HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-16, Page 5} THE V xeter glhuiorate, publi.hed eery Thar'l..p M. ming M the Office. MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the ---- ADVOCATE PURL ION I NG COMPANY TERMS OP SOK.eRIPTION. One Dollar per annum it paid in advance, $1.50 11 not so paid. 11.e11.7sstisiat =atoms oa .11.pr lcia- tioaa No paper discontinued until all % savages are paid Advertisement§ without epe.•ified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal dismount wade for traaa•ient advertiseuaent. Inserted lar long periods. Etery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style. and At moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, dm., for advertising. subscriptions, etc., to be made payable Sanders St Creech, 1'leul'itIETORS Prolfesslenal yards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Cniveristy DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any ptln, or any had effects Office to Fanson's Block, west side Slain street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Denttatery (with honorable mention.) AUuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Aaetleaeers BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer H. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Osborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged At Poet Office Winchelsea. WANTED. —LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to repre- seat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an nld established business house of solid finam ial standing. Salary V.50 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. 1loraeand buggy furnished when necessasv; position tion permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & CO., Dept. 6, Moiwn Bldg., Chicago, 111. At Exeter and Centralia Storehouses Now ready for use the best Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everybody at the lowest prices, Jos. Cobbledick FROM OIRLH000 TO WOMANHOOD Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters— Intuesting Experiences of Misses Borman and Mills. Every mother possesses information which is of vital Interest to her young daughter. Too often this is never imparted or is withheld until serious harm has result- ed to the growing girl through her ignorance of nature's mysterious and wonderful laws and penalties. Girls' over -:WTI sitivencss and modesty often puzzle their mothers and baffle physicians, as they so often withhold their confidence from their mothers and conceal the symptoms which ought to be told to their physician at this critical period. When a girl's thoughts become slug- gish, with headache, dizziness or a dis- position to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude; when she is a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should come to her aid, and remember that Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound will at this time prepare the system for the coming change, and start the enenstrual period in a young girl's life without pain or irregularities. Hundreds of letters from young girls and from mothers, expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound has accomplished for them, have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.. at Lynn, Mass. Miss Mills has written the two fol- lowing letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which will be read with interest : Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— (First Letter.) "I am but fifteen years of ago, am depressed, have dizzy spells, chills, headache and back - Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound ache and as I have heard that you can Rive helpful advice to girls in my condition, II am writing you."—Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, Ill. Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— (Second Letter.) " It is with the feeling of utmost gratitude that 1 write to you to tell you what your valuable medicine has done for me. When I wrote you in regard to my condition 1 bad consulted several doctors,but they failed to lerstand my cane and I did not receive any benefit from their treatment. I followed your tuivlee and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and am now healthy and well, and all the distressing symptoms which I had at that time have disappeared."— Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, Ill. Miss Matilda Borman writes Mrs. Pinkham as follows: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :— " Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound my monthlite ^-ere irregu- lar and painful, and I always had such dreadful headaches, "But since taking the Compound mehead- aches have entirely left me, my monthlies are regular, and I am getting strong and well. I am telling all my girl friends what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for rue."