HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-30, Page 4Out Clubbing List The A DN'OUATF has made arrange- ments to ( lull with all of the leading Weeklies and Dailies and other Jour- nals of every deseri Ition. The .41)VOCA'1'E and t I i followinKK named paters will be sent f!••nt NOW until DEC'. 3Ist, 190n, for the ,rice of ONE. YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION as to1lus:- W E EK 11 ES ADVOCATE and Toronto Globe $1.65 Mail and Empire . $1.75 Free grew ........ *LW Fawtly Herald and Star *1.50 Montreal Witness 81.65 London Adi ertieer $1.4)0 Weekly Sun jl.s6 Fanners' Adraate 811.35 DAILIES AUVOGATE and The News l l.t•o Star 1.a; Globe r. n Mail and Empire t. Sat World ! u Advertteet E35 When Premiums nee given with any of the above named publications you secure theta through thecluh with the ADveteATS. Call at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg- istered Letter, addressing THE ADVOCATE, Exeter, Ont. t �LLtt- t � � c1>r � Lt L �,� Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, '05 Shipka James llatuutu (Sought a valuable horse (rout Mr. Steeper last week. - Miss L. Lochner returned hove host week after spending a few weeks with her relatives iu Mitchell. --Quite a number from here were at the sale in Ceotralia'll(esday.- Rev. J. Sutcliffe will preach in the Methodist church here next Sunday. ---J. I). Hannan bat: bought \l'r:.. Ilolt's faun.- Miss 1. \feintyre, beano ly of this place. re- turned to her house in Detroit Friday after spending a tete days with her sister, Mt•s.M. Cau•rthet•s.-Tbe Metho- dist Sunday School intend holding their annual Christmas Tree un Friday Dec. 'L'.. -Miss Alice Carruthers Is hone after spending the summer in Detroit. -Miss E. Wilds and Miss M. Pope of Smoky Hollow were visiting Mrs. 13. Vincent. Khiva I 11r. John Ratz was in Stratford for a few days this week no business. -Mr. Alonza McCann has been confined to his benne through illness. --Mos. Yager bas returned to tier home in Exeter after a visit here with her brother, B. Cunningham.-- While one ofour young men was paying respects to his best girl the other eight some mean, low - lived wretch cut the top of his buggy. -Simon Ratz, who is attending col- lege at London was hone for a few days to the pleasure of his friends. - Urs. Jas. O'Rourk of London is visit- ing friends here. -Thos. McGann was house over Sunday. --Dame rumor has it that a tvedding will take place here shortly. 1t is time some one was mak- ing a start in that direction. --Andrew sans ho might give the young people a good time in the near future. All are anxiously waiting. -V. Ratz, M. Pj of Parkhill has been overhauling his brother John's ►nill and is potting it in a first-class state of repairs. Grand Bend NOTES AND COMMENTS The election in Saskatchewan will I take place on December 13th; nomina- tions on Dec, -Ith. All signs point to the election of the Liberid Premier and the majority of his candidates, al- though the sweep is not expected to be as clean as in Alberta. Sr•,tt bas a worthy opponent in Haulrain who may be expected to retain consider- able of the hold he has had on the people of the West for so many years. e► s Continuing the investigation of the educational problem, t he Toronto News finds that representative workingmen of that city think the Public Schools should not attempt the higher subjects but concentrate on a business training. Tbe workingmen think there is It gen- eral lack of thoroughness and very little efficiency in teaching pentium - ship, spelling, reading and arithmetic, which they consider the essentials in the education of the boy whose only teaching is received from the Public School teachers. Mr. Pense, M.P.P., Unseated. On Monday the petition of D. M. McIntyre against the return of E.J.B. Pense. Liberal, as member of the Leg- Islature for Kingston, was sustained by Judges Street and Teetzel and the election voided. The hiring of cabs at an