HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-12-14, Page 2• ► r 1 • • 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 • 1 �t1on '\'hey ate not only veru in - RATS AFFECT ENGLAND ! gtet:'iti.e and llahittally touch every _ object they come [tear, tirst with MENACE TO CROPS. LIVE their whiskers and then with their STOCK AND BIRDS. nese.No other mammal uses its whiskers as finers so persietetntly. THEY HANGED THE BAKERI CU 1 e� • treat. One of the laws atTocthlg the baker was that which precluiltel _ him who baked brown bred (rout BIOUS TACTS ABOUT BREAD- touching the white variety, ate: MAKERS.( equally forbade. the baking of brood by the white baker! The iris• at which bread was to 1•u sold was also regulated. it wits fixed mounting to the rate et which !lour fair Dealing. ( was sold. Great Number of Nests Destroyed They aro not still for a eminent. but Punishments for Shore Weight— alivuy+• kept in motion like a its Pillory and Gibbet tor Uu- •—A Benefit in the Under- fisher's roil. With "live" rails dawn ground Railways. In the tunnels, which emit the 1">• The Danee, who spare net trouble culler smell aceomgutnying highly- tto protect their important butter .harleel conductors, this enquiring industry. have lately undertaken a rationul campaign against rate. This has been dune partly asst pre- caution against plague breaking out In their seaports and partly because ag-ulttet lt, ant •be sold kept us the woman plet•s- butter tubs are particularly atone- noses en it. This cause's denth in a ed. ' lti or aroset the t u of a baker s lir,• to rats, for there is nothing ntentesut, the ruts fulling harl;w k , dozen being thirteen. says Pearson's d Wring utter oil•• or two kicks. g In tho early days of public bread - leaking and selling, between six and habit of the rats lends thein to lis- seven centuries ago. it was usual to aster. They smell that thu "live" emptily" women to distribute the rail is not quite like ue. ordinary loaves. As payment fur their labor the length of steel. put their whiskers baker gave an extra loaf for every 12 •1 finally inv their and this piece of bread could either more disgufthtg than the thought a indi serene e, and not any part ice- Weekly. rhat these. filthy ---ural- may have destroying them. ac - Malt! Another fact concerning these to. beer, in contact with so absorbentenuntstar �lort the tmullipliettion of the Malo bread -carriers and sellers is that no loaves were taken buck if they were cold. Apparently, this regula- tion Witt' passed for the purpose of stimulating the activity of the to - male sellers sad preventing dawdling or idleness. '1'o conclude the account of fettintee connection with the staking and dis- posal of bread it niny be mentioned that the word "lady" is said to be derived front a compound Saxon word meat -Ong "distributor of bread.' Women were naturally the household bread -makers, as they are to -day int re to rural districts, and they also distributed it to dependants and others. BAKED AT STRATFORD. and easily taintel an article of food, says the London Spectator. In England. on the other hand, no concerted effort is made to check tho rat plague The animals aro in- ert aero; everywhere. to rho detri- ment 4.1 agriculturists, poultry -own- ers. game farmers. and not. less so of our native wild birds of many kinds- The percentage of linnets', bulireches', warblet•s', and other ne•t:ts of our smaller birds the eggs of which are eaten by rats is very large. as any one may prove who seeks for (hent and watches the fate of the• nests. They also act as a set iters check on the inurease of wild fowl. which began after tho Protec- tion Acts were passed. They prefer the eggs of wild ducks and march birds to any other food. and a caro wee: lately mentioned in which the os%nor of a duck farm found 13 ducks eggs in tho hole of one doe rat. Ir. the month of October there is a great movement of these animals front the east coast inland. On a shooting estate lately visited by the writer. where incessant trapping keeps them at bay, an October in- vasitm is always expecte!, and as the whole property is kept careful- ly under observatiotl, the direction from