HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-23, Page 5i THE exefe, abtiwute published evt-y Thursday Morning at the Office. MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the — ADVOOATI PURL I814I NO OOMPAMY TERMS OF iillksCKtiT1ON. Ons Dollar per annum if paid in ad,ance, $1.80 if not so paid- i<wwrtioiag $Stsrs oa iyslic.- tioa No paper discontinued until all artearaites are paid Advertisements without Specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transient advertisements Inserted for long peri«is. EAery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, kc., for advertising, aubecriptions, etc., to be made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, pltui'itierouS Professional yards. Dlt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST. Teeth e.tr t. tial without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fa son's Block, a rat aide Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Tomo,, rniyerity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago S, hool of Prosthetic Dentiatery (with honorable mention.) AAuu,inuul, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the IL. neatest moaner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Auctioneer* BROWN, Winchelsea. Lirenod Auctioneer H. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of ('+borne. Sales promptly attended to and terns reasonable. Sales arranged at Poet Office Winchelsea. iWANTED.—LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to repre- sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary- 23.50 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy- furnished when neceasasy; position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & CO., Dept. 0, Moron Bldg., Chicago, 111. At Exeter and Centralia Storehouses -ow ready for use the best -Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everybody at the lowest +' prices. Jos. Cobbledick A 41 HOSPITALS CROWDED MAJOIITY OF PATIENTS WOMEN Yrs. Pinihanee Advice Bavee Many Prom thin Bad and Costly Experience. It is a sad but true fact that every year brings au i n - crease in the numberofopera- tions performed upon women in o u r hospitals. More thanthree- fourths of the patients lying on those snow white beds are women and girls who are awaiting or recovering from opera- tions made necessary by neglect. Every one of these patients had plenty of warning in that bearing down feeling, pain at the left or right of the womb. nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, leucorrhoea, dizzi- ness, flatulency, displacements of the womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an un- healthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the trouble will make headway until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous opera- tion, and a lifetime of impaired useful- ness at best, while in many cases the results are fatal. The following letter should bring hope to suffering women. Mrs. Robert. Glenn, of 434 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is so well and widely known that it does not need my recommendation, but I an pleased to add it to the many which you have in its favor. I suffered untold agonies from ovarian troubles for nearly three years, and the doc- tors told me that I must undergo an opera- tion, but as I was unwilling to do this, I tried your Vegetable Compound and I am only too pleased that I did so, for it restored me to perfect health, saving pre the pain of an operation and the immense bills attending the same Pray accept my hearty thanks and best wishes.'' Just as surely as Mrs. Glenn was cured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinklram's Vegetable Compound cure every woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability and nervous prostration. Mrs. Pinkliarn invites all young women who are ill to write her for free advice. Address, Lynn, Mass. Wood's Pho.Ihodine, The (ircat English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms of Sexual Vs caknris, Mental and fir roan AN Ai Ilk Emits Worry, Emissions, Sper- matorrhoea, Impotency Effect* of Abuse or Excess, all of which lead to Consumption, Infirmity, Insanity and an early grave. Prion (Ir sixw =I per pkg.,six fur tt5. 10 will please, Ill cure. Flolby ulldruggleta or nailed in plain package onreceipt ofprice. Write for Pam Pamphlet. Tho Wood Medicine Co.. wradaor, Ontario. !Buy your Pian from the • Creditoll Home Dealer, t er. Martin &Son ALr&�Set ALAS ll. a 11011000000,000 COCO OCC418ill041 OUR Instruments are thor- oughly reliable. So are we. We will suit you in Goods, also in Prices and Terms. We are offering a five - drawer guaranteed Sewing Machine for $21. Call and see it. Our Roller Flom is itt the very top of the list of good flours. There k 11o11C better matte. It makes the good wife smile. Try it. arteassrso GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. SIAMITZER NOTICE To F8Em0ES Nig Itie PithIIo 10 G8QCEaI. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such asRags Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Male Street, Exeter. tine door South of Metropolitan Hotel That's where you will get the highest cashprice for them. S. MARTIN & SON EXETER MARKETS. ('iiAN(il';D 1:.1C1I WEDNESDAY W heat 78 Ilan ley 44) Gats 3i Peas 05 Potatoes, per bag. ....., 73 Hay, per ton 0 00 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt. 1 Hotter Eggs Livehogit, per cwt Shorts per ton 20 00 Bran per ton 10 00 Turkeys Geese Ducks Chicken Dried Apples 82 43 .iii 63 SO 6 rap 22.5 25 1 25 20 18 5 23 20 00 143 (10 12 8 9 5 0 4 5 Woodham: Mr. and Mrs. John Cope. land have moved to St. Marys. - CENTRAL Claudeboye. Mr. T. Ilarlton, merchant. has left our village and Mr. Kettle of Bryan - stun has opened up business. We wieh Mr. Kestle every success. -Miss E. A. Cunningham, after spending several weeks in Detroit, returned Thursday. —Miss Nellie Deacon left Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Chitties. in Ilel- mont.—Miss Della Iiarltutt of Loudon stent a few days in the village.—Miss Bella Hudgins of London and Mrs. Thos. Hudgins attended the church re- opening.—Misses Martha and Maud Hudgins of Ilarpley visited friends here for a few days. —Mrs. Webb of Denfield visited Mts. Moses Hodgins for a few days. --Miss Jane Cunning- ham returned house after spending a few days with her niece, Mr's. Yager of Exeter. SU('CEtiSFUL C111,1t1'H OPENING —The congregation of St. James' church, Biddulph, have every reason to feel highly elated over the success of the reopening event on Sunday week. For several weeks the church has been undergoing repairs and the sacred edi- fice resplendent in its new tied becom- ing attire, both internally and extern- ally, now presents a beautiful appear- ance and is to -day one of the prettiest country churches in Ontario. The ser- vices were conducted by Rev. Rural Dean Taylor of Perth and both morn- ing and evening the church was pack- ed to overflowing, in fact in the eve- ning over a hundred were unable to gain admission, while the sheds only afforded about half accommodation for the horses driven from far and near. The choir, assisted by that of the Lucan English church, contribut- ed touch to brightening the services and on the whole the services were most impressive. On Tuesday evening a fowl supper was served in the base- ment, followed by a sacred concert in the church. Interesting addresses were delivered by Revds. Holmes. Col- lins. Bloodsworth, Wilson and Thom- as (rector.) The solo by Miss Nellie Hodgins of Lucan and also that of Mrs. Moses Simpson, Miss Mara and bliss Evelyn Simpson were adtuirably ren- dered; the reading by Miss Cameron was an interesting number and the singing of Mr. R. Robinson of Ilderton and Mr. Holtby, was of a most pleas- ing nature. The collections amounted to $80, while the proceeds of the sup- per amounted to $142. DEATH'S DoINas—Last week anoth- er of our oldest settlers answered the great roll call and enters the realms of a better life. We refer to the dem- ise of Mr. George Seale, who died Nov. 15. at the great age of 82 years. For some time deceased had been in deli- cate health, attl ibutable to a we eken- ing vitality and is general breaking up of the system. Being a native of Ire- land Mr. Seale conte to Canada over sixty years ago and by his sterling qualities. noble aspirations and kindly disposition commanded the respect of the whole community. Besides a sor- rowing widow he leaves a grown up family of four sons and five daughters. The funeral took place Friday to St. James' cemetery. Very general and deep regret is ex - pi es•ed itt the very unexpected and sad death of Mrs. Edward Maria. Jr., who was taken ill on Monday morning of last week and on Wednesday eve- ning following at eight o'clock she lay cold in death. Sad indeed iva the cir- cumstances sut•1.111111(11ug her demise, but it is haul to realize the intensity of the affliction thus thrust upon the sorrowing husband and near relatives. Deceased was of a lovable disposition, kind and true as it friend and she leaves behind he',- the fragrance of a pure turd spotless life. Deceased was 22 years of age and had only enjoyed married life about three years. She leaves to mourn her demise a sorrow- ing husband, a two-year-old son, a mother and three brothers. The fun- eral took place to St. James' cemetery Saturday. Floral tributes were tunny and beautiful. ry. 1•.,L (PRcNOJNcED SI=KEEN) Positively Cures La Grippe. Lunt Trouble. Pneu- monia., Night Sweats. General Weakness,Consumption,Bron- chills. Loss of Flesh. Short Breathing, Chills and Fever. Coldness of the Limbs. Obsti. nate Coughs and Colds, Stops Wtr ate of Lung Tissuo. THIS BOY CURED rtes. A. 0. Plslaers noosed etatsrwenta November, tgoa, my son Lauren, was taken down with Pneumonia. T w r physicians in town attended him. lie lay for three months almost like • dead chid. Ilia lungs be. came so swollen that his heart was pressed neer to the right side. Altogether 1 think we paid !,4o to the doctors. and all the time he was get• ting wont. We commenced the Dr. Slocum treat• meet. The effect war wonderful. rye sa,y a differsc. la two days, Our boy is will and strong sow and able to enjoy life to the 1..!1. and t.s not taken a drop of mcJ . ice since that Inc. MRS. A. O.PISMa11• Newmarket. Ont STRATFORD, ONT. MAKE YOUR LIFE A SUCCESS yon ran If you will. lair courses Nh,- h are mp-to• date and era dirsi wall qualify you in the shortest p -..able time. All our graduates seem, gn,sl posi- tions We get far more ap,+lfcalions than we an meet. This school has gained a continental rrpnta- tinn for thoron,;hncss. You may enter it any tone write for our band•ome catalogue It will interest you ELLIOTT & Nc1.A('H },AN, Principals. EIALLS VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renews A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restores color to/ray hair, all the dark,rich color of youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold for Afty years. ''"1:71.171,01"=.t' ' PSYCHINE (Pronounced Si -keen) For gals at all drug storm if it so happens that your druggist baso t Psychine in stock,or.:er e.re. t 01 write for a free sample to i)r. T. A. Sl'cun, Limited, t;, Kang street west. Toronto, Canada. 