exhorbitant rate was proven and caused the unseating. The cross peti- tion was dismissed. -I,'IiLorT© FLETCII6n---MrCt*troy. --Another great victory may be marked to the credit of cupid. who is every busy at his work of love. On Wednesday af. tea noon a large number of relatives and friends gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCurdy, lot 15, con. 13, to witness the marriage of their estimable daughter, Miss .fiery Olive, to Mr. Nelson Fletcher of Kirk - ton. At five o'clock as the soft and doleet strains of the wedding march, played by bliss \table Sawyer, floated through the parlor the busy hunt of work and exeit„meat subsided. :\ f•'w moments elapsed when the bride, who is at all tithes attractive in eppe'arance and manner came forward handsomely attired in white silk, and reclining on the nem of her father. iter sister, Miss Jennie, acted as bridesmaid and was attired in a beautiful costume. Little Lily Kay, who took the port of flower gill. looked like a little fairy and acted her part well. Norman Fletcher of Winghatn, brother of the groom, was hest roan. Rev. Mr. Veale tied the nuptial knot. At the conclusion of the s.elenln yet pleasing ceremony. ran• grat.tilations were then extended to the bride and groom, after which all enjoyed a dainty end appetite/nig wed- s ding crupper. The large nntnher• of use. 1 NI and vattitble presents was n token o of the high esteem entertained toward o the lieppy couple. The evening was b vert' pleasantly t1Y'11t in 1011SiC, Ito n1C> 1 and ,oeial chat. \Ve have great pleas. tore in joining with the brides puller. t ons friends in best wishes for the fu. lure happiness and welfare of torr.. If +1 end worthy husband and may tb •ir :, future be no uninterrepted hon••y• t moon. Tbe Advocate is among the h host of well-wishers. bliss Rosa Smith has been re-engag- ed for a third term to teach a school near here at a substantial increase in salary. We are pleased to bear of our young friend's continued success. - Mr. Geo. Heitman of London has se- cured 130 acres of hand here and is es- tablishing a deer park. He bas so far secured eight splendid deer, and ex- pects to get more. It is said that when complete, this park will be the finest sight within one hundred miles of Lon- don. Mr. Heitman purposes opening his park to the public for two months during the summer. He expects that before ninny years Grand Bend will be the favorite summer resort of \Vestern Ontario. -The contract for driving piles in the gap of the break -water has een awarded and the work will he prosecuted at once. -11. I3ossenherry's new hotel is fast nearing completion, the first coat of plastering having been finished. --Louis Gravelle last week moved into his new hoose. -H. Gill and A. Gravelle were in Exeter Wed- nesday, -Mr. Jos. Gill, who recently purchased L. Gravelle's house, will move therein this week. A PLEASANT SCn1'RISE-Last week Rev. S. A. Carr•iere was very pleasant- ly surprised by it number of his Cor- bett congregation calling and present- ing bins with a hundred bushels of oats for his horse. This kind act goes to show the good feeling existing be- tween the Rev. gentlemen and his flock. 1)ashwood A goodly number of the young peo- ple of this community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schrader, 1; miles west of Isere, on Friday eight and engaged in a social hop. Their Bulling faces tell the tale that they we..