which they cross tate frontier is well known. It is very probable that this march of the tnischevious is partly due to the closure of the main herring fishery on the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk about that time. and that the increase of tho rats is not unconnected with the ex- ceptitnially large catches of her- rings made during the past two seasons. Tho :shoals of herrings have passed all previous records, and some six hundred Scotch women have been engaged in cleaning the fish. Sometimes the refuse is very properly saved for fish manure. Bat the garbage of countless numbers of herrings is thrown away, and this attracts and keeps tat the rats in the late Suuuuer and early Autumn. ,Whets the source of supply grows loss the creatures move inland. AGGRAVATED BY FLOOD. plague in Olt open ileitis. batiks, pre- serves, and corn stacks. (tats in such cases' can always bo killed by poisoning them in their burrows, and as they usually die under ground no risk is incurred after their death, either front the decay of the bodies or front other and valuable animals eating the poisoned car: asst's. Meal is put into the holes with a long spoon for two or three nights. Then tho supply Is omitted for a night, and finally poisoned meal is put in and the holes stopped outside. This is not possible in houses. or even near them, but it is very effec- tual in tho fields, and ono peculiar feature of the recent rat invasions is that they aro mainly confined to the rural districts and to tho open coun- try. In towns, owing to better san- itation and rho removal of all dust holo rubbish, they have greatly di- minished It is u fact that the sur- roundings of ordinary London houses are enormously more clean and healthful than those- of the ordinary country house. where there are no "destructor.," and refuse accumu- lates in some corner or other, where so long as it is out of sight. it is usually out of tnind. REPUl SION 'TO RODENT. That there is something absolutely repulsive in the rat per se is partly proved by the instinctive horror in which it is hold alike by men, wo- men. children and most other ani- mals. Horses Will often refuse to feed and are unable to sleep if (here is a rat. in the stable by night. Birds of all kinds hold them in horror. ex- cept those which, like the now al- most extinct bustard, retake theta their principal food. A hen is quite helpless against them and is often killed on tho nest, and t hough a partridge would defeat a rat by day and drive it off it can do nothing against it at. night. Hats are said to have broken up and caused the removal of the gullery from Sedge Fen at iloverton, near N,-rwich, to its present secure, position in the sedges of the Little Broad. where the water protects them effectually even from the most enterprising rat. Some time ago a inedtcal corre- spondent of a paper wrote to draw attention to the way in which rats directly cause sickness and deatlt by poisoning shallow wells with theeir decaying bodies.sThey are thirsty creatures. and in their eagerness to reach water fall into the wells and are drowned. Several fatal eases of so-called septic pneitnionut were fount) to he duo to drinking water so pniset t. That they carry plague is well known. But in addition, they are dis'tninatar3 of every kind of diseases which can be conveyed in- to drains and front drains. for of alt iti,elovaes the rat loves a drain the hest It is one of the curiosities of ani- mal temperament that while the hlrown rat it so universally detested, the closely related Alexandrian rat— the white or piebald varieties are well known in this♦ euuatry—is al- most it !merits. ft is n eery (IIlei docile tit t1.• animal. almost affection. ate in its relnlions with Hoot. and constantly kept ns a put 1.y chit. toren. It is clean and trig gentle, never by any shahs. olierIsIg to bite, aur' ie ay intent on storing up food as if it ha•I never forgotten the ex- perience of its ancestor, in the "lean y'tea re" when .Ioaeph ruled tinder Pharaoh. It is the humblest of all doincstic pets. hitt often quite inter toting in ire guys. the only draw- back to its cerrgatny icing the clean resemblance ret nppeernnce to the criminal brown rnt. in Norfolk Otte was aggravated a fen years ago by a severe flood in parts of the fen. 