HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-14, Page 33 1:H1;UMATIC SUFFERERS. 1 THE WORST ('RI:l1INALS. Will rind a Certain Cute in the Prison Chaplain Says They Are Use of Dr. Williams Pink Pill's. i Often Teetotallers. Rheumatism is a disease of th_ i "Some call use the friend of the bIu)d. Every doctor now admits under dog, which is perhape the Vett- think that rheumatism was brought stun tot the Con%ict Prison on Dart- on by colds it; the joints and unto- moor %till) the hiewilictioit 4.f the rtes. Now they know that cold never Wallop of Loudon " ,lurttel the disease -cold only sets. Wit these word!:, lI-•• Rev. J. fart• lite Indus going. 'the uu►atisut can uteI-Itobinson, yi:•ar 1,1 s:l. Ufit•h,tt: early be cured by curing the bad , and All Angels', Bcd(or.l fart., I.ot.- binud which causes it. Dr. Williams' don, W., prefaced ,t utt•-' ill? tr,•sl in,; Pick fills always cur s rheuivat istn. , account of his [trent 1 i -t' to tt ,f because they actually take new 1 wen -known penal eslablishna tot. rich red blood, which drives out the; What struck Mr. lair , t•!-Itobies•e: Poisonous acids, loosens the Sti:ft I "t ; very forcibly was that drink cunt ;•i - itching joints and muscles and re- i Luted very little to the downhill of store, the ncfiuulatic sufferer to i those that ho met, •'Uany of 1It:• health and happiness. Dr. Williams' worst cases were teetotalers," he Pink Pills have cured rheumatic st.f- added. ferers. some of them when they w••ro l One cony ict, who rcntiuded 1' of almost hopeless cripples. 1r. 7'. It. i Pickwick, had spent forty years in Smith, Caledonia, Out., say s: -"For ! prison. and was an old burglar. But a numher of years 1 was baldly trou- ho "had no 'grudge against society bled with rlteulnutisln, and was so that punished him.' Still hu ac:- crippled 1 could scarcely do u t•: j nowlt.wIged that he would at once work I tried quite a number of resume his old pastime if release I, medicines. but they did not hili) me 1 and would add to the forty years of 'Dieu I saw Dr. Williams' Pink PAN ' sentences it necessary. Another, advertised as u cure for this trouble, more violent being, clothed in an un - and got a supply. After I had take', { tearable canvas suit, had tamed u u few boxes 1 saw they were helpiii4 ; little mouse, which in a small box me, and I continued taking the pills lined with cotton wool he proudly throughout the winter, and all now showed his visitor, reuuu'kiiig, "1 completely cured. 1 hate since work- think 1 should die if anything; should tui out of doors in cold weather with- happen to it" -recalling the en ei out. a coat, and did not feel even a the convict tried by Lord Itraung't:t.i taInge of the trouble." tor murdering n warder, who had If you aro suffering froin any die- ruthlessly slaughtered the prisont'I s case due to bad blood or disorder., 1 pet mouse and only friend. nerves, 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills will Ile told also of a convict who pos- cure you, because they make new sassed $70,000, and had taken u rich blood, which goes right to the great fancy to a companion in nits - root of the disease and drives it fortune about to leave. Ile asked from the system. That is why Dr. the chapluin's assistance to set t Ie 11'illiauls' Pink )'ills cure such frau- $5,000 on the other man in order t,i hies as anaemia, indigestion, pull')-. give him a new start, he feeling sure tat ion of the heart, neuralgia, head- that no ret urn to the pat h of crina