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Exeter Advocate, 1905-11-23, Page 2
DYING BY INCHE."s, 1 "MANY HAPPY RETURNS." 1 Bloodless Girls Saved by Dr. Wil- Mrs. Edrell Gives the Judge a Balls' Pink Pi113. Pleasant Surprise. Dying by inches—that is the only Judge Edgell hurried into his house way to describe huntir'dds of blood- as usual ut half past six, threw off los less girls who aro slipping slowly coat, washed his herds and hastened but surely from simple anaemia into into the dining -room. At the three- , a decline. They drag themselves hold he recoiled in surprise. A blaze of light dazzled him. The best silo e. along with Ono toot in the grave and glass were laid out. Candles through those years of youth thatlburned at the four corners of the I,huld be the happiest in their lives. table. Cut flowers filled the room And t he wattle trouble lits in the with a fragrance that extinguished' blood. ltud blood is the fountain - the usual smell of cooked food. head of all tho trouble that afflicts At the table his wife bloomed lilt' woman drum maturity to middle life. a young girl. tier hest gown of Dad blood causes all the backaches white voile trimmed with lace—her tt ' her paleness. ho h,d 1 ul c a 1 tho wedding h t sic caches all 1 w( 11 t an 1 1 mother's .-, brcathh•seness and despondency; all lino throat and arms. Ills little the heart i t palpitation, sickly dizzy daughter sat with the self-conseio.s turns and deathly fainting spells. senile of party correctness, wearine From fainting spells to consumption blue ribbons on her "pigtails," ands is only n step. In nine cases out of his son beamed behind u great (IC'tl ton consumption starts from blood- of glistening shirt -front. Ilis older lessness—and the only sure cure for daughter was busy giving a last bloodlessness is Dr. Williams' Pink touch to things on the sideboard. Pills. They actually make now, rich, Sho was the most serious of all in red blood, that brings the rosy glow her grave officiousness. of health to sallow cheeks, and "Goodness! Well! What! Who's strength to every part of the holy. cooling? Have 1 forgotten a dinner This has been proved in thousands engagement? Tho Uryces aren't coin - of cases. Miss Prances Peach. Wel- Ing till next week." land, Ont., says:—"A couple of "Tho week after next," correct -id years ago my condition of health his daughter, soberly. was very serious. Doctors said that "Then who? What? My, what a I had no blood—that it had turned handsome spread!" to water. I was unlit to do any- "Daddy,' observed the youth in thing for months, and was little the white shirt, "I thought judges Inoue than a living skeleton. I had never got surprised at um thing. and no appetite; the lenst exertion hero you aro like a minister at a would leave the breathless, and I slipper party." bad frequent severe headaches. I "My son'" said Mrs. Ed,gell, "you was treated by several doctors, but aro not quite old enough to make they failed to help tine, and 1 was comments of that sort on your par- ..- completely discouraged. Then I cats. Charles," she said, taenia; to was urged to take Dr. Willi;ons, her husband with a cool but gentle CANADA A GREAT COUNTRY. smile, you"need not dress; there i:i Pink Pills, and in a few weeks found not time. 'Phis is rather a special Something of the Land Areas of toy health improving. I used eight ©vent, but I will not explain until Our Homo Land. boxes in all, and was by that time dessert. Sit down, dear, and enj,y it with us. couvel isl reater then from London Judge i:dgell's training as a law- to Itali(ax yer Laugh, him not to ask futile ictoria City is hal[-wry between questions of his info. Ho sat dew'). London and Hong Kong. ate one good thing after another. at'.