'This drove out tens of thousands of rats from the low land to the higher ground. The plague was such that on one estate the keepers were afraid to go to one wood ar night, so numerous and bold went the creatures. It was not until after weeks of wholesale poisoning and trapping that their nuattmrs were reduced. But they had cents to stay, anti several circum- stc•ure$ aided then) in their resolu- tion Not the least important item in the rats' favor was the almost universal spread of pheasant pre- serving ant! pheasant rearing. I( a lino be drawn perpendicular to the east coast of Norfolk inland (o Cant- bridgrshire, near Newmarket, and these, in a slightly difieront direc- tion, through Hertfordshire it cuts Mo., continuous succession of great plieiteant preserves. (11, these the pheasants are :sup- plied, often merlin isblee with art i. ficial food the year round. The quantity of nieal scattered for the young; pheasants and of Indian corn thrown out to "keep the birds at betas" in the Autumn and Winter is teal. that it. makes; it tunsideruble filen in the profits of local corn dealers. It is given with the great - yet regularity every day. and the ruts: will always have their share, coaling out in the utast impudent was and feeding; dim' ng the pheas- ants. If the krt•per3 are slack itt their duty every pheasant preserve lm- cuu•s a rat preteove. On the part- ridge manors it is so Impossible to allow the rat to inerrase and to ex- ert ise its egg -stealing power in spring that. as a rule. the vermin ore k••pt at bay. Another faztor in the disperslon and harboring of the-'. Tests is the modern plan of building *ho roan atarke itt the field( i'.9' t :►. been the when h which h V• 1 f 1 11 h in iti it all reapedinstead of r t• inK Immo to the rick yore$ it snugs tin loss of t' • and the expense of rnrt- ing the loads to the hone•stenid. There is also less risk of the whole. harvest being destroyed by fire Ilut every one "1 then• isolated stnrl...:CAW eteel of r the face of the rv,ui.try mdse.; a cwttfortablr winter right again, (n.l )'pure ready to slit must bo treated as tlutrh,sr 1';tttl--Picked lots $1 1'';nr other she slipped her throttle• 'n down and I:d:e n long breath.Ilr•gtine to inelu•ling cuntlscutinn of hit entirt ,MOMI•:I'IIING SACRED 81 ;11 good to clinic'. $3.73 to $:I • btu hed Through drat wall, lent 'Co The fact that bread was sold in open market in olden times is still impressed upon the minds of these who pass ulong the well-known met- ropolitan thoroughfare. Cheupsid,;. "Bread Street" marks the spot where the bakers brought their wares trout tho bakeries at Stratford and offered them to the public. It is sup - Posed that Stratford was chosou wt account of its proximity to Epping Forest, which extended much nearer to the City of London than it does at present; the bakers could obtata fuel cheaply from the forest! And here it may bo mentioned that. "Cheapside" has no reference to the A LEADING MARKETS 11111:,\D rUF1 Toronto, Deec►nitt•r 12,—\Vhtti'tl—on= 111110 --Millers outside report purchases from farmers at 77c, and dealers quote No. 2 while at 7:4: to 79%e. al outside 'paints, No. 2 red 'i$t; to ?9c, goose end spring 71e lei 75c. \\ heat Manitoba—Firmer at S6%o for V�1r'1111� No. 1 northern, file fur No. 2 northern, at lake torts. Flour—Ontiirio--l'he export bid for tYl per rent. patents is $3.10, buyers' bags outside, with sales for domestic use at $3.45 to $3.55. Manitoba, $$.50 to $1.8+) for first patents, $1.30 to $4.40 for st cowl patents, and $S.241 to $t.30 for baker;. MIllfeeel --- Ontario --- Bran— in serial, $14.511 Iu $I5, til uutsidu paints; shorts are $16 10 617. Manitoba bran $16.511 1'e tenso of death on an old woman for $17.50, slhort., SIR.50 to $1:350, at'lorote the murder of her husband whotte shu to and equal points. did not murder and to complete the Oats -35c to 35yc outside. farcical tragedy u British chaplain Barley --Ela!, 5Cc to 51c for No. 2. %Se has solemnly invol.ed the mercy of to 49c for No. 3 extra, and 45e l0 4Ge for God on her "guilty soul," which was No. 3, at outside points. not guilty says a London correspon- Nye—Dull, at 70e. outside. dent. And all this with the full itttckwheal--Nontinat, at 5:e outside. knowledge that she did nut commit Peas --Steady. 