—Matilda Borman, Farmington, Iowa. If you know of any young girl who is sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass., and tell her every detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back. She will receive advice absolutely free, from a source that has no rival in the experience of woman's ills, and it will, it followed, put her on the right road to a strong healthy and happy womanhood. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound holds the record for the greatest ntnnber of cures of female ills of any medicine that the world has ever known. Why don't you try it ? Makes Sick Women Well. /fk ads Buy your Piano from the Home Dealer, CNN S. Martin &Son ik witik OUR $)SN,00113 WWIr414}e(CC (ASSN OBI' Roller Fluor is at the very top of the list of good flours. There is none bettor ter made. It makes the good w i fo smile. 'Ivry it. GRISTING and CHOPPING llONE PROMPTLY. Instruments are thor- oughly reliable. So are we. We will suit you in Goods, also in Prices and Terms. We are offering a five - drawer guaranteed Sewing Machine for $21. Call and see it. j1. SWEITZER S. MARTIN &SON EXETER MARKETS. 4% NOTICE To F&oi&s a00 toe Pu1te lo geRcEal. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son ,Malts Street, Exetor. One door South of Metropolitan hotel That's where you will get the highest cashpt ice for then!. (' I I :%NO EI) EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Marley Oat'+ 78 82 40 45 34 811 Peas 65 65 Potatoes, per hag 75 80 Hay, per ton 6 00 6 50 Flour, per cwt., family 2 2.5 Fionr, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 25 Butter 20 Eggs 18 Livehoga, per cwt 5 25 Shorts per ton 20 00 20 00 Bran per ton 16 00 10 00 Turkeys 12 Geese 8 Mirka 9 Chicken 5 6 Dried Apples 4 5 General Francis T. Sherman, chief of stag tinder Oenersl O. 0. Howsrd in the civil war, died'rhnrsday et his residence in Waukegan, 111. Ile was 80 years of age. CENTRAL a&a, STRATFORD, ONT. Thtsarnalladvertisement represent• one of the largest and test boldness eolleges In Canada. No hon( in the Dominion does more for its •t"denta than we do. To our knnn ledge not one of our grade nates fs nnemploye.l we god far more application• than we can meet Von n w eater at any time. write for our handsome catalogue. E1,1.1(YI"I' .l 1'r inci pals. Pills The dose is one, Just one pill kAa yer's mat ildbdcetimrase. n.Su arecroacd constipation. L�w's,l:' ;W,t; h, ,eUse BUCKS I�irS DYF Wood's Phosphodltu,. The Great Enulish Remaly. A positive cure for all forme Sexual N5oaknose..11ental an taroks AND arras Emir; Worry, Emissions, .'per. motorrhoea, Impotency Effects; of Ahnso or es Excs, all of which fend to Consumption, wimpy, Insanity and an early grave. I'rIce $1 per pkg.,raiz for $.5. Ono will please, six will cure. Solby altdruggiste or moiled in plain pack eon receipt of price. Writ for Pamphlets The Wood Medicine Co.. Wlndsur. Outdo. IMMIIIMINIONIIINdua mar A Beverage of Good Health q Grand Mogul is the ni: est possible blend of tLe (finest and ripest teas. Gr: N.', n on the sun- kiss_d highlands, each package is a whole bouquet of delicious fla- vors. Q a Cold, tepid or hot, it is 1ways a family luxury. leasing to mothers, palat- able to children, it is Ceylon's best mountain gift to you. High in theine (tea -tone) and low in tannin (bitters), it is the beverage of hy- geine. 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c per pound. Grand Mogul Tea t Sold only in Whites litasd with t>eepared paper, never in poisonous lead Directions and premiere OAP pens - pons in each padtasa AROUND ABOUT US. Clinton: Although in delicate health for the past few veers. yet the death of the late Sirs. \V. Robb, which sad event occurred on Friday morning Nov. ard, carte quite unexpectedly to her friends. She wag born in Fel- month, Cornwell, in 1836. coming to this country at the age of 11. St. Marys: J. C. Gilpin, who is one of St. Marys oldest business then, bas disposed of hie business interests and will retire. Ile has been ennneeted with the hardware trade in St. Alitrys since 18150, and given op Active business at the end of this year. A company ,imposed of St. Marys Wren, Io be known as the St. Marys hardware (.ignited, will take over the hardware store en that date, they having pur- chased the ,store, building, stock, good- will and everything pertaining 1het e - to. Fullartoir. Mrs. Wm. Ceuu'tice died on 1'ocsdaey :eg. d GO years, 8 mouths. Clinton: Mr. Luke l.tttvson, of }bil- let, has rented the Seward property, and Gloved to tIWli. Logan: Millar Clarke has sold his farm to M. 11. Elliott for :0,one. Mr. ('lurk will move to Mitchell. Colborne: Mrs. Martin Mugford passed ever to the silent majority at - ter an illness of about two weeks of Hi ip;hL's disease. Ailsa Uraig: Mr. and Mrs. Hector McNeil, for Many years residents of Falkirk, have moved into town and purpose making their house here. Seaforth: Cecil P. )Brewer, who has been in the Dominion Batik het e for two years, hits been removed to the London agency of the saute Bank. Blanshnid: \Vw. Itinn passed away on Sunday at the age of 30 years, 2 months, 8 days. The funeral took place Tuesday to the hirkton ceme- tery. Seaforth: John Staples, who has been in partnership with .