- Ontario is four times as large as enircd his wife, talked with his son England. about football and school, and ca no Quebec is nearly three Limas ns completely out of the abstraction in - THE SUNLIGHT WAY RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP 1\ A _____ r,mC _ ffff�ra LEAVE 30 To60 MINUTES RINSE WELL Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is b: st when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbin: and bilin.; arc things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Scrap will not in;.:; e even the d..i^nest fac,ric or the hands, and the- clothes will be pc; fectly vrhii '. woolens soft and fiu!1y. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chem cats -- indeed. nothing but the active, cleansing. dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom yea buy >'unli;tht Hoop it you find any cause for complaint. FSS LEVER DROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO again well and strong. I gained The distance from Halifax to Van - twenty -two pounds in weight. and never felt better in my life." What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for Miss Peach they can do for every other weak and piling girl. They Crake new blood, and new blood brings health. strength and happi- ness. But you trust be sure y'ott have the genuine pills with the Roll name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," printed on the wrap- per around each box. All dealers sell these pills, or you can get ;.hem by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Ter. Williams' Medicine Co., ilrock,ville. Ont. '-� STILI, IN DANGER. Many are the changes rung on tho old joke which suggests that the physician is more or less a danger- ous person. Ilut sometimes tho stories aro so naive as to havo a sort of novelty. "how's your husband getting along?" somebody asked Mrs. nutt- ing. whose life-long companion had been seriously i11 with pneumonia. "Well, I don't know what to say," Airs. Cutting answered. with the slowness and indecision which char- acterized all her speech and actions. "You know we've had young Dr. Morse here to him from the first, and at the worst we had old Dr. Green too. Well, the last time Dr. Green came, ho said to tnc, 'Mrs. Cutting, we inny now call hint out of danger.' So I suppose i might say he is, and yet it don't seem much like it. with Dr. Morse coming every other day." HELP FOR LITTLE ONES. It is a recognized fact that babies ---and indeed all children—need a 'medicine of their own. Medical men know, too, that most baby medicines do more harm than good—that most of them contain poisonous opiates, that drug children into quietness without luring their little Ills. Baby's Own Tablets Is a modern medicine for babies and young chil- dren. and in sold under a guarantee to contain no opiate or harmful drug. It cures stomach, bowel and teething troubles, and by its natur- al, healthy action promotes sleep and repose. It Makes little ones well en l keeps (heal well. Mrs. W. 1:. Alisell, Ayer's flat. Que.. says: would adwiee every mother with nick or fretful children to use Baby's Own Tablets. They are the most satisfactory medicine I have ever tried, and almost magical in lb it effects " You can get the. Tablets from any medicine dealer nt• by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Willinma' Medicine Co., ilrockville, Ont. SHORT -SERVICE ENLISTMENT. Two-year Terms with Colors in British Regiments. Mr. .Arnold-i'orster is pleased with the result of his acehenx. of recruit- ing fur the infantry. The other dos the War Office issued nn official com- municatien stating that such satis- factory results have been produced by his spoken) of nine years with the colors and three with the reserve that the deficiencies in the Indian drafts have been almost made good The Secretary fur War has now de- cided to open enlistment for a tern% of short service of two years with the colors and ten yenrs In the re- verse, to