76e to 77c outside. the crime for which she was cot- Corn --Nets Canadian is offered tit He; victed and that she will never be Chatham freights, 42c bid. New Atneri- bunged for it. It a condemned cull can—No. 3 yellow firmer ill 51%0 to tho nged victim of legal cruelty, 52%e e ut Toronto. whose sad plight has evoked expres- 'tolled Oulu ---$5 in bags an 85.25 ;n sinus of the deepest synlputhy from barrels, on (racks herr; :'5c more for all classes. is awaiting rho oxerciee broken lots here end ilk: outside. of the crown's prerogative of mercy. ASSININE FEATURE OF THE BRITISH LAW. Sentenced to be Hanged for Mur- der of Husband Who Com- mitted Suicide. With black clap. on head 1t ib•itieh judge has solemnly pronounced sem After a brief period of itnprisonntent COUNTRY PRODUCE. she will probably be released—to oke Ilullct' Hulls (iron in tone, especially out what retrains of her wretched for stock, which is foe from the lurnipy existence branded as a murderess. Judge and jury aro agreed that she should never have been convictt'd. But they had no other recourse than to conform to a stupid and anti- quated law which ought long ago to hav'o been repealed. MRS. MAIIEI, Sl•:DDON'S STOi(Y is ono of tate Most. pitiful thut has over been told in the grim old Bailey court. She was tis years old and her husbnnd was 78. They had been married twelve years. After their lasts affecting so much of the rttceipte. O4o+o+s)+ol4-O+0+0+O+Q+<t O e Suicide of 326 +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 '•I've always tomcatted that a lo- t'orrotivc was little less '11 !lumen, - said the (nt engineer. "an' that the always kot'ps a little cosy sorrier la her heart for it Maul as good to lin: 'n' don't boss her aroun' very utuch. My belief has been backed up by • recent huppenin' un our road. ".lite ('regun was • of the oldest engineers on our line 'n' took grout pride in the machine he ran, 'n' kept her bright 'n' shiuut', or saw to it that the artesian kept her so; never workin' u locomotive any harder than the actual business at handl culled for. Ile had been runuin' old 326 about two years before his death. 't' in toy belle( she got •none firmly attached to hitt than she •11.1 to any train of cars she ever drew. "(Well, sir. although a'_ci sus ono of the best pieces of machinery in the road's equipment while Jim Feel her, ntakin' fast time with the heav- iest. trains of Pullmans, after his death none of the turn could do nu - thin' with her. She wouldn't steam. 'n' her every exh,ulst was like rho sob of a biotin' lady who has lost her pet dog. The steel on `her hott- er 'n' her iriaunin'a took ghost ly hue. "She wasn't worth her suit, no- how. The road foreman of engines finally sent for me 'a' told me he'd ir decided to turn her over to Inc 'n' Murphy to see what we could e:o with her, Murphy 'it' myself ricin' sort of tot -female.. trained nurses gettin' all the latae, halt 'n' blind locomotives on the road to brace t uta. "Murphy didn't like it., 'n' just ex- pressed his opinion to ate. " "rimy might just as well put that :f'Sti on the scrap heap, firsteN last,' says Murphy. ' 'Taint Ito ose west in' oil 'n' fuel on her to make her do work. She's Just plain' away for .dim (:reg an, 'n' that's all there is to it.' "i was of the saute opinion my- self, but 1 wasn't gein' to give Diurf the satisfaction of Ravin' oto siditi' with hint. "Ise took her. but we didn't' have any success with her. it jest. seem- ed as if she wheezed 'n' snorted like an old woman at a wake. "She bud one of the finest so,ltl l - in' chine whistles as v::t_, a d^li•�l,t. to the ear you ever heard. Ait,•r J iur died, the steam 'lid seem 1 n � condense or suthin' lust as it was enterin' the whistle belt 'n' tiro whistle would let out an awful shriek, cn(lin' up with a sound like wringin' out a dishcloth. "'Things went on this way edit she laid down on the road with irle n cou;,le u' times when we had an im- portant