aches and backaches, kidney and would be made. - liver troubles, St. Vitus Dance. P:' "ion once asked Inc to marry you. alysis, and the special secret ail- I said 'No,' Perhaps if you asked nee Rho ods witwrote n ►ria%� c:t od and'rent irl odifferent," meats of g b again it would bed But only the genuine pills can do noble -hearted girl to a convict boa'• this and these always have the (n'1 ing an honored name. From his 1)0 OW "1)r. Williams' fink )'ills for prison cell he proposed, and on his Pale 1'eople." oto the wrapper around release the chaplain married th+ each box. Sold by Medicine dealers couple, whose life is now one of hap - everywhere, or sent by mail at :0 pines and uprightness. cents a box or six boxes for $2.5t., +.-- by writing the i)r. Williams MedicineThe Stomach's "Weal or \\'eel"- 'ff►e Co., Brockville, Ont. stomach is the centre front which, from kMA/.IPPA AND 'TIii: COSSACKS. The %curd cossack means robber, and the Rahe Cossacks was given by the 'Turks to n race in manners. ap- pearance. and language like .the Russians. but who are said not to be really akin to thein. The Cos- sacks ei Little )Russia, and the Don Gusset.., are said to be the most unscrupulous robbers in the world. 'Hwy excel In horsemanship, and forte a large part. of the Russian • 'Imperial Cavalry. Styled some- times the spies of the Tsar, they 13Avewdg W." •e •4000e LtYLR 14501111 RS t,MiTED. 1011,)010 Oaf 10•.11.11.1c.“0.00•0 050..1 nor 1..4 1,04rt0.1.41.4 IN, .O•. II se4,0/1.10.. 01.0.1,011•4... 00 co.4.•.a•wf,.w•rost••Iw,ta.s rlllRANI""D UEREECTIY PURE,CENUINE,E.. V FREE ffc:A)ULIfRATION hi.LD(AtER5.., d UTHUtdZED 10 RETUR5 PURCHASE MONEY To ANrOht FINDING CAUSE /OR COMPLAINT. LL J t 1 __L._ I__ It Your Money Refunged In the dealer from wlfom you buy Sun. light Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. $5,000 reward Will be paid toany person w h o proves that SunU"htSoap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. Equally good with hard or soft water. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto is7 WHA')' A 1'U N COST. According to John 51ow, chroni- cler and antiquary, about. 1500, who wrote, and published "Sum- marie of i':nglysh Chronicles," Si; William 1'ollingwood was executed in 141 -hl for writing the following sshieh,poli- tical squib, in a luaunel , in his day, was roti idered most excel- lent wit: The rat, the cat. and Lovel the slog Yule all England under the Hog. This was during the reign of itich- ard 111 at a time when the chief the standpoint of health, flows "weal or agents of his cat it srhenes were Cat woe." :\ healthy stomach means per-.esby, Hatclilf. and Love!: Lovel was feet digestion - - perfect digestion then a cotnp:ution name for a dog. nleuns strong and steady nerve centresand as u whit,: hour was display -ed -strung nerve centres means good circ on the King's escutcheon, the reier- culalion, rich blood and good health. •'1►ce t4. a "hug" was obvious and South American Nervine makes and so uffensico that it nought about keeps the stomach right. --52 the writer's death. --4 HOW SNAKE E♦ ATS EGGS LIFE ON THE RAIL IS A HARD ONE Little Reptile Gets Duck's Egg Down Its Throat. A little snake was recently present- ed to the Paris Museum of Natural - keep the Nihilists in greater check history, whose capabilities in the than al.v other power, and number way of swallowing are the wonder of C. P. R. ENGINEER'S EXPER- ll,arn rt:•re than a million men. Ma- all observers. •IENCE WITH DODD'S