proceed concurrently with the lung -service enlistment. The short -service enliattnent will be confined to special short. -service hn(tnlions, and the scheme will fur- ther the principle of territorialization which line nlready been fostered by the Government, for it is intended to left nlire the short -service regiments .n the city or county utter which they aro nntned The change will effect seven bat- talions of the seven four -battalion regiments:—Northemtherland Fuel - tiers. Mural Warwickshire Regiment, Royal fusiliers (City of London Regiment), 14acoahire Fusiliers, Wor- cestershire Regiment. Duke of Cam- br dge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), and Manchester Regiment. --v Th.' r0041 cost. tomb In esistenre le that (.often in honor of Moham- med.. to which the lingering memory of cases in court sometimes plunged hill during meals. When angel -cake and colored ice - creams carpo in. the handsome lady across the table Smile -d and said: "Charles, Don Carlos."—it was the name she had used playfully in their youthful courtship. and threw hilt back.twenty-five years,—"Don Carl ,s, this is a birthday celebration." "Oh, it. isn't twine, mama," came from the little girl. "I had two last winter." "No, my dear, it is mama's." "Mama's!" cried .fudge Edgoll. Their, as his son would have said, ho "tumbled." I•:verybodv, he cer- tainly had forgotten the dear lady's birth:lay. The self-contained it nodt e HAS NOT SLEPT venerable justice left his seat, strode round to his wife and kissed her heartily. The woman gloved. Tho elder daughter brushed away a tear. Seeing the tear, the small daughter began to cry. Mr. Edgell looked dis- tresse(i, and his more manly sett pooh-poohed nt the fuss. "That's a nice way to end a good dimer!" "My boy," quoth the father, "it Is a good way to end n dinner which has in it a little repentance, and it is a good way to begin now for Other Suffering Women in Can - other dinners, about one a year. No ada. we won't wait a year. This one (1008 not count. To -morrow night we'll St. Malachi°, Que., Nov. 13.—(So- have a real birthday celebration f rr mother. and she shall not havo to superintend it. We'll havo a caterer to do the job. It is a poor stick of a husband ,who makes hie ,wife get up her own birthday celebration." largo as the United Kingdom. Manitoba is as largo as England and Scotland. Tho two new provinces of Bask it- chewan and Alberta will have 275,- 000 square miles each. British Columbia is tho largest province—equal to 34 Switzerlands. Prince Edward Island is the small est province. The Maritime Provinces are nearly as large as England and Wales. The Yukon District is almost us large as France. The boundary line between Canada and the United States is 3.000 miles long -1.600 by land, 1,400 through water. IN A CHAIR SINCi; DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. JAMES KINSELLA. • She Sends a Message of Hope to ALTERr:D OPINIONS. 'The house cleaning was in full song preparatory for the winter. !Hobbs had climbed over piles, over chairs, had slipped over a cake of soap left on the top step. and had eaten a make -shift dinner down the cellar without a murmur. But, nt last, flesh and blood could stand it. no longer, anti ho raged and roared so nnuch that even the cat arched its back in terror. "You brute," sobbed Mrs. "Hobbs. "before you were married you told ale I was your queen." "I know I did," !Hobbs admitted; "but when a man find his (poem hay been using his best tobacco jnr for oak varnish, he begins to see the beauties of a republic." There are more tunnels, viaducts, end railway bridges in f4witzerland them in any other country in Europe. FROM biTEXAS. Some Coffee From the Lone Star State. From a beautiful farm down in Texas. where gushing springs unite to fortn babbling brooks thnt wind their sparkling waw throiiah Mowery