train, 'n' the engine tie- spatc•ber. who was rather u hard- hearted man, nee gain' much on - n- tintcnt, lost all pnttence. I tv.tt e •1 a t.l .1 t. n r n h d'n' alongside xtun t her journals were cool 'n' ev'ery'thing, was shipshape on het- after fnishin' n t1i1) W11,11 the' engine despot cher carne along by the turntable. " ' N ell, Portly.' he says to ate, 1'Ve given up all thought of ever try int' to reform old :126 'n' get her nut of her slovenly ways. After you come in with her 1o•ntorruw ebn goes on the wort, train.' "'fit is was pretty hard !Mee. '11' you het. if 1 was a self-respect in' 'n' tidy passenger locomotive 'ti' was relegated to a ditty, slowpoke job of huulin' Lagues nroun' like that it. wuttld tie the hist straw for ;toe A:yw•ay, 'ttcan'tany of my Wooll- ies. 1'd done 1 be best 1 mold t . brace tip 826, 'n' 5', 1 mo i'vo,l darner. "'The next mornin' 1 came lei.- ti ly down lh►ongh the rniind 'toile., 'n' sloppeet a minute by the pilot of 82', to pass a few words wit.h the, roundhouse foreman. " Y,' .' 1 says. 'It's ton bad for surh a fate machine as old :t2e way. (;only says that she'+ to gam, on the work train 1 o -morrow.' "1 no tnor•'n got the weeds ant of my mouth when the foreman '11' i were startled to hear :1211 begin \I:1\ YORK DL\(NCI"1'. to exhaust 'u' buck toward the roar h;,•a tal;, Dee. I".—Spill firm; No. •, wail of the roundhouse. I tried to red• v;',•• in elevator; No. 1 northern.' grab the pilot 'n' climb on, but she ihlluth, ¶r,' -,,e f.o.b. nitwit; No. 1 it.u••I toot away from Inc n' hacked one of Manitoba. nthntinnl, feel*. et!aat. through the brick wall like, the big college teams wuttld gu I:reuses Lac to 25c do solid- 23c to 24e Dairy 1b. rolls, good to choice, 21e 10 22c do medium .. . , .. • . 20e to 21c' do tubs, good to choice, 19e to 211e ilo inferior , . , , 17e to led: Cheese --Quotations tire unchanged ut 12';e to 13e. Eggs --23e for fresh and 21c for lined. Poultry— Ful chickens, Sc 10 ids. thin 7e to tic; fol hens, 7c to Sc, thin Cie to Sc; docks, ids to Ile, thin iio to tie; turkeys, Plc to 13e; geese, 9c to 10c, sale of goods at exceedingly law marriage they started a confection- 1'olalue'; geeseri 65c to ?x: per bag, prices. "Cheap" comes from an old ery shop at Staines. For a time nn track here and 75e to 85e out of :lam; word !teeming to sell, and Cheapsidethey were fairly successful. Then eastern stuck, 75c to tiOe on truck and trade foil off and they moved to a► shop in Mortlake. There things went from bad to worse. The husband's health failed. When quarter day came round they had not enough money to pay the rent. heath or the workhouse seemed to be the only al- ternative open to them and they chose death, but the husband alone found it. "Wo decided," said Sire. Seddon at the inquest on his body, "that wo had better both leave this world to- gether." After passing a sleepless night worrying over their lot black was that aide of the City where goads were mainly sold. T'ront the earliest times the baker has been hedged about by rules and regulations, and with the fear of heavy penalties ever before his eyes. Tho baker. in short, has always had a warm time, both literally and fig- uratively. NO B(TN'ER ALLOWED, Not only in London, but in Ma•t- chester and many other places in the country have by-laws been passel against him. One of those, which sounds somewhat curious nowadays, was to the effect that no butter shat; be used in the making of bread' A subsequent law enacted that no suet should be mixed with the flour. Later on it sus ordered that no butter, cream, or suet should be used for the making of cakes! This lost enact- ment appears to go a little too far. For soma reason not apparent, the baker seems to have earned the re- putation o-putation of being a deceiver ut a very early date. On all hands we find laws directed against, short weight and adulteration. The pro- bability is tintbread was so im- portant an article of food that peo- ple feared tho least interference with quality and weight, and their fear often matte them sc•e deceit where none existed. Of course, there are black sheep in every flock, and the baking fraternity was no exception; the delinquencies of a few had the effect of confirming the general im- pression. and the whole of the trade suffered accordingly. It was in the year 1307. close on six centuries ago, that rho London Company of Bakers received power to examine all bread within a twetv,r mile radios of the Pity of London, with the further power of inflicting pu n ish crictt (.S. .1 NECKLACE OF LOAVES. 