111.00 Per Bottle. Granton it. r.Rayeraft nit purchased the 110 - acre Tartu belonging to his father on the town line, near Whalen.—W 1). Stanley has been appointed it Justice of the Peace. The choice is a good one, as he is the tight loan for the po- siton.--Miss Eva Carter has neer en - gegen to teach the senior department of the public school for next year. Hiss Olive Carter teacher in the junior department has resigned and Miss (.race Stewart has been engaged to take her place.—Thomas Lawton and family are now occupying their new residence half a mile south of the vil- lage. Thames Road Messrs. Albert ants Arthur Passmore who were home attending the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs. Darch, have returned to Sault Ste. Marie. Mt'. Thorn and Fred parch of London also attended the funeral.—Messrs. SylvanusCann, Fred Ellerington and Ernest Dinnin have gone on a pros- pecting tour to New Ontario. Success boys.—"Hare you gut your turnips up?" is the common question among the farmers of this vicinity. --William Passmore's many friends will be pleas- ed to lean that he is daily improving. —31r. and Mrs. Henry Passmore turd family have moved to Exeter. Their sun. William, has charge of the farm. —John Stnallacowlc, who broke his leg some time ago, has been removed to the home of his uncle in Exeter. We hope soon to see hint around again. Mrs.Ltwrence who has been the guest of her cousins,Mr. and Miss Pybus,b,as returned to her home in Sarnia. Herman Nelson Richert has gone to Chicago where he has secured a position in a barber shop.—Mrs. John McEwen is on a visit to her daughter at Ottawa. Will Hoggarth is now occupying his father's residence.—Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Murray have returned from a two months' trip to Manitoba.—E. V. Campion of Goderich has taken a po- sition on the staff of the Sovereign Bank here.—Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMartin have moved to their new home east of the village. —G. C. Petty is being congratulated over his ap- peinttu('nt as Justice of the Peace.— Miss Carlisle, who has been a resident of our village for the past twelve year's hits moved to St. Catharines where she intends residing. During her residence among us she earned the good will and respect of all who had business deal- ings with her and she carries with her the high esteem of the comu)unity.— Rodgerville Gun Club have reorganiz- ed and held their annual shoot yester- day (Wednesday) at Win. Nhite's. Shipka Mr. Chas. Baumgarten, Sr., intends moving to the West —Mr. B. Baxter passed through the village Monday.— Mr. Jacob has erecta} a new stroke house.—Our merchants are very busy ordering in fowl. They are paying the highest prices.—John and William Schroeder have t etut'ned home from the West. They think the West is all right.—S. Vincent has nearly com- pleted his building which adds to the appearance of the village. Cyrus is going into the hen business heavy.— Mr. Samuel Sweitzer, our popular reeve, has returned home from Mus- koka. bringing with hint two fine deer. While there he had rather an unpleas- ant experience with wolves, two fero- cious 'writes having given him quite a chase. Mr. Sweitzer says there is lots of snow in the huntsman's par- adise, he having been driven to the station in a sleigh, a distance of over forty miles. — A number of merry -mak- ers (men and women) surrroun(led the home of our popular reeve hist Satur- day and serenaded the inmates with dinner bells, old pails, cans, musical instruments, etc. The music was fine (?)—Geo. Sutton has bought William Pickering's favor on the 18th con. of Stephen. --Frank Fanner. while out shooting pigeons fell off the end of the barn. He is now nursing a crooked neck and had an experience bo will not care to repent. A safer place for shooting pigeons is from the ground. Frank. Kirkton Mrs. McCurdy who had the' misfor- tune to dislocate her shoulder joint scene weeks ago, has since been con- fined to 11..1.114)1m.. but we are pleased to learn that she is improving.—Roht. Fletcher and wife have taken up their residence with Dr. Campbell.—Frank Itnlinson has gorse to Wiarton where he has accepted a situation as photog- rapher.—Mr's. Robert Robinson was called to Toronto owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. Key. PIIFastNT.STION.