
year — fourof precisely. uniform
Atrength, nutriment and purity.
That is why Royal Household Flour
makes always the veli' befit bread and
pastry, year in and year out.
That is why Royal Household Flour
is the mogt reliable—the most successful flour
—and being scientifically puri(ed by elec-
tricity it is the purest—the best of all flours.
The next flour you buy ask for "Royal
Household"—and try it for yourself.
Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament I8i.Ji
Head Office,
- Montreal
Capital Paid t7p $3,000,000
Reserved Fund•• • • • • • • • • • • • $3,000,000
OFriCt: 'milts 10 a. tn. tort p. n,. SATURDAYS, la, a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
1)11:11•"rS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States 1 girt anti sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES :wide to Farmers. Stock Dealers and Business Mee at
lowest rates and 00 11)081 favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department
Deposita of s1 and upwards received. interest corn-
s pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30111
and December 314.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
I)Icicsox & C'-tnt.lso, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager,
A Great 30 Day Sale
At the Dashwood Furniture Nouse.
Our show room is now packed full of
the latest of all kinds of furniture,
bought at the lowest prices. And in
orrder to make room for our Spring
Stock we will
Make a Cut on Eyery Article We Have in Stock
So do not mis3 this great opportunity
of furnishing your rooms for Less
Money than at any other Furni-
ture House in Western Ontario.
Call before purchasing and get our Prices.
Peter Mclsaac. Dashwood.
UK.5Trfa,—Mrs. John (fray, a former
resilient of Hibbert, passed away at
the hospital in Dauphin. Ms n., recent•
ly, after undergoing an operation. -
Mrs. Shea while preparing to visit her
daughter, Mr•s.Stepleton. was stricken
with paratlysis. Shortly efterw•nrd she
rallied a little and her son tarok her to
her danghtci's but she never regained
conscionaness. passing twat• �loodny.
She wss always a remarkably smart.
.cote 0111a 0, .ped a good true friend.
The funeral took place on \Vednr wits
to St. ('olnmben cemetery, where her
rennins were I:t41 heside those of her
Intel -and, who died some years ago.
Ifyou, your Wendt or relatives suffer with
Pia, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or : ailing
Sickness, wrote far a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such discasct to Tile Letters Co..
:se fling Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All
druggists sell or can obtain f r) as