• received with kindness and en- joyed themselves to the full. -Richard Baker of London, representing the London Brick Machine Co., was 111 the village Friday trying to place a ton - chine here. We do not know with what prospects he /net. The bricks are made of cement and sand, are the col- or of cement and bard as flint. --Dr. Bach:time of Zurich was bet Saturday and fumigated Jonas lfl►rtleib's house after his attack of typhoid fever. -- Dan. Me:Isaac is again at his old stand in Philip Fossel's blacksmith shop. -- Messrs. Oscar and Wesley Wolfe and sister, Miss Lizzie, of Crediton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Finkbeiner,-At the close of the Sunday morning service a class leaedet• and exhorter were elected for (lass No. 1, which resulted as follows: Henry Ehlers for the former and Fred Baker for the latter. -The Public School here intending holding a concert on the ev- ening of Dec. T.3. Particulars later. - The services of Mrs. Seldon has been (cured by the trustees of the school, f miles north of here, for the balance f the year, The school has been with - lit a teacher since the resignation of iiss ,leckell.-M1r. and Mrs. Adam lick spent Sunday with friends at. Il.ke.--Noah Pried is in the vintage aking orders for the Royal Silverware '•+.- For several years past the gi isting olein the Dashwood Ilout•ing Mill was tiything but satisfactory, so much so hat the trade once done by the twill :as dwindled down to very small quer- ers, so much so that the proprietor Was idiom discouraged and although he went to it greet expense in the gray •+f new machinery and the getting of +•ascots still no better results were. produced. 31r. Fidt once brought the mat , lt0r before then�ul1, e tac•turt 'mos of the timelines y end advanced to then) his ideas, but they Only laughed hint tI) Bernal. Ile 11154) consulted 501110 Hoed in the busbies.: and they advised the hotting in of other new m►nchinery. This 11 r. Kirit did not feel disposed to do and although altno.t discouraged h.•, with the determination so chnr.ee- •' i.t is of his trace, set himself to the task 4.1 so arranging the trill as he thought it ought to be with the result that the flour produced et the mill is new "gilt edge' and no better can ir(• Ilroenred anywhere. We therefore +'speak for Mr. iidt, who is a materi- el miller and a very genial and oblig• g g1'ntlem.n, it goodly share of pat - lunge which rightly belongs to hinn- y. Shrum, who pur'•hasod the goner - store business of the It. Pickerel Ce., tend.addingset'. ralthoes,nd dollars Orth of new stork to what is ;dread) err. Although 31r. Shrum routes as • entire stranger himself yet he feel. if he Is In 0 ,npas,lre somewhat tae. ,Hinted to this ronvnunkty, his wife ing a daughter of Amit eta Truetn• •r, who lived on the farm now owned by David Sehreder. 311. Shrum in t iter the piddle generally to call and v, t .tern anted with his mode of doing business. \X'c know what think of A Pectoritl. Ask for and find ou ers all good doc- tors Cherry yourown1�doc- s. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. Ater•• CLerrr reet.,ral Ie well known !- ear faintly We think It 11 75. bast tnedae:r.e 15 tits world ter eoe fbe sad coals' E• roe 1 araawt, Potations. Cat. All Arat[Ute. , for I Lowen, 1111•1. Hard Coughs ne of Ayers Plus et bedtime will Austen recovery. Cently laxative, I, Blake Percy Keys, we are pleased to repur has succeeded in ubtau1ing his yet tit cute of Junior Leaving Standing an is now atteudiig the Model at Gode rich. --Mrs. Thompson and daughter Beryl, of Winnipeg, Man., are on visit to friends in this netgKhborhuod - The Misses Lizzie Allen, FAlen John- ston, Iaura Swayze. Kama. Schnell, Laura Wagner and Edith Cappling left a tem days ago for London where they intend upending the winter.- Arthur bdigbotfer has gone to Clinton where he bas accepted a position in a barber shop. Stephen t I The following is it curt ect reput•t of li 1- the sot riding of the pupils of S.S. No. el 3. Stephen, for the months of October and November. The es ores are in order of merit. 1V. Thomas Nathan., a Fred Beaver, Ralph (Vitus, Cecelia . ( Ford, Harry Triebner, llilda Preszca- toa. Harry Parsons. Sr. i11.--Cladys Dearing, Edwin Triebner, Fart Persona, Sherman (Villis, May Sanders. Jr. III. Florence Neaman, Preston Dearing. ing. Fred Preszcatnr, Johnny Willis, Geo. Hicks. Sr. II. --Ada \Villis, Gordon Sanders, Florence Triebner, Chester Parsons. Abater Willis, Semite' State lake. Jr. II. -Wilfrid Shapton, ()live Preszcator•, Martha Bagshaw, Gurdon Penhale. Part 11, -Garfield Stamlake. Sr. i.