\Ir. A. Ch -e in barbering business, has disposed of his interest in the business to Mr. Close. Clutton: ,Hiss Margaret 1'. Walker of Toronto, daughter of the lute Roht. \Valker of Clinton, was recently mar- ried to James Barkley of Echo Bay, Algoma. St. Marys: Ed. G. Watt, Pb. G.• druggist, of Chicago, a former iesi- dent of this town, passed away on Sun- day after a brief illness. Ile leaves a wife and one daughter. Seaforth: Wm. Murdie, for the past two years book keeper in the Bell Engine Works, has purchased a hardware business in Luckuow and removed to that town last week. Clinton: Miss Florence Armstrong• rimy attending the Clinton Model School has been engaged as teacher in S. S. No. 6, Grey, for 1000 at a salary of $315. Miss 111cArter, the present teacher, will further pursue her stud les. Anderson: Prior to leaving this place John Cameron and his daughter, Miss Alice,were Made the recipients of handsome and valuable gifts. The for- mer received it chain, a locket and a Persian Lamb cap. while Miss Alice was given an upholstered easy chair. Seaforth: Messrs Knechtal do Mc- Kenzie, who have been in the furni- ture business in Seaforth for some bore have purchased the furniture and !:rockery business of Messrs. McLean & McIntyro in Moose Jaw, Saskatche- WaI1. St. Marys: A. R. Love, who has been for four years choirmaster and organist of the St. Marys Methodist eheu•ch,has tendered his resignation to take effect on January 1st. Mr. Love has accepted the position as choir leader and organist of Knox church, Stratford. Seaforth: Jos. Brown, who has been in the milk delivery business in Sea - forth continuously for over thirty years has retired. having disposed of the business to bis son-in-law, ML'. D. Grummet. Mr. Brown will still con- tinue his dairy ntui will dispose of the milk to Mr. Grummet. Clinton: Wednesday night Walter llodsworth pressed away in his 70th yew. Ile sits a native of Yorkshire, England, but has been many years in this country. Ile farmed for at time on the London road, Stanley, and from thence moved to the 10th con- cesien of (loderieh township, talking up his residence in Clinton just a year age. ile had been in poor health for months tend his de'ttb was expected fer sever al days. Hibbert Miss Elsie Roney, after a years' so- journ at the home of Robt. (coney and with other friends, left last week for her home in Washington State. • By her winning disposition she trade a host of friends, especially among the p g people who are indeed sorry ,to learn of her departure. Went-nue—St. Patrick's church Dub- lin, was on Wednesday morning the scene of a verypretty wedding the contracting parties being Harry Ryan of McKillop and Miss Della Gallagher, second daughter of Mr. F. Gallagher, r,f this township Promptly at ten o'clock the bride and bridesmaid entered the sacred edifice and proceed- ed up the aisle to the strains of the wedding march, rendered in good style by the organist Miss Williams. At the alter they were met by the grooni and groomsnian,end the ceremony was at once begun, after which the nuptial High Mass was celebrated. Rev. bath- er Noonan, officiated. The bride was attired in a very handsome costume of grey silk eoliennt', and wore a white plush bat. She was attended tay her sister, Miss Kate, who wore a becom- ing costume of Frown with hat to match. The groom was attended by his brother, Peter. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of the bride's parents where the bride and groom received hearty congratulations from their many friends, after which all sat down than appetizing repast.. The bride was the recipient of a number of handsome and costly gifts, which goes to show the high esteem in which she is held. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan hate taken up their residence on the farm owned by the groom, *hoot three miles north of Dublin, on which he has erected a cosy and handsome residence. Both parties are well'tnd favorably known in this neightoihood, having been born and hronght up within it few miles of here and it is needless to say, they have the best wishes of all their frie'nde and Ole- g uaintanre. for a long. happy and pros - permits married life. How's This? We offer One hundred Dollar' Reward for any case of Catarrh that . anuot be cured by hall's Ca• tarrh r'nre. F. J. CHENEV s CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undeni;ned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon• 'arable in all h'tanetea tran a lion• and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm, Wat.r"vn. Kr.sav 1 MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, o. 11a11'. Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, a tIng d1• rectly upon the Flood and mnrnna surfaces of the .-stem. Teetimoniala sent free. Price 75 cents per honk. Sold by ail Dntg' al.. Take Itall•.Famlly Pills for constipation. How Red Rose Tea is Grown TEA is a native plant of Northern India. Trans- planted to Ceylon it lost much of its strength and richness, but gained in fragrance and delic icy. 1' at is why Ceylon te.i is not a strongtea. That is why I blend Indian and Ceylon teas together—that is how the strength and richness, fragrance and delicacy of Red Rose "l'ea are secured—that is why Red Rose Tea has that " rich fruity flavor." is go=o Tea T. 1". t%st'b=ocIis 1. lc':r., N 5., Toronto, 15:ne.ipeg Corbett Miss I1. M. McLean has returned front her visit to Sarnia.—Miss Carty is visiting at the home of H. Hodgins. —At the Epworth League conference held at London last week .Urs. (Rev.) S. J. Sutcliffe was elected fifth Vice President. The convention concluded Thursday evening.—At it recent meet- iug of the school trustee, Miss Fraser was re-engaged for another year.— Marion Laurie has returned from a few weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. F. E. L. Talbot. Lieury After a few weeks' visit at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Eli Thompson, Miss Nellie Baldwin has returned to her home in Guelph.—Mrs. McEwen, has been visiting her mother, who has been seriously ill for some time, but is now showing some signs of improve- ment.—Mr. Hodgins of Strathroy is a visitor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Lonsborough.—Parties and oyster suppers are the order of the evenings just now.—Mrs. 1). Erskine. who has been on a prolonged stay in New York State, rem' ned home a few days ago.—J. Mathews of Manitoba is renewing acquaintances in this neigh- borhood.—Miss Ruth Amos, who has been confined to her bed through ill- ness, is convalescing. Edgar Darling is also recovering from his recent ness.—M1'. and Mrs. Will Morgan have left our midst. having moved to their new home on the 11th concession. We wish them every happiness in their new home. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. The Council of the township of flay met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Nov. 0. All present. Minutes of previous meeting 'read and approved. After transacting routine business :t number of accounts were passed. The council will meet again on Monday, Dec. 1, at 2 o'clock.—F. Hess, Sr., Clerk. !laborite Council met November -nth. All the members were present. The Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. The engineer having eel tilled !the completion of the Gardiner drain the contractor, J. A. Nicholson tva: paid the balance of the contract. price. Accounts, as follows, were passed and orders issued in payment: Gat Drain $7Cf2.87; Elimville Drain $1107: General, $103.07.—F. Morley, Clerk. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town Hall, McGillivray, Nov. 0. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read, approved of and signed. Marr--R'pbiuson—account s, amount ing to $333.30 were paid. Mari — Ma w- son ier—Maw- son that By -Law No. 10 of 1905, ap- pointing the place for holding the nont- Inations, the places at which pools will be oaened,and the Deputy Returning Officers who shall preside for the elec- tion of Reeve and four Councillors to serve for IOW, asreadafirst and second time be now read the third time and passed.—Carried. Marr--Platwson— that this council adjourn to meet the first Monday in Deceulber',at 1 o'elnek. %V. Fraser. Clerk. The Marksman who aims at the whole target will seldom hit the centre. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, specializes along every line of Business and Shorthand work. Has succeeded in satisfying both the student and business men employing the graduates. Has the largest attendance of any school in the Vest. Catalogue for a postal. School t.rnt—Sept. till June inclusive. J. W. WESTERVELT. Y M. C. A. Bldg.. Principal. LONDON, ONT. "Stomach Catarrh" It is a fatal waste of time to trifle with snuffs, powders, inhalers, or other dangerous nostrums, with the idea of curing Catarrh of the Stomach. Once Catarrh has reached the stomach it can only be eradicated by creating pure, rich blood. Catarrh is a germ disease. The stomach and intestines become nests for myriads of these tin germs. Local applications have no effect on them. They must be driven out —the stomach cleansed, the blood purified, the system toned up. " PSYCHINE " will positively cure the worst form of Stomach Catarrh, by purifying the blood, cleansing the stomach, and destroying germ life. Thousands have been cured of the prevalent malady, through this remarkable dis- covery, " PSYCHINE." Druggists recommend it. CONNATEST OF ALL TONICS YCHINE (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) ALL ORUOOI$TINANt DOLLAR..TRIAL FREI SL T. L St000M, limited, 179 King Shoot Nat, Toronto, Canada