1f the examining official found shortage of weight or inferiority of quality, the baker was liable to havo his whole stock confiscated and givers to the poor of the parish. if the poor had suffered through tho mans unfair dealing, they benefited by his detection. A stay in the pillory with a 1o41 or two dangling from his neck like KEF,I'ING ONE'S T1:\iPIal. \%'hen seinebedy said in Mrs. Cain* eron's hearing that :i rnnn who kept his temper wits n rare treasure. nn expres- sion of doubt overspread her thin face and seemed 1,, make Iter shat•{, 11U1e chin still shariwl'. to a beans. The only way to nsrape "I think i1 dets'nde ren how long he was to Jump from the basket into keeps it and Imo. , broke V1110 he's, the irt.l w titer and run through I h tAe lain;: tl;' mho said -lately, in contra- angry nub. it • sago were used, ttith her usual headlong tnethod ')Ii the wretched man had no such spccch.( chance; ho was: lowered again. and "For my part. if a man Is going to, again into the filthy water till the 1(3)1 ris if he were going to explode, and I nuth,•rities considered that he had yet keeps the smile end tone of a titer• 1 boon s,eticienthe punished! lye. and then when Things are going) \'F;It\ imi:t\ \' PENALTIES 9Jc to 95c ofd of store. Baled Ilay---$8 to to $8.50 for No. 1 timothy in car lois on track here; No $6 10 $6.50. Baled Straw -86 per ton for car lots on track here. MION'ritEAL MAIIKENs. Montreal, Dtcentber 12.— Grain—Fair business was worked to -day in wheat, about eight or ten loads being sold for export by local dealers, Peas-- 750 to 76c f.o.b. per bushel. despair gripped her. "1 can't stand Barley-- lauiloba, No. 3, Ito; No. 4, this any longer," she said to her 46,4h. husband. Rising from tho bed sho Flour—\ianiloba spring wheat pa- weut to a cupboard and took from tents. SI O to $'i; strong baker; , $t.10 it a bottle containing a liniment to *l.iitl: moiler wheal patents, 8.1.25 to composed of belladonna and aconite $4.50; $It -:ii straight $1.95; rollers, s. $1 hi 1`4 ilio d1.73 hag \Iillfeel— \lanilobit bran, in bags, $17; shorts. $211 per ton; Ontario bran. in bulk, $1'.5t) to $15; shorts. $20; milled muffle, $21 to $24; straight grain moullle, 1525 to $27 per ton. hotted Oats --Per bag. $2.55; cornmeal, $1.15 to 81.50 iter bag. tiny • No. 1, $8,50 to $9; Nn. 2. $7.50 to to- $b; *tires, -nixed, 86 to $6.50, and pure clover„ $G per ton, in ear lots. Cheese--Ilelail quotulione. western, 12'/.e to 12%,e; easterns, 12%c to 12„e. 12%c, Butler—Unchanged at 23%e In 240 for fancy grades and 23%c to 23ye for gone which had been used to relieve her husband's pain. it. was marked pois- on. She drunk half its contents. '\'hen she said to her husband, "There is nothing for 1114 but this or tho workhouse. Aro you going tee take your share?” t and the IIIaI '\'cy," rcpliei snatching the bottle from his wife's hands he drained what remained of the poison. Mrs. Seddon then sought her sister- in-law, who lived in the same house, told her what they had done, and be- sought her to see to it that they were saved the ignominy of pauper burial. '\'heft site returned to the bel and lay down by her husband's -isle, '1'O DIE WITIi IiiM, un a • to colored. Eggs—St•leclesl shack quoted `27,c and liutetl 21c per dozen. 1'rovisious--1litiyy Cattedian short cod pork, 819 to 820; light short cut, $16 to she thought.But the poison worked i19; American short cul, 151 ; American slowly. As in duty bound, the sister - cut clear fol heck. 819 l0 $20; compound in-law told the police what had hap lard, 6 ;c to 7e; (:anndiuti pure lard, 11e 10 11%e; kettle rendered. 