mends. conies a note of gratitude her delivery from the coffee habit. "When my baby bov came to :ie five years ago, I began to drink Poe - tum hood Coffee, having a feeliii that it. would be better for hitt, and rue than the old kind of drug -lie! vl coffee. I was not disappointed in it, for it enabltel me, a small delicate woman, to nurse a bouncing healthy baby 14 months. "i havo since continued the use of I'ostum for 1 havo grown fund of 't, and have discovered to my joy th it it has entirely relieved Ire of it bilious habit which used to prostr•'te me two or three timers a year, cau.l- ing much discomfort to my family and suffering to myself. "My brother-in-law was cured of chronic constipation by leaving o.l the old kind of coffee and fusing Pos- tum. ile has become even muro fond Irate Father—"llere I've paid you of it than he was of the old cofTe,. no telling haw nitwit money to tench "In fact the entire 'entity, from my daughter music and she can't the latest arrival, (a 2 -year old wno play any butter than ahu (lid beforo. always cilli for his 'polio' first thing Whose fault is that?" in the morning) up to the head of Professor Von Note—"le fault of the house. Think there is 00 drink re instrument. i hof volt instrument so good er so wholesome ns you. in my shop vIch she learn to !Soy tum." Name given by l'ostum Co., soon." (tattle ('reek, Miele Irate rather—"1111111 Is it like 'There's it reason. this7" Itenil the little book, "'1'1ro Road I'rofetsur Von Note- "it looks like to Wclltille," in pkgs. Ria piano, but it goes mit a handle." (ial)—To those women who sutler in silence --and there are thousands lot The Covrmnr's Wife a PHtotter.— Canada—Mrs. James Kinsella of 111:8 Mrs. Z. A. Van Luveu is the wife of ,.lace sends a message that tells of the governor of the county jail, Na - a cure as silent as their suffering. Ss parer, Ont., and was a great suRer- the result of her awn experience, Mrs. er frost rheumatism. When the best Kinsella says, "'fake Doc!d's Kidney doctors in the community and "spec- I'iIIR." inlists" failed to help her. she buried "W'hen I sent for Dodd's Kidney iter sceptis►n of proprietary remedies Piths" Mrs. Kinsella says in relat'ag and purcha-s'd South American !Dieu - that experierce, "I had a pain in my matic Cure. 4 bottles cured her. -12 right hip and in the small of the Mistress—"Why, .Jane, the chairs are all covered with dust!" Now Servant.—"Well, they ought to havo a covering of 801)10 kind to hide their shabbiness, rnn'am." A SCHEMi:. "So Gaily really had to pay Miss Portman 310,000 for breach of prom- ise, eh?" Yes, and now ho wants to marry her for her Honey." A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions. yet there is a sample cure within the reach of all in DickIe's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. an old -mute and widely recognized rem -1 edy, which, if r'oeorted to at the incep- tion of a cold, will invariably give re- lief, and by overcoming the trouble. guard the system front any eerious con- sequences. Price 25 4.e11ta, at all deal- ers. Father—"I'd bn ashamed to mako all that fuss about having a tooth out." Tummy --"So would I it it ,were your tooth." Running florae. the outcome of neglect. or bail blood. have a never - failing baht in Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment. Will heal the most stubborn cases. Soothes irritation almost in- stantly after first application. It re- lieves o-lieves all itching and burning skin diseases in a day. It cures piles in 3 to 5 nights. 35 cents. -30 WONDERFULLY MADE. Cobwigger—Iienpcck'a home ties seem rather irksome. Alerritt—Especially the neckties, bis wife makes for hint. Mirrors are a nuisance in the hesue of a mon wh.,e face It brooded with ocseaa. Ilia ewe reelect' •n .home+ bim. Let him a•ra.