KID- •ri•ppe, rt Uon teeeeick, the subject This snake is only about the thick- NEY PILLS, of Ityrou's poem, when condemned to ncss of a man's linger, and was he is mkt! ug•on a wild horse, and caught in the act of swallowing a - borne away to his fate, was carried duck's egg. The question is, hots They Brought Back His Strength towards the 1. krainp. on the bord- does it truuwge to get down its ors o: Poland, and, being rescued by throat such a thing as a duck's egg. When he Could Neither Relit nor Cossacks, became their chief. not only so much larger than itself Sleep. ♦ but hard and perfectly smooth'? '1'ia'ri1!NO THOU IILF.. A prububle supposition is that a .Winnipeg, \Ian., Dec. 1. -(Special). couple of membraneous folds which -Mr. lien Rafferty, the well-known Teething is generally accompanies! have 114,01 discovered, one on each C.P.R. engineer, whose hoarse is at by nervousness, irritability an 1 side Of the mouth. lay hold upon the 175 Maple Street, is one Winnipeg stontac•h disorders, which may lea 1 shell like .upping glasses anti thus man who swears by 11odd's Kidney to serious consequences if not prompt work it into the throat. But after Pilis. ly treated. Baby's Own Tablets is rho egg has passed throueh the tats- "Long hours on the engine and the the best medicine in the world for tended jaws it would scene as if its mental strain broke down my can - teething children. They allay the ir.-, hulk and solidity when lodged in a slitl11ion,'' Mr. Rafferty says. "My !lamination in the tender swoollen comparatively inelastic portion of back gave out entirely. •I'e::iLle, genie. correct the disordered stone ; the digestive tube. whose juices were sharp, cut t ing pains followed oat aclt, and help the teeth through pain- unable to dissolve the shell, would another. till 1 telt 1 was being steed tussle.. Mrs. 'f. Nutt, Raymond, prove fatal to the animal. awn} piecemeal. 1 would coma an Ont., sacs: "My baby sutTereel terri- ')'his snake has no teeth, but so- tired to deaf from a run. My sour lily while teething, but us soon as 1 called gular teeth are present, beim; desire would he to get rest trio began Kiting: hint Betty's Own Tal: really the tips of the long inferior sleep, and they were the very Haines lets he improved in every w'uy and i' spines of the first eightor nine ver- I could not get. Finally 1 had t . now a bright healthy child." The tebrat protruding through its food lav off work. Tablets also cure colic, constipation. passage. When the shell is broken "')'hen 1 started to take Deed'. diarrhoea, indigestion, simple fevers! by the gttlnr teeth it is ejected, and, Kidney I'iills, and the first night acct a►rid destroy worries. They ure guar- the fluid passes info the stunuicll• using thein I slept soundly. In three orite•.i to cont etiri not one particle of 1 + days 1 threw unity the belt, 1 have opiate or harmful drugs. and may be I\S1 BF:1) AGAINST LOSS. worn for years. Dodd's Kidney Pitts given with equally good results lo Nii1.14- My wife lle‘et lures her lem, cured u•." the new born bnby or 1 he well grown per. child. Sold by rill druggists or sent Daggs-- Ilow• do you account for Leaving out of clrnsid.ralion the: by mail at '25 cents o box by writ- tat'( ne and telegraph, the capital telephoclat ing the Dr Williams' Medicine Co . Nags -She keeps it in such eenslnnl telephone in Britain in electrical in- ltroekytile, Ont. use it in►5 n' rhnnce In gel Incl, iin- dustries repro: cuts al not lass suit LIVING' IIAROIiE'1'l115. THE •'COFFtE HEART," than J: ut 230,CI1N1,OtiO sterling. Among 111.