- Merle \Villis, Regio Pitt•snrts, Charlie Triebner. Jr. I.- Lela Sanders, Gordon Heitman, Verna Preszcator, Johnny Bagshaw, Verde Box. No. on roll 37, average attendance 2i). Percy S. Banes, Teaacht•r. - Kippel► Wnt, James McMotdie, of London, son of Itobt. McMotdie, late of Kippen was recently married in Toronto to Miss Anna Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. D. James, of Toronto. W. J. has many friends here who ex- tend their hearty congratulations to himself and estimable bride. -R. B. McLean was in London last week pre- senting the interests of the fanners before the tariff commission. It would seers that the fartuershave their troub- les as well as the manufacturers. Mr. McLean made it powerful appeal for lower taxes for the fau•ulers.--1'. Elder of the 3rd concession of Tuckersn(ith, and brother John have returned from a t wo weeks' bunting expedition to New Ontario. They enjoyed their out- ing thoroughly and brought back four fine deer as the result s t of their laitx►rs. --St. Andrews church will hold their anniversary services shortly. -John I.'tunders bas returned from a visit to Toronto and elsewhere.- Andrew Bell, sr., had a narrow escape from den11 recently. He was loading gravel at the pit when he noticed a large bank of earth was about to cave in. Ile got out of the pit as quickly as he could but not a minute too soon, as he ha just got away when down calve sever al tons of earth. The back of his swag on was buried, the weight of whici broke the axle. Mr. Bell is congratu lating hitnself on his escape, for had h not noticed the earth when he did thefe is no doubt but that he woul have been buried under it and in al probability killed. Rodgerville. ANNt?Ai. Sttn(yrINo MATCH.- -'rhe an- nual shooting match of the Hedgger- ville (tun Club took place on Mr. ',Via. White's farm on \\ eduesda_v of last week. The day was fine and the eneuu- hers of the club were in fine spirits. N. Ja , rott and F. E. Case were select- ed as captains. Sides were chosen; thirteen uuen on each side: each Mall shot. at six live pigeons. '1'i►e contest waged hot at times and it 11.4(5 difficult to tell just how it would result. lt, however, went in favor of Mr. Jat•rott and his then by four birds. The best shooters of the day were R. V. Case, Ed. Willis and J. Jeckell, each killing five birds. , repair- ed rd The match over all ( 1 - t 1 u ed to Mr. Milton McTaggart's home where an oyster supper and other deli- cacies were served, after which the merry crowd engaged in the mazy d whirl until a reasonable hour when - the gathering broke up, all carrying - away pleasant recollections of the 1005 annual shoot. He call d Crediton The Misses Lingelhaach and Nicholas of Tavistock visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Oestreicber the past week. -H. Either has had the woodwork of his office oiled and repainted. Bert Clark did the work and he certainly did the job well -Eli Sweet is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy, This is the fourth birth on the street inside of two months. Our government ought to grant us a bonus for the rapid in- crease in oar papulation. No race sui- cide around here. --A. J. Garden of Parkhill visited friends here last week. - Cards are out for the marriage of Misss Victoria May, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Andrews. of this place to J. Wesley Boyce, on Dec. 8. -Miss Emma Schneider of Detroit visited friends here the past week. -Ott Fri - (hay night nitwit 40 young people pleas- antly surprised Mr. and ,Urs. Paul Shenk in their new home. All report rt good time. Paul makes a genial host. - Joos %uefle of Iietsall visited his nt)ther,Mrs. Chas. Brown, on Sunday. -Mr. Fossett, architect, of Saretie, was in the village Tuesday consulting with our school trustees regarding the erection of our now school. -The high wind the past week loosened some of the brick work on the pillars of the church tower. Rena ire should be made at once as a sanious accident might take place by someone being injured by the filling tlutterinl.