•int tri, bids with tea. ive.'a Carats and purify his blood with Weaver's Syrup' DARK OUTLOOK. Tum—I told Miss Gotrox last night that she was the light of my life. Jack—Well, what then? Tum—Then the light wont out. buck. I was swollen n11 down the' right hide of the abdomen and Led to pass water every fifteen minutes in a burning, itching, sort of way. I could not sleep at night8 and was obliged to sit in a cbair for two! strainers." "Atter taking the first box of Dotld's Kidney fills I felt. much Let- ter so I got more. They havo done ole a world of good and I have never slept in a chair Since " ?'hero esti be no Female Weakness %hero there aro 'teund Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills make sound Kitl- nays. • A RIST(,C1tATI C BURGLARS. The arrest of an important bawl of burglars is described in the "SVICI," ns just having been effected In 'Moscow. 'Thirteen Wren and wo- men are now under lock and key. '1'Irey were the aristocrats of the pro- fession. and diselaille(t any opera- tions likely to yield any result under 10,01)0. '1 hey had a town loons- in Moscow, resit 82,000 a year, mad fur- nished a! a cost of $1(1.0((J. They had nlao a (-wintry hoes. near Mose cow, where telephones and electric light were fitted. fine !torso; and carriagen served for their pleasure 'Tim Well to Know a Good Thing. said Mrs. Surface to Mra. Knowwell, whe n fuace ymoet been tfhoersatrweak bWh? ' •'011, just down to the store for a bob Ile of l/r. 'i pumas' Electric Oil." and Mrs. Surface. who hetes puns. walked on. lint she remembered. and when she contracted a weak hark time wa.s an- other customer for I•:electric oil. 11OW '1'O UNDERSTAND. "I wonder if our milkman was joking with tis this morning?" "Why (10 you ask?" "You know it was rather cold, and I asked hire to have a nip. Ile told me lie was on the water wagon." They efeanre the "yetem Thoroughly. —Parmelee', Vegetable I'i11s clear the stoutach and towels of bilious matter. ea:ao the excretory vessels to throw off impurities Irani the blood into the bowels and eapel the deleterious mass trout the hotly. 'rimy do this without pain or ticonveureiae to the pat.e8t. who speedily real•res their good °flier's II s 210011 A.1 ,bey hum to take 'Acct. They have strung recommendations truer all kiads u: people. SUCCEEDED excursions, the horses in the etablcs "Jerk itose! handed in itis resieena- being pure breed., and their lawns tion as n blurt to make the firm and flower -beds were tender) by the mime his eatery," said the first !nest highly qualified gardeners they .drummer. could hire. 'Their lost exploit in "Did they raise it?" asked the ',lay ons worth over $30,000 to 80(004. ti,• in in securities, gold, and (iia. '1 Vas. .hut elands. They were dressed in the it." finest material and latest farhi,ns. Those arrested were caught during the night, whilst const of then' were arelecp, but one was writing out a telegram to an accomplice in Odessa. VIE WitONG 1NS'l'iU;MT',NT. nnothe r tarn is drawing Remember %\'h:n you ask tour fiends to A CUP of GOOD Your Friends. tea he sure that vo•t h the GOOD TEA. TEA 18 DELIGHTFUL BUY 1 is •'h*3-afts. Ole et'oiec of the ca"oful, that's why If OU should use it. 3 Praotleal Everyday Lessens en FARM ACCOUNTS ter 7:a, poet pees .Ar:M POO. HOUSC, Nos 4.3. rumba:12.0M. MMACH P IE co "att. e� l �ldTL ONT. D. H. BASTEDO & CO. ----FUR MANUFACTURERS 'T! =Loamy >Otstmt, '1 oroaCo LADII:i'CAND MKN•S FUR AND FUR - IJ NKD OAT.4 of eeery ked. 3 verythiu iu Furs at cl.,,a pprice+. THE TIRADE SUP- MAKI). Send f..roatzi,g. RAW FURS WARTS°. fano FCB PRIGS LIST "1 wish to ask a question pertain- ing to the game laws," said the vis- itor to the queries editor. "Ask on, my friend. "When is the open season for shooting stars?" But before the editor could answer him ho was gond. Scnligbt Soap is better than other soaps, but i3 beat whoa used in tho Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow direotiors. WI':LL, THAT'S A GOOD DEAI,. "I hope you help ma all you can about the house," said May. "Yes. When she's busy," answered Nan, "I keep out of the way." 