• hest of the lit ing bar-' - ore -errs lire snails, whitlt do not It Is as Dangerous as the Tobacco The t.sesury ul.t sound thrnatAlt rohh.t lunge .• moa.% keenly enjr ed by people who. having drink in the er.linnry sense of the or Whisky Heart. suffered from a •'little cold, you know," have terns. but a►bsor!. 'st111'e during been rescued from mi•ory and danger by Allen's the wet weather, directly through ' 1'"1148' heart" is teimmen to manyLung ital.aw t the skin, ad exu'le i1 afterwards. jj1'''' 'twce and is linbie 1" 14"1141 tl•e•' As 1t,ey are aux tolls not to have the "`"' to his or her long home if ':,.•. The deepest. graving dock in t1:,1 n.00slOr.' .1ug'trrale loo quickly, ' dreg is persisted in. Von •:•• r.• United Kingdom has just been con►- thu� .[rating n pr.u:a+arr thirst, :i0 or 40 yards acid Lind 4.111 11 a u1 g'letcrl at Southampton, and will he which rnm,t.t be conveniently satin- heart is troubled. A lady sthu aa..t,lrtilally opened at the end of the once n victim of the • coffee hent'. le ..... it mem h. bel, they ie.p. 4airing dry weather' writer (rola Oregon: ::,'.•,,,',..11". iiucltig; ahro•td ♦ RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. "1 have h4•en a hnhitunl greet• of 41,1,1,1'."1,;:e1,,,,: ols'fere rain 11.1- + coffee all my life and have suffered - Media tety beton ft dowufrill, they %er much in recent years from ail- Their ronlp)ete home [nay In• R4"•11 climbing the trunks of metes which I became satisfied were free to readers of trees "11 hu.ily geltii':g in "niung;st • directly due to the poison in the bey- For limited period the lenges (1nnt5 aseenible in erne... seep as torpid giver anti Mile clouds under trees, and In rs•'s grow . gestion. which in tarn trade my conl- rest less Swane, SS hero t hey are:'lexion blotchy and nimbly. plentiful, tnny be sten flying against ; •''Ilien nee heart became affected. tee wind. spiders crowd on the ' It would heat facet rapidly just of trill!,. 1',1a1Is 4 onH- .1411 of their hub.••:; 1 ter 1 drank my curie e•, and go I►elnw and pi1,l(1I:. 111411• b•• seen going to normal ns the coaTer effect wore WI. the Ili•%le-eaten earlier 1hnn newel , `iome!inv•• try pulse• w.' iihl go as 4 high as 117 henna to the luil'lte. 11y VONDEILS IN ('11l:I SF I fancily were greatly alariii, 2 :4t my One 4.f 1 be lmoet re•t sot seienl i(ir ,: t'ondit ion and n1 lnst in. '' h• r toe i - Irl pint is the ultra-microscope, 1 sualICd Inc to begin the lire. of Pee which cou'dsts in the npplieattion to • 111111 1'. 1 ('otTe'. the 1111(1osenps• of highly cohrentraet- i "1 gt411e up the old cu1T.'e 4•n11rel. red artificial light by the aid of 1 and absolutely, and made I'osillil powerful lenses and pri'nest. The re trey sole table beverage. "this Ayes 6 salt iv sr g''cally to increase the menthe ago, nnil all my ills. the i•t- , ing 'envoi. that millions of 'iigestion. inactive liter and ticket, wing '''1 te pine fries bit herto bete nal the rang.• heart net inn, have passed am1e. . int ,.f the Onicr„ecupe are rendered tis- nw eomph'xiun leas beelune `lea' and ible The ell re -microscope. tore mil elle improvi ierlit set in very soon niter 1 mai the chane_•. has rotruleti. amongst ot her things. peat as soon n9 the coffee poitmi heti (1011 and st rang"` living creatures time to work out of toy s' stela. mot iog about in a drop of human _myIttisttnnd lull nls., seen greatly blond 171• the old form t)f mieru- b,'ndtit1ed 1.v the use of Preemie and atop. only imtc(ile nlicruxrapie• we find that a !emelt. brenkfnct with tlumttei could lie p1)01Ogrnt'lied Ani I l'c,ctlim. is uc satisfying and inure tetti ity, unh'sa very slow was lost sIrenggthrning than the old heavier altogether Even the very slow meal we need to have with the other (movements , ituss'd blurring e. Cutler kind of ro!ee.e• Name given b.: the new microscope bacteria of n11 Pos,iln ('o . !tattle Creek. 