-Mrs. John Preeter of Zurich was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sant Brown on Sundaay.-- 1irs. Schwarz of Colborne Township visited her daughter, Mrs. Claris. Heist on Sunday. The Literary y Society met at 31r. S. Brown's home, on friday evening, Nov. 241 b. The billowing program was retitle' ed: Piano solo, Miss Oilie Holtz titan; reading, ,Miss Ella Link; vocal solo. Miss Ella Beaver; reading, bliss Myrtle Clark; piano solo, Mfrs. Bluett; vocal solo, Dr. Heist. There wets n debate: "Resolved that Canada would be better as an independent state." The debaters were C. Illuett and P. Banes for affirmative ,trod Alvin Amos, Ira Brown, and Herb Eilber for the negative. Rev, Mfr. 021m10, Dr. Heist and Mr. George Hirtzel were judges ,and gave the decision in favor of the latter. The Society will meet at the hotne of 11r. W.Obi t•k Friday, Dec. 1st. SILVER WEun1Nu. -Last Thursday evening an event of more than usual interest took plaice nt the home of 31r. and Mrs. Henry Eilber, it being the celebration of their silyet' wedding. Quite a number of guests were present. and all had a very pleasant time. Af- ter doing justice to n fine supper the company suet in the parlor where cnn- grntnlatory addresses were given by Rev. Denim, G. F. Either and Christe- pher Eilber on behalf of the re'lntites, and Jacob Heist and Joseph Ilaist en behalf of the friends, \VerongratWatt. Mr. and Mrs. Eilber upon hating at- tained their silver wedding day and hope they may he spared to relehl,ate their golden wedding. %'KDt11No.--A quiet wedding was celebrated at. the home of Mr. .1011,1 Treitz lr n•5 da), when his estim- able daughter, Hiss Emma, became the happy bride of Mr. Chas. Kilmer. Only the immediate relatives were in- vited to witness the ceremony which was performed by itev. lhtrnm. nip bride's wedding 1(11)0 wars n marvel of elegant(, conthi1)0(1 with rare stmulici- 1y She was attended by her friend, Miss Emma Schneider of Detroit, who was very becomingly attired. The pyronin was supported by his brother, \Ir. Eli Fahner. The company enjoyed n very excellent repast et the conch's - Inn of the reremony. The bride is tine ' of nor 1110.1 respected young ladies and was indeed vets popular tend the will be much missed by herr nanny friends here. The wedding gifts were numer- ous, varied, t huice and costly, an 1•v i• dente of the high esteem entertained towar•el the happy eon plt,coupled with the (boot's V01111,4 lest. h fist) (11411 1lkeit pet htvay through life may be strewn with flowers. During thet'veeing the (1,4ntl enlitrnril the oect sign with sev- eral rimier. and R'itahly melee, inn*, Mr. and Mrs. Kilmer left Monday morning for Killarney, 11an., whet( \1r. Fahner will ei,gage in ruining. The Adt•orette joins with the ninny friends in lest wishes ter n happy ata) prosperous (Hal'l lest life. Frank Ruse has been reappointed choir leader of Carmel church. -Jas. Ross, near Brucefteld, has purchased Jatnes Bontbron's fine fame on the 2nd concession of Hay for $0,400. This is a fine property and the price a rea- sonable one. Mr. Bonthron intends coming to Hensel( to reside, and to him we extend a hearty welcome. - Albert McBrine has the sympathy of his friends in his recent sad bereave- ment, his mother having passed away at Clinton last week at the age of 74 years. -We understand there is a movement on foot to organize a young ladies' hockey team this winter. -A. Cook has gone to Winnipeg, 11an., to vitit a friend who is very ill.-- George Jovut, who has been laid up for sever- al days owing to his recent accident, he having sustained a fracture of two ribs, is slowly recovering. ile• also suffered an attack of pleurisy. -31 iss Rose Yungblut, who had the misfor- tune to fall and fracture two of her ribs, is getting on as well as can he expected. Her Many friends hope to soon see her around again. -Miss Mag- gie Mnc(liarmid has returned to M1s- katine, iown, after a pleasant visit herr.