12 ,e to 12iie; hams, 12c to 13e, according; to size; ba- con, Ile; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $9 to 89.25; alive, 86.75; mixed lots, selects, 87. Eggs—Straight stock, 20e to 21c; No. 1 candled, 211e. petted. The police removed the c00 - plc to the workhouse, which they had so dreaded. There the doctors did their best to prevent them escaping from it by death—ns in duty they were hound to do. '\'hey saved Mot. Seddou's lift., but her husband, Inure fortunate, succumbed. '\'hero followed, of course, a coron- er's inquest. The jury brought in a verdict of suicide while temporarily Insane, Then the police arrested Mrs. Seddon and charged her with the murder of the roan who, according to the coroner's jury, had committed suicide. Paradoxical ns it sounds, an exaggerated necklace•—titnt was the law Justified that charge. I•'or ono forst of punishment. The gibbet. the Inn• declares that if two persons was another; and let ns hasten to say of this mina Stark Twain has said of the music of a celebrate) coutpoeer--namely, that it is not so had as it sounds! 1t was not a hanging matter in the ordinary sense; it was the suspension of the offender it: n basket or a ens.* over n muddy pool, the raid bask e1 or cage l-d'iug worked by meting of a rope running over a pulley attached conspire to commit suicide and one survives that survivor is guilty of murder. The evid,'nce at the triol made it clear that it was not a cave rd mur- der—that is, necorrling to common- sense notions. Itul the law was equally emphatic that it was murder and the judge told the J•lry that they avonitl have to stand by the. law. The jury reluctantly brought in n verdict of guilty. Wilding a strong teeemi. tueudation to mercy. And the jutlg;e the woman an to t ntly sentenced rel lM1A death. Ile said it was the saddest case he had ever tried. His opinion of the law which compelled him to Impose u sentence that tens utterly abhorrent to him notions of right and justice he kept to himself. for in a court of justice the most stupid law Bl IFI',\I.O :11.11tK I•:l :t. Buffalo, N. 1.. Dec. 1e. Flour— i•'irtti. Wheat—Nominal. Corn Stronger, but tto offerings. Oats-- SI rong!ete No. white, 36•; No. 2 mixed. 31%e. Iiarley— Firmer• Wester,' c.i.f., 11: lo SMe. Ityc -• Quiet; fancy, 76e. 1hr•uugh the 1i111` of q prep schnul 1.11'{: :("I'(1('!:11 l l; h I?T`t. team hi the present game of assnssi- 'l'oranto, Dec. 15/.—A fairly 'wavy nntion football. run of stock was offering at. the "11nck if the res:nttousc War n bk Western Market this tnorning, but ravine, 'n' tank over cowcatcher owing to it good demand tit ncissy Trout] old 326 rolled to how do:truce nil lines represented trade arm fairly!tiou. As she was backiu' through I n brick or sethin' brisk and prices were welt tnuintatn - 'the rear wall ed. ,twist 'a' got caught 'n' weighted to Export rattle—Choice are quoted,her whist In cnrd, n' 1110 most dnht- nt $1 35 to 51 .fin, good to tnndiutafel screech 11,•nt tip from her whistle at It:1.60 le tel.10, others a1 $3.7+rl.as she rothel ;Iowa that ravine. to 53 M5, ht.l's at 83.50 to $1, and! "'There Ile* n't enough left of 326 tows at $2.75 to $3.50. to run n merry -go -rotas'. Sunielt on home for rats, and n point of tits mention what he's undergtune, and tinny! properly and banishment, were w persion from which, when the grnin +rratlal- is threshed out. they route out int., 10 thinks sot can avoid. trying dieted upon those guilty of egg, the h.dgnrows and pond hanks. 'the} los patience so in the future. I'd rather • ad offeeces. are particularly fond of bean -tacks, he'd out with i1 as it carnes along. t Among the forme of ",t duller- men. alter ate tr lunare.. K1.;:. t.. $2.:,n; Christmas .lira ('reg;u:t wh^n h,• h..ud of loge pert ticularl t. ho thick light belie VV.' nrtlhcal tint tncn who ranks .such tine" is one that strikes us as tnu•:t nft••1 what the judge told us run could 1anhic, t?1.7-, to yS.25. i I g n point of keeping their temper are upl droll. 'lids was to place a pier,. of not do otherwise'. Of course. we tote. s' ,'* i+ cosy to barrow in. partly tolaecu►nulate cunsidorable for n dry iron in the dough and cover it tilt'. knew tlint. the woman would not be St0ckere and ,Feelers—Short-:ceepi '•tiow, whet do .t.0 think?" t,e•atuse they like to eat beans On time.