11irh ri?.a stand cleatty Frmntetl their 'here's a reason. head the liltt• slightest movements being plainly hook, ' The Bond to %','elh tile," tit st Mble. Peas cure. Post this paper. only. A haudt•'n,c leer trete.' tr. at Ise, giv- ing full dem: 1.1nm tI 1'hcuniat1tm and Paralysis, with instruct s for a com- plete home cam, describing thin most sura.,aful treatment of the world. re- commtnded by the Ministry and endors- 141 by medical hien 'lion highly In- ,.tructine hook was written 1.y W. 11. 1.'110. a gentleman w ho hn• made a study of these diseases. '1'l)„ premie U by n graduate o1 the University of Nurtiburg. Mynd postal to -day and you will receive the honk nee by re- turn -Address. The Veno meg Co • 24 Elug St , Went. Ter onto IN IIIE DARK. "Yes," said l.nsehrnan• "1'141 like my holier' nil right. except for one thing 1 guess you'll have to fix that " "Whnt is ite" asked the architect. "Several times lately I've nearly broken my neck teaching for another step at the head of the stairs when Fee come home lute. so I guess you'd better put an extra step there " \10(31: 111:%N INTF:itI':ST. Prisoner -"1 confess I embe'zle,1 horn any partners. but i was always a hard worker No one took mote interest in the firm than I dld.'e Judge- Nor wore capital. Four , A Bedford draper has been fincel, with costs, £2 tis. for selling as linen 'shirt fronts which were not so. You cannot bo happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cue. it removes n11 kinds of corns without Pail. Failure with it is unknown. Mr. Robert \Wilson, who has con- sented to become mayor of Darling- ton for the ensuing year, commenced life as a newsboy at the Darlington station of the old Stockton and Darlington Railway in 1809. Bright's llisense -- Insidious! decep- tive! relentlessi has foiled hundreds of trials by medical science to stem Mende of its ravages -- and not until Sough American Kidney Cure proved beyond doubt its power to turn back the tide. wasthere a gleam of anything but dr spair fur the victim of this dread forgo of kidney disease. -54 - Light -haired people. it is said, as a rule live longer than those !Laving dark hair. 11 a deg bites you don't be seared. (Bathe the wound with cold water and cover it with a cloth en which Weaver's Cerate has seen freely spread. The Cerate relieves the pain caused by the sting of insect% 1n the whole of Europe there art 1ixtt'en births and twelve deaths a minute. i Many inherit weak lungs, and as dis- ease usually assails the weakest point. these persons are continually exposed to attacks of cold and pulmonary dts- turbancev. The speedy use of Ilickle•r, Anti -Consumptive Syrup will be found a preventive and a protection, strength- ening the organs so that they ere trot No Gable to deranggcrnent front exposure or abrupt atmospheric changes. Blekle s Syrup 1s cheap and good. One of Lord Itusebery's hobbies ei the collection of hooks. He is some- thing of a poet himself, and will, on occasion, turn out impromptu verses for the ainusement of his friends. POEM: NI1:\ OF CANADA AND 101 \G WOMEN T00. get a Business or Shorthand education nothing will pay 300 80 %Ve'il, and no school can du so well for you as the shrdlu lirdlu hrdlu shrdlu hr•dlu hrdl old successful Canada business Col- lege of flsanillon. - \\. can place 2(1) 01 our graduate., in gond eituationa during the incoming year. \\'e did it This year and ran do it ngein. This 1.'1 the old reliable t ollege of Canada, establish'•d II years; 26 years under present printripal. Over 3.