-Miss Mary Johnston has return- ed from her yisit to \Voodstock.-.\Its. J. C. Stoneman has her mother, Mrs. Robinson, of Lambeth, with her at present. --Fred Matins is baying steam beating radiators port in his barber shop. -N. H. Warner, who has been assisting Buchanan Bros„ in their bakery business, has gone to Detroit. -John Pfaff has purchased the new house recently owned by Mrs. Wood. 1)r3'H(ilile Julius Challett has returned from Stanley where be spent the summer with 11. Steckle.-Alfred Mebane.. has gone to Stratford where he will engage in business. Success Alf. -- Miss G. F. Murray has gone to Exeter where she will learn dressmaking.-- 3liss 1'. Walsh of Parkhill will be the new teacher in Separate S.S. No. 1, Stanley, to succeed Hiss N. Coughlin. The luting lady conies highly recom- mended and will no duiiht prove her- self satisfactory in every way -The trustees of our school have nit secured it teacher to succeed Miss Thompson. -Mrs. Wm. Johnston who met with a painful accident while at Kippen sta. tie!) a few days ago is getting along as well es can be expected. It is indeed te Miracle how she escaped with her life. It seems through tens' care- lessness on the part of the train (talent's i no stop was made to enable passengers to get on or off, the train being merely slowed up gradually and so gradually started again. The lady in some un- known way was thrown to the ground and fell between the platform and track, a space of narrow proportions. As a result her shudder was dislocat- ed and a tooth knocked int besides. She received ninny bruises and so bad e shaking up that she was unconscious fur sante time. Under 1 he skilful treat- ment of Dr. Campbell we trust she will soon recover. WsDDINoe.-\Wedding hells seems to be tinging continuously throughout this neighborhood, as week by week we pen the adventof n Drysdale girl e0 b "Maple Leaf Rubbers" are made of pure Para rubber, are wet -proof, neat, perfect -fitting and lasting. Every rubber has a Maple Leaf branded on the sole, and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber is perfect in every way. Insist on your dealer giving you 'Maple Lead Rubbers" N. M ade for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies', men's and children's shoes. .I r .. FINE JEWELLERY Our customers fr 'in surreu 1•tin.; t • sits and viitages are increasing rapAly and becceaing betters (ti.ti,•J ,%11!1 every purchase and that we ban Ale only fine jewellery and that eve! v .,rticle is as represented. At pre sent we ars offering s;te: ial tatues in handsome tit -machos and Cuffs Link•, as f.aows : Brooches in four p:,tt,•rn.. • ,.•~holy l;,rger than %hown by the above cut and varying slightly in detail, set %lith re II Perris ;to solid i.•k gold, mailed in a neat plush b.)s, at $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 ('cuff Links ((loin initiait engraved, as shown by cut. Goll filled $1 00 Tenth gold 2 00 Soli.( lok told 4 00 Solid t;!: >;.'ld3 CJ Prices for rased gold tulle's or crest (111 al t' '''tion. Sent prepaid to any :.d 1ress for P. O. or a:cprz•.t mono). order cover. ing the amount. If not satisfactory goods can bst. 1.1401...1 :it nay expense and money will be refunded. J. S. BARNARD, 170 Dundes Street, LONDON. i THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1 55) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund-. • • • • .. , . , , $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGiIT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOCKS to a, m. to 9 p. cn. SATURDAYS, 1111 a n1. to p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUMINF.MM TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forme supplied on (application. • i)11 tf"I:S on all points in the Dominion, Meat. lir Rain and United States ixuight and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Department: artment: p Depositsnl $I and oPnard. rushed. Inti rest com- pounded half-)eart) and added to win, ;I al June 30th and i,e, tmher 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government, DICKSON it CARLIN°, Solicitors. N. 1). IICltl)ON, 3I;Itiawa r. Irian maidenhood -limey free --int.