'rhoy Advertise Themselves.—Immedi- ately thory were offered to the p.• Parmelee's Vegetable Pills became p•. pular berause of tho good repo, rnade for themselves. That reputation has grown. and they now rank among tbe first medicines for use in attacks of dyspepsia ane biliousness, complaints of trio lever and kidneys, rheumatism, fever and ague and the innumerable cetupticatlona to which these ailmoatw at vs raw. --- Teacher—"Can any of you tell me why flannel is comfortable in winter?' Bright cloy (in new underwear)—"It makes you hitch about and wriggle a lot, and the exercise keeps you warn)." Catarrh a-.(1 Colds Relieved In iO to to Mi • tt t e s. -Ono short puff of the breath through the blower sup- plied with each bottle of Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to usu. It relieve instantly, and per- manently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tonsil - itis and deafness. 50 cents. -41 Miss Squeers—"Why do people cry at weddings?" Nickleby—"I;eeause most havo been married." so many Nicholas of thein Are your corns harder to rctnovo than thous that others have had? Have they not lied the same kind? Usual they not been cured by useng Iloilo - Way's Corn Cure? 'try a bottle. Wife (excitedly)—"What shall wo do, John? Baby has swallowed a five cent piece!" Husband (carte lcssly)—"Oh, well, let him keep it. '1'o -morrow's his birthday, anyway." Fever the Curse of the Tropics. in the slow and te.lioas rec,verlea from toil and all other di,ea+e "Perrovim" 11 the f,esf ionic. ilemem- ber the name, " Nft8ROV1 N:' MUST IIAVI•: BEEN PERFECT. Sem I'. Jones, Oil revivalist, about whom revolve a legion of an- ecdotes, tuns preaching in Dallas, Texas, on the rarity of a perfect lite. Ile suddenly interrupted his (ifs - course with the query: "Ilow many of you havo ever known a perfect elan, entirely per- fect, without any fault at all?" Ile glanced fiercely at. his silent au- dience and no one made a sign. 'Then evidently to show his fairness. he asked: "Well, who's ever seen a perfect woman? Anyone's over seen to per- fect woman please rise." '1'o the evangelist's utter amax»- ment a tall, Middle-agt+e:1 woman. whose big dark ey.s set in her sal- low face were fixed upon the preach- er, arose from her sett on the front bench "Slattern." lie thundered, "(10 you mean to tell the you've seen a per- fect woman that never Aid no wrong at all?" "Wal," site said slowly, gazing at her interlocutor with an air of ono who feele that she has the ba=1c truth on her side. and who is sol- emnly conscious that She should ad - hero to the letter of it. "wall, I cayn't my as I ever did 'xactly sea her, but I herrn tell a powerful sight 'bout her—she war my olo man's fust wife!" The healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and meaning and restlessness at rri41r1. are sore symptoms of worms 11, chtldreti. 1)o not fool to gel a bot- tle of Mother Uravea' Worm Ester -mom - tor, it is aft effectual atedltlue. '1'IIis LAST QUi'STION. Willie—"Just one more question, Pa." Pa—"I told you, Willie to go to Iced. " Willie—"I know. Pa. but I just want to know; am I really made of dust, ns the Pa—"No; you're not. If you were you'd dry up." More men get tired looking for trouble than looking for work, MAKE FAOIEY FOR YOURSELF BY IIELPINr. OTHERS Show your fries:Ss "PROGRESS." the at: w CANADIAN( magazine which during 1906 will contain Soo PAGES of useful literature attractively print- ed; also 500 1111111 -CLASS Ptf(ll'0- (:HAVURE.S and about 35 11l"AlJ'1'I- FUL COLORED ILLUSTRA'1'IONS. All for (inc Dollar. Httl COMMISSIONS to agents who apply AT ONCE. Only ONE in eu:h place. References