--A few evenings ago A large number of friends assent bled in Aberdeen Hall to bid farewell to their ntuch esteemed ft•iends,f)r.and Iles. Ferguson. Rev. Colin Fletcher occupied the chair in his usual happy manner. Several addresses were read to them and Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson received handsome gifts. the former receiving a gold -headed umbrella and A gold headed cane, while the latter was presented with one dozen pearl handled silver knives and A half dozen frnit knives. The Dr. on behalf of hie wife made a suitable reply. After lunch A pleasant time was spent by all. AROUND ABOUT US. Downie: Martin Hum igen hail his shoulder dislocated by falling out of a buggy Tuesday. Dublin: Mr. Mcintee, O.T.R. section foreman has moved to Brantford where he has taken up farming. St. Marys: Mrs. 1Vup. Gibb who has been residing here for many years last week moved to Stratford. St. Marys: W. G. Smeaton, B. A.. Science Master et the Collegiate Insti- tute has tendered hi. resignation to take effect Dee. 1. He goes to Ottawa where he has been offered A similar position. Mitchell: Tuesday evening Alden Hn1'ritt was taken suddenly ill when his housemaid was despatched for a doctor. in her hurry she slipped on the sidewalk and fell. breaking one of her arms. Loran: Mr. Iden Hodgins, at the age of (W) years, passed away at his home here on Sunday and was buried at St. Janie's cemetery Tuesday. Ile leaves it wife and grown-up family to mourn his d•'nth. The Red Rose Flavor and Strength NO Ceylon tea nor Indian tea alone can have the "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose "I'ea,bec:tusc neither variety in itself possesses all the qualities of strength, richness, delicacy, and fragrance. Ea --.71;7s own peculiar qualities, but each has its weaknesses. by combining the two in the Red Rose proportions, I produce a tea with the " rich fruity flavor" and strength of Red Rose Tea, a flavor and strength found in no brand of Ceylon alone. Red Rose is good Tea T. H.Estebraolt St. John, N.B., Toronto, N'innipei St. Marys: Messrs. Whelihan Bros. have sold the Windsor Hotel, building, furniture and fixtures to J. G. Con- stable, formerly proprietor of the On- tario House for $20,000. Mr. Constable will take possession on January 2. Dublin: A dissolution of partner- ship has taken place at the Dominion Hotel, F. Boehler having withdrawn his name from the business in favor of Joseph Weber, Seaforth, the proprie- tors now being the Nebel' Bros. McKillop: The death of Mrs. Jas. McClusky, of the 4th con., took place on Monday. She had been in poor health for some time, but was able to get about until Sunday, when she took a sudden attack of heart failure and passed away at the age of (It years. Bayfield: The death took place at the Toronto Hospital on Saturday, Nov. 18, of Miss Mary Gairdner, who for several years has been the obliging postmistress of this village. She had been ill for some time and an opera- tion was unsuccessful. Goderich: Thursday morning while W. A. McKim was putting up 11 don- ble window, the top rung of the lad- der he was standing on broke and he fell to the ground. breaking both his legs, the right one being broken in two places. St. Marys: Mr. Geo. Lyon passed away on Monday after an illness of many months. Deceased was born in Toronto in 1830 and at the age of 22 years settled in London township, where he resided until 23 years ago when he carte to St. Marys. His wid- ow, six sons and one daughter survive, The Cook Medicine Co.. St. Marys: James Atkinson was thrown off a wagon near 1 he toren switch on Tuesday and fell lighting on his right arm, which was broken in two places. Goderich: A wedding took place at the home of Thos. Jenkinson Wednes- day when his daughter, Eva• was mar- ried to Hugh D. Cameron. of Arthur- The ceremony was performed by Het Manning of Clinton. How's Thls? We offer One hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure. F. J. CI(ENEY ACO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have know;, F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon- orable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations idyls by his firm. Waxy's°, KIxSes t Meavis, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally-, acting di- rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all llrubg.ats. Take Hall's Family fills for constipation. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength—No. 1, for ordinary cases. $ i per box : No. 2, 10 d e- ggrreeeeee stronger for Special eases. $3 per box. Sold by all drugOsts. Mk for Cook's Cot- ton Root Compound; take no substitute. a Windsor. Ontario w It Is Not Text Books but the instructors behind them that make a school. While the Forest City Business and Shorthand College publishes a text on bookkeeping that is used in the best colleges from Halifax to the Great West and has a standing reputation for publishing practical text books, only the best and highe,t salaried teachers in Canada are on the staff. Without a good teaching staff good text books would bo wasted. Our courses include Bookkeeping, Gregg Shortit.t:td, Accounting, etc., as well as Touch -typewriting. Catalogue free for the asking. School term—Sept. till Juno inclusive. J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. Principal LONDON, ONT. Maple LeaF� Rubbers are made only from the best "Para" rubber. Made to shoes, ladies' In ladies' fit every style and shape of men's shoes and shoes for the little ones. shapes they are neat, light, perfect fitting and lasting. Insist on the " Maple Leaf" Brand -- it's on every rubber. Sold by all dealers.