(1(10 grade• aces in successful business life. 'Ilry it. Write R. E. Ii AIL.A(:III:R, Principsel. ,C. 11, College. Hamilton, Ont, Y. M. C. A. Buildings. TO LIVE AND DIE Without ever drinking Zllf, eneeeleenlenerieteenenaneen, ggj }Rtr . 'Fee is to die Mahout knowing th'• 'ell joy of LIVING. W hr mise the SATISFACTION ofsipi•ii g a hot cup 01 this FRAGRANT, REFRESH! Nle drink P CY=Aa shs sirs% Tessa. 7Rlwaes sailbboaa's Zi. Lady's o.:ruts -y .1.:Z.,xi30 ne CJs "2-401)1C7 Z Rend , - r IIA11141 l a n ,a ant y• I •.Ii re ... 1•a,a e. Arr.o, a. a ttSo�..l 11. tuna.,; tayP•tagsl..d19'thl ��� bio r .tour 11443 )••sera, ...de 141 Kea! Aluuu. ,o. Thr. .era trl.1110lr .r.atnella 1 ,•1 • u., ..d el e ■ux Ura ant-, s21 -Goof l.x•A; •tr ro., arr cr tad to -tut U..s real3Uwrarti-.. d:.a 16, and ucrr7 tarut.b. \YE TRUGT YOU -NO MONEY REQUIRED. Pell the y) rrt:+les 1.1 u earns y.L, ..s.lm, 81.44 aJ:., •et',rq Incl forward M aa, tad 9e .,11 sea 1 y„u .t ,• • ,. •r.l. a Mega nc.:at Lev.► Wat• h. aeaaraule-d l, -r 1 years, et o.) er Pre..nta of 1te:h-class Jsw.Ilory, .., Aron au ,,-. t from o.,r n�!. COLD A 00., N. 2, The Keut; h House, Delamere Crescent, London, W., England. aI your error*. HOW TO PAISE MONEY Easily and Q!.Iickly for Your Church AID r C'I!:TY. M: NGOL. �'� RISK P or thew any other purpose. us ph:.ta,;raph, � a:.' tire) of ,•sur: n and pastor, or other aur - C ]Boli ant n o w.1. rcpro400O toacater, In beautiful half tone, on !44 hat IN ALL iIStd TaAlr. WALL inkier's, orbs 5LeiTi11i or Cal rt• n i;:t. a:1 , f c• .0 or eraor.ed; trar,•a. etc 'lettered ss der: -.4.s1. 11.i s - beai:tlful, astable seuvealrb Yourself and (chew warier. cu. •e, fridllyeo:l atiaceaeh. s KEEP 430.00, SEND US ' 10 MONET CrOrIRI1) 11 *Dr iSr,, brit 1:6.77 a.cepted tab eta. enter. r»tlrfaelt.,n,eaua{ett. 0,0,.'op:' and bookie/4 "aur W 11*' Y'eoer'•f1:r 1.,141ao, free. Additional samples Ire earl. Ab",e art1.1••, cv e:d,or:,lnr ,r.urvulr. 1 r earlLu•ta etc.. same rrfre. wiscoUUC1N h1FG. CO., Ct*t•itS. MAhITOWUC, W13. issawasaximsamallissemlimilammor This B'uutiful Fur Scarf Given Away fa a k full fussed s 1 about ▪ b491 1st)tier Eranlfa ttr!, ••r l:a sldr F. ►M+t491ndters L.n aa:d La us farce Lea:.refd thee bolt the fur is full. soft cert �tly. at 1'44, NAV re rin, vevea5r iv a-•pt.i.suc bla.ek Martin Marta 1441..-,.: ave oe eAotlitW urnuer.seed with nkr, 5L.trd Ne.k etsa,. 1 you 6.4. same apyeararre, rick nand sod stylish L,oklnr we wiltlva away ser Lund:.! of thew• arra ate. !Yr Scarf* to Elva w 4 guts sere., will help M:tn Jase Dr. Anconei tis,',. v. Lat►5!•• Pula ti_ urates rens adlea ea earth 7,r the rte of tot: r abv,. ere.. vt•,.tinn, n,cv,aali.a,, 514..-y toanpt•Ihts. in Wad halo., co:.dltb or of rt, Dlwd, •surer fnrata weak. ,u,Naa, .s. we oat,:ar-w locum) aeeut/iasaeb Ic.aaty 001571ro our hasolnene tura DON'T SEND ANY MONEY Ju.'aend yew. name an 1 sddres.ani agree Weal or,ly sight ,.s -a -I tbrle morias morel's at 3:.