required. Progress Publishing Co.. Oil;; Adelaide St. E , Toronto. er e. TIM reason for the snn.emsoy of the • RHLw1ECYON TTrKW'1t3FitlQ is its PRateRdTIBIT silrSlsttlrti. eruphasls• owl &gals aad again in every new ntWel glace the invitation of the writing Inachiee. NEW MODELS NOW READY We will belad 0 have yea call at war office tad see rho new 'suede's or aea,1 for illeatrsted booklet describing the new features. Remington Typewriter Co. u Adelaide St. L. Toreate, Maada AND RVKRYWIIRRiL Ho—"Are you superstitious about opals?" She --"Well, I think it's unlucky to loso a chance of getting one." An Inheritance of week Meta Is a se,riesle handicap, but Allen', Lung n.al.urn taken ..c the iir+t Algal of a c,uth will on+ar. WSW vaitfrom thii dangerous detect. Don't Wee with uai:I owa curo•SUJ. It requires no great wisdom to' know how things should be done — afterward. All women knew what it 11 to huh violent psis; some take on, this; nod a.sms another. Our advice is. t, piste "'(hs DJ; I." Menthol Plaster over the ;eat of the pain: it will do route to gine you eon:ilea titan anythiug. Husbanr!—"I can't get the casters under the bookcase to work at all, and 1'vo oiled thein twice." Wife (with conscious superiority)—"But you didn't use castor Stop the Pain but Co stray trio stomach. —This is sadly too often the case. So many nauseous ostrums purporting to cure, in the end do the patient immensely more harm than good. Dr. Von Stan's 1'iueapi'1e Tab- lets aro a purely vegetable pepsin preparation. as harmless us milk. One after eating prevents any dis- order of the digestive organs. 00 la la box, 33 coins. -10 "I rim not in tho habit of boasting of my conquests," said Gnyboy, "but you ought to have seers how 1 impresses! that striking looking wo- man with 0:a wonderful eyes and the hair like a raven's wing at th.e swell reception lust week. ily Jove, she couldn't keep her eyes otT ire! "I noticed it," said the other mac. 'chat was 'Suss Littlish -1h, tho fe- male detective. She flus there to watch the jetti liorp." faith erverrd) to have faith in F .t- ( "na-on Curr the Lu-: hers. et a more t:7� (' Ado, Corgis :.iJ all diteae11 of the .sr pawates. you hay, not Itirl it. We hire faith u n, and 11.)ovince yr.' that it wr.l ruse you've wear �r.te4 11. if it .I,•.+o 1 cure y,•1 it em's fou na.4-r.p. ti it d..-) it coati r34 25c. That a fait. '111 8 t. -day. Shiloh I.as coral mew thotnrda cf ti -e meet cl.ettes,i cows, a•d re do not haame.1' .., thst 8 Sidi tar. e+7 C.! i. l .ash. 1'amid 01 Lass ttuubk. 11 we ofd ^-1 i, t.r.e tl.:s we wo.:(I (et e.:ar.rtee it te,uointely as we do. Shiloh hes hs.l ,a Lloken re cid tutees& fro, thirty 1•cao. 11 has etovll every potet.lo test w -t it, taiurc. Ia t (toot d as curative i.cpehtiea. rustic Proof i,1. Jr ! io it. • ms-, fes• mmtsu!e rf t!sew• w!ee Ina,* t•v 1 :'Ful.` .+v1 keen rural. Mrs. Amble 1 aria. hap1*. Pa., arses.— '1 ifej►t a tote rf CaiWt's C.onstarrtr+s Cute esd loved it r'cy bori.ial. 1 1"4.13 two cl.,IJ:ta mai 1's7 had a t- r,b1e r *,x! . 1 gave them ,,.,,th-,,s 1 ca..I Clout 4. lee is-, Pot n. Litres cavil rill e?Qrae ray heirawd Itnoyfil a L :le et 51.6a1 .11. Wn roe it le se cl.1dre3 eaten (hex v:ene t, 1 .1.. 1 1'•cr ,t;r r.!1 ni;M. It cured them f.aatiletcly. 1 gall a! ways teep u in a 25e, with attainviren wl.newe tw,.drae it talk Ntri' CSi:14':.-s. The frugal housewife was not dis- mayed. "It is true," she said, "that the bird which the poulterer has stilt is much too tough to ser for dinner, but I dare soy i trim nay new bat with it." HELP WANTED. Tema, of Meteor sew desila4 M make ass (its p.e we at h.#e.• is whets er rpare dense We fall aid winter NNba. to as este slew sad highly remase•strte boobies, that bear tbotesah isvtetigaNne. Nod stamp f Uhatnteel bo,Stos mad fan part/ealars. MON1RItAL SUPPLY CO., blimetrisal T N U _ __ SUE IIIKg r.r