^ crust! It hardly scents worth ti. • hanged. and. of course. the judge feeders arc ,ii„•:.p1 itt 5;:1.110 to $1,l �- "h,n-v 1 I" fauns in wet weather —_♦—�-- trouhlr•, and We must. Auppoxe teat knew it, quo, when he pronounced • !;anti fee.!••... nt .t.•1(r to $:LnL, fs -1 l, roe rune Are rem!tin fineable like jt tea ant a eurttnutn form of ad.l tt t c f I tl 1 t her In Ode dime nt she et, to *3.:its, hulls 'it*2j l:(;1:1.11 NOT 'fftt;`T 111'.1. hare runs on the downs. tuned paths a the tofu Ir teltuutit cut bora We did tint want. to find the as.' tants guilty." said ono of thee jury- iAl sem over. "h'et 00, fair to eyed $:l.11) to $3hitl,�tny opinion that :12ti eget nat,hele cotrinoti 5Y.SII lo $3, cows $Z to!rointnilted suicide, oe tnt•1.11•• her fu $2.7e. bells $1.75 10 V':.'l5, -tri throttle wee pulled by !be spies' of cr, s -jag; the open ileitis earl breast 11;t: be- the aniuntl's feet. 11.\ithIL':MM il+i TUNSEI.ti. Mimeo the• only place in which 1Ii' ,let no harm. anti are even nselul ate t►,e tunnels of the underground rnitweys of Lonulon, awl near the pert+ •tins of the great Landon ter- nsinj I'aesengt•rs them-, quat,titiee of ..orplus food out of the windows. And the railway rats come net by n,gth: and dcv oar 1t '1'iw ettctrelee.- lion of the District and "Circle" Innes_ hoe greelty diminished the rats in Hose. hart • of nrekti(i'ound 1.011 - NOT si;'iI ss; t tt1' Mt.\1TI1(. "Those shoe; will he all right," said the selcsntan. "after you have got them broken in." The young tnan who land been hestl*ling between that pair and one a slit! larger. look the sateantan'-s - word for It. and purchased the shoes. A week grist' ire carne back 1,1 the slot,' with a perceptible limp. "1 wish yc.u'd stretch Ulric .hoes," he said. '('hey hurt my f•'ct terribly." "llavenl you rot them hrnken in yet;" nake l the sale:lnalt "lilt, yet," sat,t the paling roan. 'The tn'nble i•c that I r'an't get my loot brok- en iii." sent •IICe O tea t '' �" . tcratinn. CON., in this connection it is outlaw' to and it is absurd to rtttnbt it on the note an expression tthich is still elm• statutes." mon among the poorer elnsset: this *s Ono of the• '.,nncil who. took part 1 Ici111er said, "1 have enough th 1!{ht e to describe n very tough crust. as he• in the trial mod to the writer: '•The \tt!'•1t ('eros—e uuled .trade to $3oleohee ct'at•'• ing "as hard as iron." 'rbc quaint case reveals n Ihtw in oar law at hi -!t '" Oleo each, reply given to thin complaint is In- certainly ought to be amended. it is fitly -•:-3e to tie see Ih, and 82 tr' After Pity had tern at it about len i InittttleA one of them fell, and inue,li- dicative of ancient origin; it is. ""1's abroad to put n pet sun win it mere- ;to each. harder whore. there's none'" ly 1delinically godly me 1 rial for his ` Sher;1 rind Lambs—E. spore •' o,'. i idly >elh+l, "l:noug! t! I'te enough"' r now beteg or her 11fie .% hotteebrenkrr who 1 ere quoted nt Si to $1 '25 per cat , llnd hie opponent kelt on poondig Win Woetibread, which i t g sinnettel a wiudoty with hhi list. the' bucks nett culls at $3 Iii $:(.5(r ono tint l 1 mss shu twat•: watfhingl ih'ni so strongly recommended, war 1 h t meet usual kind in ancient title-. flying glass front whirl' futnIty its -I, lambs 1tu• t„ '2e.• per (et 1. high. r, a• s'',` �.,t t '•n: np! 11•• <ny.i ,.tri t.. •...r, l^,.ito' $5.25 to $5 7:1 Ifntt•.—Tho market ie vtoy tlrnt nn 1 1, •', .:': • r.!h n furl her ntneve ei 12 ;c per eat ( "I k,•, I ` is noted. Settees are fleeted n Fit.• 1etive••11 1 e :171 and lights and fats at $6.12;. 1.1v11 et:1•1 to lt1.7S. I;,n,d -,tune ss rem a i - 1 t ! Leiter only argument in wit tog- r )(u to F:.nr1, rough o cnntno't ern v'• $2 to $2.7(1, and truths el $1.; . ' Ibe:• .:som.•d, !vete liirlunen de,•i'1••1 !A ir Sot ,►t light it out. 11 woe agreed 11..11 whoa 'That whit., \.rend w:te mo .► cum- jurerl aneotn•, nt mut* nt com,n„elity we g�tln•r frm,. the Wilily of murder So world a nlnn affecting story of Little 'Tammy 'Tuck- who shot nt n fowl tchirh ltd not err who war prnmiseel white breed belong to hint and acrl.lentally Ic11I"d slid bettor for 1d3 meteor clearly as a mgiu. ..1 '!u' t e.•1 tr ..a,., ts v ;tar 1 lt.' , 1; i