• a bcx Wo treat en are loaf .1.. so by Nasi( roo t:ef). t• h outran,: oto tura from )..0 la en lard to. handsome trr.sent fn..,, an vu rou art turn yule kir. Ml on sold return as Ur roreey and ow wen tri thu leveler Fur Scarf at 4n:.•. 11 y,.1,,ll the goods tad relent b.: money qu, kly w,• valve. yule* ,r'+ns:As to ,1.'410 a 6andvruc e.'M Wa4.L ora rearalf. rat load //e:llnttb.d Jevr1:M ft:,, 51... Avides the 'Pearl. w.tuw:t ., )t.e Any Mao. (4104.0. 11.yet n.iY, t4l3 torpor tw.!'y. H ritl row Ivies- yen ferret It a4 yr» ton roor. Seton t6..10 5aseaeme prroonta. A4drrv, The Dr. Armour Medicine Co., FCR DEPT. 9 TORONTO, ONT. N.. -r -T a it . ft rand , M,.r ty . r. 11k'. roc ;ony. it. is claimed that 3,000 perso')s have been converted by the Torrey - Alexander Mission in Sheffield. impurities In the lllood.-When the action of the kidneys becomes impairee impurities in the blood are almost sure to iclluw, and general derangement of the system ensues. I'armelec'N Vege- table )'ills w,ll regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action and prevent Uw complications which cci taiuly come when there is derange- ment of these delicate organs. An n restorative these Pills are in the drat rank. 'Mere lire said to be 3,010 unlet houses in Sheffield. and proprietors aro at their wits' end what to do. Baby Humors. --- Pr. Agnew's Oint- ment soothes. quiets, and effects quick and effective cures in all skin eruptions common to baby during teething time. It is harmless to the hair in cases of Scald Iliad, and cures Eczema, Salt Rheum and all skin Diseases of older people. 35 cents. _- 55 The value of goods exported from I Bradford to America during nine months of this year ninon:net, to 12.557.376, being an increase of 11.1 70,349 over lost year. Irapeslble to Find. A plait.r equal to "The 1) k I.- Mentbnh For nide aehe nothing equals it 01 yard roll eats 7 plasters Mailed on rece1pt of price. ha, ie Ll.aw rsn''e 1'0 . Montreal it's a lune loan that lots no re- turning. public in 1 ; •10. and The National Anthem ane 'fret World i• Full of Pains. -The aches sting ill 1.15159 that afflict humanity are many and constant. arising from a multitude of indistinguishable causes. Innlight Soap is better than ether ,,ape, but 111 the main owing to mane neg- bnt is boat atom used in the Sunlight way, berme in taking cars of his health. 1)r. 1'I+utnas• Et le, title Oil wan the nut - Jay aaallgi.t Soap and follow directions, 4Ohre of a n,,eeer.. al cry for nom. *peep __ m ac which would Speedily relieve pati. ')'here are liitN -four theal rem an tad It ,,aa GH.w its isnn oto INF. walkable duegr. forty-four 11111SIV halls in London. The lirit15)1 Empire numbers 40),- A Cure for Ilh•umaU.m.-The tr tru. 543,713 citizen!. The recent c0.11- U a fruitful cause of rheumatic pastun of uric acid Onto the blood •e-sre►� pleb of the ('ape census enahlc� ins This Irregularity Is owing[ to a affront.the loyal to be made up. 'Ilse 11,- ed arid unhealthy condition of the liver. 876,71L square tulles of which 1110 Empire I o11:415t S relit sins about Je inhabitants per square agile. Ann on• subject to this painful effect ion will Gnd a remedy in Partnelee•s Vege- table t'l!Is. '!'heir action YVON the kidneys 1b pronounced and Troost benefi- cial and by restoring healthy action, they correct impurties in the blond Mr. John Macpherson, 4.f Ocklam Bowl. North ICeusingtun, London, 13 in his 105th year. Mr. Macpherson, who is an Inverness man. has just. had his parliamentary Nutt• allowed by the revising barrister. He is en• titled t o 110581. Mut ho is the oldest voter in the kingdom. Little hit Searching. - hr. Pott Stan - 1':r,eappl. Tablets are not big neo coos doses that rontahr irljnriuut drugs or nen-elks they are the pare vegetable p. sin - the medicinal ex- tract from .