► Ilymen's paradise. Daring the past Kil'kl011 few days two inure of one young 1a1- dies l c aacv • ( hart f+ names. •ed their ru .. The DK.0.11.-By the death ..f Urs. Jas. first tv( refer to is bliss 1Lna•Iline, daughter of Joseph 1)rnenunie, wlet oto 11a7lhworr(1 5 tkton le,st•a n t•nlu01 c11. Thursday morning became Urs. 31:,1- ken. Deceased( hod suitered from cel ('(1r•t•iv11(11. The ceremony, which Ite,u•t disease for some time lint her death was not inthe least expected. Site bad retired in her usual health on Sun- day evening et. ale elt eleven e' clock, but shortly 11(11111)7(18 she was taken suddenly ill amt ere one hour hail passed her spirit was wafted to that home above. About two months ago her beloved pat tree in life was call. d nw'ay rind to -day they both test in pence side by side. Dor.•ased, whose maiden name was Elizabeth diary, had reached the age Of i,►) years, 5 months and 20 (lays, and was a life- long resident of this place. She w,ls a very Iudnstriuus lady, at true helpmate to her husband end 11 1111141,•1 ober to her fancily, always pi uteri ing the joy's of home to the i) tt 121(1(07)74 of the outside world. As neighbor and friend there nett' none better or more genuine. None will lois. her more Ilan Iterfauils or six sons and (wo (laugh• tors, .ell of whole have the sympathy of the rntnnaonity. Beside ((terse ?die leave -ea blot her and sister in Si. Marys. The rimernl tank place on Wednesday to the Kit kton rente•ty and was very 11,,g•ly attended. was performed by 11.13. Father L .iselle Intik plaice it) St. Peter's chili eh near here ,end was witnessed by a large gathering. Miss Annie ('hat•tottc and Jerry ('orrn•e111( ,assisted the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Cottive•au will reside en the Soul,1, line. --The other young lady is bliss 1f•iggie Mihir), of the Maniple line. This plensing etent. Itisytook place in t11P1:111)0('11111('11 and trio Satile titini.ter• oflrtlltd. The lucky 1111111 in this event is Leo Fester, of the Babylon line. A large moldier weer present. nt the ('hure'h. The holdy was attended by her sister, Miss E,n;Iv- while the groom was supported 11\• hiss brother. John. lin Wednesday ...en- ing a •.en- ingas Ia1geassemblage of young ins •PIs gat het .'d at the groom's hone, ,Ind h.'. ling 41s Jig/a-Itemused .11)11 happy a1 th.• OCI.:i.$iun t•e•,Inir(d, 1hev gave Tent to f he'r• rn4•11 intent 141 1 ipping f h,. • 1,efit fantastic" till the wee sin:t"oors. The brideon NI( te Hees/loot tress• W1'11 le - ell by their ft lends in the way of gift.. Slay 1hn.e who have joined h,1 /,d. fin lire find the Cottle lit i;ht Hud jeyo,l5. Uit.:hel:: Iles.. 111. 11. os trot of the Methodist (dint eh ht l e, ha . 07 r. 1,11 (1 It 11101:111 e.ill 10 tl'.• Si'a ,hnnt churel, for next year. Vrood'e Phoaphodiner: TpNrtat hnpl ..h . ai. A positive rule for allIrtomodsof Sexual Weakness, Mental a ttfn,aa•.n Train Worry, l ani .'ion S. Spec% ,notorrhora, Impotency Effects of Al.w:o or Sxm..��.(,, all of which lead to Consumption, lottnnIty. insanity Aldan osrl grave. i'ries e1 per pkg.,.11 for j5. One w111 please, nix will cure. Sold by alidruggiste or mailed In Mhos package on rr•, etpPeof price. WI-itofot Pamphlet. The Wood M.dlGIno Co.. Wiadaer, Ontario. tfyoo, your fiends or reativrs sufi:•rwith Fite, i•:Irlcpsy, St. l'itui' Da,,c I r l ailing S ' tri Al mote for a t ul lx.t'le a::•1 valuable (testae on sal h d::case; to Tail: Lr.tet.r CO., 179 Kin; Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists tell or Can obtain f .r y,4u LEIEIG'SFITCURB