•s Itiseboth fruit. and the tablets are prepared in ac p•nlatable form ae the fnnt itself. They cure in- digestion. 60 111 n box. 3S cents.- -56 8111 THOMAS 1,11"I'ON'S 1tE('11'1:. "Beware of strong drink. Itenmem- ber, corkscrcus have sunk more pee. ple than cork jackets will ever sal',." So says Sir Thornes Lipton in an interesting collection of "Golden Rules ter Sncces,," which has been contributed by the leaders of rotn- merce to Pearson's Mognsine. "Pe civil." Sir 'Phomas continues. 'T'reat rich and poor alike. The workman's brie u ittt her basket on her arm is entitled to as much respect as rho lady who co1H•s in her carriage. Ile punctual. it is the soul of business. If vote stick to burine'ss. business at in stuck to coo." Mrcenty-cix tears as a churister is the remarkable record of George Ar- nold, of ltn•lin111. Sussex, who sever- al months ago completed his 86th per. D. H. BASTED() & CO. FYfI YANUFMT�(tRa ` ' _ 77 =Rohm nsast, erafsoabo LAM KS' and MEN'S Nl'R and F1:11 LINED COATS. Everything in Furs. Send for eataloF. ur pric RAW FURS we pay elisthigEheit. pr,•es. Soni f Practical everyday Lemons on FARM ACCOUNTS For lie. post Pald. PARRS PUB. NOUSlt. Rea ani, (:bMbaat.OaiL W,EBSTER'S I NTERNATII O NAL DICT W 777 THE BEST CHRISTMAS CIFT Usenet. YeliaLla A1- tractive. oUp N byte and Authoritative. ether girt will an often be a reminder of the giver. SIM pages, antfations. CO')th') uC.eoeatly enlarge( w71441ee mew verde, a sew Gasoltosr. sad new edited by W.T. aMarrn , Pete, LLlogsapkieal i L O. s Commissioner of Rdweateoa. Grand Film Warier' Fair,St.Loots. QeltthoBast. W el ae: a (w M,raM pre, 144.7. 10(.0 of ear • U -J; owed. Regular ad Mi. Payee atltrwa ills pope and ICO Iuaatrarbna __ _ Sete for "icti iieaar) rristlse "- Foe. G. & C. MERRIAM CO , gltrtngtaId. /dab WITHIN 1'Al.1.. Peeler iilT-"1'/•s, toy dear sir, when- ever 1 tum teniptevl i say, 'Get they behind ole, Satan!' " H ieemau-"Ves, •but 1 notice you're careful not to let him get too far behind." A Quick Recovery from Fever and all riri- ne,.. is always the rase when " Yerroelrn ' tn. veal (&e,.• lo owl 1t bmlds, it strengthen• ib glow* nee life. Try it. 1 A SCHEME. "Se d:uiley really had to pay An et 1'ertmun $10,000 for breach of pru- mise. eh?" "les, and now he went • to burly her for her motley." 4 4 Help your '!.i!drn. to ,;row .trans 1 a5'I ru!'u•t 1.. rou'.teractirR env ttong11 that rause,. 11)-1•.'alli. One grew% ‘...1H el a of chreese in children is townie 11.. t loose them with Mother t:raved' W.rrn e Exterminator. )• never 1.11s . e OOicual 14/tiro,. .*41113 Omit there are 17.Ot)f), at+ rhitdren 1n Reeve* t,d- twe,•n the ages of six and sixteen Salo are 110' trotting any education. -- r Mother i'eur little ares are s canine rare Fall awl Winter weather. 11.7 w►U cath cold. Do you kaow abut S' ',h'e Cosamj+bc+a Gael the Lang lofty, tad what it i as done fel so .aeny i 1t a sari is be th- ,sly teiaable remedy for all tessera of the sir pataagei is chlldrea. 11 w ab.olutdly harrnlets anri pkaiant to taste. h Is guaranteed le cure or yrtur money is teemed. '1 he price is 25c. err Soak• asd all risers is Needier, all 1.4 SHILOH Tial. remedy JJ1.sId be is every ieu.el bi T N i' ir'IT \(t94111 . :9 tits 4 1 4